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Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
„ u that all your subscriptions will be most judiciously and economically expended , and I am sure that the committee to whom you delegate your affairs will take care that the Institution shall be the best that there is . ( Cheers . ) Bro . F . Binckes here read the following lists
0 f subscriptions : — ¦ Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , £ s . d . M . W . Pro Grand Master , and R . W . Provincial Grand Master of Somerset , Chairman 52 10 0 Earl of Shrewsbury 21 0 0 Right Hon . Lord Balfour of Burleigh ,
P . G . S . W . 10 10 0 Bro . John A . Rucker , P . G . D ., and P . G . Std ., P . M . C 6 , and Vice-Pres . of Institution 31 10 0 Bro . J . M . P . Montagu , D . P . G . M . Dorset , Friends in Council Lodge , 1383 367 10 0 W . Bro . R . B . Webster , No . 1320 , ' and P . M . 140 116 11 0
LONDON LODGES . Grand Stewards' ... 131 5 0 1 Grand Master ' s 15 15 0 2 Antiquity 58 8 0 3 Fidelity 83 1 6 4 Rl . Somerset House & Inverness 52 10 0
5 St . George and Corner Stone ... 54 12 0 6 Friendshi p 10 10 0 7 Royal York of Perseverance ... 35 14 0 8 British 23 2 0 9 Albion 65 0 0 10 Westminster and Keystone ... 30 19 6 11 Enoch ... ... a *> , 1 fi
12 Fortitude and Old Cumberland 70 7 0 14 Tuscan 49 7 0 18 Old Dundee ... 121 16 0 21 Emulation 43 1 0 22 Neptune 38 17 0 28 Old King ' s Arms 29 19 0
33 Britannic 101 1 6 49 Gihon 246 15 0 55 Constitutional 63 0 0 59 Royal Naval 30 9 0 60 Peace and Harmony 31 10 0 72 Jubilee 40 8 6 73 Mount Lebanon ... 1 J . 4 IS 0
90 St . John ' s 44 8 6 91 Regularity 47 7 0 96 Burlington 37 16 0 108 London 50 8 O
145 Prudent Brethren 53 5 6 165 Honour and Generosity ... 47 5 0 167 St . John ' s ... 39 18 0 173 Phoenix 78 4 6 176 Caveac ... 5 A is r .
179 Manchester 29 18 6 180 St . James' Union 120 14 0 181 Universal 30 9 0 186 Industry 72 9 0 192 Lion and Lamb .. > . ... 142 5 fi
197 Jerusalem ... 34 12 0 222 St . Andrew ' -in-the-East ... 50 8 0 235 Nine Muses 21 0 0 256 Unions 39 18 0 259 Prince of Wales' ... .. . 36 15 0 435 Salisbury 52 10 0
511 Zetland . 14 2 0 569 Fitzroy 69 16 0 657 Canonbury 140 14 0 749 Bel grave 28 8 6 £ 66 William Preston 36 15 0 ' 80 Royal A-lfred 27 G 0
813 New Concord 53 17 0 £ 22 Victoria Rifles 52 10 0 ° 34 Ranelagh 17 17 0 W Royal Albert 34 13 0 | 056 Victoria 100 0 0 --118 University 47 5 0
J 155 Excelsior 35 14 , 0 'j 158 Southern Star 133 17 G | 201 Eclectic 21 0 0 H 78 Perfect Ashlar 31 10 0 227 Upton 64 1 0 :-o 7 Grosvenor Rfl 11 fi
J 278 Burdett Coutts ' 70 7 0 | 305 St . Marylebone 63 0 0 «| 29 Sphinx 31 10 0 - 539 Stock well 31 10 0 ! ' -Sl St . Clement Danes' 69 16 6 J 65 Clapton ... 26 5 0 jj-1-5 Prince Leopold 35 3 G ll hj Mount Edgcumbe ... ... 227 6 0
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
£ s . d . 1489 Marquess of Ripon ... ... 135 0 0 1531 Chiselhurst 28 16 0
BERKS AND BUCKS . 414 Union 29 18 6 574 Hope 36 15 0 591 Buckingham 31 10 0 1101 Grey Friars 73-10 o 1501 Wycombe 115 10 0 1404 St . Vincent 114 9 0 425 Cestrian 73 10 0 537 Zetland 10 10 0 721 Independence 10 10 0
DERBYSHIRE . 253 Tyrian 78 15 0 353 Rojal Sussex 57 15 0 802 Repose 10 18 0 1324 Okeover 123 18 0
DEVONSHIRE . 70 St . John ' s 63 1 0 112 St . George ' s 137 11 0 189 Sincerity 89 5 0 DORSET . 622 St . ' Cuthberga 633 3 0 DURHAM , 1389 Fenwick 372 19 6 ESSEX .
453 Chigwell 68 5 0 GLOUCESTERSHIRE . 951 Prince of Wales 42 0 0 257 Phcenix 102 1 0 359 Peace and Harmony 96 12 0 723 Panmure ( including £ 10 10 s .
from the Duke of Connaught ) 151 14 0 403 Hertford 12 12 0 404 Watford 51 9 0 1385 Gladsmuir 55 10 0 1479 Halsey 10 10 0 77 Freedom 23 2 0 S 29 Svdney 157 10 0 1464 Erasmus Wilson 26 5 0
LANCASHIRE EAST . 37 Anchor and Hope 42 0 0 62 Social 10 10 0 298 Harmony 10 10 0 : 645 Humphrey Cheetham ... 115 10 0 LANCASHIRE WEST . 14 S Lights 12 12 0 241 Merchants' 126 0 0 281 Fortitude 11 11 0 1021 Hartington 47 5 0 1225 Hindoool ... ... ... 47 5 0
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLANDSHIRE . 1391 Commercial 181 13 0 792 Pelham Pillar 63 0 0 1298 St . Alban ' s 10 10 0 MIDDLESEX . 382 Royal Union 22 1 0 70 S Carnarvon 19 19 0 778 Bard of Avon 23 2 0 1237 Enfield 94 10 0
1309 Acacia 63 0 0 1423 Era 15 15 0 1465 Thames Valley 94 10 0 1494 Felix 12 12 0 1503 Francis Burdett 16 16 0 1194 R . Middlesex R . Arch Chap . 37 16 0 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE AND HUNTS . 442 St . Peter ' s 113 8 0
NORTHUMBERLAND . 991 Tyne 110 5 0 NORTH WALES AND SALOV . 117 Salopian of Charity 21 0 0 1124 St . Oswald 10 10 0 1336 Square and Compasses ... 52 10 0 1477 Sir Watkin 15 15 0 OXFORDSHIRE .
340 Alfred 10 10 0 357 Apollo University ( including £ \() 10 s . from Prince Leopold ) 132 8 0 599 Cherwell 15 15 0 SOMERSETSHIRE . 53 Royal Snssex 286 6 0 135 Perpetual Friendship ... 171 7 0
Mark Provincial Grand Lodge 30 9 0 SOUTH WALES—EASTERN DIVISION . S 33 Afan 236 5 0 SOUTH WALES—WESTERN DIVISION " . 671 Prince of Wales' 130 4 0 STAFFORDSHIRE . 418 Menturia 221 0 0
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
SUFFOLK . ¦ 1008 Royal St . Edmund's 65 2 0 1224 Stour Valley 38 17 0 SURREY . 452 Frederick of Unity 22 11 6 1046 St . Andrew ' s 5 5 0
SUSSEX . 40 Derwent 68 5 0 811 Yarborough ... 44 2 0 WARWICKSHIRE . 74 Athol 80 17 0 938 Grosvenor 283 10 0
WILTSHIRE . 355 Royal Sussex of Emulation 91 7 0 YORKSHIRE—NORTH AND EAST . 250 Minerva ... , 36 15 0 MARK DEGREE . 75 Royal Sussex 514 0 0 Prov . Grand Mark Lodge ... 815 1- 0 INDIA .
Presidency of Bombay 31 10 0 MARK DEGREE . 75 Royal Sussex 514 0 0 ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE . Palestine Chapter of R . C . ... 21 0 0 Making altogether a total of over £ 12 , 700 .
The result was received with great cheering . The Earl of Carnarvon during the reading of the lists was called away by official duties , and the Earl of Shrewsbury took the chair . At the conclusion of the reading of the lists ,
The Earl of Shrewsbury said he should propose that the company should drink no more toasts , but he could not suffer the brethren to adjourn without honouring the toast of "The Ladies . "
The toast was drunk . Bro . S . Rosenthal responded , After which the whole party adjourned to the concert hall and spent the remainder ofthe evening there . The musical arrangements were hi ghly creditable to Madame Thaddeus Wells , under whose direction they were , and the artistes
engaged were Miss Josephine Sherrington , Madame Poole , Mdlle . Risarelli , Signor Bignardi , Mr . Henry Guy , R . A . M . ; Bro , J . Kerr Gedge , Bro . Geo . Fox , Bro . Farquharson , Herr Behrens ; solo-violin , Mdlle . Bertha Brousil 3 pianoforte , Signor Li Calsi , Madame Thaddeus Wells , and Bro . Henry Parker . The dinner , supplied by Bros . Bertram and Roberts , was all that could be desired .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland.
The half-yearly communication of the above Provincial Grand Lodge took place at the Town Hall , Ashby-dc-la-Zouch , on the 29 th ult ., in the lodge-room of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 779 , under the auspices of which
the meeting was held . The Craft Lodge was opened at one o'clock . Shortly after that time the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Earl . Ferrers , accompanied by his Prov . G . Oflicers , entered the lodge-room and received thc custom- . ary salute .
After the minutes had been confirmed and the ballot taken for several joining members and candidates for initiation , the principal event of the day , that of installing Bro . S . E . Johnson as W . M . of No . 799 , took place , the office of Installing Master having been , by the special desire of thc members of that lodge , undertaken by the Provincial
Grand Master . It is almost needless to state that the duties of that important office , and thc impressive ritual of the ceremony of installation , were performed in a very admirable and efficient manner . The brethren , not only of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , but of other lodges also in the province , are under deep
obligations to his lordship for having on several occasions fulfilled the onerous duties of Installing Master , and too much praise cannot be accorded to him for the ready and gracious spirit in which he has always been pleased to comply with the wishes of the brethren that he should undcrlake those duties .
On the completion of the business of the Craft Lodge , the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due fotm by the Prov . Grand Master , who was assisted by the following officers : —W . Bros , the Revd . J . Denton , P . P . S . G . w ' ., " as Deputy Prov . G . M . ; Samuel Love , Prov . S . G . W . ; b " . !•' . Mannwatt , P . Prov . S . G . W ., as I . G . W . ; W . B . Smith , Prov . G . Treasurer ; 1 \ G . Tippetts , Prov . G . Reg . ; S . S .
Partridge , Prov . G . Secretary * , W . Johnson as Prov . G . S . D . ; W . Hardy , Prov . G . J . D . ; J . T . Thorp , Prov . G . A . D . C ., as D . C ; R . Boughton-Smith , P . P . G . A . D . C , as Grand Sword Bearer * , C . E . Stretton , Prov . G . A . P ., as Grand Purst . ; G . W . Statham and R . Dalgleish , P . G . Stewards ; and C . Bembridge , Prov . G . Tyler . A fuller report of the proceedings will appear in our next .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
„ u that all your subscriptions will be most judiciously and economically expended , and I am sure that the committee to whom you delegate your affairs will take care that the Institution shall be the best that there is . ( Cheers . ) Bro . F . Binckes here read the following lists
0 f subscriptions : — ¦ Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , £ s . d . M . W . Pro Grand Master , and R . W . Provincial Grand Master of Somerset , Chairman 52 10 0 Earl of Shrewsbury 21 0 0 Right Hon . Lord Balfour of Burleigh ,
P . G . S . W . 10 10 0 Bro . John A . Rucker , P . G . D ., and P . G . Std ., P . M . C 6 , and Vice-Pres . of Institution 31 10 0 Bro . J . M . P . Montagu , D . P . G . M . Dorset , Friends in Council Lodge , 1383 367 10 0 W . Bro . R . B . Webster , No . 1320 , ' and P . M . 140 116 11 0
LONDON LODGES . Grand Stewards' ... 131 5 0 1 Grand Master ' s 15 15 0 2 Antiquity 58 8 0 3 Fidelity 83 1 6 4 Rl . Somerset House & Inverness 52 10 0
5 St . George and Corner Stone ... 54 12 0 6 Friendshi p 10 10 0 7 Royal York of Perseverance ... 35 14 0 8 British 23 2 0 9 Albion 65 0 0 10 Westminster and Keystone ... 30 19 6 11 Enoch ... ... a *> , 1 fi
12 Fortitude and Old Cumberland 70 7 0 14 Tuscan 49 7 0 18 Old Dundee ... 121 16 0 21 Emulation 43 1 0 22 Neptune 38 17 0 28 Old King ' s Arms 29 19 0
33 Britannic 101 1 6 49 Gihon 246 15 0 55 Constitutional 63 0 0 59 Royal Naval 30 9 0 60 Peace and Harmony 31 10 0 72 Jubilee 40 8 6 73 Mount Lebanon ... 1 J . 4 IS 0
90 St . John ' s 44 8 6 91 Regularity 47 7 0 96 Burlington 37 16 0 108 London 50 8 O
145 Prudent Brethren 53 5 6 165 Honour and Generosity ... 47 5 0 167 St . John ' s ... 39 18 0 173 Phoenix 78 4 6 176 Caveac ... 5 A is r .
179 Manchester 29 18 6 180 St . James' Union 120 14 0 181 Universal 30 9 0 186 Industry 72 9 0 192 Lion and Lamb .. > . ... 142 5 fi
197 Jerusalem ... 34 12 0 222 St . Andrew ' -in-the-East ... 50 8 0 235 Nine Muses 21 0 0 256 Unions 39 18 0 259 Prince of Wales' ... .. . 36 15 0 435 Salisbury 52 10 0
511 Zetland . 14 2 0 569 Fitzroy 69 16 0 657 Canonbury 140 14 0 749 Bel grave 28 8 6 £ 66 William Preston 36 15 0 ' 80 Royal A-lfred 27 G 0
813 New Concord 53 17 0 £ 22 Victoria Rifles 52 10 0 ° 34 Ranelagh 17 17 0 W Royal Albert 34 13 0 | 056 Victoria 100 0 0 --118 University 47 5 0
J 155 Excelsior 35 14 , 0 'j 158 Southern Star 133 17 G | 201 Eclectic 21 0 0 H 78 Perfect Ashlar 31 10 0 227 Upton 64 1 0 :-o 7 Grosvenor Rfl 11 fi
J 278 Burdett Coutts ' 70 7 0 | 305 St . Marylebone 63 0 0 «| 29 Sphinx 31 10 0 - 539 Stock well 31 10 0 ! ' -Sl St . Clement Danes' 69 16 6 J 65 Clapton ... 26 5 0 jj-1-5 Prince Leopold 35 3 G ll hj Mount Edgcumbe ... ... 227 6 0
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
£ s . d . 1489 Marquess of Ripon ... ... 135 0 0 1531 Chiselhurst 28 16 0
BERKS AND BUCKS . 414 Union 29 18 6 574 Hope 36 15 0 591 Buckingham 31 10 0 1101 Grey Friars 73-10 o 1501 Wycombe 115 10 0 1404 St . Vincent 114 9 0 425 Cestrian 73 10 0 537 Zetland 10 10 0 721 Independence 10 10 0
DERBYSHIRE . 253 Tyrian 78 15 0 353 Rojal Sussex 57 15 0 802 Repose 10 18 0 1324 Okeover 123 18 0
DEVONSHIRE . 70 St . John ' s 63 1 0 112 St . George ' s 137 11 0 189 Sincerity 89 5 0 DORSET . 622 St . ' Cuthberga 633 3 0 DURHAM , 1389 Fenwick 372 19 6 ESSEX .
453 Chigwell 68 5 0 GLOUCESTERSHIRE . 951 Prince of Wales 42 0 0 257 Phcenix 102 1 0 359 Peace and Harmony 96 12 0 723 Panmure ( including £ 10 10 s .
from the Duke of Connaught ) 151 14 0 403 Hertford 12 12 0 404 Watford 51 9 0 1385 Gladsmuir 55 10 0 1479 Halsey 10 10 0 77 Freedom 23 2 0 S 29 Svdney 157 10 0 1464 Erasmus Wilson 26 5 0
LANCASHIRE EAST . 37 Anchor and Hope 42 0 0 62 Social 10 10 0 298 Harmony 10 10 0 : 645 Humphrey Cheetham ... 115 10 0 LANCASHIRE WEST . 14 S Lights 12 12 0 241 Merchants' 126 0 0 281 Fortitude 11 11 0 1021 Hartington 47 5 0 1225 Hindoool ... ... ... 47 5 0
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLANDSHIRE . 1391 Commercial 181 13 0 792 Pelham Pillar 63 0 0 1298 St . Alban ' s 10 10 0 MIDDLESEX . 382 Royal Union 22 1 0 70 S Carnarvon 19 19 0 778 Bard of Avon 23 2 0 1237 Enfield 94 10 0
1309 Acacia 63 0 0 1423 Era 15 15 0 1465 Thames Valley 94 10 0 1494 Felix 12 12 0 1503 Francis Burdett 16 16 0 1194 R . Middlesex R . Arch Chap . 37 16 0 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE AND HUNTS . 442 St . Peter ' s 113 8 0
NORTHUMBERLAND . 991 Tyne 110 5 0 NORTH WALES AND SALOV . 117 Salopian of Charity 21 0 0 1124 St . Oswald 10 10 0 1336 Square and Compasses ... 52 10 0 1477 Sir Watkin 15 15 0 OXFORDSHIRE .
340 Alfred 10 10 0 357 Apollo University ( including £ \() 10 s . from Prince Leopold ) 132 8 0 599 Cherwell 15 15 0 SOMERSETSHIRE . 53 Royal Snssex 286 6 0 135 Perpetual Friendship ... 171 7 0
Mark Provincial Grand Lodge 30 9 0 SOUTH WALES—EASTERN DIVISION . S 33 Afan 236 5 0 SOUTH WALES—WESTERN DIVISION " . 671 Prince of Wales' 130 4 0 STAFFORDSHIRE . 418 Menturia 221 0 0
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
SUFFOLK . ¦ 1008 Royal St . Edmund's 65 2 0 1224 Stour Valley 38 17 0 SURREY . 452 Frederick of Unity 22 11 6 1046 St . Andrew ' s 5 5 0
SUSSEX . 40 Derwent 68 5 0 811 Yarborough ... 44 2 0 WARWICKSHIRE . 74 Athol 80 17 0 938 Grosvenor 283 10 0
WILTSHIRE . 355 Royal Sussex of Emulation 91 7 0 YORKSHIRE—NORTH AND EAST . 250 Minerva ... , 36 15 0 MARK DEGREE . 75 Royal Sussex 514 0 0 Prov . Grand Mark Lodge ... 815 1- 0 INDIA .
Presidency of Bombay 31 10 0 MARK DEGREE . 75 Royal Sussex 514 0 0 ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE . Palestine Chapter of R . C . ... 21 0 0 Making altogether a total of over £ 12 , 700 .
The result was received with great cheering . The Earl of Carnarvon during the reading of the lists was called away by official duties , and the Earl of Shrewsbury took the chair . At the conclusion of the reading of the lists ,
The Earl of Shrewsbury said he should propose that the company should drink no more toasts , but he could not suffer the brethren to adjourn without honouring the toast of "The Ladies . "
The toast was drunk . Bro . S . Rosenthal responded , After which the whole party adjourned to the concert hall and spent the remainder ofthe evening there . The musical arrangements were hi ghly creditable to Madame Thaddeus Wells , under whose direction they were , and the artistes
engaged were Miss Josephine Sherrington , Madame Poole , Mdlle . Risarelli , Signor Bignardi , Mr . Henry Guy , R . A . M . ; Bro , J . Kerr Gedge , Bro . Geo . Fox , Bro . Farquharson , Herr Behrens ; solo-violin , Mdlle . Bertha Brousil 3 pianoforte , Signor Li Calsi , Madame Thaddeus Wells , and Bro . Henry Parker . The dinner , supplied by Bros . Bertram and Roberts , was all that could be desired .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland.
The half-yearly communication of the above Provincial Grand Lodge took place at the Town Hall , Ashby-dc-la-Zouch , on the 29 th ult ., in the lodge-room of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 779 , under the auspices of which
the meeting was held . The Craft Lodge was opened at one o'clock . Shortly after that time the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Earl . Ferrers , accompanied by his Prov . G . Oflicers , entered the lodge-room and received thc custom- . ary salute .
After the minutes had been confirmed and the ballot taken for several joining members and candidates for initiation , the principal event of the day , that of installing Bro . S . E . Johnson as W . M . of No . 799 , took place , the office of Installing Master having been , by the special desire of thc members of that lodge , undertaken by the Provincial
Grand Master . It is almost needless to state that the duties of that important office , and thc impressive ritual of the ceremony of installation , were performed in a very admirable and efficient manner . The brethren , not only of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , but of other lodges also in the province , are under deep
obligations to his lordship for having on several occasions fulfilled the onerous duties of Installing Master , and too much praise cannot be accorded to him for the ready and gracious spirit in which he has always been pleased to comply with the wishes of the brethren that he should undcrlake those duties .
On the completion of the business of the Craft Lodge , the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due fotm by the Prov . Grand Master , who was assisted by the following officers : —W . Bros , the Revd . J . Denton , P . P . S . G . w ' ., " as Deputy Prov . G . M . ; Samuel Love , Prov . S . G . W . ; b " . !•' . Mannwatt , P . Prov . S . G . W ., as I . G . W . ; W . B . Smith , Prov . G . Treasurer ; 1 \ G . Tippetts , Prov . G . Reg . ; S . S .
Partridge , Prov . G . Secretary * , W . Johnson as Prov . G . S . D . ; W . Hardy , Prov . G . J . D . ; J . T . Thorp , Prov . G . A . D . C ., as D . C ; R . Boughton-Smith , P . P . G . A . D . C , as Grand Sword Bearer * , C . E . Stretton , Prov . G . A . P ., as Grand Purst . ; G . W . Statham and R . Dalgleish , P . G . Stewards ; and C . Bembridge , Prov . G . Tyler . A fuller report of the proceedings will appear in our next .