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Consecration Of The Claremont Lodge, No. 1861.
display thc working abilities of a W . AL , but we may say if liro . Vincent can preside over the working of a lodge as well as he can take the head of thc banquet table , the Claremont Lodge will be proud of its lirst Alaster .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons Of Middlesex And Surrey.
A highly successful gathering of the members of the Mark Degree took place on the 29 th ult ., at the Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , it being the annual meeting of the P . G . L . of Aliddlesex ancl Surrey . The Era Alark Lodge , No . 176 , was opened at three
o ' clock , under the distinguished auspices of the Provincial Grand Lodge . 'The members of the former did not muster in very good strength . Among the officers were Bros . VV . Hammond , P . G . S ., W . AL ; John Hammond , J . VV . j and Pcnnyfather , Secretary . There was no business . The P . G . L . vvas opened at four o'clock , in the presence of a very numerous and influential gathering . Among those in attendance we noticed Bros , the R . W . P . G . AI . AL ,
Colonel Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., High Sheriff of Surrey , & c ; F . Davison , V . W . D . P . G . AI . AI . r & c . ; 10 . Passawer , Registrar ; VV . G . Brighten , Secretary ; 10 . Gilbert , S . D . ; C . Goolden , J . D . ; j " . B . Shackleton , D . C . ; R . T . Hill , A . D . C ; C Palmer , Standard Bearer ; Stark , Organist ; Cliffe , T . De Lcliva , Sir Charles Palmer , Bart ., and Adams , Stewards ; D . AL Dewar , P . P . G . O . ; J . Alason , P . G . AI . O . ; C . H . R . Harrison , P . P . G . S . ; Klench , P . P .
G . R . ; Dr . Ramsey , P . P . G . D . ; R . VV . Brown , P . P . G . S . ; Lieut .-Col . Shadwell 11 . Gierke , G . J . W . ; Rev . T . Ravenshaw , Oxford University ; Graves , W . AL 3 ; VV . J . Aleek , W . AI . 199 ; T . C Walls , VV . AI . 211 and 23 S ; J . W . Baldwin , P . AI . 211 ; Cousens , VV . AI . 104 , P . G . O . ; Edwin Hopwood , S . W . 1 S 1 ; Alajor-General Randolph , S . VV . 197 ; A . Haynes , J . W . 211 ; II . J . Lardner , J . W . West Smithfield ; IL H . Baldwin , Sec . 139 ; J . Hill , Secretary
199 ; J . Allsopp , J . O . 176 ; Rev . C . dc Crespigny ; Anderson , Old Kent ; Handel , 1 S 1 ; VV . Game , 211 , & c ; and J . Gilbert , P . G . T . 'The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the roll of lodges was duly called over . The warrant of the re-appointment of the P . G . AI . M . having been read , and the announcement received with acclamation , the R . VV . P . G . AI . AI . appointed and invested his
officers as follows : Bro . F . Davison Prov . D . G . Al . Al ,, Dr . Ramsey Prov . G . S . W . „ Alajor-General Randolph Prov . G . J . W . " ^ " vv > d n Ti pi '' 'ny "' 1 Prov . G . Chaps . ,, Rev . VV . O . Ihompson ... ) ' CHammerton ProvGTreas .
.. . ... ... ... . . ,, Captain Talbot ... ... ... Prov . G . Reg „ VV . G . Brighten Prov . G . Sec . „ Sir Charles Palmer , Bart . ... ... Prov . G . AI . O „ C . H . R . Harrison Prov * . G . S . O . ,, F . Graves ... ... ... ... Prov . G . J . O . RGGlutton ProvGSD
.. . . . ... „ T . De Leliva . ' . ' . . ' . ' . ' ... Prov . G . J . D . „ A . Walters Prov . G . S . of W ,, J . B . Shackleton ( re-appointed ) ... Prov . G . D . C .
„ H . Baldwin Prov . G . A . D . C . ,, VV . Stephenson ... ... ... Prov . G . S . B . „ 10 . Hopwood Prov . G . Std . Br ,, J . Rhodes ... ... ... ... Prov . G . Org . .. T . W . Adams Prov . G . I . G ' .
Bros . H . J . Lardner , Ackland , J . VV . 1 Baldwin , ' !' . C . Walls , J . " Hart , S Prov . G . Stwds . and S . N . Griffiths ... ) Bro . J . Gilbert ... ... ... ... Prov . G . Tyler . The accounts of the P . G . Treasurer were then received
and adopted , ihe sum of two guineas having been voted to the Alark Benevolent Fund , and several other minor matters disposed of , the P . G . L . was closed indue form , and the majority of the brethren jiresent partook of the banquet which immediately followed . Upon the removal of the cloth the R . VV . P . G . AI . AI . announced that in consequence of a longstanding engagement in town he was reluctantly compelled to leave the
chair . Ihe V . W . D . P . G . AI . AL having assumed the chair , presided during ** the remainder of the proceedings . After the customary toasts had received full justice , "The Health of the Grand Alark Officers" was proposed in brief but pertinent terms , ancl , it liaving been duly honoured , thc V . W . Bro . Lieut .-Col . Shadwell II . Gierke responded in a few well chosen sentences . In the course of his reply he expressed the gratification it had afforded him iu being
present on that particular occasion . He was pleased to near from the Secretary that the Alark Degree was in so flourishing a condition in the Province of Aliddlesex and Surrey , but this was a matter of no surprise , for it had the good Fortune of being under the rule of one of the most affable and genial Alasons in the country . ( Applause . ) He trusted the Provincial Grand Alaster would bc . Jsparcd i » any years to come amongst them . ( Hear , hear . ) In
conclusion , upon behalf of the Grand Officers , Present antl Past , he begged lo thank the Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster for the very complimentary way in which he had proposed the toast , and the brethren for the warm and hearty manner they had received it . " The R . W . P . G . M . M . " followed , and this toast having been enthusiastically drank , "The Health of the V . W . D . P . G . AI . AL " was proposed by Bro . the Rev . T . Ravenshaw , and this toast
having been duly honoured , Bro . Davison modestly acknowledged thc compliment . " 'The Health of the Visitors" was coupled with the name of Bro . the Rev . T . Ravenshaw , who briefly said , in reply , that it had given him a great amount of pleasure in attending the P . G . L . of Aliddlesex and Surrey , which body he was glad to learn had attained such prosperity , and which bore so excellent a character , ln concluding his remarks he said that upon behalf of his co-visitors and himself he could only express
a hope that the Alark Degree in the jirovincc would enjoy every jiossible success in the future . "The Health of the Treasurer and Secretary" followed . Bro . Brighten , the Secretary , after apologising for Ihe unavoidable absence of the 'Treasurer , said that he personally was much obliged to the officers of the P . G . L . in general , and to the members of the province in particular , for the invariable kindness shown by them to him upon all occasions . The secretarial work was exceedingly heavy , especially in the matter of correspondence , and he wished that some one could be found who would relieve him of his position . ( No , no . )
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons Of Middlesex And Surrey.
The affairs of the province were now in a sound and good working condition , and under those circumstances he . should feel disposed to leave it could a successor be found who would conscientiously undertake the responsibilities of Secretary . In concluding his speech he expressed
his acknowledgments for the very warm manner in which his health had been drank and his remarks received . " 'The Officers , " coupled with thc names of Bros . Dr . Ramsey , S . VV ., ancl Bro . General Rancloljih , concluded thc . proceedings , which were enlivened by a choice selection of music performed by Bros . Cozens , T . Distin , and Alartin .
Opening Of A New Masonic Club.
'The brethren of tlie Woolwich and Plumstead district have just formed a club in their midst , which promises to be a very successful undertaking ' . For some time past the want of a room sacred to the brethren of the mystic tie had been felt and deplored , but within the last month or so some of the most influential of the representatives of the
various lodges have met , drawn up a programme and rules , appointed officers , Sic , and on 'Tuesday , the 29 th u ' . t ., fairly started the club with an e ' egant little banquet . The meet took place at thc club house , the Earl of Chatham Arms , 'Thomas-street , Woolwich , and there , gathered round the worthy host ' s mahogany , the good things of the world were discussed , and many a bumper pledged to the success of the Woolwich and Plumstead Alasonic Club .
The chair was filled by the President , Bro . VV . Weston , P . AI . 1536 ancl P . G . S . B . Kent , and the vice-chair by Bro . Lieut . T . Kirkbride , 1536 . These were admirably supported by upwards of thirty other brethren of neighbouring lodges . After dinner the loyal and patriotic toasts were duly honoured , and then Bro . WESTON rose to propose the toast of the evening , "Success to the Woolwich and Plumstead Alasonic Club . " He said they had met under the most
favourable circumstances , and laid , he trusted , the foundation stone of a good and grand Alasonic Hall for the district . 'They had already sixty members on the books of the club , the objects of which were to give facilities for instruction in Alasonic , social , and other kinds of useful knowledge , to promote the free discussion of all subjects affecting the welfare of Alasonry in general , ancl to find amusement and refreshment to the brethren and Alasonic
friends . There would be chess , draughts , cards , the daily , local , and Alasonic journals ; and any brother , a member , had only to suggest anything that he thought would add to the comfort or entertainment of the whole to be sure of it receiving every attention at the hands of the Committee . The credit of originating the club must fall upon the
shoulders of Bros . Holleyman and Scully—the former of whom had first suggested it , and the latter had been indefatigable in bringing it to its present state of perfectionancl , in coupling the names of those two brethren with thc toast , lie felt that he was only giving honour where honour was due . ( Applause . ) The toast was drunk wilh enthusiasm .
Bro . Hoi . t . EYM . W " , in rejuy , said then * President had given him more than his due of credit . Directly the club was mooted it was responded to by the brethren most cordially . Although not a very old Alason , yet it had struck him as strange that in a district like Woolwich and Plumstead , with live Craft lodges , two Alark lodges , and two chapters , there was not a single room in the town where they could meet to discuss questions touching the
interests of the Order in the district , or generally , without being liable to the irruption of strangers . Hc saw no reason why they should not have a hall of their own . It was only the cither day that the Prov . Grand Alaster of Kent , Lord Amherst , consecrated a Alasonic Hall at Canterbury . 'There were only three lodges in that district , whereas in this district there were nine lodges and chapters . I le trusted this meeting might be like an acorn planted in
the soil ; small though it might be , yet , as from that acorn grew the mighty oak , so from that meeting might grow the hall they so much wanted to be a shelter and a home for every Alasons'lodge in the district . ( Applause . ) If they would only put their shoulder to the wheel , and said " We will have a hall , " it would certainly be accomplished . Bro . SCULLY followed , and said as there were between
seven and eight hundred Alasons in Woolwich and Plumstead , there ought not to be any difficulty in the matter of making the club a great success . He certainly should do all in his power to make a success of it . " The Health of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman , " "The Press , " and " The Host" followed , and the rest of the evening was spent in harmony .
New Masonic Hall At Aberdare.
Freemasonry ajijiears to flourish at Aberdare , for we find that the members ofthe St . David ' s Lodge ( No . 679 , South Wales Eastern Division ) are about to open a fine Alasonic Hall , to be devoted to the ceremonials of the Craft , and built upon an elaborate scale with whicii few such buildings in the provinces can compare . It is situated in a central
position in Cannon-street , and has been erected at the cost of between £ 1300 and £ 1400 ( including the purchase of the site ) , from the designs of Air . Blcsslcy , architect , of Cardiff , the builder being Mr . John Alorgan , of Aberdare . The principal hall , on the lirst floor , is between thirty and forty feet in length , by twenty-two in breadth , and the whole structure , the lower portion of which will probably be let for
offices , presents an ornate appearance , being an imjiortant addition to the public buildings of Ihe town , whicii cannot boast of many assembly-rooms worthy of the name , for the Temperance Hall , which is the largest , is much out of repair , and has a dismal look . The members of this lodge , vvho number between sixty and seventy , may congratulate themselves ujron acquiring so handsome ancl convenient a
meeting-place . It will be opened in about a month , thc ceremony on the occasion being likely to prove one of the most agreeable reminiscences of the tenure of office by Air . 'Thomas Phillips , thc present Worshipful Grand Alaster . The event will , at least , serve as a reminder that though trade has long been bad with them , thc inhabitants of Aberdare have not lost their old spirit of enterprise , which they are now also displaying in other directions .
Old Matured Wines ami Spirits . —J . K . Stl . ixii & Co ., Win Merchants ( l '* xperts antl Valuers ) , 2 , Alhert Mansions , Victoria eet , Lomtun , S . W . Price lists on applications . —[ Anvr . ]
Grand Lodge Of Quebec.
LAYING THE CORNER STONE OF THE BISHOP STEWART MEMORIAL CHURCH , FRELIGHSBURG , P . Q . Tuesday , thc Sth June , when the corner stone of Stewart Alemorial Church was laid at Frelighsburg with imposing Alasonic ceremonies , in addition to the services of the Anglican Church , will be long remembered in the annals
of that enterprising and pretty village . The day was particularly fine , and , long before the hour for the proceedings to begin had arrived , people from the surrounding country had commenced to arrive by hi n Ireds . The Montreal party , consisting of about fifty ladie ; and gentlemen , went by special train over the South Eastern to Sanbridge East , from whence they were driven to Frelighsburg by teams ,
which were at the station to meet them . 'The ladies of the Trinity Church conducted a bazaar during the day , at which excellent meals were served . 'I he attendance of the members of the Craft , who came from all sections of the Eastern 'Townships , as well as Alontreal , was very large . Shortly after one o ' clock the Alasons present assembled
at thc lodge room of rrehghsburg Lodge , No . 33 , Q . R ., to prepare for the afternoon ' s ceremonies , and by tvvoTo'clock were ready to join the procession to the church , which was formed as follows : Band , Rector , Wardens , Building Committee , representatives of other invited public bodies , thc Alasonic body , closing with the Grand Alaster , and the clergy in robes , closing with his lordship the Bishop . The
procession was met at the gate of the church grounds by the choir of Trinity Church singing " Onward , Christian soldiers . " Among the clergy present were his lordship Bishop Bond , of Montreal , Venerable Archdeacons Lindsay and Lonsdale ; Rev . Canons Ellegoode and Duvemet ; Rev . Alessrs . Alussc-n ( Rural Dean ) , Ball , Fyles , Smith , Brown , Lee , Kilner , Bancroft , De Gruchy , VVurtele , Ker ,
Montgomery , Constantine , Davidson , and Rev . J . B . Davidson , rector . The officers of the Grand Lodge vvho officiated were R . W . Bros . Graham , AI . W . G . AI . ; J . O'Halloran , acting D . G . AI . ; J . P . Alartin , D . D . G . M . ; Dr . Keyes , D . D . G . AL ; VV . AL Lemesuricr , D . D . G . AI . ; 10 . R . Johnson , acting G . S . W . ; G . R . Alarvin , G . J . W . ; J . IL Isaacson , G . S . ; C S . Rowe , G . T . ; 10 . 10 . Spencer , G . R . ; Rev .
II . VV . Nye , G . Chap . ; Rev . L . C . VVurtele , G . A . Chap . ; Hobart Butler , acting G . S . D . ; C P . Taber , G . J . D . ; F . Alassey , G . Org . ; S . R . Whitman , G . D . of C . ; and L . B . Warner , G . Purst . Introductory services of thc church conducted by the Bishop , clergy , and choir . The GRAND AIASTER then addressed his lordship , the bishop , the clergy , and the large concourse of spectators as follows :
Aly Lord Bishop , reverend sirs , men , women , and children here assembled , —Be it known unto you all , that we be true and lawful Freemasons bound by solemn obligations to be loyal to our Sovereign , to be obedient to the laws of our country , to assist in the erection of stately , superb , and sacred edifices , to be serviceable to our brethren , to practise universal benevolence , and to love and serve our Heavenly
Father , vvho is the Great Architect and Ruler of the Universe . We have amongst us secrets faithfully transmitted from time immemorial , and which may not be improperly revealed , but these secrets are lawful and honourable , and they are placed in the custody of Freemasons , who have the keeping of them to the end of time . Unless our Craft were good , and
our calling honourable , we would not have existed in so many countries for so many ages , nor would we have had out of every order and rank in Church and State so many illustrious brothers in our Fraternity , ever ready to sanction our proceedings ancl contribute to our prosperity . Wc are assembled here this day to assist in building a house for the worship of Almighty God , and our humble and hearty
prayer is , that having been completed and dedicated to His service , it may long be the abiding place of His Divine presence , and that therein His chosen servants may faithfully proclaim His holy word , and dispense His holy mysteries to man )* generations of devout worshippers . G . AL : Our R . W . Grand Chaplain will now implore the blessing of Heaven on our undertaking .
R . W . GRAND CHAPLAIN : Almighty and Eternal God , the glorious Architect and Ruler of thc Universe , at whose creative fiat all things first were made , we , the frail creatures of 'Thy Providence , humbly implore Thee to bless us in all the purposes of our present assembly . Grant , we beseech Thee , a blessing on this foundation stone . Alay the work which has this day been begun , according to the usages of
our ancient Fraternity , be carried on and completed for the promotion of 'Th y glory and the good of our fellow-men . Vouchsafe unto us , Oh ! God , at this and at all times , wisdom in all our doings—strength of mind in all our difficulties—and the beauty of harmony in all our communications . And Oh ! Alerciful Father , do Thou guide us through all the intricate windings of this our mortal
existence—jiass us safely under 'Thy protection through the valley of the shadow of death , and give unto us an abundant entrance into that temple not made with hands eternal in the Heavens , where 'Thou reignest , our Gcd blessed for ever . Amen , The Architect then handed the plan of the building to the Grand Alaster for his inspection and approval .
The Grand Alaster then spread the cement with thc trowel , and solemn music was discoursed b y the band , while the stone was lowered to its place by three regular stops . The usual service was then followed . R . W . Bro . G . R . Alarvin , G . J . W ., on behalf of the members of Frelighsburg Lodge , No . 33 , Q . R ., presented the trowel to the Al . VV . the Grand Alaster , with an appropriate
address . Inscription on trowel : " Presented to John Hamilton Graham , LL . D ., & c , & c ., Grand Alaster of the Grand Lodge of Quebec , A . F . and A . M ., b y the members of Frelighsburg Lodge , No . 33 , Q . R ., on the occcasion of laying the foundation stone of the Stewart Alemorial Church . Frelighsburg , P . Q ., June Sth , 1 SS 0 . " G . AL : R . W . Sir , you have kindly presented me with one of the most imjiortant instruments of our Craft , whicii I
gratefully accept and will immensely prize . I shall take it to my jdace of residence and will deposit it in a conspicuous place , and 1 will direct that it be handed down from me to my son , and to my son ' s son , in a perpetual generation , as a valuable ornament and as an excellent token—an ornament for its surjiassing workmanship , which does honour to the silversmith , and an excellent token because , as in operative Alasonry , its use is to spread the cement which
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Claremont Lodge, No. 1861.
display thc working abilities of a W . AL , but we may say if liro . Vincent can preside over the working of a lodge as well as he can take the head of thc banquet table , the Claremont Lodge will be proud of its lirst Alaster .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons Of Middlesex And Surrey.
A highly successful gathering of the members of the Mark Degree took place on the 29 th ult ., at the Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , it being the annual meeting of the P . G . L . of Aliddlesex ancl Surrey . The Era Alark Lodge , No . 176 , was opened at three
o ' clock , under the distinguished auspices of the Provincial Grand Lodge . 'The members of the former did not muster in very good strength . Among the officers were Bros . VV . Hammond , P . G . S ., W . AL ; John Hammond , J . VV . j and Pcnnyfather , Secretary . There was no business . The P . G . L . vvas opened at four o'clock , in the presence of a very numerous and influential gathering . Among those in attendance we noticed Bros , the R . W . P . G . AI . AL ,
Colonel Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., High Sheriff of Surrey , & c ; F . Davison , V . W . D . P . G . AI . AI . r & c . ; 10 . Passawer , Registrar ; VV . G . Brighten , Secretary ; 10 . Gilbert , S . D . ; C . Goolden , J . D . ; j " . B . Shackleton , D . C . ; R . T . Hill , A . D . C ; C Palmer , Standard Bearer ; Stark , Organist ; Cliffe , T . De Lcliva , Sir Charles Palmer , Bart ., and Adams , Stewards ; D . AL Dewar , P . P . G . O . ; J . Alason , P . G . AI . O . ; C . H . R . Harrison , P . P . G . S . ; Klench , P . P .
G . R . ; Dr . Ramsey , P . P . G . D . ; R . VV . Brown , P . P . G . S . ; Lieut .-Col . Shadwell 11 . Gierke , G . J . W . ; Rev . T . Ravenshaw , Oxford University ; Graves , W . AL 3 ; VV . J . Aleek , W . AI . 199 ; T . C Walls , VV . AI . 211 and 23 S ; J . W . Baldwin , P . AI . 211 ; Cousens , VV . AI . 104 , P . G . O . ; Edwin Hopwood , S . W . 1 S 1 ; Alajor-General Randolph , S . VV . 197 ; A . Haynes , J . W . 211 ; II . J . Lardner , J . W . West Smithfield ; IL H . Baldwin , Sec . 139 ; J . Hill , Secretary
199 ; J . Allsopp , J . O . 176 ; Rev . C . dc Crespigny ; Anderson , Old Kent ; Handel , 1 S 1 ; VV . Game , 211 , & c ; and J . Gilbert , P . G . T . 'The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the roll of lodges was duly called over . The warrant of the re-appointment of the P . G . AI . M . having been read , and the announcement received with acclamation , the R . VV . P . G . AI . AI . appointed and invested his
officers as follows : Bro . F . Davison Prov . D . G . Al . Al ,, Dr . Ramsey Prov . G . S . W . „ Alajor-General Randolph Prov . G . J . W . " ^ " vv > d n Ti pi '' 'ny "' 1 Prov . G . Chaps . ,, Rev . VV . O . Ihompson ... ) ' CHammerton ProvGTreas .
.. . ... ... ... . . ,, Captain Talbot ... ... ... Prov . G . Reg „ VV . G . Brighten Prov . G . Sec . „ Sir Charles Palmer , Bart . ... ... Prov . G . AI . O „ C . H . R . Harrison Prov * . G . S . O . ,, F . Graves ... ... ... ... Prov . G . J . O . RGGlutton ProvGSD
.. . . . ... „ T . De Leliva . ' . ' . . ' . ' . ' ... Prov . G . J . D . „ A . Walters Prov . G . S . of W ,, J . B . Shackleton ( re-appointed ) ... Prov . G . D . C .
„ H . Baldwin Prov . G . A . D . C . ,, VV . Stephenson ... ... ... Prov . G . S . B . „ 10 . Hopwood Prov . G . Std . Br ,, J . Rhodes ... ... ... ... Prov . G . Org . .. T . W . Adams Prov . G . I . G ' .
Bros . H . J . Lardner , Ackland , J . VV . 1 Baldwin , ' !' . C . Walls , J . " Hart , S Prov . G . Stwds . and S . N . Griffiths ... ) Bro . J . Gilbert ... ... ... ... Prov . G . Tyler . The accounts of the P . G . Treasurer were then received
and adopted , ihe sum of two guineas having been voted to the Alark Benevolent Fund , and several other minor matters disposed of , the P . G . L . was closed indue form , and the majority of the brethren jiresent partook of the banquet which immediately followed . Upon the removal of the cloth the R . VV . P . G . AI . AI . announced that in consequence of a longstanding engagement in town he was reluctantly compelled to leave the
chair . Ihe V . W . D . P . G . AI . AL having assumed the chair , presided during ** the remainder of the proceedings . After the customary toasts had received full justice , "The Health of the Grand Alark Officers" was proposed in brief but pertinent terms , ancl , it liaving been duly honoured , thc V . W . Bro . Lieut .-Col . Shadwell II . Gierke responded in a few well chosen sentences . In the course of his reply he expressed the gratification it had afforded him iu being
present on that particular occasion . He was pleased to near from the Secretary that the Alark Degree was in so flourishing a condition in the Province of Aliddlesex and Surrey , but this was a matter of no surprise , for it had the good Fortune of being under the rule of one of the most affable and genial Alasons in the country . ( Applause . ) He trusted the Provincial Grand Alaster would bc . Jsparcd i » any years to come amongst them . ( Hear , hear . ) In
conclusion , upon behalf of the Grand Officers , Present antl Past , he begged lo thank the Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster for the very complimentary way in which he had proposed the toast , and the brethren for the warm and hearty manner they had received it . " The R . W . P . G . M . M . " followed , and this toast having been enthusiastically drank , "The Health of the V . W . D . P . G . AI . AL " was proposed by Bro . the Rev . T . Ravenshaw , and this toast
having been duly honoured , Bro . Davison modestly acknowledged thc compliment . " 'The Health of the Visitors" was coupled with the name of Bro . the Rev . T . Ravenshaw , who briefly said , in reply , that it had given him a great amount of pleasure in attending the P . G . L . of Aliddlesex and Surrey , which body he was glad to learn had attained such prosperity , and which bore so excellent a character , ln concluding his remarks he said that upon behalf of his co-visitors and himself he could only express
a hope that the Alark Degree in the jirovincc would enjoy every jiossible success in the future . "The Health of the Treasurer and Secretary" followed . Bro . Brighten , the Secretary , after apologising for Ihe unavoidable absence of the 'Treasurer , said that he personally was much obliged to the officers of the P . G . L . in general , and to the members of the province in particular , for the invariable kindness shown by them to him upon all occasions . The secretarial work was exceedingly heavy , especially in the matter of correspondence , and he wished that some one could be found who would relieve him of his position . ( No , no . )
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons Of Middlesex And Surrey.
The affairs of the province were now in a sound and good working condition , and under those circumstances he . should feel disposed to leave it could a successor be found who would conscientiously undertake the responsibilities of Secretary . In concluding his speech he expressed
his acknowledgments for the very warm manner in which his health had been drank and his remarks received . " 'The Officers , " coupled with thc names of Bros . Dr . Ramsey , S . VV ., ancl Bro . General Rancloljih , concluded thc . proceedings , which were enlivened by a choice selection of music performed by Bros . Cozens , T . Distin , and Alartin .
Opening Of A New Masonic Club.
'The brethren of tlie Woolwich and Plumstead district have just formed a club in their midst , which promises to be a very successful undertaking ' . For some time past the want of a room sacred to the brethren of the mystic tie had been felt and deplored , but within the last month or so some of the most influential of the representatives of the
various lodges have met , drawn up a programme and rules , appointed officers , Sic , and on 'Tuesday , the 29 th u ' . t ., fairly started the club with an e ' egant little banquet . The meet took place at thc club house , the Earl of Chatham Arms , 'Thomas-street , Woolwich , and there , gathered round the worthy host ' s mahogany , the good things of the world were discussed , and many a bumper pledged to the success of the Woolwich and Plumstead Alasonic Club .
The chair was filled by the President , Bro . VV . Weston , P . AI . 1536 ancl P . G . S . B . Kent , and the vice-chair by Bro . Lieut . T . Kirkbride , 1536 . These were admirably supported by upwards of thirty other brethren of neighbouring lodges . After dinner the loyal and patriotic toasts were duly honoured , and then Bro . WESTON rose to propose the toast of the evening , "Success to the Woolwich and Plumstead Alasonic Club . " He said they had met under the most
favourable circumstances , and laid , he trusted , the foundation stone of a good and grand Alasonic Hall for the district . 'They had already sixty members on the books of the club , the objects of which were to give facilities for instruction in Alasonic , social , and other kinds of useful knowledge , to promote the free discussion of all subjects affecting the welfare of Alasonry in general , ancl to find amusement and refreshment to the brethren and Alasonic
friends . There would be chess , draughts , cards , the daily , local , and Alasonic journals ; and any brother , a member , had only to suggest anything that he thought would add to the comfort or entertainment of the whole to be sure of it receiving every attention at the hands of the Committee . The credit of originating the club must fall upon the
shoulders of Bros . Holleyman and Scully—the former of whom had first suggested it , and the latter had been indefatigable in bringing it to its present state of perfectionancl , in coupling the names of those two brethren with thc toast , lie felt that he was only giving honour where honour was due . ( Applause . ) The toast was drunk wilh enthusiasm .
Bro . Hoi . t . EYM . W " , in rejuy , said then * President had given him more than his due of credit . Directly the club was mooted it was responded to by the brethren most cordially . Although not a very old Alason , yet it had struck him as strange that in a district like Woolwich and Plumstead , with live Craft lodges , two Alark lodges , and two chapters , there was not a single room in the town where they could meet to discuss questions touching the
interests of the Order in the district , or generally , without being liable to the irruption of strangers . Hc saw no reason why they should not have a hall of their own . It was only the cither day that the Prov . Grand Alaster of Kent , Lord Amherst , consecrated a Alasonic Hall at Canterbury . 'There were only three lodges in that district , whereas in this district there were nine lodges and chapters . I le trusted this meeting might be like an acorn planted in
the soil ; small though it might be , yet , as from that acorn grew the mighty oak , so from that meeting might grow the hall they so much wanted to be a shelter and a home for every Alasons'lodge in the district . ( Applause . ) If they would only put their shoulder to the wheel , and said " We will have a hall , " it would certainly be accomplished . Bro . SCULLY followed , and said as there were between
seven and eight hundred Alasons in Woolwich and Plumstead , there ought not to be any difficulty in the matter of making the club a great success . He certainly should do all in his power to make a success of it . " The Health of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman , " "The Press , " and " The Host" followed , and the rest of the evening was spent in harmony .
New Masonic Hall At Aberdare.
Freemasonry ajijiears to flourish at Aberdare , for we find that the members ofthe St . David ' s Lodge ( No . 679 , South Wales Eastern Division ) are about to open a fine Alasonic Hall , to be devoted to the ceremonials of the Craft , and built upon an elaborate scale with whicii few such buildings in the provinces can compare . It is situated in a central
position in Cannon-street , and has been erected at the cost of between £ 1300 and £ 1400 ( including the purchase of the site ) , from the designs of Air . Blcsslcy , architect , of Cardiff , the builder being Mr . John Alorgan , of Aberdare . The principal hall , on the lirst floor , is between thirty and forty feet in length , by twenty-two in breadth , and the whole structure , the lower portion of which will probably be let for
offices , presents an ornate appearance , being an imjiortant addition to the public buildings of Ihe town , whicii cannot boast of many assembly-rooms worthy of the name , for the Temperance Hall , which is the largest , is much out of repair , and has a dismal look . The members of this lodge , vvho number between sixty and seventy , may congratulate themselves ujron acquiring so handsome ancl convenient a
meeting-place . It will be opened in about a month , thc ceremony on the occasion being likely to prove one of the most agreeable reminiscences of the tenure of office by Air . 'Thomas Phillips , thc present Worshipful Grand Alaster . The event will , at least , serve as a reminder that though trade has long been bad with them , thc inhabitants of Aberdare have not lost their old spirit of enterprise , which they are now also displaying in other directions .
Old Matured Wines ami Spirits . —J . K . Stl . ixii & Co ., Win Merchants ( l '* xperts antl Valuers ) , 2 , Alhert Mansions , Victoria eet , Lomtun , S . W . Price lists on applications . —[ Anvr . ]
Grand Lodge Of Quebec.
LAYING THE CORNER STONE OF THE BISHOP STEWART MEMORIAL CHURCH , FRELIGHSBURG , P . Q . Tuesday , thc Sth June , when the corner stone of Stewart Alemorial Church was laid at Frelighsburg with imposing Alasonic ceremonies , in addition to the services of the Anglican Church , will be long remembered in the annals
of that enterprising and pretty village . The day was particularly fine , and , long before the hour for the proceedings to begin had arrived , people from the surrounding country had commenced to arrive by hi n Ireds . The Montreal party , consisting of about fifty ladie ; and gentlemen , went by special train over the South Eastern to Sanbridge East , from whence they were driven to Frelighsburg by teams ,
which were at the station to meet them . 'The ladies of the Trinity Church conducted a bazaar during the day , at which excellent meals were served . 'I he attendance of the members of the Craft , who came from all sections of the Eastern 'Townships , as well as Alontreal , was very large . Shortly after one o ' clock the Alasons present assembled
at thc lodge room of rrehghsburg Lodge , No . 33 , Q . R ., to prepare for the afternoon ' s ceremonies , and by tvvoTo'clock were ready to join the procession to the church , which was formed as follows : Band , Rector , Wardens , Building Committee , representatives of other invited public bodies , thc Alasonic body , closing with the Grand Alaster , and the clergy in robes , closing with his lordship the Bishop . The
procession was met at the gate of the church grounds by the choir of Trinity Church singing " Onward , Christian soldiers . " Among the clergy present were his lordship Bishop Bond , of Montreal , Venerable Archdeacons Lindsay and Lonsdale ; Rev . Canons Ellegoode and Duvemet ; Rev . Alessrs . Alussc-n ( Rural Dean ) , Ball , Fyles , Smith , Brown , Lee , Kilner , Bancroft , De Gruchy , VVurtele , Ker ,
Montgomery , Constantine , Davidson , and Rev . J . B . Davidson , rector . The officers of the Grand Lodge vvho officiated were R . W . Bros . Graham , AI . W . G . AI . ; J . O'Halloran , acting D . G . AI . ; J . P . Alartin , D . D . G . M . ; Dr . Keyes , D . D . G . AL ; VV . AL Lemesuricr , D . D . G . AI . ; 10 . R . Johnson , acting G . S . W . ; G . R . Alarvin , G . J . W . ; J . IL Isaacson , G . S . ; C S . Rowe , G . T . ; 10 . 10 . Spencer , G . R . ; Rev .
II . VV . Nye , G . Chap . ; Rev . L . C . VVurtele , G . A . Chap . ; Hobart Butler , acting G . S . D . ; C P . Taber , G . J . D . ; F . Alassey , G . Org . ; S . R . Whitman , G . D . of C . ; and L . B . Warner , G . Purst . Introductory services of thc church conducted by the Bishop , clergy , and choir . The GRAND AIASTER then addressed his lordship , the bishop , the clergy , and the large concourse of spectators as follows :
Aly Lord Bishop , reverend sirs , men , women , and children here assembled , —Be it known unto you all , that we be true and lawful Freemasons bound by solemn obligations to be loyal to our Sovereign , to be obedient to the laws of our country , to assist in the erection of stately , superb , and sacred edifices , to be serviceable to our brethren , to practise universal benevolence , and to love and serve our Heavenly
Father , vvho is the Great Architect and Ruler of the Universe . We have amongst us secrets faithfully transmitted from time immemorial , and which may not be improperly revealed , but these secrets are lawful and honourable , and they are placed in the custody of Freemasons , who have the keeping of them to the end of time . Unless our Craft were good , and
our calling honourable , we would not have existed in so many countries for so many ages , nor would we have had out of every order and rank in Church and State so many illustrious brothers in our Fraternity , ever ready to sanction our proceedings ancl contribute to our prosperity . Wc are assembled here this day to assist in building a house for the worship of Almighty God , and our humble and hearty
prayer is , that having been completed and dedicated to His service , it may long be the abiding place of His Divine presence , and that therein His chosen servants may faithfully proclaim His holy word , and dispense His holy mysteries to man )* generations of devout worshippers . G . AL : Our R . W . Grand Chaplain will now implore the blessing of Heaven on our undertaking .
R . W . GRAND CHAPLAIN : Almighty and Eternal God , the glorious Architect and Ruler of thc Universe , at whose creative fiat all things first were made , we , the frail creatures of 'Thy Providence , humbly implore Thee to bless us in all the purposes of our present assembly . Grant , we beseech Thee , a blessing on this foundation stone . Alay the work which has this day been begun , according to the usages of
our ancient Fraternity , be carried on and completed for the promotion of 'Th y glory and the good of our fellow-men . Vouchsafe unto us , Oh ! God , at this and at all times , wisdom in all our doings—strength of mind in all our difficulties—and the beauty of harmony in all our communications . And Oh ! Alerciful Father , do Thou guide us through all the intricate windings of this our mortal
existence—jiass us safely under 'Thy protection through the valley of the shadow of death , and give unto us an abundant entrance into that temple not made with hands eternal in the Heavens , where 'Thou reignest , our Gcd blessed for ever . Amen , The Architect then handed the plan of the building to the Grand Alaster for his inspection and approval .
The Grand Alaster then spread the cement with thc trowel , and solemn music was discoursed b y the band , while the stone was lowered to its place by three regular stops . The usual service was then followed . R . W . Bro . G . R . Alarvin , G . J . W ., on behalf of the members of Frelighsburg Lodge , No . 33 , Q . R ., presented the trowel to the Al . VV . the Grand Alaster , with an appropriate
address . Inscription on trowel : " Presented to John Hamilton Graham , LL . D ., & c , & c ., Grand Alaster of the Grand Lodge of Quebec , A . F . and A . M ., b y the members of Frelighsburg Lodge , No . 33 , Q . R ., on the occcasion of laying the foundation stone of the Stewart Alemorial Church . Frelighsburg , P . Q ., June Sth , 1 SS 0 . " G . AL : R . W . Sir , you have kindly presented me with one of the most imjiortant instruments of our Craft , whicii I
gratefully accept and will immensely prize . I shall take it to my jdace of residence and will deposit it in a conspicuous place , and 1 will direct that it be handed down from me to my son , and to my son ' s son , in a perpetual generation , as a valuable ornament and as an excellent token—an ornament for its surjiassing workmanship , which does honour to the silversmith , and an excellent token because , as in operative Alasonry , its use is to spread the cement which