Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Grand Council of Allied Degrees. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
gone through with that precision and smartness usua among the "brethren of the Craft . " The musical portion of the " after proceedings" were also of a harmonious and gratif y ing character . There were visiting brethren from Gainsborough , Doncaster , Carlisle , & c . This lodge was instituted in 1 S 75 , and the high jiosition it holds in the province may best be understood when it is mentioned that
there are among its membersfour Grand Provincial Officers , hree of them invested within this last year or two . When a young lodge has received such distinguished honours from the Prov . Grand Master it proves that its members are making progress deserving the special mark of distinction . The brethren to whom we allude are—Bros . Parkin , P . G . Supt . of Works ; Bell , P . G . Sujit . of Works ; A . Taylor , P . G . Junior Deacon ; and Kirk , P . M .
MANCHESTER . —Avon Lodge ( No . 1633 ) .- — The regular meeting of this lodge vvas held on Wednesday , the 23 rd ult ., at the Denmark Hotel , Greenheys . The brethren assembled at six o ' clock , and at twenty minutes past partook of tea . At 7 . 15 they assembled in the lodge room . The following were present : Bros . A . Painter , W . M . ; A . B . Whittaker , S . W . ; Geo . Macfarlane ,
J . W . ; W . Bostock , P . M ., Treas . ; G . Gates , Sec ; S . D . McKellen , S . D . ; W . Brown , J . D . ; Wm . Byway , S . S ., acting I . G . ; W . P . Hayhurst , J . S . ; J . Burrows , Tyler ; W . H . Leigh , I . P . M . ; Thos . Cavanah , P . M . ; A . F . Forrest , Wm . Dunkerley , C . Fairbank , A . Clarke , Wm . Lyon , Beddoes Peacock , W . Craven , Dr . W . G . Martin . Visitors : Bros . W . F . Fairweather , 950 ; E .
Puenyer , S . W . 1213 ; Jno . N . Squirrel ! , 13 S 7 ; Joseph Lytic , 16 , Ireland ; John Cavanah , P . M . 13 , 7 , P . P . G . D . of Cheshire ; Dr . F . B . W . Quiti , 1055 , 262 ; A . IL Jeffries , 1161 ; James A . Lyon , Treas . 18 S ; Win . Hollins , I . P . M . 152 ; R . R . Lisenden , 317 ( Freemason ) . After the minutes of previous meeting had been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . J . C . Curtis as a
member of the lodge , and that gentleman was declared unanimously elected . The ballot was also taken for Bro . Joseph Lytic , and the credentials from his mother lodge being highly satisfactory , he was duly elected a member . Mr J . C . Curtis was next initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry by the W . M . in a masterly manner , and he was assisted by Bro . W . Bostock , P . M ., vvho gave the corner stone address with his well-known
ability , and also by the S . W ., Bro . A . B . Whittaker , who presented and explained the working tools . B ; o . S . D . McKellen , S . D ., delivered the charge in such grand style , as is very seldom heard , and no visitors could fail to be greatly impressed with it . At the conclusion of the ceremony , and no other business beingon the tapis , "Hearty good wishes " wereexjiressed by thc visitors , and the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at S . 45 .
' BUXTON .-Buxton Lodge ( No . 16 S 8 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 21 st ult ., at the Palace Hotel . There were present Bros . W . C . Moore , W . M . ; T . E . Jones , acting S . W . ; A . Sanlans , J . W . ; Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , Chap . ; Dr . G . Lorimer , Sec . ; A . L . Straus , J . D . ; J . Dewar , acting I . G . ; and Albert Pyle , Tyler . Lodge being opened , thc business jiroceeded with vvas mnrltnrr ! 3 „ A yvnilii-iMimr fl **> tisiniifoc uf flu * lficf niimhtiir « i
. ^ uu ... . ^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ . . . . . . . . ..... . .. . . . . _ . . . . . . . ... v . v .... . Bro . the Rev . A . A . Bagshawe then moved , in the absence of Bro . R . R . Duke , " That the installation meeting shoulel be held in November instead of October , and that the necessary alterations be made in the bye-laws . " 'The motion being duly seconded by Bro . A . L . Straus , was carried unanimously . Letters of apology were then read from thc absentees , after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet table , where thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts werc proposed and responded to .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
MOUNT CALVARY ENCAMPMENT ( D ) . —A well attended convocation of this old encampment took j-lace on Thursday , the 25 th ult ., at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street . Among those in attendance were Sir Knights Charles Driver , E . C . ; T . C . Walls , ist Captain ; W . Paas , Treas ., acting I . P . E . C . ; D . M . Dewar , Rec , acting Expert ; Larsen , S . B . ; Driver , Herald ; Glenn , D . C ; Rosenthal , P . E . C . ; Rawles , Equerry . Sir Knight
Anderson , ofthe Harcourt Preceptory , was a visitor . The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken upon behalf of Comj ) s . I . H . Dodson , 15 S 9 , & c . ; Alfred Tisley , 15 S 9 ; and Kidder , and it proving to be unanimous in each case , the first two named companions were duly installed Knights of the Order by the E . C . The encampment was then formally
closed , and a Priory of Knights of Malta oj ) ened by Sir Knight D . M . Dewar , who installed Sir Knights Dodson , Tisley , and Anderson , as Knights of that Degree . 'The priory was then closed , and the Sir Knights " adjourned to a collation . The only toasts given were "'The Oueen and Christian Masonry , " "The E . G ., " anel "The Newly Installed Knights . "
Thc summer banquet in connection with this distinguished preceptory took place at the Forest Hotel , Chingford , on the following evening , when there were present among others Sir Knights Driver , E . C ; T . C . Walls , ist Captain ; A . Williams , 2 nd Captain ; W . Paas , Almoner ; D . M . Dewar , Recorder ; S . Rosenthal , P . E . C ; E . Baxter , P . E . C ; Dr . Saunders , C . of Lines ; Larsen , S . B . ; Driver and Graveley , Heralds ; Glenn , D . C . Among the visitors were Sir Knights Matier
and Spice , and the proceedings were graced with the presence of several ladies , among them being Mrs . C . Driver , Mrs . Jenkins , Madame Wells , and others . The latter lady by tier charming instrumental and vocal contributions greatly enhanced the very successful proceedings , which were only marred by the severe thunderstorm which raged for several hours , and prevented the company from inspecting thc picturesque surroundings of the village of Chingford , and the adjacent country .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
YORK . —Eboracum Conclave ( No . 137 ) . —The regular meeting of this conclave was held on Thursday , the ist inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Queen ' s Hotel . In the absence of the M . P . S ., Bro . J . S . Cumberland , through indisposition , Bro . T . B . Whytehead presided * A . succcss-
Red Cross Of Constantine.
ful ballot was taken for a candidate , Bro . John Dates , of thc Marquis of Ripon Lodge , Darlington , and a few minor matters having been disjnosed of thc conclave vvas closed . The members afterwards supped together , amongst those present being Bros . C . G . Padel , V . E . ; L . Murphy , Prelate ; G . Simj ) son , S . G . ; A . T . B . Turner , and others .
Grand Council Of Allied Degrees.
Grand Council of Allied Degrees .
YORK . —Ebor Council ( T . L)—A meeting of this council was held on Monday evening , the 2 SH 1 ult ., in the grand saloon of the Grand Stand Hotel , thc Kuavesmiic . Bro . J . S . Cumberland , W . M ., was in the chair , and was supported by Bros . Christian G . Padel , S . W . ; George Simpson , I . P . M ., as J . W . ; T . B . Whytehead , P . AL , G . J . W ., Recorder ; A . T . B . Turner , S . D . ; Capt . L . Murphy LD ., W . P . Husband , LG . ; Capt . J . Hanly ,
K . of G . ; P . Pearson , Tyler ; together with several othei members . Bro . W . M . Briggs having been accepted , was duly received and installed a member of the Order of St . Lawrence the Martyr . 'The W . M . said that since their last meeting the formation of thc Grantl Council had become an accomplished fact , and he hoped the Orders included under its rule would be strengthened thereby . I le vvas of opinion that if a Degree was worth working at all it
was worth doing well , and he was pleased to know that ever since his connection with the St . Lawrence Degree the Ebor Lodge had worked thoroughly and conscientiously , and was one of the best worked of the lodges in thc country . Bro . T . B . Whytehead read over the Constitutions of the Grand Council , which seemed to meet with the approval of thc members . Letters were also read from Bros . F . Binckes and D . M . Dewar , thanking the lodge for the compliment
of being elected honorary members . A Committee vvas appointed for the purpose of drawing up a code of byelaws for the government of thc council , which was then closed , and the members adjourned to the dining room , where a cold collation vvas served , after which a number ot toasts were duly honoured . It was intimated that meetings of the council would shortly be held for the purpose of conferring the Degrees of Grand High Priest , Knight of Constantinople , and Red Cross of Babylon .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
BRO . SIR TRAXCIS BURIIETT . —We are requested to announce that in consequence of the numerous calls at present on thc time of the Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex he trusts the W . M . ' s and brethren of lodges in the jirovincc will not accuse him of any want of courtesy if he has not replied to the numerous summonses and kind invitations that he is constantly
receiving , not only in but out of the province , but he hopes in a short time to be able to rej ) ly and attend to them as he has hitherto done . He also hojics that the brethren of the Mark Province of Middlesex and Surrey will accept this explanation and forgive his absence from their lodges . During this month he will be a great deal from home , and probably in August and September .
LION ANI ) LAMB LODGE , NO . 192—Bro . \ V . I . Kickivood , W . M . — 'The brethren of this lodge held a summer banquet at the Royal Crown Hotel , Sevenoaks , on Wednesday last . A full report of the proceedings will appear in our next issue . Miss H OPEKIRK .- —In our report of the Festival
of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys at the Crystal Palace last week we inadvertently included Miss Hopekirk's name among the vocalists . This talented lady is so well known as a pianist that thc correction is scarcely necessary , but we think it right to call the attention of our readers to the error .
The marriage of thc Lad y Elizabeth Campbell ( second daughter of the Duke of Argyll ) with Mr . Clough Taylor is fixed for Saturday , Jul y 17 . 'The ceremony will be performed at St . Mary Abbott ' s Church , Kensington . MARK MASONRY . —The election meeting of the Brixton Lodge of Mark Masters will be held at Anderton's
Hotel , Fleet-street , this day ( Saturday ) , Bro . C . P . McKay , W . M ., at half-jiast six o ' clock . Prior to the meeting there will be a meeting of Royal Ark Mariners , when Bro . Geo . Clark will be installed W . C . N , by Bro . T . Poore , P . G . I . G ., and Bro . IT . Lovegrovo , P . P . S . of W . Madame Albani has accepted an engagement
from Mr . Kuhe to sing at ten concerts to be given during the winter season in the provinces . A marriage is arranged between Lady Victoria Edgcumbe , eldest daughter of the Karl of Mount Edgcumbe , and Lord Algernon Percy , second son of the Duke of Northumberland .
Ihe . summer banquet in connection with the Royal Order of Scotland was held at the Trafalgar Hotel , Greenwich , on Friday , the 2 nd inst ., when there were present among others Bros . Lieut .-Col . S . Clerke , P . G . M . ; Captain Philips , D . P . G . M . ; Giddy , S . ; the Rev . T . Ravenshaw , Lieut .-Gen . Brownrigg , Major-Gen . Clerk , Major Arding , the Rev . S . Moses , Dr . Ramsey , H . C . Levander , Matier , Glover , T . C . Walls , Paul , E . Thiellay , Anderson , and others .
The Duke and Duchess of Northumberland , vvho are in Germany , return home about the iSth inst . The Printing , Stationery , and Paper-making Exhibition at the Agricultural Hall was opened on Monday last , and will last for a fortnight . There are upwards of sixty exhibitions , including many eminent English , Colonial , American , and Continental firms . There are no prizes to
be awarded . A portion of the net profit is to be presented to thc Printers' Pension Corporation . The brethren of the Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1 O 42 , had their usual meeting at the Ladbroke Hall , on Thursday last , and jiroccceled afterwards to Castlebar , Eating , where a banquet took j ) lace in a marquee , erected by kind permission of Bro . Penn , P . M ., on thc lawn of his estate .
Mr . J . C . Stevens sold b y auction , at 38 , King-street , Covcnt-garden , Wednesday , the collection of orchids , the property of Bro . F . A . Philbrick , Q . C , of Avcnuc-road , Regent ' s Park . ~
Masonic And General Tidings.
Ihe summer festival of the Domatic Lod ge , No . 177 , took place at the Star and Garter Hotel , Richmond , on hnday , the 2 nd inst . Bro . H . N . Bowman Spink , W . M ., and the brethren vvho acted as Stewards on the occasion may be congratulated on the successful carrying out of a well arranged and successful programme .
ERRATA . —Owing to a printer ' s error , in the Stewards' list for the Boys' School , which appeared in our ast issue , the name of "Bing" vvas inserted instead of " Byng . "
I he Alaster and Wardens of the Leathersellers ' Company invited their colleagues and a select party of friends to dine with them at the Forest Hotel , Chingford , on Wednesday last . Bro . H . Brassey , M . P ., has subscribed twenty guineas to thc Mansiwi House "Atalanta" Fund . Wc have been requested to announce that the
proceeds from the amateur performance of the Stand Dramatic Club , at the Queen ' s Theatre , Manchester , on the 23 rd April last , and whicii are to be handed over to the East Lancashire Systematic Masonic Educational and Benevolent Institution , r . mount to £ 77 17 s . gd .
On Saturday last Mr . Alderman Figgins vvas elected Master of the Stationers' Company , and Mr . Deputy Kclday and Mr . A . H . Baily Wardens . Mr . Randcgger has been appointed successor to Sir Julius Benedict as conductor of the Norwich Musical Festivals .
Ihe forty-second anniversary dinner of the Thames Angling Preservation Societv ' will be held at the Star and Garter Hotel , Richmond Hill , on Wednesday , the 21 st inst ., Bro . Alderman Hadley in the chair . On Monday evening last the King of the Hellenes left London for thc Continent . The Prince and Princess of Wales acerompanied his Majesty from
Marlborough House to Charing-cross . No less than 3340 persons visited the Hanover Gallery on Sunday last , when it was opened for the last time under tbe auspices of thc Sunday Society . The National Rose Society ' s show look place on Saturday last at the Crystal Palace , and exceeded in splendour any previous exhibition .
For the better and more costly kind of Masonic Jewels a great saving can be made by getting them direct from the manufactory . Messrs . J . R . Williams and Son made the most costly badge in the kingdom for the Mayor of Liverpool , and many others , and many of the sheriffs ' badges and chains . 'The firm are now supplying the nobility ancl gentry ( direct ) at the same prices as they
have for forty years served the best houses in London and the country , and co-operative stores . Messrs . J . R . Williams and Son have always been celebrated for specially fine diamond work and choice gem rings . The two advantages thus offered to the public arc far superior quality and an immense saving in price . Manufactory and
warehouse , 10 S , Hatton-gardcn , E . C . The usual saving is 20 to 60 per Cent . Bridesmaids' lockets and all kinds of jewellery for wedding presents . Dealers in diamonds , pearls , and coloured gems , loose or mounted . Elegant designs furnished ( gratis ) for re-mounting diamond work . Caltaogues sent post free on application . —[ ADVT . 1
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending Friday , July iC , 1 SS 0 . The Editor will be glad to receive notice from Secretaries of Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Encampments , Conclaves , & c , of any change in place , day , or month of meeting .
SATURDAY , JULY 10 . Quarterly Gen . Com . Girls' School , at 12 . Lodge 1415 , Campbell , Mitre Hot ., Hampton Court . „ 1607 , Loyalty , Alexandra Hot ., Muswell Hill . ,, 16 S 5 , Guelph , Red Lion Hot ., Leytonstone . Mark 234 , Brixton , Andcrton ' s Hot ., I'leet-st .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Manchester , 17 , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq ., at S . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-rd ., at 7 . Percy , Joll y Farmers , Southgate-rd ., N ., at 8 . Eccleston , King ' s Head , Ebury Bridge , Pimlico . Sphinx , Stirling Castle , Camberwell . Alexandra Palace , Masonic Club , Loughborough , at 7 . 30
MONDAY , JULY 12 . Quarterly Gen . Com . Boys' School , at 12 . Lodge 1228 , Ueacontree , Pri . Ro ., Red Lion , Leytonstone . ,, 13 GG , Highgate , Gatehouse Hot ., Highgate . > , 1571 , Leopold , Woolpack Tav ., Bermondsey-st . „ 1 G 91 , Quadratic , Greyhound Hot ., Hampton Court . Mark 239 , Royal Naval , 2 , Red Lion-sq .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . London Masonic Club , 101 , Queen Victoria-st ., E . C , at 6 . Wellington , White Swan Hot ., High-st ., Deptford , S to 10 . St . John , Gun Hot ., Wapping , 8 to 10 . PrinceLeopold , MitfordTav ., Sandringham-rd ., Dalston , 7 . 30 . Sincerity , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-st . Station , at 7 .
Camden , 174 , High-st ., Camden Town , at 8 . Tredegar , Royal Hot ., Mile End-rd ., at 8 . St . James's Union , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st ., at 8 . Perfect Ashlar , Victoria Tav ., Lower-rd ., Rotherhithe , at 8 . Upper Norwood , White Hart Hot ., Church-rd ., at 8 . Marquis of Ripon , Pembury Tav ., Amherst-rd ., Hackney , 8 . Loughborough , Cambria Tav ., Loughborough June , at 7 . 30 . Hyde Park , 'The Westbourne , 1 , Craven-rd ., at 8 .
West Smithfield , New Market Hot ., West Smithfield . West Kent , Forest-hill Hot ., Forest-hill , at 7 . 30 . St . George's , Globe Tav ., Royal Hill , Greenwich , at 7 . Doric Chapter , 248 , Globe-rd ., Mile End-rd ., at 8 . Royal Commemoration , R . 1 lot ., High-st ., Putney , S till 10 . British Oak Bank of Friendship 'Tav ., Mile End . Eastern Stai , Royal Hot ., Mile End-rd ., 7 . 30 . High Cross , Coach and Horses , I-ower 'Tottenham , a 8 . St . Mark ' s , S . M . H ., Camberwell New-rd . John Hervey , Albion Hall , London Wall , at S .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
gone through with that precision and smartness usua among the "brethren of the Craft . " The musical portion of the " after proceedings" were also of a harmonious and gratif y ing character . There were visiting brethren from Gainsborough , Doncaster , Carlisle , & c . This lodge was instituted in 1 S 75 , and the high jiosition it holds in the province may best be understood when it is mentioned that
there are among its membersfour Grand Provincial Officers , hree of them invested within this last year or two . When a young lodge has received such distinguished honours from the Prov . Grand Master it proves that its members are making progress deserving the special mark of distinction . The brethren to whom we allude are—Bros . Parkin , P . G . Supt . of Works ; Bell , P . G . Sujit . of Works ; A . Taylor , P . G . Junior Deacon ; and Kirk , P . M .
MANCHESTER . —Avon Lodge ( No . 1633 ) .- — The regular meeting of this lodge vvas held on Wednesday , the 23 rd ult ., at the Denmark Hotel , Greenheys . The brethren assembled at six o ' clock , and at twenty minutes past partook of tea . At 7 . 15 they assembled in the lodge room . The following were present : Bros . A . Painter , W . M . ; A . B . Whittaker , S . W . ; Geo . Macfarlane ,
J . W . ; W . Bostock , P . M ., Treas . ; G . Gates , Sec ; S . D . McKellen , S . D . ; W . Brown , J . D . ; Wm . Byway , S . S ., acting I . G . ; W . P . Hayhurst , J . S . ; J . Burrows , Tyler ; W . H . Leigh , I . P . M . ; Thos . Cavanah , P . M . ; A . F . Forrest , Wm . Dunkerley , C . Fairbank , A . Clarke , Wm . Lyon , Beddoes Peacock , W . Craven , Dr . W . G . Martin . Visitors : Bros . W . F . Fairweather , 950 ; E .
Puenyer , S . W . 1213 ; Jno . N . Squirrel ! , 13 S 7 ; Joseph Lytic , 16 , Ireland ; John Cavanah , P . M . 13 , 7 , P . P . G . D . of Cheshire ; Dr . F . B . W . Quiti , 1055 , 262 ; A . IL Jeffries , 1161 ; James A . Lyon , Treas . 18 S ; Win . Hollins , I . P . M . 152 ; R . R . Lisenden , 317 ( Freemason ) . After the minutes of previous meeting had been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . J . C . Curtis as a
member of the lodge , and that gentleman was declared unanimously elected . The ballot was also taken for Bro . Joseph Lytic , and the credentials from his mother lodge being highly satisfactory , he was duly elected a member . Mr J . C . Curtis was next initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry by the W . M . in a masterly manner , and he was assisted by Bro . W . Bostock , P . M ., vvho gave the corner stone address with his well-known
ability , and also by the S . W ., Bro . A . B . Whittaker , who presented and explained the working tools . B ; o . S . D . McKellen , S . D ., delivered the charge in such grand style , as is very seldom heard , and no visitors could fail to be greatly impressed with it . At the conclusion of the ceremony , and no other business beingon the tapis , "Hearty good wishes " wereexjiressed by thc visitors , and the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at S . 45 .
' BUXTON .-Buxton Lodge ( No . 16 S 8 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 21 st ult ., at the Palace Hotel . There were present Bros . W . C . Moore , W . M . ; T . E . Jones , acting S . W . ; A . Sanlans , J . W . ; Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , Chap . ; Dr . G . Lorimer , Sec . ; A . L . Straus , J . D . ; J . Dewar , acting I . G . ; and Albert Pyle , Tyler . Lodge being opened , thc business jiroceeded with vvas mnrltnrr ! 3 „ A yvnilii-iMimr fl **> tisiniifoc uf flu * lficf niimhtiir « i
. ^ uu ... . ^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ . . . . . . . . ..... . .. . . . . _ . . . . . . . ... v . v .... . Bro . the Rev . A . A . Bagshawe then moved , in the absence of Bro . R . R . Duke , " That the installation meeting shoulel be held in November instead of October , and that the necessary alterations be made in the bye-laws . " 'The motion being duly seconded by Bro . A . L . Straus , was carried unanimously . Letters of apology were then read from thc absentees , after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet table , where thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts werc proposed and responded to .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
MOUNT CALVARY ENCAMPMENT ( D ) . —A well attended convocation of this old encampment took j-lace on Thursday , the 25 th ult ., at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street . Among those in attendance were Sir Knights Charles Driver , E . C . ; T . C . Walls , ist Captain ; W . Paas , Treas ., acting I . P . E . C . ; D . M . Dewar , Rec , acting Expert ; Larsen , S . B . ; Driver , Herald ; Glenn , D . C ; Rosenthal , P . E . C . ; Rawles , Equerry . Sir Knight
Anderson , ofthe Harcourt Preceptory , was a visitor . The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken upon behalf of Comj ) s . I . H . Dodson , 15 S 9 , & c . ; Alfred Tisley , 15 S 9 ; and Kidder , and it proving to be unanimous in each case , the first two named companions were duly installed Knights of the Order by the E . C . The encampment was then formally
closed , and a Priory of Knights of Malta oj ) ened by Sir Knight D . M . Dewar , who installed Sir Knights Dodson , Tisley , and Anderson , as Knights of that Degree . 'The priory was then closed , and the Sir Knights " adjourned to a collation . The only toasts given were "'The Oueen and Christian Masonry , " "The E . G ., " anel "The Newly Installed Knights . "
Thc summer banquet in connection with this distinguished preceptory took place at the Forest Hotel , Chingford , on the following evening , when there were present among others Sir Knights Driver , E . C ; T . C . Walls , ist Captain ; A . Williams , 2 nd Captain ; W . Paas , Almoner ; D . M . Dewar , Recorder ; S . Rosenthal , P . E . C ; E . Baxter , P . E . C ; Dr . Saunders , C . of Lines ; Larsen , S . B . ; Driver and Graveley , Heralds ; Glenn , D . C . Among the visitors were Sir Knights Matier
and Spice , and the proceedings were graced with the presence of several ladies , among them being Mrs . C . Driver , Mrs . Jenkins , Madame Wells , and others . The latter lady by tier charming instrumental and vocal contributions greatly enhanced the very successful proceedings , which were only marred by the severe thunderstorm which raged for several hours , and prevented the company from inspecting thc picturesque surroundings of the village of Chingford , and the adjacent country .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
YORK . —Eboracum Conclave ( No . 137 ) . —The regular meeting of this conclave was held on Thursday , the ist inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Queen ' s Hotel . In the absence of the M . P . S ., Bro . J . S . Cumberland , through indisposition , Bro . T . B . Whytehead presided * A . succcss-
Red Cross Of Constantine.
ful ballot was taken for a candidate , Bro . John Dates , of thc Marquis of Ripon Lodge , Darlington , and a few minor matters having been disjnosed of thc conclave vvas closed . The members afterwards supped together , amongst those present being Bros . C . G . Padel , V . E . ; L . Murphy , Prelate ; G . Simj ) son , S . G . ; A . T . B . Turner , and others .
Grand Council Of Allied Degrees.
Grand Council of Allied Degrees .
YORK . —Ebor Council ( T . L)—A meeting of this council was held on Monday evening , the 2 SH 1 ult ., in the grand saloon of the Grand Stand Hotel , thc Kuavesmiic . Bro . J . S . Cumberland , W . M ., was in the chair , and was supported by Bros . Christian G . Padel , S . W . ; George Simpson , I . P . M ., as J . W . ; T . B . Whytehead , P . AL , G . J . W ., Recorder ; A . T . B . Turner , S . D . ; Capt . L . Murphy LD ., W . P . Husband , LG . ; Capt . J . Hanly ,
K . of G . ; P . Pearson , Tyler ; together with several othei members . Bro . W . M . Briggs having been accepted , was duly received and installed a member of the Order of St . Lawrence the Martyr . 'The W . M . said that since their last meeting the formation of thc Grantl Council had become an accomplished fact , and he hoped the Orders included under its rule would be strengthened thereby . I le vvas of opinion that if a Degree was worth working at all it
was worth doing well , and he was pleased to know that ever since his connection with the St . Lawrence Degree the Ebor Lodge had worked thoroughly and conscientiously , and was one of the best worked of the lodges in thc country . Bro . T . B . Whytehead read over the Constitutions of the Grand Council , which seemed to meet with the approval of thc members . Letters were also read from Bros . F . Binckes and D . M . Dewar , thanking the lodge for the compliment
of being elected honorary members . A Committee vvas appointed for the purpose of drawing up a code of byelaws for the government of thc council , which was then closed , and the members adjourned to the dining room , where a cold collation vvas served , after which a number ot toasts were duly honoured . It was intimated that meetings of the council would shortly be held for the purpose of conferring the Degrees of Grand High Priest , Knight of Constantinople , and Red Cross of Babylon .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
BRO . SIR TRAXCIS BURIIETT . —We are requested to announce that in consequence of the numerous calls at present on thc time of the Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex he trusts the W . M . ' s and brethren of lodges in the jirovincc will not accuse him of any want of courtesy if he has not replied to the numerous summonses and kind invitations that he is constantly
receiving , not only in but out of the province , but he hopes in a short time to be able to rej ) ly and attend to them as he has hitherto done . He also hojics that the brethren of the Mark Province of Middlesex and Surrey will accept this explanation and forgive his absence from their lodges . During this month he will be a great deal from home , and probably in August and September .
LION ANI ) LAMB LODGE , NO . 192—Bro . \ V . I . Kickivood , W . M . — 'The brethren of this lodge held a summer banquet at the Royal Crown Hotel , Sevenoaks , on Wednesday last . A full report of the proceedings will appear in our next issue . Miss H OPEKIRK .- —In our report of the Festival
of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys at the Crystal Palace last week we inadvertently included Miss Hopekirk's name among the vocalists . This talented lady is so well known as a pianist that thc correction is scarcely necessary , but we think it right to call the attention of our readers to the error .
The marriage of thc Lad y Elizabeth Campbell ( second daughter of the Duke of Argyll ) with Mr . Clough Taylor is fixed for Saturday , Jul y 17 . 'The ceremony will be performed at St . Mary Abbott ' s Church , Kensington . MARK MASONRY . —The election meeting of the Brixton Lodge of Mark Masters will be held at Anderton's
Hotel , Fleet-street , this day ( Saturday ) , Bro . C . P . McKay , W . M ., at half-jiast six o ' clock . Prior to the meeting there will be a meeting of Royal Ark Mariners , when Bro . Geo . Clark will be installed W . C . N , by Bro . T . Poore , P . G . I . G ., and Bro . IT . Lovegrovo , P . P . S . of W . Madame Albani has accepted an engagement
from Mr . Kuhe to sing at ten concerts to be given during the winter season in the provinces . A marriage is arranged between Lady Victoria Edgcumbe , eldest daughter of the Karl of Mount Edgcumbe , and Lord Algernon Percy , second son of the Duke of Northumberland .
Ihe . summer banquet in connection with the Royal Order of Scotland was held at the Trafalgar Hotel , Greenwich , on Friday , the 2 nd inst ., when there were present among others Bros . Lieut .-Col . S . Clerke , P . G . M . ; Captain Philips , D . P . G . M . ; Giddy , S . ; the Rev . T . Ravenshaw , Lieut .-Gen . Brownrigg , Major-Gen . Clerk , Major Arding , the Rev . S . Moses , Dr . Ramsey , H . C . Levander , Matier , Glover , T . C . Walls , Paul , E . Thiellay , Anderson , and others .
The Duke and Duchess of Northumberland , vvho are in Germany , return home about the iSth inst . The Printing , Stationery , and Paper-making Exhibition at the Agricultural Hall was opened on Monday last , and will last for a fortnight . There are upwards of sixty exhibitions , including many eminent English , Colonial , American , and Continental firms . There are no prizes to
be awarded . A portion of the net profit is to be presented to thc Printers' Pension Corporation . The brethren of the Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1 O 42 , had their usual meeting at the Ladbroke Hall , on Thursday last , and jiroccceled afterwards to Castlebar , Eating , where a banquet took j ) lace in a marquee , erected by kind permission of Bro . Penn , P . M ., on thc lawn of his estate .
Mr . J . C . Stevens sold b y auction , at 38 , King-street , Covcnt-garden , Wednesday , the collection of orchids , the property of Bro . F . A . Philbrick , Q . C , of Avcnuc-road , Regent ' s Park . ~
Masonic And General Tidings.
Ihe summer festival of the Domatic Lod ge , No . 177 , took place at the Star and Garter Hotel , Richmond , on hnday , the 2 nd inst . Bro . H . N . Bowman Spink , W . M ., and the brethren vvho acted as Stewards on the occasion may be congratulated on the successful carrying out of a well arranged and successful programme .
ERRATA . —Owing to a printer ' s error , in the Stewards' list for the Boys' School , which appeared in our ast issue , the name of "Bing" vvas inserted instead of " Byng . "
I he Alaster and Wardens of the Leathersellers ' Company invited their colleagues and a select party of friends to dine with them at the Forest Hotel , Chingford , on Wednesday last . Bro . H . Brassey , M . P ., has subscribed twenty guineas to thc Mansiwi House "Atalanta" Fund . Wc have been requested to announce that the
proceeds from the amateur performance of the Stand Dramatic Club , at the Queen ' s Theatre , Manchester , on the 23 rd April last , and whicii are to be handed over to the East Lancashire Systematic Masonic Educational and Benevolent Institution , r . mount to £ 77 17 s . gd .
On Saturday last Mr . Alderman Figgins vvas elected Master of the Stationers' Company , and Mr . Deputy Kclday and Mr . A . H . Baily Wardens . Mr . Randcgger has been appointed successor to Sir Julius Benedict as conductor of the Norwich Musical Festivals .
Ihe forty-second anniversary dinner of the Thames Angling Preservation Societv ' will be held at the Star and Garter Hotel , Richmond Hill , on Wednesday , the 21 st inst ., Bro . Alderman Hadley in the chair . On Monday evening last the King of the Hellenes left London for thc Continent . The Prince and Princess of Wales acerompanied his Majesty from
Marlborough House to Charing-cross . No less than 3340 persons visited the Hanover Gallery on Sunday last , when it was opened for the last time under tbe auspices of thc Sunday Society . The National Rose Society ' s show look place on Saturday last at the Crystal Palace , and exceeded in splendour any previous exhibition .
For the better and more costly kind of Masonic Jewels a great saving can be made by getting them direct from the manufactory . Messrs . J . R . Williams and Son made the most costly badge in the kingdom for the Mayor of Liverpool , and many others , and many of the sheriffs ' badges and chains . 'The firm are now supplying the nobility ancl gentry ( direct ) at the same prices as they
have for forty years served the best houses in London and the country , and co-operative stores . Messrs . J . R . Williams and Son have always been celebrated for specially fine diamond work and choice gem rings . The two advantages thus offered to the public arc far superior quality and an immense saving in price . Manufactory and
warehouse , 10 S , Hatton-gardcn , E . C . The usual saving is 20 to 60 per Cent . Bridesmaids' lockets and all kinds of jewellery for wedding presents . Dealers in diamonds , pearls , and coloured gems , loose or mounted . Elegant designs furnished ( gratis ) for re-mounting diamond work . Caltaogues sent post free on application . —[ ADVT . 1
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending Friday , July iC , 1 SS 0 . The Editor will be glad to receive notice from Secretaries of Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Encampments , Conclaves , & c , of any change in place , day , or month of meeting .
SATURDAY , JULY 10 . Quarterly Gen . Com . Girls' School , at 12 . Lodge 1415 , Campbell , Mitre Hot ., Hampton Court . „ 1607 , Loyalty , Alexandra Hot ., Muswell Hill . ,, 16 S 5 , Guelph , Red Lion Hot ., Leytonstone . Mark 234 , Brixton , Andcrton ' s Hot ., I'leet-st .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Manchester , 17 , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq ., at S . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-rd ., at 7 . Percy , Joll y Farmers , Southgate-rd ., N ., at 8 . Eccleston , King ' s Head , Ebury Bridge , Pimlico . Sphinx , Stirling Castle , Camberwell . Alexandra Palace , Masonic Club , Loughborough , at 7 . 30
MONDAY , JULY 12 . Quarterly Gen . Com . Boys' School , at 12 . Lodge 1228 , Ueacontree , Pri . Ro ., Red Lion , Leytonstone . ,, 13 GG , Highgate , Gatehouse Hot ., Highgate . > , 1571 , Leopold , Woolpack Tav ., Bermondsey-st . „ 1 G 91 , Quadratic , Greyhound Hot ., Hampton Court . Mark 239 , Royal Naval , 2 , Red Lion-sq .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . London Masonic Club , 101 , Queen Victoria-st ., E . C , at 6 . Wellington , White Swan Hot ., High-st ., Deptford , S to 10 . St . John , Gun Hot ., Wapping , 8 to 10 . PrinceLeopold , MitfordTav ., Sandringham-rd ., Dalston , 7 . 30 . Sincerity , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-st . Station , at 7 .
Camden , 174 , High-st ., Camden Town , at 8 . Tredegar , Royal Hot ., Mile End-rd ., at 8 . St . James's Union , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st ., at 8 . Perfect Ashlar , Victoria Tav ., Lower-rd ., Rotherhithe , at 8 . Upper Norwood , White Hart Hot ., Church-rd ., at 8 . Marquis of Ripon , Pembury Tav ., Amherst-rd ., Hackney , 8 . Loughborough , Cambria Tav ., Loughborough June , at 7 . 30 . Hyde Park , 'The Westbourne , 1 , Craven-rd ., at 8 .
West Smithfield , New Market Hot ., West Smithfield . West Kent , Forest-hill Hot ., Forest-hill , at 7 . 30 . St . George's , Globe Tav ., Royal Hill , Greenwich , at 7 . Doric Chapter , 248 , Globe-rd ., Mile End-rd ., at 8 . Royal Commemoration , R . 1 lot ., High-st ., Putney , S till 10 . British Oak Bank of Friendship 'Tav ., Mile End . Eastern Stai , Royal Hot ., Mile End-rd ., 7 . 30 . High Cross , Coach and Horses , I-ower 'Tottenham , a 8 . St . Mark ' s , S . M . H ., Camberwell New-rd . John Hervey , Albion Hall , London Wall , at S .