Article Lodges and Chapters of Instruction. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Order of the Secret Monitor. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC CHARITY IN WEST LANCASHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article SUPREME COUNCIL A. AND A. RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article SUPREME COUNCIL A. AND A. RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article JOHANNIS NATURAL MINERAL WATER. Page 1 of 1 Article Death. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
examined , entrusted , and retired . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . Bro . Rutgers was re-admitted , and Bro . Crohn rehearsed the ceremony of passing . The lodge was closed in the Second Degree . On the VV . M . rising for the first time , the Secretary asked permission to remind the brethren that in future the meetings would be held in the
new room procured , with several additional advantages , for the use of this lodge at the Club Premises , No . i . \ , Fitzroysquare . Bro . H . Norman was unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting , and appointed his officers , and announced the work for rehearsal to be the second ceremony , the tracing board , and the 6 th Section of the First Lecture . The lodge was then closed .
CREATON LODGE ( No . 1791 ) . —A meeting was held on Thursday , the 1 st inst ., at the Wheatsheaf Hotel , Goldhawk-road , Shepherd's Bush , W . There were present Bros . A . J . Taylor , W . M . j A . Love , S . W . j Austin , P . M ., Treas . and J . W . ; J . Davies , P . M ., Preceptor ; Spiegel , P . M ., acting Sec . ; Higginson , S . D . ; Cotton , J . D . ; Woodard , l . G . ; Candle , P . M . ; Rogers , P . M . ; Craggs ,
Cross , P . M . ; Jupp , Stanley , Oliver , Elkin , Arnott , Kirkham , Biggs , Hillier , Gane , Stonhill , Sheen , Kington , Sanson , and Harbord . This being the meeting before the meeting of the mother lodge , the officers of this lodge occupied their respective offices according to the by-laws . The lodge was duly opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and
conlirmed . Bro . Jupp offered himself as a candidate for passing , and having answered the usual questions , was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed . The usual questions from the Second to the Third Degree were put to liro . Jupp , and answered very creditable . The 2 nd Section of the Lecture was then worked by Bro . Higginson , and
answered by Bro . Davies , P . M ., Preceptor . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . The W . M . rose for the first time , and dues were collected . The W . M . rose for the second and third times . The Secretary announced that this meeting was especially summoned for the election of Preceptor , and it was proposed by Bro . Candle , P . M ., seconded by Bro . Austin , P . M ., and supported by Bro . Spiegel , P . M ., that Bro . J . Davies , P . M ., be again elected
as Preceptor , which was carried unanimously ; and it was also proposed by Bro . Candle , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . Austin , P . M ., that Bro . Higginson be elected as Deputy Preceptor , which was carried unanimously . Bro . Davies then proposed that Bro . Bro . Austin , P . M ., be elected Treasurer , which was seconded by Bro . Love , and carried unanimously . Bro . Davies proposed that the election of Secretary be postponed till the return of Bro . Gilbert , P . M ., from his holidays . The lodge was then closed .
Order Of The Secret Monitor.
Order of the Secret Monitor .
PENROSE DUNBAR CONCLAVE , No . 20 . We are glad to notice that this Order is about to be increased by the addition of a new conclave , named after our well-known Brother Major Penrose J . Dunbar .
The consecration ceremony takes place on Monday , the 12 th instant , at the Black Horse Hotel , Tower Hill , E . C , at 4 p . m ., and will be performed b y M . W . Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , P . G . S . Ruler , assisted by the other Grand Officers .
Masonic Charity In West Lancashire.
The most numerous attendance of Freemasons ever seen at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , was witnessed on the 2 nd inst ., when the annual meeting of theCourtand Governorsof the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution was held under the presidency of Bro . R . Wylie , P . G . D . There were nearly 200 brethren
present , the chief item of interest on the agenda being the election of an Honorary Secretary to the Charity , in place of Lieutenant Nacnab , R . N ., P . J . G . W ., who resigned his position . Six children , on the motion of Bro . Dr . J . KELLETT SMITH , P . P . G . Reg ., were elected on the foundation of the Institution , and grants were also made in kindred cases . Cordial votes of thanks were
given to the officers of the Institution for their services during the past year , the work being purely voluntary ; and in the courseof the evening Bro . J . T . Callow , P . P . G . Treas ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer ; Bros . G . Broadbridge , P . P . G . D . C , and T . H . W . Walker , P . P . G . Treas ., Honorary Secretaries ; Bro . W . E .
Coxon , P . M . 1675 , being elected by a large majority to fill the place on the Honorary Secretarial list so admirabl y filled b y Bro . Lieut . Macnab , who retired , to whom a cordial vote of thanks was extended in view of the admirable work he had done . The Auditors ( Bros . Goodacre , Johnston , Pierpoint Salter , and Tyson ) were
if-appointed ; the honorary medical officers ( Drs . J . K . -with , H . Pitts , J . Christison , J . H . Irvin , and R . P . White ) were also again chosen unanimously to fulfil important functions ; Bro . R . H . Leake was once more fleeted as the Honorary Solicitor ; and the General ^ ommittee ( consisting of 30 members ) , the Finance /" . \ fa " U" " . - . . . . , . , . . , , , ....,- * .. i . i . jv . v .
, committee , and the bankers were subsequentl y approved . The by-laws of the Institution were adopted , and it was resolved that the annual ball in aid ot the funds of the Institution should be held in the earl y part of January . A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the proceedings .
---- — - ( . ll revenue of Oueensland for the pastquarter amounted exn i- ^*" ' ^ eing an increase of , £ 10 , 000 , while the penditure was £ 616 , 000 , showing a decrease of £ 30 , 000 . An 2 ueen has approved of a good service reward of anrl i ? annum being conferred upon Staff-Paymaster D ' „ ° norary Lieut .-Col . J . Bailey , retired pay , late army Pay department ,
Supreme Council A. And A. Rite.
The following is the balance-sheet just issued : The Treasurer-General in account with the Supreme Council , 33 ° 30 th June , 1891 . DR . RECEIPTS . £ s . d .
To Balance in Bank , on ist July , 1890 ... 153 13 6 Since Received—Dividends £ 477 15 10 Fees , Certificates , & c , & c . 1670 10 4 2148 6 2
£ 2301 19 8 CR . EXPENDITURE . £ s . d . By Charity Donations 217 18 7
.. Investment ... ... ... ... < 0 o o o „ Investment ... ... ... ... 500 o o „ Payments for Salaries , Rent , Printing , Establishment , & c . 128 7 9 4 „ Balance in Bank ... ... ... 296 n 9
£ 2301 19 8 Examined and found correct , and certificates of all securities held by the Council produced , J . H . MATTHEWS , 33 ° VV . M . BYWATER , 32 . FRANK RICHARDSON , 33 ° , Treasurer-General , 33 , Golden-square , London , W . 7 th July , 1891 .
BALANCE SHEET , 3 QTH J , 1891 . ASSETS . £ s . d . £ s . d . To cash in London and Westminster Bank ... 296 11 9 Investments : — -
,, .. „ .. _ .,. £ 900 Madras Railway Stock ( cost ) ... 1007 5 0 £ 800 Madras Railway Inscribed Debentures Soo o o
£ 1000 Consols 2 : ] p . c . ( cost ) 962 10 o £ 3000 Cape of Good Hope Inscribed Stock ( cost ) ... 28 9 6 1 0 ¦ £ 600 New South
Wales Inscribed Stock 630 0 o £ 11 iS Great Eastern Railway Stock ( cost ) 999 3 2 £ 1200 Great Western
Consolidated Stock ( cost ) 1881 19 4 ^ 1240 Midland Ordinary Stock ( cost ) 18 7 8 19 o £ 2008 ios . 6 d . Natal 3 ' , p . c . Inscribed Stock ( cost ) ... 1888 o 8
¦ 12 , 943 18 2 „ Furniture ( valued at ) 1651 12 6 „ Library ( estimated ) 2401 10 o , Plate ( valued at ) ... ... ... 39-1 « o
„ Organ ( cost ) 300 o o „ Leases : 33 , Goldensquare 312 o o
„ Masonic Hall ... 468 o o „ Cellars 260 0 o 1 , 040 o o
£ 19 , 026 17 5 LIADIUTIES . £ s . d . By Capital Account ... ... ... 18 , 666 5 2 „ Balance from Revenue and Expenditure Account ... ... ... 360 12 3
£ 19 , 026 17 5 We have prepared the above accounts from the books , and certify the same as correct . HARPER Bros ., Chartered Accountants , 10 , Trinity-square , London , E . C .
DEVON MASONIC EDUCATIONAL FUND . The sixth report of the Devon Masonic Educational Fund , for the years 1889-1890 , is now ready for circulation , with a complete list of subscribers and donors . It has again been written by Bro . Hughan , Vice-Patron , and we have pleasure in reproducing it , because of its interest and value . —[ ED . F . M . ~\
" It is a matter for most sincere congratulation that the sixth Report of the ' Devon Masonic Educational Fund ' is of such a very satisfactory character . " During the year 188 9 , the actual receipts amounted to £ 433 19 s . 9 d ., and the disbursements to £ 244 3 s . 6 d ., the value of the Fund on December 31 st being £ 974 16 s . 5 d .
"Through 1890 the sums of £ 29 623 . and £ 25283 . 6 d . were respectively received and spent , the grand total of £ 1018 9 s . 1 id . being in hand , of which the large proportion of £ 900 is safely invested . This is far in advance of all previous reports , and proves how capable has been the management of all concerned in the practical
working of the Institution ; the honorary officers , especially , deserving the warmest thanks of the subscribers . " The accounts of the esteemed Treasurer , Bro . Lord , have been duly audited , and found to be correct as usual .
Supreme Council A. And A. Rite.
" I am glad to state that my old friend , Bro . Gover , still continues at his post , as also does the Assistant Secretary , Bro . Dillon , and Bro . John Brewer is the Honorary Solicitor as heretofore , to the great advantage of our admirable Society . " From its inauguration , the number of 23 children
have been on the Fund for terms varying from one to seven years , the average being four years . There are now 16 obtaining the advantages of this excellent Institution , making 39 elected to receive its substantial aid from the year 18 79 , which number will doubtless be increased at the next election , should the requisite support be forthcoming .
" As the expenses of management are virtually nil , it wholl y rests with the brethren of the province to add to the roll of reci pients of the Fund , all their subscriptions and donations being thus sacredl y devoted to the education , clothing , and advancement in life of the children of distressed or deceased Freemasons of Devon .
" The example set by the Charity Steward of No . 39 , Exeter , in issuing a special appeal annually to the members , might advantageously be followed by all the lodges in the province , and if the official reports were issued more frequently and more widely circulated , my opinion is that many additional subscribers would be secured .
The special features of the ' Devon Educational Fund' should be prominently and persistently brought before the notice of the local Craft , viz ., that the money for its maintenance is received and spent in the county ,
that the efficient staff of officers gladl y give their services on behalf of this noble Institution , and that the respected President is the R . W . Bro . Lord Ebrington , M . P ., the Provincial Grand Master of Devonshire .
"W . J . HUGHAN . "' Dunscore , ' Torquay , "August 19 th , 1891 . "
Johannis Natural Mineral Water.
A natural mineral water , which can be relied upon for its purity and hygienic properties , and is at the same time palatable , is a boon which cannot be too highly appreciated , and there is no doubt whatever that such a water is supplied by the Johannis S prings Company ( Limited ) , of 28 a , Wharf-road , City-road ,
E . C , and Bomore-road , Notting Hill , W ., London , and Zollhaus , in Germany . Its introduction into this country is of comparatively recent date , yet it has already made rapid progress in public estimation and is fast becoming the most acceptable table water of the day . Earl y in the summer of the
present year our contemporary the Lancet dispatched a commissioner to Zollhaus in the valley of the Aar , in Nassau , and not far from the town of Dietz , for the purpose of inspecting the Company ' s springs which are situated in that locality , and testing the water thence obtained and supplied to the public under every
variety of condition . Firstly , the water in the springs themselves was tested and analysed , when it was found that the gas with which it was impregnated was practically pure carbonic acid gas . A sample was then taken from the tank into which the water is conveyed by pipes from the springs
and in which it is kept stored for bottling , with the same result ; and lastly , the water in bottles , as procured from the charging room in Zollhaus , and as offered for sale in London , was tested , and in both cases the percentage of gas was found to be for all practical purposes 100 . Further experiments showed
that the chief mineral ingredients were carbonate of lime , soda , and magnesia , that iron was practically absent , nor was there the slightest indication of the presence of organic matter , except in the very minutest quantities . It was also demonstrated b y a comparison of the Zollhaus and London samples
with a sample of artificially prepared seltzer water , that the natural gas contained in the former was held in solution for a much longer period than the seltzer water with its gas artificially obtained . In short , the result of this series of experiments was to establish at once the fame of the Johannis water as a natural
mineral water possessing almost absolute purity as regards the carbonic acid gas with which it is impregnated , its almost absolute freedom from organic matter and objectionable metals , while it had the further advantage of retaining its gas for a far longer period than waters artifically prepared . The medical and other testimony which has
since been furnished by those who have tried it as a table water , either undiluted or diluted with wine or spirit , in every way confirms the result of the Lancet commissioner ' s analysis , while our own experience of it in the same character , and under the same conditions , clearly justifies us in commending it unreservedly to the notice of our readers .
Death .
BREAREY . —On October 3 rd , at 7 8 , Sterndale-road , West Kensington , Bro . Thomas Plummer Brearey , M . A ., aged 54 .
pi I CO "PILANTRA , " Pile Cure . Immediate relief ' IL . LO and a permanent cure guaranteed . Sample Free . Postage 3 d . —Address , THE GEDDES MANUFACTURING COMPANY , 249 , Hig h Hoiborn , London ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
examined , entrusted , and retired . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . Bro . Rutgers was re-admitted , and Bro . Crohn rehearsed the ceremony of passing . The lodge was closed in the Second Degree . On the VV . M . rising for the first time , the Secretary asked permission to remind the brethren that in future the meetings would be held in the
new room procured , with several additional advantages , for the use of this lodge at the Club Premises , No . i . \ , Fitzroysquare . Bro . H . Norman was unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting , and appointed his officers , and announced the work for rehearsal to be the second ceremony , the tracing board , and the 6 th Section of the First Lecture . The lodge was then closed .
CREATON LODGE ( No . 1791 ) . —A meeting was held on Thursday , the 1 st inst ., at the Wheatsheaf Hotel , Goldhawk-road , Shepherd's Bush , W . There were present Bros . A . J . Taylor , W . M . j A . Love , S . W . j Austin , P . M ., Treas . and J . W . ; J . Davies , P . M ., Preceptor ; Spiegel , P . M ., acting Sec . ; Higginson , S . D . ; Cotton , J . D . ; Woodard , l . G . ; Candle , P . M . ; Rogers , P . M . ; Craggs ,
Cross , P . M . ; Jupp , Stanley , Oliver , Elkin , Arnott , Kirkham , Biggs , Hillier , Gane , Stonhill , Sheen , Kington , Sanson , and Harbord . This being the meeting before the meeting of the mother lodge , the officers of this lodge occupied their respective offices according to the by-laws . The lodge was duly opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and
conlirmed . Bro . Jupp offered himself as a candidate for passing , and having answered the usual questions , was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed . The usual questions from the Second to the Third Degree were put to liro . Jupp , and answered very creditable . The 2 nd Section of the Lecture was then worked by Bro . Higginson , and
answered by Bro . Davies , P . M ., Preceptor . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . The W . M . rose for the first time , and dues were collected . The W . M . rose for the second and third times . The Secretary announced that this meeting was especially summoned for the election of Preceptor , and it was proposed by Bro . Candle , P . M ., seconded by Bro . Austin , P . M ., and supported by Bro . Spiegel , P . M ., that Bro . J . Davies , P . M ., be again elected
as Preceptor , which was carried unanimously ; and it was also proposed by Bro . Candle , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . Austin , P . M ., that Bro . Higginson be elected as Deputy Preceptor , which was carried unanimously . Bro . Davies then proposed that Bro . Bro . Austin , P . M ., be elected Treasurer , which was seconded by Bro . Love , and carried unanimously . Bro . Davies proposed that the election of Secretary be postponed till the return of Bro . Gilbert , P . M ., from his holidays . The lodge was then closed .
Order Of The Secret Monitor.
Order of the Secret Monitor .
PENROSE DUNBAR CONCLAVE , No . 20 . We are glad to notice that this Order is about to be increased by the addition of a new conclave , named after our well-known Brother Major Penrose J . Dunbar .
The consecration ceremony takes place on Monday , the 12 th instant , at the Black Horse Hotel , Tower Hill , E . C , at 4 p . m ., and will be performed b y M . W . Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , P . G . S . Ruler , assisted by the other Grand Officers .
Masonic Charity In West Lancashire.
The most numerous attendance of Freemasons ever seen at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , was witnessed on the 2 nd inst ., when the annual meeting of theCourtand Governorsof the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution was held under the presidency of Bro . R . Wylie , P . G . D . There were nearly 200 brethren
present , the chief item of interest on the agenda being the election of an Honorary Secretary to the Charity , in place of Lieutenant Nacnab , R . N ., P . J . G . W ., who resigned his position . Six children , on the motion of Bro . Dr . J . KELLETT SMITH , P . P . G . Reg ., were elected on the foundation of the Institution , and grants were also made in kindred cases . Cordial votes of thanks were
given to the officers of the Institution for their services during the past year , the work being purely voluntary ; and in the courseof the evening Bro . J . T . Callow , P . P . G . Treas ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer ; Bros . G . Broadbridge , P . P . G . D . C , and T . H . W . Walker , P . P . G . Treas ., Honorary Secretaries ; Bro . W . E .
Coxon , P . M . 1675 , being elected by a large majority to fill the place on the Honorary Secretarial list so admirabl y filled b y Bro . Lieut . Macnab , who retired , to whom a cordial vote of thanks was extended in view of the admirable work he had done . The Auditors ( Bros . Goodacre , Johnston , Pierpoint Salter , and Tyson ) were
if-appointed ; the honorary medical officers ( Drs . J . K . -with , H . Pitts , J . Christison , J . H . Irvin , and R . P . White ) were also again chosen unanimously to fulfil important functions ; Bro . R . H . Leake was once more fleeted as the Honorary Solicitor ; and the General ^ ommittee ( consisting of 30 members ) , the Finance /" . \ fa " U" " . - . . . . , . , . . , , , ....,- * .. i . i . jv . v .
, committee , and the bankers were subsequentl y approved . The by-laws of the Institution were adopted , and it was resolved that the annual ball in aid ot the funds of the Institution should be held in the earl y part of January . A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the proceedings .
---- — - ( . ll revenue of Oueensland for the pastquarter amounted exn i- ^*" ' ^ eing an increase of , £ 10 , 000 , while the penditure was £ 616 , 000 , showing a decrease of £ 30 , 000 . An 2 ueen has approved of a good service reward of anrl i ? annum being conferred upon Staff-Paymaster D ' „ ° norary Lieut .-Col . J . Bailey , retired pay , late army Pay department ,
Supreme Council A. And A. Rite.
The following is the balance-sheet just issued : The Treasurer-General in account with the Supreme Council , 33 ° 30 th June , 1891 . DR . RECEIPTS . £ s . d .
To Balance in Bank , on ist July , 1890 ... 153 13 6 Since Received—Dividends £ 477 15 10 Fees , Certificates , & c , & c . 1670 10 4 2148 6 2
£ 2301 19 8 CR . EXPENDITURE . £ s . d . By Charity Donations 217 18 7
.. Investment ... ... ... ... < 0 o o o „ Investment ... ... ... ... 500 o o „ Payments for Salaries , Rent , Printing , Establishment , & c . 128 7 9 4 „ Balance in Bank ... ... ... 296 n 9
£ 2301 19 8 Examined and found correct , and certificates of all securities held by the Council produced , J . H . MATTHEWS , 33 ° VV . M . BYWATER , 32 . FRANK RICHARDSON , 33 ° , Treasurer-General , 33 , Golden-square , London , W . 7 th July , 1891 .
BALANCE SHEET , 3 QTH J , 1891 . ASSETS . £ s . d . £ s . d . To cash in London and Westminster Bank ... 296 11 9 Investments : — -
,, .. „ .. _ .,. £ 900 Madras Railway Stock ( cost ) ... 1007 5 0 £ 800 Madras Railway Inscribed Debentures Soo o o
£ 1000 Consols 2 : ] p . c . ( cost ) 962 10 o £ 3000 Cape of Good Hope Inscribed Stock ( cost ) ... 28 9 6 1 0 ¦ £ 600 New South
Wales Inscribed Stock 630 0 o £ 11 iS Great Eastern Railway Stock ( cost ) 999 3 2 £ 1200 Great Western
Consolidated Stock ( cost ) 1881 19 4 ^ 1240 Midland Ordinary Stock ( cost ) 18 7 8 19 o £ 2008 ios . 6 d . Natal 3 ' , p . c . Inscribed Stock ( cost ) ... 1888 o 8
¦ 12 , 943 18 2 „ Furniture ( valued at ) 1651 12 6 „ Library ( estimated ) 2401 10 o , Plate ( valued at ) ... ... ... 39-1 « o
„ Organ ( cost ) 300 o o „ Leases : 33 , Goldensquare 312 o o
„ Masonic Hall ... 468 o o „ Cellars 260 0 o 1 , 040 o o
£ 19 , 026 17 5 LIADIUTIES . £ s . d . By Capital Account ... ... ... 18 , 666 5 2 „ Balance from Revenue and Expenditure Account ... ... ... 360 12 3
£ 19 , 026 17 5 We have prepared the above accounts from the books , and certify the same as correct . HARPER Bros ., Chartered Accountants , 10 , Trinity-square , London , E . C .
DEVON MASONIC EDUCATIONAL FUND . The sixth report of the Devon Masonic Educational Fund , for the years 1889-1890 , is now ready for circulation , with a complete list of subscribers and donors . It has again been written by Bro . Hughan , Vice-Patron , and we have pleasure in reproducing it , because of its interest and value . —[ ED . F . M . ~\
" It is a matter for most sincere congratulation that the sixth Report of the ' Devon Masonic Educational Fund ' is of such a very satisfactory character . " During the year 188 9 , the actual receipts amounted to £ 433 19 s . 9 d ., and the disbursements to £ 244 3 s . 6 d ., the value of the Fund on December 31 st being £ 974 16 s . 5 d .
"Through 1890 the sums of £ 29 623 . and £ 25283 . 6 d . were respectively received and spent , the grand total of £ 1018 9 s . 1 id . being in hand , of which the large proportion of £ 900 is safely invested . This is far in advance of all previous reports , and proves how capable has been the management of all concerned in the practical
working of the Institution ; the honorary officers , especially , deserving the warmest thanks of the subscribers . " The accounts of the esteemed Treasurer , Bro . Lord , have been duly audited , and found to be correct as usual .
Supreme Council A. And A. Rite.
" I am glad to state that my old friend , Bro . Gover , still continues at his post , as also does the Assistant Secretary , Bro . Dillon , and Bro . John Brewer is the Honorary Solicitor as heretofore , to the great advantage of our admirable Society . " From its inauguration , the number of 23 children
have been on the Fund for terms varying from one to seven years , the average being four years . There are now 16 obtaining the advantages of this excellent Institution , making 39 elected to receive its substantial aid from the year 18 79 , which number will doubtless be increased at the next election , should the requisite support be forthcoming .
" As the expenses of management are virtually nil , it wholl y rests with the brethren of the province to add to the roll of reci pients of the Fund , all their subscriptions and donations being thus sacredl y devoted to the education , clothing , and advancement in life of the children of distressed or deceased Freemasons of Devon .
" The example set by the Charity Steward of No . 39 , Exeter , in issuing a special appeal annually to the members , might advantageously be followed by all the lodges in the province , and if the official reports were issued more frequently and more widely circulated , my opinion is that many additional subscribers would be secured .
The special features of the ' Devon Educational Fund' should be prominently and persistently brought before the notice of the local Craft , viz ., that the money for its maintenance is received and spent in the county ,
that the efficient staff of officers gladl y give their services on behalf of this noble Institution , and that the respected President is the R . W . Bro . Lord Ebrington , M . P ., the Provincial Grand Master of Devonshire .
"W . J . HUGHAN . "' Dunscore , ' Torquay , "August 19 th , 1891 . "
Johannis Natural Mineral Water.
A natural mineral water , which can be relied upon for its purity and hygienic properties , and is at the same time palatable , is a boon which cannot be too highly appreciated , and there is no doubt whatever that such a water is supplied by the Johannis S prings Company ( Limited ) , of 28 a , Wharf-road , City-road ,
E . C , and Bomore-road , Notting Hill , W ., London , and Zollhaus , in Germany . Its introduction into this country is of comparatively recent date , yet it has already made rapid progress in public estimation and is fast becoming the most acceptable table water of the day . Earl y in the summer of the
present year our contemporary the Lancet dispatched a commissioner to Zollhaus in the valley of the Aar , in Nassau , and not far from the town of Dietz , for the purpose of inspecting the Company ' s springs which are situated in that locality , and testing the water thence obtained and supplied to the public under every
variety of condition . Firstly , the water in the springs themselves was tested and analysed , when it was found that the gas with which it was impregnated was practically pure carbonic acid gas . A sample was then taken from the tank into which the water is conveyed by pipes from the springs
and in which it is kept stored for bottling , with the same result ; and lastly , the water in bottles , as procured from the charging room in Zollhaus , and as offered for sale in London , was tested , and in both cases the percentage of gas was found to be for all practical purposes 100 . Further experiments showed
that the chief mineral ingredients were carbonate of lime , soda , and magnesia , that iron was practically absent , nor was there the slightest indication of the presence of organic matter , except in the very minutest quantities . It was also demonstrated b y a comparison of the Zollhaus and London samples
with a sample of artificially prepared seltzer water , that the natural gas contained in the former was held in solution for a much longer period than the seltzer water with its gas artificially obtained . In short , the result of this series of experiments was to establish at once the fame of the Johannis water as a natural
mineral water possessing almost absolute purity as regards the carbonic acid gas with which it is impregnated , its almost absolute freedom from organic matter and objectionable metals , while it had the further advantage of retaining its gas for a far longer period than waters artifically prepared . The medical and other testimony which has
since been furnished by those who have tried it as a table water , either undiluted or diluted with wine or spirit , in every way confirms the result of the Lancet commissioner ' s analysis , while our own experience of it in the same character , and under the same conditions , clearly justifies us in commending it unreservedly to the notice of our readers .
Death .
BREAREY . —On October 3 rd , at 7 8 , Sterndale-road , West Kensington , Bro . Thomas Plummer Brearey , M . A ., aged 54 .
pi I CO "PILANTRA , " Pile Cure . Immediate relief ' IL . LO and a permanent cure guaranteed . Sample Free . Postage 3 d . —Address , THE GEDDES MANUFACTURING COMPANY , 249 , Hig h Hoiborn , London ,