Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
out the principles of Freemasonry ; for , after all , it was hot the correct rendering of the ritual according to the dicta of this or that preceptor , but following the grand principles of brotherly love relief , and truth , which were the brightest ornaments , of Freemasonry and its truest landmarks . He ( Bro . Francis ) was pioud that His picture had found a home in a lodge Bro . S . Bartcn Wilson had
consecrated . He thanked Bro . Poynter for the chaste and elegant inscription in the language of old Rome he had appended to it , and hoped it would be transmitted as a heirloom in the Burgoyne Lodge . —The W . M . then proposed " The Health of the Installing Master , Bro . Thomas . "—Bro . Thomas , in returning thanks , said he had that evening the pleasure to place one of his pupils in
the chair of K . S . He thanked the P . M . 's for their kindness in allowing him that pleasure , as he was sure many of them were quite capable of performing the ceremony . — The toast of the " Masonic Charities " was then given , coupled with the name of Bro . Poynter . —Bro . Poynter returned thanks . —The toast of the "Officers" was duly responded to , and the Tyler ' s toast wound up a very
. agreeable evening , and enlivened by the excellent singing of Bro . Rogers ami others . The trial from Pickwick was given with admirable gusto by Bro . Smith . Si . John of Wapping Lodge , JVO . 1306 . —The election meeting of this young and most flourishing lodge was held on Wednesday , the Sth inst ., at the Gun Hotel , Highstreet , Wapping . Bro . W . Mann . W . M ., presided .
There were present : Bros . Bartlett , S . W . ; D . D . Beck , J . W . ; Rev . R . Gordon , Chap . ; 11 . Carpenler , P . M ., Sec . ; F . W . Dawson , S . D . ; J . Pearson , T . Willets , J . Mann , E . Frost , XV . Beck , IT . Fountain , A . XV . Coleman , & c . The visitors were Bros . T . Mortlock , P . M . 186 , and F . Walters , W . M . 1309 . The work done was passing Bro . G . Sweetenham and initiating Mr . R . Jeary . As usual with the W . M ., he did his work in an
admirable manner . The elections were unanimous in favour of Bro . Bartlett as W . M . ; Bro . XX ' . Mann , Treas . ; and Bro . Longstaff , Tyler . It was carried unanimously"That a five-guinea Past Master ' s jewel be presented lo Bro . W . Mann for his great services to the lodge . " The same will be accompanied by another testimonial subscribed for by the members of the lodge . The lodge was then closed , and no banquet was held on the occasion .
PROVINCIAL . HULL . —tlumbcr Lodge , . No 57 . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at . Freemasons' Hall , on Tuesday , 21 st February , Bro . William Tesseyman , W . M ., in the chair . After two candidates' had been ballotted for , accepted , and initiated , a report was read by the Secretary , showing that the annual charity ball in connection
with this lodge had in every respect been a complete success , and that the net balance arising therefrom amounted to , £ 25 iSs . rod . The Committee of Management , after gratefully referring to the assistance and patronage received from their non-Masonic friends , rccommsnded that in acknowledgment thereof that a donation of £ 1 is . be given to each of the following local
charities , viz ., the General Sailors' Orphan Home , the Port of Hull Sailors' Orphan Home , and the Hull Branch of the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Benevolent Society . It was recommended that , in order to endow the two Deacons' chairs ( the Master ' s and Senior and Junior Wardens' chairs having already been endowed ) , the sum of ten guineas be presented to the Masonic
School for Boys , the sum of £ 2 2 s . be paid to the freemasons' Life Boat , and the balance ( £ 10 3 s . rod ) to be paid to the credit of a special reserve fund for Masonic charities . At the same lodge , Bro . Coalesworth , P . M ., in an eloquent speech , on behalf of the officers and members , presented to the I . P . M ., Bro . William Needier , an elegant and chaste gold Past Master ' s jewel , with suitable inscription engraved thereon , as a mark of their esteem of
him as a Mason , and also of their appreciation of the great exertions he had used for the general good of the lodge during his year of office . After Bro . Needier had , in a very neat and feeling speech , thanked the brethren for their kind and beautiful gift , the lodge was closed in due form . Subsequently the brethren , " numbering upwards of fifty , sat down to refreshment , and for a limited period enjoyed themselves in ihe most fraternal manner .
ROCHDALE , — f . ody of LLarmony , No . 298 . — 'flic ordinary monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Ann-siicct . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Robert Howard , assisted by his officers and brethren , when the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed , and a ballot was taken for Mr . Thomas Loi-d , which proving unanimous in his favour , that
gentleman was duly initiated by Bro . Prince , P . P . G . S . D . The address was delivered by Bro . Richard llankinson , P . M . of Newa'l Lodge , No . 1134 ; the working tools were given by the W . M . of 29 S ; and the charge , ix ., by liro . Fothergill , W . M . of n 29—the whole ceremony being very ably performed . Bro . Noble was passed to Ihe
degree of a F . C . by Bro . Ilokoyd , P . M . A sum of jfio 10 s . was voted to tiie Boys' School , and the labours of the evening being ended , the W . M ., inclosing the lodge , said he bail had great pleasure in receiving the hearty congratulations of Lodges 226 , 363 , 1055 , 1129 , 1134 , r . U 5 i and also of the P . G . Lodges of Fast Lancashire and West Yorkshire .
OXFORD . — .- / /* . ir , i ! vers ; ty Lodge , No . 357 . —The annual festival of this very distinguished lodge was held on Tuesday , February 21 si , in consequence of the regular day of meeting being Ash Wednesday . Present : Bros . J . Ileathcole Wyndliam , M . A ., Fellow of Merton College , the retiring W . M . ; the Rev . Edmund Jcrmyn ,
M . A ., Christ Church , W . M .-elect ; the Rev . W . F . Short , M . A ., Bellow of New College , P . M ., G . Chap . ; Cameron Churchill , Worcester College , S . W . ; Reginald Bird , Fellow of Magdalen , J . W . ; W . Gardiner / Exeter , and Fred . P . MJITCII . M . ' . l ., St . John ' s , Sees . ; Lord Burleigh , Oriel , S . D . ; Jules Buc , M . A ., Magdalen , and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Vital de Tivoli , M . C . 's ; W . W . Harrison , M . A ., Bensmore , P . M ., & c . ; John Blandy Jenkins , P . M . ; Richard J . Spiers , P . G . S . B ., D . P . G . M . Oxon ; II . W . Hemsworth , W . M . 190 ; and many other distinguished , members of the Craft . There was no business except the installation , which ceremony was performed in a masterly style by that most experienced brother , Richard J . Spiers ,
who for so many years has occupied the proud position of Deputy Grand Master to this province , to the universal satisfaction of every member of the Craft . The Rev . Edmund Jcrmyn , of Christ Church , was duly installed , and the officers nominated by him were welcomed with unanimous applause . The brethren ( about seventy in number ) , after the ceremony , adjourned to a splendid
banquet provided at the Clarendon Hotel . The usual toasts were given , and followed by most appropriate glees , & c- an excellent choir attending the banquet . — " The Health of the Visitors" was responded to by Bro . IT . W . ITcmsworth , W . M . 190 ( formerly of Brasenose College ) , who , alluding to the glee appropriated to this toast—viz ., "No Time can Change my Love for Thee " ( Schneider )
—expressed the feeling which had come over him on hearing so prophetic an allusion to . himself . He deeply regretted that he had not joined the Apollo Lodge when he was a resident at the University ; but Masonry at that time was little known there . In fact , although the first meeting of this lodgehad been held in his own college , he had never heard of its existence until after he had left
residence . He congratulated the W . M . on his attaining the distinguished position , which he occupied in succession to so many great Masons ; and assured him that he himself would prefer being W . M . of the Apollo Lodge to holding the highest office in Grand Lodge . —The Rev . Past Master
Short , Grand Chaplain , made some very kind and feeling remarks on the loss the lodge had sustained by the decease of Bro . Lamert , P . M ., and also upon the pleasure which he felt in seeing so many provincial and city lodges represented , which for some years had not been the case .
RoTHERHA . tr . —Pktenix Lodge , No . 904 . —The annual meeting of the above lodge was held in the lodge-room at the Ship Hotel , on Thursday , the 24 th ult . The lodge was opened at 530 p . m . by the W . M ., Bro . C . IT . Pcrrot , assisted by Ids officers as follows : Bros . Saville , S . W . ; Hutchinson , J . W . ; Foote , Sec ; Garnett , S . D . ( pro tern . ); Fawcett , J . D . : and Shillito , I . G . There
was a good attendance of brethren , amongst whom we noticed : Bros . Oxley , P . M . and Treas . ; Needham , P . M . ; W . Smith , & c . The visitors were : Bros . Pfeifschmidt , W . M . 1239 ; II . J . Garnett , P . M . 139 and 1239 ; II . Matthews , P . M . 1239 ; and Harvey , Org . 1239 . The minutes having been read and confirmed , the brethren proceeded to the election of Treasurer ; also
a Charity Steward to represent the lodge in the Charity Committee of the Province of West Yorkshire ; ami several other matters of formal business . Bro . Oxley , P . M . and P . P . G . R ., was unanimously re-elected to the offices of Treasurer and Charity Steward . Bro . Walter Smith proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Oxley for his past services as Treasurer , and more especially for his
zealous labours in the sacred cause of charity , which was passed with acclamation . The \ V . M . then requested Bro . Oxley , P . M ., to take the chair , to whom he presented Bro . Dr . Saville , S . W . and W . M .-elect , for the purpose of being installed in the chair of K . S . The beautiful ceremony was worked in such a correct , able , and impressive manner as to elicit the warmest approval from
the whole of the visitors and brethren . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : Bros . Permit , I . P . M . ; Hutchinson , S . W . ; Dr . Foote , J . W . ; Oxley , Treas . ; Walter Smith , Sec ; Fawcett , S . D . ; Shillito , J . D . ; Dawson , I . G . ; Slinn and Redgrave , Stewards ; and Chester , Tyler . All business having been disposed of , the lodge was duly closed , and the brethren
adjourned lo a most sumptuous repast , presided over by the W . M ., Bro . Dr . Saville . After the cloth had been cleared , and all duly charged in the west and south , the W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were most heartily received . — -Bro . Oxley , P . M ., then gave the toast of the evening , "The W . M . of the 1 'ho'iiix Lodge , Bro . Saville , " saying it had been his good fortune
to have the privilege of installing many brethren as Masters of that lodge , but he had never experienced such pleasure as 011 that occasion—having installed one whom he had long known as a friend , one who , he was sine , would . sustain the dignity of the high office he was now placed in , and unc who would discharge the various duties that office imposed upon him with credit to himself
and satisfaction to the lodge . ( The toast was most heartily received , anil with the lion nits . )—The W . M . replied in a very effective and exhaustive speech , which was loudly applauded . The following toasts were then given : "The I . P . M . of Ihe Plia-nix Lodge , Bro . Perrolt , "
"The Installing Officer , Bro . Oxlev , " "The Visiting Brethren , " "The P . M . ' s of the Pno / nix Lodge , " "The Officers of the Phn-nix Lodge , " an . l "The Masonic Charities . " After spending a most enjoyable evening in a truly fraternal and Masonic manner , the brethren separated in peace and harmony .
KiKKiiv LONSDALE . — Cnaertey Lodge , . \ o . 1074 .- — This nourishing lodge held its regular meeting on the last Friday in February . Mure than ihe usual interest wa < excited on the occasion , in cons .-qnoiice of its being the first meeling held in the new Masonic Rooms , situate in the Market-place , which had been very tastefully decorated , and arc well adapted for Masonic purposes . Bro .
William James , W . M . and Prov . G . S ., occupied the chair of K . S ., supported by Bros . Dodd , f . P . M ., P . G . S . B ., H . 995 , & c . ; Rev . Canon Ware , P . P . G . C ., S . W . ; Thomas Wearing , J . W . ; Dr . Page , S . D . ; W . Smith , Sec ; II . Brayshaw , I . G . ; IT . Ranthmell , P . G . D . C . ; & c . After balloting for Bro . C . Ray as a joining member . which was unanimously favourable , Bro . Dodd assumed the chair , and Bro . J . W . Hindsou hcing a candidate foi
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the second degree , he was passed thereto , the W . M . presenting the working tools . Bro . Dodd afterwards gave the explanation on the tracing board of that degree . Bro . Canon Ware generously stated it to be his intention to transfer the eig ht life votes in the Royal Albert Idiot Asylum at present standing in his name , and purchased with the proceeds of the collection in the Parish Church
on the occasion of the installation of the Earl of Bective ( then Lord Kenlis ) , to the W . M . of the Underley Lodge for the time being . Two joining members were proposed , and after notice of motion lo change the day of meeting from the last Friday to the first Thursday had been given , the lodge was closed according to ancient custom , and the brethren and visitors adjourned to partake of some slight refreshment by way of a housewarming .
SCARBOROUGH . —Dcnison Lodge , No . 124 b . —I his lodge held its regular meeting in the lodge-rooms , Grand Hotel , on Thursday , the 91 I 1 of February The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . S . H . Armitage , M . D ., assisted by his officers . After the confirmation of the ministers , one brother was elected as a joining member , when Bro . J . W . Woodall , P . M ., P . P . G . J . W ., took the
reins of Installing Master , and installed Bro . W . F . Rookc , P . M ., P . P . G . J . W . ( the Mayor of Scarbro' ) as the W . M . for the ensuingyear , who appointed thefollowing as his officers : —Bros . J . Donner , S . W . ; J . Green , J . XV . ; J . Kitchin , Treas . ; A . Fricour , Sec . ; N . IT . Delamare , S . D . ;
G . Taylor , J . D . ; U . SHmon , Org . ; F . Foster , I . G . ; J . Verity , Tyler . The lodge was now closed in clue form , and the brethren , about 30 in number , partook of the annual banquet . The tables were most sumptuously supplied with every delicacy ; the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were drank , and a very agreeable evening spent .
WARRINGTON" . —Gilbert Grecnall Lodge , No . 1250 . — The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , on the 13 thult . The W . M . presided , and was supported by the following brethren , viz ., : XV . Richardson , W . M . 14 S ; John Bowes , P . M ., P . Z ., & c ; D . W . Finney , P . M ., M . E . Z .-clect , & c . ; W . S . Hawkins , W . Pollett , E . Auckland , R . Brieriey , E .
Roberts , T . Thistlethwaite , John Wood , T . Domville , J . Parry , IT . Iloult , S . J . Butcher , J . Cassidy , P . Worthington , J . Barlow , W . Rcid , C . Langridge , and J . Hannah . The lodge was opened by the W . M . and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Several gentlemen , were accepted by the lodge in the usual way , and , being in attendance , were initiated by the
W . M ., assisted by Bros . Bowrs and Richardson ; Bro . Finney delivered the ancient charge . The ceremoneis concluded , the W . M . made the usual appeal from the chair . Bro . Brieriey rose and proposed , " That the regular meetings of the lodge be held on the second Tuesday in each month , instead of the second Monday as hitherto . " This proposition having been seconded , was unanimously carried . One reason for the change is that Tuesday
evening is found more convenient for a majority of the brethren to attend lo Masonic duties than Monday , and , secondly , the meetings of the R . A . Chapter are fixed for Monday . The Hon . Sec . was instructed lo order refreshments to be served after labour on the next regular meeting . Nothing further being proposed for the good of Masonry in general , of the G . G L . in particular , it was duly closed , and the brethren separated in perfect harmony .
BIUGHOUSE , YORKSHIRE . —Enghouse Lodge , No . 1301 . —The second monthly meeting for rS 7 r , took place on February 15 th , at the Masonic Rooms . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., and the minutes of the last meeting were confirmed . Bros . Sunderland and Spice were passed
to the second degree . A candidate was proposed for initiation , and after some other business had been transacted , the XV . M . suggested that an instruction nightshould be held every Monday evening at 7 . 30 ; this was seconded by Bro . J . Sugden , and carried unanimously . The lodge was then closed in peace and harmony .
Royal Arch.
LEICESTER . —Chapter of Fortitude , No . 279 . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 23 rd nil ., when there were present : Companions L . A . Clarke , M . K . / .. ; George II . Hodges , II . ; George Toller , jun ., J . ; William Kelly ( Prov . G .
Supt . ) , P . / C . and Treas . ; C . Stretlon , E . ; Uev . Charles , J . K . Smith , N . ; S . S . Partridge , P . S . ; XV . Sculthorpc , A . S . ; I ' .. J . Crow , Org ., and others . Visitor : Comp . Needham ( Rugby ) . There were four candidates due for exaltation , one of whom only , Bro . Alfred Layton , W . M ., No . 181 , London , presented himself , who was duly
exalted , after which the historical and symbolical lectures were delivered by Comp . Toller , J ., and the mystical by the P . G . Supt . The following were elccled as the officers for the ensuing year , \\ i . : George If . Hodges , M . K . Z . ; Toller , II . ; Rev . Charles , J . E . Smith ( Rugby School ) , J . ; Strelton , E . ; Partridge , N . ; Crow . P . S . ; Kelly , Treas . ; L . A . Clarke , P . / .., and Partridge , Stewards ; and
Bembiidgc , Janitor . A favourable report was made on the Tieasuicr ' s accounts , and a vote of thanks passed to Comp . Kelly , P . G . Supt ., for his services in that office for the past leu years . Seven candidates were proposed , vi / . : ihe Right Hon . Karl of Ferrers , Sir Henry St . John Halford , Bart ., and the W . M . and four P . M . ' s o ' f the Lodge of Rectitude , Rugby , after which the chapter was elo'ed , and the Companions adjourned to refreshment .
Mark Masonry.
• METROPOLITAN . Northumberland Lodge , No . 11 S . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge was held at Freemasons' Tavern , W . C ., on Monday , February 20 th , by dispensation from ihe M . W . G . M . M ., it being other than the usual place at
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
out the principles of Freemasonry ; for , after all , it was hot the correct rendering of the ritual according to the dicta of this or that preceptor , but following the grand principles of brotherly love relief , and truth , which were the brightest ornaments , of Freemasonry and its truest landmarks . He ( Bro . Francis ) was pioud that His picture had found a home in a lodge Bro . S . Bartcn Wilson had
consecrated . He thanked Bro . Poynter for the chaste and elegant inscription in the language of old Rome he had appended to it , and hoped it would be transmitted as a heirloom in the Burgoyne Lodge . —The W . M . then proposed " The Health of the Installing Master , Bro . Thomas . "—Bro . Thomas , in returning thanks , said he had that evening the pleasure to place one of his pupils in
the chair of K . S . He thanked the P . M . 's for their kindness in allowing him that pleasure , as he was sure many of them were quite capable of performing the ceremony . — The toast of the " Masonic Charities " was then given , coupled with the name of Bro . Poynter . —Bro . Poynter returned thanks . —The toast of the "Officers" was duly responded to , and the Tyler ' s toast wound up a very
. agreeable evening , and enlivened by the excellent singing of Bro . Rogers ami others . The trial from Pickwick was given with admirable gusto by Bro . Smith . Si . John of Wapping Lodge , JVO . 1306 . —The election meeting of this young and most flourishing lodge was held on Wednesday , the Sth inst ., at the Gun Hotel , Highstreet , Wapping . Bro . W . Mann . W . M ., presided .
There were present : Bros . Bartlett , S . W . ; D . D . Beck , J . W . ; Rev . R . Gordon , Chap . ; 11 . Carpenler , P . M ., Sec . ; F . W . Dawson , S . D . ; J . Pearson , T . Willets , J . Mann , E . Frost , XV . Beck , IT . Fountain , A . XV . Coleman , & c . The visitors were Bros . T . Mortlock , P . M . 186 , and F . Walters , W . M . 1309 . The work done was passing Bro . G . Sweetenham and initiating Mr . R . Jeary . As usual with the W . M ., he did his work in an
admirable manner . The elections were unanimous in favour of Bro . Bartlett as W . M . ; Bro . XX ' . Mann , Treas . ; and Bro . Longstaff , Tyler . It was carried unanimously"That a five-guinea Past Master ' s jewel be presented lo Bro . W . Mann for his great services to the lodge . " The same will be accompanied by another testimonial subscribed for by the members of the lodge . The lodge was then closed , and no banquet was held on the occasion .
PROVINCIAL . HULL . —tlumbcr Lodge , . No 57 . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at . Freemasons' Hall , on Tuesday , 21 st February , Bro . William Tesseyman , W . M ., in the chair . After two candidates' had been ballotted for , accepted , and initiated , a report was read by the Secretary , showing that the annual charity ball in connection
with this lodge had in every respect been a complete success , and that the net balance arising therefrom amounted to , £ 25 iSs . rod . The Committee of Management , after gratefully referring to the assistance and patronage received from their non-Masonic friends , rccommsnded that in acknowledgment thereof that a donation of £ 1 is . be given to each of the following local
charities , viz ., the General Sailors' Orphan Home , the Port of Hull Sailors' Orphan Home , and the Hull Branch of the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Benevolent Society . It was recommended that , in order to endow the two Deacons' chairs ( the Master ' s and Senior and Junior Wardens' chairs having already been endowed ) , the sum of ten guineas be presented to the Masonic
School for Boys , the sum of £ 2 2 s . be paid to the freemasons' Life Boat , and the balance ( £ 10 3 s . rod ) to be paid to the credit of a special reserve fund for Masonic charities . At the same lodge , Bro . Coalesworth , P . M ., in an eloquent speech , on behalf of the officers and members , presented to the I . P . M ., Bro . William Needier , an elegant and chaste gold Past Master ' s jewel , with suitable inscription engraved thereon , as a mark of their esteem of
him as a Mason , and also of their appreciation of the great exertions he had used for the general good of the lodge during his year of office . After Bro . Needier had , in a very neat and feeling speech , thanked the brethren for their kind and beautiful gift , the lodge was closed in due form . Subsequently the brethren , " numbering upwards of fifty , sat down to refreshment , and for a limited period enjoyed themselves in ihe most fraternal manner .
ROCHDALE , — f . ody of LLarmony , No . 298 . — 'flic ordinary monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Ann-siicct . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Robert Howard , assisted by his officers and brethren , when the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed , and a ballot was taken for Mr . Thomas Loi-d , which proving unanimous in his favour , that
gentleman was duly initiated by Bro . Prince , P . P . G . S . D . The address was delivered by Bro . Richard llankinson , P . M . of Newa'l Lodge , No . 1134 ; the working tools were given by the W . M . of 29 S ; and the charge , ix ., by liro . Fothergill , W . M . of n 29—the whole ceremony being very ably performed . Bro . Noble was passed to Ihe
degree of a F . C . by Bro . Ilokoyd , P . M . A sum of jfio 10 s . was voted to tiie Boys' School , and the labours of the evening being ended , the W . M ., inclosing the lodge , said he bail had great pleasure in receiving the hearty congratulations of Lodges 226 , 363 , 1055 , 1129 , 1134 , r . U 5 i and also of the P . G . Lodges of Fast Lancashire and West Yorkshire .
OXFORD . — .- / /* . ir , i ! vers ; ty Lodge , No . 357 . —The annual festival of this very distinguished lodge was held on Tuesday , February 21 si , in consequence of the regular day of meeting being Ash Wednesday . Present : Bros . J . Ileathcole Wyndliam , M . A ., Fellow of Merton College , the retiring W . M . ; the Rev . Edmund Jcrmyn ,
M . A ., Christ Church , W . M .-elect ; the Rev . W . F . Short , M . A ., Bellow of New College , P . M ., G . Chap . ; Cameron Churchill , Worcester College , S . W . ; Reginald Bird , Fellow of Magdalen , J . W . ; W . Gardiner / Exeter , and Fred . P . MJITCII . M . ' . l ., St . John ' s , Sees . ; Lord Burleigh , Oriel , S . D . ; Jules Buc , M . A ., Magdalen , and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Vital de Tivoli , M . C . 's ; W . W . Harrison , M . A ., Bensmore , P . M ., & c . ; John Blandy Jenkins , P . M . ; Richard J . Spiers , P . G . S . B ., D . P . G . M . Oxon ; II . W . Hemsworth , W . M . 190 ; and many other distinguished , members of the Craft . There was no business except the installation , which ceremony was performed in a masterly style by that most experienced brother , Richard J . Spiers ,
who for so many years has occupied the proud position of Deputy Grand Master to this province , to the universal satisfaction of every member of the Craft . The Rev . Edmund Jcrmyn , of Christ Church , was duly installed , and the officers nominated by him were welcomed with unanimous applause . The brethren ( about seventy in number ) , after the ceremony , adjourned to a splendid
banquet provided at the Clarendon Hotel . The usual toasts were given , and followed by most appropriate glees , & c- an excellent choir attending the banquet . — " The Health of the Visitors" was responded to by Bro . IT . W . ITcmsworth , W . M . 190 ( formerly of Brasenose College ) , who , alluding to the glee appropriated to this toast—viz ., "No Time can Change my Love for Thee " ( Schneider )
—expressed the feeling which had come over him on hearing so prophetic an allusion to . himself . He deeply regretted that he had not joined the Apollo Lodge when he was a resident at the University ; but Masonry at that time was little known there . In fact , although the first meeting of this lodgehad been held in his own college , he had never heard of its existence until after he had left
residence . He congratulated the W . M . on his attaining the distinguished position , which he occupied in succession to so many great Masons ; and assured him that he himself would prefer being W . M . of the Apollo Lodge to holding the highest office in Grand Lodge . —The Rev . Past Master
Short , Grand Chaplain , made some very kind and feeling remarks on the loss the lodge had sustained by the decease of Bro . Lamert , P . M ., and also upon the pleasure which he felt in seeing so many provincial and city lodges represented , which for some years had not been the case .
RoTHERHA . tr . —Pktenix Lodge , No . 904 . —The annual meeting of the above lodge was held in the lodge-room at the Ship Hotel , on Thursday , the 24 th ult . The lodge was opened at 530 p . m . by the W . M ., Bro . C . IT . Pcrrot , assisted by Ids officers as follows : Bros . Saville , S . W . ; Hutchinson , J . W . ; Foote , Sec ; Garnett , S . D . ( pro tern . ); Fawcett , J . D . : and Shillito , I . G . There
was a good attendance of brethren , amongst whom we noticed : Bros . Oxley , P . M . and Treas . ; Needham , P . M . ; W . Smith , & c . The visitors were : Bros . Pfeifschmidt , W . M . 1239 ; II . J . Garnett , P . M . 139 and 1239 ; II . Matthews , P . M . 1239 ; and Harvey , Org . 1239 . The minutes having been read and confirmed , the brethren proceeded to the election of Treasurer ; also
a Charity Steward to represent the lodge in the Charity Committee of the Province of West Yorkshire ; ami several other matters of formal business . Bro . Oxley , P . M . and P . P . G . R ., was unanimously re-elected to the offices of Treasurer and Charity Steward . Bro . Walter Smith proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Oxley for his past services as Treasurer , and more especially for his
zealous labours in the sacred cause of charity , which was passed with acclamation . The \ V . M . then requested Bro . Oxley , P . M ., to take the chair , to whom he presented Bro . Dr . Saville , S . W . and W . M .-elect , for the purpose of being installed in the chair of K . S . The beautiful ceremony was worked in such a correct , able , and impressive manner as to elicit the warmest approval from
the whole of the visitors and brethren . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : Bros . Permit , I . P . M . ; Hutchinson , S . W . ; Dr . Foote , J . W . ; Oxley , Treas . ; Walter Smith , Sec ; Fawcett , S . D . ; Shillito , J . D . ; Dawson , I . G . ; Slinn and Redgrave , Stewards ; and Chester , Tyler . All business having been disposed of , the lodge was duly closed , and the brethren
adjourned lo a most sumptuous repast , presided over by the W . M ., Bro . Dr . Saville . After the cloth had been cleared , and all duly charged in the west and south , the W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were most heartily received . — -Bro . Oxley , P . M ., then gave the toast of the evening , "The W . M . of the 1 'ho'iiix Lodge , Bro . Saville , " saying it had been his good fortune
to have the privilege of installing many brethren as Masters of that lodge , but he had never experienced such pleasure as 011 that occasion—having installed one whom he had long known as a friend , one who , he was sine , would . sustain the dignity of the high office he was now placed in , and unc who would discharge the various duties that office imposed upon him with credit to himself
and satisfaction to the lodge . ( The toast was most heartily received , anil with the lion nits . )—The W . M . replied in a very effective and exhaustive speech , which was loudly applauded . The following toasts were then given : "The I . P . M . of Ihe Plia-nix Lodge , Bro . Perrolt , "
"The Installing Officer , Bro . Oxlev , " "The Visiting Brethren , " "The P . M . ' s of the Pno / nix Lodge , " "The Officers of the Phn-nix Lodge , " an . l "The Masonic Charities . " After spending a most enjoyable evening in a truly fraternal and Masonic manner , the brethren separated in peace and harmony .
KiKKiiv LONSDALE . — Cnaertey Lodge , . \ o . 1074 .- — This nourishing lodge held its regular meeting on the last Friday in February . Mure than ihe usual interest wa < excited on the occasion , in cons .-qnoiice of its being the first meeling held in the new Masonic Rooms , situate in the Market-place , which had been very tastefully decorated , and arc well adapted for Masonic purposes . Bro .
William James , W . M . and Prov . G . S ., occupied the chair of K . S ., supported by Bros . Dodd , f . P . M ., P . G . S . B ., H . 995 , & c . ; Rev . Canon Ware , P . P . G . C ., S . W . ; Thomas Wearing , J . W . ; Dr . Page , S . D . ; W . Smith , Sec ; II . Brayshaw , I . G . ; IT . Ranthmell , P . G . D . C . ; & c . After balloting for Bro . C . Ray as a joining member . which was unanimously favourable , Bro . Dodd assumed the chair , and Bro . J . W . Hindsou hcing a candidate foi
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the second degree , he was passed thereto , the W . M . presenting the working tools . Bro . Dodd afterwards gave the explanation on the tracing board of that degree . Bro . Canon Ware generously stated it to be his intention to transfer the eig ht life votes in the Royal Albert Idiot Asylum at present standing in his name , and purchased with the proceeds of the collection in the Parish Church
on the occasion of the installation of the Earl of Bective ( then Lord Kenlis ) , to the W . M . of the Underley Lodge for the time being . Two joining members were proposed , and after notice of motion lo change the day of meeting from the last Friday to the first Thursday had been given , the lodge was closed according to ancient custom , and the brethren and visitors adjourned to partake of some slight refreshment by way of a housewarming .
SCARBOROUGH . —Dcnison Lodge , No . 124 b . —I his lodge held its regular meeting in the lodge-rooms , Grand Hotel , on Thursday , the 91 I 1 of February The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . S . H . Armitage , M . D ., assisted by his officers . After the confirmation of the ministers , one brother was elected as a joining member , when Bro . J . W . Woodall , P . M ., P . P . G . J . W ., took the
reins of Installing Master , and installed Bro . W . F . Rookc , P . M ., P . P . G . J . W . ( the Mayor of Scarbro' ) as the W . M . for the ensuingyear , who appointed thefollowing as his officers : —Bros . J . Donner , S . W . ; J . Green , J . XV . ; J . Kitchin , Treas . ; A . Fricour , Sec . ; N . IT . Delamare , S . D . ;
G . Taylor , J . D . ; U . SHmon , Org . ; F . Foster , I . G . ; J . Verity , Tyler . The lodge was now closed in clue form , and the brethren , about 30 in number , partook of the annual banquet . The tables were most sumptuously supplied with every delicacy ; the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were drank , and a very agreeable evening spent .
WARRINGTON" . —Gilbert Grecnall Lodge , No . 1250 . — The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , on the 13 thult . The W . M . presided , and was supported by the following brethren , viz ., : XV . Richardson , W . M . 14 S ; John Bowes , P . M ., P . Z ., & c ; D . W . Finney , P . M ., M . E . Z .-clect , & c . ; W . S . Hawkins , W . Pollett , E . Auckland , R . Brieriey , E .
Roberts , T . Thistlethwaite , John Wood , T . Domville , J . Parry , IT . Iloult , S . J . Butcher , J . Cassidy , P . Worthington , J . Barlow , W . Rcid , C . Langridge , and J . Hannah . The lodge was opened by the W . M . and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Several gentlemen , were accepted by the lodge in the usual way , and , being in attendance , were initiated by the
W . M ., assisted by Bros . Bowrs and Richardson ; Bro . Finney delivered the ancient charge . The ceremoneis concluded , the W . M . made the usual appeal from the chair . Bro . Brieriey rose and proposed , " That the regular meetings of the lodge be held on the second Tuesday in each month , instead of the second Monday as hitherto . " This proposition having been seconded , was unanimously carried . One reason for the change is that Tuesday
evening is found more convenient for a majority of the brethren to attend lo Masonic duties than Monday , and , secondly , the meetings of the R . A . Chapter are fixed for Monday . The Hon . Sec . was instructed lo order refreshments to be served after labour on the next regular meeting . Nothing further being proposed for the good of Masonry in general , of the G . G L . in particular , it was duly closed , and the brethren separated in perfect harmony .
BIUGHOUSE , YORKSHIRE . —Enghouse Lodge , No . 1301 . —The second monthly meeting for rS 7 r , took place on February 15 th , at the Masonic Rooms . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., and the minutes of the last meeting were confirmed . Bros . Sunderland and Spice were passed
to the second degree . A candidate was proposed for initiation , and after some other business had been transacted , the XV . M . suggested that an instruction nightshould be held every Monday evening at 7 . 30 ; this was seconded by Bro . J . Sugden , and carried unanimously . The lodge was then closed in peace and harmony .
Royal Arch.
LEICESTER . —Chapter of Fortitude , No . 279 . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 23 rd nil ., when there were present : Companions L . A . Clarke , M . K . / .. ; George II . Hodges , II . ; George Toller , jun ., J . ; William Kelly ( Prov . G .
Supt . ) , P . / C . and Treas . ; C . Stretlon , E . ; Uev . Charles , J . K . Smith , N . ; S . S . Partridge , P . S . ; XV . Sculthorpc , A . S . ; I ' .. J . Crow , Org ., and others . Visitor : Comp . Needham ( Rugby ) . There were four candidates due for exaltation , one of whom only , Bro . Alfred Layton , W . M ., No . 181 , London , presented himself , who was duly
exalted , after which the historical and symbolical lectures were delivered by Comp . Toller , J ., and the mystical by the P . G . Supt . The following were elccled as the officers for the ensuing year , \\ i . : George If . Hodges , M . K . Z . ; Toller , II . ; Rev . Charles , J . E . Smith ( Rugby School ) , J . ; Strelton , E . ; Partridge , N . ; Crow . P . S . ; Kelly , Treas . ; L . A . Clarke , P . / .., and Partridge , Stewards ; and
Bembiidgc , Janitor . A favourable report was made on the Tieasuicr ' s accounts , and a vote of thanks passed to Comp . Kelly , P . G . Supt ., for his services in that office for the past leu years . Seven candidates were proposed , vi / . : ihe Right Hon . Karl of Ferrers , Sir Henry St . John Halford , Bart ., and the W . M . and four P . M . ' s o ' f the Lodge of Rectitude , Rugby , after which the chapter was elo'ed , and the Companions adjourned to refreshment .
Mark Masonry.
• METROPOLITAN . Northumberland Lodge , No . 11 S . —An emergency meeting of this Lodge was held at Freemasons' Tavern , W . C ., on Monday , February 20 th , by dispensation from ihe M . W . G . M . M ., it being other than the usual place at