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CHARING CR . OSS STATION TOILET - @ - CLUB . ( Continental Booking Office Entrance . ) A Great Convenience and Saving of Time to the C * - Brethren , desirous of dressing promptly , previous to going to Lodge , Ball , Dinner , & c . Private Dressing Rooms , charge 6 d ., with every attendance and appliance for the Toilet . Evening dress taken care of for the day or season in peifumed boxes ( locked ) no charge . Baths , Hosiery , Perfumery , Hairdressing , Dress Suits , Boots , Opera Hats , Masonic Clothing , Jewels , Swords , & c . Fuller particulars per post ( Jd . stamp . ) N . B . —Ladies' Department attached .
104 CHURCH SERMONS , By EMINENT CLERGYMEN . In Two Volumes , Handsomely Bound in Cloth , each , 4 s . REEVES SON AND Co ., Playhouse-yard , London .
BRO . KENNING'S NEW TRACING BOARDS Mounted on Cloth for the Pocket , Price 7 / 6 .
BRO . J . B . MACNAIR . Artist ani > Pjotopilw . H , WEST NILE STREET , GLASGOW . Enlargements in Oil , Water Colour , or Crayons . Full Length Cartes 5 s ., per dozen ; Half Lengths 6 s . ; Vignettes 7 s . 6 d . ; Cameo and Rembrant , Bust ios .
EDWARD M . HAIGH , LATE WATKINS AND HAIGH , P H 0 TO G R A P II E R . Specialite for Cameo-Vignettes , and Permanent Portraits in Carbon . The Studio is SPECIALLY adapted for taking Photographs of Brethren in Masonic Costume . MAISON KEN . a 1 3 , R E GE N T - S T R E E T , W .
THE STRAND TURKISH BATHS , 335 C , OPPOSITE SOMERSET HOUSE . Open daily for Gentlemen . Tcims : from 9 a . m . till 6 p . m ., 3 B . 6 d . From 6 p . m . till 9 p . m ., is . Gd . One dozen tickets , first class , £ 1 gs . ; second class , 15 s . Warm , cold , shower , and douche baths . Open on Sundays from 10 a . m . till 4 p . m . Ladies : mornings , Mondays , Wednesdays , and Fridays , attended by Mrs . Smith . Proprietor— Mr . 11 . SMITH , From the Hausemam , Jernvyn-strect ,
THE BIRKBECK Is the only Building Society whose Annual Receipts exceed ONE MILLION ! Wow to Purchase a House for Tivo Guineas per Montht With immediate possession and no Rent to pay . Apply at the Ofliceof the BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane , J / ow tfl purchase a Plot of Land for Five Shillings per Month , With immediate possession , eitherforBniKiingorGardeningpurposes , apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY , 39 & 30 Southampton ~ bm ! di « gs , Chan « ry * iane . HonV ie Invest Moncv with safety at £ . \ per cent Interest , Appv to the Office of the BIRKBECK BANK . AH Bwms under £ 50 npayabie upon demand . Current accounts cpened ' siniilar to Ordinary Bankers . Cheque Books supplied . Oficc hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from 10 till 9 , and on Saturdays from 10 till a . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROU- , Manager .
PATON'S JURISPRUDENCE OF FREEX MASONRY . 8 vo ., ios . 6 d . _ PA TON'S FREEMASONRY : Its Symbolism , Religious Nature , and Law of Perfection . 8 vo ., cloth , J os . 6 d . PATON'S ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY , or the 1717 Theory Exploded . 8 vo ., sewed , is . Reeves and Turner , ig /> , Strand , London .
QLENFIELD STARCH is the only kind used in Her Majesty's laundry . Those Ladies who have not yet used the Glenlield . Starch , are I respectfully solicited to give it a trial , and carefully follow out the directions printed on every package . It is rather more difficult I to make than other Starches , but when this is overcome , they will cay , like the Queen ' s Laundress , that it in the finest Starch they ever used . * ' When yon ask for the ( . llenlirM , see that you get it . ' *
GOLD AND SILVER SHAVINGS FIRE STOVE ORNAMENTS . per lb Gilt Plain 3 / 6 „ Crimped 4 / 6 Silvered Plain 4 / 6 „ Crimped 5 / 6 The above on 1 , 2 , and 40 / . reels , also in bags , lOs , 32 S-, 24 s ., and 30 s . per gross bags . Manufactured by GEORGE KENNING , London , Liverpol and Glasgow .
MUSICAL INSTRUiVIENTS and FITTINGS , Cornopeans , Flutes , Dn : ms , Violins , Organs , Harmoniums , Concertinas , Bows , Strings , Wire , Organ Pipes , , Jlarmonium Reeds , & e . Experienced Repairers . List lor stamp . PRO , T . K ; WILLIS , , Minorics , London . Established 1 S 27 .
« F FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS . The Largest Masonic Monthly in the World . Published at St . Louis , Mo ., by George Frank Gouley , Grand Secretary and Recorder of the four Grand Bodies of Missouri . The Freemason contains tidings from every quarter of tYicwavW , and will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially those interested in American affairs . Terms § 2 per annum , and to those who subscribe tor the London Freemason the price will be Si . go currency . Postage free . Subscriptions received at the Office of the London" Freemason " 198 , Fleet-street .
THE ENTR'ACTE , A MUSICALandTHEATRICAL REVIEW , Trice One Penny . Used as a programme at the principal London and Provincial Music Halls . The Entr ' acte enjoys an extensive circulation , and gets into the hands of every theatrical and music-hall artiste . It contains a splendid cartoon every week . First-rate medium for advertisers . Subscribers can be supplied by post at 1 / 8 per quarter . Published every Saturday , at 5 , Catherinestreet , Covent Garden , W . C .
" THE FREEMASON ' " Supplied by rp DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , * Farringdon-st ., E . C . South London Branch , 416 , Wandsworth-road , S . W ., c ' ght doors from the London Chatham and Dover Rail wa ) S tation . Who'esale Publisher to the Trade
SWANSEA . Agent for "The Freemason . " T > RO . CHAS . MAGGS , 24 , Oxford-st ., Swan-• " sea . A . large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing , and every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kenning's Masonic Note Paper , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , & c . Advertisments received for " The Freemason . "
SARSAPARILLA . WILKINSON'S ESSENCE , OR FLUID EXTRACT OF RED JAMAICA SARSAPARILLA , pre scribed by the Faculty for PURIFYING THE BLOOD , DEUILITV , LIVER COMPLAINTS , and freeing the system from effects of Mercury . Exclusively used in India and the Colonies as a prevention to Tropical diseases . "Superior preparations that may always be relied upon . "—Sir Astley Cooper . " " we are in every respect satisfied with it . " —Lancet . "We recommend yours as the best . "—Medical Review . In Quarter , Half , and Pint Bottles , CAUTION . —Spurious and injurious preparations are offered to the public . See that Dottle and Label have the name and Address , ** T . Wilkinson , late Wilkinson , Bridge , and Co ., No . 370 ; Regent-street , London . "
WHITMORE'S STOMACHIC DINNER PILLS . No Pill is so efficacious inlpromotmgdigcstion , strcngthcningthe Stomach , correcting acidity , preventing or removing Headache , Giddiness , & c , arising from a Costive Habit , Debilitated Stomach , or Torpid Liver . They require no change of diet , and those of the most delicate constitution can take them with safety . Taken as an adjunct with Wilkinson ' s Sarsaparilla with the greatest success .
QUINTESCENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER V ? ^ and CAMOMILE . WILKINSON'S Preparation of Ginger and Camomile has long been deservedly known as an excellent domestic medicine . It is a most efficient Stomachic Tonic , and the best remedy for Flatulency and disorders arising from impaired digestion , and is no affected by climate . No European in India or tropical climates should be without it . In one-eighth , quarter , a » d half-pint bottles . *
j $$ * n ^ $ \ "yOUKG'S AttXICATKD Ite ^ V ^ i ) COil N AND JUNION V 5 & fc-J- ^ £ */ PLAISTKItS am the best ever invented for ( riving Jmincdinio enso , and removing those painful excrescences . Prico ( hi . oiwl Iff . per box . Any Chemist nut havingthorn in stock can procure them . Observe the Trade Hark—H . Y—without which none are genuine , lie euro and ask for Yooxo ' a .
RUPTURES—BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS fH \ Is allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to be th £ * ( y most effective invention in the curative treatment o i'i 5 . V HERNIA . The use of a steel spring , so often htirtfu t £ 0- ; v ^ in its effects , is here avoided ; a soft bandage being ut i ¦ ' 'J iworn round the bodv , while the requisite resisting power S 2 l \ - j [ . issuplied by the MOC-MAIN PAD ami PATENT is m'C 7 / ' ! i LE \ 'EK , fitting with so much ease ami closeness that *"" jr ^ Y / it cannot bedetccted , and may be worn during sleep . fXilJ A descriptive circular may be had , aud the Truss , f / 2 y which cannot fail to lit , lorwarded by post , on thf Fri ( i circumference ol the body , two inches below the lupr , 1 . 7 J being sent to the Jl I MANUFACTURER , KMSi Mr . rril / TE , 228 , Piccadilly Lwdun . Price of a Single Truss , 16 s ., 21 s ., 20 s . Od . and 31 s . 'j 1 'Postage fret „ of a Double Truss , 31 s . Od ., 42 s . and 52 s . Od . Postage free , „ of Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . Gd . Postage ; ' ice . Post Ollice Orders lo lie made payable to Juux WHILE , Post Office Piccadilly . NEW I'ATi :. VT ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEECAPS , & c . The material of which these are made is recommended bv the faculty as being peculiarly ELASTIC and COMPRESSHlLti and the best invention for giving efficient and permanent support in all cases of WEAKNESS , VARICOSE VEINS , & c . Price 4 s . Od ., 7 s . 6 d ., ios ., and iOs . each . Postage free . SPINAL MACHINES , LEG IRONS , Am ! Everv Description of Surgical Appliances , JOHN lflllTli , Manufacturer , 228 . l'iccadillu , London .
TMNNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA . — ^ The Best Remedy for ACIDITY of the STOMACH , HEARTBURN , HEADACHE , GOUT , AND INDlOIiSTlON , anil the best mild aperient for delicate constitutions , especially adapted ( or LADIES , CHILDREN , and INFANTS . D 1 N N li V O R D & CO . 172 , New Bond Street , London , and of all Chemists .
GEORGE REES MAPLE and ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS , best in London . GEORGEREES' ' GILT MOULDINGS , cheapes in the Trade . ( " EORGE REES' ' VJ 100 , 000 feet of GILT ROOM BORDERING in stcck , from id . per foot . flEORGE REES ' ^ First-class ENGRAVINGS , from 2 s . each . Q . EORGE REES ' ^ CHROMOS , from the Best Masters , at reduced prices . 57 , DRURY-L 4 NE , W . C , opposite Drury-lane Theatre
03 2 ^^^^^^^ M r ° zlWmlm ^ l CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Opiates , Narcotics , and Squills are too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Colds . and all Pulmonary diseases . It . * tead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at' . cexpensc of enfeebling the digestive organs , and thus increasii . fc Aiat debility which lies at the root of the malady , modern nJtnce points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIJ R as the true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough . authorof the " Anti-Lancet , " says : " I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough , pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of Pulmonaiy Consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution . Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthma , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza . Nigh Sweats of Consumption , Quinsey , and all alTectionsof the throat and chest . Sold in bottles at is , od ., 4 s . 6 d ., and ixs . each , by all re . spectable Chemists , and wholesale by Jas . M , Crosby . Chemist Scarborough . *„* Invalids should read Crosby's Prize Treatise on "Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can be had Gratit 01 all Chemists .
" FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE . " WORLD FAMED TRADE MARK , — " BLOOD MIXTURE . " THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER A . ND RESTORER , I '" or cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities , can no lie too highly recommended . For Scrofula , Scurvy , Skin Diseases , and Sores of all kind ? , 'it a never-failinji and permanent cure . It Cures old Sores . Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck , Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs . Cures Blackheads , or Pimples on the Face , (' ores Scurvy Sores . Cures Cancerous Ulcers . Cures Blood and Skin Diseases . Cures Glandular Swellings . Clears the Blood from all Impure Mailer , From whatever cause arising . As this mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free rom anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex , the Proprietor solicits sullerers to give it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottles 2 s . 3 d . each , and in Cases , containing six time ! the quantity , ns . —sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases , —BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and lhc world , or sent to any address on receipt of 37 or 132 stamps by l \ | . CLARKE , Chemist High-street , Lincoln . Wholesale : All Patent Medicine Houses .
WEAK OR DEFECTIVE SIGHT . —SPECTACLIUS scientilically adapted to remedv itnpaiicd vision by Mr . ACKI . ANI ) , Surgeon , daily , at Home ami Thointhwaitc ' s , Opticians to the Oneen , 3 , Holborn Viaduct , London , E . C . Senci six stamps for " Acklaml ' s Hints on Spectacles , " which con . ains valuable suggestions to sullerers from imperfect sight .
COMFORT FOR TENDER FEET . — Try Anthony Scard ' s new material ! Peculiarly Prepared Porpoise Skin . Soft as silk , shines like patent , never cracks , be comes softer and liner in wear , a perlect durable luxury an superlative specialte . K , Bow Lane , Chcnpsidc , E . C . Ladies orde skilfully exec itcd . One trial insures satisfaction .
Just published , Free Edition , Q . UIDE TO HEALTH ; or ADVICE AND * - " INSTRUCTIONS for THE CURE of NERVOUS , MENTAL , and PHYSICAL DEBILITY , Indigestion , and all diseases of the 1 , 'ervous System , resulting from exhaustion of Nerve Powei By DR . HENRY SMITH , GIVES INSTRUCTIONS for Ihe DevelonmentandStrengthcnmg the Human Body , how to Acquire Health and Strength . Secure Long Life , and Avoid the Infirmities of Old Age . Illus-Jraled with Testimonials , with means of Cure used in each case . Tlie pamphlet will be sent free by post to any ad ' -ess on receipt 01 two penny samps . Address , Dr , II , SMITH , 8 , Burton-crescent , London , W . C ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CHARING CR . OSS STATION TOILET - @ - CLUB . ( Continental Booking Office Entrance . ) A Great Convenience and Saving of Time to the C * - Brethren , desirous of dressing promptly , previous to going to Lodge , Ball , Dinner , & c . Private Dressing Rooms , charge 6 d ., with every attendance and appliance for the Toilet . Evening dress taken care of for the day or season in peifumed boxes ( locked ) no charge . Baths , Hosiery , Perfumery , Hairdressing , Dress Suits , Boots , Opera Hats , Masonic Clothing , Jewels , Swords , & c . Fuller particulars per post ( Jd . stamp . ) N . B . —Ladies' Department attached .
104 CHURCH SERMONS , By EMINENT CLERGYMEN . In Two Volumes , Handsomely Bound in Cloth , each , 4 s . REEVES SON AND Co ., Playhouse-yard , London .
BRO . KENNING'S NEW TRACING BOARDS Mounted on Cloth for the Pocket , Price 7 / 6 .
BRO . J . B . MACNAIR . Artist ani > Pjotopilw . H , WEST NILE STREET , GLASGOW . Enlargements in Oil , Water Colour , or Crayons . Full Length Cartes 5 s ., per dozen ; Half Lengths 6 s . ; Vignettes 7 s . 6 d . ; Cameo and Rembrant , Bust ios .
EDWARD M . HAIGH , LATE WATKINS AND HAIGH , P H 0 TO G R A P II E R . Specialite for Cameo-Vignettes , and Permanent Portraits in Carbon . The Studio is SPECIALLY adapted for taking Photographs of Brethren in Masonic Costume . MAISON KEN . a 1 3 , R E GE N T - S T R E E T , W .
THE STRAND TURKISH BATHS , 335 C , OPPOSITE SOMERSET HOUSE . Open daily for Gentlemen . Tcims : from 9 a . m . till 6 p . m ., 3 B . 6 d . From 6 p . m . till 9 p . m ., is . Gd . One dozen tickets , first class , £ 1 gs . ; second class , 15 s . Warm , cold , shower , and douche baths . Open on Sundays from 10 a . m . till 4 p . m . Ladies : mornings , Mondays , Wednesdays , and Fridays , attended by Mrs . Smith . Proprietor— Mr . 11 . SMITH , From the Hausemam , Jernvyn-strect ,
THE BIRKBECK Is the only Building Society whose Annual Receipts exceed ONE MILLION ! Wow to Purchase a House for Tivo Guineas per Montht With immediate possession and no Rent to pay . Apply at the Ofliceof the BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane , J / ow tfl purchase a Plot of Land for Five Shillings per Month , With immediate possession , eitherforBniKiingorGardeningpurposes , apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY , 39 & 30 Southampton ~ bm ! di « gs , Chan « ry * iane . HonV ie Invest Moncv with safety at £ . \ per cent Interest , Appv to the Office of the BIRKBECK BANK . AH Bwms under £ 50 npayabie upon demand . Current accounts cpened ' siniilar to Ordinary Bankers . Cheque Books supplied . Oficc hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from 10 till 9 , and on Saturdays from 10 till a . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROU- , Manager .
PATON'S JURISPRUDENCE OF FREEX MASONRY . 8 vo ., ios . 6 d . _ PA TON'S FREEMASONRY : Its Symbolism , Religious Nature , and Law of Perfection . 8 vo ., cloth , J os . 6 d . PATON'S ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY , or the 1717 Theory Exploded . 8 vo ., sewed , is . Reeves and Turner , ig /> , Strand , London .
QLENFIELD STARCH is the only kind used in Her Majesty's laundry . Those Ladies who have not yet used the Glenlield . Starch , are I respectfully solicited to give it a trial , and carefully follow out the directions printed on every package . It is rather more difficult I to make than other Starches , but when this is overcome , they will cay , like the Queen ' s Laundress , that it in the finest Starch they ever used . * ' When yon ask for the ( . llenlirM , see that you get it . ' *
GOLD AND SILVER SHAVINGS FIRE STOVE ORNAMENTS . per lb Gilt Plain 3 / 6 „ Crimped 4 / 6 Silvered Plain 4 / 6 „ Crimped 5 / 6 The above on 1 , 2 , and 40 / . reels , also in bags , lOs , 32 S-, 24 s ., and 30 s . per gross bags . Manufactured by GEORGE KENNING , London , Liverpol and Glasgow .
MUSICAL INSTRUiVIENTS and FITTINGS , Cornopeans , Flutes , Dn : ms , Violins , Organs , Harmoniums , Concertinas , Bows , Strings , Wire , Organ Pipes , , Jlarmonium Reeds , & e . Experienced Repairers . List lor stamp . PRO , T . K ; WILLIS , , Minorics , London . Established 1 S 27 .
« F FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS . The Largest Masonic Monthly in the World . Published at St . Louis , Mo ., by George Frank Gouley , Grand Secretary and Recorder of the four Grand Bodies of Missouri . The Freemason contains tidings from every quarter of tYicwavW , and will be found of great advantage to all Masons , especially those interested in American affairs . Terms § 2 per annum , and to those who subscribe tor the London Freemason the price will be Si . go currency . Postage free . Subscriptions received at the Office of the London" Freemason " 198 , Fleet-street .
THE ENTR'ACTE , A MUSICALandTHEATRICAL REVIEW , Trice One Penny . Used as a programme at the principal London and Provincial Music Halls . The Entr ' acte enjoys an extensive circulation , and gets into the hands of every theatrical and music-hall artiste . It contains a splendid cartoon every week . First-rate medium for advertisers . Subscribers can be supplied by post at 1 / 8 per quarter . Published every Saturday , at 5 , Catherinestreet , Covent Garden , W . C .
" THE FREEMASON ' " Supplied by rp DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , * Farringdon-st ., E . C . South London Branch , 416 , Wandsworth-road , S . W ., c ' ght doors from the London Chatham and Dover Rail wa ) S tation . Who'esale Publisher to the Trade
SWANSEA . Agent for "The Freemason . " T > RO . CHAS . MAGGS , 24 , Oxford-st ., Swan-• " sea . A . large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing , and every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kenning's Masonic Note Paper , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , & c . Advertisments received for " The Freemason . "
SARSAPARILLA . WILKINSON'S ESSENCE , OR FLUID EXTRACT OF RED JAMAICA SARSAPARILLA , pre scribed by the Faculty for PURIFYING THE BLOOD , DEUILITV , LIVER COMPLAINTS , and freeing the system from effects of Mercury . Exclusively used in India and the Colonies as a prevention to Tropical diseases . "Superior preparations that may always be relied upon . "—Sir Astley Cooper . " " we are in every respect satisfied with it . " —Lancet . "We recommend yours as the best . "—Medical Review . In Quarter , Half , and Pint Bottles , CAUTION . —Spurious and injurious preparations are offered to the public . See that Dottle and Label have the name and Address , ** T . Wilkinson , late Wilkinson , Bridge , and Co ., No . 370 ; Regent-street , London . "
WHITMORE'S STOMACHIC DINNER PILLS . No Pill is so efficacious inlpromotmgdigcstion , strcngthcningthe Stomach , correcting acidity , preventing or removing Headache , Giddiness , & c , arising from a Costive Habit , Debilitated Stomach , or Torpid Liver . They require no change of diet , and those of the most delicate constitution can take them with safety . Taken as an adjunct with Wilkinson ' s Sarsaparilla with the greatest success .
QUINTESCENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER V ? ^ and CAMOMILE . WILKINSON'S Preparation of Ginger and Camomile has long been deservedly known as an excellent domestic medicine . It is a most efficient Stomachic Tonic , and the best remedy for Flatulency and disorders arising from impaired digestion , and is no affected by climate . No European in India or tropical climates should be without it . In one-eighth , quarter , a » d half-pint bottles . *
j $$ * n ^ $ \ "yOUKG'S AttXICATKD Ite ^ V ^ i ) COil N AND JUNION V 5 & fc-J- ^ £ */ PLAISTKItS am the best ever invented for ( riving Jmincdinio enso , and removing those painful excrescences . Prico ( hi . oiwl Iff . per box . Any Chemist nut havingthorn in stock can procure them . Observe the Trade Hark—H . Y—without which none are genuine , lie euro and ask for Yooxo ' a .
RUPTURES—BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS fH \ Is allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to be th £ * ( y most effective invention in the curative treatment o i'i 5 . V HERNIA . The use of a steel spring , so often htirtfu t £ 0- ; v ^ in its effects , is here avoided ; a soft bandage being ut i ¦ ' 'J iworn round the bodv , while the requisite resisting power S 2 l \ - j [ . issuplied by the MOC-MAIN PAD ami PATENT is m'C 7 / ' ! i LE \ 'EK , fitting with so much ease ami closeness that *"" jr ^ Y / it cannot bedetccted , and may be worn during sleep . fXilJ A descriptive circular may be had , aud the Truss , f / 2 y which cannot fail to lit , lorwarded by post , on thf Fri ( i circumference ol the body , two inches below the lupr , 1 . 7 J being sent to the Jl I MANUFACTURER , KMSi Mr . rril / TE , 228 , Piccadilly Lwdun . Price of a Single Truss , 16 s ., 21 s ., 20 s . Od . and 31 s . 'j 1 'Postage fret „ of a Double Truss , 31 s . Od ., 42 s . and 52 s . Od . Postage free , „ of Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . Gd . Postage ; ' ice . Post Ollice Orders lo lie made payable to Juux WHILE , Post Office Piccadilly . NEW I'ATi :. VT ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEECAPS , & c . The material of which these are made is recommended bv the faculty as being peculiarly ELASTIC and COMPRESSHlLti and the best invention for giving efficient and permanent support in all cases of WEAKNESS , VARICOSE VEINS , & c . Price 4 s . Od ., 7 s . 6 d ., ios ., and iOs . each . Postage free . SPINAL MACHINES , LEG IRONS , Am ! Everv Description of Surgical Appliances , JOHN lflllTli , Manufacturer , 228 . l'iccadillu , London .
TMNNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA . — ^ The Best Remedy for ACIDITY of the STOMACH , HEARTBURN , HEADACHE , GOUT , AND INDlOIiSTlON , anil the best mild aperient for delicate constitutions , especially adapted ( or LADIES , CHILDREN , and INFANTS . D 1 N N li V O R D & CO . 172 , New Bond Street , London , and of all Chemists .
GEORGE REES MAPLE and ROSEWOOD MOULDINGS , best in London . GEORGEREES' ' GILT MOULDINGS , cheapes in the Trade . ( " EORGE REES' ' VJ 100 , 000 feet of GILT ROOM BORDERING in stcck , from id . per foot . flEORGE REES ' ^ First-class ENGRAVINGS , from 2 s . each . Q . EORGE REES ' ^ CHROMOS , from the Best Masters , at reduced prices . 57 , DRURY-L 4 NE , W . C , opposite Drury-lane Theatre
03 2 ^^^^^^^ M r ° zlWmlm ^ l CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Opiates , Narcotics , and Squills are too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Colds . and all Pulmonary diseases . It . * tead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at' . cexpensc of enfeebling the digestive organs , and thus increasii . fc Aiat debility which lies at the root of the malady , modern nJtnce points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIJ R as the true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough . authorof the " Anti-Lancet , " says : " I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough , pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of Pulmonaiy Consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution . Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthma , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza . Nigh Sweats of Consumption , Quinsey , and all alTectionsof the throat and chest . Sold in bottles at is , od ., 4 s . 6 d ., and ixs . each , by all re . spectable Chemists , and wholesale by Jas . M , Crosby . Chemist Scarborough . *„* Invalids should read Crosby's Prize Treatise on "Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can be had Gratit 01 all Chemists .
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