Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
% tatfr lobge jof lilarfi itostcr iglasons of Cnglaitb anJb Males AND THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN . Bro . the Rig ht Hon . the EARL PERCY , M . W . G . M . M . M . Bro . Rig ht Hon . the EARL OF LIMERICK , R . W . D . G . M . M . M . PROVINCE OF SUSSEX . THE Provincial Grand Lodge or Mark Master Masons or SUSSEX WILL BE CONSTITUTED BY The R . W . Bro . the Rt . Hon . the EARL OF LIMERICK , R . W . D . G . M . M . M ., AND THE INSTALLATION or Bro . SIR JOHN CORDY BURROWS , J . !\ , W . M . Keystone Lodge 168 , As the . R . W . PROVINCIAL GRAND M . M . M . WILL TAKE I'L . U ' . E > iT THE "OLD SHI P" HOTE L , King s Road , Brighton , On FRIDAY , OCTOBER 23 rd , 1 S 74 , at 2 o ' clock . The business of the day having concluded , A BAN UET Will be held ( about half-past 4 o ' clock ) . Tickets ( price 7 s . 6 d . each , exclusive of wine ) may be obtained of Bro . T . J . Sabine , W . M . 75 , Bri ghton ; Bro . J . Pearson , W . M . 16 4 , Hayward ' s Heath ; Bro . Thos . Troll ope , W . M . 166 , Hastings ; Bro . W . R . Wood , S . W * . 168 , Brighton ; Bro . Kirkland , S . W . 166 , Eastbourne ; Bro . J . M . Cunningham , P . M . 75 , P . G . J . O ., Hailsham ; Bro . C . Smith , Sec . 168 , Cli ' tonvillc , and of Bro . S . R . Ade , S . W . 16 4 , 157 , North Street , Brighton . It is particularly requested that intimation be sent by those Brethren who intend to dine , —not later than Monday , October 19 th , 1874 , —to enable the Committee to make suitable arrangements . By order of the Committee , Tuos . J . SABINE , W . M . 75 , P . M . 22 , P . A . G . D . of C , Acting P . G . Sec . 54 , Ship Street , Brighton , Sep . 23 rd , 1874 .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . PA IRON . HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT . THE MOST WORSHIPFUL THE GRAND MASTER for the time being . A Quarterly General Court of the Governors and Subscribers will be held at Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , London , on Monday the 12 th day of October , 1874 , for the transaction of the ordinary business of the Institution , to consider the following notice of motion , submitted to the general committee on Saturday , October 3 : — "That the name of William George Watson , accidentally omitted from the ballotting papers originally issued , be added to the airead y approved list of candidates , making a total of 45 , this being his third application , the number of votes alread y polled for him and brought forward to his credit at this election , being 823 , " And after the adoption of such motion , To Elect Thirteen Boys from an approved List of Forty-five Candidates . The polling for election will commence at one o ' clock or earlier , should the ' ordinary business of ths Court be concluded before that hour , and will continue until three o ' clock , at which time the poll will be closed . The chair will be taken at twelve o ' clock at noon precisely . FREDERICK BINCKES , Secretary . Office : —6 , Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C , 3 rd October , 1874 . With the sanction and approval of the President , the Anniversary Festival of this Institution will , in future , be held on the Last Wednesday in June , instead of , as hitherto , on the Second Wednesday in March . THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL WILL BE HELD On Wednesday 30 /// June , 1875 . ON WHICH OCCASION THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF CARNARVON , R . W . D . G . M ., AND PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER OV SOMERSET , Has most kindly consented to preside .
OI' . TOCI-R KI . IXTION , 1 S 74 . D OVAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR iV C 1 K 1 . S . The Vice-President :-, Life ( iovcmovi ! , and Subscriher * , ill-tiling to Vote in favour ol UKATUICK A . F . NliWM . W No . 4 on the List , are respectfully reqneslcii to forwanl their proxies ( after s ' uinntnve ) lo either Mr , | ohn Uertrinn , Alexandra 1 ' alace , i ' . lus ' . veli-lml , N . ; Mr . Ccorjje Newman , 20 , Crcat Wiiicliester-strcet , K . l" . j or Mr . llenryT . Thompson , f > 5 , rnlmerstonbiiililing'j , UMioiis ^ atc-slrecl , li . C .
npHE PERFECTION OF CLOTHING , English Clothing is iustly regarded as the best in tlie world , and E . MOSES and SON'S as the best in England . 17 MOSES and SON supply every description of CLOTHING , ready made or made to measure , for all ages , all occasions , and all classes ; also Hosiery and Drapery , Mats and Caps , Boots and Shoes , and complete outfits for all climates . A distinct Department for Boys' Clothing . Piices based on ready-money system . All goods marked in plain figures . Any aiticle exchanged if not worn or injured . List of Prices , with Rules for Self-measure , Patterns , and Fashion Sheet , gratis , and post free . T ? MOSES and SON'S easy and accurate system of self-measurement enables them to execute orders by post , with the guarantee of a faultless fit . jg MOSES and SON'S Establishments are * closed every Friday evening at sunjet , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed until 11 o ' clock . E . MOSES and SON , Merchant Tailors and Outfitters for all Classes . LONDON . Minories and Aldgate , New Oxford-street , Tottenham-Court-road , And BradEortl , Yorkshire .
GRATEFUL—COMFORTING . EPPS'S COCOA . BREAKFAST . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and bj a careful application of the fine properties of will selected cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us mani heavy doctors' bills "—Civil Service Gazette . " We will now give an account ; of the process adoptee by Messrs . James Epps and Co ., manufacturers of dietetic aiticlts , at their works in the Euston-road , London . " - Casscll ' s Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or milk . Sold in packets ( in tins for tnc tropics ) , labelled—JAMES EPPS & Co ., HOMCKOPATHIC CHEMISTS , 48 , Thrcadnecdle-strcct , and 170 , Piccadilly . Works—Euston-road and Ca . iidcn-town , London .
CRESTS , MONOGRAMS , ARMS , AND LETTERS ENGRAVED . SEALS , PRESSES , ENDORSING STAMPS , NOTE i'Al'EK DIES . Ynur Arms , Crest , and Matin Found and Drawn Cm-rccl ! y In pen anil ink 4 6 Clcslentr . r . * lvcil onsnnnns ( do / , i 5 a 1 levnldic colours -j o ,, „ scalovrin ^ 70 Enroled on copper ... r 10 „ ,. w . uch or j-iick 1 , 0 Bro . JAMES : B . SLY , 0 , RATHJIONE-I ' LACE , LONDON , W .
" To W . M . 'S AND SECRETARIES . Bro . KNIGHT SMITH ( 1441 ) , PROFESSOR OF MUSIC , Begs to inform the Craft that he is prepared to assist ihe Kitual with Music for Consecration , Installation , or ist , 2 nd , and ^ id degrees . For terms , address 0 , London-villas , Dcvoipoit-road , Shepherd ' s Bush , W .
Q . EKM ANY . —Royal College Education with careful piivate tuition , and a refined English home . . Select . Unusual advantages . Thorough I ' lc'ictv and Geininn ensured . Itc'iidcut , Flench Graduate . Delightful neiglibouihoud of VWihclnishohc , the extensive Aue-Park , and the river TuMa . Terms , do , 70 , and Sogs . Sons of Masonic Brethren on specially advantageous terms . Distinguished references with full prospectus on replication to OHice 6 , Freemason ' s Hall , London ; or to Bro . Dr . Saurc , M . A ., Cassel .
( Srantr | , cmal grclj GlJiaptcT of Ivclanix Now ready , 8 vo . red cloth lettered , price 2 / , also 1 a pocket edition , limp cloth , price 1 / . THE LAWS AND RKGULAT ONS OF THE GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHATTER OV IRELAND , including ( hose for the government of MARK . MASTER MASONS' LODGES . Sold at Freemasons' Hall , Dublin , or may be had from R . Spencer , Great Queen-street , or George Kenning , i < , < 8 , Fleet-street , London ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
% tatfr lobge jof lilarfi itostcr iglasons of Cnglaitb anJb Males AND THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN . Bro . the Rig ht Hon . the EARL PERCY , M . W . G . M . M . M . Bro . Rig ht Hon . the EARL OF LIMERICK , R . W . D . G . M . M . M . PROVINCE OF SUSSEX . THE Provincial Grand Lodge or Mark Master Masons or SUSSEX WILL BE CONSTITUTED BY The R . W . Bro . the Rt . Hon . the EARL OF LIMERICK , R . W . D . G . M . M . M ., AND THE INSTALLATION or Bro . SIR JOHN CORDY BURROWS , J . !\ , W . M . Keystone Lodge 168 , As the . R . W . PROVINCIAL GRAND M . M . M . WILL TAKE I'L . U ' . E > iT THE "OLD SHI P" HOTE L , King s Road , Brighton , On FRIDAY , OCTOBER 23 rd , 1 S 74 , at 2 o ' clock . The business of the day having concluded , A BAN UET Will be held ( about half-past 4 o ' clock ) . Tickets ( price 7 s . 6 d . each , exclusive of wine ) may be obtained of Bro . T . J . Sabine , W . M . 75 , Bri ghton ; Bro . J . Pearson , W . M . 16 4 , Hayward ' s Heath ; Bro . Thos . Troll ope , W . M . 166 , Hastings ; Bro . W . R . Wood , S . W * . 168 , Brighton ; Bro . Kirkland , S . W . 166 , Eastbourne ; Bro . J . M . Cunningham , P . M . 75 , P . G . J . O ., Hailsham ; Bro . C . Smith , Sec . 168 , Cli ' tonvillc , and of Bro . S . R . Ade , S . W . 16 4 , 157 , North Street , Brighton . It is particularly requested that intimation be sent by those Brethren who intend to dine , —not later than Monday , October 19 th , 1874 , —to enable the Committee to make suitable arrangements . By order of the Committee , Tuos . J . SABINE , W . M . 75 , P . M . 22 , P . A . G . D . of C , Acting P . G . Sec . 54 , Ship Street , Brighton , Sep . 23 rd , 1874 .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . PA IRON . HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT . THE MOST WORSHIPFUL THE GRAND MASTER for the time being . A Quarterly General Court of the Governors and Subscribers will be held at Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , London , on Monday the 12 th day of October , 1874 , for the transaction of the ordinary business of the Institution , to consider the following notice of motion , submitted to the general committee on Saturday , October 3 : — "That the name of William George Watson , accidentally omitted from the ballotting papers originally issued , be added to the airead y approved list of candidates , making a total of 45 , this being his third application , the number of votes alread y polled for him and brought forward to his credit at this election , being 823 , " And after the adoption of such motion , To Elect Thirteen Boys from an approved List of Forty-five Candidates . The polling for election will commence at one o ' clock or earlier , should the ' ordinary business of ths Court be concluded before that hour , and will continue until three o ' clock , at which time the poll will be closed . The chair will be taken at twelve o ' clock at noon precisely . FREDERICK BINCKES , Secretary . Office : —6 , Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C , 3 rd October , 1874 . With the sanction and approval of the President , the Anniversary Festival of this Institution will , in future , be held on the Last Wednesday in June , instead of , as hitherto , on the Second Wednesday in March . THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL WILL BE HELD On Wednesday 30 /// June , 1875 . ON WHICH OCCASION THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF CARNARVON , R . W . D . G . M ., AND PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER OV SOMERSET , Has most kindly consented to preside .
OI' . TOCI-R KI . IXTION , 1 S 74 . D OVAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR iV C 1 K 1 . S . The Vice-President :-, Life ( iovcmovi ! , and Subscriher * , ill-tiling to Vote in favour ol UKATUICK A . F . NliWM . W No . 4 on the List , are respectfully reqneslcii to forwanl their proxies ( after s ' uinntnve ) lo either Mr , | ohn Uertrinn , Alexandra 1 ' alace , i ' . lus ' . veli-lml , N . ; Mr . Ccorjje Newman , 20 , Crcat Wiiicliester-strcet , K . l" . j or Mr . llenryT . Thompson , f > 5 , rnlmerstonbiiililing'j , UMioiis ^ atc-slrecl , li . C .
npHE PERFECTION OF CLOTHING , English Clothing is iustly regarded as the best in tlie world , and E . MOSES and SON'S as the best in England . 17 MOSES and SON supply every description of CLOTHING , ready made or made to measure , for all ages , all occasions , and all classes ; also Hosiery and Drapery , Mats and Caps , Boots and Shoes , and complete outfits for all climates . A distinct Department for Boys' Clothing . Piices based on ready-money system . All goods marked in plain figures . Any aiticle exchanged if not worn or injured . List of Prices , with Rules for Self-measure , Patterns , and Fashion Sheet , gratis , and post free . T ? MOSES and SON'S easy and accurate system of self-measurement enables them to execute orders by post , with the guarantee of a faultless fit . jg MOSES and SON'S Establishments are * closed every Friday evening at sunjet , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed until 11 o ' clock . E . MOSES and SON , Merchant Tailors and Outfitters for all Classes . LONDON . Minories and Aldgate , New Oxford-street , Tottenham-Court-road , And BradEortl , Yorkshire .
GRATEFUL—COMFORTING . EPPS'S COCOA . BREAKFAST . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and bj a careful application of the fine properties of will selected cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us mani heavy doctors' bills "—Civil Service Gazette . " We will now give an account ; of the process adoptee by Messrs . James Epps and Co ., manufacturers of dietetic aiticlts , at their works in the Euston-road , London . " - Casscll ' s Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or milk . Sold in packets ( in tins for tnc tropics ) , labelled—JAMES EPPS & Co ., HOMCKOPATHIC CHEMISTS , 48 , Thrcadnecdle-strcct , and 170 , Piccadilly . Works—Euston-road and Ca . iidcn-town , London .
CRESTS , MONOGRAMS , ARMS , AND LETTERS ENGRAVED . SEALS , PRESSES , ENDORSING STAMPS , NOTE i'Al'EK DIES . Ynur Arms , Crest , and Matin Found and Drawn Cm-rccl ! y In pen anil ink 4 6 Clcslentr . r . * lvcil onsnnnns ( do / , i 5 a 1 levnldic colours -j o ,, „ scalovrin ^ 70 Enroled on copper ... r 10 „ ,. w . uch or j-iick 1 , 0 Bro . JAMES : B . SLY , 0 , RATHJIONE-I ' LACE , LONDON , W .
" To W . M . 'S AND SECRETARIES . Bro . KNIGHT SMITH ( 1441 ) , PROFESSOR OF MUSIC , Begs to inform the Craft that he is prepared to assist ihe Kitual with Music for Consecration , Installation , or ist , 2 nd , and ^ id degrees . For terms , address 0 , London-villas , Dcvoipoit-road , Shepherd ' s Bush , W .
Q . EKM ANY . —Royal College Education with careful piivate tuition , and a refined English home . . Select . Unusual advantages . Thorough I ' lc'ictv and Geininn ensured . Itc'iidcut , Flench Graduate . Delightful neiglibouihoud of VWihclnishohc , the extensive Aue-Park , and the river TuMa . Terms , do , 70 , and Sogs . Sons of Masonic Brethren on specially advantageous terms . Distinguished references with full prospectus on replication to OHice 6 , Freemason ' s Hall , London ; or to Bro . Dr . Saurc , M . A ., Cassel .
( Srantr | , cmal grclj GlJiaptcT of Ivclanix Now ready , 8 vo . red cloth lettered , price 2 / , also 1 a pocket edition , limp cloth , price 1 / . THE LAWS AND RKGULAT ONS OF THE GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHATTER OV IRELAND , including ( hose for the government of MARK . MASTER MASONS' LODGES . Sold at Freemasons' Hall , Dublin , or may be had from R . Spencer , Great Queen-street , or George Kenning , i < , < 8 , Fleet-street , London ,