Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article To Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT , UNDER THE SANCTION OF THE LODGE OF UNIONS , No . 25 G . STEWARDS . Bro . Thos . Fcnn , P . G . D ., Treas . Bro . P . de L . Long , P . G . D . „ K . Almack , 136 S . „ G . F . Marshall , S . D . On . ' I . F .. Anderson , J . W . iS . „ A . Marvin , W . M . i } 68 . „ ' I . 1 . Black , 1564 . ,, E . M . Money , J . W . JS . „ G . ' B .-own , P . M . . » C . A . Murlon , P . G . D . ' H . line , J . W . 1 S 20 , Sec . „ J . H . Matthews , V * . Dis . 196 S . ' G . D . Bengal . „ F . | . Bennett , 311 . ' „ T . VV . Ockenden , S . W . „ Coi . Shadwell H . Clerke , 1768 . Grand Sec . „ F . VV . Prior , 00 . „ * W . A . Dawson , P . M . 176 S . „ G . C . Pnlsford . W . M . I < 93 . „ G . Drvsdalc , P . M . 222 . „ H . Pritchard , J . D . l-t' 5-„ II . } . i > . Dumas , P . G . D . „ * A . A . Richards , P . G . S ., „ R . U . Davis , P . M . sj 6 . P . M . 8 , Prov . G . J . W . „ A . Kscott , P . M . 1593 . Middlesex . „ A . Fvsnn , 1768 . „ J . A . Kuckcr , P . G . D . ,, Robert Grcv , P . G . D . „ A . C . Spaull , P . M . IJOS . „ H . C . Heard , P . M . ^ q , P . „ * F . R . Spanll , P . M . 1124 , Prov . J . D . Herts . Sec . „ E . B . Hoilmvay , P . M . 10 S . „ VV . II . Spanll , P . G . S . N . „ A . Hcvcs , H 67 . Wales and Salop . „ J . R . loncs , " I . W . 17 GS . „ "R . C . Smllovv , P . M . 1965 . „ VV . II . Johnston , S . D . in : J . „ S . W . Shaw , W . M . : 96 s . „ J . W . ' lones , G . S . „ VV . Smallpeice , P . M . l 39 s-„ \ V . G . " Kentish , P . M . 1293 . „ J . T . Tanqueray . S . W . igtJS „ C . I . owlher Kemp , 61 , and „ 1 i . L . Walford , 90 S S . W . 1924 . ,. S . B . Wilson , P . M . $ 9 . ? Members of the Committee . THE ANNUAL FESTIVAL Of the Lodge will take place at FREEMASONS' HALL , On Friday Evening , November 2 yd , 1883 , On which occasion R . W . BRO . THE HON . MR . JUSTICE PR 1 NSEP , District Grand Master of Bengal , has kindly consented to Preside . The Lodge will be opened at Six o ' clock p . m . precisely . The Second Lecture will be worked : — I . Section by Bro . F . J . Bennett , 211 . II . „ „ J . T . Tanqueray , S . VV ., 1965 . III . „ „ A . Marvin , VV . M . 17 GS . IV . „ „ J . J . Black , 1564 . V . „ „ G . F . Marshall , S . D . 69 . Tickets for the Supper , 4 s . each , may be had of the STEWARDS or of F . R . SPAULL , Secretary , 29 , Hammersmith-road , W . N . B . —The Emulation Lodge of Improvement meets at Freemasons' Hall on every Friday Evening throughout the year at Seven o ' clock .
A DISTRESSING CASE . A Clergyman of the Church of England , a P . M . and P . P . Grand Chaplain , wishes to bring the following case before the Craft , in the earnest hope that some brother may be able to provide or procure employment for the brother on whose behalf this appeal is made : A brother who has been for many years an active and most zealous Mason , was thrown out of employment 12 months ago by the death of the head of the house of business he had been for nearly 20 years manager of ; he has for the last year unceasingly sought for employment , but unsuccessfully , and the savings of many years are now all but exhausted , and beggary stares him and his family in the face . He is a gentleman of good address , the highest character , and of great business capacity ; his testimonials could not be surpassed . He would gladly accept any position that would bring him in even a bare pittance . He is eminently fitted for the situation of Private Secretary , Secretary or Manager of a Public Company or Institution , or Agent on an estate , collector of debts , rents , & c . ; he is a good book-keeper and correspondent , can correspond in French j he would thankfully accept any subordinate position . Full particulars will be given to any enquiries . This appeal would not be made but the case is so distressing , and the need of the brother so great . —Address , Rev . CANON , P . M ., Freemason Office , 16 , Great Queen-street , London .
A Brother desires Employment in a Secretarial , or other capacity . Is of good family and social position . —Address , A . B ., care of R . Johnson , Esq ., 5 , St . Mildred ' s-court , Poultry , E . C .
WANTED . —AComplete Set of Royal Arch FURNITURE , Second-hand , in good condition . Address , Surgeon-General T . Ringer , Broad Hinton , Swindon , Wilts .
WA NTED—Tracing Boards for the Craft Degrees . Size about 3 ft . by 2 ft . Apply , with price and particulars , to Geo . L . Shackles , 7 , Land of Green Ginger , Hull .
WANTED , Three Second-hand Oak CHAIRS suitable for a Craft Lodge . Send particulars to West Lodge , Acton .
A GOOD PLAN . JTT /~\ and upwards judiciously in-*^ J- KJ vested in Options on Stocks and Shares often give handsome profits in a few days . Full details in-Explanatory Book gratis and post free . — Address GEORGE EVANS and Co ., Stockbrokers , Gresham House , Old Broad-street , London , E . C . Best and safest plan etr . r devised .
SANATORIUM FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN AT BRIGHTON . CONDUCTED BY ALLEN DUKE , M . D . Opened for the reception of Ladies and Children needing bracing air and recovering from non-infectious illness . Terms , which include Medical Attendance , from Three Guineas per Week . Apply to DR . DUKE , 124 , Western-road , Brighton .
THE ASYLUM FOR IDIOTS , EARLWOOD , REDHILL , SURREY . Under the Patronage of Her Most Gracious Majesty THE Q UEEN . Total number of Inmates in the Asylum 563 Entirely supported by Voluntary Subscriptions ... 375 FUNDS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED TO MEET CURRENT EXPENSES . Superior accommodation is provided for private cases , payment for which is regulated by the Board of Management . BANKERS—The London Joint Stock Bank . WILLIAM NICHOLAS , Secretary . Offices , 36 , King William-street , E . C .
SECOND APPLICATION . THE ASYLUM FOR IDIOTS , EARLSWOOD , RED HILL , SURREY . APRIL ELECTION , 1884 . The favour of your Votes and interest is respectfully solicited on behalf of JAMES EDWARD TAYLOR , Aged 12 years , who was deprived of his reason from the effects of Scarlet Fever when four years of age . The Father ( Bro . Jas . Taylor , Lodges No . 730 ( l . C ) , 133 " . 1536 , and Chapters , 13 , 1331 , ) is a Sergeant in the Commissariat and Transport Corps now serving at Aldershot , and although willing to support to the utmost of his abilities , is unable to provide adequate treatment or the necessary supervision required by the case , which is strongly recommended by Baron H . de WORMS , M . P ., 4 , Old Burlington-st ., W . GEORGE KENNING , Esq ., Upper Sydenham . RICHARD EVE , Esq ., Oxford Villa , Victoria-road , Aldershot . F . C . BLUNT , Deputy Commissary General , Aldershot . » H . S . E . REEVES , C . B ., Assistant Commissary General , Aldershot . * Rev . R . M . SPOOR , Heathervievv , Cambridge-road , Aldershot . Proxies will be thankfully received by gentlemen marked thus * .
FIELD -LANE REFUGES AND RAGGED SCHOOLS . President : The Right Hon . the EARL OF SHAFTESBURY , K . G . FUNDS URGENTLY REQUIRED FOR WINTER WORK . Treasurer—Wilfrid A . Bevan , Esq ., 54 , Lombard-street . Bankers—Messrs . Barclay and Co ., 54 , Lombard-street , and Messrs . Ransom and Co ., 1 , Pall-mall east . PEREGRINE PLATT , Sec , Vine-street , Clerkenwell-road , E . C . New or Ieft-off clothing earnestly solicited .
ALL CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS . BRADFORD CIVIL SERVICE INSTITUTE , 41 , SUNBRIDGE ROAD , BRADFORD . The DAY and EVENING CLASSES are NOW OPEN . Candidates are thoroughly prepared for the Indian , Class I . and 11 ., Clerkships , Royal Irish Constabulary Cadetships , Excise , Customs , Lady Clerkships ( age 18 to 20 ) , Naval Engineer Studentships , & c . Preparations also for the Army , Navy , the University , Theological , Preliminary Medical , Legal , Pharmaceutical , and other Examinations . Pupils very highly successful , obtaining 1 st , 3 rd , 4 th , 5 th , Cth , 10 th places on the lists . Success certain . Backward and delicate pupils receive special attention . Special Class for Ladies preparing for Clerkships in the Post-Office , commencing salary £ 65 . Boarders received ; terms moderate . Parents and Guardians should consult Mr . PIERCE , the Principal , respecting Government Appointments . Prospectuses post free . For further particulars apply to the SECRETARY . N . B . —Candidates rapidly prepared by Correspondence . Obtained the highest percentage of passes throughout the United Kingdom . Passed upwards of 900 pupils . TWO ARTICLED PUPILS required . Age , 1 C to 21 . Premium required , 80 to 100 guineas . Salary first year , £ 40 with board , & c , or £ So without board , & c . Thorough training ; vvill be prepared for any branch of the Civil Service . For further particulars apply to Mr . W . G . PIERCE , Civil Service Institute , Bradford , Yorkshire .
' -pHEATRE ROYAL , DRURY LANE . New and Realistic Drama , by Robt . Buchanan and Augustus Harris , entitled , THE SAILOR AND HIS LASS ; OR , LOVE AND TREASON . Messrs . Augustus Harris , J . Fernandez , H . George , H . Nicholls , Lilly , Morgan , Ridley , Sennett , Moss , Fairleigh , Gillett , Chudleigh , and H . Jackson ; Misses H . J ay , Clara jecks , Victor , Young , Baldwin , Lennox , Barrett , and S . Eyre . MAGNIFICENT EFFECTS .
TO OUR READERS . THE FREEMASON is published every Friday morning , price 3 d ., and contains the fullest and latest information relating to Freemasonry of every degree . Subscriptions , including Postage : — United States , United Kingdom . Canada , the Continent , India , China , Ceylon , the Colonics & c . Arabia ,, & c . 13 s . 6 d . 15 s . 6 d . 17 s . 6 d .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
The following communications have been received , but are not inserted in this issue owing to want of space : — Craft Lodges—Royal Cumberland Lodge , 41 ; St . John's Lodge , 22 i ; Pattison Lodge , 913 ; Priory Lodge of Acton , 1096
Instruction—Eccleston Lodge , 1624 ; Brixton Lodge , 1949 ; New Finsbury Park Lodge . K . T . —Harcourt Preceptory , 74 . Royal Order of Scotland . Correspondence—Bro . Wm . J . B . Macleod Moore ; C . M . Wilson .
BOOKS , & c , RECEIVED . 11 Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Canada ( 28 th Annual Communication , " " Liberal Freemason , " " El Taller , " " Masonic Review , " "City Press , " "Citizen , " "Hull Packet , " " Masonic World , " "Court Circular , " "Broad Arrow , " " Keystone , " "La Chainc D'Union , " " New York Daily News , " " Tricycling Journal , " " Fireside News , " " Masonic Token . "
THE HUGHAN TESTIMONIAL . The names of the brethren forming the Committee of the Hughan Testimonial Fund , under the presidency of the Earl of Zetland , vvill be published next week , as well as a list of subscriptions . We shall be glad to receive the names of subscribers . Bro . George Kenning has undertaken to act as Treasurer until after the first meeting of the Committee .
VKfW- ^ - ^ vw-w ^ m ^ -m-wv-w-w-w-v-w-w-w ^ -vvr ^ -wrwwv . ' . SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 10 , 1883 . pip^gilpH?*!! MT^Mag^g
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
CWedo not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of , the opinions expressed by ourcorrespondents , but we wish in a spirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion . ! _—
THE STATUS OF PAST MASTERS . To the Editor cf the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — Is the amended regulation granting joining Past Masters a position in a lodge next after the then W . Master to be confirmed at the December Communication or not ? Your correspondence columns have shown three classes
of opinions on this subject : ( 1 . ) Those who agitated for the change and who say unhesitatingly , Yes . ( 2 . ) Those who say with equal decision , No , because the real grievances which joining Past Masters laboured under have been removed by the amended Rules 80 ( giving them membership of their Provincial Grand Lodge ) and 141 ( giving them precedence after the Past Masters who have filled the chair ); and ( 3 . ) Those who suggest a compromise by
giving a lodge the power of conferring precedence on a joining Past Master if it thinks well to do so . It is surprising what an amount of controversy there has been over a very trifling matter . For stripped of all the surroundings which have been ingeniously tacked on to it , the question as it now stands really amounts to this : shall a joining Past Master have the right to sit a few places higher up in lodge and at the festive board than he had
under the old Constitutions . It is nothing more . Nothing can take from a Past Master his rank as such , except his own act of ceasing for 12 months to subscribe to a lodge ; and on the other hand , no regulation that can be framed will ever make a past Master in a lodge a Past Master of a lodge , the distinction will always be there , whatever decision Grand Lodge may come to . But in no well-conducted lodge is the distinction apparent .
A joining past Master , who proves himself worthy of it , will always receive , by the courtesy of his brethren , the . honour which is his due . It is dilbcult to realize—but I suppose the phenomenon occurs , else why all the commotion about it—a lodge where the desire for a seat higher up by two or three places than the one they are accustomed to fill , " vexes the souls , " meeting after meeting , of brethren who have attained to the dignity of "Rulers of the
Craft . " 1 would point out , by the way , that the two terms " rank " and " precedence " have been strangely confounded in this controversy . Rank is one thing , precedence is another . All Past Masters in a lodge , whether they have passed the chair of that lodge or not , are of equal rank , and the only
distinction between them is theorder of seniority , i . e ., precedence . Turning to the three different opinions I have mentioned , as regards the first , I shall be surprised if Grand Lodge confirms the amended regulation . As a provincial Mason , I say without hesitation that in its present form it is most distasteful to the vast majority of lodges , who will resent it
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT , UNDER THE SANCTION OF THE LODGE OF UNIONS , No . 25 G . STEWARDS . Bro . Thos . Fcnn , P . G . D ., Treas . Bro . P . de L . Long , P . G . D . „ K . Almack , 136 S . „ G . F . Marshall , S . D . On . ' I . F .. Anderson , J . W . iS . „ A . Marvin , W . M . i } 68 . „ ' I . 1 . Black , 1564 . ,, E . M . Money , J . W . JS . „ G . ' B .-own , P . M . . » C . A . Murlon , P . G . D . ' H . line , J . W . 1 S 20 , Sec . „ J . H . Matthews , V * . Dis . 196 S . ' G . D . Bengal . „ F . | . Bennett , 311 . ' „ T . VV . Ockenden , S . W . „ Coi . Shadwell H . Clerke , 1768 . Grand Sec . „ F . VV . Prior , 00 . „ * W . A . Dawson , P . M . 176 S . „ G . C . Pnlsford . W . M . I < 93 . „ G . Drvsdalc , P . M . 222 . „ H . Pritchard , J . D . l-t' 5-„ II . } . i > . Dumas , P . G . D . „ * A . A . Richards , P . G . S ., „ R . U . Davis , P . M . sj 6 . P . M . 8 , Prov . G . J . W . „ A . Kscott , P . M . 1593 . Middlesex . „ A . Fvsnn , 1768 . „ J . A . Kuckcr , P . G . D . ,, Robert Grcv , P . G . D . „ A . C . Spaull , P . M . IJOS . „ H . C . Heard , P . M . ^ q , P . „ * F . R . Spanll , P . M . 1124 , Prov . J . D . Herts . Sec . „ E . B . Hoilmvay , P . M . 10 S . „ VV . II . Spanll , P . G . S . N . „ A . Hcvcs , H 67 . Wales and Salop . „ J . R . loncs , " I . W . 17 GS . „ "R . C . Smllovv , P . M . 1965 . „ VV . II . Johnston , S . D . in : J . „ S . W . Shaw , W . M . : 96 s . „ J . W . ' lones , G . S . „ VV . Smallpeice , P . M . l 39 s-„ \ V . G . " Kentish , P . M . 1293 . „ J . T . Tanqueray . S . W . igtJS „ C . I . owlher Kemp , 61 , and „ 1 i . L . Walford , 90 S S . W . 1924 . ,. S . B . Wilson , P . M . $ 9 . ? Members of the Committee . THE ANNUAL FESTIVAL Of the Lodge will take place at FREEMASONS' HALL , On Friday Evening , November 2 yd , 1883 , On which occasion R . W . BRO . THE HON . MR . JUSTICE PR 1 NSEP , District Grand Master of Bengal , has kindly consented to Preside . The Lodge will be opened at Six o ' clock p . m . precisely . The Second Lecture will be worked : — I . Section by Bro . F . J . Bennett , 211 . II . „ „ J . T . Tanqueray , S . VV ., 1965 . III . „ „ A . Marvin , VV . M . 17 GS . IV . „ „ J . J . Black , 1564 . V . „ „ G . F . Marshall , S . D . 69 . Tickets for the Supper , 4 s . each , may be had of the STEWARDS or of F . R . SPAULL , Secretary , 29 , Hammersmith-road , W . N . B . —The Emulation Lodge of Improvement meets at Freemasons' Hall on every Friday Evening throughout the year at Seven o ' clock .
A DISTRESSING CASE . A Clergyman of the Church of England , a P . M . and P . P . Grand Chaplain , wishes to bring the following case before the Craft , in the earnest hope that some brother may be able to provide or procure employment for the brother on whose behalf this appeal is made : A brother who has been for many years an active and most zealous Mason , was thrown out of employment 12 months ago by the death of the head of the house of business he had been for nearly 20 years manager of ; he has for the last year unceasingly sought for employment , but unsuccessfully , and the savings of many years are now all but exhausted , and beggary stares him and his family in the face . He is a gentleman of good address , the highest character , and of great business capacity ; his testimonials could not be surpassed . He would gladly accept any position that would bring him in even a bare pittance . He is eminently fitted for the situation of Private Secretary , Secretary or Manager of a Public Company or Institution , or Agent on an estate , collector of debts , rents , & c . ; he is a good book-keeper and correspondent , can correspond in French j he would thankfully accept any subordinate position . Full particulars will be given to any enquiries . This appeal would not be made but the case is so distressing , and the need of the brother so great . —Address , Rev . CANON , P . M ., Freemason Office , 16 , Great Queen-street , London .
A Brother desires Employment in a Secretarial , or other capacity . Is of good family and social position . —Address , A . B ., care of R . Johnson , Esq ., 5 , St . Mildred ' s-court , Poultry , E . C .
WANTED . —AComplete Set of Royal Arch FURNITURE , Second-hand , in good condition . Address , Surgeon-General T . Ringer , Broad Hinton , Swindon , Wilts .
WA NTED—Tracing Boards for the Craft Degrees . Size about 3 ft . by 2 ft . Apply , with price and particulars , to Geo . L . Shackles , 7 , Land of Green Ginger , Hull .
WANTED , Three Second-hand Oak CHAIRS suitable for a Craft Lodge . Send particulars to West Lodge , Acton .
A GOOD PLAN . JTT /~\ and upwards judiciously in-*^ J- KJ vested in Options on Stocks and Shares often give handsome profits in a few days . Full details in-Explanatory Book gratis and post free . — Address GEORGE EVANS and Co ., Stockbrokers , Gresham House , Old Broad-street , London , E . C . Best and safest plan etr . r devised .
SANATORIUM FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN AT BRIGHTON . CONDUCTED BY ALLEN DUKE , M . D . Opened for the reception of Ladies and Children needing bracing air and recovering from non-infectious illness . Terms , which include Medical Attendance , from Three Guineas per Week . Apply to DR . DUKE , 124 , Western-road , Brighton .
THE ASYLUM FOR IDIOTS , EARLWOOD , REDHILL , SURREY . Under the Patronage of Her Most Gracious Majesty THE Q UEEN . Total number of Inmates in the Asylum 563 Entirely supported by Voluntary Subscriptions ... 375 FUNDS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED TO MEET CURRENT EXPENSES . Superior accommodation is provided for private cases , payment for which is regulated by the Board of Management . BANKERS—The London Joint Stock Bank . WILLIAM NICHOLAS , Secretary . Offices , 36 , King William-street , E . C .
SECOND APPLICATION . THE ASYLUM FOR IDIOTS , EARLSWOOD , RED HILL , SURREY . APRIL ELECTION , 1884 . The favour of your Votes and interest is respectfully solicited on behalf of JAMES EDWARD TAYLOR , Aged 12 years , who was deprived of his reason from the effects of Scarlet Fever when four years of age . The Father ( Bro . Jas . Taylor , Lodges No . 730 ( l . C ) , 133 " . 1536 , and Chapters , 13 , 1331 , ) is a Sergeant in the Commissariat and Transport Corps now serving at Aldershot , and although willing to support to the utmost of his abilities , is unable to provide adequate treatment or the necessary supervision required by the case , which is strongly recommended by Baron H . de WORMS , M . P ., 4 , Old Burlington-st ., W . GEORGE KENNING , Esq ., Upper Sydenham . RICHARD EVE , Esq ., Oxford Villa , Victoria-road , Aldershot . F . C . BLUNT , Deputy Commissary General , Aldershot . » H . S . E . REEVES , C . B ., Assistant Commissary General , Aldershot . * Rev . R . M . SPOOR , Heathervievv , Cambridge-road , Aldershot . Proxies will be thankfully received by gentlemen marked thus * .
FIELD -LANE REFUGES AND RAGGED SCHOOLS . President : The Right Hon . the EARL OF SHAFTESBURY , K . G . FUNDS URGENTLY REQUIRED FOR WINTER WORK . Treasurer—Wilfrid A . Bevan , Esq ., 54 , Lombard-street . Bankers—Messrs . Barclay and Co ., 54 , Lombard-street , and Messrs . Ransom and Co ., 1 , Pall-mall east . PEREGRINE PLATT , Sec , Vine-street , Clerkenwell-road , E . C . New or Ieft-off clothing earnestly solicited .
ALL CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS . BRADFORD CIVIL SERVICE INSTITUTE , 41 , SUNBRIDGE ROAD , BRADFORD . The DAY and EVENING CLASSES are NOW OPEN . Candidates are thoroughly prepared for the Indian , Class I . and 11 ., Clerkships , Royal Irish Constabulary Cadetships , Excise , Customs , Lady Clerkships ( age 18 to 20 ) , Naval Engineer Studentships , & c . Preparations also for the Army , Navy , the University , Theological , Preliminary Medical , Legal , Pharmaceutical , and other Examinations . Pupils very highly successful , obtaining 1 st , 3 rd , 4 th , 5 th , Cth , 10 th places on the lists . Success certain . Backward and delicate pupils receive special attention . Special Class for Ladies preparing for Clerkships in the Post-Office , commencing salary £ 65 . Boarders received ; terms moderate . Parents and Guardians should consult Mr . PIERCE , the Principal , respecting Government Appointments . Prospectuses post free . For further particulars apply to the SECRETARY . N . B . —Candidates rapidly prepared by Correspondence . Obtained the highest percentage of passes throughout the United Kingdom . Passed upwards of 900 pupils . TWO ARTICLED PUPILS required . Age , 1 C to 21 . Premium required , 80 to 100 guineas . Salary first year , £ 40 with board , & c , or £ So without board , & c . Thorough training ; vvill be prepared for any branch of the Civil Service . For further particulars apply to Mr . W . G . PIERCE , Civil Service Institute , Bradford , Yorkshire .
' -pHEATRE ROYAL , DRURY LANE . New and Realistic Drama , by Robt . Buchanan and Augustus Harris , entitled , THE SAILOR AND HIS LASS ; OR , LOVE AND TREASON . Messrs . Augustus Harris , J . Fernandez , H . George , H . Nicholls , Lilly , Morgan , Ridley , Sennett , Moss , Fairleigh , Gillett , Chudleigh , and H . Jackson ; Misses H . J ay , Clara jecks , Victor , Young , Baldwin , Lennox , Barrett , and S . Eyre . MAGNIFICENT EFFECTS .
TO OUR READERS . THE FREEMASON is published every Friday morning , price 3 d ., and contains the fullest and latest information relating to Freemasonry of every degree . Subscriptions , including Postage : — United States , United Kingdom . Canada , the Continent , India , China , Ceylon , the Colonics & c . Arabia ,, & c . 13 s . 6 d . 15 s . 6 d . 17 s . 6 d .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
The following communications have been received , but are not inserted in this issue owing to want of space : — Craft Lodges—Royal Cumberland Lodge , 41 ; St . John's Lodge , 22 i ; Pattison Lodge , 913 ; Priory Lodge of Acton , 1096
Instruction—Eccleston Lodge , 1624 ; Brixton Lodge , 1949 ; New Finsbury Park Lodge . K . T . —Harcourt Preceptory , 74 . Royal Order of Scotland . Correspondence—Bro . Wm . J . B . Macleod Moore ; C . M . Wilson .
BOOKS , & c , RECEIVED . 11 Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Canada ( 28 th Annual Communication , " " Liberal Freemason , " " El Taller , " " Masonic Review , " "City Press , " "Citizen , " "Hull Packet , " " Masonic World , " "Court Circular , " "Broad Arrow , " " Keystone , " "La Chainc D'Union , " " New York Daily News , " " Tricycling Journal , " " Fireside News , " " Masonic Token . "
THE HUGHAN TESTIMONIAL . The names of the brethren forming the Committee of the Hughan Testimonial Fund , under the presidency of the Earl of Zetland , vvill be published next week , as well as a list of subscriptions . We shall be glad to receive the names of subscribers . Bro . George Kenning has undertaken to act as Treasurer until after the first meeting of the Committee .
VKfW- ^ - ^ vw-w ^ m ^ -m-wv-w-w-w-v-w-w-w ^ -vvr ^ -wrwwv . ' . SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 10 , 1883 . pip^gilpH?*!! MT^Mag^g
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
CWedo not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of , the opinions expressed by ourcorrespondents , but we wish in a spirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion . ! _—
THE STATUS OF PAST MASTERS . To the Editor cf the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — Is the amended regulation granting joining Past Masters a position in a lodge next after the then W . Master to be confirmed at the December Communication or not ? Your correspondence columns have shown three classes
of opinions on this subject : ( 1 . ) Those who agitated for the change and who say unhesitatingly , Yes . ( 2 . ) Those who say with equal decision , No , because the real grievances which joining Past Masters laboured under have been removed by the amended Rules 80 ( giving them membership of their Provincial Grand Lodge ) and 141 ( giving them precedence after the Past Masters who have filled the chair ); and ( 3 . ) Those who suggest a compromise by
giving a lodge the power of conferring precedence on a joining Past Master if it thinks well to do so . It is surprising what an amount of controversy there has been over a very trifling matter . For stripped of all the surroundings which have been ingeniously tacked on to it , the question as it now stands really amounts to this : shall a joining Past Master have the right to sit a few places higher up in lodge and at the festive board than he had
under the old Constitutions . It is nothing more . Nothing can take from a Past Master his rank as such , except his own act of ceasing for 12 months to subscribe to a lodge ; and on the other hand , no regulation that can be framed will ever make a past Master in a lodge a Past Master of a lodge , the distinction will always be there , whatever decision Grand Lodge may come to . But in no well-conducted lodge is the distinction apparent .
A joining past Master , who proves himself worthy of it , will always receive , by the courtesy of his brethren , the . honour which is his due . It is dilbcult to realize—but I suppose the phenomenon occurs , else why all the commotion about it—a lodge where the desire for a seat higher up by two or three places than the one they are accustomed to fill , " vexes the souls , " meeting after meeting , of brethren who have attained to the dignity of "Rulers of the
Craft . " 1 would point out , by the way , that the two terms " rank " and " precedence " have been strangely confounded in this controversy . Rank is one thing , precedence is another . All Past Masters in a lodge , whether they have passed the chair of that lodge or not , are of equal rank , and the only
distinction between them is theorder of seniority , i . e ., precedence . Turning to the three different opinions I have mentioned , as regards the first , I shall be surprised if Grand Lodge confirms the amended regulation . As a provincial Mason , I say without hesitation that in its present form it is most distasteful to the vast majority of lodges , who will resent it