Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MESSRS. SPIERS AND POND'S NEW HOTEL. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC BOYS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article THE "FREEMASON" INDIAN FAMINE FUND. Page 1 of 1 Article Public Amusements. Page 1 of 1
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Supreme Grand Chapter.
with the laws of Grand Lodge it should be done . He had no doubt that if there was any opposition w his proposition he would be met with the observation that where anything was not specifically provitled for in the Royal Arch regulations , it was to be governed by the Book of Constitutions . Comp . H . C . Levander seconded the motion , which ,
after a slight discussion , was carried . Comp . Benj . Head , in withdrawing his motion forgranting 300 guineas to the Indian Famine Fund , observed that he was happy to say that the Duke of Buckingham had stated that no more funds were necessary . ( Hear , hear . ) Grand Chapter was then closed in the usual form , and adjourned .
Messrs. Spiers And Pond's New Hotel.
On Thursday afternoon , a private view was given of Messrs . Spiers and Pond's New Hotel , at Holborn Viaduct . The new hotel is fitted with every convenience . This new Hotel , built in connection with the City Terminus of the London , Chatham , and Dover Railway , contains 170 bedrooms , anil twenty-two reception-rooms , in addition to large coffee-rooms , smoking and
billiardrooms . Among the other conveniences at this hotel there is a fine hall adapted for Masonic requirements , elegantly fitted by Bro . George Kenning , and well suited lor lodges whose members number from fifty to sixty . Adjoining this lodge 100 m is a fine banqueting room , entirely distinct from the rest of the building .
The carpets throughout the hotel are of the finest and newest description , and the patterns vary only with each floor . The carpet in each room has a border made to harmonise with the body of each carpet . The kitchen has been arranged on the top of the house , fitted with the most modern appliances , and , like all the rest , is in ke < ping with the requirements . There is also a complete
service on each floor , 111 communication with the kitchen above , by means of a series of lifts ; besides which there are passenger and luggage lifts , communicating from the bottom of the building to the top . The clocks in the hall have been synchronised , and Greenwich time is repeated throughout the building , day and night . Each article of furniture has been designed by special
artists , and the following firms have been employed in furnishing the hotel : —Mr . J . B . Richards , Messrs . Blythe and Sons , and Messrs . Clarris the furniture ; Messrs . Benham and Son , the kitchens ; Messrs . Jons and Dray , the kitchen utensils ; Messrs . Peyton and Peyton , the bedsteads ; Mr . G . T . Horrcll , the bedding ; Messrs . Howell and James ,
the linen and the clocks ; Messrs . Lovatt and Co ., the blankets ; Messrs . Lapwuith brothers , the carpets ; Messrs . Treloar and Son , the linoleum and matting ; Messrs . Watson , Walton , and Dawney , and Messrs . Dan Walters and Co ., the curtains ; Messrs . Ponzini and Co ., the lookingglasses ; Messrs . Elkington and Co ., the plate and cutlery ; and Bro . George Kenning , the Masonic lodge , room .
Royal Masonic Boys' School.
MASONIC SCHOOL V . GRANGE PARK F . C The first match of the present season was played on the ground of the Grange Park at Haling , on Saturday last , November 3 rd , and proved a most evenly contested and enjoyable game . The ball was kicked off by the Masonic captain at 3 . 45 , and was soon returned into
neutral ground , where some good scrimmaging took place , till the Grange Park were at last driven behind their goal-line , and Ellis obtained a try for the School , which , however , Mr . Gardner failed to convert into a goal . After a deal of good play by the forwards on both sides , Mr . Gardner had the ball cleverly passed to him , and managed to get through the Grange forwards ,
but was pushed into touch . On the ball being again thrown out , Godsmark again passed in good form to Mr . Gardner , who obtained a 2 nd try , the place by Scurr resulting in a goal . Half time was now called , and up to the call of " no sides " the Grange Park obtained one try and three touches , while they were compelled to touch down twice in self defence . The school thus won by one
goal , one try , and two touches to one try and three touches . For the school , Parker C . and F . Godsmark played well , while the low collaring of Hart was very effective . MASONIC . —C . Godsmark ( capt . ) , F . Godsmark , Sparkes , Howard , Molineaux , E . Wood , H . Wood , Eastland , Davies , and Hamson ( forwards ); Ellis and Parker , ( quarter-backs ) ; Mr . Gardner and Scurr ( half-backs ) ; and Hart ( back ) .
MASONIC SCHOOL v . TOTTIUDGE PAIIK COLLEGE . On Wednesday , Nov . 7 , a victory was gained by the Tottridge on the Masonic ground , after a hard fought game . The ball was kicked off at 3 . 13 by Goelsmark , after which a number of good scrimmages ensued , the Masonians beiug tlceidedly heavier in the forward play , although the Totteridgc proved themselves rather
sharper on their feet as regards back play . When " no side " was calleel Totteridgc had scored 2 gaols and 1 try to nil . For the visitors , W . Stiles , J . Bell , W . Bell , H . Macintosh , and R . Bankes played well ; while for the Masonic School , Parker , Mr , Humphrey , G . Gardner , and Hart , did good service . TOTTERIDGE . —Mr . Prosser , J . Bell , (" backs ) ; W . Stoler ,
( captain ) , W . Bell , ( half-backs ) ; H . Macintosh , R . Bankes , ( quarter-backs ); Alackenzi . H . Kemper , C Pearson , A . Hull , J . Lamming , C . Gibio , F . land Bay ley , ( forwards . ) MASONIC . —Hurt , ( ' . AI r ); I' river and Ellis , ( quarterbacks ); Mr . Gardner un-i- ' cci 1 , ( r . « ilf-backs ); Godsmark , ( captain ); Mr . Humpl r . v , Sparkes , H . Wood , Davies , Dark , Hickman , Mr . G , Gardner , Molineaux , and Howard , ( forwards ) .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
P HQJNIX LODGE ( NO . 173 ) . —A report of the meeting , which takes place this ( Saturday ) afternoon , will appear in our next . The appointment of Bro . the Rt . Hon . the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , R . W . P . G . M . Cornwall , as Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the county of Cornwall , in the room of Lord Vivian , is officially notified in the
Gazelle . The installation of Bro . Walter Simmonds as W . M . of the New Cross Lodge , 155 ( 1 , will take place on Saturday , February 2 nd , 18 7 8 , at the New Cross Public Hall , under auspicious circumstances .
The opening of the Wigan New Town Hall was commemorated on Wednesday , by the presentation by Mr . Thomas Knowles , M . P ., as representing the inhabitants , of a subscription whole-length portrait of the Mayor , Bro . Walter Mayhew , painted by Bro . Captain Charles Mercier .
A Masonic Club has been established in connection with the Surrey Masonic Hall , which offers the following advantages : Freemasons only as members ; No joining fee ; a billiard , card , and reading room ; subscription only 1 os . 6 d . per annum ; proprietary , so that members have no responsibility . A meeting of the Committee of the
forthcoming Masonic Ball in aid of the funds of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution took place on Friday . Bro . Lorenzo Dow , the distinguished and eccentric preacher , was made a Mason in St . Alban ' s Lodge , No . 6 , Bristol , R . T ., on Christmas Day , 1824 . In New York City there are seventy Lodges
meeting in the Masonic Temple . The N . Y . Courier says truly , that the revival of work in many of the city lodges is an evidence of better times . The Caxton Celebration and the Wiclif Quincentenary of the past summer are to be commemorated this month by the publication of a curious liiblia Pauper um , by Messrs . Unwin Brothers , of the
Gresham Press . The Biblia will contain thirty-eight wood blocks illustrating the Life , Parables , and Miracles of our Saviour , with typical subjects from the Old Testament , engraved in I-. 70 , which appear never to have been used , and which were discovered at Nuremberg in 1832 . These blocks will be accompanied by illustrative readings from Wiclif ' s New Testament , printed in Caxton
type on paper made in imitation of that used m the fifteenth century . Dean Stanley will contribute a preface to the volume , which is to be dedicated to Mr . Gladstone , and the procetds are intended for the " Caxton Commemoration Fund . " A USEFUL MASONIC COMPANION . —Bro . G . Kenning , of Fleet-street , London , has just issued his
" Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , Diary , and Pocket Book" for 1878 , which is not only as full of valuable and interesting information as ever , but is even more compact and elegant in appearance than before . No more useful and comprehensive handbok to Masonry could be desired , and the popularity which the " Cosmo , " has obtained amongst the whole of the fraternity at home and
abroad has been well deserved when the labour , care , and expense connected with the compilation of such a work are borne in mind . Its completeness as a Masonic book of reference is shown by the fact that it contains useful particulars of every grand Masonic body throughout the globe , a full list of lodges , chapteis , K . T . encampments , oic , with their places and times of meeting , date of consecration , names of principal officers in England , Scotland ,
Ireland , and upwaids of 20 other countries . It appears from the list of English lodges that the oldest in this neighbouihood is St . George ' s , No . 32 , meeting at the Adelphi Hotel , which was formed 150 years ago , and the youngest is the Wilbraham Lodge , meeting at Walton , which was consecrated only a few weeks since . This Kenning Masonic annual should be possessed by all Masons both at home and abroad . —Liverpool Mercury .
MASONIC SONGS , — We are indebted to the Editor of the Freemason , 198 , fleet-street , London , England , for a very handsomely got up little book of Masonic songs , by Bro . Edward Philpots , M . D . The songs are set to well-known airs , and are meant to fill a want which is felt in all lodges , where it is the custom to adjourn for refreshments for a short time , at which many with good
voices are precluded from taking part on account of their not knowing or remembering the words of a song . This little work handed round among the brethren on such occasions could not fail td obviate this difficulty , and the songs sung would be appropriate because they are all Masonic and " fitted " to popular airs . We commend this
book to our readers , and recommend its introduction . We do not know what is the price ol the book , but have no doubt that any brother remitting 50 or 60 cents to the above address will have a sample copy forwarded to him . — Canadian Masonic News . —Price , post free ,, in the United Kingdom , 3 s . 2 d ; Colonial and Foreign parts , 3 s . 6 d . —Advt .
NORTHERN BAR LODGE NO . 1610 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday last , at Freemasons Hall , but owing to the assizes , only 3 members were present , which caused the adjournment of the lodge to Monday , the 12 th inst . Miss Emily Mott , the eminent vocalist ,
announces her fifth grand evening concert at St . James ' s Hall , on Friday , the 7 th proximo . Mr . Sims Reeves and Mr , E . Lloyd ' s names are amongst those announced to appear on this occasion . Tickets may be obtained at the Libraries , and of Miss Emily Mott , 190 , Kenningtonroad .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Viscount Ebnngton , eldest son of Bro . t-h Earl of Fortescue , was on Monday last initiated into 11 mysteries of Freemasonry , in the Loyal Lod ge No . t- ^ Barnstaple . ' -ol , The ceremony of installation will he rehearse *? in the Islington Lodge of Instruction , on Tuesday next 11 13 th hist ., by Bro . J . I . Mather , Preceptor . The place of
meeting is 23 , Gresham-st ., and the time of commencement 7 o'clock . The next regular meeting of the Euret Chapter , R . C ., takes place at the Masonic Rooms , Ro \ al Pavillion , Brighton , to-day ( Saturday ) , at 4 o'clock p . rn several candidates for the 18 will be in attendance , and the Chapter is likely to be honoured by the presence of
several distinguished members of the Supreme Council . The installation meeting of the Cosmopolitan Lodge , No . 917 , takes place on Tuesday next , at Cannon , st . Hotel . The ledge will be opened at 4 . 30 . A report will appear in our next . We arc informed that the fifteen sections will be worked in the Royal Arthur Lodge of Instruction , No . 1360 , on Tuesday , the 4 th proximo . Further particulars
will be given prior to the meeting . Hipi > ornAGY . —The consumption of horse-, flesh as food is still increasing in Paris . According to a return by the Paris committee for promoting the use of this flesh for food , the Paris butchers sold to the public during the third quarter of 1877 , 4 . 1 . 3 . 310 kilos , against 373 , 410 kilos in the corresponding period of 187 C , showing an increased consumption of 09 , 900 kilos . —Medical Examiner .
The " Cosmopolitan and Masonic Calendar " is—well , not to let out a secret , cosmopolitan and Masonic —Fun . ST . J AMES ' S UNION LODGE OP INSTRUCTION . —The Fifteen Sections will be worked by the Members of this lodge , at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-st ., W . C , on Monday , the 26 th November , commencing at seven o ' clock , Bro . Woods , 14 ; , in the chair .
FIRST LECTURE . ut Section Bro . Morphew , SW . 2385 . 2 nd „ Bro . Hancock , J . W . 108 * 7 . 3 rd ,, Bro . Wood , 173 . 4 th „ Bro . Docker , S . D . 1687 . 5 th „ Bro . Belfrage , S . D . 179 . 6 th 1 Bro . Bentley , P . M . 190 . 7 th „ Bro . Watts , P . M . 1201 .
SECOND LECTURE . 1 st Section Bro . Beck , W . M . 1687 . 2 nd ,, Bro . Lowrie , S . D . 153 6 . 3 rd „ Bro . Bubb , P . M . 180 . 4 th Bro . Farwig , S . D . 180 . 5 U 1 Bro . Pulsford , P . M . 1138 .
THIRD LECTURE . 1 st Section Bro . Cameron , P . M . 180 . 2 nd „ Bro . Burrell , P . M . 1446 . 3 rd „ Bro . Parsons , P . M . 180 . The following stand over : Reports of Lodge of Truth 521 , Huddersfield ; Lodge of
Truth 1458 , Manchester ; SouthwarkLodge of Instruction ; Albion Chapter Rose Croix . ERRATA . —Page 46 3 of our last issue , under the heading , " The Bedford and Hall Moons , " sixth line , second paragraph , read " planet , " instead of " planets ; " on seventh line read " Le Verier , " instead of " le Verier ; " ninth line read " found , " instead of " formerly . "
The "Freemason" Indian Famine Fund.
The total received by us in aid of this Fund amounts to £ 166 2 s . 5 d . which sum has been handed over to the Lord Mayor . The list is now closed .
Public Amusements.
Public Amusements .
HER MAJESTY ' THEATRE . —Her Majesty ' s Opera House was opened on Monday last , for an autumn season , that bids fair to be very successful , and we sincerely hope it may be , for Mr . Mapleson the enterprising lessee , deserves the support and encouragement of all lovers of the lyric drama . Want of space prevents us giving more than a passing notice of one of the operas produced this
week , namely , "The Ballo in Maschera . " This favourite piece of Verdi ' s was performed on Wednesday , when Signor Runcio made his first appearance , taking the part of " Riccardo . " Any acquisition of the lyric stage just now is something for which we ought to be thankful , and the reception accorded to Signor Runcio went far to pro \ e the keen appreciation of English audiences when
anything like sterling merit is brought before them . The new tenor possesses a remarkably rich , sound , and well trained voice , somewhat lacking in power perhaps , but this was only perceivable once or twice during the evening , and may fairly be attributed to slight nervousness . Mdle . Caroline Salla as " Amelia" earned for herself no small share of the applause bestowed on all who took part in the opera , by a very large and highly gratified
audience . HOLLOW-AY ' S OINTMENT \\ r > PILLS . —Tumours , glandular swellings , and bad breasts . —If any departure from health requires earlier attention than another to prevent disastrous consequences it is the class of diseases now under review . To save hazard ami future pain , the budding tumour must have prompt treatment , or
discomfort and nights of disquietude will be the sufferer ' s portion . Whenever the ailment lirst appears , alter fomenting the spot villi warm water , Holloway ' s Ointment must be energetically "' bjeu on the part till a considerable quantity is absorbed . The P't » ™ must be commenced with early . If these remedies be diligentiv preserved with , the simplest tumour or the contracted and so joint is arrested . In cases of bad breasts , with or without ¦ nun * fever , relief is almost instantaneous , —Auvr ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Supreme Grand Chapter.
with the laws of Grand Lodge it should be done . He had no doubt that if there was any opposition w his proposition he would be met with the observation that where anything was not specifically provitled for in the Royal Arch regulations , it was to be governed by the Book of Constitutions . Comp . H . C . Levander seconded the motion , which ,
after a slight discussion , was carried . Comp . Benj . Head , in withdrawing his motion forgranting 300 guineas to the Indian Famine Fund , observed that he was happy to say that the Duke of Buckingham had stated that no more funds were necessary . ( Hear , hear . ) Grand Chapter was then closed in the usual form , and adjourned .
Messrs. Spiers And Pond's New Hotel.
On Thursday afternoon , a private view was given of Messrs . Spiers and Pond's New Hotel , at Holborn Viaduct . The new hotel is fitted with every convenience . This new Hotel , built in connection with the City Terminus of the London , Chatham , and Dover Railway , contains 170 bedrooms , anil twenty-two reception-rooms , in addition to large coffee-rooms , smoking and
billiardrooms . Among the other conveniences at this hotel there is a fine hall adapted for Masonic requirements , elegantly fitted by Bro . George Kenning , and well suited lor lodges whose members number from fifty to sixty . Adjoining this lodge 100 m is a fine banqueting room , entirely distinct from the rest of the building .
The carpets throughout the hotel are of the finest and newest description , and the patterns vary only with each floor . The carpet in each room has a border made to harmonise with the body of each carpet . The kitchen has been arranged on the top of the house , fitted with the most modern appliances , and , like all the rest , is in ke < ping with the requirements . There is also a complete
service on each floor , 111 communication with the kitchen above , by means of a series of lifts ; besides which there are passenger and luggage lifts , communicating from the bottom of the building to the top . The clocks in the hall have been synchronised , and Greenwich time is repeated throughout the building , day and night . Each article of furniture has been designed by special
artists , and the following firms have been employed in furnishing the hotel : —Mr . J . B . Richards , Messrs . Blythe and Sons , and Messrs . Clarris the furniture ; Messrs . Benham and Son , the kitchens ; Messrs . Jons and Dray , the kitchen utensils ; Messrs . Peyton and Peyton , the bedsteads ; Mr . G . T . Horrcll , the bedding ; Messrs . Howell and James ,
the linen and the clocks ; Messrs . Lovatt and Co ., the blankets ; Messrs . Lapwuith brothers , the carpets ; Messrs . Treloar and Son , the linoleum and matting ; Messrs . Watson , Walton , and Dawney , and Messrs . Dan Walters and Co ., the curtains ; Messrs . Ponzini and Co ., the lookingglasses ; Messrs . Elkington and Co ., the plate and cutlery ; and Bro . George Kenning , the Masonic lodge , room .
Royal Masonic Boys' School.
MASONIC SCHOOL V . GRANGE PARK F . C The first match of the present season was played on the ground of the Grange Park at Haling , on Saturday last , November 3 rd , and proved a most evenly contested and enjoyable game . The ball was kicked off by the Masonic captain at 3 . 45 , and was soon returned into
neutral ground , where some good scrimmaging took place , till the Grange Park were at last driven behind their goal-line , and Ellis obtained a try for the School , which , however , Mr . Gardner failed to convert into a goal . After a deal of good play by the forwards on both sides , Mr . Gardner had the ball cleverly passed to him , and managed to get through the Grange forwards ,
but was pushed into touch . On the ball being again thrown out , Godsmark again passed in good form to Mr . Gardner , who obtained a 2 nd try , the place by Scurr resulting in a goal . Half time was now called , and up to the call of " no sides " the Grange Park obtained one try and three touches , while they were compelled to touch down twice in self defence . The school thus won by one
goal , one try , and two touches to one try and three touches . For the school , Parker C . and F . Godsmark played well , while the low collaring of Hart was very effective . MASONIC . —C . Godsmark ( capt . ) , F . Godsmark , Sparkes , Howard , Molineaux , E . Wood , H . Wood , Eastland , Davies , and Hamson ( forwards ); Ellis and Parker , ( quarter-backs ) ; Mr . Gardner and Scurr ( half-backs ) ; and Hart ( back ) .
MASONIC SCHOOL v . TOTTIUDGE PAIIK COLLEGE . On Wednesday , Nov . 7 , a victory was gained by the Tottridge on the Masonic ground , after a hard fought game . The ball was kicked off at 3 . 13 by Goelsmark , after which a number of good scrimmages ensued , the Masonians beiug tlceidedly heavier in the forward play , although the Totteridgc proved themselves rather
sharper on their feet as regards back play . When " no side " was calleel Totteridgc had scored 2 gaols and 1 try to nil . For the visitors , W . Stiles , J . Bell , W . Bell , H . Macintosh , and R . Bankes played well ; while for the Masonic School , Parker , Mr , Humphrey , G . Gardner , and Hart , did good service . TOTTERIDGE . —Mr . Prosser , J . Bell , (" backs ) ; W . Stoler ,
( captain ) , W . Bell , ( half-backs ) ; H . Macintosh , R . Bankes , ( quarter-backs ); Alackenzi . H . Kemper , C Pearson , A . Hull , J . Lamming , C . Gibio , F . land Bay ley , ( forwards . ) MASONIC . —Hurt , ( ' . AI r ); I' river and Ellis , ( quarterbacks ); Mr . Gardner un-i- ' cci 1 , ( r . « ilf-backs ); Godsmark , ( captain ); Mr . Humpl r . v , Sparkes , H . Wood , Davies , Dark , Hickman , Mr . G , Gardner , Molineaux , and Howard , ( forwards ) .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
P HQJNIX LODGE ( NO . 173 ) . —A report of the meeting , which takes place this ( Saturday ) afternoon , will appear in our next . The appointment of Bro . the Rt . Hon . the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , R . W . P . G . M . Cornwall , as Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the county of Cornwall , in the room of Lord Vivian , is officially notified in the
Gazelle . The installation of Bro . Walter Simmonds as W . M . of the New Cross Lodge , 155 ( 1 , will take place on Saturday , February 2 nd , 18 7 8 , at the New Cross Public Hall , under auspicious circumstances .
The opening of the Wigan New Town Hall was commemorated on Wednesday , by the presentation by Mr . Thomas Knowles , M . P ., as representing the inhabitants , of a subscription whole-length portrait of the Mayor , Bro . Walter Mayhew , painted by Bro . Captain Charles Mercier .
A Masonic Club has been established in connection with the Surrey Masonic Hall , which offers the following advantages : Freemasons only as members ; No joining fee ; a billiard , card , and reading room ; subscription only 1 os . 6 d . per annum ; proprietary , so that members have no responsibility . A meeting of the Committee of the
forthcoming Masonic Ball in aid of the funds of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution took place on Friday . Bro . Lorenzo Dow , the distinguished and eccentric preacher , was made a Mason in St . Alban ' s Lodge , No . 6 , Bristol , R . T ., on Christmas Day , 1824 . In New York City there are seventy Lodges
meeting in the Masonic Temple . The N . Y . Courier says truly , that the revival of work in many of the city lodges is an evidence of better times . The Caxton Celebration and the Wiclif Quincentenary of the past summer are to be commemorated this month by the publication of a curious liiblia Pauper um , by Messrs . Unwin Brothers , of the
Gresham Press . The Biblia will contain thirty-eight wood blocks illustrating the Life , Parables , and Miracles of our Saviour , with typical subjects from the Old Testament , engraved in I-. 70 , which appear never to have been used , and which were discovered at Nuremberg in 1832 . These blocks will be accompanied by illustrative readings from Wiclif ' s New Testament , printed in Caxton
type on paper made in imitation of that used m the fifteenth century . Dean Stanley will contribute a preface to the volume , which is to be dedicated to Mr . Gladstone , and the procetds are intended for the " Caxton Commemoration Fund . " A USEFUL MASONIC COMPANION . —Bro . G . Kenning , of Fleet-street , London , has just issued his
" Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , Diary , and Pocket Book" for 1878 , which is not only as full of valuable and interesting information as ever , but is even more compact and elegant in appearance than before . No more useful and comprehensive handbok to Masonry could be desired , and the popularity which the " Cosmo , " has obtained amongst the whole of the fraternity at home and
abroad has been well deserved when the labour , care , and expense connected with the compilation of such a work are borne in mind . Its completeness as a Masonic book of reference is shown by the fact that it contains useful particulars of every grand Masonic body throughout the globe , a full list of lodges , chapteis , K . T . encampments , oic , with their places and times of meeting , date of consecration , names of principal officers in England , Scotland ,
Ireland , and upwaids of 20 other countries . It appears from the list of English lodges that the oldest in this neighbouihood is St . George ' s , No . 32 , meeting at the Adelphi Hotel , which was formed 150 years ago , and the youngest is the Wilbraham Lodge , meeting at Walton , which was consecrated only a few weeks since . This Kenning Masonic annual should be possessed by all Masons both at home and abroad . —Liverpool Mercury .
MASONIC SONGS , — We are indebted to the Editor of the Freemason , 198 , fleet-street , London , England , for a very handsomely got up little book of Masonic songs , by Bro . Edward Philpots , M . D . The songs are set to well-known airs , and are meant to fill a want which is felt in all lodges , where it is the custom to adjourn for refreshments for a short time , at which many with good
voices are precluded from taking part on account of their not knowing or remembering the words of a song . This little work handed round among the brethren on such occasions could not fail td obviate this difficulty , and the songs sung would be appropriate because they are all Masonic and " fitted " to popular airs . We commend this
book to our readers , and recommend its introduction . We do not know what is the price ol the book , but have no doubt that any brother remitting 50 or 60 cents to the above address will have a sample copy forwarded to him . — Canadian Masonic News . —Price , post free ,, in the United Kingdom , 3 s . 2 d ; Colonial and Foreign parts , 3 s . 6 d . —Advt .
NORTHERN BAR LODGE NO . 1610 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday last , at Freemasons Hall , but owing to the assizes , only 3 members were present , which caused the adjournment of the lodge to Monday , the 12 th inst . Miss Emily Mott , the eminent vocalist ,
announces her fifth grand evening concert at St . James ' s Hall , on Friday , the 7 th proximo . Mr . Sims Reeves and Mr , E . Lloyd ' s names are amongst those announced to appear on this occasion . Tickets may be obtained at the Libraries , and of Miss Emily Mott , 190 , Kenningtonroad .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Viscount Ebnngton , eldest son of Bro . t-h Earl of Fortescue , was on Monday last initiated into 11 mysteries of Freemasonry , in the Loyal Lod ge No . t- ^ Barnstaple . ' -ol , The ceremony of installation will he rehearse *? in the Islington Lodge of Instruction , on Tuesday next 11 13 th hist ., by Bro . J . I . Mather , Preceptor . The place of
meeting is 23 , Gresham-st ., and the time of commencement 7 o'clock . The next regular meeting of the Euret Chapter , R . C ., takes place at the Masonic Rooms , Ro \ al Pavillion , Brighton , to-day ( Saturday ) , at 4 o'clock p . rn several candidates for the 18 will be in attendance , and the Chapter is likely to be honoured by the presence of
several distinguished members of the Supreme Council . The installation meeting of the Cosmopolitan Lodge , No . 917 , takes place on Tuesday next , at Cannon , st . Hotel . The ledge will be opened at 4 . 30 . A report will appear in our next . We arc informed that the fifteen sections will be worked in the Royal Arthur Lodge of Instruction , No . 1360 , on Tuesday , the 4 th proximo . Further particulars
will be given prior to the meeting . Hipi > ornAGY . —The consumption of horse-, flesh as food is still increasing in Paris . According to a return by the Paris committee for promoting the use of this flesh for food , the Paris butchers sold to the public during the third quarter of 1877 , 4 . 1 . 3 . 310 kilos , against 373 , 410 kilos in the corresponding period of 187 C , showing an increased consumption of 09 , 900 kilos . —Medical Examiner .
The " Cosmopolitan and Masonic Calendar " is—well , not to let out a secret , cosmopolitan and Masonic —Fun . ST . J AMES ' S UNION LODGE OP INSTRUCTION . —The Fifteen Sections will be worked by the Members of this lodge , at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-st ., W . C , on Monday , the 26 th November , commencing at seven o ' clock , Bro . Woods , 14 ; , in the chair .
FIRST LECTURE . ut Section Bro . Morphew , SW . 2385 . 2 nd „ Bro . Hancock , J . W . 108 * 7 . 3 rd ,, Bro . Wood , 173 . 4 th „ Bro . Docker , S . D . 1687 . 5 th „ Bro . Belfrage , S . D . 179 . 6 th 1 Bro . Bentley , P . M . 190 . 7 th „ Bro . Watts , P . M . 1201 .
SECOND LECTURE . 1 st Section Bro . Beck , W . M . 1687 . 2 nd ,, Bro . Lowrie , S . D . 153 6 . 3 rd „ Bro . Bubb , P . M . 180 . 4 th Bro . Farwig , S . D . 180 . 5 U 1 Bro . Pulsford , P . M . 1138 .
THIRD LECTURE . 1 st Section Bro . Cameron , P . M . 180 . 2 nd „ Bro . Burrell , P . M . 1446 . 3 rd „ Bro . Parsons , P . M . 180 . The following stand over : Reports of Lodge of Truth 521 , Huddersfield ; Lodge of
Truth 1458 , Manchester ; SouthwarkLodge of Instruction ; Albion Chapter Rose Croix . ERRATA . —Page 46 3 of our last issue , under the heading , " The Bedford and Hall Moons , " sixth line , second paragraph , read " planet , " instead of " planets ; " on seventh line read " Le Verier , " instead of " le Verier ; " ninth line read " found , " instead of " formerly . "
The "Freemason" Indian Famine Fund.
The total received by us in aid of this Fund amounts to £ 166 2 s . 5 d . which sum has been handed over to the Lord Mayor . The list is now closed .
Public Amusements.
Public Amusements .
HER MAJESTY ' THEATRE . —Her Majesty ' s Opera House was opened on Monday last , for an autumn season , that bids fair to be very successful , and we sincerely hope it may be , for Mr . Mapleson the enterprising lessee , deserves the support and encouragement of all lovers of the lyric drama . Want of space prevents us giving more than a passing notice of one of the operas produced this
week , namely , "The Ballo in Maschera . " This favourite piece of Verdi ' s was performed on Wednesday , when Signor Runcio made his first appearance , taking the part of " Riccardo . " Any acquisition of the lyric stage just now is something for which we ought to be thankful , and the reception accorded to Signor Runcio went far to pro \ e the keen appreciation of English audiences when
anything like sterling merit is brought before them . The new tenor possesses a remarkably rich , sound , and well trained voice , somewhat lacking in power perhaps , but this was only perceivable once or twice during the evening , and may fairly be attributed to slight nervousness . Mdle . Caroline Salla as " Amelia" earned for herself no small share of the applause bestowed on all who took part in the opera , by a very large and highly gratified
audience . HOLLOW-AY ' S OINTMENT \\ r > PILLS . —Tumours , glandular swellings , and bad breasts . —If any departure from health requires earlier attention than another to prevent disastrous consequences it is the class of diseases now under review . To save hazard ami future pain , the budding tumour must have prompt treatment , or
discomfort and nights of disquietude will be the sufferer ' s portion . Whenever the ailment lirst appears , alter fomenting the spot villi warm water , Holloway ' s Ointment must be energetically "' bjeu on the part till a considerable quantity is absorbed . The P't » ™ must be commenced with early . If these remedies be diligentiv preserved with , the simplest tumour or the contracted and so joint is arrested . In cases of bad breasts , with or without ¦ nun * fever , relief is almost instantaneous , —Auvr ,