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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
W . M ' s . and P . M . ' s present ( who numbered no fewer than twenty-five ) . On the re-admission of the brethren , Bro . Jackson , the Worshipful Master , was declared , and saluted in the usual manner , and according to ancient custom . The W . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows : — Bros . R . H . Evans , I . P . M . * , J . McCarthy , S . W . ; Ed .
Dutch , J . W . ; Charles Tyrer , Treas . ; Thomas Large , Sec . ; Thomas Sammons , S . D . ; Robert Price , J . D . ; Robert Leason , I . G . ; John Price , M . C ; Thomas Brown , S . S . ; Charles Phillips , J . S . ; H . Hindle , Org . ; M . Williamson , Tyler . We may mention that Bro . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec , performed the duties of Installing Master in a most impressive manner , and he was ably
assisted by Bro . Robert Wylie , P . P . S . G . D ., who gave the addresses to the officers with that grace and ability which he possesses in so marked a degree . The newly installed W . M . then proceeded to initiate Messrs . McMurphy and Cutler into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry , which he did in a thoroughly efficient manner , and he was well assisted by the newly appointed officers ,
who did their work in a manner which fully sustained the reputation for perfect working which this lodge possesses . After " hearty good wishes " the lodge was closed in due and solemn form by the W . M . The brethren then adjourned to " The Harrington , " Harrington-street , where a most sumptuous banquet was prepared , the caterer being Bro . T . H . Bibby , who provided for the creature comforts
of the brethren in a manner which gave the greatest satisfaction . Bro . H . Jackson , W . M ., presided , supported on the right by the Provincial Grand Officers , and on the left by the Immediate Past Master , Bro . Evans . Grace having been said by Bro . the Rev . J . Rees Jenkins , the W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . In proposing " The Health of Lord Skelmersdale , D . G . M . of
England , and Prov . Grand Master of West Lancashire , " the W . M . said that he was sure that the toast would be most enthusiastically received , as many of the brethren present had had an opportunity of meeting his lordship in either Provincial Grand Lodge , Chapter , or other Masonie gathering , and they must have seen that he took a very great interest in Freemasonry , and he was sure
that all the brethren of the province considered that the Most Worship ful Grand Master had made a wise choice in selecting the Prov . G . M . of this province as the Deputy Grand Master of England . In proposing " The West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institute for the education and advancement in life of the children of deceased Freemasons , " the
W . M . made a strong appeal to the brethren to become subscribing members to this Institution , which he characterized as one of the most deserving Masonic Charitable institutions with which he was acquainted , as it did its work unostentatiously , silently , but effectively , and was productive of more good than any one not acquainted with its nature and character could credit . Bro . H . S . Alpass ,
Prov . G . Secretary , responded , and in a lengthy and most eloquent speech , which was listened to with marked attention by the assembled brethren , reminded them that their duty as Masons did not only consist in attending the lodge meetings and to their various offices in Freemasonry , Tiut also in giving freely and liberally , the utmost they could afford , not only to the local , but also to the London
Masonic charities . In proposing The Healths of the Installing Officers , Bros . H . S . Alpass and Robert Wylie , " the W . M . thanked them , both on his own behalf and on behalf of the lodge , for their kind attendance , and for the admirable manner in which they had performed the ceremony of installation . Bro . Robert Wylie , P . P . G . S . D ., responded in well chosen terms . The Immediate Past The
Master , Bro . R . H . Evans , then proposed " Worshipful Master , Bro . H . Jackson , " and said—We are met here to-day to celebrate a most important event in the annals of the Hamer Lodge . Few standing where I do now , and looking round upon this magnificent gathering , would think it possible that this lodge was only just entering upon the fourth year of its existence , but I feel sure that
during the coming year the same success which has hitherto attended this lodge , will not only continue , but increase , more especially as' the brother who has now the honour of presiding over you is not only the Worshipful Master by your unanimous vote , but he also occupies the position with the good feeling and affection of every member of this lodge , and he also
possesses in a marked degree the necessary qualifications for such an important post , of which many of you are well qualified to judge , having had an opportunity of observing the undeviating care and attention he has paid to the interests of this lodge from its commencement . I am sure that in drinking his health you all sincerely and heartily wish him health and success and happiness during
his year of office . The W . M ., in responding . said : I am very grateful to you , brethren , for having unanimously elected me to the proud position of Worship fulMaster ofthe Hamer Lodge . 1 consider it a very proud position indeed , to be the W . M . of such a lodge as the Hamer , but , at thc same time , I am fully aware of its great responsibility , but I can assure you that it shall be my earnest endeavour on
all occasions , and under all circumstances , during my year of office , to preserve the harmony , promote the prosperity , and sustain the dignity of the Hamer Lodge . I thank you most heartily for the very cordial and hearty manner in which you have received the toast of my health , and 1 trust that at the end of my year you will be able to say of me that I discharged the duties of the chair
faithfully and zealously . I have now the pleasure of proposing The Healths of my Predecessors , Bro . Evans , I . P . M ., and Bros . P . M . ' s May and Jones . " I am sure , brethren , that you will agree with me that the I . P . M . has set me an example that I shall do well to follow in the manner in which he has filled the duties of the chair during the past twelve months , I feel satisfied that he carries with him the respect , esteem , and affection of every member of the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
lodge , and the pleasing duty which now devolves upon me is strong evidence that such is the fact , and that duty is to present you , Bro . Evans , on behalf of the brethren of this lodge , with this magnificent jewel , one of the handsomest and most valuable that any W . M , has ever had the pleasure of placing upon the breast of his predecessor , and I trust , Worshipful Sir , that you may
long be spared to wear it , and that you will always look upon it as a spontaneous and sincere token of the esteem and regard in which you are held by the brethren of the Hamer Lodge . ( The jewel is of very beautiful design , and is set with five diamonds of unusual size and brilliancy ) . The W . M . next proposed " The Officers , " complimenting them highly upon the manner in which they had that day
performed their duties . Bro . McCarthy , S . W ., in responding assured the W . M . that the officers would , if possible , during the coming year , improve upon the past . Bro . Dutch , J . W ., responded in similar terms . The W . M . next proposed " The Visitors , " calling upon the P . M . of the oldest , and the W . M . of the youngest lodge , present to respond . Bro . Jones , P . M . 216 , and Bro . H . Nelson , W . M .
1505 responded , and both paid a high compliment to the lodge for efficiency and hospitality . After the healths of the "New Initiates" had been duly proposed and responded to , the Tyler ' s toast brought a most delightful day to a conclusion . During the evening the proceedings were enlivened by the recitations and songs of Bros . J . C . Cowper , Sinclair , Nicholas Jones , Veale , Roberts , Thomas
and others . The day throughout was a complete success , and the brethren separated , all of them expressing the opinion that they had never attended a more perfectly managed or enjoyable Masonic meeting . BURY . —EGERTON LODGE ( NO . 1392 ) . —At the meeting of this lodge , held at the Stanley Arms , on Wednesday evening , June 23 rd , there were present Bros . R .
Pilkington , W . M : ; William Brown , S . W . ; Joseph Metcalf , J . W . ; William Burgess , S . D . ; William Hutchinson , J . D . -. JThomas Shaw , I . G . ; George Brown , Tyler ; William Shaw , Treasurer ; Joseph Barlow , Secretary and P . M . ; J . W . Crossley , P . M . ; Visitor , S . J . Randall Fletcher , P . M . 191 ; and about 17 other brethren . Mr . John Agar , who had been unanimously balloted for at the
previous meeting , but was not then able to attend , was initiated into the secrets of Masonry by the W . M ., the charge being given by Bro . Thos . Shaw . The lodge was afterwards opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . Fred . Wilkinson was crafted by the W . M . There were two propositions for initiation . An excellent supper was partaken of by 28 brethren after the closing down , and a very jovial
time was passed . Considering the amount of work in hand it is almost certain that the lodge will this year dispense with its summer vacation ; in Jfact the present meeting was one over and above those specified in the calendar . At the various lodges in town there is a fair amount of work on the agenda papers , and a feeling seems to be growing that a vacation is not desirable in the face of so much
business . This course has been adopted by No . 42 , and possibly No . 1012 may follow suit . Certainly the fact speaks well for the progress which is being made in Bury . Bro . E . Simpkin , Secretary of Lodge of Relief , No . 42 , issued circulars to the brethren , on the 25 th June , intimating that at a meeting of Lodge 42 , on June 17 th , it was resolved that a monument be erected over the grave of
Bro . J . S . Redfern , P . M . 42 , and P . Prov . G . P ., East Lancashire , " to commemorate the long and valuable services rendered by him to the brethren of this district . " The W . M . ( Bro . E . Eccles ) , Wardens , and P . M . ' s . were appointed a committee to carry out this resolution , and they knowing how highly Bro . Redfern ' s services have been appreciated , trust that this mention of them will secure a
hearty and generous response to the solicitation for a subscription towards this desirable obiect . HAMPTON COURT . —CAMPBELL LODGE ( No . 1415 ) . —The installation meeting was held at the Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court , on Wednesday , June 23 rd . Present—Bros . Dr . E . Kimber , W . M . ; D . M . Dewar , S . W . and W . M . elect ; T . Keene , J . W . ; T . Cubitt , P . M ., P . G . Purst .,
Treas . ; H . C . Levander , P . M ., Sec . ; T . Levander , J . D . and other brethren . Bros . Rountree , Jones , and Whittaker were passed , and Bro . Summers was raised . Bro . Dewar was then installed W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being performed by our veteran Bro . F . Binckes . The W . M . appointed his officers : T . Keene , S . W . ; A . J Codner , P . M ., P . Prov . Reg . Middlesex , J . W . ; J . Levander ,
S . D . ; Cole , J . D . ; Johnson , I . G . ; T . Cubitt , Treas . ; H . C . Levander , Sec . A Past Master ' s jewel was voted to the I . P . M . The usual excellent banquet followed , and the brethren separated at an early hour . ROMFORD . —LIBERTY OF HAVERING LODGE ( NO 1437 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their annual meeting on Wednesday , the 23 rd ult ., at the White Hart Hotel ,
Romford , the principal part of the business being the installation of the Worshipful Master elect for the ensuing year . There was , however , plenty of other business before the lodge , viz .: balloting for joining members , the initiation of one gentleman into the mysteries of the Order , and advancing three brothers to the Third Degree . There was a large number of brethren present , amongst whom we
noticed Bros . Joseph Tydeman , Worshipful Master ; Edward West , S . W . and W . M . elect ; John Josiah Wilson , I . P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . D ., Middlesex , W . M . 25 , Prov . G . J . W ., Essex , & c ; Brayshaw , J . W . ; T . F . Bishop , Treas , ; J . Ellis , Secretary ; T . G . Day , S . D ., G . W . Patmore , J . D . ; A . W . Naylor , I . G . ; J . Gamett , W . S . ; A . Knox , P . M . ; A . Harvey ; G . English , P . M . ; W . Cobb , J . Wotton , J
Taylor , T . Osgathorp , Crozier , T . Hill , Beeson , W . Dilley , Playl , Early , Whisker , F . Smith , & c . ; also the following visitors : Bros . J . W . Carr , Prov . G . Sec , Essex ; Burton , Prov . G . T ., Essex ; Rev . Thomas Cochrane , P . Prov . G . Chaplain , Oxon , P . M . Westminster and Keystone No . 10 ; Robertson , W . M . St . John ' s Lodge , ( No . 1343 ); W . Sackett , Secretary ( No . 1343 ); Rielly , J . W . ( 1327 ); Malcolm , Secretary , ( No . ' 1327 ); E . Price ( No . 1327 ); A . Manning ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Henley Lodge ( No . 1472 ); J . Ives , Henley Lodge ( No 1472 ) ; A . Bartlett , St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 1343 ); \ y Bradstock ( No . 1327 ); Nicholls , P . M . St . John's Lodge ( No . 1343 ); John Payne Cornwallis ( No . 1107 ); F . T Edgington , W . M . ( No . 1321 ) ; J . Mailer , W . M . High Cross Lodge ( No . | 754 );; c . W . Ashdown , P . M . and Secretary ( No . 1427 ); James Linzell , W . M . ( No . 1237 ); James
Knight ( No . 1327 ); J . Church ( No . 1327 ); and others . The lodge having been opened and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bro . Manning , of the Henley Lodge ( No . 1472 ) , as joining member , and for Mr . Frank Smith for initiation , and proved unanimous in their favour in each case . The lodge was next opened in the Second Degree , when Bros .
Whiskers , Early , and Playl being candidates for the sublime degree were questioned , entrusted , and retired , and the lodge being opened in the Third Degree they were re-admitted in due form and raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The lodge having been resumed to the First Degree , Mr . Frank Smith was initiated into the mysteries of the Order . Bro . Tydeman , the W . M ., having performed the
ceremonies of raising and initiation in a very impressive manner , now vacated the chair for the Junior Grand Warden of Essex , Worshipful Bro . J . J . Wilson , P . M ., & c , who was present for the purpose of installing the W . M . elect for the ensuing year . The lodge having been opened in the Second Degree , Bro . F . West , S . W ., was presented to the Installing Master , to receive at his
hands the benefit of installation . The ceremony was most ably performed in the presence of a full board of Installed Masters—being another proof of the excellent abilities possessed by Bro . H . Wilson for Masonic duties , whose worth as a Mason is not only esteemed in Essex , Middlesex , Hertfordshire , and London ,- but also throughout the lodges of the Channel Islands , of which district he is
also a Past Grand Officer . The W . M . having been saluted in the three degrees , proceeded to appoint and invest his officers in the following order : —Bros . J . Tydeman , I . P . M . ; B . Brayshaw , S . W . ; T . G . Day , J . W . ; T . F . Bishop , Treas . ; J . W . Ellis , Sec ; G . W . Patmore , S . D . ; Naylor , J . D . ; A . Knox , D . C ; Alfred Harvey , I . G . ; J . Gamett , W . S . ; W . Steedman , Tyler . Several letters
were received expressive of regret from brethren unable to attend . Bro . J . Tydeman , I . P . M ., proposed and Bro . Bray , shaw , S . W ., seconded , that a vote of thanks be accorded to Bro . Wilson , for the very able manner in which he had performed the ceremony of installation , and , being put to the meeting , it was carried most cordially and unanimously , Bro . Brayshaw , S . W ., gave notice of motion that he should
propose that the lodge do adjourn during certain months of the year , as may be agreed upon at the next meeting . The business of the lodge being over , the brethren adjourned to the banquet room , where an excellent repast awaited them , which reflected the greatest credit to the proprietors of the hotel , the wines , the dessert , and all else being exceedingly good . The toasts were given in the following
order : — " The Queen and the Craft , " " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , G . M . of England , " ' ! The Earl of Carnarvon , Pro G . M ., " " The D . G . M ., Lord Skelmersdale , and the rest of the Grand Officers , " " The Prov . G . M ., Bro . R . J . Bagshaw , " " The D . Prov . G . M . and rest of the Prov . G . Officers , " responded to by Bro . J . W . Carr , Prov . G . Sec , and Bro , Burton , Prov . G . Treasurer , who after thanking the lodge
on behalf of themselves , the Prov . G . M ., D . Prov . G . M ., and other provincial officers , passed some very flattering remarks upon the lodge , both for the excellent working of its officers and the prosperity it appeared to be making for so young a lodge . " The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by the Prov . G . Sec , Bro . J . W . Carr , and responded to by Bro . West , W . M ., in very suitable terms . " The Health
of the newly initiated Brother' was responded to by Bro . Smith . The W . M . next proposed "The Health of the PastMasters , " and said he should couple withit the name of Bro . J . Tydeman , I . P . M ., and in doing so he had a very pleasing duty to perform , which was to present Bro . Tydeman with a very handsome i 8-carat gold Past Master ' s jewel , the gift of the lodge in appreciation of
the excellent manner he had performed his duties as Worshipful Master during the past twelve months , and as a small token of their esteem . He hoped that Bio . Tydeman would live many years to wear it . He felt great pleasure in seeing Bro . Tydeman so well up i " the duties and workings of the ceremonies , especially a 5 he had himself some four or five years ago initiated
him into the mysteries of the Order . For so young Mason Bro . Tydeman had made great success . Bro . Tydeman , I . P . M ., in responding , thanked the brethren for the very kind way in which his health had been proposed , also the officers and brethren for the assistance they had rendered him in carrying out the duties of his office during the past year , but more especially ne
thanked them for the proof of their kindness toward 5 him by presenting him with the handsome jewel now upon his breast ; it was not the intrinsic value of the jewel hecared for half so much as the pleasant recollections >' would bring to his mind whenever he looked upon >•• He should consider it a proof of the kind feeling of tw brethren towards him . If he had done his best for the
lodge it was enough for him to know that his endeavours had met with the approval of his brethren . Th ** was one thing he had learnt during his year of office * which was that the position of Master of a lodge was one of greater responsibility than might at first imagined * , the great thing that was wanted was the cooperation of every member and officer , —each one must te ¦ ¦
in earnest to make it a good lodge ; no member , * especially the officers , should be absent from his wa |_ unless necessity really compelled . He begged of the 0 cers to rally round the new Master they had been 1 tunate in getting , one who had distinguished himself in Craft , and was not wanting in ability . AH that ***(_ quired to make his year a succesful one was the &^ support of all his officers at every meeting . "The riea
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
W . M ' s . and P . M . ' s present ( who numbered no fewer than twenty-five ) . On the re-admission of the brethren , Bro . Jackson , the Worshipful Master , was declared , and saluted in the usual manner , and according to ancient custom . The W . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows : — Bros . R . H . Evans , I . P . M . * , J . McCarthy , S . W . ; Ed .
Dutch , J . W . ; Charles Tyrer , Treas . ; Thomas Large , Sec . ; Thomas Sammons , S . D . ; Robert Price , J . D . ; Robert Leason , I . G . ; John Price , M . C ; Thomas Brown , S . S . ; Charles Phillips , J . S . ; H . Hindle , Org . ; M . Williamson , Tyler . We may mention that Bro . Alpass , Prov . G . Sec , performed the duties of Installing Master in a most impressive manner , and he was ably
assisted by Bro . Robert Wylie , P . P . S . G . D ., who gave the addresses to the officers with that grace and ability which he possesses in so marked a degree . The newly installed W . M . then proceeded to initiate Messrs . McMurphy and Cutler into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry , which he did in a thoroughly efficient manner , and he was well assisted by the newly appointed officers ,
who did their work in a manner which fully sustained the reputation for perfect working which this lodge possesses . After " hearty good wishes " the lodge was closed in due and solemn form by the W . M . The brethren then adjourned to " The Harrington , " Harrington-street , where a most sumptuous banquet was prepared , the caterer being Bro . T . H . Bibby , who provided for the creature comforts
of the brethren in a manner which gave the greatest satisfaction . Bro . H . Jackson , W . M ., presided , supported on the right by the Provincial Grand Officers , and on the left by the Immediate Past Master , Bro . Evans . Grace having been said by Bro . the Rev . J . Rees Jenkins , the W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . In proposing " The Health of Lord Skelmersdale , D . G . M . of
England , and Prov . Grand Master of West Lancashire , " the W . M . said that he was sure that the toast would be most enthusiastically received , as many of the brethren present had had an opportunity of meeting his lordship in either Provincial Grand Lodge , Chapter , or other Masonie gathering , and they must have seen that he took a very great interest in Freemasonry , and he was sure
that all the brethren of the province considered that the Most Worship ful Grand Master had made a wise choice in selecting the Prov . G . M . of this province as the Deputy Grand Master of England . In proposing " The West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institute for the education and advancement in life of the children of deceased Freemasons , " the
W . M . made a strong appeal to the brethren to become subscribing members to this Institution , which he characterized as one of the most deserving Masonic Charitable institutions with which he was acquainted , as it did its work unostentatiously , silently , but effectively , and was productive of more good than any one not acquainted with its nature and character could credit . Bro . H . S . Alpass ,
Prov . G . Secretary , responded , and in a lengthy and most eloquent speech , which was listened to with marked attention by the assembled brethren , reminded them that their duty as Masons did not only consist in attending the lodge meetings and to their various offices in Freemasonry , Tiut also in giving freely and liberally , the utmost they could afford , not only to the local , but also to the London
Masonic charities . In proposing The Healths of the Installing Officers , Bros . H . S . Alpass and Robert Wylie , " the W . M . thanked them , both on his own behalf and on behalf of the lodge , for their kind attendance , and for the admirable manner in which they had performed the ceremony of installation . Bro . Robert Wylie , P . P . G . S . D ., responded in well chosen terms . The Immediate Past The
Master , Bro . R . H . Evans , then proposed " Worshipful Master , Bro . H . Jackson , " and said—We are met here to-day to celebrate a most important event in the annals of the Hamer Lodge . Few standing where I do now , and looking round upon this magnificent gathering , would think it possible that this lodge was only just entering upon the fourth year of its existence , but I feel sure that
during the coming year the same success which has hitherto attended this lodge , will not only continue , but increase , more especially as' the brother who has now the honour of presiding over you is not only the Worshipful Master by your unanimous vote , but he also occupies the position with the good feeling and affection of every member of this lodge , and he also
possesses in a marked degree the necessary qualifications for such an important post , of which many of you are well qualified to judge , having had an opportunity of observing the undeviating care and attention he has paid to the interests of this lodge from its commencement . I am sure that in drinking his health you all sincerely and heartily wish him health and success and happiness during
his year of office . The W . M ., in responding . said : I am very grateful to you , brethren , for having unanimously elected me to the proud position of Worship fulMaster ofthe Hamer Lodge . 1 consider it a very proud position indeed , to be the W . M . of such a lodge as the Hamer , but , at thc same time , I am fully aware of its great responsibility , but I can assure you that it shall be my earnest endeavour on
all occasions , and under all circumstances , during my year of office , to preserve the harmony , promote the prosperity , and sustain the dignity of the Hamer Lodge . I thank you most heartily for the very cordial and hearty manner in which you have received the toast of my health , and 1 trust that at the end of my year you will be able to say of me that I discharged the duties of the chair
faithfully and zealously . I have now the pleasure of proposing The Healths of my Predecessors , Bro . Evans , I . P . M ., and Bros . P . M . ' s May and Jones . " I am sure , brethren , that you will agree with me that the I . P . M . has set me an example that I shall do well to follow in the manner in which he has filled the duties of the chair during the past twelve months , I feel satisfied that he carries with him the respect , esteem , and affection of every member of the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
lodge , and the pleasing duty which now devolves upon me is strong evidence that such is the fact , and that duty is to present you , Bro . Evans , on behalf of the brethren of this lodge , with this magnificent jewel , one of the handsomest and most valuable that any W . M , has ever had the pleasure of placing upon the breast of his predecessor , and I trust , Worshipful Sir , that you may
long be spared to wear it , and that you will always look upon it as a spontaneous and sincere token of the esteem and regard in which you are held by the brethren of the Hamer Lodge . ( The jewel is of very beautiful design , and is set with five diamonds of unusual size and brilliancy ) . The W . M . next proposed " The Officers , " complimenting them highly upon the manner in which they had that day
performed their duties . Bro . McCarthy , S . W ., in responding assured the W . M . that the officers would , if possible , during the coming year , improve upon the past . Bro . Dutch , J . W ., responded in similar terms . The W . M . next proposed " The Visitors , " calling upon the P . M . of the oldest , and the W . M . of the youngest lodge , present to respond . Bro . Jones , P . M . 216 , and Bro . H . Nelson , W . M .
1505 responded , and both paid a high compliment to the lodge for efficiency and hospitality . After the healths of the "New Initiates" had been duly proposed and responded to , the Tyler ' s toast brought a most delightful day to a conclusion . During the evening the proceedings were enlivened by the recitations and songs of Bros . J . C . Cowper , Sinclair , Nicholas Jones , Veale , Roberts , Thomas
and others . The day throughout was a complete success , and the brethren separated , all of them expressing the opinion that they had never attended a more perfectly managed or enjoyable Masonic meeting . BURY . —EGERTON LODGE ( NO . 1392 ) . —At the meeting of this lodge , held at the Stanley Arms , on Wednesday evening , June 23 rd , there were present Bros . R .
Pilkington , W . M : ; William Brown , S . W . ; Joseph Metcalf , J . W . ; William Burgess , S . D . ; William Hutchinson , J . D . -. JThomas Shaw , I . G . ; George Brown , Tyler ; William Shaw , Treasurer ; Joseph Barlow , Secretary and P . M . ; J . W . Crossley , P . M . ; Visitor , S . J . Randall Fletcher , P . M . 191 ; and about 17 other brethren . Mr . John Agar , who had been unanimously balloted for at the
previous meeting , but was not then able to attend , was initiated into the secrets of Masonry by the W . M ., the charge being given by Bro . Thos . Shaw . The lodge was afterwards opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . Fred . Wilkinson was crafted by the W . M . There were two propositions for initiation . An excellent supper was partaken of by 28 brethren after the closing down , and a very jovial
time was passed . Considering the amount of work in hand it is almost certain that the lodge will this year dispense with its summer vacation ; in Jfact the present meeting was one over and above those specified in the calendar . At the various lodges in town there is a fair amount of work on the agenda papers , and a feeling seems to be growing that a vacation is not desirable in the face of so much
business . This course has been adopted by No . 42 , and possibly No . 1012 may follow suit . Certainly the fact speaks well for the progress which is being made in Bury . Bro . E . Simpkin , Secretary of Lodge of Relief , No . 42 , issued circulars to the brethren , on the 25 th June , intimating that at a meeting of Lodge 42 , on June 17 th , it was resolved that a monument be erected over the grave of
Bro . J . S . Redfern , P . M . 42 , and P . Prov . G . P ., East Lancashire , " to commemorate the long and valuable services rendered by him to the brethren of this district . " The W . M . ( Bro . E . Eccles ) , Wardens , and P . M . ' s . were appointed a committee to carry out this resolution , and they knowing how highly Bro . Redfern ' s services have been appreciated , trust that this mention of them will secure a
hearty and generous response to the solicitation for a subscription towards this desirable obiect . HAMPTON COURT . —CAMPBELL LODGE ( No . 1415 ) . —The installation meeting was held at the Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court , on Wednesday , June 23 rd . Present—Bros . Dr . E . Kimber , W . M . ; D . M . Dewar , S . W . and W . M . elect ; T . Keene , J . W . ; T . Cubitt , P . M ., P . G . Purst .,
Treas . ; H . C . Levander , P . M ., Sec . ; T . Levander , J . D . and other brethren . Bros . Rountree , Jones , and Whittaker were passed , and Bro . Summers was raised . Bro . Dewar was then installed W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being performed by our veteran Bro . F . Binckes . The W . M . appointed his officers : T . Keene , S . W . ; A . J Codner , P . M ., P . Prov . Reg . Middlesex , J . W . ; J . Levander ,
S . D . ; Cole , J . D . ; Johnson , I . G . ; T . Cubitt , Treas . ; H . C . Levander , Sec . A Past Master ' s jewel was voted to the I . P . M . The usual excellent banquet followed , and the brethren separated at an early hour . ROMFORD . —LIBERTY OF HAVERING LODGE ( NO 1437 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their annual meeting on Wednesday , the 23 rd ult ., at the White Hart Hotel ,
Romford , the principal part of the business being the installation of the Worshipful Master elect for the ensuing year . There was , however , plenty of other business before the lodge , viz .: balloting for joining members , the initiation of one gentleman into the mysteries of the Order , and advancing three brothers to the Third Degree . There was a large number of brethren present , amongst whom we
noticed Bros . Joseph Tydeman , Worshipful Master ; Edward West , S . W . and W . M . elect ; John Josiah Wilson , I . P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . D ., Middlesex , W . M . 25 , Prov . G . J . W ., Essex , & c ; Brayshaw , J . W . ; T . F . Bishop , Treas , ; J . Ellis , Secretary ; T . G . Day , S . D ., G . W . Patmore , J . D . ; A . W . Naylor , I . G . ; J . Gamett , W . S . ; A . Knox , P . M . ; A . Harvey ; G . English , P . M . ; W . Cobb , J . Wotton , J
Taylor , T . Osgathorp , Crozier , T . Hill , Beeson , W . Dilley , Playl , Early , Whisker , F . Smith , & c . ; also the following visitors : Bros . J . W . Carr , Prov . G . Sec , Essex ; Burton , Prov . G . T ., Essex ; Rev . Thomas Cochrane , P . Prov . G . Chaplain , Oxon , P . M . Westminster and Keystone No . 10 ; Robertson , W . M . St . John ' s Lodge , ( No . 1343 ); W . Sackett , Secretary ( No . 1343 ); Rielly , J . W . ( 1327 ); Malcolm , Secretary , ( No . ' 1327 ); E . Price ( No . 1327 ); A . Manning ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Henley Lodge ( No . 1472 ); J . Ives , Henley Lodge ( No 1472 ) ; A . Bartlett , St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 1343 ); \ y Bradstock ( No . 1327 ); Nicholls , P . M . St . John's Lodge ( No . 1343 ); John Payne Cornwallis ( No . 1107 ); F . T Edgington , W . M . ( No . 1321 ) ; J . Mailer , W . M . High Cross Lodge ( No . | 754 );; c . W . Ashdown , P . M . and Secretary ( No . 1427 ); James Linzell , W . M . ( No . 1237 ); James
Knight ( No . 1327 ); J . Church ( No . 1327 ); and others . The lodge having been opened and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bro . Manning , of the Henley Lodge ( No . 1472 ) , as joining member , and for Mr . Frank Smith for initiation , and proved unanimous in their favour in each case . The lodge was next opened in the Second Degree , when Bros .
Whiskers , Early , and Playl being candidates for the sublime degree were questioned , entrusted , and retired , and the lodge being opened in the Third Degree they were re-admitted in due form and raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The lodge having been resumed to the First Degree , Mr . Frank Smith was initiated into the mysteries of the Order . Bro . Tydeman , the W . M ., having performed the
ceremonies of raising and initiation in a very impressive manner , now vacated the chair for the Junior Grand Warden of Essex , Worshipful Bro . J . J . Wilson , P . M ., & c , who was present for the purpose of installing the W . M . elect for the ensuing year . The lodge having been opened in the Second Degree , Bro . F . West , S . W ., was presented to the Installing Master , to receive at his
hands the benefit of installation . The ceremony was most ably performed in the presence of a full board of Installed Masters—being another proof of the excellent abilities possessed by Bro . H . Wilson for Masonic duties , whose worth as a Mason is not only esteemed in Essex , Middlesex , Hertfordshire , and London ,- but also throughout the lodges of the Channel Islands , of which district he is
also a Past Grand Officer . The W . M . having been saluted in the three degrees , proceeded to appoint and invest his officers in the following order : —Bros . J . Tydeman , I . P . M . ; B . Brayshaw , S . W . ; T . G . Day , J . W . ; T . F . Bishop , Treas . ; J . W . Ellis , Sec ; G . W . Patmore , S . D . ; Naylor , J . D . ; A . Knox , D . C ; Alfred Harvey , I . G . ; J . Gamett , W . S . ; W . Steedman , Tyler . Several letters
were received expressive of regret from brethren unable to attend . Bro . J . Tydeman , I . P . M ., proposed and Bro . Bray , shaw , S . W ., seconded , that a vote of thanks be accorded to Bro . Wilson , for the very able manner in which he had performed the ceremony of installation , and , being put to the meeting , it was carried most cordially and unanimously , Bro . Brayshaw , S . W ., gave notice of motion that he should
propose that the lodge do adjourn during certain months of the year , as may be agreed upon at the next meeting . The business of the lodge being over , the brethren adjourned to the banquet room , where an excellent repast awaited them , which reflected the greatest credit to the proprietors of the hotel , the wines , the dessert , and all else being exceedingly good . The toasts were given in the following
order : — " The Queen and the Craft , " " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , G . M . of England , " ' ! The Earl of Carnarvon , Pro G . M ., " " The D . G . M ., Lord Skelmersdale , and the rest of the Grand Officers , " " The Prov . G . M ., Bro . R . J . Bagshaw , " " The D . Prov . G . M . and rest of the Prov . G . Officers , " responded to by Bro . J . W . Carr , Prov . G . Sec , and Bro , Burton , Prov . G . Treasurer , who after thanking the lodge
on behalf of themselves , the Prov . G . M ., D . Prov . G . M ., and other provincial officers , passed some very flattering remarks upon the lodge , both for the excellent working of its officers and the prosperity it appeared to be making for so young a lodge . " The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by the Prov . G . Sec , Bro . J . W . Carr , and responded to by Bro . West , W . M ., in very suitable terms . " The Health
of the newly initiated Brother' was responded to by Bro . Smith . The W . M . next proposed "The Health of the PastMasters , " and said he should couple withit the name of Bro . J . Tydeman , I . P . M ., and in doing so he had a very pleasing duty to perform , which was to present Bro . Tydeman with a very handsome i 8-carat gold Past Master ' s jewel , the gift of the lodge in appreciation of
the excellent manner he had performed his duties as Worshipful Master during the past twelve months , and as a small token of their esteem . He hoped that Bio . Tydeman would live many years to wear it . He felt great pleasure in seeing Bro . Tydeman so well up i " the duties and workings of the ceremonies , especially a 5 he had himself some four or five years ago initiated
him into the mysteries of the Order . For so young Mason Bro . Tydeman had made great success . Bro . Tydeman , I . P . M ., in responding , thanked the brethren for the very kind way in which his health had been proposed , also the officers and brethren for the assistance they had rendered him in carrying out the duties of his office during the past year , but more especially ne
thanked them for the proof of their kindness toward 5 him by presenting him with the handsome jewel now upon his breast ; it was not the intrinsic value of the jewel hecared for half so much as the pleasant recollections >' would bring to his mind whenever he looked upon >•• He should consider it a proof of the kind feeling of tw brethren towards him . If he had done his best for the
lodge it was enough for him to know that his endeavours had met with the approval of his brethren . Th ** was one thing he had learnt during his year of office * which was that the position of Master of a lodge was one of greater responsibility than might at first imagined * , the great thing that was wanted was the cooperation of every member and officer , —each one must te ¦ ¦
in earnest to make it a good lodge ; no member , * especially the officers , should be absent from his wa |_ unless necessity really compelled . He begged of the 0 cers to rally round the new Master they had been 1 tunate in getting , one who had distinguished himself in Craft , and was not wanting in ability . AH that ***(_ quired to make his year a succesful one was the &^ support of all his officers at every meeting . "The riea