Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The New Hall Of Lodge Neptune, No. 419, Glasgow. .
The large increase in the number of members , now nearly 700 , attached to this Lodge , rendered it actually necessary that a more commodious hall should be selected for the proper carrying out of the functions of the Lodge ,- and , after a careful search , a very
convenient hall was fixed upon at 35 , St . James sstreet , Kingston , Glasgow . The hall has been fitted up in every way in accordance with Masonic details and requirements , for the proper working of the Graft , and on the evening of Tuesday , 27 th June , 1869 , it was formally
opened . The members and office-bearers turned out in lai-ge numbers . The consecration ceremony was conducted by tlie Right Worship ful Master , Bro . Alexander Macdougall , assisted by the Past Master , Bro . J . B . Wightman , and the Rev Bro . J . Maclean , P . G . Chaplain of
Renfrewshire East , with the wardens and other office-bearers , who discharged - their various duties . The following was the ceremonial observed : — The lodge room having been properly guarded and tyled—it having beeu ascertained that none
but Master Masons were present , visitors were examined , showing their diplomas , and vouched for—the Lodge was then opened , and raised to the third degree . The Chaplain commenced the ceremonial of consecration by offering up a prayer as follows ;—
" 0 adorable Lord God , Maker of all things , and Judge of all men , regard , we humbly beseech Thee , with Thy special favour , this our present undertaking , and grant that the work which we now continue in Thy name , may conduce to Thy glory , and to the good , temporal and eternal , of Thy
dependent creatures . Let a scrupulous regard to the obligation which , in Thy name , and under Thine all-seeing eye , shall be herein entered into distinguish all upon whom the privileges of Initiation or Affiliation shall be conferred—that they , abounding in all holy -conversation and godliness , may become true and
worthy members of the Lodge , and of our venerable Order , and that their practice may , in all things , correspond with their profession . " Response by the brethren—So mote it be . ' Grand honours were then given , followed by solemn music .
The Right Worshipful Master , standing with his hands stretched forth over the Lodge , exclaimed , " To the memory of the HOLY SAINTS JOHN , we dedicate this Lodge . May every brother revere their character and imitate their virtues . "
Response by the brethren—So mote it be 1 Psalm exxxiii . was read . Grand honours were then given . An oration on the " Nature and Objects of Freemasonry" was then given by Bro . Maclean , R . G . Chaplain of Kenfrewshire East : followed
by an anthem , sung by the brethren . The Right Worshipful Master then directed the Secretary to read tho Charter in favour of the Lodge , nnd the minutes of the previous meeting •and ordered Psalm xcv . 1—7 to be « hanted by the brethren .
Tlie Chaplain then offered up the following prayer : —
<* reat Architect of the Universe ! Maker and Ruler of all Worlds ! deign , from Thy celestial Temple , from Realms of light and glory , to bless us , in all the purposes of our present assembly . We humbly invoke Thee to give us at all times wisdom in
, ¦ all our doings , strength of mind in all our difficulties , and tho beauty of harmony iu all our communications . Permit us , O Thou Centre of light and life , great source of love and happiness , now solemnly to consecrate this Lodge to Thy honour and glory !
The Chaplain made a pause here , and the following was introduced : Response by the R . W . M— Glorv be to God on hi gh ! _ Response by the brethren—As it was in the
beginning , is now , and ever shall be , world without end . Amen . The consecration elements—corn , oil , and wine—were then . sprinkled on the lod ge room : after -which the Chaplain resumed : — Grant , O Lord our God , that they who are invested with the government of this Lodge , may be endued
Consecration Of The New Hall Of Lodge Neptune, No. 419, Glasgow. .
with wisdom to instruct their Brethren in all duties . May brotherly love and charity always prevail among the Members of this Lodge ; and may this bond of Union continue to strengthen the Lodges throughout the world I Bless all our brethren , wheresoever dispersed , and
grant speedy relief to all who are either oppressed or distressed . We humbly commend to Thee all the members of Thy whole family . May they increase in the knowledge of Thee and in the love of each other .
Finally , may we finish all our works here below with Thine approbation ; and then have our transition from this earthly abode to Thy heavenly temple above , there to enjoy light , glory , and bliss ineffable .
Responses by the . R . W . and Officiating Master —Glory be to God on high ! Respone by the brethren—As it was in the beginning , is now , and ever shall be , world without end . Amen .
Grand honours were given , followed by solemn music . The Chaplain then read part of 2 nd Chronicles , chapter vi ., verses 12 , 14 , 17—21 , 33 middle , 41 ; chapter vii ., verses 1 , 3 , 12—18 ; and 1 st Kings , chapter viii ., verses 22 , 23 , 26—30 , 43 middle , GO : and chapter ix ., verses 3—5 .
Anthem , sung by the brethren , accompanied bv music : —
To heaven s high Architect all praise , All praise , all gratitude be given ; Who deign'd the human soul to raise , By mystic secrets sprung from heaven .
Sound aloud the great Jehovah's praise ; To Him the dome , the temple raise . Graud honours were again given . The benediction was pronounced by the Chaplain : —
May this Hall , now dedicated to Freemasonry , be ever the Sanctuary of Virtue , Morality , Brotherly Love , Universal Charity , and Benevolence ; and may the Great Architect of the Universe bless all here assembled , and all the Brethren throughout the world , hence . brth , aud for ever . Amen . The Lodge was then closed in ample form .
SUPPKR . After the conclusion of the ceremonial the members retired for about an hour , and again assembled together for supper in the hall . The E . W . M ., Bro . A . Macdougall , presided , and Bro . the Itev . J . Maclean , P . G . Chaplain
Renfrewshire Last , discharged the duties of croujner . After the usual preliminary toasts had been disposed of , the Croupier proposed a toast in memoriam of their late lamented brother and R . W . M ., which was drunk in solemn silence . Thereafter , the toast of the evening , "The Lodge
Neptune , " was proposed by a brother , and responded to by the R . W . M . A number of other toasts followed , enlivened by songs and recitations , and the evening was happily spent . A number of distinguished brethren were present , and they all parted , after singing " Auld Langsyne . "
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The following letter has been issued by the Secretary of the above Institution : — " Oflice , C , Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C , June , 1869 . '' It had been hoped that the Annual Summer Fete held in commemoration of the opening of the
new building , might be always regarded simply as a congratulatory assembly of the friends of the Institution , and not rendered subservient to the provision of pecuniary support . The present financial condition of the School , however , necessitates the use of every opportunit y for enlisting
assistance in the efforts now being made to extricate it from tho difficulties with which it is unfortunately still surrounded . "The great success attending the Anniversary Festival in March last , justified the Committee in redeeming a pledge , publicly given , that the mortgage debt of £ 10 , 000 should be redeemed—and
notice was accordingly given to pay off that encumberancc in six months from the date thereof , which period will expire in September next . " The existence of additional liabilities has never been concealed , but it was impossible to state the amount , pending the making up and settlement of the charges and accounts of tho various contractors . This having been done , the liabilities
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
have been ascertained to amount to—in round figures— £ 9 , 000 . The estimated requirements for the current year , therefore , stand thus : — Payment of Mortgage Debt - £ 10 , 000 Interest thereon , three-quarters
of ayear 375 Annual Maintenance 4 , 600 Special Expenditure , say 400 Ascertained Liabilities 9 , 000 24 , 375
The Festival in March , with the addition from surplus of Stewards' Fund realised ... 12 , 200 Balance from hist year 1 , 269 Estimated additional receipts from ordinary sources ...... 1 , 500 14 , 96 _»
Deficit . £ 9 , 406 " An analysis annexed , of the proceeds of the recent festival will ehow that there is nothing unreasonable in the hope , or extravagant in the wish , that this deficit should be realised , seeing that of the estimated numbers of subscribing
members of the Order , viz .: —35 , 000—three only in every hundred contributed— % vhile ofthe lodges less than one-fourth were donors to the fund . " The cost of the new building has been mucb greater than waa orig inally contemplated , and has reached the amount of . £ 46 , 000 , bnt this
includes the sums paid for entrance lodges and gates , gymnasium , furniture , fittings , drainage , re-constrnction of roads and grounds , sinking well for provision of water , architects' commission , < fee ., in all about £ 10 , 000 ; it being universall y admitted that this outlay has placed the Craft in possession of a building superior to anything of a
similar class yet erected . "Thenumberof pupilsnow educated , maintained and clothed is 110 , exclusive of 4 admitted b y purchase . A re-arrangement of the Dormitories —without further outlay , will enable the Committee to admit twenty additional boys , but the consideration of this most desirable and beneficial
extension * must wait the extinction of debt . " As regards the educational efficiency of the School , the Committee point with pride to the announcement publicly made by Lord Lyttelton , when recently presiding at the distribution of awards to the successful candidates at the
Cambridge Local Examination held in December last , that 'Ofthe 1165 junior Candidates successful at that Examination ,. Harry William Wildman , educated at tlie Royal Masonic Institution for Roys , was absolutely primus ! ' In the whole of the classes it is gratifying to report also a stead y
andproportionateprogress—while in physical condition , and indeed in every other respect , the school not only does not fear , but challenges , comparison with all other analogous Institutions . " It may be urged by some that the appeals in connection with this institution are so numerous
as to become wearisome . The reply to this is , that there is no desire unnecessarily to harass those who have already liberally subscribed , but there is an intense anxiety to influence those—b y far the larger number—who up to the present time have witheld their support . In addition to
these , the muster rolls of the various lodges are being numerously added to day by day , and new lodges are constantly being founded . There must , therefore , be an extensive field constantly requiring tillage , and from which there ought to be , and must be , sound tissuranco of support .
" Let however all remember that no great work was ever accomplished save by perseverance and industry—nnd-that with the exercise of these qualities not / iing is impossible . " It must also be borne in mind that exceptional circumstancesdemand exceptional measures .
The condition of this school is abnormal , and such as cannot recur . Onee founded—for that is really the work now being accomplished—the necessity for such an appeal as this will have passed away . To hasten this ' consummation so devoutly to be wished , ' let me therefore with all respectful pleading earnestly beg
' Those to give who never gave before , Those who have given to give something more . ' "Bclieveme very ' . faithfullytind fraternally yours , " FREDEHICI- BINCKES , Secretary . ' ' * How desirable , may be gathered from the statement that there will in all probability be 48 Candidates for Election in October next—including 35 unsuccessful in April last—with Si * Vacancies only .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The New Hall Of Lodge Neptune, No. 419, Glasgow. .
The large increase in the number of members , now nearly 700 , attached to this Lodge , rendered it actually necessary that a more commodious hall should be selected for the proper carrying out of the functions of the Lodge ,- and , after a careful search , a very
convenient hall was fixed upon at 35 , St . James sstreet , Kingston , Glasgow . The hall has been fitted up in every way in accordance with Masonic details and requirements , for the proper working of the Graft , and on the evening of Tuesday , 27 th June , 1869 , it was formally
opened . The members and office-bearers turned out in lai-ge numbers . The consecration ceremony was conducted by tlie Right Worship ful Master , Bro . Alexander Macdougall , assisted by the Past Master , Bro . J . B . Wightman , and the Rev Bro . J . Maclean , P . G . Chaplain of
Renfrewshire East , with the wardens and other office-bearers , who discharged - their various duties . The following was the ceremonial observed : — The lodge room having been properly guarded and tyled—it having beeu ascertained that none
but Master Masons were present , visitors were examined , showing their diplomas , and vouched for—the Lodge was then opened , and raised to the third degree . The Chaplain commenced the ceremonial of consecration by offering up a prayer as follows ;—
" 0 adorable Lord God , Maker of all things , and Judge of all men , regard , we humbly beseech Thee , with Thy special favour , this our present undertaking , and grant that the work which we now continue in Thy name , may conduce to Thy glory , and to the good , temporal and eternal , of Thy
dependent creatures . Let a scrupulous regard to the obligation which , in Thy name , and under Thine all-seeing eye , shall be herein entered into distinguish all upon whom the privileges of Initiation or Affiliation shall be conferred—that they , abounding in all holy -conversation and godliness , may become true and
worthy members of the Lodge , and of our venerable Order , and that their practice may , in all things , correspond with their profession . " Response by the brethren—So mote it be . ' Grand honours were then given , followed by solemn music .
The Right Worshipful Master , standing with his hands stretched forth over the Lodge , exclaimed , " To the memory of the HOLY SAINTS JOHN , we dedicate this Lodge . May every brother revere their character and imitate their virtues . "
Response by the brethren—So mote it be 1 Psalm exxxiii . was read . Grand honours were then given . An oration on the " Nature and Objects of Freemasonry" was then given by Bro . Maclean , R . G . Chaplain of Kenfrewshire East : followed
by an anthem , sung by the brethren . The Right Worshipful Master then directed the Secretary to read tho Charter in favour of the Lodge , nnd the minutes of the previous meeting •and ordered Psalm xcv . 1—7 to be « hanted by the brethren .
Tlie Chaplain then offered up the following prayer : —
<* reat Architect of the Universe ! Maker and Ruler of all Worlds ! deign , from Thy celestial Temple , from Realms of light and glory , to bless us , in all the purposes of our present assembly . We humbly invoke Thee to give us at all times wisdom in
, ¦ all our doings , strength of mind in all our difficulties , and tho beauty of harmony iu all our communications . Permit us , O Thou Centre of light and life , great source of love and happiness , now solemnly to consecrate this Lodge to Thy honour and glory !
The Chaplain made a pause here , and the following was introduced : Response by the R . W . M— Glorv be to God on hi gh ! _ Response by the brethren—As it was in the
beginning , is now , and ever shall be , world without end . Amen . The consecration elements—corn , oil , and wine—were then . sprinkled on the lod ge room : after -which the Chaplain resumed : — Grant , O Lord our God , that they who are invested with the government of this Lodge , may be endued
Consecration Of The New Hall Of Lodge Neptune, No. 419, Glasgow. .
with wisdom to instruct their Brethren in all duties . May brotherly love and charity always prevail among the Members of this Lodge ; and may this bond of Union continue to strengthen the Lodges throughout the world I Bless all our brethren , wheresoever dispersed , and
grant speedy relief to all who are either oppressed or distressed . We humbly commend to Thee all the members of Thy whole family . May they increase in the knowledge of Thee and in the love of each other .
Finally , may we finish all our works here below with Thine approbation ; and then have our transition from this earthly abode to Thy heavenly temple above , there to enjoy light , glory , and bliss ineffable .
Responses by the . R . W . and Officiating Master —Glory be to God on high ! Respone by the brethren—As it was in the beginning , is now , and ever shall be , world without end . Amen .
Grand honours were given , followed by solemn music . The Chaplain then read part of 2 nd Chronicles , chapter vi ., verses 12 , 14 , 17—21 , 33 middle , 41 ; chapter vii ., verses 1 , 3 , 12—18 ; and 1 st Kings , chapter viii ., verses 22 , 23 , 26—30 , 43 middle , GO : and chapter ix ., verses 3—5 .
Anthem , sung by the brethren , accompanied bv music : —
To heaven s high Architect all praise , All praise , all gratitude be given ; Who deign'd the human soul to raise , By mystic secrets sprung from heaven .
Sound aloud the great Jehovah's praise ; To Him the dome , the temple raise . Graud honours were again given . The benediction was pronounced by the Chaplain : —
May this Hall , now dedicated to Freemasonry , be ever the Sanctuary of Virtue , Morality , Brotherly Love , Universal Charity , and Benevolence ; and may the Great Architect of the Universe bless all here assembled , and all the Brethren throughout the world , hence . brth , aud for ever . Amen . The Lodge was then closed in ample form .
SUPPKR . After the conclusion of the ceremonial the members retired for about an hour , and again assembled together for supper in the hall . The E . W . M ., Bro . A . Macdougall , presided , and Bro . the Itev . J . Maclean , P . G . Chaplain
Renfrewshire Last , discharged the duties of croujner . After the usual preliminary toasts had been disposed of , the Croupier proposed a toast in memoriam of their late lamented brother and R . W . M ., which was drunk in solemn silence . Thereafter , the toast of the evening , "The Lodge
Neptune , " was proposed by a brother , and responded to by the R . W . M . A number of other toasts followed , enlivened by songs and recitations , and the evening was happily spent . A number of distinguished brethren were present , and they all parted , after singing " Auld Langsyne . "
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The following letter has been issued by the Secretary of the above Institution : — " Oflice , C , Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C , June , 1869 . '' It had been hoped that the Annual Summer Fete held in commemoration of the opening of the
new building , might be always regarded simply as a congratulatory assembly of the friends of the Institution , and not rendered subservient to the provision of pecuniary support . The present financial condition of the School , however , necessitates the use of every opportunit y for enlisting
assistance in the efforts now being made to extricate it from tho difficulties with which it is unfortunately still surrounded . "The great success attending the Anniversary Festival in March last , justified the Committee in redeeming a pledge , publicly given , that the mortgage debt of £ 10 , 000 should be redeemed—and
notice was accordingly given to pay off that encumberancc in six months from the date thereof , which period will expire in September next . " The existence of additional liabilities has never been concealed , but it was impossible to state the amount , pending the making up and settlement of the charges and accounts of tho various contractors . This having been done , the liabilities
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
have been ascertained to amount to—in round figures— £ 9 , 000 . The estimated requirements for the current year , therefore , stand thus : — Payment of Mortgage Debt - £ 10 , 000 Interest thereon , three-quarters
of ayear 375 Annual Maintenance 4 , 600 Special Expenditure , say 400 Ascertained Liabilities 9 , 000 24 , 375
The Festival in March , with the addition from surplus of Stewards' Fund realised ... 12 , 200 Balance from hist year 1 , 269 Estimated additional receipts from ordinary sources ...... 1 , 500 14 , 96 _»
Deficit . £ 9 , 406 " An analysis annexed , of the proceeds of the recent festival will ehow that there is nothing unreasonable in the hope , or extravagant in the wish , that this deficit should be realised , seeing that of the estimated numbers of subscribing
members of the Order , viz .: —35 , 000—three only in every hundred contributed— % vhile ofthe lodges less than one-fourth were donors to the fund . " The cost of the new building has been mucb greater than waa orig inally contemplated , and has reached the amount of . £ 46 , 000 , bnt this
includes the sums paid for entrance lodges and gates , gymnasium , furniture , fittings , drainage , re-constrnction of roads and grounds , sinking well for provision of water , architects' commission , < fee ., in all about £ 10 , 000 ; it being universall y admitted that this outlay has placed the Craft in possession of a building superior to anything of a
similar class yet erected . "Thenumberof pupilsnow educated , maintained and clothed is 110 , exclusive of 4 admitted b y purchase . A re-arrangement of the Dormitories —without further outlay , will enable the Committee to admit twenty additional boys , but the consideration of this most desirable and beneficial
extension * must wait the extinction of debt . " As regards the educational efficiency of the School , the Committee point with pride to the announcement publicly made by Lord Lyttelton , when recently presiding at the distribution of awards to the successful candidates at the
Cambridge Local Examination held in December last , that 'Ofthe 1165 junior Candidates successful at that Examination ,. Harry William Wildman , educated at tlie Royal Masonic Institution for Roys , was absolutely primus ! ' In the whole of the classes it is gratifying to report also a stead y
andproportionateprogress—while in physical condition , and indeed in every other respect , the school not only does not fear , but challenges , comparison with all other analogous Institutions . " It may be urged by some that the appeals in connection with this institution are so numerous
as to become wearisome . The reply to this is , that there is no desire unnecessarily to harass those who have already liberally subscribed , but there is an intense anxiety to influence those—b y far the larger number—who up to the present time have witheld their support . In addition to
these , the muster rolls of the various lodges are being numerously added to day by day , and new lodges are constantly being founded . There must , therefore , be an extensive field constantly requiring tillage , and from which there ought to be , and must be , sound tissuranco of support .
" Let however all remember that no great work was ever accomplished save by perseverance and industry—nnd-that with the exercise of these qualities not / iing is impossible . " It must also be borne in mind that exceptional circumstancesdemand exceptional measures .
The condition of this school is abnormal , and such as cannot recur . Onee founded—for that is really the work now being accomplished—the necessity for such an appeal as this will have passed away . To hasten this ' consummation so devoutly to be wished , ' let me therefore with all respectful pleading earnestly beg
' Those to give who never gave before , Those who have given to give something more . ' "Bclieveme very ' . faithfullytind fraternally yours , " FREDEHICI- BINCKES , Secretary . ' ' * How desirable , may be gathered from the statement that there will in all probability be 48 Candidates for Election in October next—including 35 unsuccessful in April last—with Si * Vacancies only .