Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Ark Mariners. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Ark Mariners. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
bearing witness to the unvarying courtesy of the Grand Secretary , either in the office or when in Grand Lodge , and trusted he would long be spared to fill that important position . He ; ilso
welcomed Bro . Mutton , the G . S . D ., to the Chigwell Lodge , as well as the other visitors who they were very pleased to see . Bros . Hervei and Hutton responded on behalf of the visitors After the . healths of the P . G . M . unci P . G
Officers had been duly honoured , Bro . Storr proposed the health of the W . M ., who he said he was very p leased to see in that position . Bro . Hogard , in responding , said lie felt very proud of the hig h honour the brethren had done him in unanimouslv electing him their Master
for the ensuing year . He assured them he had accepted the position with a deep sense of the great responsibilities which devolved upon him as their head , and p ledged himself to do all that lay in his power to uphold the dignity of the Chigwell Lodge , and he should depend on the
P . M . s . giving him that aid which they had at all times rendered to his predecessors . The other usual toasts having been duly honoured , the W . M . announced his intention of representing the Lodge at the Girls' School Festival in 1 S 75 , and the Tylers' toast brought a very pleasant evening to a close .
IVEW BRUX . E . —Royal Alfred Lodge ( No . 710 ) . —The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge was held at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , on the 25 th Sept ., when there were present Bros . A . Beasley . W . M . ; W . Hillow , S . W . Gardiner , J . W . ; S . Smith , Treas . ; the rest
of the officers and a goodly number of brethren and visitors . Bro . Beasley having performed tlie ceremonies of passing and raising , Bro . Smith ascended the chair of K . S ., and a Board of Installed Masters having been duly formed , Bro . Hilton was duly elevated to that high position .
Bro . Smith s working is so well known , that it would be superfluous to make any remarks upon it . Bro . Watson having addressed tlie brethren , the new W . M . proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bros . Gardiner , S . W . ; S . Chambers Roe , J . W . ; , ' _ S . Smith . Treas . ; Hale , See . ;
1 ravers , S , D . ; Cuznew , J . D . ; Joss , I . G . : All business being ended , the brethren adjourned to banquet , which was served admirabl y and appeared to be thoroughly enjoyed b y all present . The cloth having been drawn , the usual toasts were dul y honoured . The W . M . in proposing
the health of the Past Masters , dwelt upon the great services rendered to the lodge b y the J . P . M ., and requested his acceptance of a beautiful P . M . ' s jewel , suitabl y inscribed . Uro , Beasley returned thanks in an eloquent speech .
The health of the visitors was responded to by Past Musters Hamilton and Dviscoll . The rest of the evening was spent in a most enjoyable manner , and the brethren separated at an early hour .
LANCASTER . — Roicley Lodge ( No . 1051 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , 5 tit inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Athen . r-um , Lancaster . There . we-o present Bro- ; . , V . J . S ' , U ' . Y ., as W . M . : Dr . ) . D . Moore , P . G . S . IL as I . P . M ., Sh . 0 . : | an : i-s ' T : \ Vlor . S . W . ; lh-urv I . oilman , l . ' \ V . : Kdwa ' rd
Airey , W . M . 281 : 'I noma- ; Jackson , S . D . : G . o , Sutton , J . D . ; N . ' \ V . i-lelme , I . G : J ohn W ,, ' ,. sou , John lici ley , T \ Icrs . ecc . The lod ^ e havinc been opened in due form , and the iritiiile book having been , in accordance lo no ! ice , . vet to -he Prov . ( j . S . ereiary and not returned , no bu-. hiess was transacted .
K I l' . K i ; V- i . l >\ :- !¦ M . C . — l . iitifl i : j ! .- „ '¦ : ¦ ( No . 1074 ) . — 'I la ; regular i ! iei liii ^ of ; lii-, ! o , e ; e'va :-ii Id at the Masonic il . ill , Market-place , on October 1 st , at sewn o ' clock , The chair was occupied by the W . M ., i > r . Page , who was supported ! , y his 'A ' ardens and Officers , a .: ! an
unusually large number of brethren , The lo ]¦< . havim ; been dul y ojicni d in the .- ¦ . vc ,- ,: l de : ; : c ¦ : , the W . M . n-quislid Bio . John I ' IOVCS , I' . M , P . lhov . G . Ri ^ , s-e , u , vaise Bro . Pmcy to ihe sublime degree of M . M . At the concha-ion < , f the business the loJi ; e was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . Rr . vnixo . —Grey /' . ¦ . ¦ . ;> ,- J ,-,. / yv ( , \'() . MCI ) . — This splendid young lodge will n suinc . its duties
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
on Wednesday , the 14 th inst ., when Bro . James Greenfield will be installed W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Greenfield was one of tlie earliest initiates of the lodge , and is known to be a t ^ ood working member of the Craft . The
banquet will be held at the Upper Ship Hotel at six . o ' clock , and it is expected there will be a good muster of the fraternity , the tickets already having been enquired after , and as a limited number only will be issued , to secure a place at the festive board an early application is
necessary . PAK ; XTON - . —7 WY .
It was announced that the members of the lodge had determined to present to Bro . the Rev . R . Bowden , P . M ., P . P . G . C , a testimonial , in recognition of the invaluable services he had rendered as W . M ., for the two first years of the existence of the lodge , and as I . P . M . since that time . The presentation will take place at the next monthly meeting .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BOLTON " . —St . John ' s ( Tiitie Immemorial ) Lodge . —The regular meeting of the . above lodge , was held on Wednesday , 23 rd September , at the Commercial Hotel . Bolton . There was a
good attendance- of the brethren , amongst whom were Bros . James Newton , Prov . G . Mark Inspector of Works , W . M . ; John Alcock , S . W . ; James Horrocks , J . W . ; John Harwood , M . O . ; Thos . Holme , S . D ., Henry Tattersall , I . G . ;
and the following Past Masters , viz . : G . P . Brockbank , Past Grand -Mark Warden : Thos . Entwistle , P . Prov . G . Mark Master ; Daniel Stansfield , P . Prov . G . Mark Deacon ; Robert Horwood , P . Prov . G . Mark Deacon ; Thos .
Morris , P . Prov . G . Mark Sword Bearer ; Robert Whittaker , P . Prov . G . Mark Dir . of Cer . ; and Wm . Hamer ; and Visiting Brethren Jas . Heap , Prov . G . Mark Steward , Cheshire and North Wales ; Thos . Wilson , J . W . Mark Lodge , 1 : 8 ,
and Jas- Brown , S . O . . Mark Lodge , 1 . 5 S . The lodge being opened , the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed . A candidate for advancement was balloted for and unanimousl y approved . Bro . Jas . Corbitt , who had been previously approved on ballot , was admitted ,
and advanced to the honourable degree of Mark Master b y the W . M ., Uro . [ as . Newton . The election of W . M . for the ensuing year was then proceeded with , resulting in the unnnimous ohetion of the S . W ., V > m . John Alcock . The lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned lo refreshment .
Royal Ark Mariners.
Royal Ark Mariners .
Boj / io . \' .--J /' . // , /// Ji-firii ! f .-jl gi -. —A meeting of tlie Mount Ararat Lodge was h .-ld at the Commercial Hold , Bokonfon Wednesday , 2 .- rd Sep ! ., v . 'Iicn there weie present , Bros . G . P . Ih'ockbank , Y . Commander > ' ..- . I as . N-.-wion ,
J . ; Thomas Wi ! - , n , S : Jas . 1 lor ; , ; ::-:- ' , J . D . ; Robl . Harwood , P . X ., j ) h \ cor oi Cer emoiiic . ; ja , H 1 - 07 . 11 , Gi .-i-. dian ; Thos . Morr ' s , P . X ., rxe . The lod ^ e o-i ; : > opened and th .-mimi ' -s
confirmed , Poos . Si : m-- ; ic ! d , P . Pro , ' . G . Mail ; Deacon , and Tims . Mycck were , approved of as candidatjs , and were tli .-u admitted and elevated to the degree of Roy il Aik Mariners , iiro . James Newton , l ! ie YV . C ¦> mm 1111 ! T elect ,
was then enthroned in ii-,.- usual mamier , and appointed mid invented hi . ; oiii : ers , vi . l . : — 'I ho-i . A'ilson , ) . ; Danl . . 'T iu- ! i .- ! d , S . ; (; . P .
Rrockba . ik , Treasurer ( . I -et--d > ; ihe-:. Mcri- ' , Soihc : Ja- ' . Horreek ; > S . D . ; J-, . j ; M . V . I . j . U . : Kohl . ! l . trwood , Director of c ' - 'ivm-r'i- ; ; ' 1 ' ; :, ;! Ahcock , Guardian , ' { 'he lod-n : wa-i ili . u olo-el .
, - ;¦ co Ua : ' . ' . ) . ICid ^ i : ¦ :: ¦ : < : .- —' vllnliUyh A * - ; , , ' ,, / .-1 • ,- /• (" ¦' - ! . ' i ! i . r ( Mo . 1 ) . —The anm . iai m-..-..-ling of ihi ; chipter tor election and iastalla'iou of oiii , 'c-he > . rers
Royal Ark Mariners.
was held in Comp . De Grey ' s Hotel , 99 , Princesstreet , on Wednesday the 22 nd inst ., when the following Companions were elected officebearers for 1874-. 5 , viz . —Comps . George M'Lean , Z . ; John Taylor . H . ; Alexander Henry , J- ; William Mann , P . Z . ; P . R . Haddow ,
Scribe E . ; David Knight , Scribe N . ; Alexander Hay , Treasurer ; David Kinnear , Chancellor ; Robt . S . Brown , 1 st Sojourner ; W . J . C . Abbot , 2 nd Sojourner ; C . G . C . Christie . 3 rd Sojourner Robt . S . Brown , Excellent Master ; Robt . Legget , Captain of the 1 st Veil ; W . \ V .
Kennedy , Captain of the 2 nd Veil ; George G . Russel , Captain of the 3 rd Veil ; John Taylor , Mark Master ; J . Webster , Sen . Warden ; James Henderson . Jun . Warden ; Daniel M'Lean , Janitor . Committee : S . Georgiades , A . Mitchell , J . J . Muirhead , J . D . Wormald , W . Barton ,
Wm . M . Bryce . Thereafter the companions celebrated the Festival of the Autumnal Equinox , M . E . Comp . George M'Lean in the chair , supported by a large attendance of the com . panions , who did ample justice to the excellent banquet , provided by Comp . De Grey in his most recherche stvle .
tin : SUPREME COUNCIL OI : SCOTLAND of the 33 rd and last degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite , have elected Bro . Henry Inglis of Torsonce , to the vacancy in the Council created by the death of Lord James Murray . Bro . Inglis has been a most zealous member of the ,
Craic for many years ; he discharged with great acceptance to the brethren of the Grand Lod ge of Scotland , and for a long period , the duties of the officeof Substitute Grand Master of Scotland , an office which was at one time filled by his late
father , he has also been for many years Prov . Grand Master of Peebles and Selkirk , and , in the hi ghest degrees , he has held several important offices . We believe the appointment now made to the select nine will have the entire j approval of the Masonic Fraternity ,
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The September meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held on the 23 rd ult . at Freemasons ' Hall , Bro . John M . Clabon , President of the Board , in the chair . There were also present among others Bros . J oshua Ntinn , S . V . P ., Joseph Smith , Samuel May , H . W . Hemsworth , Thos , Cubitt , T . Bull , C . Atkins ,
J . Stevens , C . Hogard , O . Roberts , J ohn Hervey , ( Grand Secretary ) , W . H . Main , Wrig ht , H ' . M . Levy , G . W . H . Crick , Swallow , W . II . Marsh , G . ' L . Dussek , W . Hilton , and H . Bartlett . The grants , amounting to ^ iS ^ , made at former meetings , were confirmed , and the sum of /' 230 was awarded to fresh cases . The lodge was then closed .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
'the General Committee of tin ' s institution in ,, t 011 Saturday last at Freemason ' s Hall . Bro . John Symonds , Y . P ., look the chair . There wen .- also present Bros . A . If . Tattershall , II . C . Levander , G . M . A . Snow , W . Roebuck , J . &' ¦
Chancellor , Capt . N . G . Philips , W . Hy de Pullen , Benjamin Head , Richard Spencer , S . Rosemiid , j , W . Dosell , Wm . F . C . Moutriq Jesse 'J ' inner , and F . Binckes ( Secretary ); ' . 'Imi ' s lic-fitiest" was considered , and the
opinion of liro . J . M . Clabon resolved to be ukcii , this to oe eoiuimuiie . tled to the Girls School . G ; v : petition was received and on " gr ; i ' : t made for an outfit . 'Ihe io | lo- . ein : , ' resolution , a copy of which h ; i ' b" ' ' ; i :-. : it to every Piovincial Grand Secretai )' ,
iv . i' ; aiterwarrls c . i ; ri :: t ] : — " Thai the nam , ¦ of ' William George Watson , accidentally omitted from the balloting papers ¦ ilrea ly is-n . vd , be ridded to the already approved List of Candidates , making : i total of 4 . 5 , tl ' . bci'iy ; h . ia third application : the number l'l votes a ' i-. i , iy polled for him and brought fo y ward to ' lis credic at this i' . lection , being ILt . J Lite Cummilleo , lUeu adjourned .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
bearing witness to the unvarying courtesy of the Grand Secretary , either in the office or when in Grand Lodge , and trusted he would long be spared to fill that important position . He ; ilso
welcomed Bro . Mutton , the G . S . D ., to the Chigwell Lodge , as well as the other visitors who they were very pleased to see . Bros . Hervei and Hutton responded on behalf of the visitors After the . healths of the P . G . M . unci P . G
Officers had been duly honoured , Bro . Storr proposed the health of the W . M ., who he said he was very p leased to see in that position . Bro . Hogard , in responding , said lie felt very proud of the hig h honour the brethren had done him in unanimouslv electing him their Master
for the ensuing year . He assured them he had accepted the position with a deep sense of the great responsibilities which devolved upon him as their head , and p ledged himself to do all that lay in his power to uphold the dignity of the Chigwell Lodge , and he should depend on the
P . M . s . giving him that aid which they had at all times rendered to his predecessors . The other usual toasts having been duly honoured , the W . M . announced his intention of representing the Lodge at the Girls' School Festival in 1 S 75 , and the Tylers' toast brought a very pleasant evening to a close .
IVEW BRUX . E . —Royal Alfred Lodge ( No . 710 ) . —The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge was held at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , on the 25 th Sept ., when there were present Bros . A . Beasley . W . M . ; W . Hillow , S . W . Gardiner , J . W . ; S . Smith , Treas . ; the rest
of the officers and a goodly number of brethren and visitors . Bro . Beasley having performed tlie ceremonies of passing and raising , Bro . Smith ascended the chair of K . S ., and a Board of Installed Masters having been duly formed , Bro . Hilton was duly elevated to that high position .
Bro . Smith s working is so well known , that it would be superfluous to make any remarks upon it . Bro . Watson having addressed tlie brethren , the new W . M . proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bros . Gardiner , S . W . ; S . Chambers Roe , J . W . ; , ' _ S . Smith . Treas . ; Hale , See . ;
1 ravers , S , D . ; Cuznew , J . D . ; Joss , I . G . : All business being ended , the brethren adjourned to banquet , which was served admirabl y and appeared to be thoroughly enjoyed b y all present . The cloth having been drawn , the usual toasts were dul y honoured . The W . M . in proposing
the health of the Past Masters , dwelt upon the great services rendered to the lodge b y the J . P . M ., and requested his acceptance of a beautiful P . M . ' s jewel , suitabl y inscribed . Uro , Beasley returned thanks in an eloquent speech .
The health of the visitors was responded to by Past Musters Hamilton and Dviscoll . The rest of the evening was spent in a most enjoyable manner , and the brethren separated at an early hour .
LANCASTER . — Roicley Lodge ( No . 1051 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , 5 tit inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Athen . r-um , Lancaster . There . we-o present Bro- ; . , V . J . S ' , U ' . Y ., as W . M . : Dr . ) . D . Moore , P . G . S . IL as I . P . M ., Sh . 0 . : | an : i-s ' T : \ Vlor . S . W . ; lh-urv I . oilman , l . ' \ V . : Kdwa ' rd
Airey , W . M . 281 : 'I noma- ; Jackson , S . D . : G . o , Sutton , J . D . ; N . ' \ V . i-lelme , I . G : J ohn W ,, ' ,. sou , John lici ley , T \ Icrs . ecc . The lod ^ e havinc been opened in due form , and the iritiiile book having been , in accordance lo no ! ice , . vet to -he Prov . ( j . S . ereiary and not returned , no bu-. hiess was transacted .
K I l' . K i ; V- i . l >\ :- !¦ M . C . — l . iitifl i : j ! .- „ '¦ : ¦ ( No . 1074 ) . — 'I la ; regular i ! iei liii ^ of ; lii-, ! o , e ; e'va :-ii Id at the Masonic il . ill , Market-place , on October 1 st , at sewn o ' clock , The chair was occupied by the W . M ., i > r . Page , who was supported ! , y his 'A ' ardens and Officers , a .: ! an
unusually large number of brethren , The lo ]¦< . havim ; been dul y ojicni d in the .- ¦ . vc ,- ,: l de : ; : c ¦ : , the W . M . n-quislid Bio . John I ' IOVCS , I' . M , P . lhov . G . Ri ^ , s-e , u , vaise Bro . Pmcy to ihe sublime degree of M . M . At the concha-ion < , f the business the loJi ; e was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . Rr . vnixo . —Grey /' . ¦ . ¦ . ;> ,- J ,-,. / yv ( , \'() . MCI ) . — This splendid young lodge will n suinc . its duties
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
on Wednesday , the 14 th inst ., when Bro . James Greenfield will be installed W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Greenfield was one of tlie earliest initiates of the lodge , and is known to be a t ^ ood working member of the Craft . The
banquet will be held at the Upper Ship Hotel at six . o ' clock , and it is expected there will be a good muster of the fraternity , the tickets already having been enquired after , and as a limited number only will be issued , to secure a place at the festive board an early application is
necessary . PAK ; XTON - . —7 WY .
It was announced that the members of the lodge had determined to present to Bro . the Rev . R . Bowden , P . M ., P . P . G . C , a testimonial , in recognition of the invaluable services he had rendered as W . M ., for the two first years of the existence of the lodge , and as I . P . M . since that time . The presentation will take place at the next monthly meeting .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BOLTON " . —St . John ' s ( Tiitie Immemorial ) Lodge . —The regular meeting of the . above lodge , was held on Wednesday , 23 rd September , at the Commercial Hotel . Bolton . There was a
good attendance- of the brethren , amongst whom were Bros . James Newton , Prov . G . Mark Inspector of Works , W . M . ; John Alcock , S . W . ; James Horrocks , J . W . ; John Harwood , M . O . ; Thos . Holme , S . D ., Henry Tattersall , I . G . ;
and the following Past Masters , viz . : G . P . Brockbank , Past Grand -Mark Warden : Thos . Entwistle , P . Prov . G . Mark Master ; Daniel Stansfield , P . Prov . G . Mark Deacon ; Robert Horwood , P . Prov . G . Mark Deacon ; Thos .
Morris , P . Prov . G . Mark Sword Bearer ; Robert Whittaker , P . Prov . G . Mark Dir . of Cer . ; and Wm . Hamer ; and Visiting Brethren Jas . Heap , Prov . G . Mark Steward , Cheshire and North Wales ; Thos . Wilson , J . W . Mark Lodge , 1 : 8 ,
and Jas- Brown , S . O . . Mark Lodge , 1 . 5 S . The lodge being opened , the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed . A candidate for advancement was balloted for and unanimousl y approved . Bro . Jas . Corbitt , who had been previously approved on ballot , was admitted ,
and advanced to the honourable degree of Mark Master b y the W . M ., Uro . [ as . Newton . The election of W . M . for the ensuing year was then proceeded with , resulting in the unnnimous ohetion of the S . W ., V > m . John Alcock . The lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned lo refreshment .
Royal Ark Mariners.
Royal Ark Mariners .
Boj / io . \' .--J /' . // , /// Ji-firii ! f .-jl gi -. —A meeting of tlie Mount Ararat Lodge was h .-ld at the Commercial Hold , Bokonfon Wednesday , 2 .- rd Sep ! ., v . 'Iicn there weie present , Bros . G . P . Ih'ockbank , Y . Commander > ' ..- . I as . N-.-wion ,
J . ; Thomas Wi ! - , n , S : Jas . 1 lor ; , ; ::-:- ' , J . D . ; Robl . Harwood , P . X ., j ) h \ cor oi Cer emoiiic . ; ja , H 1 - 07 . 11 , Gi .-i-. dian ; Thos . Morr ' s , P . X ., rxe . The lod ^ e o-i ; : > opened and th .-mimi ' -s
confirmed , Poos . Si : m-- ; ic ! d , P . Pro , ' . G . Mail ; Deacon , and Tims . Mycck were , approved of as candidatjs , and were tli .-u admitted and elevated to the degree of Roy il Aik Mariners , iiro . James Newton , l ! ie YV . C ¦> mm 1111 ! T elect ,
was then enthroned in ii-,.- usual mamier , and appointed mid invented hi . ; oiii : ers , vi . l . : — 'I ho-i . A'ilson , ) . ; Danl . . 'T iu- ! i .- ! d , S . ; (; . P .
Rrockba . ik , Treasurer ( . I -et--d > ; ihe-:. Mcri- ' , Soihc : Ja- ' . Horreek ; > S . D . ; J-, . j ; M . V . I . j . U . : Kohl . ! l . trwood , Director of c ' - 'ivm-r'i- ; ; ' 1 ' ; :, ;! Ahcock , Guardian , ' { 'he lod-n : wa-i ili . u olo-el .
, - ;¦ co Ua : ' . ' . ) . ICid ^ i : ¦ :: ¦ : < : .- —' vllnliUyh A * - ; , , ' ,, / .-1 • ,- /• (" ¦' - ! . ' i ! i . r ( Mo . 1 ) . —The anm . iai m-..-..-ling of ihi ; chipter tor election and iastalla'iou of oiii , 'c-he > . rers
Royal Ark Mariners.
was held in Comp . De Grey ' s Hotel , 99 , Princesstreet , on Wednesday the 22 nd inst ., when the following Companions were elected officebearers for 1874-. 5 , viz . —Comps . George M'Lean , Z . ; John Taylor . H . ; Alexander Henry , J- ; William Mann , P . Z . ; P . R . Haddow ,
Scribe E . ; David Knight , Scribe N . ; Alexander Hay , Treasurer ; David Kinnear , Chancellor ; Robt . S . Brown , 1 st Sojourner ; W . J . C . Abbot , 2 nd Sojourner ; C . G . C . Christie . 3 rd Sojourner Robt . S . Brown , Excellent Master ; Robt . Legget , Captain of the 1 st Veil ; W . \ V .
Kennedy , Captain of the 2 nd Veil ; George G . Russel , Captain of the 3 rd Veil ; John Taylor , Mark Master ; J . Webster , Sen . Warden ; James Henderson . Jun . Warden ; Daniel M'Lean , Janitor . Committee : S . Georgiades , A . Mitchell , J . J . Muirhead , J . D . Wormald , W . Barton ,
Wm . M . Bryce . Thereafter the companions celebrated the Festival of the Autumnal Equinox , M . E . Comp . George M'Lean in the chair , supported by a large attendance of the com . panions , who did ample justice to the excellent banquet , provided by Comp . De Grey in his most recherche stvle .
tin : SUPREME COUNCIL OI : SCOTLAND of the 33 rd and last degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite , have elected Bro . Henry Inglis of Torsonce , to the vacancy in the Council created by the death of Lord James Murray . Bro . Inglis has been a most zealous member of the ,
Craic for many years ; he discharged with great acceptance to the brethren of the Grand Lod ge of Scotland , and for a long period , the duties of the officeof Substitute Grand Master of Scotland , an office which was at one time filled by his late
father , he has also been for many years Prov . Grand Master of Peebles and Selkirk , and , in the hi ghest degrees , he has held several important offices . We believe the appointment now made to the select nine will have the entire j approval of the Masonic Fraternity ,
Lodge Of Benevolence.
The September meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held on the 23 rd ult . at Freemasons ' Hall , Bro . John M . Clabon , President of the Board , in the chair . There were also present among others Bros . J oshua Ntinn , S . V . P ., Joseph Smith , Samuel May , H . W . Hemsworth , Thos , Cubitt , T . Bull , C . Atkins ,
J . Stevens , C . Hogard , O . Roberts , J ohn Hervey , ( Grand Secretary ) , W . H . Main , Wrig ht , H ' . M . Levy , G . W . H . Crick , Swallow , W . II . Marsh , G . ' L . Dussek , W . Hilton , and H . Bartlett . The grants , amounting to ^ iS ^ , made at former meetings , were confirmed , and the sum of /' 230 was awarded to fresh cases . The lodge was then closed .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
'the General Committee of tin ' s institution in ,, t 011 Saturday last at Freemason ' s Hall . Bro . John Symonds , Y . P ., look the chair . There wen .- also present Bros . A . If . Tattershall , II . C . Levander , G . M . A . Snow , W . Roebuck , J . &' ¦
Chancellor , Capt . N . G . Philips , W . Hy de Pullen , Benjamin Head , Richard Spencer , S . Rosemiid , j , W . Dosell , Wm . F . C . Moutriq Jesse 'J ' inner , and F . Binckes ( Secretary ); ' . 'Imi ' s lic-fitiest" was considered , and the
opinion of liro . J . M . Clabon resolved to be ukcii , this to oe eoiuimuiie . tled to the Girls School . G ; v : petition was received and on " gr ; i ' : t made for an outfit . 'Ihe io | lo- . ein : , ' resolution , a copy of which h ; i ' b" ' ' ; i :-. : it to every Piovincial Grand Secretai )' ,
iv . i' ; aiterwarrls c . i ; ri :: t ] : — " Thai the nam , ¦ of ' William George Watson , accidentally omitted from the balloting papers ¦ ilrea ly is-n . vd , be ridded to the already approved List of Candidates , making : i total of 4 . 5 , tl ' . bci'iy ; h . ia third application : the number l'l votes a ' i-. i , iy polled for him and brought fo y ward to ' lis credic at this i' . lection , being ILt . J Lite Cummilleo , lUeu adjourned .