Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCE OF DORSET. Page 1 of 2 Article PROVINCE OF DORSET. Page 1 of 2 Article PROVINCE OF DORSET. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Thc monthly meeting of the General Committee of this Institution was held last Saturday at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . S . Rosenthal in the chair . 'There were also present : Bros . Don . Al . Dewar , Alfred Williams , Richard Alorris , D . D ., G . R . Brockbank , C . H . Webb , Herbert Dicketts , VV . F . C .
Aloutrie , Frederick Adlard , Arthur 10 . Gladwell , VV . Paas , C . F . Alatier , R . Entwistlc , H . Young , F . Binckes ( Sec ) , and H . Alassey ( Freemason ) . The proceedings lasted over an hour , in consequence of the numerous petitions before thc Committee , this being thc last day for their receipt for the election of boys in October . Tiere were thirteen of these petitiens . Nine were accepted ,
three deferred , and one was rejected , the candidate being ineligible , according' to the laws of the Institution . The Committee recommended to the Quarterly Court for next Alonday , the following list of candidates for next election : fifty-three unsuccessful at last election ; eleven candidates accepted since the Quarterly Court in January ; and nine accepted by this Committee ; making a total
number of seventy-three candidates ; for whom there will be but sixteen vacancies . An outfit of £ 5 was granted to one ex-pupil of the lnstitution , now in a situation . Bro . BINCKES announced lhat at the last festival of thc Institution at the Crystal Palace , on Thursday , the ist
inst ., £ 14 , 002 was brought in by 317 Stewards ; with seventeen lists to come in . Since the festivaltwo more Stewards ' lists had been received , bringing in £ 51 more . ( Cheers ) . The announcement of the death of Bro . John Hervej was received with expressions of deep regret . 'The Committee then adjourned .
Province Of Dorset.
Last week was a red letter time in the annals of Freemasonry in the Province of Dorset , for , in addition to the meeting on Thursday , the 1 st inst ., of thc Provincial Grand Lodge to celebrate its centenary , the Provincial Grand Chapter of Dorset met on emergency on Friday at Portland for tlie purpose of consecrating a new chapter in connection with the Portland Lodge , No . 1037 , and on Saturday the usual Provincial Grand Chapter was held at thc Alasonic
Hall , which clay was the centenary of Chapter of Amity , No . 137 , it having first met on the 26 th of June , 17 S 0 , that excellent Alason , Bro . Dunckerly , presiding on thcoccasion . The original charter is still in existence , and kept at the Alasonic Hall , as are also the old minute books with the minutes of that lime carefully recorded and well preserved . Poole 100 years ago . must have been celebrated for tbe activity of Freemasonry , as the Lodge of Amity vvas started as far back as 176- ; , and is slill in a most vigorous and
jirosperous state . The Royal Arch companions met at Portland on Friday at two o'clock , the hall being well filled . Alany of the officers of the Grand Chapter of England had promised to attend , but unfortunately , this being thc height of the London season and their many jiressing engagements , their non-attendance was unavoidable . The Provincial Grand Chapter having been opened , the ceremony of consecrating the new chajiter vvas then
proceeded with by the G . S . of the Province , Comp . | . AL P . Alonlagu , the P . G . H . and T . also taking part . 'The principals designate were then installed—viz ., Comps . R . N . Howard , / .., VV . Smith , IL , and J . Jesty , J . The oilier officers were appointed , and a large number of brethic-n were proposed for the Degree . 'The usual business was 11 ansactetl , and the chapter was closed at four o ' clock . A bantitiet in the form of a cold collation was provided by
Bro . Tloilsdun , of the Victoria Hotel , at which the brethren ot the Portland Lodge were admitted . A very pleasant < veiling was spent under the presidency of Comp . Howard , supported b y the G . Supt . anil other P . G . Officer ? , past and present . 'The proceedings were much enlivened by a glee jiarty of the Weymouth and Portland brethren . As befoie stated , the Prov . G . Chajiter met at Poole on Saturday not only to hold its annual meeting , but also
to celebrate the occasion of the Chapter of Amity attaining ils 100 th year of existence . The Prov . G . Chapter was opened at twelve , anil after the usual routine business had been transacted allusion was made to the occasion for whicii the P . G . Chapterhad met , and the Chapter of Amity received the best wishes nnd congratulations of the companions , and resolutions were ordered to be entered on the P . G . Chapter minute book to testify to future
generations the auspicious occasion . This meeting was also rendered slill more interesting by a presentation to the Prov . G . Supt ., Comp . Montagu , of a handsome vase for dessert or flowers , with ajsuitablc inscription , on the occason of his late marriage with Aliss Vigne , daughter of the ia ( e Comj ) . Sir Knight C . J . Vigne , who held the office of Prov . G . Prior of Dorset for many years , this office being now held by Comp . Alontagu , as well as that of Prov . G .
Supt . 'Hie presentation was made , on behalf of the several Orders , by Comps . Rev . VV . AL Heath , C . R . Rowe , and H . C . Burt . Comp . . Mo . VT . U'i" thanked them for the expression of esteem and good will shown towards him , and would ever preserve it and look on it as a great honour done him . The appointment of Prov . G . Officers for the next year vvas as follows :
Comp . G . 11 . Gutch , P . Z . 137 Prov . G . H . „ II . C . Burt , P . Z . 622 Prov . G . J . „ VV . Chick , P . P . G . J ., P . Z . 417 ... Prov . G . S . E . ,, J . B . Cole , Z . 170 ' . Prov . G . S . N . „ D . Sydenham , P . Z . 137 Prov . G . P . S . ,, VV . fi . Rogers , P . Z . 117 Prov . G . ist A . S ,, J . Alic William , P . Z . 137 Prov . G . 2 nd A . S
„ J . Jacob , P . P . G . H ., P . Z . 170 ... Prov . G . Treas . ,, J . W . Luff , P . Z . 622 Prov . G . Reg . „ VV . 10 . llrymer , J . 417 Prov . G . S . B . ,, | . A . Sherren , J . 170 Prov . G . St . B . „ W . Smith , P . P . G . J ,, P . Z . 170 ... Prov . G . D . C . „ 1 . VV . Smith , P . P . G . P . S ., C . 22 ... Prov . G . Org . „ F . Long , Jan . 707 Prov . G . Jan . 'The [ Prov . G . Supt ., Comp . AIoNTAGU , stated he had given a large proportion of appointments to the Poole companions specially to mark the celebration of their centenary , and had given them the highest honour he could confer on one of them , viz ., Comp . Gutch as Prov . G . H . He also observed he should like this event to be specially
Province Of Dorset.
marked by some assistance to thc Alasonic Charities , and offered £ 5 5 s . to any companion of Poole or to their chapter to be given to one of the great Alasonic Charities , provided a similar sum was given in addition . This was at once accepted by Comp . Sydenham , Z . of that chapter , on its behalf . The Prov . G . Chapter was then closed .
By the kind invitation of the companions of Chapter of Amity the companions enjoyed an excellent banquet at the Antelope Hotel , provided by Bro . Curtis . Comp . D . Sydenham took the chair , being supported by many distinguished comjianions and visitors from Wilts , London , and other provinces , this having brought to an end two or
three daj-s hard , but interesting , Alasonic work and duty . Such events as these can never again be witnessed by many companions now living , as the next centenary in the province will not take place till the year 1921 , when a future generation will look back , no doubt with jileasure , on the interesting work so far completed by their forefathers .
On 'Thursday , the 1 st inst ., the foundation stone of St . Paul's new church , Poole , was laid with Alasonic honours , and on the same occasion was celebrated the centenary of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Alasons of the Province of Dorset—two important events which it was decided to associate and render the more successful . 'The weather , which had been unsettled for some few days
marred thc proceedings of the stone laying . 'The P . G . AI . of Dorset , Bro . Alontague J . Guest , ALP ., having consented to lay the stone , it was decided the affair should be invested * jy . ith Alasonic ceremonials , the brethren attending in full costume . There were upwards of 150 brethren present . The effect of their appearance , apart from the usual interesting incidents connected with the laving of
foundation stones , would have been to the spectators a pleasing sight had not the rain poured so jicrsistently for the whole of the afternoon . As it was , a large number of persons assembled , but it vvas only from under the consoling shelter of an umbrella that they were able to do so with any degree of comfort . It had been arranged a second stone should be laid by Lady Charlotte Schreiber , the wife of the
member for Poole . At the High-street entrance to thc church there was an elaborate archway of evergreens , on the central portion of which , in letters of wool on a red ground , were the words , " Christ is our Corner-stone . " Flags were also stretched across the roadway . At one o'clock , by the invitation of ( he Rev . F . Pocock , vicar of St . Paul's , and Airs . Pocock , the magistrates and
members of the congregation were entertained at luncheon in the schoolroom , Perry Garden , which was very tastefully decorated for the occasion . Preparations were made for 120 persons , and luncheon was provided by Air . T . Norbury , of the London Hotel , ln consequence of the rain nearly forty of the friends invited were absent . Among those jiresent was Lady Charlotte Schreiber . After luncheon a procession was formed , consisting of the clergy ,
magistrates , members of the Corporation , and others , headed by Ihe sergeants-nt-mace , and made its way to thc site where the stones were to belaid at the north end of the church . Those present included the Alayor ( Air . G . Curtis ) , the ex-AIayor ( Mr . VV . N . Western ) , Messrs . G . Belben , F . Alillns , ll . Farmer , F . G . Sanders , and 10 . J . Conway , J . P's . ; Aldermen [ . Buckley and F . Styring ; Councillors
R . 'Vldndgo , H . 1 . Ircvamon , VV . Alate , J . Gifford , J . Hayman , andC . Hill ; Air . H . W . Dickinson ( TownClerk ) , the Revs . F . Pocock , J . A . Lawson , rector of St . James ' s , P . F . Eliot , vicar of Holy Trinity , Bournemouth ; Carr J . Glyn , rector of VVitchampton ; J . L . Williams , vicar of Longfleet ; 10 . 10 . Dugmore , vicar of Parkstone ; W . Jones , St . Paul ' s ; II . Pelham Stokes , rector of Wareham ; C . Druitt , Parkstone ; T . Bennet ( Branksea ) , R . Gosse , E . Evans , J . B . Dyson , J . II . Osborne , and C . Portnell , Air .
J . Short , ancl others . Shortly after one o ' clock the Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Town Hall , lo commemorate the centenary , having been established at Poole on the 24 th of June , 17 S 0 . 'The Grand Lodge was close tyled at one o ' clock , and about half-an-hour afterwards the P . G . AI . with his officers took their seats . The hall was well filled . After the opening ceremonies the Provincial Grand Alaster delivered an
address expressing the great pleasure he felt at being present that day , and at the unusual circumstances attending their meeting . The province had been (^ resided over during the past hundred years by men who were distinguished for their ability , and who had been untiring in their energy in furthering the cause of Alasonry ; but he could assure them it was his intention not to be behind any of them in
his efforts to promote Alasonic principles in the province . He had carefully read the valuable minute books of Lotlge Amity , Poole , and from them he had discovered the fact of the Province of Dorset being instituted a hundred ycars ago that day . He had been very much engaged recently , or be shoulel on the jiresent occasion have presented them with some account of the progress of Alasonry in Dorset
during that period . He hoped , however , to do this shortl y in a printed form , which would be placed in the hands of the members . It had been his intention this year to visit every lodge in the province , but horn circumstances over whicii he had no control he had not yet been able to visit all of them . He hoped , however , to do so as early as JJOSsiblc . Bro . VV . Smith , P . P . J . G . W ., of Weymouth , the
efficient Grand Director of Ceremonies , was unable to be present that day , and his place in the lodge was filled by Bro . G . Harrison ^ P . AL The W . AI . of the Amity Lodge , Poole , Bro . F . Travers , introduced to the Prov . Grand Alaster VV . Bro . J . Graves , P . P . J . G . W ., the oldest member of that lodge , who had been deputed by the members to present an address to the Provincial Grand Alaster . ' In
addressing the P . G . AI ., Bro . Graves referred to the auspicious and unusual event of that day . After speaking of the progress of Freemasonry in the province and of those who had been connected with the Craft , he presented the following address : — "To Alontague John Guest , Esq ., ALP . "Rip-lit WorshinfuTSir . — -We . ( he Alaster . Officers , nnd
Brethren of Lodge Amity , No . 137 , Poole , the oldest lodge of Free and Accepted Alasons in your province , having been constituted in 17 O 5 , desire on this , the first centenary of tbe existence of a Provincial Grand Lodge in England , 10 vviui 01 aniuue ior
approacn you icunngs gi me nonour you have conferred on Lodge Amity in celebrating it at Poole . We desire to avail ourselves of this auspicious occasion to congratulate you and the brethren on the great prosperity of our Craft throughout the country at the present time , and on thc true Alasonic feeling which prevails in everv lodge within the circle of your province . We cannot
Province Of Dorset.
look back on the century which closes to-day without being deeply thankful to the Great Architect of the Universe for the blessings he has vouchsafed to the working of Alasonry and our Alasonic Institutions generally during that long period , and , remembering that without His aid nothing is strong , nothing is holy , we earnestly pray that in the years to come the same protecting care and Divine blessing may
continue to rest on the Grand Lodge of England , our most Worshipful Grand Alaster , H . R . H . the Prince of " Wales , and on the Provincial Grand Lodges of England , together with the officers and brethren , that AIasonic " lodges and institutions may everywhere extend and prosper . In conclusion , permit us again to assure you , Right Worshipful Sir , that the centenary festival , which we celebrate to-day , is an
event which will ever be remembered by us , and will be duly recorded in our archives , so that those who come after us may know and appreciate the deep interest you have ever taken in the prosperit y of Masonry in general , and the lodges of your province in particular . Dated this 24 th day of June , A . D . 1 SS 0 , A . L . 5 SS 4 . " Bro . HOWARD , P . G . Sec , read several letters from
brethren apologising for their inability to be present that day . The following was received from Bro . William Eliot , P . P . G . AL , who is believed to be the oldest continuous subscribing Freemason in England , and is now in his eighty-second year : "Weymouth , 22 nd June , 1 SS 0 . Al y dear Sir and Brother , —I should very much enjoy joining my brethren at Poole on Thursday next , but at my great age I find it quite impossible to move from my house or to attend any meet-Al
ing . y heart will be with you on Thursday , and may the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe bless the undertaking you will all be engaged in , and promote His honour and glory , and the happ ' iness and salvation of many souls . Aly affectionate and brotherly regards to our P . G . Alaster and the brethren . —Your affectionate brother , WM . ELIOT . R . N . Howard , Esq ., P . G . Secretary . " The brethren then proceeded to the site of the new church in tbe following order :
Two 'Tylers with drawn swords . Visiting brethren . Lodges according to their numbers , juniors walking first Provincial Grand Officers of other provinces . Past Provincial Grand Officers of Dorset . Provincial Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies . Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies .
Architect with the plans . f A cornucopia with corn borne " V Prov . Grand ) by a Alaster of a lodge . ( Prov . Grand Steward . J Two ewers with wine and oil I Steward . Lborne by Alasters of lodges . )
Provincial Grand Pursuivant . Provincial Grand Organist . Trowel borne by a Past Alaster . Alallet borne by a Past Alaster . Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works bearing a plate with the inscription for the foundation stone . Provincial Grand Secretary with thc Book of Constitutions .
Provincial Grand Registrar bearing the seal . Provincial Grand Treasurer bearing a phial containing the coins to be deposited in the stone . The Corinthian Li g ht borne by the Alaster of a lodge . The Column of Provincial Grand Junior Warden borne by the Alaster of a lodge . The Provincial Grand Junior Warden with the Plumb Rule .
The Done Light borne b y tbe Master of a lodge . The Column of the Provincial Grand Senior Warden borne by the Alaster of a lodge . 'The Provincial Grand Senior Warden with the Level . f Provincial Grand Junior S
Prov . Grand ) x , „ . - . i ° - , _ , I prov Grand Steward , i T 1 e l ™ vinc , al Grand Chap- V ^^ S I Iain bearing the Sacred 1 * - « - »**™ . I . Law on a cushion . J The Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster with the Square . The Ionic Light borne by the Alaster of a lodge . The Provincial Grand Sword Bearer .
The Provincial Grand Standard Becer . The Right Worshipful the Provincial Grar . i Alaster . Senior Provincial Grand Deacon . Two Provincial Grand Stewards . Provincial Grand Tyler . 'The two stones formed the north and soul I ' isis from which will spring the chancel arch , entering ft e nave .
'The old church from this point eastward ha rad y been pulled down , and the foundations of new are above ground . A wooden screen has btv . * n erected to screen this portion from the remainder of the church , which will , for a time at least , be still used for Divine worship . As soon as the Freemasons had taken up their position in the left hand gallery the order of service was
proceeded with , the Rev . 1 « . Pocock commencing with "Our Help is in the Name of the Lord , " and thc responses being taken up by the people . The 66 th Psalm , " O how amiable are Thy dwellings , Thou Lord . ' , of Hosts , " was then sung , after whicii several prayers followed . The prayer for the benefactors of the church having been read , the Vicar requested the Right Worshipful P . G . AI . to
lay the stone on the left hand side of the chancel . Then the P . G . AI . and Ihe clergy , with the officers of the Alasons , proceeded to the foundation stone , and the P . G . Chaplain ( Rev . Russel Wright ) commenced his part of the service , beginning with the words "Behold I lay in Zion a chief corner stone , elect , precious . " A set form of preces , responses , and prayers followed , during which time
the Alasons made ready the stone with the accustomed ceremony . The P . G . Chaplain read the prayer " Prevent us O Lord , in all our doings , " after which the hymn , "O Lord of Hosts , whose Glory fills" was sung . Bro . Alontague Guest then stepped forward , and , in the course of a very brief but apropos address , said he thanked the vicar most sincerely for having asked him to take
part in the ceremony of lading the foundation stone of the new Church of St . Paul . That day was the hundredth anniversary of the Dorset Grand Lodgeof Freemasons ; and he thought the Order of Freemasons could not well undertake a work more in accordance with its principles and celebration than the work they were that day taking part in . He begged to congratulate the parishioners on the
work so well begun , and trusted it would be carried to a successful finish . The Freemasons also offered their congratulations that the necessity had arisen for taking the steps that were being taken to increase the work of God in that place . The rules of the Order of Freemasons were based upon the purest principles of piety and virtue ; and the love of God and the honour of Him were among the highest attributes of their Order . A
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Thc monthly meeting of the General Committee of this Institution was held last Saturday at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . S . Rosenthal in the chair . 'There were also present : Bros . Don . Al . Dewar , Alfred Williams , Richard Alorris , D . D ., G . R . Brockbank , C . H . Webb , Herbert Dicketts , VV . F . C .
Aloutrie , Frederick Adlard , Arthur 10 . Gladwell , VV . Paas , C . F . Alatier , R . Entwistlc , H . Young , F . Binckes ( Sec ) , and H . Alassey ( Freemason ) . The proceedings lasted over an hour , in consequence of the numerous petitions before thc Committee , this being thc last day for their receipt for the election of boys in October . Tiere were thirteen of these petitiens . Nine were accepted ,
three deferred , and one was rejected , the candidate being ineligible , according' to the laws of the Institution . The Committee recommended to the Quarterly Court for next Alonday , the following list of candidates for next election : fifty-three unsuccessful at last election ; eleven candidates accepted since the Quarterly Court in January ; and nine accepted by this Committee ; making a total
number of seventy-three candidates ; for whom there will be but sixteen vacancies . An outfit of £ 5 was granted to one ex-pupil of the lnstitution , now in a situation . Bro . BINCKES announced lhat at the last festival of thc Institution at the Crystal Palace , on Thursday , the ist
inst ., £ 14 , 002 was brought in by 317 Stewards ; with seventeen lists to come in . Since the festivaltwo more Stewards ' lists had been received , bringing in £ 51 more . ( Cheers ) . The announcement of the death of Bro . John Hervej was received with expressions of deep regret . 'The Committee then adjourned .
Province Of Dorset.
Last week was a red letter time in the annals of Freemasonry in the Province of Dorset , for , in addition to the meeting on Thursday , the 1 st inst ., of thc Provincial Grand Lodge to celebrate its centenary , the Provincial Grand Chapter of Dorset met on emergency on Friday at Portland for tlie purpose of consecrating a new chapter in connection with the Portland Lodge , No . 1037 , and on Saturday the usual Provincial Grand Chapter was held at thc Alasonic
Hall , which clay was the centenary of Chapter of Amity , No . 137 , it having first met on the 26 th of June , 17 S 0 , that excellent Alason , Bro . Dunckerly , presiding on thcoccasion . The original charter is still in existence , and kept at the Alasonic Hall , as are also the old minute books with the minutes of that lime carefully recorded and well preserved . Poole 100 years ago . must have been celebrated for tbe activity of Freemasonry , as the Lodge of Amity vvas started as far back as 176- ; , and is slill in a most vigorous and
jirosperous state . The Royal Arch companions met at Portland on Friday at two o'clock , the hall being well filled . Alany of the officers of the Grand Chapter of England had promised to attend , but unfortunately , this being thc height of the London season and their many jiressing engagements , their non-attendance was unavoidable . The Provincial Grand Chapter having been opened , the ceremony of consecrating the new chajiter vvas then
proceeded with by the G . S . of the Province , Comp . | . AL P . Alonlagu , the P . G . H . and T . also taking part . 'The principals designate were then installed—viz ., Comps . R . N . Howard , / .., VV . Smith , IL , and J . Jesty , J . The oilier officers were appointed , and a large number of brethic-n were proposed for the Degree . 'The usual business was 11 ansactetl , and the chapter was closed at four o ' clock . A bantitiet in the form of a cold collation was provided by
Bro . Tloilsdun , of the Victoria Hotel , at which the brethren ot the Portland Lodge were admitted . A very pleasant < veiling was spent under the presidency of Comp . Howard , supported b y the G . Supt . anil other P . G . Officer ? , past and present . 'The proceedings were much enlivened by a glee jiarty of the Weymouth and Portland brethren . As befoie stated , the Prov . G . Chajiter met at Poole on Saturday not only to hold its annual meeting , but also
to celebrate the occasion of the Chapter of Amity attaining ils 100 th year of existence . The Prov . G . Chapter was opened at twelve , anil after the usual routine business had been transacted allusion was made to the occasion for whicii the P . G . Chapterhad met , and the Chapter of Amity received the best wishes nnd congratulations of the companions , and resolutions were ordered to be entered on the P . G . Chapter minute book to testify to future
generations the auspicious occasion . This meeting was also rendered slill more interesting by a presentation to the Prov . G . Supt ., Comp . Montagu , of a handsome vase for dessert or flowers , with ajsuitablc inscription , on the occason of his late marriage with Aliss Vigne , daughter of the ia ( e Comj ) . Sir Knight C . J . Vigne , who held the office of Prov . G . Prior of Dorset for many years , this office being now held by Comp . Alontagu , as well as that of Prov . G .
Supt . 'Hie presentation was made , on behalf of the several Orders , by Comps . Rev . VV . AL Heath , C . R . Rowe , and H . C . Burt . Comp . . Mo . VT . U'i" thanked them for the expression of esteem and good will shown towards him , and would ever preserve it and look on it as a great honour done him . The appointment of Prov . G . Officers for the next year vvas as follows :
Comp . G . 11 . Gutch , P . Z . 137 Prov . G . H . „ II . C . Burt , P . Z . 622 Prov . G . J . „ VV . Chick , P . P . G . J ., P . Z . 417 ... Prov . G . S . E . ,, J . B . Cole , Z . 170 ' . Prov . G . S . N . „ D . Sydenham , P . Z . 137 Prov . G . P . S . ,, VV . fi . Rogers , P . Z . 117 Prov . G . ist A . S ,, J . Alic William , P . Z . 137 Prov . G . 2 nd A . S
„ J . Jacob , P . P . G . H ., P . Z . 170 ... Prov . G . Treas . ,, J . W . Luff , P . Z . 622 Prov . G . Reg . „ VV . 10 . llrymer , J . 417 Prov . G . S . B . ,, | . A . Sherren , J . 170 Prov . G . St . B . „ W . Smith , P . P . G . J ,, P . Z . 170 ... Prov . G . D . C . „ 1 . VV . Smith , P . P . G . P . S ., C . 22 ... Prov . G . Org . „ F . Long , Jan . 707 Prov . G . Jan . 'The [ Prov . G . Supt ., Comp . AIoNTAGU , stated he had given a large proportion of appointments to the Poole companions specially to mark the celebration of their centenary , and had given them the highest honour he could confer on one of them , viz ., Comp . Gutch as Prov . G . H . He also observed he should like this event to be specially
Province Of Dorset.
marked by some assistance to thc Alasonic Charities , and offered £ 5 5 s . to any companion of Poole or to their chapter to be given to one of the great Alasonic Charities , provided a similar sum was given in addition . This was at once accepted by Comp . Sydenham , Z . of that chapter , on its behalf . The Prov . G . Chapter was then closed .
By the kind invitation of the companions of Chapter of Amity the companions enjoyed an excellent banquet at the Antelope Hotel , provided by Bro . Curtis . Comp . D . Sydenham took the chair , being supported by many distinguished comjianions and visitors from Wilts , London , and other provinces , this having brought to an end two or
three daj-s hard , but interesting , Alasonic work and duty . Such events as these can never again be witnessed by many companions now living , as the next centenary in the province will not take place till the year 1921 , when a future generation will look back , no doubt with jileasure , on the interesting work so far completed by their forefathers .
On 'Thursday , the 1 st inst ., the foundation stone of St . Paul's new church , Poole , was laid with Alasonic honours , and on the same occasion was celebrated the centenary of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Alasons of the Province of Dorset—two important events which it was decided to associate and render the more successful . 'The weather , which had been unsettled for some few days
marred thc proceedings of the stone laying . 'The P . G . AI . of Dorset , Bro . Alontague J . Guest , ALP ., having consented to lay the stone , it was decided the affair should be invested * jy . ith Alasonic ceremonials , the brethren attending in full costume . There were upwards of 150 brethren present . The effect of their appearance , apart from the usual interesting incidents connected with the laving of
foundation stones , would have been to the spectators a pleasing sight had not the rain poured so jicrsistently for the whole of the afternoon . As it was , a large number of persons assembled , but it vvas only from under the consoling shelter of an umbrella that they were able to do so with any degree of comfort . It had been arranged a second stone should be laid by Lady Charlotte Schreiber , the wife of the
member for Poole . At the High-street entrance to thc church there was an elaborate archway of evergreens , on the central portion of which , in letters of wool on a red ground , were the words , " Christ is our Corner-stone . " Flags were also stretched across the roadway . At one o'clock , by the invitation of ( he Rev . F . Pocock , vicar of St . Paul's , and Airs . Pocock , the magistrates and
members of the congregation were entertained at luncheon in the schoolroom , Perry Garden , which was very tastefully decorated for the occasion . Preparations were made for 120 persons , and luncheon was provided by Air . T . Norbury , of the London Hotel , ln consequence of the rain nearly forty of the friends invited were absent . Among those jiresent was Lady Charlotte Schreiber . After luncheon a procession was formed , consisting of the clergy ,
magistrates , members of the Corporation , and others , headed by Ihe sergeants-nt-mace , and made its way to thc site where the stones were to belaid at the north end of the church . Those present included the Alayor ( Air . G . Curtis ) , the ex-AIayor ( Mr . VV . N . Western ) , Messrs . G . Belben , F . Alillns , ll . Farmer , F . G . Sanders , and 10 . J . Conway , J . P's . ; Aldermen [ . Buckley and F . Styring ; Councillors
R . 'Vldndgo , H . 1 . Ircvamon , VV . Alate , J . Gifford , J . Hayman , andC . Hill ; Air . H . W . Dickinson ( TownClerk ) , the Revs . F . Pocock , J . A . Lawson , rector of St . James ' s , P . F . Eliot , vicar of Holy Trinity , Bournemouth ; Carr J . Glyn , rector of VVitchampton ; J . L . Williams , vicar of Longfleet ; 10 . 10 . Dugmore , vicar of Parkstone ; W . Jones , St . Paul ' s ; II . Pelham Stokes , rector of Wareham ; C . Druitt , Parkstone ; T . Bennet ( Branksea ) , R . Gosse , E . Evans , J . B . Dyson , J . II . Osborne , and C . Portnell , Air .
J . Short , ancl others . Shortly after one o ' clock the Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Town Hall , lo commemorate the centenary , having been established at Poole on the 24 th of June , 17 S 0 . 'The Grand Lodge was close tyled at one o ' clock , and about half-an-hour afterwards the P . G . AI . with his officers took their seats . The hall was well filled . After the opening ceremonies the Provincial Grand Alaster delivered an
address expressing the great pleasure he felt at being present that day , and at the unusual circumstances attending their meeting . The province had been (^ resided over during the past hundred years by men who were distinguished for their ability , and who had been untiring in their energy in furthering the cause of Alasonry ; but he could assure them it was his intention not to be behind any of them in
his efforts to promote Alasonic principles in the province . He had carefully read the valuable minute books of Lotlge Amity , Poole , and from them he had discovered the fact of the Province of Dorset being instituted a hundred ycars ago that day . He had been very much engaged recently , or be shoulel on the jiresent occasion have presented them with some account of the progress of Alasonry in Dorset
during that period . He hoped , however , to do this shortl y in a printed form , which would be placed in the hands of the members . It had been his intention this year to visit every lodge in the province , but horn circumstances over whicii he had no control he had not yet been able to visit all of them . He hoped , however , to do so as early as JJOSsiblc . Bro . VV . Smith , P . P . J . G . W ., of Weymouth , the
efficient Grand Director of Ceremonies , was unable to be present that day , and his place in the lodge was filled by Bro . G . Harrison ^ P . AL The W . AI . of the Amity Lodge , Poole , Bro . F . Travers , introduced to the Prov . Grand Alaster VV . Bro . J . Graves , P . P . J . G . W ., the oldest member of that lodge , who had been deputed by the members to present an address to the Provincial Grand Alaster . ' In
addressing the P . G . AI ., Bro . Graves referred to the auspicious and unusual event of that day . After speaking of the progress of Freemasonry in the province and of those who had been connected with the Craft , he presented the following address : — "To Alontague John Guest , Esq ., ALP . "Rip-lit WorshinfuTSir . — -We . ( he Alaster . Officers , nnd
Brethren of Lodge Amity , No . 137 , Poole , the oldest lodge of Free and Accepted Alasons in your province , having been constituted in 17 O 5 , desire on this , the first centenary of tbe existence of a Provincial Grand Lodge in England , 10 vviui 01 aniuue ior
approacn you icunngs gi me nonour you have conferred on Lodge Amity in celebrating it at Poole . We desire to avail ourselves of this auspicious occasion to congratulate you and the brethren on the great prosperity of our Craft throughout the country at the present time , and on thc true Alasonic feeling which prevails in everv lodge within the circle of your province . We cannot
Province Of Dorset.
look back on the century which closes to-day without being deeply thankful to the Great Architect of the Universe for the blessings he has vouchsafed to the working of Alasonry and our Alasonic Institutions generally during that long period , and , remembering that without His aid nothing is strong , nothing is holy , we earnestly pray that in the years to come the same protecting care and Divine blessing may
continue to rest on the Grand Lodge of England , our most Worshipful Grand Alaster , H . R . H . the Prince of " Wales , and on the Provincial Grand Lodges of England , together with the officers and brethren , that AIasonic " lodges and institutions may everywhere extend and prosper . In conclusion , permit us again to assure you , Right Worshipful Sir , that the centenary festival , which we celebrate to-day , is an
event which will ever be remembered by us , and will be duly recorded in our archives , so that those who come after us may know and appreciate the deep interest you have ever taken in the prosperit y of Masonry in general , and the lodges of your province in particular . Dated this 24 th day of June , A . D . 1 SS 0 , A . L . 5 SS 4 . " Bro . HOWARD , P . G . Sec , read several letters from
brethren apologising for their inability to be present that day . The following was received from Bro . William Eliot , P . P . G . AL , who is believed to be the oldest continuous subscribing Freemason in England , and is now in his eighty-second year : "Weymouth , 22 nd June , 1 SS 0 . Al y dear Sir and Brother , —I should very much enjoy joining my brethren at Poole on Thursday next , but at my great age I find it quite impossible to move from my house or to attend any meet-Al
ing . y heart will be with you on Thursday , and may the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe bless the undertaking you will all be engaged in , and promote His honour and glory , and the happ ' iness and salvation of many souls . Aly affectionate and brotherly regards to our P . G . Alaster and the brethren . —Your affectionate brother , WM . ELIOT . R . N . Howard , Esq ., P . G . Secretary . " The brethren then proceeded to the site of the new church in tbe following order :
Two 'Tylers with drawn swords . Visiting brethren . Lodges according to their numbers , juniors walking first Provincial Grand Officers of other provinces . Past Provincial Grand Officers of Dorset . Provincial Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies . Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies .
Architect with the plans . f A cornucopia with corn borne " V Prov . Grand ) by a Alaster of a lodge . ( Prov . Grand Steward . J Two ewers with wine and oil I Steward . Lborne by Alasters of lodges . )
Provincial Grand Pursuivant . Provincial Grand Organist . Trowel borne by a Past Alaster . Alallet borne by a Past Alaster . Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works bearing a plate with the inscription for the foundation stone . Provincial Grand Secretary with thc Book of Constitutions .
Provincial Grand Registrar bearing the seal . Provincial Grand Treasurer bearing a phial containing the coins to be deposited in the stone . The Corinthian Li g ht borne by the Alaster of a lodge . The Column of Provincial Grand Junior Warden borne by the Alaster of a lodge . The Provincial Grand Junior Warden with the Plumb Rule .
The Done Light borne b y tbe Master of a lodge . The Column of the Provincial Grand Senior Warden borne by the Alaster of a lodge . 'The Provincial Grand Senior Warden with the Level . f Provincial Grand Junior S
Prov . Grand ) x , „ . - . i ° - , _ , I prov Grand Steward , i T 1 e l ™ vinc , al Grand Chap- V ^^ S I Iain bearing the Sacred 1 * - « - »**™ . I . Law on a cushion . J The Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster with the Square . The Ionic Light borne by the Alaster of a lodge . The Provincial Grand Sword Bearer .
The Provincial Grand Standard Becer . The Right Worshipful the Provincial Grar . i Alaster . Senior Provincial Grand Deacon . Two Provincial Grand Stewards . Provincial Grand Tyler . 'The two stones formed the north and soul I ' isis from which will spring the chancel arch , entering ft e nave .
'The old church from this point eastward ha rad y been pulled down , and the foundations of new are above ground . A wooden screen has btv . * n erected to screen this portion from the remainder of the church , which will , for a time at least , be still used for Divine worship . As soon as the Freemasons had taken up their position in the left hand gallery the order of service was
proceeded with , the Rev . 1 « . Pocock commencing with "Our Help is in the Name of the Lord , " and thc responses being taken up by the people . The 66 th Psalm , " O how amiable are Thy dwellings , Thou Lord . ' , of Hosts , " was then sung , after whicii several prayers followed . The prayer for the benefactors of the church having been read , the Vicar requested the Right Worshipful P . G . AI . to
lay the stone on the left hand side of the chancel . Then the P . G . AI . and Ihe clergy , with the officers of the Alasons , proceeded to the foundation stone , and the P . G . Chaplain ( Rev . Russel Wright ) commenced his part of the service , beginning with the words "Behold I lay in Zion a chief corner stone , elect , precious . " A set form of preces , responses , and prayers followed , during which time
the Alasons made ready the stone with the accustomed ceremony . The P . G . Chaplain read the prayer " Prevent us O Lord , in all our doings , " after which the hymn , "O Lord of Hosts , whose Glory fills" was sung . Bro . Alontague Guest then stepped forward , and , in the course of a very brief but apropos address , said he thanked the vicar most sincerely for having asked him to take
part in the ceremony of lading the foundation stone of the new Church of St . Paul . That day was the hundredth anniversary of the Dorset Grand Lodgeof Freemasons ; and he thought the Order of Freemasons could not well undertake a work more in accordance with its principles and celebration than the work they were that day taking part in . He begged to congratulate the parishioners on the
work so well begun , and trusted it would be carried to a successful finish . The Freemasons also offered their congratulations that the necessity had arisen for taking the steps that were being taken to increase the work of God in that place . The rules of the Order of Freemasons were based upon the purest principles of piety and virtue ; and the love of God and the honour of Him were among the highest attributes of their Order . A