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Mark Benevolent Fund Festival.
and he could not but hope that the charity as far as the Mark Benevolent Fund went would go on increasing year by year . He was not sure whether it was thc third or the fourth time hc had had the pleasure of speaking on this subject , but the more he did so the more he liked it . Any man who had anything to dispose of could not do better than give a little towards charity , whether Alasonic or otherwise ; it lived with him , and did good to those he left
behind him . 'The annual festival had gone on prospering , and this year the festival had produced nearly £ 600 . He hoped it would go on increasing . Bro . AUGUSTUS WALTON , VV . AI . Grosvenor Lodge , proposed , " The Ladies , " to which Bro . H . R . COOPER SMITH responded , and thc proceedings having thus terminated , the company remained in the room to see the fireworks , and an exceedingly pleasant day was brought to a close .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
'The following is a list of Provincial Stewards and their separate contributions , which we were unable ( o include in our report of the Festival last week
BERKS AND BUCKS . Lodge £ s . d . 574 Bro . F . H . Lyon ... 28 1 6 1410 ,, 'Thomas Taylor ... ... ... 21 o S 1492 „ Robert Roy ... ... ... 10 10 0 1560 ,, Robert Nicholson ... ... 46 6 6
CHESHIRE . 104 Bro . II . Finch , VV . Harrison , J . Wood 42 o o 477 ,, William Bennett ... ... 10 10 0 537 ,, Alanvood ... ... ... 10 10 o 537 ,, W . S . Sutton ... ... ... 10 10 o 1045 „ Capt . A . II . Gilbody ... ... 23 o 6
I 5 C 5 1 , I- G- Parker ... ... ... 2100 157 G „ John Dutton ... ... ... 78 15 o „ " 1 . P . Piatt ... ... ... 59 12 o CUMBERLAND AND WESTAIORLAND . 129 Bro . George John McKay ... ... 6 3 o o DERBYSHIRE . 253 Bro . Fred . J . Robinson ... ... 36 16 6 353 ,, William Walters ... ... 10 10 o
DORSET . 137 Bro . VV . Douglas Dugdale ... ... 116 11 o 1037 ,, . P . F . ' Guiulry ... ... ... 52 10 o DUR 1 IAA 1 . 7 64 Bro . Charles Sheriffe Lane ... ... 1115 o o 1334 ,, C . 10 . Baines ... ... ... 31 10 o
10 SS EX . 1000 liro . Rev . 11 . S . Wigram ... ... 3 3 o 1457 „ Joseph 'Tanner ... ... ... 16 16 0 1817 „ ' C . lOllham Chap . 214 Comp ; George Cooper ... ... 6 9 6 o
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . Lodge 82 Bro . Henry Godfrey ... ... ... 10 10 o „ Rev . T . Al . Withard Aliddlemore ... 7 6 13 o „ J . Smith Brook ... ... ... 10 10 n ,, Samuel Aloss ... ... ... 8 4 o o
„ John Alullings ... ... ... j- ' 10 o HANTS AND ISLE OF WIGHT . 130 Bio . VV . J . P . Hickman ... ... 132 6 o 694 ,, Rev . F . W . 'Thoyts ... ... 37 7 o ,, Richard Eve ... ... ... 3 " " > o IO ' ,, Edwin Groves ... 1 . V 1 I ,, G . R . I' -His ... ... ... 21 o o
HERTFORDSHIRE . 403 Bro . F . II . Wilson ... ... ... 250 o o 403 ,, J . R . Cocks ... ... ... 40 o 0 KENT . 1 * 19 lint . George Henry Smith ... ... 16 S 7 11 615 ,, 'Taylor ... 829 ,, Hit-lings ... ... ... 53 II o 709 , , G . W . Greenhill .. ... 63 o 10 5 ,, Thomas Wyles ... ... ... . yj 6 6 120 O ,, R . 1 . Einnierson ... ... lS 18 o
1208 ,, Henry Alinter Baker ... ... 54 12 o 1273 ,, !*' J . Geale ... ... 49 1 6 ' 42 > ,. Richard White ... ... ... 4 8 19 o 143 6 ,, 'Thos . P . Pulley ... ... ... 36 15 o Chap . 77 Comp . G . Festa ... ... ... 31 10 o
LANCASHIRE ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . Lodge Bro . Lieut .-Col . Le Gendre N . Starkie ... , ** 5 o ,, C . R . N . Bcswicke Royds ... 31 10 o 37 „ Samuel Crowther ... 10 10 o 44 ,, \ V . F . Parkinson -77 .. J . )' ' ¦ 'Tweedale ... ... ... tS iS o ,, Abraham Clegg ... ... ... 3 <> 1 . 5 °
,, George Mellor ... ,, Thomas Chorlton ... 10 10 o ,, G . P . Brockbank ... ... 10 10 o 152 ,, William Saflery ... 215 ,, 'Thomas Hargreaves . . ¦• n > m o 221 ,, 'Thomas lOntwistle ... ... 10 lu o
¦ . 77 „ | . 10 . Piatt 317 ,. William Nicholl ... ... <¦ . ? - ' o Chap . 317 Conm . J . 10 . Lee ... ... ... 5 5 ° Lodge 645 Bro . Samuel Kelly , Charles Heywood C . F . Alatier , J . G . Lees ... 143 ' 7 " \ B- >> . !• . !• Meakin ! .. ... ... 10 m o 1723 ,, las . llevwood ...
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . Bro . George Toller , iun . ... ... 194 . * > o
LINCOLNSHIRE . Bro . Charles Harrison ... 34 2 o 1294 ,, jack Sutcliffe ... ... . . 10 10 o . MIDDLESEX . 1237 ,, J . II . Thompson ... ... ... 70 7 o 1293 ,, VV . Jas . Spratling ... ... 20 9 6 im „ | . Kinsley Faith ... ... ... 10 10 o
13- 6 >> . 1- Hammond ... ... ... 15 15 o 1 5 12 ,, j . Hurst ... ... ... 44 11 o 1549 .. G . Titlconilie , jun . ... ... 44 2 o 1567 ,, j . II . Pearson ... ... .. 61 . 1 18 o 16 37 ., George Penn , VV . Stephens ... 21 ti o 1777 ,, II . li . . Marshall ... ... ... 105 o o ,, I Iv . Lovegrove ... ... 10 10 o
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
AIONMOUTHSHIRE . 1429 Bro . William Watkins ... ... 26 5 o NORFOLK . Bro . H . G . Barwell ... ... ... 145 13 o 10 7 ,, G . S . Woodwark ... ... 61 o 0 NORTHUMBERLAND . Bro . L . AL Cockroft ... ... ... G ** S 17 o OXFORDSHIRE . 478 Bro . Hawkins ... ... ... 19 19 o
SOAIERSI 0 TSH 1 RE . 1199 Bro . C . Lund Fry Edwards ... ... 106 1 0 STAFFORDSHIRE . 114 Bro . William Clarke .. ... ... 550 419 ,, James Walker ... ... ... 3 6 15 0 1452 „ \ V . O . Chambers ... ... 15 15 0 ,, Rev . C . 1 . Alartyn ... ... 78 15 0
SURREY . 416 Bro . Dr . S . Afakovski ... ... 14 14 o 452 ,, 10 . T . / . ohrab 4 'J 3 , i AV . C . Beaumont ... ... 13 13 o 104 O „ C . Keen ... ... ... 47 5 o 1714 ,, S . G . Kirchhoffer ... ... 4 8 6 o
SUSSEX . Bro . James Ebcrall ... ... ... 84 o o WARWICKSHIRE . 74 Bro . John Rawlins ... ... ... 113 8 o 214 ,, John W . Alargetts ... ... 38 17 o 025 ,, H . Sanderson ... ... ... 47 5 o 925 ,, James Stevens ... ... ... 6 3 o o
WORCESTERSHIRE . 377 Bro . George Taylor ... ... ... 26 3 o YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST RIDINGS . ) 236 Bro . T . J . Russell 312 ,, J . Stevenson ... ... ... 10 10 o 312 ,, Alajor VV . H . Alanvood ... ... 10 10 o ,, Boggctt ... ... ... 10 10 o 20 S „ T . " Wells ... ... ... 10 10 o
NORTH WALKS AND SALOP . 262 Bro . J . Sides Davies ... ... ... 36 15 o 597 „ J '" Peters ... ... ... 26 5 o 112 4 ,, F . R . Spaull ... ... ... 105 o o 1143 ,, R . J . Sissons ... ... ... 10 10 o 1621 „ J . G . VV . Lister ... ... ... 29 12 o ,, j . Bodenham ... ... ... 57 15 o
SOUTH WALES ( EASTERN DIVISION . ) 6 79 Bro . Thomas Phillips ... ... ... 126 5 o SOUTH WALKS ( WESTERN DIVISION ) . 6 71 Bro . Margrave ... ... ... -, 00 o o MARK DEGREE . Bro . Frederick Davison ... ... 91 16 o
Presentation To Bro. Colonel Shadwell H. Clerke.
On 'Thursday afternoon two testimonials were presented to Licut .-Ciil . Shadwell II . Clerke , at the hall of the Supreme Council , ^ ° , , yi „ Golden-square , on behalf , first , of the Supreme Council , 33 " , antl , secondl y , on behalf of the members of the various Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite , on his resignation of the ollicc of the Grand
Secretary Generalship , which he has held for nearly seven years . The presentation vyas to have been made by thc Earl of Lathom , but his lordship baving been called away to Hugheiiilcn , Capt . N . G . Philips occupied the place of his lordship . Among the brethren present on the occasion were Bros . Sir Charles Bright , Gen . Brownrigg , | . AL P . Alonlagu , Gen . Clerk , Magnus Ohren , Rev . T . F . Ravenshaw ,
Reginald Bird , 10 . Letchworth , Brackstone Baker , C . H . Gregory , Dr . Ramsay , F . Davison , Gen . Randolph , R . VV . 11 . Giddy , Tl . R . Cooper Smith , T . C . Walls , 10 . Bright , Col . Haldane , Alajor Alolyneux , Dr . Paul , Frank Richardson , Baron de Ferrieres , Rev . Ambrose , VV . Halt , Hugh I ) . Sandeman , the Earl nf Limerick , Charles Hammerton , F . Binckes , Col . Peters , S . Rawson , Col . U . S . Somerville Burney , Eustace , Anderson , lames Keene , Andrew Hay ,
| ohn Kirk , F . R . G . S ., Charles Goulden , R . Glover , 10 . II . Thiellay , Cajit . Paget Bourke , 10 . Al . Lott , | . Al . Collin , 10 . J , Leveson , Rev . VV . G . Alor . sc , J . F . Tweedale , Robert Stokes , Alajor Piatt , Charles'Tayleur , VVm . Kingston , Dr . Purchase , J . 10 . Al . Shadwell , " J . VV . Waldron , and 11 . Alassey ( Freemason ) . 'The testimonial consisted of the following articles : — One twenty-four inch silver tray , ninety ounces ( with
inscription ); one silver nymph ejiergne ( with inscription ); one oval engraved tea and coffee set ; one silver kettle and stand ; four bottle silver carlton and spoons ; one case twelve pairs pearl and silver desserts ; six chased Burmese salt spoons ; one gilt bronzed porcelain clock ; eighteen S . H . silver threaded tablespoons ; twelve S . II . silver threaded forks ; twelve S . 11 . silver dessert forks ; twelve S . 11 . dessert spoons ;
twelve S . II . stiver tea spoons ; six , S . IL silver egg spoons ; silver butter knife ; one set of four dish covers ; one revolving dish ; one butler cooler ; one case , twelve pairs , silver lish eaters ; one oak chest to contain Ihe whole ; and two silver and glass claret cujis . On the salver was inscribed , " Presented to Lieut-Col . Shadwell II . Clerke by his colleagues in the Supreme Council 33 " for England nnd Wales and thc Dependencies
of the British Crown in recognition of his valuable services as Grand Secretary General . July , 1 SS 0 . " 'The epergne bore the following : "This centre jiiece , with many other articles of plate , is presented to Lieut .-Col . Shadwell II . Clerke , 33 , by the members of the various Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England and Wales and the Dependencies of the British Crown , as a mark of their appreciation of the valuable and honorary services rendered by
bun to the Order as its Grand Secretary General for nearly seven ycars , antl of the esteem in which he is personally held by them . July , 1 SS 0 . " 'The value of the testimonial was nearl y £ 430 . Capt . N . ( j . PHILIPS , in making the presentation , said : Brethren , we are met here to-day for the jmrjiose of presenting a service of plate , of about the value of jCtso , to our illustrious brother , Lieutenant-Colonel Shadwell Henry
Clerke , anil 1 have to express to that brother and to you thc great regret of the Sovereign Grand Commander , the Karl of Lathom , that pressing business in connection with the affairs of Slate prevented his attendance to make the jiresentafion in person . He writes to me : " 41 , Portlandjilaee , VV ., July Sth , 1 SS 0 . Dear Capt . Philips , —Itis with extreme regret that I have to give up the pleasure of presiding at the presentation of the testimonial to Col . Shadwell Clerke to-day . 1 had looked forward to being present on
Presentation To Bro. Colonel Shadwell H. Clerke.
the occasion , and it is a very great disappointment to me not to be able to do so . But Lord Beaconsfield has sent for me to Hnghenden , and I am to obey his wishes . Will you kindly express my regret to Col . Clerke , and the brethren , and tell them how much 1 should have liked to have been with them on an occasion of such interest , if it vvas only to mark the deep sense I feel of the very great services Col . Clerke has rendered to the Ancient anil Accepted
Kite . I hough we are the losers by his appointment to the Grand Secretaryship , I feel that Alasonry in general is the gainer , and that we must not repine at bis loss . He is still one of us , and I feel sure that his future career will show that we , who have known him so long , have not placed too high a value on his services . Believe mc , yours truly , LATHOM , 33 . " It has , therefore , fallen upon me to perform this pleasant duty , which is the more pleasing to me ,
as I was the one at whose hands our Bro . Clerke first saw "light , " ancl he has been associated with me in Alasonry for many years . Bro . Clerke , it now devolves upon me to beg your acceptance of this j ) resentation in recognition of the valuable services rendered by you to the Order as Grand Secretary General , and as a small token of the affection and esteem in which you are held by your colleagues of the Simreme Council , ancl thc members of the Ancient antl
Accejited Rite of Freemasonry for England and Wales , and the Dependencies of the British Crown , ancl may the Great Architect of the Universe have you in His holy keeping , and long sjiare you in health and happiness to come amongst us . ( Cheers . ) Coi . SHADWELL II . CLERKE , who , on rising to acknowledge thc presentation , was received with loud ajiplause , saitl : Very illustrious Lieut . Grand Commander , and you ,
brethren , of the Ancient antl Accejited Rite , I really scarcely know what to say on this occasion , I feel so entirely overwhelmed by the magnificence of the gift which you arc good enough to confer upon me , but still more so by the kind feeling , fraternal friendship , and , I hope 1 may say , esteem which it typifies . 1 assure you that 1 vvas quite unprcjiarcd for such a demonstration , and 1 , therefore , value it all the more . Of course , I regret very much that our
most popular chief , I-ord Lathom , is not here to-day to present this as he was good enough to say he would . At the same time , I am peculiarly gratified that I receive it through the hands of my old friend and illustrious colleague , Capt . Philips , through whom , as hc said just now , I first saw Alasonic light , and with whom 1 haye worked for the last three and twenty years . It is , therefore , a great pleasure to me that I should receive this presentation
through his hands . Brethren , when 1 first came to settle in London after retiring from active service in the colonies some years ago it was a great pleasure to me to be jiermitted to join the higher orders of Alasonry , and when you entrusted me with the duties of Grand Secretary General I assure you 1 entered into my work with the full determination that I would act for the prosperity of the Order to the utmost oi my power antl ability . From the very hind way
in whicii you have received me to-day , and from this very handsome presentation I hojie 1 may lay the flattering unction to my soul that 1 have had some measure of success in carrying out my intentions , but I assureyou that I could nothavecairiedonthosedutiessowellif it haclnotbeen for the kind co-operation of my colleagues of the Order with whom 1 have been connected . Having been latel y called to other duties which prevent my attendance here , I am unable
to be so much among you ; yet you may be sure that 1 have the interests of the Ancient and Accepted Rite as much at heart as ever , and I feel the greatest interest in the welfare of the Order , and of its members individually , amongst whom 1 have the pleasure and gratification of numbering a great many personal friends . I thank you as I said before from the very bottom of my heart for this very handsome presentation , which I trust will be handed down to my
children when I am no more among you , and be an heirloom in my family to show the very kind feelings you have this day evinced to mc . I ( hank you very much . On the motion of Captain Pim . ll'S , a vote of thanks was accorded to the Committee for the very kind and able maimer in which they hatl made the selection of the plate and carried out all the arrangements . A vote of thanks lo Cajitain Philips closetl the jiroceedings .
Funeral Of Bro. John Hervey.
The funeral of Bro . Hervey took place on Wednesday last . The cortege left 58 , Great Russell-street , at twelve o'clock , and jiroceeded to Norwood Cemetery , where the service was performed by the Chajilain of the cemetery . 'The funeral was quite private , but several brethren , not members of the deceased ' s family , followed his remains to
their last resting place . Some beautiful wreaths of flowers were dc | iosited upon the coffin . Among the brethren who attended were Bros . Colonel Creaton , Grand Treasurer ; the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , Past Grantl Chaplain ; Brackstone Baker and Thomas Finn , Past Grand Deacons ; Colonel Shadwell IL Clerke , Grantl Secretary ; II . G . Buss , Assistant Grand Secretary ; A . A . Pentllebuiy , VV . Dodd , VV . II . Lee , Neville Green , H . Sadler ,
Grand 'T yler ; John Alason , John Gilbert , Grand Tyler of Aliddlesex ; G . I lanison , Assistant Grand Tyler of Aliddlesex ; II . Forbes , Royal York Chapter of Perseverance , No . 7 ; C Lodge Roads , P . AL 72 ; 10 . Letchworth , Alonlagu Gosset , P . AI . 66 ; Charles A . Ravey , 2 *; 6 ; Henry Green , P . AL 256 ; Henry Smith , Prov . G . Secretary West Yorkshire ; Dr . Woodman , P . G . A . D . C . ; Kenneth Mackenzie , Charles Lacey , and H . Alassey . The funeral arrangements were entrusted to Bro . VV . 11 . Ferryman .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The annual visit ( o the Crystal Palace of the girls and governesses of the above Institution took place on Wednesday last . Among the company present , which included several ladies , were Bros . E . Letchworth , H . Tattershall , Col . Peters , H . Smith , E . Bowyer , J . Faulkner , H Dicketts ,
and F . R . W . Hedges ( Secretary ) . The girls arrived by train shortly before eleven o'clock . They dined and afterwards took tea in the Terrace Dining Room . Bros . Bertram and Roberts catered in a very liberal manner , and kindly regaled the children with a plentiful supply of strawberries , and also gave them the use of the dining-room from which to view the fireworks . After spending a very happy day the children returned safely home .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Benevolent Fund Festival.
and he could not but hope that the charity as far as the Mark Benevolent Fund went would go on increasing year by year . He was not sure whether it was thc third or the fourth time hc had had the pleasure of speaking on this subject , but the more he did so the more he liked it . Any man who had anything to dispose of could not do better than give a little towards charity , whether Alasonic or otherwise ; it lived with him , and did good to those he left
behind him . 'The annual festival had gone on prospering , and this year the festival had produced nearly £ 600 . He hoped it would go on increasing . Bro . AUGUSTUS WALTON , VV . AI . Grosvenor Lodge , proposed , " The Ladies , " to which Bro . H . R . COOPER SMITH responded , and thc proceedings having thus terminated , the company remained in the room to see the fireworks , and an exceedingly pleasant day was brought to a close .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
'The following is a list of Provincial Stewards and their separate contributions , which we were unable ( o include in our report of the Festival last week
BERKS AND BUCKS . Lodge £ s . d . 574 Bro . F . H . Lyon ... 28 1 6 1410 ,, 'Thomas Taylor ... ... ... 21 o S 1492 „ Robert Roy ... ... ... 10 10 0 1560 ,, Robert Nicholson ... ... 46 6 6
CHESHIRE . 104 Bro . II . Finch , VV . Harrison , J . Wood 42 o o 477 ,, William Bennett ... ... 10 10 0 537 ,, Alanvood ... ... ... 10 10 o 537 ,, W . S . Sutton ... ... ... 10 10 o 1045 „ Capt . A . II . Gilbody ... ... 23 o 6
I 5 C 5 1 , I- G- Parker ... ... ... 2100 157 G „ John Dutton ... ... ... 78 15 o „ " 1 . P . Piatt ... ... ... 59 12 o CUMBERLAND AND WESTAIORLAND . 129 Bro . George John McKay ... ... 6 3 o o DERBYSHIRE . 253 Bro . Fred . J . Robinson ... ... 36 16 6 353 ,, William Walters ... ... 10 10 o
DORSET . 137 Bro . VV . Douglas Dugdale ... ... 116 11 o 1037 ,, . P . F . ' Guiulry ... ... ... 52 10 o DUR 1 IAA 1 . 7 64 Bro . Charles Sheriffe Lane ... ... 1115 o o 1334 ,, C . 10 . Baines ... ... ... 31 10 o
10 SS EX . 1000 liro . Rev . 11 . S . Wigram ... ... 3 3 o 1457 „ Joseph 'Tanner ... ... ... 16 16 0 1817 „ ' C . lOllham Chap . 214 Comp ; George Cooper ... ... 6 9 6 o
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . Lodge 82 Bro . Henry Godfrey ... ... ... 10 10 o „ Rev . T . Al . Withard Aliddlemore ... 7 6 13 o „ J . Smith Brook ... ... ... 10 10 n ,, Samuel Aloss ... ... ... 8 4 o o
„ John Alullings ... ... ... j- ' 10 o HANTS AND ISLE OF WIGHT . 130 Bio . VV . J . P . Hickman ... ... 132 6 o 694 ,, Rev . F . W . 'Thoyts ... ... 37 7 o ,, Richard Eve ... ... ... 3 " " > o IO ' ,, Edwin Groves ... 1 . V 1 I ,, G . R . I' -His ... ... ... 21 o o
HERTFORDSHIRE . 403 Bro . F . II . Wilson ... ... ... 250 o o 403 ,, J . R . Cocks ... ... ... 40 o 0 KENT . 1 * 19 lint . George Henry Smith ... ... 16 S 7 11 615 ,, 'Taylor ... 829 ,, Hit-lings ... ... ... 53 II o 709 , , G . W . Greenhill .. ... 63 o 10 5 ,, Thomas Wyles ... ... ... . yj 6 6 120 O ,, R . 1 . Einnierson ... ... lS 18 o
1208 ,, Henry Alinter Baker ... ... 54 12 o 1273 ,, !*' J . Geale ... ... 49 1 6 ' 42 > ,. Richard White ... ... ... 4 8 19 o 143 6 ,, 'Thos . P . Pulley ... ... ... 36 15 o Chap . 77 Comp . G . Festa ... ... ... 31 10 o
LANCASHIRE ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . Lodge Bro . Lieut .-Col . Le Gendre N . Starkie ... , ** 5 o ,, C . R . N . Bcswicke Royds ... 31 10 o 37 „ Samuel Crowther ... 10 10 o 44 ,, \ V . F . Parkinson -77 .. J . )' ' ¦ 'Tweedale ... ... ... tS iS o ,, Abraham Clegg ... ... ... 3 <> 1 . 5 °
,, George Mellor ... ,, Thomas Chorlton ... 10 10 o ,, G . P . Brockbank ... ... 10 10 o 152 ,, William Saflery ... 215 ,, 'Thomas Hargreaves . . ¦• n > m o 221 ,, 'Thomas lOntwistle ... ... 10 lu o
¦ . 77 „ | . 10 . Piatt 317 ,. William Nicholl ... ... <¦ . ? - ' o Chap . 317 Conm . J . 10 . Lee ... ... ... 5 5 ° Lodge 645 Bro . Samuel Kelly , Charles Heywood C . F . Alatier , J . G . Lees ... 143 ' 7 " \ B- >> . !• . !• Meakin ! .. ... ... 10 m o 1723 ,, las . llevwood ...
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . Bro . George Toller , iun . ... ... 194 . * > o
LINCOLNSHIRE . Bro . Charles Harrison ... 34 2 o 1294 ,, jack Sutcliffe ... ... . . 10 10 o . MIDDLESEX . 1237 ,, J . II . Thompson ... ... ... 70 7 o 1293 ,, VV . Jas . Spratling ... ... 20 9 6 im „ | . Kinsley Faith ... ... ... 10 10 o
13- 6 >> . 1- Hammond ... ... ... 15 15 o 1 5 12 ,, j . Hurst ... ... ... 44 11 o 1549 .. G . Titlconilie , jun . ... ... 44 2 o 1567 ,, j . II . Pearson ... ... .. 61 . 1 18 o 16 37 ., George Penn , VV . Stephens ... 21 ti o 1777 ,, II . li . . Marshall ... ... ... 105 o o ,, I Iv . Lovegrove ... ... 10 10 o
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
AIONMOUTHSHIRE . 1429 Bro . William Watkins ... ... 26 5 o NORFOLK . Bro . H . G . Barwell ... ... ... 145 13 o 10 7 ,, G . S . Woodwark ... ... 61 o 0 NORTHUMBERLAND . Bro . L . AL Cockroft ... ... ... G ** S 17 o OXFORDSHIRE . 478 Bro . Hawkins ... ... ... 19 19 o
SOAIERSI 0 TSH 1 RE . 1199 Bro . C . Lund Fry Edwards ... ... 106 1 0 STAFFORDSHIRE . 114 Bro . William Clarke .. ... ... 550 419 ,, James Walker ... ... ... 3 6 15 0 1452 „ \ V . O . Chambers ... ... 15 15 0 ,, Rev . C . 1 . Alartyn ... ... 78 15 0
SURREY . 416 Bro . Dr . S . Afakovski ... ... 14 14 o 452 ,, 10 . T . / . ohrab 4 'J 3 , i AV . C . Beaumont ... ... 13 13 o 104 O „ C . Keen ... ... ... 47 5 o 1714 ,, S . G . Kirchhoffer ... ... 4 8 6 o
SUSSEX . Bro . James Ebcrall ... ... ... 84 o o WARWICKSHIRE . 74 Bro . John Rawlins ... ... ... 113 8 o 214 ,, John W . Alargetts ... ... 38 17 o 025 ,, H . Sanderson ... ... ... 47 5 o 925 ,, James Stevens ... ... ... 6 3 o o
WORCESTERSHIRE . 377 Bro . George Taylor ... ... ... 26 3 o YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST RIDINGS . ) 236 Bro . T . J . Russell 312 ,, J . Stevenson ... ... ... 10 10 o 312 ,, Alajor VV . H . Alanvood ... ... 10 10 o ,, Boggctt ... ... ... 10 10 o 20 S „ T . " Wells ... ... ... 10 10 o
NORTH WALKS AND SALOP . 262 Bro . J . Sides Davies ... ... ... 36 15 o 597 „ J '" Peters ... ... ... 26 5 o 112 4 ,, F . R . Spaull ... ... ... 105 o o 1143 ,, R . J . Sissons ... ... ... 10 10 o 1621 „ J . G . VV . Lister ... ... ... 29 12 o ,, j . Bodenham ... ... ... 57 15 o
SOUTH WALES ( EASTERN DIVISION . ) 6 79 Bro . Thomas Phillips ... ... ... 126 5 o SOUTH WALKS ( WESTERN DIVISION ) . 6 71 Bro . Margrave ... ... ... -, 00 o o MARK DEGREE . Bro . Frederick Davison ... ... 91 16 o
Presentation To Bro. Colonel Shadwell H. Clerke.
On 'Thursday afternoon two testimonials were presented to Licut .-Ciil . Shadwell II . Clerke , at the hall of the Supreme Council , ^ ° , , yi „ Golden-square , on behalf , first , of the Supreme Council , 33 " , antl , secondl y , on behalf of the members of the various Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite , on his resignation of the ollicc of the Grand
Secretary Generalship , which he has held for nearly seven years . The presentation vyas to have been made by thc Earl of Lathom , but his lordship baving been called away to Hugheiiilcn , Capt . N . G . Philips occupied the place of his lordship . Among the brethren present on the occasion were Bros . Sir Charles Bright , Gen . Brownrigg , | . AL P . Alonlagu , Gen . Clerk , Magnus Ohren , Rev . T . F . Ravenshaw ,
Reginald Bird , 10 . Letchworth , Brackstone Baker , C . H . Gregory , Dr . Ramsay , F . Davison , Gen . Randolph , R . VV . 11 . Giddy , Tl . R . Cooper Smith , T . C . Walls , 10 . Bright , Col . Haldane , Alajor Alolyneux , Dr . Paul , Frank Richardson , Baron de Ferrieres , Rev . Ambrose , VV . Halt , Hugh I ) . Sandeman , the Earl nf Limerick , Charles Hammerton , F . Binckes , Col . Peters , S . Rawson , Col . U . S . Somerville Burney , Eustace , Anderson , lames Keene , Andrew Hay ,
| ohn Kirk , F . R . G . S ., Charles Goulden , R . Glover , 10 . II . Thiellay , Cajit . Paget Bourke , 10 . Al . Lott , | . Al . Collin , 10 . J , Leveson , Rev . VV . G . Alor . sc , J . F . Tweedale , Robert Stokes , Alajor Piatt , Charles'Tayleur , VVm . Kingston , Dr . Purchase , J . 10 . Al . Shadwell , " J . VV . Waldron , and 11 . Alassey ( Freemason ) . 'The testimonial consisted of the following articles : — One twenty-four inch silver tray , ninety ounces ( with
inscription ); one silver nymph ejiergne ( with inscription ); one oval engraved tea and coffee set ; one silver kettle and stand ; four bottle silver carlton and spoons ; one case twelve pairs pearl and silver desserts ; six chased Burmese salt spoons ; one gilt bronzed porcelain clock ; eighteen S . H . silver threaded tablespoons ; twelve S . II . silver threaded forks ; twelve S . 11 . silver dessert forks ; twelve S . 11 . dessert spoons ;
twelve S . II . stiver tea spoons ; six , S . IL silver egg spoons ; silver butter knife ; one set of four dish covers ; one revolving dish ; one butler cooler ; one case , twelve pairs , silver lish eaters ; one oak chest to contain Ihe whole ; and two silver and glass claret cujis . On the salver was inscribed , " Presented to Lieut-Col . Shadwell II . Clerke by his colleagues in the Supreme Council 33 " for England nnd Wales and thc Dependencies
of the British Crown in recognition of his valuable services as Grand Secretary General . July , 1 SS 0 . " 'The epergne bore the following : "This centre jiiece , with many other articles of plate , is presented to Lieut .-Col . Shadwell II . Clerke , 33 , by the members of the various Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England and Wales and the Dependencies of the British Crown , as a mark of their appreciation of the valuable and honorary services rendered by
bun to the Order as its Grand Secretary General for nearly seven ycars , antl of the esteem in which he is personally held by them . July , 1 SS 0 . " 'The value of the testimonial was nearl y £ 430 . Capt . N . ( j . PHILIPS , in making the presentation , said : Brethren , we are met here to-day for the jmrjiose of presenting a service of plate , of about the value of jCtso , to our illustrious brother , Lieutenant-Colonel Shadwell Henry
Clerke , anil 1 have to express to that brother and to you thc great regret of the Sovereign Grand Commander , the Karl of Lathom , that pressing business in connection with the affairs of Slate prevented his attendance to make the jiresentafion in person . He writes to me : " 41 , Portlandjilaee , VV ., July Sth , 1 SS 0 . Dear Capt . Philips , —Itis with extreme regret that I have to give up the pleasure of presiding at the presentation of the testimonial to Col . Shadwell Clerke to-day . 1 had looked forward to being present on
Presentation To Bro. Colonel Shadwell H. Clerke.
the occasion , and it is a very great disappointment to me not to be able to do so . But Lord Beaconsfield has sent for me to Hnghenden , and I am to obey his wishes . Will you kindly express my regret to Col . Clerke , and the brethren , and tell them how much 1 should have liked to have been with them on an occasion of such interest , if it vvas only to mark the deep sense I feel of the very great services Col . Clerke has rendered to the Ancient anil Accepted
Kite . I hough we are the losers by his appointment to the Grand Secretaryship , I feel that Alasonry in general is the gainer , and that we must not repine at bis loss . He is still one of us , and I feel sure that his future career will show that we , who have known him so long , have not placed too high a value on his services . Believe mc , yours truly , LATHOM , 33 . " It has , therefore , fallen upon me to perform this pleasant duty , which is the more pleasing to me ,
as I was the one at whose hands our Bro . Clerke first saw "light , " ancl he has been associated with me in Alasonry for many years . Bro . Clerke , it now devolves upon me to beg your acceptance of this j ) resentation in recognition of the valuable services rendered by you to the Order as Grand Secretary General , and as a small token of the affection and esteem in which you are held by your colleagues of the Simreme Council , ancl thc members of the Ancient antl
Accejited Rite of Freemasonry for England and Wales , and the Dependencies of the British Crown , ancl may the Great Architect of the Universe have you in His holy keeping , and long sjiare you in health and happiness to come amongst us . ( Cheers . ) Coi . SHADWELL II . CLERKE , who , on rising to acknowledge thc presentation , was received with loud ajiplause , saitl : Very illustrious Lieut . Grand Commander , and you ,
brethren , of the Ancient antl Accejited Rite , I really scarcely know what to say on this occasion , I feel so entirely overwhelmed by the magnificence of the gift which you arc good enough to confer upon me , but still more so by the kind feeling , fraternal friendship , and , I hope 1 may say , esteem which it typifies . 1 assure you that 1 vvas quite unprcjiarcd for such a demonstration , and 1 , therefore , value it all the more . Of course , I regret very much that our
most popular chief , I-ord Lathom , is not here to-day to present this as he was good enough to say he would . At the same time , I am peculiarly gratified that I receive it through the hands of my old friend and illustrious colleague , Capt . Philips , through whom , as hc said just now , I first saw Alasonic light , and with whom 1 haye worked for the last three and twenty years . It is , therefore , a great pleasure to me that I should receive this presentation
through his hands . Brethren , when 1 first came to settle in London after retiring from active service in the colonies some years ago it was a great pleasure to me to be jiermitted to join the higher orders of Alasonry , and when you entrusted me with the duties of Grand Secretary General I assure you 1 entered into my work with the full determination that I would act for the prosperity of the Order to the utmost oi my power antl ability . From the very hind way
in whicii you have received me to-day , and from this very handsome presentation I hojie 1 may lay the flattering unction to my soul that 1 have had some measure of success in carrying out my intentions , but I assureyou that I could nothavecairiedonthosedutiessowellif it haclnotbeen for the kind co-operation of my colleagues of the Order with whom 1 have been connected . Having been latel y called to other duties which prevent my attendance here , I am unable
to be so much among you ; yet you may be sure that 1 have the interests of the Ancient and Accepted Rite as much at heart as ever , and I feel the greatest interest in the welfare of the Order , and of its members individually , amongst whom 1 have the pleasure and gratification of numbering a great many personal friends . I thank you as I said before from the very bottom of my heart for this very handsome presentation , which I trust will be handed down to my
children when I am no more among you , and be an heirloom in my family to show the very kind feelings you have this day evinced to mc . I ( hank you very much . On the motion of Captain Pim . ll'S , a vote of thanks was accorded to the Committee for the very kind and able maimer in which they hatl made the selection of the plate and carried out all the arrangements . A vote of thanks lo Cajitain Philips closetl the jiroceedings .
Funeral Of Bro. John Hervey.
The funeral of Bro . Hervey took place on Wednesday last . The cortege left 58 , Great Russell-street , at twelve o'clock , and jiroceeded to Norwood Cemetery , where the service was performed by the Chajilain of the cemetery . 'The funeral was quite private , but several brethren , not members of the deceased ' s family , followed his remains to
their last resting place . Some beautiful wreaths of flowers were dc | iosited upon the coffin . Among the brethren who attended were Bros . Colonel Creaton , Grand Treasurer ; the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , Past Grantl Chaplain ; Brackstone Baker and Thomas Finn , Past Grand Deacons ; Colonel Shadwell IL Clerke , Grantl Secretary ; II . G . Buss , Assistant Grand Secretary ; A . A . Pentllebuiy , VV . Dodd , VV . II . Lee , Neville Green , H . Sadler ,
Grand 'T yler ; John Alason , John Gilbert , Grand Tyler of Aliddlesex ; G . I lanison , Assistant Grand Tyler of Aliddlesex ; II . Forbes , Royal York Chapter of Perseverance , No . 7 ; C Lodge Roads , P . AL 72 ; 10 . Letchworth , Alonlagu Gosset , P . AI . 66 ; Charles A . Ravey , 2 *; 6 ; Henry Green , P . AL 256 ; Henry Smith , Prov . G . Secretary West Yorkshire ; Dr . Woodman , P . G . A . D . C . ; Kenneth Mackenzie , Charles Lacey , and H . Alassey . The funeral arrangements were entrusted to Bro . VV . 11 . Ferryman .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The annual visit ( o the Crystal Palace of the girls and governesses of the above Institution took place on Wednesday last . Among the company present , which included several ladies , were Bros . E . Letchworth , H . Tattershall , Col . Peters , H . Smith , E . Bowyer , J . Faulkner , H Dicketts ,
and F . R . W . Hedges ( Secretary ) . The girls arrived by train shortly before eleven o'clock . They dined and afterwards took tea in the Terrace Dining Room . Bros . Bertram and Roberts catered in a very liberal manner , and kindly regaled the children with a plentiful supply of strawberries , and also gave them the use of the dining-room from which to view the fireworks . After spending a very happy day the children returned safely home .