Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 5 of 5 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 5 of 5 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
of thc Visitors " was responded to by Bro . Linzett , P . Prov . G . D . C . Middlesex ; he said that the hospitable way in which visitors were 'always treated at this lodge must make it a pleasure to all ( as it did with himself ) to attend their meetings . The Officers , responded to by Bro . Naylor , J . D ., and Bro . Ellis , Secretary ; after which the Tyler ' s toast brought a most enjoyable meeting to a close . The evening was enlivened by some excellent singing .
MOLD . —SIR WATKIN LODGE ( NO . 1477 ) . —On Monday , the 21 st June , Bro . Horatio Lloyd , P . M ., P . S . G . W . of Cheshire , County Court Judge for North Wales , and Recorder of Chester , was installed W . M . of the Sir Watkin Lodge , No . 1477 , at Mold , North Wales . In consequence of the general respect and esteem in . which Judge Lloyd is held , a dispensation had been obtained for holding the
lodge in a large room in the Market Hall , where a larger number of members and visitors could be accommodated . Since the present W . M . has been appointed County Court Judge for the principality , he had taken up his residence near Mold . The Sir Watkin Lodge has only been established about a year and a half , during which time Bro . [ . Salmon , P . S . G . B ., North Wales , and P . G . S . D ., Cheshire ,
has been the W . M . Upon this occasion the retiring officers of the lodge were Bros . J . Corbctt , J . W . ; S . Bcresford , Sec . ; Rev . — Edwards , Chaplain ; Algernon Potts , S . D . ; J . Williams , J . D ., P . G ., Org . ; J . D . Birch , I . G . There was an excellent attendance of members of the lodge and of visiting brethren . Among the latter were Bros . A . F . Watts , P . M ., Abergele ; W . Johnson , W . M . 721 , Chester ;
Robert Jones , 241 , Merchants' Lodge , Liverpool ; T . LI . Williams , 597 , Holyhead ; W . Johnson , 149 ; A . H . Reid , P . M ., and G . Bradley , 1 33 6 , Wrexham ; R . f . Sissons , W . M ., P . G . S . 1143 , Denbigh ; . E . B . Smith , W . M . 1432 , Oswestry ; J . O . Robinson , W . M . ; J . M'Hattie , S . W . ; T . Wood , P . M . ; S . Spencer , P . G . S . 425 , Chester . Thc ceremony of installation was performed by Bro . Salmen , the
retiring W . M ., in an exceedingly appropriate and solemn manner , the W . M . elect being presented by Bro . Dr . Spratley . The newly installed W . M . then appointed as his officers J . Corbett , S . W . ; A . Potts , J . W . ; | . Williams , S . D . ; J . D . Birch , J . D . ; and — Rowlands , I . G . The Secretary , Organist , and Chaplain were reappointed . At the conclusion of the ceremony , the W . M . presented
P . M . Bro . J . Salmon with a handsome and valuable Past Master ' s jewel , accompanying it with an expression of thanks to him , on thc part of the lodge , as one of its founders and chief workers . The brethren retired for refreshment to the Star Hotel , where an excellent banquet was served . The W . M . presided . " The Queen , and the Craft , and the rest of the Royal Family , " was duly
honoured . The W . M . proposed " His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . ; the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro G . M . ; Lord Skelmersdale , R . W . D . G . M ., and the rest of the Officers of Grand Lodge present and pust . " " The Health of Sir W . W . Wynn , M . P ., R . W . P . G . M ., and the rest of the Officers of the P . G . Lodge" was duly honoured , and was responded to by Bro . Sissons . "The W . M .
and Officers of the Sir Watkin Lodge , " and " The Immediate P . M . and Installing Masters " were responded to by Bros . H . Lloyd and Salmon . Other toasts followed . On Tuesday a large party of ladies and gentlemen—the latter being members of Masonic lodges in North Wales , Shropshire , and Cheshire , but principally belonging to thc Sir Watkin Lodge , Mold—visited Wynnstay Hall , the seat
of Brother Sir W . W . Wynn , M . P ., R . W . P . G . M . By the kindness of the worthy baronet , the apartments were thrown open to thc visitors , and the inspection ofjthe paintings , sculptures , tapestry , & c ., afforded a fine treat to thc excursionists . A banquet was served in the park , near the gate leading to the village . Afterwards , Bro . Edwards , Chaplain , presented Bro . Salmon , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., in the
name of the Sir Watkin Lodge , with a valuable gold chronometer watch and a lady's gold chain and locket . In doing so , the reverend brother said that Bro . Salmon had been everything to that lodge while it had existed , and had conducted its ceremonies in a manner second to none in thc province . ( Loud applause . ) Bro . Salmon , in acknowledging the gift , said he had but done his duty ;
» nd he would have experienced great difficulty in getting through the work had it not been for the services of a younger but more able Mason than himself—he alluded to Bro . J . Worrall , P . M ., P . Z ., P . G . S . B . He had great pleasure in presenting Bro . Worrall , in the name of thc lodge , with a handsome tea and coffee service . ( Loud
applause . ) Bro . Worrall , in thanking the lodge for the presentation , congratulated it on having so distinguished a Mason and so respected a judge as Bro . Horatio Lloyd for their W . M . The party afterwards visited the various localities of the park and neighbourhood , returning to tea in the evening , and leaving at a comparatively early hour .
CHISLEHURST . —CHISLBHURST LODGE ( NO . 1531 ) . —Thc first regular meeting of this well-established lodge took place at the Bull Hotel , Chislehurst , on Saturday , June 26 th . There were present Bros . J . Coutts , P . G . P ., P . M ., W . M . ; G . F . Guest , S . W . ; W . Kipps . J . W . ; F . "alters , P . G . P ., Middlesex , P . M ., Treasurer ; J . Griffin , P . M ., Secretary ; H . Gloster , S . D . ; J . Mason , J . D . ; W .
Hardman , I . G . ; J . Fox , W . S . ; J . J . Hutchings , M . C . ; k . Abbott , P . M . ; and others . Thc visitors were Bros . Reed , J . W . 13 ; E . Mallett , S . D . 141 , 1326 , & c . The Wmutes were read and unanimously confirmed . Thc - "allots , taken separately , wero unanimous in favour of the Amission of Bros . G . Abbott , P . M . 192 ; J . Mason . . ' 423 ; J . J . Hutchings , 147 ; and J . Fox 127 sas
, , ! ° " * " * £ members , who were all present and joined the jodge . The ballots , separately taken , were unanimous in ' »» our of thc admission of Messrs . E . Kipps , H . L . Wain Inline host ) , J . R . Hooker , and R . F . Lucky , to become <* 'ididates for initiation into Freemasonry and members of » e lod ge . Each candidate for initiation into Freemasonry " »* introduced separately , and the . whole four named
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
were most impressively initiated into the mysteries and privileges of the ancient Order . The ceremony was ably done and beautifully rendered . The W . M ., Bro . J . Coutts , was warmly congratulated by every P . M . and his officers for the superior manner in which he had done all the work . The bye-laws were unanimously agreed to as submitted to the lodge . A distinguished nobleman
connected with the province was unanimously elected an honorary member , subject to his accepting the same . Bro . W . Kipps , J . W ., made an earnest appeal to the brethren to help his list as their Steward for the Boys' School . Onethird of those eligible agreed to attend at the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent , to be held at Gravesend . Some propositions for joining members were made , and several
names of gentlemen handed in who were anxious to be initiated . The usual routine business followed . The lodge was closed . A sumptuous and superior banquet followed . It reflected very great credit on Bro . H . L . Wain for the admirable manner in which he served it . Very good wines and excellent viands were all enjoyed and done ample justice to . After some hours most
agreeably spent the non-residents returned to town . This lodge has commenced -. veil , and is likely to prove a great success . The furniture , now completed , and supplied by Bro . George Kenning , was greatly admired , and has given satisfaction to the lodge . It harmonizes well with the room . The new Tracing Boards were models in themselves of the artist ' s talent , which had been pourtrayed on them . Every article gave universal satisfaction .
INSTRUCTION . UNITED PILGRIMS' LODGE ( 507 ) . —This flourishing lodge held its first meeting at the Surrey Masonic Hall on Friday , the 2 nd July . Bro . Preceptor Larlham most ably presided as W . M ., assisted by Bro . Assistant Preceptor Poore , S . W . ; Field , J . W . * , Harvey , S . D . * , Wallis , J . D . ; Bentley , I . G . ; and Francis , Sec . pro tern . The
Fifteen Sections were admirably worked in the following order : —First Lecture : Bros . Field , Wallis , Poore , Francis , Coc , Poore , and Geider . Second Lecture : Bros . Stevens , Harvey , Cass , Larlham , and Allan . Third Lecture : Bros . Poore , Nokc , and Watts . At the conclusion of the working Bro . Noke proposed , which was seconded by Bro . Worthington and carried unanimously , " That a vote
of thanks be recorded on the minutes for the very able manner in which the duties of W . M . had been carried out by Bro . Larlham on this occasion . " The W . M . then returned thanks for thc honour awarded him . Bro . Poore was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week . It is with pleasure we mention that this was the largest
meeting since 1871 , there being no less than forty-nmc brethren present , and great praise is due to the presiding officers and brethren who assisted them for the efficient manner in which the work was performed . This lodge meets every Friday at thc Surrey Masonic Hall , and deserves to be well supported .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
CARLISLE . —UNION CHAPTER ( 310 ) . —Thc annual convocation of this chapter was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , Castle-street . Thc chapter was opened in solemn form by Comp . Jesse Banning , P . Z ., as Z . ; Comp . F . W . Hay ward , H . ; and Comp . Court , J . ; and after the minutes of the previous convocation had been read and confirmed , Comp . Jesse Banning , P . Z ., and Prov .
G . P . Soj . W . Lancashire , then proceeded to install Comp . F . W . I layward , P . Z ., as Z . ; Comp . W . Court as H . ; and Comp . William Pratchett as J ; the following companions being invested with their respective collars : — Comps . Murchie , S . E . ; Noakes , S . N . ; Whcatley , P . S . ; Blacklock , Treasurer ; Mason , First Assistant S . ; John Murray , Second Assistant S . ; Barnes being elected Janitor . The following propositions were made and duly
seconded : —That Captain Maxwell , of Durran Hill , be admitted as a joining companion , and S . G . Saul , Esc ) ., as a candidate for exaltation . After hearty good wishes being tendered by several visiting companions , the chapter was duly and solemnly closed in ancient form . The companions then retired to refreshment , and a very agreeable evening under the presidency of M . E . Comp . Jesse Banning was spent .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . J ( NO . 3 !) . —An emergency meeting of this popular and flourishing lodge was held in their lodge-room , situated at 213 , Buchananstreet , on the 29 th inst ., the object being to raise Bro . Robert Boyle to thc degree of Master Mason . He had for some time back been quite prepared for this degree , and having received a sudden call to proceed to Australia , it
was resolved that he should be completed in Masonry before he left this country , this meeting being called for the purpose . Ainoug those pre * ent were Bros . Bell , R . W . M . ; D . M . Wilson , D . M . * , T . Fletcher , P . M . ; Duthie , 219 ; D . French , 441 ; R . Trainer , 447 ; G . B , Adams , 360 ; and other well qualified brethren . The Sublime Degree was given by Bro . Duthie , 219 , and the lodge closed in all
ancient solemnity . GLASGOW . —LODGE UNION AND CROWN ( No . 103 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge took place on the 28 th ult ., in the Masonic Hall , 170 , Buchanan-street . There was a very large assembly of the members , and a more
than usual attendance of visiting brethren . The R . W . M ., A . M . Wright , with thc assistance of his Wardens , W . Thomson , S . W ., R . Munro , J . W ., opened the lodge . The following , among other brethren , were present * . —J . Bain , P . M . ; J . Gillies , P . M . and Sec ; G . Muir , D . M . ; N . Cameron , Treas . ; W . Anderson , S . D . ; Pollok , J . D . ; S .
Cullen , Chaplain ; D . D . Lamplouch and Wm . Hec , 792 , E . C . ; J . Mclnnes , Sec . 333 ; B . Smart , Treas . 219 ; W . Phills , R . W . M . 55 6 ; John Mclnnes , S . W . 408 ; Alex . James , S . D . 437 ; R . M . Culloch , 114 ; J . Stewart , 360 ; W . Bisland , J . W . 408 ; D . Mitchell , Sec . 408 ; E . D . Parr , 208 ; N . York , and others . The Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting , which were confirmed , when the
cases of two brothers requiring relief were considered , and both were granted the necessary assistance ; when Bro . Gillies , P . M . and Sec , brought forward his motion ( notice of which had previously been given ) . The motion was to raise the initiation fees , which were considered too low at present . Bro . N . Cameron seconded the motion . An amendment by Bro . Wm . Forsyth , seconded by Bro . D .
McGcchy , which proposed to go still a little hi gher than Bro . Gillies ' s motion went , found favour with Bros . Gillies and Cameron , who withdrew their motion , Bro . Forsyth ' s amendment becoming the motion . Bro . Geo . Muir , D . M ., then moved , as an amendment , that the fees should not be raised so much as either Bro . Gillies or Bro . Forsyth proposed . This found a seconder in Bro . Anderson , which
brought out a most lively , amusing , and indeed , thoughtful and instructive conversation , the result of which was that Bro . Forsyth's motion was carried , no one voting for Bro . Muir ' s amendment but himself and seconder , thc affiliation fees remaining as at present . Applications were then laid before the lodge from two gentlemen aspiring to the honours of Freemasonry , Adam Burton and Joseph
Ferguson , also an application from Lodge Clyde , 408 , and one from Lodge Star , 219 , asking Lodge Union and Crown to favour them by initiating two gentlemen for their respective lodges , Allan Martin for Lodge Clyde ; Jas . Young for Lodge Star . The four gentlemen being approved of , were prepared , and received the First Degree , Bro . A . M . Wright , R . W . M ., officiating . The lodge was then passed
to the Fellow Craft Degree , when Bros . Jonathan Black and Robert Tarbet passed an examination in the First Degree , which being most satisfactory , they were passed into the Fellow Craft Degree , the R . W . M . again officiating . Bro . Morgan , R . W . M . of Star Lodge , 219 , thanked the Union and Crown Lodge on behalf of the Star , 219 , and Clyde , 408 , for their kind offices in initiating the two
brethren for them . Bro . Gillies said he hoped that the visiting brethren from England , who had honoured them with a visit that night , were satisfied , Bro . Lamplouch , No . 792 , replying that they were very much pleased , and would be glad to see at any time some Scotch brothers with them . The lodge was then closed in due and ancient form . RUTHERGLEN . —LODGE ROYAL AUCH ( No . 116 )
met in their hall , Rutherglen , on the 2 nd inst This was the regular meeting of the lodge , but little business was gone into . The R . W . M . took the chair , assisted by Bro . R . Scott , S . W . ; James Scott , J . W ., and other officebearers , with a number of competent brethren . The lodge being opened , the Secretary read the previous meeting ' s minutes , which were confirmed . The R . W . M . then
intimated that an invitation had been sent from Pollockshaws Lodge ( No . 153 ) for a deputation to attend with them on the 9 th inst ., to take part in the consecration of their new lodge , which will be performed by Col . Campbell , of Blythswood , P . G . M . of Renfrew East , and officebearers of the P . G . L . This closed the business of the evening , and the lodge was closed in due form .
MAYBOLE . —LODGE ROYAL ARCH ( No . 198 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on the 23 rd ult . in their Hall , Maybole . Bro . John Hamilton , R . W . M ., in the chair , assisted by the Wardens , Bros . J . McReath , S . W . ; Robert Redmond , J . W ., and in the presence of a good number of well-qualified brethren the lodge was duly opened . Thc Secretary , Bro . W . Rennick , then read the
minutes of the previous meeting , which were approved and affirmed . A letter was read from Bro . Andrew McRechin , San Francisco , which was much appreciated b y the brethren present . Mr . Hugh Bickerstaff was then proposed by Bro . Rennick , seconded by Bro . W . Allan , J . D ., as a fit and proper candidate to become a member of this lodge . This being unanimously affirmed by the
brethren present , he was properly prepared , and received the first light of Masonry . The lodge was then passed to the F . C Degree , when the brother received that , the R . W . M . officiating in both degrees with marked care . There being no further business , thc lodge was closed in due and ancient form . RENFREW . —LODGE PAISLEY , COUNTY KILWINNING
( No . 370 ) , met in their hall , High-street , Paisley , on the 1 st inst . The R . W . M ., Bro . James Anderson , took his place in the chair ; Jas . Goldie , S . W . ; Robt . Brown , acting J . W ., and other office-bearers , and a number of wellqualified brethren . The Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting , which were confirmed . An application from Mr . Charles Galbraith for initiation into Freemasonry
was laid before the lodge ; he was approved of and prepared for the First Degree , which was given in full style by thc R . W . M . There being no further business , thc lodge was closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —LODGE STAR ( No . 219 ) . —A special meeting of this lodge was held in their Hall , 12 , Trongate , on the 30 th ult . Among those present were J . M . Morgan ,
R . W . M . ; John Graith , S . W . ; Jas . Horn , J . W . ; B . Smart , Treas . ; J . Campbell , R . W . M . 128 , St . John , Shettleton ; W . Campbell , 128 ; John Stewart , 360 ; G . B . Adams , 360 ; A . M . Cullen , 117 , & c . The lodge was opened , when an application was read from Mr . George Lyall , who was recommended to the lodge by Bros . J . Pearson and J . Lyall . All being satisfactory , he was
prepared , and received the degree , the R . W . M . officiating in admirable style . The lodge was then raised to the F . C . Degree , when two brothers were passed into the F . C , the R . W . M . again acting , when the lodge was opened in the Sublime Degree , and two brothers were completed by receiving the sublime degree of M . M ., Bro . J . Campbell , R . W . M . of 128 , officiating . The lodge was then cloted in due and ancient form .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
of thc Visitors " was responded to by Bro . Linzett , P . Prov . G . D . C . Middlesex ; he said that the hospitable way in which visitors were 'always treated at this lodge must make it a pleasure to all ( as it did with himself ) to attend their meetings . The Officers , responded to by Bro . Naylor , J . D ., and Bro . Ellis , Secretary ; after which the Tyler ' s toast brought a most enjoyable meeting to a close . The evening was enlivened by some excellent singing .
MOLD . —SIR WATKIN LODGE ( NO . 1477 ) . —On Monday , the 21 st June , Bro . Horatio Lloyd , P . M ., P . S . G . W . of Cheshire , County Court Judge for North Wales , and Recorder of Chester , was installed W . M . of the Sir Watkin Lodge , No . 1477 , at Mold , North Wales . In consequence of the general respect and esteem in . which Judge Lloyd is held , a dispensation had been obtained for holding the
lodge in a large room in the Market Hall , where a larger number of members and visitors could be accommodated . Since the present W . M . has been appointed County Court Judge for the principality , he had taken up his residence near Mold . The Sir Watkin Lodge has only been established about a year and a half , during which time Bro . [ . Salmon , P . S . G . B ., North Wales , and P . G . S . D ., Cheshire ,
has been the W . M . Upon this occasion the retiring officers of the lodge were Bros . J . Corbctt , J . W . ; S . Bcresford , Sec . ; Rev . — Edwards , Chaplain ; Algernon Potts , S . D . ; J . Williams , J . D ., P . G ., Org . ; J . D . Birch , I . G . There was an excellent attendance of members of the lodge and of visiting brethren . Among the latter were Bros . A . F . Watts , P . M ., Abergele ; W . Johnson , W . M . 721 , Chester ;
Robert Jones , 241 , Merchants' Lodge , Liverpool ; T . LI . Williams , 597 , Holyhead ; W . Johnson , 149 ; A . H . Reid , P . M ., and G . Bradley , 1 33 6 , Wrexham ; R . f . Sissons , W . M ., P . G . S . 1143 , Denbigh ; . E . B . Smith , W . M . 1432 , Oswestry ; J . O . Robinson , W . M . ; J . M'Hattie , S . W . ; T . Wood , P . M . ; S . Spencer , P . G . S . 425 , Chester . Thc ceremony of installation was performed by Bro . Salmen , the
retiring W . M ., in an exceedingly appropriate and solemn manner , the W . M . elect being presented by Bro . Dr . Spratley . The newly installed W . M . then appointed as his officers J . Corbett , S . W . ; A . Potts , J . W . ; | . Williams , S . D . ; J . D . Birch , J . D . ; and — Rowlands , I . G . The Secretary , Organist , and Chaplain were reappointed . At the conclusion of the ceremony , the W . M . presented
P . M . Bro . J . Salmon with a handsome and valuable Past Master ' s jewel , accompanying it with an expression of thanks to him , on thc part of the lodge , as one of its founders and chief workers . The brethren retired for refreshment to the Star Hotel , where an excellent banquet was served . The W . M . presided . " The Queen , and the Craft , and the rest of the Royal Family , " was duly
honoured . The W . M . proposed " His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . ; the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro G . M . ; Lord Skelmersdale , R . W . D . G . M ., and the rest of the Officers of Grand Lodge present and pust . " " The Health of Sir W . W . Wynn , M . P ., R . W . P . G . M ., and the rest of the Officers of the P . G . Lodge" was duly honoured , and was responded to by Bro . Sissons . "The W . M .
and Officers of the Sir Watkin Lodge , " and " The Immediate P . M . and Installing Masters " were responded to by Bros . H . Lloyd and Salmon . Other toasts followed . On Tuesday a large party of ladies and gentlemen—the latter being members of Masonic lodges in North Wales , Shropshire , and Cheshire , but principally belonging to thc Sir Watkin Lodge , Mold—visited Wynnstay Hall , the seat
of Brother Sir W . W . Wynn , M . P ., R . W . P . G . M . By the kindness of the worthy baronet , the apartments were thrown open to thc visitors , and the inspection ofjthe paintings , sculptures , tapestry , & c ., afforded a fine treat to thc excursionists . A banquet was served in the park , near the gate leading to the village . Afterwards , Bro . Edwards , Chaplain , presented Bro . Salmon , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., in the
name of the Sir Watkin Lodge , with a valuable gold chronometer watch and a lady's gold chain and locket . In doing so , the reverend brother said that Bro . Salmon had been everything to that lodge while it had existed , and had conducted its ceremonies in a manner second to none in thc province . ( Loud applause . ) Bro . Salmon , in acknowledging the gift , said he had but done his duty ;
» nd he would have experienced great difficulty in getting through the work had it not been for the services of a younger but more able Mason than himself—he alluded to Bro . J . Worrall , P . M ., P . Z ., P . G . S . B . He had great pleasure in presenting Bro . Worrall , in the name of thc lodge , with a handsome tea and coffee service . ( Loud
applause . ) Bro . Worrall , in thanking the lodge for the presentation , congratulated it on having so distinguished a Mason and so respected a judge as Bro . Horatio Lloyd for their W . M . The party afterwards visited the various localities of the park and neighbourhood , returning to tea in the evening , and leaving at a comparatively early hour .
CHISLEHURST . —CHISLBHURST LODGE ( NO . 1531 ) . —Thc first regular meeting of this well-established lodge took place at the Bull Hotel , Chislehurst , on Saturday , June 26 th . There were present Bros . J . Coutts , P . G . P ., P . M ., W . M . ; G . F . Guest , S . W . ; W . Kipps . J . W . ; F . "alters , P . G . P ., Middlesex , P . M ., Treasurer ; J . Griffin , P . M ., Secretary ; H . Gloster , S . D . ; J . Mason , J . D . ; W .
Hardman , I . G . ; J . Fox , W . S . ; J . J . Hutchings , M . C . ; k . Abbott , P . M . ; and others . Thc visitors were Bros . Reed , J . W . 13 ; E . Mallett , S . D . 141 , 1326 , & c . The Wmutes were read and unanimously confirmed . Thc - "allots , taken separately , wero unanimous in favour of the Amission of Bros . G . Abbott , P . M . 192 ; J . Mason . . ' 423 ; J . J . Hutchings , 147 ; and J . Fox 127 sas
, , ! ° " * " * £ members , who were all present and joined the jodge . The ballots , separately taken , were unanimous in ' »» our of thc admission of Messrs . E . Kipps , H . L . Wain Inline host ) , J . R . Hooker , and R . F . Lucky , to become <* 'ididates for initiation into Freemasonry and members of » e lod ge . Each candidate for initiation into Freemasonry " »* introduced separately , and the . whole four named
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
were most impressively initiated into the mysteries and privileges of the ancient Order . The ceremony was ably done and beautifully rendered . The W . M ., Bro . J . Coutts , was warmly congratulated by every P . M . and his officers for the superior manner in which he had done all the work . The bye-laws were unanimously agreed to as submitted to the lodge . A distinguished nobleman
connected with the province was unanimously elected an honorary member , subject to his accepting the same . Bro . W . Kipps , J . W ., made an earnest appeal to the brethren to help his list as their Steward for the Boys' School . Onethird of those eligible agreed to attend at the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent , to be held at Gravesend . Some propositions for joining members were made , and several
names of gentlemen handed in who were anxious to be initiated . The usual routine business followed . The lodge was closed . A sumptuous and superior banquet followed . It reflected very great credit on Bro . H . L . Wain for the admirable manner in which he served it . Very good wines and excellent viands were all enjoyed and done ample justice to . After some hours most
agreeably spent the non-residents returned to town . This lodge has commenced -. veil , and is likely to prove a great success . The furniture , now completed , and supplied by Bro . George Kenning , was greatly admired , and has given satisfaction to the lodge . It harmonizes well with the room . The new Tracing Boards were models in themselves of the artist ' s talent , which had been pourtrayed on them . Every article gave universal satisfaction .
INSTRUCTION . UNITED PILGRIMS' LODGE ( 507 ) . —This flourishing lodge held its first meeting at the Surrey Masonic Hall on Friday , the 2 nd July . Bro . Preceptor Larlham most ably presided as W . M ., assisted by Bro . Assistant Preceptor Poore , S . W . ; Field , J . W . * , Harvey , S . D . * , Wallis , J . D . ; Bentley , I . G . ; and Francis , Sec . pro tern . The
Fifteen Sections were admirably worked in the following order : —First Lecture : Bros . Field , Wallis , Poore , Francis , Coc , Poore , and Geider . Second Lecture : Bros . Stevens , Harvey , Cass , Larlham , and Allan . Third Lecture : Bros . Poore , Nokc , and Watts . At the conclusion of the working Bro . Noke proposed , which was seconded by Bro . Worthington and carried unanimously , " That a vote
of thanks be recorded on the minutes for the very able manner in which the duties of W . M . had been carried out by Bro . Larlham on this occasion . " The W . M . then returned thanks for thc honour awarded him . Bro . Poore was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week . It is with pleasure we mention that this was the largest
meeting since 1871 , there being no less than forty-nmc brethren present , and great praise is due to the presiding officers and brethren who assisted them for the efficient manner in which the work was performed . This lodge meets every Friday at thc Surrey Masonic Hall , and deserves to be well supported .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
CARLISLE . —UNION CHAPTER ( 310 ) . —Thc annual convocation of this chapter was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , Castle-street . Thc chapter was opened in solemn form by Comp . Jesse Banning , P . Z ., as Z . ; Comp . F . W . Hay ward , H . ; and Comp . Court , J . ; and after the minutes of the previous convocation had been read and confirmed , Comp . Jesse Banning , P . Z ., and Prov .
G . P . Soj . W . Lancashire , then proceeded to install Comp . F . W . I layward , P . Z ., as Z . ; Comp . W . Court as H . ; and Comp . William Pratchett as J ; the following companions being invested with their respective collars : — Comps . Murchie , S . E . ; Noakes , S . N . ; Whcatley , P . S . ; Blacklock , Treasurer ; Mason , First Assistant S . ; John Murray , Second Assistant S . ; Barnes being elected Janitor . The following propositions were made and duly
seconded : —That Captain Maxwell , of Durran Hill , be admitted as a joining companion , and S . G . Saul , Esc ) ., as a candidate for exaltation . After hearty good wishes being tendered by several visiting companions , the chapter was duly and solemnly closed in ancient form . The companions then retired to refreshment , and a very agreeable evening under the presidency of M . E . Comp . Jesse Banning was spent .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . J ( NO . 3 !) . —An emergency meeting of this popular and flourishing lodge was held in their lodge-room , situated at 213 , Buchananstreet , on the 29 th inst ., the object being to raise Bro . Robert Boyle to thc degree of Master Mason . He had for some time back been quite prepared for this degree , and having received a sudden call to proceed to Australia , it
was resolved that he should be completed in Masonry before he left this country , this meeting being called for the purpose . Ainoug those pre * ent were Bros . Bell , R . W . M . ; D . M . Wilson , D . M . * , T . Fletcher , P . M . ; Duthie , 219 ; D . French , 441 ; R . Trainer , 447 ; G . B , Adams , 360 ; and other well qualified brethren . The Sublime Degree was given by Bro . Duthie , 219 , and the lodge closed in all
ancient solemnity . GLASGOW . —LODGE UNION AND CROWN ( No . 103 ) . — The monthly meeting of this lodge took place on the 28 th ult ., in the Masonic Hall , 170 , Buchanan-street . There was a very large assembly of the members , and a more
than usual attendance of visiting brethren . The R . W . M ., A . M . Wright , with thc assistance of his Wardens , W . Thomson , S . W ., R . Munro , J . W ., opened the lodge . The following , among other brethren , were present * . —J . Bain , P . M . ; J . Gillies , P . M . and Sec ; G . Muir , D . M . ; N . Cameron , Treas . ; W . Anderson , S . D . ; Pollok , J . D . ; S .
Cullen , Chaplain ; D . D . Lamplouch and Wm . Hec , 792 , E . C . ; J . Mclnnes , Sec . 333 ; B . Smart , Treas . 219 ; W . Phills , R . W . M . 55 6 ; John Mclnnes , S . W . 408 ; Alex . James , S . D . 437 ; R . M . Culloch , 114 ; J . Stewart , 360 ; W . Bisland , J . W . 408 ; D . Mitchell , Sec . 408 ; E . D . Parr , 208 ; N . York , and others . The Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting , which were confirmed , when the
cases of two brothers requiring relief were considered , and both were granted the necessary assistance ; when Bro . Gillies , P . M . and Sec , brought forward his motion ( notice of which had previously been given ) . The motion was to raise the initiation fees , which were considered too low at present . Bro . N . Cameron seconded the motion . An amendment by Bro . Wm . Forsyth , seconded by Bro . D .
McGcchy , which proposed to go still a little hi gher than Bro . Gillies ' s motion went , found favour with Bros . Gillies and Cameron , who withdrew their motion , Bro . Forsyth ' s amendment becoming the motion . Bro . Geo . Muir , D . M ., then moved , as an amendment , that the fees should not be raised so much as either Bro . Gillies or Bro . Forsyth proposed . This found a seconder in Bro . Anderson , which
brought out a most lively , amusing , and indeed , thoughtful and instructive conversation , the result of which was that Bro . Forsyth's motion was carried , no one voting for Bro . Muir ' s amendment but himself and seconder , thc affiliation fees remaining as at present . Applications were then laid before the lodge from two gentlemen aspiring to the honours of Freemasonry , Adam Burton and Joseph
Ferguson , also an application from Lodge Clyde , 408 , and one from Lodge Star , 219 , asking Lodge Union and Crown to favour them by initiating two gentlemen for their respective lodges , Allan Martin for Lodge Clyde ; Jas . Young for Lodge Star . The four gentlemen being approved of , were prepared , and received the First Degree , Bro . A . M . Wright , R . W . M ., officiating . The lodge was then passed
to the Fellow Craft Degree , when Bros . Jonathan Black and Robert Tarbet passed an examination in the First Degree , which being most satisfactory , they were passed into the Fellow Craft Degree , the R . W . M . again officiating . Bro . Morgan , R . W . M . of Star Lodge , 219 , thanked the Union and Crown Lodge on behalf of the Star , 219 , and Clyde , 408 , for their kind offices in initiating the two
brethren for them . Bro . Gillies said he hoped that the visiting brethren from England , who had honoured them with a visit that night , were satisfied , Bro . Lamplouch , No . 792 , replying that they were very much pleased , and would be glad to see at any time some Scotch brothers with them . The lodge was then closed in due and ancient form . RUTHERGLEN . —LODGE ROYAL AUCH ( No . 116 )
met in their hall , Rutherglen , on the 2 nd inst This was the regular meeting of the lodge , but little business was gone into . The R . W . M . took the chair , assisted by Bro . R . Scott , S . W . ; James Scott , J . W ., and other officebearers , with a number of competent brethren . The lodge being opened , the Secretary read the previous meeting ' s minutes , which were confirmed . The R . W . M . then
intimated that an invitation had been sent from Pollockshaws Lodge ( No . 153 ) for a deputation to attend with them on the 9 th inst ., to take part in the consecration of their new lodge , which will be performed by Col . Campbell , of Blythswood , P . G . M . of Renfrew East , and officebearers of the P . G . L . This closed the business of the evening , and the lodge was closed in due form .
MAYBOLE . —LODGE ROYAL ARCH ( No . 198 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on the 23 rd ult . in their Hall , Maybole . Bro . John Hamilton , R . W . M ., in the chair , assisted by the Wardens , Bros . J . McReath , S . W . ; Robert Redmond , J . W ., and in the presence of a good number of well-qualified brethren the lodge was duly opened . Thc Secretary , Bro . W . Rennick , then read the
minutes of the previous meeting , which were approved and affirmed . A letter was read from Bro . Andrew McRechin , San Francisco , which was much appreciated b y the brethren present . Mr . Hugh Bickerstaff was then proposed by Bro . Rennick , seconded by Bro . W . Allan , J . D ., as a fit and proper candidate to become a member of this lodge . This being unanimously affirmed by the
brethren present , he was properly prepared , and received the first light of Masonry . The lodge was then passed to the F . C Degree , when the brother received that , the R . W . M . officiating in both degrees with marked care . There being no further business , thc lodge was closed in due and ancient form . RENFREW . —LODGE PAISLEY , COUNTY KILWINNING
( No . 370 ) , met in their hall , High-street , Paisley , on the 1 st inst . The R . W . M ., Bro . James Anderson , took his place in the chair ; Jas . Goldie , S . W . ; Robt . Brown , acting J . W ., and other office-bearers , and a number of wellqualified brethren . The Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting , which were confirmed . An application from Mr . Charles Galbraith for initiation into Freemasonry
was laid before the lodge ; he was approved of and prepared for the First Degree , which was given in full style by thc R . W . M . There being no further business , thc lodge was closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —LODGE STAR ( No . 219 ) . —A special meeting of this lodge was held in their Hall , 12 , Trongate , on the 30 th ult . Among those present were J . M . Morgan ,
R . W . M . ; John Graith , S . W . ; Jas . Horn , J . W . ; B . Smart , Treas . ; J . Campbell , R . W . M . 128 , St . John , Shettleton ; W . Campbell , 128 ; John Stewart , 360 ; G . B . Adams , 360 ; A . M . Cullen , 117 , & c . The lodge was opened , when an application was read from Mr . George Lyall , who was recommended to the lodge by Bros . J . Pearson and J . Lyall . All being satisfactory , he was
prepared , and received the degree , the R . W . M . officiating in admirable style . The lodge was then raised to the F . C . Degree , when two brothers were passed into the F . C , the R . W . M . again acting , when the lodge was opened in the Sublime Degree , and two brothers were completed by receiving the sublime degree of M . M ., Bro . J . Campbell , R . W . M . of 128 , officiating . The lodge was then cloted in due and ancient form .