Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry In New Zealand.
The election gave unanimous satisfaction , and the lodge we may say , to quote Bro . H . Thompson ' s remarks , is a " ship well t fficered , well manned , well provisioned , and well found , setting out on a voyage , that with but due care could lead to success . " He also gave praise to the brethren of the new lodge of their wisdom in electing a so well tried and able officer as P . M . King , as their first W . M ., as
they were under the ruling of one who could " instruct as well as employ . " The ceremony being concluded , and labour ended , the brethren adjourned under the direction of the J . W . Bro . Taylor , to refreshments , and the brethren sat down to a banquet , the chair being occupied by the W . M ., Bro . King , supported on his left by Bros . Thompson and Williamson ,
on his right by the Rev . Bro . Barclay , and Bro . Ziesler , and the vice-chair was occupied by Bro . DeRcnzie , supported on his light by Bro . Rutland , and his left by Bro . J . A . Young , when the usual loyal and Craft toasts were gone through , together with their hearty responses , not forgetting the Tylers . Among the especial points of interest coming before us
in connection with the Winchester Lodge , is the timehonoured custom of the labouring Craftsmen , to use their best endeavours in their several branches . The pedestals , working tools , & c , were the productions of Bro . B . Wallis , of Timaru , doing great credit to the care and attention bestowed on them , manufactured by him , and giving great satisfaction .
INSTALLATION MEETING AT AUCKLAND . Last week we had occasion to refer to the practical interest taken by a large body of the clergy in the welfare of the Craft , instancing the Chaplains of our Order ; we might , however , if that had been the ' motif ' of our remarks , have further pointed out the way in which they join in the actual working of the lodges . Nor is this less
the case in the colonies than at home , and this week we have great pleasure in reproducing from the Evening Star ( Auckland ) , of Sept . 21 , an account of the installation in the chair of K . S . of Bro . the Rev . Charles Mosely Nelson , M . A ., Vicar of St . Paul ' s ( cathedral ) Church , Auckland , and chaplain to the bishop of that diocese : The interesting ceremony of the installation of the
W . M . of the Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 1338 , E . C ., took place at the lodge-room , Star Hotel , when Bro . the Rev . C . M . Nelson , M . A ., was installed Master of the lodge . Bro . M . S . Leers , P . M ., officiated as Installing Master , assisted by the following Past Masters : —Bros . G . P . Pierce , P . G . M ., I . C ., Lotlge Ara ; Dr . C . F . Goldsbro ' , Lodge Waitemata ; M . Niccol , R . W . M . Lodge Manukau ;
E . T . Wildman , W . M . Corinthian Lodge ( Thames ); Rev . Dr . R . Kidd , P . G . C ., I . C ., Lodge Ara ; W . J . Rees , Lodge United Service and Ara ; W . R . Robinson , P . G . J . W ., I . C ., Lodge Ara ; W . C . Walker , R . W . M . Lodge St . Andrew ; W . P . Moat , W . M . Lodge Rodney ; A . Heather , W . M . Lodge Ara ; W . Lodder , W . M . Lodge Remuera ; J . Warren , W . M . Lodge Waitemata ; H . G . Wade , Lodge
Waitemata ; J . W . Basley , W . M . Lodge Coromandel ; W . P . Hayward , Lodge Waitemata ; W . H . Skinner . Lodge Prince of Wales ; F . G . Clayton , Lodge Prince of Wales ; and G . M . Mitford , Lodge Prince of Wales . After the installation , the officers if the lodge were invested by the W . M ,, viz .: —Bros . F . G . Clayton , I . P . M ; F . W . E . Dawson , S . W . ; R . C . Dyer , J . W . ; W . H .
Skinner , P . M ., Treasurer ; M . S . Leers , P . M ., Secretary ; E . S . Willcocks , D . C . ; W . Rattray , S . D . ; Major-Gen . J . W . Gosset , J . D . ; W . S . Collins , I . G . ; C . Burton and L . D Nathan , Stewards ; C . Potter , Tyler . At the con- , elusion of the evening a large number of the brethren sat down to a banquet provided in excellent style by Host Davidson . The chair was occupied by the newly
installed Master , Bro . C . M . Nelson , supported on the right by Bros . Wildman , Pierce , and Niccol ; and on the left by Bros . Leers , Clayton , and Goldsbro '; Bro . Dr . Dawson , S . W ., occupying the vice-chair . After the good things had been duly discussed , the following programme of toasts was gone through : — " The Queen and the Craft , " by the W . M . The choir then sang the Masonic anthem
" God Save the Queen . " The next toast proposed by the W . M . was " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . of England ; " Bro . E . Harker then sang "God Bless the Prince of Wales ; " "The M . W . G . M . ' s of Scotland and Ireland , Sir Michael Shaw Stewart and the Duke of Abercom , " was then duly honoured . Masonic anthem , " Hail Masonry . " " P . G . M ., I . C ., Bro . G . P . Pierce ; the D . G . M .
( designate ) , E . C ., Bro . G . S . Graham , P . M . ; the P . G . M . ( designate ) , S . C ., Bro . Hon . F . Whitaker , " proposed by Bro . E . T . Wildman , P . M ., and responded to by Bro . Pierce . Glee , " Lutzow ' s Wild Hunt . " " The W . M . of the Prince of Wales Lodge , " proposed by Bro . F . G . Clayton , responded to by the W . M . Glee , " Two Roses . " "The Installing Master , " proposal by Bro . W . H .
Skinner , P . M ., responded to by Bro . 1 ' M . Leers . Song , Bro . Brett , " I fear no foe . " " The Past Masters of the Prince of Wales Lodge , proposed by Bro . F . W . E . Dawson , S . W ., responded to by Bro . P . M . Clayton . Duet , Bros . Willcocks and Sharland , " Oft in the stilly night . " " The Visiting Brethren , " coupled with the name of Bro . the Rev . Charles Clark , proposed by Bro . M . S . Ltcrs ,
P . M ., responded to by Bro . Rev . C . Clark . Part song , " German Rhine . " " The Officers of the Prince of Wales Lodge , " proposed by Bro . G . M . Mitford , P . M ., responded to by Bro . Dr . Dawson . Song , Bro . Lodder , " When other lips . " "The Brethren who had rendered the music , "
coupled with the name of Bro . Brett , proposed by Bro . it . C . Dyer , S . W ., responded to by Bro . Brett . Recitation , Bro . Rev . C . Clark , " Over the hill to the poor house . " "The Newly Initiated Brethren , " proposed by Bro . E . S . Wilcocks , D . C , responded to by Bro . J . A . Bealc . " The Entered Apprentice ' s Song , " Bio , Harker .
Freemasonry In New Zealand.
" The Ladies , " proposed by Bro . Dr . Ellis , responded to by Bro . J . H . B . Coates . Choius , " Here ' s a health , " & c . "All Poor and Distressed Masons . " After the banquet "The Host and Hostess" was proposed by Bro . W . P . Moat , W . M . Lodge Rodney , and
responded to by Host Davidson . The following brethren contributed their services as singers during the evening : Bros . E . Harker , Skinner , Sharland , Wethey , Wilcocks , Lodder , and Brett , accompanied by Bros . W . J . Rees and J . A . Bealc .
West Lancashire And The Indian Famine Fund.
The following circular was issued with reference to the above praiseworthy object : — WITHINGTON , Oct . 13 th , 1877 . " Dear Sir and Brother , —A service has been arranged to take place at St . Paul's Church , Withington , under the
patronage of the Masonic Order , in aid of the Indian Famine Fund , on Saturday , the 27 th inst ., at four o ' clock in the afternoon , which you are invited to attend . The Church , being situate in the West Lancashire Province , a dispensation will be obtained under the warrant of the Architect Lodge , Bro . G . D . Pochin , W . M The sermon will be preached by Bro . the Rev . H . Bethell Jones , M . A ., Provincial Grand Chaplain of West Lancashire ; and Bro
the Rev . S . Y . B . Bradshaw , Provincial Grand Chaplain of East Lancashire , will assist in the service . Brethren are requested to appear in the full regalia of Royal Arch or Craft clothing , and to assemble in the school-room , immediately near the Chureb , at 3 . 30 p . m . prompt . If it is your intention to be present , please sign the enclosed , and return to the address thereon by early post , so that arrangements may be completed for the reception and comfort of the brethren .
We are , yours fraternally , GEO . WM . GROGAN , M . A ., Rector C . T . DRABBLE , ~ \ GEO . WHITEHEAD , ( Church J AMES TURNBULL , f Officers . J BRADSHAW , J
About 100 brethren assembled , in response to the circular , and £ 57 were collected . Bro . H . Bethell Jones preached an admirable sermon , which we intend to publish in our Christmas Freemason .
French Masonry Extinct.
In the "Special Report of the Committee on Correspondence , " rendered by Bro . Hon . Richard Vaux , Chairman of the Committee on March 1 , 1876 , to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , it was stated : " Your committee have also to report , that the so called Grand Orients of Italy , France , . . . are not in such a Masonic condition as
to justify the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania recognising them as Masonic Grand Lodges , and such recognition is hereby withheld . '' The wisdom of this course was then apparent , for existing reasons , but we had hopes that the Grand Orient of France would mend its ways , and place itself within the pale of universal Masonry . Instead of doing this , however , by a suicidal act it has just made it
impossible for any jurisdiction of Ancient Craft Masonry in the world to have any fraternal relations with it . It has ceased to be tbeistic and become atheistic . It has , under the pretence of being unsectarian , and giving entire liberty of conscience , banished both the name and idea of God from its constitution . Its candidates are no more required to trust in God , but only in themselves . Belief in GoJ , of all the landmarks of Freemasonry the most
radical , and the last to be dispensed with , has been , by a vote of 135 lodges to 76 , abolished by the Grand Orient of France . The French Rite will henceforth be the propaganda of atheism , materialism , and communism , triplet devils of the mind . Henceforth not a jurisdiction of Ancient Craft Masonry in the Masonic world can or will have intercourse with it . It isjclo de se , notwithstanding some sane brethren , like Bro . Hubert , editor of the Paris Chaine d' Union , spoke , wrote , and voted against the fatal
measure . This suicidal policy , we regret to say , is not the result of a sudden aberration of mind , or of a coup d ' etat , but of a long , and persistent purpose . They say they have precedents for their action—that Buenos Ayres , Italy , and Hungary have led the way in ignoring the Grand Architect of the Universe , and they are determined to follow .
There is now no Bible on the altar of a French , Italian , or Belgic lodge ; and there ii no recognition of Deity in their work . All is hap-hazard with them ; there is no hereafrer ; the doctrine of the immortality of the soul is false ; and they worship and respect nothing , except themselves . We never took any stock in so-called French Masonry , even in its best days , and we now bid it , not
farewell , not adieu , but simply to go to its own place . There can henceforth be no relations between it and any body of pure Freemasonry in the world . While all of the English-speaking Grant ! Lodges that may have had intercourse with France in the past will at once sever all connection with this organised body of atheism , and stigmatise its action , as they must and ought , we have no fears that the body of Freemasonry will suffer .
There always is danger in the multiplication of rites , for differences material and radical arc sure to ensue . Such is the case now . The manipulators of thirty-three and ninety degrees cannot be expected to agree with the authorities having jurisdiction over the original three tlegrees . The former have erectctl a Tower of Babel , which has toppled over upon themselves , and threatened confusion in the Masonic world . They have struck a blow at Cosmopolitan Masonry , but one that will recoil upon
French Masonry Extinct.
themselves . The evil will be loc-.-l and transient . Where ever there are true Freemasons , speaking any tongue , am desirous of spreading true Masonry , the Grand Lod ges 0 Creat Britain or America will warrant them in doing su The field now is the world , and let us go out and posses ' it , for it has been openly dedicated to the public . —A "«/ stone .
Grand Orient Of Egypt.
We publish the following by request , with pleasure : Valle del Nilo , Or . d'Akssandria , Nov . 18 , 1877 . To all and every Masonic power throughout the world . R . W . Brethren , —As though the harmony which should always prevail throughout the Masonic world , were not unluckily too much troubled by so many occasional
jars among the different Grand Bodies , or that the fata ] influence of human wickedness upon every thing noble and sacretl were ' not already a matter of sad regret , the Grand Orient of France , in their general meeting held at Paris in September last , in adopting by a great majority of votes the taking into consideration of the most unmasonic pro . posal , viz ., the obliteration from their constitutions of the
belief in God , and in the immortality of the soul , announced to the world a revolution which no true and loyal Mason can conscientiously ever subscribe to . The most solid foundation of our Institution has alway s been an absolute affirmation of a Supreme , All-creating , All-foreseeing and Ever-rewarding Being . By eliminating this Divine principle , the grand edifice , which we are proud
to raise to eternal truth , would consequently fall down to pieces , or to the best be changed into a true Babel , leading to us utterly to confusion and ruin . If we are proud ( and we are right in being so ) in calling ourselves brethren , it is because we know we are the children of one and the same Father . Fcr him who denies the Divine paternity , the unity and
brotherhood of mankind becomes altogether problematical , and , consequently , he can hardly see how the moral perfection , which is the principal object of all our exertions , can ever be actually attained . Should the nihilism of Grand Orient cf France prevail among us , all believers in God would of course shun our Temples , which keeping merely the name of Sanctuaries ,
would in fact be changed in so many receptacles , giving shelter to all the eccentricities of human mind , naturally too much inclined to deify itself . Though the Grand Lotlge of Egypt be comparatively one of the youngest Masonic Grand Bodies , it is by no
means less inspired with the tiue Masonic principles than any other of its sister Grand Lodges . We have consequently found it proper and necessary to raise our voice against a danger threatening the whole Institution . Silence , in such an important circumstance , might be looked upon either as indifference , weakness or
connivance . The Grand Lodge of Egypt , conscious of its own right , and strictly adhering to the ancient traditional landmarks of the Craft , is very far from admitting of any alteration preventing the progress , and compromising the prosperity of the Order , therefore , we do declare positively to repel the unduly suggested innovation .
We flatter ourselves , you will accept this circular , and the decree inserted in our official report , as an unquestionable proof of our fraternal regards , and that you will approve of the feelings which have inspired our proceedings .
Praying our Almighty Father , who is in heaven , to bestow all His blessings on you , and to enlighten the mind and raise the heart of the Grand Orient of France . I am , R . W . Brethren , fraternally yours , F . F . ODDI , Grand Secretary .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
For the Week ending Friday , November 16 , 1877 . The Editor will be glad to receive notice from Secretaries of Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Encampments , Conclaves , & c , of any change in place or day of meeting .
SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 10 . Lodge 108 , London , Ship and Turtle , Leaelenhall-St . i > I 73 i Phoenix , F . M . H . „ 1328 , Granite , F . M . H . ,, 1361 , United Service , Greyhound , Richmond . „ 1426 , The Great City , Cannon-st . Hot . ,, 144 6 , Mount Edgcumbc , Swan Tav ., Battersea . „ 1607 , Loyalty , Alexandra Palace . „ 1671 , Mizpah , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond . Manchester , 77 , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-rd . Eccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , S . W . Percy , 113 , Southgate-road , N .
MONDAY , NOVEMBER 12 . Lodge 29 , St . Albans , Albion Tav ., Aldersgale-sl . „ 59 , Royal Naval , F M . H . ,, 90 , St . John ' s , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . ,, 193 , Confidence , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . ,, 222 , St . Andrew ' s , Inns of Court Hot . „ 1366 , Highgate , Gatehouse Hot ., Highgate . „ 1506 , White Horse of Kent , 33 , Golden sq .
,, 1571 , Leopold , Woolpack Tav ., Bermondsey-st . ,, 1610 , Northern Bar , F . M . H ., adjourned . „ 16 57 , Aldcrsgate , Castle and Falcon , Aldersgt . -sl . Chap . 12 , Mount Sion , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . „ 720 , Panmure , Horns Tav ., Kennington , Red Cross Con ., 2 , PlaMagenct , Caledonian Hot .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry In New Zealand.
The election gave unanimous satisfaction , and the lodge we may say , to quote Bro . H . Thompson ' s remarks , is a " ship well t fficered , well manned , well provisioned , and well found , setting out on a voyage , that with but due care could lead to success . " He also gave praise to the brethren of the new lodge of their wisdom in electing a so well tried and able officer as P . M . King , as their first W . M ., as
they were under the ruling of one who could " instruct as well as employ . " The ceremony being concluded , and labour ended , the brethren adjourned under the direction of the J . W . Bro . Taylor , to refreshments , and the brethren sat down to a banquet , the chair being occupied by the W . M ., Bro . King , supported on his left by Bros . Thompson and Williamson ,
on his right by the Rev . Bro . Barclay , and Bro . Ziesler , and the vice-chair was occupied by Bro . DeRcnzie , supported on his light by Bro . Rutland , and his left by Bro . J . A . Young , when the usual loyal and Craft toasts were gone through , together with their hearty responses , not forgetting the Tylers . Among the especial points of interest coming before us
in connection with the Winchester Lodge , is the timehonoured custom of the labouring Craftsmen , to use their best endeavours in their several branches . The pedestals , working tools , & c , were the productions of Bro . B . Wallis , of Timaru , doing great credit to the care and attention bestowed on them , manufactured by him , and giving great satisfaction .
INSTALLATION MEETING AT AUCKLAND . Last week we had occasion to refer to the practical interest taken by a large body of the clergy in the welfare of the Craft , instancing the Chaplains of our Order ; we might , however , if that had been the ' motif ' of our remarks , have further pointed out the way in which they join in the actual working of the lodges . Nor is this less
the case in the colonies than at home , and this week we have great pleasure in reproducing from the Evening Star ( Auckland ) , of Sept . 21 , an account of the installation in the chair of K . S . of Bro . the Rev . Charles Mosely Nelson , M . A ., Vicar of St . Paul ' s ( cathedral ) Church , Auckland , and chaplain to the bishop of that diocese : The interesting ceremony of the installation of the
W . M . of the Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 1338 , E . C ., took place at the lodge-room , Star Hotel , when Bro . the Rev . C . M . Nelson , M . A ., was installed Master of the lodge . Bro . M . S . Leers , P . M ., officiated as Installing Master , assisted by the following Past Masters : —Bros . G . P . Pierce , P . G . M ., I . C ., Lotlge Ara ; Dr . C . F . Goldsbro ' , Lodge Waitemata ; M . Niccol , R . W . M . Lodge Manukau ;
E . T . Wildman , W . M . Corinthian Lodge ( Thames ); Rev . Dr . R . Kidd , P . G . C ., I . C ., Lodge Ara ; W . J . Rees , Lodge United Service and Ara ; W . R . Robinson , P . G . J . W ., I . C ., Lodge Ara ; W . C . Walker , R . W . M . Lodge St . Andrew ; W . P . Moat , W . M . Lodge Rodney ; A . Heather , W . M . Lodge Ara ; W . Lodder , W . M . Lodge Remuera ; J . Warren , W . M . Lodge Waitemata ; H . G . Wade , Lodge
Waitemata ; J . W . Basley , W . M . Lodge Coromandel ; W . P . Hayward , Lodge Waitemata ; W . H . Skinner . Lodge Prince of Wales ; F . G . Clayton , Lodge Prince of Wales ; and G . M . Mitford , Lodge Prince of Wales . After the installation , the officers if the lodge were invested by the W . M ,, viz .: —Bros . F . G . Clayton , I . P . M ; F . W . E . Dawson , S . W . ; R . C . Dyer , J . W . ; W . H .
Skinner , P . M ., Treasurer ; M . S . Leers , P . M ., Secretary ; E . S . Willcocks , D . C . ; W . Rattray , S . D . ; Major-Gen . J . W . Gosset , J . D . ; W . S . Collins , I . G . ; C . Burton and L . D Nathan , Stewards ; C . Potter , Tyler . At the con- , elusion of the evening a large number of the brethren sat down to a banquet provided in excellent style by Host Davidson . The chair was occupied by the newly
installed Master , Bro . C . M . Nelson , supported on the right by Bros . Wildman , Pierce , and Niccol ; and on the left by Bros . Leers , Clayton , and Goldsbro '; Bro . Dr . Dawson , S . W ., occupying the vice-chair . After the good things had been duly discussed , the following programme of toasts was gone through : — " The Queen and the Craft , " by the W . M . The choir then sang the Masonic anthem
" God Save the Queen . " The next toast proposed by the W . M . was " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . of England ; " Bro . E . Harker then sang "God Bless the Prince of Wales ; " "The M . W . G . M . ' s of Scotland and Ireland , Sir Michael Shaw Stewart and the Duke of Abercom , " was then duly honoured . Masonic anthem , " Hail Masonry . " " P . G . M ., I . C ., Bro . G . P . Pierce ; the D . G . M .
( designate ) , E . C ., Bro . G . S . Graham , P . M . ; the P . G . M . ( designate ) , S . C ., Bro . Hon . F . Whitaker , " proposed by Bro . E . T . Wildman , P . M ., and responded to by Bro . Pierce . Glee , " Lutzow ' s Wild Hunt . " " The W . M . of the Prince of Wales Lodge , " proposed by Bro . F . G . Clayton , responded to by the W . M . Glee , " Two Roses . " "The Installing Master , " proposal by Bro . W . H .
Skinner , P . M ., responded to by Bro . 1 ' M . Leers . Song , Bro . Brett , " I fear no foe . " " The Past Masters of the Prince of Wales Lodge , proposed by Bro . F . W . E . Dawson , S . W ., responded to by Bro . P . M . Clayton . Duet , Bros . Willcocks and Sharland , " Oft in the stilly night . " " The Visiting Brethren , " coupled with the name of Bro . the Rev . Charles Clark , proposed by Bro . M . S . Ltcrs ,
P . M ., responded to by Bro . Rev . C . Clark . Part song , " German Rhine . " " The Officers of the Prince of Wales Lodge , " proposed by Bro . G . M . Mitford , P . M ., responded to by Bro . Dr . Dawson . Song , Bro . Lodder , " When other lips . " "The Brethren who had rendered the music , "
coupled with the name of Bro . Brett , proposed by Bro . it . C . Dyer , S . W ., responded to by Bro . Brett . Recitation , Bro . Rev . C . Clark , " Over the hill to the poor house . " "The Newly Initiated Brethren , " proposed by Bro . E . S . Wilcocks , D . C , responded to by Bro . J . A . Bealc . " The Entered Apprentice ' s Song , " Bio , Harker .
Freemasonry In New Zealand.
" The Ladies , " proposed by Bro . Dr . Ellis , responded to by Bro . J . H . B . Coates . Choius , " Here ' s a health , " & c . "All Poor and Distressed Masons . " After the banquet "The Host and Hostess" was proposed by Bro . W . P . Moat , W . M . Lodge Rodney , and
responded to by Host Davidson . The following brethren contributed their services as singers during the evening : Bros . E . Harker , Skinner , Sharland , Wethey , Wilcocks , Lodder , and Brett , accompanied by Bros . W . J . Rees and J . A . Bealc .
West Lancashire And The Indian Famine Fund.
The following circular was issued with reference to the above praiseworthy object : — WITHINGTON , Oct . 13 th , 1877 . " Dear Sir and Brother , —A service has been arranged to take place at St . Paul's Church , Withington , under the
patronage of the Masonic Order , in aid of the Indian Famine Fund , on Saturday , the 27 th inst ., at four o ' clock in the afternoon , which you are invited to attend . The Church , being situate in the West Lancashire Province , a dispensation will be obtained under the warrant of the Architect Lodge , Bro . G . D . Pochin , W . M The sermon will be preached by Bro . the Rev . H . Bethell Jones , M . A ., Provincial Grand Chaplain of West Lancashire ; and Bro
the Rev . S . Y . B . Bradshaw , Provincial Grand Chaplain of East Lancashire , will assist in the service . Brethren are requested to appear in the full regalia of Royal Arch or Craft clothing , and to assemble in the school-room , immediately near the Chureb , at 3 . 30 p . m . prompt . If it is your intention to be present , please sign the enclosed , and return to the address thereon by early post , so that arrangements may be completed for the reception and comfort of the brethren .
We are , yours fraternally , GEO . WM . GROGAN , M . A ., Rector C . T . DRABBLE , ~ \ GEO . WHITEHEAD , ( Church J AMES TURNBULL , f Officers . J BRADSHAW , J
About 100 brethren assembled , in response to the circular , and £ 57 were collected . Bro . H . Bethell Jones preached an admirable sermon , which we intend to publish in our Christmas Freemason .
French Masonry Extinct.
In the "Special Report of the Committee on Correspondence , " rendered by Bro . Hon . Richard Vaux , Chairman of the Committee on March 1 , 1876 , to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , it was stated : " Your committee have also to report , that the so called Grand Orients of Italy , France , . . . are not in such a Masonic condition as
to justify the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania recognising them as Masonic Grand Lodges , and such recognition is hereby withheld . '' The wisdom of this course was then apparent , for existing reasons , but we had hopes that the Grand Orient of France would mend its ways , and place itself within the pale of universal Masonry . Instead of doing this , however , by a suicidal act it has just made it
impossible for any jurisdiction of Ancient Craft Masonry in the world to have any fraternal relations with it . It has ceased to be tbeistic and become atheistic . It has , under the pretence of being unsectarian , and giving entire liberty of conscience , banished both the name and idea of God from its constitution . Its candidates are no more required to trust in God , but only in themselves . Belief in GoJ , of all the landmarks of Freemasonry the most
radical , and the last to be dispensed with , has been , by a vote of 135 lodges to 76 , abolished by the Grand Orient of France . The French Rite will henceforth be the propaganda of atheism , materialism , and communism , triplet devils of the mind . Henceforth not a jurisdiction of Ancient Craft Masonry in the Masonic world can or will have intercourse with it . It isjclo de se , notwithstanding some sane brethren , like Bro . Hubert , editor of the Paris Chaine d' Union , spoke , wrote , and voted against the fatal
measure . This suicidal policy , we regret to say , is not the result of a sudden aberration of mind , or of a coup d ' etat , but of a long , and persistent purpose . They say they have precedents for their action—that Buenos Ayres , Italy , and Hungary have led the way in ignoring the Grand Architect of the Universe , and they are determined to follow .
There is now no Bible on the altar of a French , Italian , or Belgic lodge ; and there ii no recognition of Deity in their work . All is hap-hazard with them ; there is no hereafrer ; the doctrine of the immortality of the soul is false ; and they worship and respect nothing , except themselves . We never took any stock in so-called French Masonry , even in its best days , and we now bid it , not
farewell , not adieu , but simply to go to its own place . There can henceforth be no relations between it and any body of pure Freemasonry in the world . While all of the English-speaking Grant ! Lodges that may have had intercourse with France in the past will at once sever all connection with this organised body of atheism , and stigmatise its action , as they must and ought , we have no fears that the body of Freemasonry will suffer .
There always is danger in the multiplication of rites , for differences material and radical arc sure to ensue . Such is the case now . The manipulators of thirty-three and ninety degrees cannot be expected to agree with the authorities having jurisdiction over the original three tlegrees . The former have erectctl a Tower of Babel , which has toppled over upon themselves , and threatened confusion in the Masonic world . They have struck a blow at Cosmopolitan Masonry , but one that will recoil upon
French Masonry Extinct.
themselves . The evil will be loc-.-l and transient . Where ever there are true Freemasons , speaking any tongue , am desirous of spreading true Masonry , the Grand Lod ges 0 Creat Britain or America will warrant them in doing su The field now is the world , and let us go out and posses ' it , for it has been openly dedicated to the public . —A "«/ stone .
Grand Orient Of Egypt.
We publish the following by request , with pleasure : Valle del Nilo , Or . d'Akssandria , Nov . 18 , 1877 . To all and every Masonic power throughout the world . R . W . Brethren , —As though the harmony which should always prevail throughout the Masonic world , were not unluckily too much troubled by so many occasional
jars among the different Grand Bodies , or that the fata ] influence of human wickedness upon every thing noble and sacretl were ' not already a matter of sad regret , the Grand Orient of France , in their general meeting held at Paris in September last , in adopting by a great majority of votes the taking into consideration of the most unmasonic pro . posal , viz ., the obliteration from their constitutions of the
belief in God , and in the immortality of the soul , announced to the world a revolution which no true and loyal Mason can conscientiously ever subscribe to . The most solid foundation of our Institution has alway s been an absolute affirmation of a Supreme , All-creating , All-foreseeing and Ever-rewarding Being . By eliminating this Divine principle , the grand edifice , which we are proud
to raise to eternal truth , would consequently fall down to pieces , or to the best be changed into a true Babel , leading to us utterly to confusion and ruin . If we are proud ( and we are right in being so ) in calling ourselves brethren , it is because we know we are the children of one and the same Father . Fcr him who denies the Divine paternity , the unity and
brotherhood of mankind becomes altogether problematical , and , consequently , he can hardly see how the moral perfection , which is the principal object of all our exertions , can ever be actually attained . Should the nihilism of Grand Orient cf France prevail among us , all believers in God would of course shun our Temples , which keeping merely the name of Sanctuaries ,
would in fact be changed in so many receptacles , giving shelter to all the eccentricities of human mind , naturally too much inclined to deify itself . Though the Grand Lotlge of Egypt be comparatively one of the youngest Masonic Grand Bodies , it is by no
means less inspired with the tiue Masonic principles than any other of its sister Grand Lodges . We have consequently found it proper and necessary to raise our voice against a danger threatening the whole Institution . Silence , in such an important circumstance , might be looked upon either as indifference , weakness or
connivance . The Grand Lodge of Egypt , conscious of its own right , and strictly adhering to the ancient traditional landmarks of the Craft , is very far from admitting of any alteration preventing the progress , and compromising the prosperity of the Order , therefore , we do declare positively to repel the unduly suggested innovation .
We flatter ourselves , you will accept this circular , and the decree inserted in our official report , as an unquestionable proof of our fraternal regards , and that you will approve of the feelings which have inspired our proceedings .
Praying our Almighty Father , who is in heaven , to bestow all His blessings on you , and to enlighten the mind and raise the heart of the Grand Orient of France . I am , R . W . Brethren , fraternally yours , F . F . ODDI , Grand Secretary .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
For the Week ending Friday , November 16 , 1877 . The Editor will be glad to receive notice from Secretaries of Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Encampments , Conclaves , & c , of any change in place or day of meeting .
SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 10 . Lodge 108 , London , Ship and Turtle , Leaelenhall-St . i > I 73 i Phoenix , F . M . H . „ 1328 , Granite , F . M . H . ,, 1361 , United Service , Greyhound , Richmond . „ 1426 , The Great City , Cannon-st . Hot . ,, 144 6 , Mount Edgcumbc , Swan Tav ., Battersea . „ 1607 , Loyalty , Alexandra Palace . „ 1671 , Mizpah , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond . Manchester , 77 , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-rd . Eccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , S . W . Percy , 113 , Southgate-road , N .
MONDAY , NOVEMBER 12 . Lodge 29 , St . Albans , Albion Tav ., Aldersgale-sl . „ 59 , Royal Naval , F M . H . ,, 90 , St . John ' s , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . ,, 193 , Confidence , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . ,, 222 , St . Andrew ' s , Inns of Court Hot . „ 1366 , Highgate , Gatehouse Hot ., Highgate . „ 1506 , White Horse of Kent , 33 , Golden sq .
,, 1571 , Leopold , Woolpack Tav ., Bermondsey-st . ,, 1610 , Northern Bar , F . M . H ., adjourned . „ 16 57 , Aldcrsgate , Castle and Falcon , Aldersgt . -sl . Chap . 12 , Mount Sion , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . „ 720 , Panmure , Horns Tav ., Kennington , Red Cross Con ., 2 , PlaMagenct , Caledonian Hot .