Article Original Correspondence. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Multum in Parbo; or Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article Multum in Parbo; or Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND MARK LODGE OF SOMERSET. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND MARK LODGE OF SOMERSET. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
1 think it only wants an application to the generosity and human feeling which is so remarkable throughout the Craft , and every brother will g ive to the best of his financial position . I am convinced if you , dear Sir and Brother , would announce thc opening of a subscription list in the Freemason ' s publishing office , your endeavours would be crowned by a desirable result , and you would speedily be able to make some lair remittance to the Paris Central
Committee . Believe mc , dear Sir and Brother , very fraternally yours , M . KLEIMENIIAGEN , No . 1208 , Royal Standard Lodge .
FREEMASONRY AT JERUSALEM . We have * been requested to publish the following : Royal Solomon Mother Lodge , No . 203 , Jerusalem , May 25 th , 1 S 75 . HENnv MAUDSI . AY , Esq ., C . E ., Sc , itc . Institution of Civil Engineers , Westminster , London .
Dear Sir and much esteemed Brother , —At its meeting of May the 20 th , this Royal Solomon Mother Lodge , of which you are an honorary member , instructed me to address you a copy of the vote of thanks passed on February the 3 rd , 1875 , ana ^ corded in the minutes of this lodge . It gives mc " great p leasure indeed to communicate thc same , adding to that my personal greetings and sincerest
thanks . Said vote of thanks , read by Bro . Bergheien , the Senior "Warden , ran thus : " I believe I shall be acting in accordance with the sentiments of the members of this lodge by rising to propose that a vote of thanks be recorded to Bro . Henry Maudslay , whoto our regret , is about to leave . Jerusalem . Our thanks
, are due to Bro . Maudslay not only for the honour he has done us by joining our lodge as an honorary member , but are due to him for thc great and good work he has done in and to the lodge . The position of the lodge a few weeks ago was very precarious , and had it not been for Bro . Maudslay , as far as 1 see , the consequences would have been such as to have made thc heart of every true
Mason sorrowful . We have to thank Bro . Maudslay for the anxiety he has shown , thc trouble and pains he has taken in re-establishing , as it were , our young lodge , and placing it in its present footing and organization . "I am sure each ot us feels personally grateful to him for the good and sound advice he has so kindly given us , and to that we hope to show when he revisits us that his
advice and his counsel had not been given in vain . " Y > e greatly regret his leaving us , and we shall always look forward to his seeing us again , and that soon . " In wishing him God speed , a safe and p leasant long life and health , let us assure him that we shall always bear
a grateful remembrance of him in our hearts . " Hoping this will meet and find you in perfect health , I avail myself of this opportunity to reiterate to you my best regards and the sentiments of high consideration . Yours , in brotherly love , Sl'KAl-ION' MuilAI ) ,
J . W . and Sec . P . S . —Having received my leave of absence for twelve months , I shalfleave Jaffa on the 5 th of June for Berlin . Address : Foreign Office , Berlin .
"( TEMPERANCE . " To the Editor ofthe Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — Will you kindly allow me to remind our brother "South London" that "Temperance" is not only the rule in every lodge , but , as one of our four cardinal virtues , is an integral part of the very system of Masonry .
If instead of " Temperance" our brother means " lectotalism , " I would remind him that this is as much alien to the spirit of Freemasonry as the other is an essential part of ' us teaching . Freemasonry g ives to every brother thc liberty of ruling his own actions , but not those of his fellows . At the same time let me tell our brother that if side by
side with total abstinence in himself he can tolerate moderation in the brethren who sit beside him , he may feci at home in any and every Masonic lodge . I mig ht add that 1 have myself been a total abstainer for a long period , and further , that 1 was such when
initiated—since that day 1 have been in mail } ' lodges and Grand Lodges , and that , whether ruling , working , or visiting , I have ' never found any brethren interfere with my own practice , nor have I found it interfere with them . Yours , Dear Sir and Brother , faithfully and fraternally , I'M . tec .
Multum In Parbo; Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo ; or Masonic Notes and Queries .
MASONIC AHCU . TOI . OGV . Observing thc remarks on this subject in the Freemason of [ une 26 tli— " May I ask how comes it , if our Freemasonry dates from Hiram Abiff , that there are numerous accredited instances , relied on throughout the Craft as veritable , of the lives of English Freemasons having been saved , or spared , on their making the proper sign to Hindus—for the latter have never had any knowledge of
Hiram Abiff : " The explanation is simple , and , if doublet' , let the doubt be accompanied by a reference lo nil that is known of Hiram Abiff , through sacred or profane history . The explanation is simply this : that 1 liram Abiff derived his
knowledge of Masonry , of both kinds , from thc Brahmins , thc Solomonic speculative Masonry being the offshoot of a purer symbolism , before it had degenerated into idolatory , when the symbol itself came to be worshipped , instead of that which it symbolized . RAH c
Multum In Parbo; Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
KNIGHTS or PYTHIAS . Can any brother inform mc , if an American Order called thc Knights of Pythias has any place of meeting in London , and , if so , where ? K .
MASONS' MARKS . We g ladly support our esteemed Bro . Kelly in asking what has become of Bro . Shaw's valaablc collection of Masonic Marks . If they arc to be had , would it not be well to have them published , and their character and
contents become the common property of the Craft universal in a handy book form ? Surely sufficient subscribers could be obtained to render such an enterprise not an unmasonic failure financially , as such works generally turn out to be . W . J . HUGHAN .
LODGE OF INDUSTRY , GATESHEAD . I have been familiar with the history of the old lodge at Gateshead for some years through the medium of the sketch of its career which prefaces the bye-laws . I have several times applied for information as to its minutes , but not succeeding in procuring anything additional to thc history already published . I am , therefore , exceedingly
glad thatthcW . M . and thc Treasurer , Bro . K . Robson . P . M ., have decided toplace the records of thc lodge in the hands of Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , M . A ., for , like several of us Masonic students , he has made such matters his particular study . We shall all be anxiously on the look-out for fuller particulars than those already afforded in the pages of the
Freemason to-day , which arc promised for the Masonic Magazine in August , and especial !} ' the copy of the " Orders of Antiquity , " by which we presume is meant another copy of thc " Old Charges , " or in other words the " Gateshead MS . " The Record-book is a valuable " find , " and exceedingly curious . The particulars as to the " Highrodiam " will
likely be beyond our comprehension at thc present time , but in order that every opportunity may be given us to discover their meaning , let us express a hope that thc minutes will be printed verbatim et literatim in the Freemason as well as in the Masonic Magazine . WILLIAM J AMES HUGHAN . Truro , 3 rd July , 1 875 .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The General Committee of this Institution held its regular monthly meeting on Saturday last , under thc presidency of Bro . 11 . Browse . There were also present Bros . John Symonds , Benjamin Head , Hyde Pullen , S . Rosenthal , H . Masscy ( Freemason ) , II . Dubosc , F . C . Moutrie'H . W . Hunt , J . Wordsworth , J . G . Chancellor .
W . Paas , Jesse Turner , J . W . Doscll , F . J . Cox , and F . Binckes ( Secretary ) . Thc minutes of the last meeting having been read by Bro . Binckes , that brother proceeded to read the minutes of the various Mouse ( regular and special ) Committee meetings which had been held since the last meeting of the General Committee . These reported the different proceedings which had taken place with
reference to the school , among which were that fourteen gentlemen had become candidates for the post of headmaster of the school , which would become vacant at Christmas next . Out of these fourteen gentlemen thirteen had attended for election , and thc Rev . S . Morris , of King ' s College , had been chosen to fill the Rev . O . G .
D . Perron ' s place , which he had resigned . The General Committee unanimously confirmed this appointment , and passed a resolution , also unanimously , that Dr . Morris should cuter upon his duties on thc reassembling of thc boys on the 10 th of August , assisted by four assistant masters in lieu of those who also retired . Thc Committee
proceeded then with the consideration of the petitions of the friends of boys who wish to be admitted to thc school as pupils . There were ei g ht of these , and after the consideration of them the Committee adjourned .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Somerset.
Thc " aiinualjnici'ting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , Weston-super-Mare , on Monday , the 21 st June , and was attended by Bros . Win . Thompson , ) . P ., S . G . Mark W . ; A . W . Butter , | . G . Mark \ V . ; Kev . ) K . C . Davy , P . G . Chaplain of England , P . G . C . ; K . T . Payne , P . G . O .,
P . G . Treas . ; W . W . Wcstcott , M . D ., R . of M . ; Col . II . Guyon , l ' . G . Sw . B . ; Licut .-Gcn . 11 . E . Doherty , C . B ., P . G . O . ; 15 . Gay , P . G . O . ; A . W . Scott , P . Prov . G . O . and G . Std . ; G . F . Tuckey , P . Prov . G . J . W ., and G . Std . ; Benj . Cox , P . Prov . G . S . W ., and P . G . Std ., and R . A . C . ; W . Richards , J . T . llallam , M . Ansaldo , J . M . Hunt , G . Summers , ill . Gregory , I . Eastcrbrook , J . Birchell , W .
Nott , G . Maim , ] . 15 . Halford , W . Richardson , II . Amor , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; S . ( ones , P . Prov . I . O . ; R . C . Else , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; Major-Gen . G . 15 . Munbec , J . P ., P . Prov . S . G . W . ; and numerous brethren from Bath , Bristol , Bridgewnter , and oilier towns in the province . In the absence of the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , the Deputy Grand Master , Bro . Captain
Irwin , presided . I he members of the Provincial Grand Lodge were received in due form by the acting W . M ., General Mutilice ( the W . M ., Bro . A . W . Butter , being an officer of the province ) , and members of Lodge 102 . Thc lodge having been opened , some formal business was Irans . u'lfd , and in the course of the proceedings the
P . G . S . W ., Bro . W . Thompson , of Bath , in fulfilment of a promise given last year , presented to the lodge a very handsome blue silk banner , bearing the arms of the P . G . M ., beautifully painted in heraldic colours . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master , in a few wcllclio-cn sentences , conveyed to Bro . Thompson the thanks
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Somerset.
of the lodge for his generous gift , and expressed a hope that the other brethren in the province would emulate him in zeal and liberality in the interest of the Order . Thc following brethren were invested with collars of office for the ensuing year : —Bros . A . W . Scott , Lod" -e un P . G . S . W . ; Rev . C . R . Davy , 119 , P . G . | . W . ; S . Lewis 102 , P . G . M . O . ; J . Matthews , 102 , P . G . S . O . ; W . B '
Frampton , 102 , P . G . J . O . ; Rev . H . Richardson , no P . G . Chaplain ; E . T . Payne , 177 , P . G . Treas . ; | . B . Halford , 11 9 , P . G . Reg . M . ; 11 . Amor , 119 , Asst . do . - B . Cox , 102 , P . G . Sec ; J . T . Mallam , u , P . G . Asst . Sec ; G . Summers , 162 , P . G . S . D . ; R . Taylor 1 55 , P . G . J . D . ; Haley , P . G . Insp . W . ; ] . II . II . Colmcr , 162 , Asst . do . ; B . Gay , 110 , P . G . D . C ; W .
Richards , 119 , P . G . Asst . D . C ; Capt . G . A . Phayre , 177 , P . G . Sword Bearer ; Major J . W . Preston , P . G . Standard Bearer ; W . L . Gaskell , 102 , P . G . Organist ; J . Eastcrbrook , 119 , P . G . I . G . ; Grand Stewards , Bros . R . Gregory , W . E . Perrett , 102 , M . Ansaldo , 119 , A . Wickenden , 102 , T . R . Lord , and Falkner ; Grand Tyler , Bro . W . Cousins , 102 .
At thc conclusion of the lodge business the brethren adjourned to the Town Hall , where to the number of between thirty and forty they sat down to a first class banquet , served a la Russe , provided b y Bro . Wickenden . The bill of fare comprised all the delicacies of the season , thc dessert was rich and profuse , and the wines of the best quality . The V . W . the D . P . G . M . presided ; the vice chairs
being filled by the two Wardens of the lodge , Bro . A . XV . Scott and Bro . Rev . C . It . Davy . After dinner a short toast list was gone through , but the speeches were chiefly of a complimentary character . The premier toast was of course , " The Queen and Mark Masonry . " This was followed bv the Grand Master ( thc Earl of Limerick ) and the members of the Grand Lodge , coupled with the names of Bros .
Thompson and Munro ( Grand Stewards ') , and thc first named gentleman incidentally mentioned that he had been a member of the Craft for about half a century . The next toast was thc P . G . M . of Somerset , the Earl of Carnarvon , to whose interest in all that could promote the interest and well being of the Order the D . P . G . M . was enabled to pay handsome
testimony . The toast found a fit respondent in Bro . Else , who is thc D . P . G . M . designate of thc Craft for the province , and who remarked that he was sure the brethren would excuse the attendance of the noble earl , seeing the important position he held in Her Majesty ' s Government , and the onerous and responsible duties which pressed upon him in the office of Secretary of State for thc Colonies . '
Bro . Else concluded by giving the health of the D . P . G . M ., whose skill in Masoniy and the services he had rendered in its behalf he warmly eulogized . Captain Irwin acknowledged the compliment and proposed Bro . General Gore Munbee , the first Senior Grand Warden , and the acting Deputy Grand Master of the day , referring to the great interest the General had taken in Freemasonry both
in England and India , and his readiucss at all times , to do everything in his power for the good of the Order . General Munbee , in returning thanks , referred with pleasure to thc increase in thc number of Mark Lodges , and spoke of the advantage of working under the Grand Lodge of England . For thc Provincial Grand Officers , given from the chair , Bro . the Rev . C . R ..
Davy , P . G . J . W ., responded . In giving the next toast , the W . M ., officers and members of Lodge 102 , the D . P . G . M . congratulated the W . M . upon thc working of the lodge on the occasion of a recent visit , and thc W . M . ( Bro . A . W . Butter ) briefly returned thanks . The W . M . ' s of the other lodges in the province were next honoured , Bros . Davy ( Royal Sussex ) , and Munro ( 110 ) , responding . The
D . P . G . M . next asked the brethren to toast Bro . Else , and darkly hinting ( because the fact had not been officially communicated to him ) at his appointment as Deputy Master of thc Craft in the province , he congratulated Masons in general , and Mark Masons in particular because of the interest Bro . Else takes in thc Mark Degree , upon the choice made by thc P . G . M . The toast having been
honoured , Bro . Else responded . Alluding to the " mysterious" hint of the D . P . G . M ., he stated that a few days ago he received a letter from the Earl of Carnarvon , asking him when in London to call upon him , and he did so , when his lordship said the appointment of a successor to their late highly respected deputy , Captain Bridges , had occupied his thoughts very seriously [ for some time ,
and the determination he had come to , after taking all matters into consideration , was to ask him if he would accept the office . He thanked his lordship , and said that if he possessed his confidence , and it was for the benefit of the Craft , and would be acceptable to the brethren , he hoped he should not be doing wrong in accepting the appointment . Upon his lordship's assurance that he
had his entire confidence he intimated his intention of accepting thc office . He reminded the brethren that at present he was in thc position of an elected Master of a lodge , but he thanked all who had congratulated him upon what they had heard . He trusted the Great Architect would give him health and strength and judgment to fill the office in a manner that would be advantageous to
the Craft—promote the harmony of the Order , and thc happiness of the brethren . Thc succeeding toast was " Thc Provincial Grand Officers , " on whose behalf Bro . Munro returned thanks , and the concluding toast , "All poor and distressed Masons , " was given by the P . G . S . W . Wc should say that the post prandial proceedings were the more enjoyable by the singing of several musical brethren .
' There are few wines that contain so many valuable qualities as really good Sherry , a remarkable fine pure pale wine imported by the firm of Felloe and Sons Albcrmarlc-st ., that would surely convert the most ardent admirers of French vintages . " — Standard .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
1 think it only wants an application to the generosity and human feeling which is so remarkable throughout the Craft , and every brother will g ive to the best of his financial position . I am convinced if you , dear Sir and Brother , would announce thc opening of a subscription list in the Freemason ' s publishing office , your endeavours would be crowned by a desirable result , and you would speedily be able to make some lair remittance to the Paris Central
Committee . Believe mc , dear Sir and Brother , very fraternally yours , M . KLEIMENIIAGEN , No . 1208 , Royal Standard Lodge .
FREEMASONRY AT JERUSALEM . We have * been requested to publish the following : Royal Solomon Mother Lodge , No . 203 , Jerusalem , May 25 th , 1 S 75 . HENnv MAUDSI . AY , Esq ., C . E ., Sc , itc . Institution of Civil Engineers , Westminster , London .
Dear Sir and much esteemed Brother , —At its meeting of May the 20 th , this Royal Solomon Mother Lodge , of which you are an honorary member , instructed me to address you a copy of the vote of thanks passed on February the 3 rd , 1875 , ana ^ corded in the minutes of this lodge . It gives mc " great p leasure indeed to communicate thc same , adding to that my personal greetings and sincerest
thanks . Said vote of thanks , read by Bro . Bergheien , the Senior "Warden , ran thus : " I believe I shall be acting in accordance with the sentiments of the members of this lodge by rising to propose that a vote of thanks be recorded to Bro . Henry Maudslay , whoto our regret , is about to leave . Jerusalem . Our thanks
, are due to Bro . Maudslay not only for the honour he has done us by joining our lodge as an honorary member , but are due to him for thc great and good work he has done in and to the lodge . The position of the lodge a few weeks ago was very precarious , and had it not been for Bro . Maudslay , as far as 1 see , the consequences would have been such as to have made thc heart of every true
Mason sorrowful . We have to thank Bro . Maudslay for the anxiety he has shown , thc trouble and pains he has taken in re-establishing , as it were , our young lodge , and placing it in its present footing and organization . "I am sure each ot us feels personally grateful to him for the good and sound advice he has so kindly given us , and to that we hope to show when he revisits us that his
advice and his counsel had not been given in vain . " Y > e greatly regret his leaving us , and we shall always look forward to his seeing us again , and that soon . " In wishing him God speed , a safe and p leasant long life and health , let us assure him that we shall always bear
a grateful remembrance of him in our hearts . " Hoping this will meet and find you in perfect health , I avail myself of this opportunity to reiterate to you my best regards and the sentiments of high consideration . Yours , in brotherly love , Sl'KAl-ION' MuilAI ) ,
J . W . and Sec . P . S . —Having received my leave of absence for twelve months , I shalfleave Jaffa on the 5 th of June for Berlin . Address : Foreign Office , Berlin .
"( TEMPERANCE . " To the Editor ofthe Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — Will you kindly allow me to remind our brother "South London" that "Temperance" is not only the rule in every lodge , but , as one of our four cardinal virtues , is an integral part of the very system of Masonry .
If instead of " Temperance" our brother means " lectotalism , " I would remind him that this is as much alien to the spirit of Freemasonry as the other is an essential part of ' us teaching . Freemasonry g ives to every brother thc liberty of ruling his own actions , but not those of his fellows . At the same time let me tell our brother that if side by
side with total abstinence in himself he can tolerate moderation in the brethren who sit beside him , he may feci at home in any and every Masonic lodge . I mig ht add that 1 have myself been a total abstainer for a long period , and further , that 1 was such when
initiated—since that day 1 have been in mail } ' lodges and Grand Lodges , and that , whether ruling , working , or visiting , I have ' never found any brethren interfere with my own practice , nor have I found it interfere with them . Yours , Dear Sir and Brother , faithfully and fraternally , I'M . tec .
Multum In Parbo; Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo ; or Masonic Notes and Queries .
MASONIC AHCU . TOI . OGV . Observing thc remarks on this subject in the Freemason of [ une 26 tli— " May I ask how comes it , if our Freemasonry dates from Hiram Abiff , that there are numerous accredited instances , relied on throughout the Craft as veritable , of the lives of English Freemasons having been saved , or spared , on their making the proper sign to Hindus—for the latter have never had any knowledge of
Hiram Abiff : " The explanation is simple , and , if doublet' , let the doubt be accompanied by a reference lo nil that is known of Hiram Abiff , through sacred or profane history . The explanation is simply this : that 1 liram Abiff derived his
knowledge of Masonry , of both kinds , from thc Brahmins , thc Solomonic speculative Masonry being the offshoot of a purer symbolism , before it had degenerated into idolatory , when the symbol itself came to be worshipped , instead of that which it symbolized . RAH c
Multum In Parbo; Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
KNIGHTS or PYTHIAS . Can any brother inform mc , if an American Order called thc Knights of Pythias has any place of meeting in London , and , if so , where ? K .
MASONS' MARKS . We g ladly support our esteemed Bro . Kelly in asking what has become of Bro . Shaw's valaablc collection of Masonic Marks . If they arc to be had , would it not be well to have them published , and their character and
contents become the common property of the Craft universal in a handy book form ? Surely sufficient subscribers could be obtained to render such an enterprise not an unmasonic failure financially , as such works generally turn out to be . W . J . HUGHAN .
LODGE OF INDUSTRY , GATESHEAD . I have been familiar with the history of the old lodge at Gateshead for some years through the medium of the sketch of its career which prefaces the bye-laws . I have several times applied for information as to its minutes , but not succeeding in procuring anything additional to thc history already published . I am , therefore , exceedingly
glad thatthcW . M . and thc Treasurer , Bro . K . Robson . P . M ., have decided toplace the records of thc lodge in the hands of Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , M . A ., for , like several of us Masonic students , he has made such matters his particular study . We shall all be anxiously on the look-out for fuller particulars than those already afforded in the pages of the
Freemason to-day , which arc promised for the Masonic Magazine in August , and especial !} ' the copy of the " Orders of Antiquity , " by which we presume is meant another copy of thc " Old Charges , " or in other words the " Gateshead MS . " The Record-book is a valuable " find , " and exceedingly curious . The particulars as to the " Highrodiam " will
likely be beyond our comprehension at thc present time , but in order that every opportunity may be given us to discover their meaning , let us express a hope that thc minutes will be printed verbatim et literatim in the Freemason as well as in the Masonic Magazine . WILLIAM J AMES HUGHAN . Truro , 3 rd July , 1 875 .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The General Committee of this Institution held its regular monthly meeting on Saturday last , under thc presidency of Bro . 11 . Browse . There were also present Bros . John Symonds , Benjamin Head , Hyde Pullen , S . Rosenthal , H . Masscy ( Freemason ) , II . Dubosc , F . C . Moutrie'H . W . Hunt , J . Wordsworth , J . G . Chancellor .
W . Paas , Jesse Turner , J . W . Doscll , F . J . Cox , and F . Binckes ( Secretary ) . Thc minutes of the last meeting having been read by Bro . Binckes , that brother proceeded to read the minutes of the various Mouse ( regular and special ) Committee meetings which had been held since the last meeting of the General Committee . These reported the different proceedings which had taken place with
reference to the school , among which were that fourteen gentlemen had become candidates for the post of headmaster of the school , which would become vacant at Christmas next . Out of these fourteen gentlemen thirteen had attended for election , and thc Rev . S . Morris , of King ' s College , had been chosen to fill the Rev . O . G .
D . Perron ' s place , which he had resigned . The General Committee unanimously confirmed this appointment , and passed a resolution , also unanimously , that Dr . Morris should cuter upon his duties on thc reassembling of thc boys on the 10 th of August , assisted by four assistant masters in lieu of those who also retired . Thc Committee
proceeded then with the consideration of the petitions of the friends of boys who wish to be admitted to thc school as pupils . There were ei g ht of these , and after the consideration of them the Committee adjourned .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Somerset.
Thc " aiinualjnici'ting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , Weston-super-Mare , on Monday , the 21 st June , and was attended by Bros . Win . Thompson , ) . P ., S . G . Mark W . ; A . W . Butter , | . G . Mark \ V . ; Kev . ) K . C . Davy , P . G . Chaplain of England , P . G . C . ; K . T . Payne , P . G . O .,
P . G . Treas . ; W . W . Wcstcott , M . D ., R . of M . ; Col . II . Guyon , l ' . G . Sw . B . ; Licut .-Gcn . 11 . E . Doherty , C . B ., P . G . O . ; 15 . Gay , P . G . O . ; A . W . Scott , P . Prov . G . O . and G . Std . ; G . F . Tuckey , P . Prov . G . J . W ., and G . Std . ; Benj . Cox , P . Prov . G . S . W ., and P . G . Std ., and R . A . C . ; W . Richards , J . T . llallam , M . Ansaldo , J . M . Hunt , G . Summers , ill . Gregory , I . Eastcrbrook , J . Birchell , W .
Nott , G . Maim , ] . 15 . Halford , W . Richardson , II . Amor , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; S . ( ones , P . Prov . I . O . ; R . C . Else , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; Major-Gen . G . 15 . Munbec , J . P ., P . Prov . S . G . W . ; and numerous brethren from Bath , Bristol , Bridgewnter , and oilier towns in the province . In the absence of the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , the Deputy Grand Master , Bro . Captain
Irwin , presided . I he members of the Provincial Grand Lodge were received in due form by the acting W . M ., General Mutilice ( the W . M ., Bro . A . W . Butter , being an officer of the province ) , and members of Lodge 102 . Thc lodge having been opened , some formal business was Irans . u'lfd , and in the course of the proceedings the
P . G . S . W ., Bro . W . Thompson , of Bath , in fulfilment of a promise given last year , presented to the lodge a very handsome blue silk banner , bearing the arms of the P . G . M ., beautifully painted in heraldic colours . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master , in a few wcllclio-cn sentences , conveyed to Bro . Thompson the thanks
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Somerset.
of the lodge for his generous gift , and expressed a hope that the other brethren in the province would emulate him in zeal and liberality in the interest of the Order . Thc following brethren were invested with collars of office for the ensuing year : —Bros . A . W . Scott , Lod" -e un P . G . S . W . ; Rev . C . R . Davy , 119 , P . G . | . W . ; S . Lewis 102 , P . G . M . O . ; J . Matthews , 102 , P . G . S . O . ; W . B '
Frampton , 102 , P . G . J . O . ; Rev . H . Richardson , no P . G . Chaplain ; E . T . Payne , 177 , P . G . Treas . ; | . B . Halford , 11 9 , P . G . Reg . M . ; 11 . Amor , 119 , Asst . do . - B . Cox , 102 , P . G . Sec ; J . T . Mallam , u , P . G . Asst . Sec ; G . Summers , 162 , P . G . S . D . ; R . Taylor 1 55 , P . G . J . D . ; Haley , P . G . Insp . W . ; ] . II . II . Colmcr , 162 , Asst . do . ; B . Gay , 110 , P . G . D . C ; W .
Richards , 119 , P . G . Asst . D . C ; Capt . G . A . Phayre , 177 , P . G . Sword Bearer ; Major J . W . Preston , P . G . Standard Bearer ; W . L . Gaskell , 102 , P . G . Organist ; J . Eastcrbrook , 119 , P . G . I . G . ; Grand Stewards , Bros . R . Gregory , W . E . Perrett , 102 , M . Ansaldo , 119 , A . Wickenden , 102 , T . R . Lord , and Falkner ; Grand Tyler , Bro . W . Cousins , 102 .
At thc conclusion of the lodge business the brethren adjourned to the Town Hall , where to the number of between thirty and forty they sat down to a first class banquet , served a la Russe , provided b y Bro . Wickenden . The bill of fare comprised all the delicacies of the season , thc dessert was rich and profuse , and the wines of the best quality . The V . W . the D . P . G . M . presided ; the vice chairs
being filled by the two Wardens of the lodge , Bro . A . XV . Scott and Bro . Rev . C . It . Davy . After dinner a short toast list was gone through , but the speeches were chiefly of a complimentary character . The premier toast was of course , " The Queen and Mark Masonry . " This was followed bv the Grand Master ( thc Earl of Limerick ) and the members of the Grand Lodge , coupled with the names of Bros .
Thompson and Munro ( Grand Stewards ') , and thc first named gentleman incidentally mentioned that he had been a member of the Craft for about half a century . The next toast was thc P . G . M . of Somerset , the Earl of Carnarvon , to whose interest in all that could promote the interest and well being of the Order the D . P . G . M . was enabled to pay handsome
testimony . The toast found a fit respondent in Bro . Else , who is thc D . P . G . M . designate of thc Craft for the province , and who remarked that he was sure the brethren would excuse the attendance of the noble earl , seeing the important position he held in Her Majesty ' s Government , and the onerous and responsible duties which pressed upon him in the office of Secretary of State for thc Colonies . '
Bro . Else concluded by giving the health of the D . P . G . M ., whose skill in Masoniy and the services he had rendered in its behalf he warmly eulogized . Captain Irwin acknowledged the compliment and proposed Bro . General Gore Munbee , the first Senior Grand Warden , and the acting Deputy Grand Master of the day , referring to the great interest the General had taken in Freemasonry both
in England and India , and his readiucss at all times , to do everything in his power for the good of the Order . General Munbee , in returning thanks , referred with pleasure to thc increase in thc number of Mark Lodges , and spoke of the advantage of working under the Grand Lodge of England . For thc Provincial Grand Officers , given from the chair , Bro . the Rev . C . R ..
Davy , P . G . J . W ., responded . In giving the next toast , the W . M ., officers and members of Lodge 102 , the D . P . G . M . congratulated the W . M . upon thc working of the lodge on the occasion of a recent visit , and thc W . M . ( Bro . A . W . Butter ) briefly returned thanks . The W . M . ' s of the other lodges in the province were next honoured , Bros . Davy ( Royal Sussex ) , and Munro ( 110 ) , responding . The
D . P . G . M . next asked the brethren to toast Bro . Else , and darkly hinting ( because the fact had not been officially communicated to him ) at his appointment as Deputy Master of thc Craft in the province , he congratulated Masons in general , and Mark Masons in particular because of the interest Bro . Else takes in thc Mark Degree , upon the choice made by thc P . G . M . The toast having been
honoured , Bro . Else responded . Alluding to the " mysterious" hint of the D . P . G . M ., he stated that a few days ago he received a letter from the Earl of Carnarvon , asking him when in London to call upon him , and he did so , when his lordship said the appointment of a successor to their late highly respected deputy , Captain Bridges , had occupied his thoughts very seriously [ for some time ,
and the determination he had come to , after taking all matters into consideration , was to ask him if he would accept the office . He thanked his lordship , and said that if he possessed his confidence , and it was for the benefit of the Craft , and would be acceptable to the brethren , he hoped he should not be doing wrong in accepting the appointment . Upon his lordship's assurance that he
had his entire confidence he intimated his intention of accepting thc office . He reminded the brethren that at present he was in thc position of an elected Master of a lodge , but he thanked all who had congratulated him upon what they had heard . He trusted the Great Architect would give him health and strength and judgment to fill the office in a manner that would be advantageous to
the Craft—promote the harmony of the Order , and thc happiness of the brethren . Thc succeeding toast was " Thc Provincial Grand Officers , " on whose behalf Bro . Munro returned thanks , and the concluding toast , "All poor and distressed Masons , " was given by the P . G . S . W . Wc should say that the post prandial proceedings were the more enjoyable by the singing of several musical brethren .
' There are few wines that contain so many valuable qualities as really good Sherry , a remarkable fine pure pale wine imported by the firm of Felloe and Sons Albcrmarlc-st ., that would surely convert the most ardent admirers of French vintages . " — Standard .