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Masonic And General Tidings
The annual ball of the Chiswick Lodge will be held at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , on Tuesday , the 2 Sth inst . The Empire Management has been most fortunate ir securing the exclusive services of Mdlle . Vanoni , who will make her first appearance at that theatre on Wednesday . In order to conform to the wishes of their patrons the Empire Management has now changed the positions of the two ballets . "The Parish Exhibition " is now played at 8 . 30 , and "A Dream of Wealth" at 10 . 30 .
We regret to hear that Bro . James J udd , C . C , is a victim to the prevailing epidemic ( influenza ) , which has now developed into pleurisy . It is feared that it will be some time before he can return to his civic and other duties . Bro . H . B . Marshall , J . P ., C . C , has accepted the Chairmanship of the Board of Stewards of the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , which will be held next month under the presidency of the Lord Mayor .
Mr . T . G . Ackland , of the Gresham Office , will be the Chairman , next Wednesday , at the smoking concert to be given at the Cannon-street Hotel by the Insurance Musical Society of London . A programme , pleasingly varied in character and high class in tone , has been arranged for the
. Bro . the Rev . Richard Peek , M . A ., W . M ., Adair Lodge , No . 936 , P . M . 555 , P . P . G . Chap . Suffolk , and _ M . E . Z . Henniker Chapter , has been appointed Chaplain to the English Church at Dinard , Brittany . His address for the next three months will be Villa Lucie , Dinard .
The Royal Military Exhibition in the grounds of Chelsea Hospital , to be opened in May by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , will be under the immediate patronage of Her Majesty , and will offer many attractions , which will be duly announced . Messrs . Spiers and Pond are to be the refreshment caterers .
Bro . Wynne E . Baxter does not entertain apparently a very good opinion of the principle of giving outdoor relief . On Monday , at an inquest , he made allusion to the matter , observing that in the case of outdoor relief those really in need were not reached , while those with a glib tongue and brazen manner obtained what was not meant for them .
A capital portrait of Bro . Henry Wright , P . M . of the Alliance Lodge , No . 1 S 27 , appeared in the Pictorial World , on the 2 Sth ult ., in connection with a report of the presentation of prizes to the Tower Hamlets Rifle Brigade . Bro . Wright is a very ardent worker in Masonry , and is also well known in the Church world and theatrical circles .
On Sunday last Bro . Sir F . Bally Ashton , K . C . M . G ., completed his 50 th year in the public service , having been appointed to a regular clerkship in the Foreign Office on the 5 th January , 1 S 40 . Hehasbeen chief clerk since December , 1 S 6 G . The event was celebrated by a dinner given by Sir Philip Currie , K . C . B ., the permanent head of the department , at his private residence .
The Peers of Scotland met at the Palace of Holyrood , on Monday , for the purpose of electing two representatives in place of the Earl of Leven and Melville and the Earl of Orkney , deceased . 'The result of the election was that Bros . Lord Saltoun and Viscount Strathallern were elected , the former polling 40 and the latter 27 votes , against the Earl of Leven and Melville 2 , and the Earl of Orkney 1 .
Mr . G . F . Watts , R . A ., has presented to the town of Leicester his picture "Orlando pursuing the Fata Morgana , " the subject of which is taken from the Italian poet Bogardo . In a letter he has sent to the Corporation , he says that the gift is made " in recognition of the services your townsman , Mr . J . M . Cook , is rendering , especially in Egypt , to the nation , making its name respected by admirable administration and honourable dealing . "
, The Prince and Princess of Wales gave their annual Tenants' Ball at Sandringhain , on Friday , the 3 rd instant , the invited guests including not only the tenants on the Royal estate , with iheir sons and daughters but also those on the Holkham , Houghton , Raynham , Castle Rising , Westacre , Hillington , Stowe , and Narford estates . Among the principal guests were the Austro-Hiingarian Ambassador , Bro . the Marquis of Hartington , and Bro . Lord and Lady Randolph Church 11 .
Bro . J . H . Myer , late manager of the Frascati Restaurant in Oxford-street , was entertained by his Masonic and other friends , on the 27 th December , at a farewell dinner on his departure for Johannesburg , Transvaal , where he has an appointment of manager of a new hotel . During the
evening Bro . Myer ' s health was proposed by Bro . Bynan Webler ( the Chairman ) , who , in the name of those present , wished him " God speed . " Bro . Myer feelingly responded . Other toasts were proposed , and a very pleasant evening was spent .
On Friday evening last a numerously attended meeting of the General Committee of the Masonic Ball was held atlhe Hall , Hope-street , under the pres dency of Bro . R . H . Leake , Vice-Chairman of the Committee , owing to the absence , through ilness , of Bro . J . De Bels Adams , Chairman of the Committee . Bro . G . A . Harradon , the honorary Secretary of the ball , reported that the tickets were being
sold very satisfactorily , and there was every evidence that the gathering would be one of the most successful and pleasant of the series in aid of the funds of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution . Bro . Harry Round , LP . M . of the Dramatic Lodge , No . 1609 , was chosen Captain of the Stewards ; Bro . C . J . Jarman was elected Sub-Captain ; and the arrangement with regard to the service of Stewards was afterwards considered .
THE UNEMPLOYED IN EAST LONDON . —At a time when much thought is being : given to this matter , a practical suggestion may be of service . Last year more than £ 300 , 000 worth of foreign matches were purchased by inconsiderate consumers in this country , to the great injury
of our own working people , so true is it that " evil is wrought by want of thought as well as want of heart . " If all consumers would purchase Bryantand May's Matches , that firm would be enabled to pay £ 1000 a week more in wages . —ADVT .
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . the Earl and Countess of Bathurst last week entertained a party for covert shooting at Cirencester House , Cirencester . The Prince of Wales , accompanied by Bro . the Marquis of Hartington , and attended by Sir C . Teesdale , left Sandringham on Monday for Weston , on a visit to Baron de Hirsch .
Bro . Sir Edwarcl VV . Watkin , Bart ., M . P ., carried off the prize at a competition in railway locomotives held in France recently . The successful engine was named the Onward , and was built at Ashford for the South-Eastern Railway Company .
Bro . the Rev J . E . Cox , D . D ., Past G . Chaplain of England , has resigned the office of honorary Chaplain of the Royal Society of Musicians of Great Britain , and is succeeded by the Rev . Edgar Sheppard , Sub-Dean of the Chapel Royal .
At the last meeting of Excelsior Lodge , No . 1042 , Leeds , Bro . Allison , P . P . G . D . ( Charity Steward ) , announced that the W . M ., Bro . Cowbrough , had handed him twelve guineas for the Aged Freemasons ; twelve guineas for the Girls' School ; and twenty pounds for the local Masonic Charities .
Mr . W . J . Hughan , formerly of Truro , now of Torquay , has , as everybody knows , obtained considerable fame as an historian of Freemasonry . The Christmas number of the Freemason contains a portrait and biographical sketch of Mr . Hughan , who is a Past Master of Lodg-e Fortitude , Truro . —Roval Cornwall Gazette .
The sum of £ 1 , 000 in bank notes has been received anonymously by the Mayor of Cork and the Rev . Canon Harley , rector of Christ Church , from a friend of the destitute widows and helpless women of Cork . A representative committee of religious demoninations has been appointed to distribute the charity .
PROVINCE OF ESSEX . —The Prov . G . M . Lord Brooke , M . P ., has within the last week granted two warrants for new lodges in the province , viz ., the Mistley Lodge , No . 2139 , to meet at Manningtree , and the Easterford Lodge , No . 2342 , to meet at Kclvedon . Both lodges promise to be well supported , and when they are consecrated Lord Brooke will have 31 lodges under his rule .
The annual library ball of the Snow Hill Division—City Police —( by the kind permission of Col . Sir James Fraser , K . C . B ., the Commissioner , and under the patronage of Lieut .-Col . Henry Smith and I ' . Gordon Brown , Surgeon of the Force , and Medical Officer of the Morley House
Convalescent Home , Saint Margaret's Bay , Dover ) will be held at the Holborn Town Hall , in aid of the funds of the above Home , on Thursday , the 23 rd inst . Dancing to commence at eight o'clock p . m . We trust the funds of this deserving Charity will largely benefit by this entertainment .
Bro . Lennox Browne , F . R . C . b ., in an article in this week ' s Medical Press and Circular on the prevailing epidemic , says that the vapour of menthol checks in a manner hardly less than marvellous acute colds in the head ; and is also recommended with a certainty of success , if used on its first onset , in arresting or as a preventive of infection in epidemic influenza . He describes several
methods of using it , but gives the preference to an ingenious pocket menthol inhaler known as Cushman ' s , which should be used not only on the first approach of an attack , but three or four times a day during an epidemic A LEICESTERSHIRE VETERAN . —The first day of the new year was an eventful one in the history of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 , Leicester . On that day the lodge not only entered on its centenary year , but placed in the chair as
W . M . the oldest Mason in the province in the person of the R . W . Bro . William Kelly , P . P . G . M ., who is himself the senior member of the lodge , and the oldest mason in the province . Our much esteemed brother has already occupied the position of W . M . of the lodge four times , the last occasion being in iSSS , when he celebrated his jubilee , having been a member of St . John's for 50 yea s . We heartily wish Bro . Kelly health and strength to carry out his duties , as he himself would desire .
THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY , AND POCKET-BOOK ( George Kenning , Great Queen-street , Lincoln's-Inn Fields ) furnishes a wealth of information likely to be interesting to the brethren of the Craft all over the world . It is , in fact , a comprehensive Masonic book of reference , containing a list of lodges , chapters , conclaves ,
preceptories , colleges , and grand councils , not only in Great Britain and its colonies and dependencies , but also in places where the uninitiated would hardly suppose the Craft would flourish . There are added lists of the 57 Grand Lodges in the different quarters of the globe , and of all the brethren holding office . The diary gives a list of lodge meetings due on any particular day . —MorningAdvertiser .
The Second Annual Ball given by the Barnato Lodge , No . 22 G 5 , in aid of the Benevolent Fund , was held on 'Tuesday , 7 th inst ., at the Whitehall Rooms , Hotel Metropole , when a numerous company assembled , including Bro . M . J . Jessop , W . M ., and Mrs . jessop ; Bro . andMrs . Kool ; Bro . H . I . Barnato ; Bro . C . F . Hogard , P . C , Std . Br . ; Bro . J . L . Mather , P . P . G . D . C ; Bro . andMrs .
J . Joel ; Bro . I . B . Joel ; Bro . and Mrs . Acworth ; Bro . and Mrs . Honey ; Bro . and Mrs . A . Levy ; Bro . and Mrs . I H . Warner ; Bro . and Mrs . R . Warner and Miss Warner ; Bro . and Mrs . Payne ; Bro . G . Harwood ; Bro . and Mrs . J . Abrahams ; Bro . and Mrs . M . Abrahams and daughters ; Bro . Major Baker . H . A . C ; Bro . R . Baker ; Bro . and the Misses Phillips Bro . T . Honey was a most efficient and
zealous M . C , and altogether , notwithstanding many regrettable absentees from illness , the company spent a most agreeable evening , Messrs . Coote and Tinney ' s band discoursing delightful music ; and it was not until nearly six o ' clock in the morning that the party dissolved , and we have no doubt a very substantial addition will be made to the Lodge Benevolent Fund .
Among the latest houses supplied with Austin s Sanitary Cylinders , are those of Peers , Judges , Doctors , & c They are used in Hospitals , Clubs , Hotels . Names will be given on application and Testimonials sent . 'They are odourless , non-poisonoiis , and Cheap ( a Cylinder lasts a year ) . Used
for all household disinfecting purposes , waterclosets ( being automatic in action no attention required ) , for ozonizing baths , & c Prices : is ., 2 s . 6 d ., 5 s ., ps ., and iSs . A . S . Cylinder Company , 1 S 1 , Queen Victoria-street , E . C . Can be obtained of all Chemists .
Masonic And General Tidings
Prince George of Wales left Sandringham , on Monday , for Dicllington Hall , New Brandon , when his Royal Highness will remain to the end of the week as the guest of Bro . and Mrs . Tyssen-Amherst . On Saturday , the 25 th inst ., the French Ambassador will present the decorations conferred upon British subjects in connection with the Paris Exhibition . Bro . Sir Polydore De Keyser will entertain his Excellency at dinner at the
Mansion House , which has been placed at his disposal by the Lord Mayor . The Royal Military Exhibition in aid of the Church of England Soldiers' Institute , which will be under the immediate patronage of her Majesty , will be opened early in May by the Prince of Wales . Messrs . Spiers and Pond have been appointed contractors for the supply of refreshments .
Mr . Spencer Curwen mentioned on Wednesday , in a paper read at Bristol , that there are as many as 2 , 750 , 000 children learning to sing by note , and that the grant for singing by ear is steadily declining . Both these facts will be acceptable to musicians , who have persistently pointed out that singing by ear is of no use to children whatever as as musical training , and , indeed , is a drawback to their future musical progress .
I he annual meeting of the Yarborough Lodge , No . 422 , was held on the 6 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Gainsboro ' , when the W . M ., Bro . Dr . Henry Wright , was re-installeel in the chair , and invested his officers as follows : Bros . F . J . Sowby , S . W . ; C . Shipham , T . W . ; A . Kirk , P . P . S . G . W .,
1 reas . ; Liversidge , P . M ., P . Z ., Sec . ; W . Mason , D . C . ; J . F . Johnson , S . D . ; A . Curtis , J . D . ; George Robinson , Org . ; B . T . Adlard , I . G . ; Casson and Sutton , Stwds . ; and G . Scott , Tyler . The usual banquet took place at the White Hart Hotel afterwards .
The monthly meeting of the Mansion House Council on the dwellings of the poor , of which Bro . the Lord Mayor is the President , was held in the Long Parlour , on Wednesday . Mr . James Hall in the chair . The analysis of cases of insanitary conditions in Shoreditch , notices of which had been sent to the authority from March to August , 1 SS 9 ,
showed that out of 2000 defects reported , about 1200 had been remedied , and that the Vestry were actively at work upon the remainder . A re-visit at Westminster had brought to light a considerable number of very serious cases still unremedied , and it was resolved that special action be taken in respect of these .
The petititon for the new Universities Lodge , Durham , is now ready , and only awaits the sanction of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . The following is the complete list of the founders : Bros , the Rev . H . B . Tristram , D . D ., F . R . S ., Canon of Durham , D . P . G . M . of Durham , P . G . C ; C . D . Hill Drury , M . D ., P . M . S 5 , W . M . 1379 , P . P . G . Reg . Norfolk ; the Rev . H . Kynaston , D . D .,
Canon of Durham , P . P . S . G . W . Gloucestershire , and Professor of Greek , Durham University ; Joseph Forster , M . A ., P . M . 1379 , P . P . G . Reg . ; Lionel Booth , M . D ., P . M . 1334 , P . P . S . G . W . ; Richard Luck , M . A ., LL . M ., P . M . in , P . M . 1610 , P . P . G . Reg . ; J . Lawrence , M . D ., J . W . 1379 ; Rev . R . H . Yeld , M . A ., P . P . G . Chap ., Vicar of Birtley ; Rev . Thos . Randell , B . D ., P . P . G . Chap .
Somersetshire , P . P . G . Chap . Durham , Principal of Bede ' s College , Durham ; Rev . J . Rushton Shortt , M . A ., Fellow and 'Tutor , Hatfield Hall , University of Durham ; E . Jepson , M . D ., J . W . 1334 ; and Rev . W . Proctor Swaby , B . D ., P . P . G . Chap ., St . Mark ' s Vicarage , Sunderland . The prayer of the petition being granted , the consecration will probably take place in March .
THE PROPOSED GRAND LODGE OV NEW ZEALAND . — The following resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Canterbury branch of the Masonic Union on the ist Nov . — " In view of the fact of His Excellency the Governor having advised the postponement of the formation of a Grand Lodge of New Zealand until there is greater unanimity among the Craft on the question , this branch
considers it advisable to recommend delay in bringing into operation the resolutions adopted at the convention held in Wellington in September last until after the . proposed meeting of District and Provincial Grand Masters , to be held in Dunedin on January 9 th ; the members of this Union , whilst agreeing with the propriety of the delay
suggested , desire to reiterate their emphatic opinion that the uniting of the three Constitutions now existing in New Zealand will be of the greatest benefit to the Craft ; that His Excellency the Governor be requested to grant an interview to a deputation during his stay in Christchurch , and the following be appointed : —Brothers Bishop , Kaye , Hulbeit , Hull , Mitchell , E . C . Brown . "
CITY POLICE ENTERTAINMENT . —The annual festival of the City Police , held on Wednesday night at the Cannonstreet Hotel , was attended by about a thousand persons , and was , as usual , a thoroughly successful gathering . Between nine and ten o ' clock the Rev . W . Rogers , rector of St . Botolph , Bishopsgate , arrived with a party which included Sir C . Russell , Q . C , M . P . ; Sir C . Freemantle ,
Col . H . Smith , Assistant-Commissioner Col . Du Plat Taylor , Aid . G . VV . E . Russell , L . C . C . ; the Rev . R . H . Hadden , the Rev . J . H . Smith , the Rev . E . Collette , Mr . R . Eykyn , and Mr . E . H . Freshfield . Dancing was interrupted on their arrival , and some short speeches were delivered . The Assistant-Commissioner , on behalf of Sir James Fraser , expressed his regret at not being able to be present . Mr . Rogers , who was heartily received , spoke a few cheering
words . Sir Charles Russell , who had a warm greeting , expressed his admiration of the City police force , as a body of men who deserved the name of a civil force , and who did not regard themselves as having a military character , but desired to be on good terms with the whole of the citizens whom they served . Superintendent Foster , the originator of these gatherings twenty . one years ago , and an active organizer of each one since , was also called upon . Dancing was then resumed .
HOI . I . OWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS . —During every break of wintry weather exertions should be made by tfie afflicted to recover health before unremitting cold and trying storms set in . Throat ailments , coughs , wheezings , asthmatical aliections , shortness of breath , morning nausea and accumulations of phlegm can readily be removed , by rubbing . this line derivative Ointment twice a day upon the chest and neck . Holloway's
treatment is strongly recommended with a . view of giving immediate ease , preventing prospective danger , and effecting permanent relief . These all-important ends his Ointmentand Pillscan accomplish , and will surely prevent insidious diseases from fastening on the constitution to display themselves afterwards in those disastrous forms that will probably embitter life till death itself is almost prayed for .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
The annual ball of the Chiswick Lodge will be held at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , on Tuesday , the 2 Sth inst . The Empire Management has been most fortunate ir securing the exclusive services of Mdlle . Vanoni , who will make her first appearance at that theatre on Wednesday . In order to conform to the wishes of their patrons the Empire Management has now changed the positions of the two ballets . "The Parish Exhibition " is now played at 8 . 30 , and "A Dream of Wealth" at 10 . 30 .
We regret to hear that Bro . James J udd , C . C , is a victim to the prevailing epidemic ( influenza ) , which has now developed into pleurisy . It is feared that it will be some time before he can return to his civic and other duties . Bro . H . B . Marshall , J . P ., C . C , has accepted the Chairmanship of the Board of Stewards of the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , which will be held next month under the presidency of the Lord Mayor .
Mr . T . G . Ackland , of the Gresham Office , will be the Chairman , next Wednesday , at the smoking concert to be given at the Cannon-street Hotel by the Insurance Musical Society of London . A programme , pleasingly varied in character and high class in tone , has been arranged for the
. Bro . the Rev . Richard Peek , M . A ., W . M ., Adair Lodge , No . 936 , P . M . 555 , P . P . G . Chap . Suffolk , and _ M . E . Z . Henniker Chapter , has been appointed Chaplain to the English Church at Dinard , Brittany . His address for the next three months will be Villa Lucie , Dinard .
The Royal Military Exhibition in the grounds of Chelsea Hospital , to be opened in May by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , will be under the immediate patronage of Her Majesty , and will offer many attractions , which will be duly announced . Messrs . Spiers and Pond are to be the refreshment caterers .
Bro . Wynne E . Baxter does not entertain apparently a very good opinion of the principle of giving outdoor relief . On Monday , at an inquest , he made allusion to the matter , observing that in the case of outdoor relief those really in need were not reached , while those with a glib tongue and brazen manner obtained what was not meant for them .
A capital portrait of Bro . Henry Wright , P . M . of the Alliance Lodge , No . 1 S 27 , appeared in the Pictorial World , on the 2 Sth ult ., in connection with a report of the presentation of prizes to the Tower Hamlets Rifle Brigade . Bro . Wright is a very ardent worker in Masonry , and is also well known in the Church world and theatrical circles .
On Sunday last Bro . Sir F . Bally Ashton , K . C . M . G ., completed his 50 th year in the public service , having been appointed to a regular clerkship in the Foreign Office on the 5 th January , 1 S 40 . Hehasbeen chief clerk since December , 1 S 6 G . The event was celebrated by a dinner given by Sir Philip Currie , K . C . B ., the permanent head of the department , at his private residence .
The Peers of Scotland met at the Palace of Holyrood , on Monday , for the purpose of electing two representatives in place of the Earl of Leven and Melville and the Earl of Orkney , deceased . 'The result of the election was that Bros . Lord Saltoun and Viscount Strathallern were elected , the former polling 40 and the latter 27 votes , against the Earl of Leven and Melville 2 , and the Earl of Orkney 1 .
Mr . G . F . Watts , R . A ., has presented to the town of Leicester his picture "Orlando pursuing the Fata Morgana , " the subject of which is taken from the Italian poet Bogardo . In a letter he has sent to the Corporation , he says that the gift is made " in recognition of the services your townsman , Mr . J . M . Cook , is rendering , especially in Egypt , to the nation , making its name respected by admirable administration and honourable dealing . "
, The Prince and Princess of Wales gave their annual Tenants' Ball at Sandringhain , on Friday , the 3 rd instant , the invited guests including not only the tenants on the Royal estate , with iheir sons and daughters but also those on the Holkham , Houghton , Raynham , Castle Rising , Westacre , Hillington , Stowe , and Narford estates . Among the principal guests were the Austro-Hiingarian Ambassador , Bro . the Marquis of Hartington , and Bro . Lord and Lady Randolph Church 11 .
Bro . J . H . Myer , late manager of the Frascati Restaurant in Oxford-street , was entertained by his Masonic and other friends , on the 27 th December , at a farewell dinner on his departure for Johannesburg , Transvaal , where he has an appointment of manager of a new hotel . During the
evening Bro . Myer ' s health was proposed by Bro . Bynan Webler ( the Chairman ) , who , in the name of those present , wished him " God speed . " Bro . Myer feelingly responded . Other toasts were proposed , and a very pleasant evening was spent .
On Friday evening last a numerously attended meeting of the General Committee of the Masonic Ball was held atlhe Hall , Hope-street , under the pres dency of Bro . R . H . Leake , Vice-Chairman of the Committee , owing to the absence , through ilness , of Bro . J . De Bels Adams , Chairman of the Committee . Bro . G . A . Harradon , the honorary Secretary of the ball , reported that the tickets were being
sold very satisfactorily , and there was every evidence that the gathering would be one of the most successful and pleasant of the series in aid of the funds of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution . Bro . Harry Round , LP . M . of the Dramatic Lodge , No . 1609 , was chosen Captain of the Stewards ; Bro . C . J . Jarman was elected Sub-Captain ; and the arrangement with regard to the service of Stewards was afterwards considered .
THE UNEMPLOYED IN EAST LONDON . —At a time when much thought is being : given to this matter , a practical suggestion may be of service . Last year more than £ 300 , 000 worth of foreign matches were purchased by inconsiderate consumers in this country , to the great injury
of our own working people , so true is it that " evil is wrought by want of thought as well as want of heart . " If all consumers would purchase Bryantand May's Matches , that firm would be enabled to pay £ 1000 a week more in wages . —ADVT .
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . the Earl and Countess of Bathurst last week entertained a party for covert shooting at Cirencester House , Cirencester . The Prince of Wales , accompanied by Bro . the Marquis of Hartington , and attended by Sir C . Teesdale , left Sandringham on Monday for Weston , on a visit to Baron de Hirsch .
Bro . Sir Edwarcl VV . Watkin , Bart ., M . P ., carried off the prize at a competition in railway locomotives held in France recently . The successful engine was named the Onward , and was built at Ashford for the South-Eastern Railway Company .
Bro . the Rev J . E . Cox , D . D ., Past G . Chaplain of England , has resigned the office of honorary Chaplain of the Royal Society of Musicians of Great Britain , and is succeeded by the Rev . Edgar Sheppard , Sub-Dean of the Chapel Royal .
At the last meeting of Excelsior Lodge , No . 1042 , Leeds , Bro . Allison , P . P . G . D . ( Charity Steward ) , announced that the W . M ., Bro . Cowbrough , had handed him twelve guineas for the Aged Freemasons ; twelve guineas for the Girls' School ; and twenty pounds for the local Masonic Charities .
Mr . W . J . Hughan , formerly of Truro , now of Torquay , has , as everybody knows , obtained considerable fame as an historian of Freemasonry . The Christmas number of the Freemason contains a portrait and biographical sketch of Mr . Hughan , who is a Past Master of Lodg-e Fortitude , Truro . —Roval Cornwall Gazette .
The sum of £ 1 , 000 in bank notes has been received anonymously by the Mayor of Cork and the Rev . Canon Harley , rector of Christ Church , from a friend of the destitute widows and helpless women of Cork . A representative committee of religious demoninations has been appointed to distribute the charity .
PROVINCE OF ESSEX . —The Prov . G . M . Lord Brooke , M . P ., has within the last week granted two warrants for new lodges in the province , viz ., the Mistley Lodge , No . 2139 , to meet at Manningtree , and the Easterford Lodge , No . 2342 , to meet at Kclvedon . Both lodges promise to be well supported , and when they are consecrated Lord Brooke will have 31 lodges under his rule .
The annual library ball of the Snow Hill Division—City Police —( by the kind permission of Col . Sir James Fraser , K . C . B ., the Commissioner , and under the patronage of Lieut .-Col . Henry Smith and I ' . Gordon Brown , Surgeon of the Force , and Medical Officer of the Morley House
Convalescent Home , Saint Margaret's Bay , Dover ) will be held at the Holborn Town Hall , in aid of the funds of the above Home , on Thursday , the 23 rd inst . Dancing to commence at eight o'clock p . m . We trust the funds of this deserving Charity will largely benefit by this entertainment .
Bro . Lennox Browne , F . R . C . b ., in an article in this week ' s Medical Press and Circular on the prevailing epidemic , says that the vapour of menthol checks in a manner hardly less than marvellous acute colds in the head ; and is also recommended with a certainty of success , if used on its first onset , in arresting or as a preventive of infection in epidemic influenza . He describes several
methods of using it , but gives the preference to an ingenious pocket menthol inhaler known as Cushman ' s , which should be used not only on the first approach of an attack , but three or four times a day during an epidemic A LEICESTERSHIRE VETERAN . —The first day of the new year was an eventful one in the history of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 , Leicester . On that day the lodge not only entered on its centenary year , but placed in the chair as
W . M . the oldest Mason in the province in the person of the R . W . Bro . William Kelly , P . P . G . M ., who is himself the senior member of the lodge , and the oldest mason in the province . Our much esteemed brother has already occupied the position of W . M . of the lodge four times , the last occasion being in iSSS , when he celebrated his jubilee , having been a member of St . John's for 50 yea s . We heartily wish Bro . Kelly health and strength to carry out his duties , as he himself would desire .
THE COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY , AND POCKET-BOOK ( George Kenning , Great Queen-street , Lincoln's-Inn Fields ) furnishes a wealth of information likely to be interesting to the brethren of the Craft all over the world . It is , in fact , a comprehensive Masonic book of reference , containing a list of lodges , chapters , conclaves ,
preceptories , colleges , and grand councils , not only in Great Britain and its colonies and dependencies , but also in places where the uninitiated would hardly suppose the Craft would flourish . There are added lists of the 57 Grand Lodges in the different quarters of the globe , and of all the brethren holding office . The diary gives a list of lodge meetings due on any particular day . —MorningAdvertiser .
The Second Annual Ball given by the Barnato Lodge , No . 22 G 5 , in aid of the Benevolent Fund , was held on 'Tuesday , 7 th inst ., at the Whitehall Rooms , Hotel Metropole , when a numerous company assembled , including Bro . M . J . Jessop , W . M ., and Mrs . jessop ; Bro . andMrs . Kool ; Bro . H . I . Barnato ; Bro . C . F . Hogard , P . C , Std . Br . ; Bro . J . L . Mather , P . P . G . D . C ; Bro . andMrs .
J . Joel ; Bro . I . B . Joel ; Bro . and Mrs . Acworth ; Bro . and Mrs . Honey ; Bro . and Mrs . A . Levy ; Bro . and Mrs . I H . Warner ; Bro . and Mrs . R . Warner and Miss Warner ; Bro . and Mrs . Payne ; Bro . G . Harwood ; Bro . and Mrs . J . Abrahams ; Bro . and Mrs . M . Abrahams and daughters ; Bro . Major Baker . H . A . C ; Bro . R . Baker ; Bro . and the Misses Phillips Bro . T . Honey was a most efficient and
zealous M . C , and altogether , notwithstanding many regrettable absentees from illness , the company spent a most agreeable evening , Messrs . Coote and Tinney ' s band discoursing delightful music ; and it was not until nearly six o ' clock in the morning that the party dissolved , and we have no doubt a very substantial addition will be made to the Lodge Benevolent Fund .
Among the latest houses supplied with Austin s Sanitary Cylinders , are those of Peers , Judges , Doctors , & c They are used in Hospitals , Clubs , Hotels . Names will be given on application and Testimonials sent . 'They are odourless , non-poisonoiis , and Cheap ( a Cylinder lasts a year ) . Used
for all household disinfecting purposes , waterclosets ( being automatic in action no attention required ) , for ozonizing baths , & c Prices : is ., 2 s . 6 d ., 5 s ., ps ., and iSs . A . S . Cylinder Company , 1 S 1 , Queen Victoria-street , E . C . Can be obtained of all Chemists .
Masonic And General Tidings
Prince George of Wales left Sandringham , on Monday , for Dicllington Hall , New Brandon , when his Royal Highness will remain to the end of the week as the guest of Bro . and Mrs . Tyssen-Amherst . On Saturday , the 25 th inst ., the French Ambassador will present the decorations conferred upon British subjects in connection with the Paris Exhibition . Bro . Sir Polydore De Keyser will entertain his Excellency at dinner at the
Mansion House , which has been placed at his disposal by the Lord Mayor . The Royal Military Exhibition in aid of the Church of England Soldiers' Institute , which will be under the immediate patronage of her Majesty , will be opened early in May by the Prince of Wales . Messrs . Spiers and Pond have been appointed contractors for the supply of refreshments .
Mr . Spencer Curwen mentioned on Wednesday , in a paper read at Bristol , that there are as many as 2 , 750 , 000 children learning to sing by note , and that the grant for singing by ear is steadily declining . Both these facts will be acceptable to musicians , who have persistently pointed out that singing by ear is of no use to children whatever as as musical training , and , indeed , is a drawback to their future musical progress .
I he annual meeting of the Yarborough Lodge , No . 422 , was held on the 6 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Gainsboro ' , when the W . M ., Bro . Dr . Henry Wright , was re-installeel in the chair , and invested his officers as follows : Bros . F . J . Sowby , S . W . ; C . Shipham , T . W . ; A . Kirk , P . P . S . G . W .,
1 reas . ; Liversidge , P . M ., P . Z ., Sec . ; W . Mason , D . C . ; J . F . Johnson , S . D . ; A . Curtis , J . D . ; George Robinson , Org . ; B . T . Adlard , I . G . ; Casson and Sutton , Stwds . ; and G . Scott , Tyler . The usual banquet took place at the White Hart Hotel afterwards .
The monthly meeting of the Mansion House Council on the dwellings of the poor , of which Bro . the Lord Mayor is the President , was held in the Long Parlour , on Wednesday . Mr . James Hall in the chair . The analysis of cases of insanitary conditions in Shoreditch , notices of which had been sent to the authority from March to August , 1 SS 9 ,
showed that out of 2000 defects reported , about 1200 had been remedied , and that the Vestry were actively at work upon the remainder . A re-visit at Westminster had brought to light a considerable number of very serious cases still unremedied , and it was resolved that special action be taken in respect of these .
The petititon for the new Universities Lodge , Durham , is now ready , and only awaits the sanction of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . The following is the complete list of the founders : Bros , the Rev . H . B . Tristram , D . D ., F . R . S ., Canon of Durham , D . P . G . M . of Durham , P . G . C ; C . D . Hill Drury , M . D ., P . M . S 5 , W . M . 1379 , P . P . G . Reg . Norfolk ; the Rev . H . Kynaston , D . D .,
Canon of Durham , P . P . S . G . W . Gloucestershire , and Professor of Greek , Durham University ; Joseph Forster , M . A ., P . M . 1379 , P . P . G . Reg . ; Lionel Booth , M . D ., P . M . 1334 , P . P . S . G . W . ; Richard Luck , M . A ., LL . M ., P . M . in , P . M . 1610 , P . P . G . Reg . ; J . Lawrence , M . D ., J . W . 1379 ; Rev . R . H . Yeld , M . A ., P . P . G . Chap ., Vicar of Birtley ; Rev . Thos . Randell , B . D ., P . P . G . Chap .
Somersetshire , P . P . G . Chap . Durham , Principal of Bede ' s College , Durham ; Rev . J . Rushton Shortt , M . A ., Fellow and 'Tutor , Hatfield Hall , University of Durham ; E . Jepson , M . D ., J . W . 1334 ; and Rev . W . Proctor Swaby , B . D ., P . P . G . Chap ., St . Mark ' s Vicarage , Sunderland . The prayer of the petition being granted , the consecration will probably take place in March .
THE PROPOSED GRAND LODGE OV NEW ZEALAND . — The following resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Canterbury branch of the Masonic Union on the ist Nov . — " In view of the fact of His Excellency the Governor having advised the postponement of the formation of a Grand Lodge of New Zealand until there is greater unanimity among the Craft on the question , this branch
considers it advisable to recommend delay in bringing into operation the resolutions adopted at the convention held in Wellington in September last until after the . proposed meeting of District and Provincial Grand Masters , to be held in Dunedin on January 9 th ; the members of this Union , whilst agreeing with the propriety of the delay
suggested , desire to reiterate their emphatic opinion that the uniting of the three Constitutions now existing in New Zealand will be of the greatest benefit to the Craft ; that His Excellency the Governor be requested to grant an interview to a deputation during his stay in Christchurch , and the following be appointed : —Brothers Bishop , Kaye , Hulbeit , Hull , Mitchell , E . C . Brown . "
CITY POLICE ENTERTAINMENT . —The annual festival of the City Police , held on Wednesday night at the Cannonstreet Hotel , was attended by about a thousand persons , and was , as usual , a thoroughly successful gathering . Between nine and ten o ' clock the Rev . W . Rogers , rector of St . Botolph , Bishopsgate , arrived with a party which included Sir C . Russell , Q . C , M . P . ; Sir C . Freemantle ,
Col . H . Smith , Assistant-Commissioner Col . Du Plat Taylor , Aid . G . VV . E . Russell , L . C . C . ; the Rev . R . H . Hadden , the Rev . J . H . Smith , the Rev . E . Collette , Mr . R . Eykyn , and Mr . E . H . Freshfield . Dancing was interrupted on their arrival , and some short speeches were delivered . The Assistant-Commissioner , on behalf of Sir James Fraser , expressed his regret at not being able to be present . Mr . Rogers , who was heartily received , spoke a few cheering
words . Sir Charles Russell , who had a warm greeting , expressed his admiration of the City police force , as a body of men who deserved the name of a civil force , and who did not regard themselves as having a military character , but desired to be on good terms with the whole of the citizens whom they served . Superintendent Foster , the originator of these gatherings twenty . one years ago , and an active organizer of each one since , was also called upon . Dancing was then resumed .
HOI . I . OWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS . —During every break of wintry weather exertions should be made by tfie afflicted to recover health before unremitting cold and trying storms set in . Throat ailments , coughs , wheezings , asthmatical aliections , shortness of breath , morning nausea and accumulations of phlegm can readily be removed , by rubbing . this line derivative Ointment twice a day upon the chest and neck . Holloway's
treatment is strongly recommended with a . view of giving immediate ease , preventing prospective danger , and effecting permanent relief . These all-important ends his Ointmentand Pillscan accomplish , and will surely prevent insidious diseases from fastening on the constitution to display themselves afterwards in those disastrous forms that will probably embitter life till death itself is almost prayed for .