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LONDON AND SUBURBAN MUTUAL BUILDING-SOCIETY , Enrolled in 1855 , pursuant to Act of Parliament . SHARES , £ ? $ each , may be paid in one sum , or by Monthly Subscriptions of 5 s . per share . INVESTING MEMBERS receive 5 per cent . Interest , and Share of Surplus Profits . MONEY ADVANCED ON MORTGAGE , without Premium , f any term of years . Bro . JONATHAN TAYLOR ( Doric 933 ) . Secretary . Offices : —107 a , FEKCHUKCH STISKET , E . C .
THE BIRKBECK Is the only BUILDING SOCIETY whose Annual Receipts exceed ONE MILLION ! How to Purchase a House Tivo Guineas per Month , With IMMEDIATE POSSESSION and NO RENT TO PAY . Apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . Hon to purchase a Plot of Land for Five Shillings per month With Immediate Posscssion , eitherfor Building or Gardening Purposes , apply at the Oir . ce of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chanccn ' -lane . How to invest Money with safety at £ 4 . per cent , fntcrest , Apply to the Office of the BIRKBECK BANK . All sums under ^ 50 repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Bankers . Cheque Books supplied . Office hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from 10 till 9 , and on Saturdays from 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT . Manicer .
THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON . X AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY , 1 , Dale-stvect , Liverpool ; Cornhill and Charing-cross , London . Fire Insurances at current rates . Annuities on favourable terms . Life Ass ranees n liberal conditions . To the Assured who pay a Bonus Premium , the BONUSES ARE GUARANTEED , and set forth on the Policy as part of the Contract . AUGUSTUS HENDRIKS , Actuary and Res . Sec .
MONEY . —LOANS granted froin ^ ioo to . £ 2 , at s per cent ., repayable over three years , on personal security and life policy effected with the WEST OF ENGLAND INSURANCE COMPANY . ( Established 1 S 07 . ) Apply to the Superintendent or Agents . Bro . J . CROCKER , Gateshead-on-Tyne . Agents wanted .
MONEY , in large or small amounts , and for long or short periods , with or without a life policy , readily obtainable at the NATIONAL GUARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY ( Limited ) , No . 48 . 1 , Oxlord-street , W . C . THOS . BOURNE , Res . Sec .
MONEY promptly ADVANCED on personal or available security . A moderate interest , repayable by instalments . Stamp for reply . REAL and PERSONAL ADVANCE COMPANY" ( Limited ) , 3 , Tavistock -. street , Covcm-garden , and 14 , Southampton-row , llloomsbury . P . J . "HARVEY , Sec .
To Ironmongers . WANTED , by a M . M ., as » cd 26 , a SITUATION as Manager or Assistant . Six years' managing ; experience ; a practical knowledge of working trade : used to workmen . —W . P ., j 12 , High-street , CJapham .
WANTED an ESTIMATE for FURNISHING a Masonic Lodge with every thing" necessary , both Jewels and Furniture . —J . Jackson , Town Hall , Leigh .
EVANS , SON , & COMPANY , Stove , Crate , and Kitchen Range Manufacturers , Hot Water and Gas Engineers , Manufacturing and Furnishing I rniunongers , 33 & 34 , KING WILLIAM STREET , LONDON BRIDGE .
"TRUTH MUST PKEVAII .. "—Common Sense . Lumps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders mid Fire Irons , Electroplate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . D . PARR , General House-Furnishing Ironmonger , 4 ? , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , ' OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY ttooi ) Articles at fair and reasonable juices . He does no t keep 311 ' * ImmtMiM * Stock , " but M'J TICJK . NTI . Y I . AI «; K for any rerson to select from , lie does not sell " cheaper thaw every other hous , * in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as ANY . A visit will , at all times , ve very much /> A > ranted .
Bro . DAVID BLISS , 22 & 23 , NEW CUT . LAMIIIiTII , AM , EAGLE JIKASS WORKS NEW" ST ., SHORT ST ., S . K ., M . vmi ' acturcr o Gas Lamps , Chandelier ; , Hydraulic , Steam anil Gas i'ittin ^ s ; Plumbers' Cocks , Ihuss WuiU , and Chisels ; lli .-li Pressure Dili , Slop , and K <| iiiHlii'im-. i I ' . all Valves ; Miect Zinc , Composition and Lead Pipe . Licen-cd Victuallers' I ' civ icier . // Materials for UuiUers and Gas Engineers kept in Slue /; .
Rose Croix Tracing Beards , five Guineas the Pair . MASONIC DEPOT , 5 , .,, and .,, LITTLE LK 1 TAIX .
MASONIC PERFUME , Emblematicall y Arranged / or Craft and Royal Jrch , WHOLESALE ANU KKTA 1 L G . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT , LITTLE BRITAIN .
TESSELATED CARPETING , FOR Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c , Four Feet wide , 5 / - per Yard , Or 4 / - per Square Yard , made up . MASONIC DEPOT , LITTLE BRITAIN .
HE A . J & M O 1 ST IXI -M . S , SALE OR HIRE , For Lodges , Chapels , Schools and Families , PRICES from , £ 4 to , £ 50 . G , CAMP , 215 , STANHorE ST ., MORNINGTON CRESCENT , N . W .
Bro . JAMES STEVENS , ( 25 , 720 , 1216 , & C . ) Auctioneer and Surveyor , House and Estate Agent , < S * v 9 , CLOAK LANE , CUT , E . C , & CLAPHAM COMMON , S . Valuations for Probate and Legacy Duties . Agent to the Imperial Fire and Life Insurance Offices .
Agent for the Masonic Life Inswance . BRO . JOSEPH WOOD , MASONIC CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , > 8 a , NORTON STREET , LIVERPOOL . JEWELS , CLOTHING , and every requisite for j all degrees in Freemasonry , at prices not to be surpassed by any house in England . M . M . ' -. Aprnns , from 10 / 6 each . Lodge Furniture made to order . Ag-- i ' or Kemiing ' s Masonic Candles , Note Paper and Envelopes , -, ' umcs , & c , Sec . Advertisements received for "THE FKEEMASON . "
CIX CARTES DE V I S I T E , is . Sd . ; K _/ Twelve , 2 s . 8 d . Carte enlarged to JO inches , 5 s . ; _ Cabinet size , 2 s . Send Carte with stamps . Perfect copies and original returned free . LONDON PHOTOGRAPHIC COPYING COMPANY Offices : —304 , Regent Street , W ., and 40 , High Holbom , W . C . LODGES , CHAPTERS and ENCAMPMENTS Photographed at the Company ' s Studio , 16 and 17 , Warwick Comt , adjoining 40 , HighHolborn . Dro . I * . S . D . PHILLIPS , Manager .
SPORRANS . No . 1 , —Goat-skin Sporran , with ornament on top .. 5 / 0 No . 2 . —Ditto , ,, = nd size 5 / 6 No . 3 . —Ditto , same size as No . 1 , with bells and chain on ornament .. .. .. 7 / 0 No . 4 . —Ditto , same size as No . 2 , with cantle , bells , and chains on ornament .. .. S / 6 Xo . 5 . —Ditto , same size as No . 2 , with cantle , bells , and chains , and ornament .. ,. 0 / 0 No . 6 . —Ditto , same size as No . 2 , with engraved lop , cantle , bells , and chains .. .. n / o IH . ACK , WIIITK njt ( IKKV , AS DI-StREP . Ait assarted quantity if Badges en Sporrans at prices as alive . IN STOCK AT Kenning ' s Military Warehouse , ¦ j 3 * . ( , LITTLE nRlTAlN .
MASONIC MUSIC IN STOCK AT 15 KO . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . THE I- 'ED CROSS SONG ; compo .-c . lby Bro . II . P ' . KKKI . . words by l » rt \ K . W . l . iTn . r . ... ... ... j / u WHAT 11 ETTEK THEME THAN' MASONRY ? words hy ilr . i . J AMKS STKVKVN ; IIIUMC by Jl .. i WII . IIKI . M l : \ S 7 . ... ... ... ... ... ... , (/ u BROTHERLY LOVE , RE I . IKE At ' 1 RUTH ; written l ! u > . J . H . Sltwitl . l , ; composed i > y l ' -ro . J . HnoDKS ... 4 / 0 THE E 1 NAL TOAST : v .-jittLii l , yl ) . L . KICIIAKD .-OX ; nuwc by l ! r . t . EuwiN J . LKOV . ... ... ... - / 0 THK K . A . . ' -OXG ; arranged by the l . itc Bro . P-l ' . lcV , of liu- * ' Lode , e of Anlhpl . ty , ' No . . ! ... ... o / j Til :-: MASONIC SERVICE ; by J . C . KAKUI :, NO . -p i / o MAMJNIC HAUMOXIA ,: / G MAJONIC . Ml ' . SIC , com-. ileil for ill- use of the ' Mcr . diams J . « J „; c , ' No . ' ¦ - •¦!' , W Jir " - J- JI- Yor . vr ,. Hl'MiAN i ... ... ... ... ... o / . } THE ERE EM A SON fl ' cll mc llic s-isn Jolui ) : wnltcn by Or . OkGK l'AI . MHN ... ... ... ... ,: / o THREE TIMES 'i'HREE : composed by li .-o . IIAKJ . - WAV , " i < oyal York Lou ' ijc , " IJrigblon ... ... , ;/ u THE . SHAKE OK THE HANI ) ( i .. G . ll : d 1 ! Il . it ); composod by J IJLOCKI . ICV ... ... ... 3 / 0 THE FREEMASON'S FESTIVAL MARCH AND MASONIC HYMN , by I ro . V , li . TOUM-TT ( l'ast M . i-tcr of 1 lie 'Temple Lodyc , " No . oi <> , Ko ketone ... ... ... ... ... ;;/ o THE K ; : I : E . MAS 0 N QUADRILLES : hsaibel ( by pcrniission ) t > the Right Hon . the Earl oc Grey and 1 < |) on , K , G : by lire JOKMI / A MAKSOALI . ( i' . G . U ., \\'( . ¦ ^ t Yorksbiic ) , Soto or Duett ... ... ... 4 / 0 I
For Cheap Watches , Clocks , Gold Chains and feweltcry , go to KIBBLES ' , 22 , GRACECHURCH STREET ( one door from Lombard-street ) , and 51 , LUDGATE HILL ( opposite the Old Bailey ) . Gold Watches .. .. .. .. .. £ ? 15 s Silver W ' atche .. .. .. .. .. jji 5 s . Timepieces .. .. .. .. .. from gs . 6 d . Every article warranted . Plate , Watches and Jewellery bought or exchanged . List of Prices post free
BRO . REEVES , SON & Co ., Trade Lithographers , Engravers & ° Dic-Sinkcrs , PLAYHOUSE YARD , BLACKFRIARS , LONDON , E . C . Book of Specimens and Prices forwarded on receipt of 24 stamps .
Bro . JAMES B . SLY , Heraldic , Monogram and Device Engrave-, Die-Sinker , and Draughtsman to ihe Trade . Maker of Gilt Pierced Monograms , and Masonic Emblems in S ° 'd , silver or metal , 9 , RATHBONE PLACE . LONDON , W . Sample Sheets of Die-sinking for Note Paper , supplied free .
To Picture - Frame Dealers and Decorators . A REDUCTION of Ten to Twenty per cent . on every description of Picture Frames , Room Mouldings . aJ-2-inch Maple , 18 s . ; 2-inch ditto , 14 s . ; jJ 4-inch ditto , io * . per dozen , 12 ft . lengths . A large assortment of Engravings , Cromos , Lithographs , 30 by 24 , 50 s . per 100 , for country dealers and exportation . For Trade Lists send stamped directed envelope to H . MORRELL , 18 , Great St . Andrew-street , Bloomsbury , London . Warehouse , No . 30 opposite . Old Frames re-GUt . Orders promptly attended to .
GLENFIELD STARCH is the only kind used in Her Majesty ' s Laundry . THOSE LADIES who have not yet used the GI . EN * I ' IBI . D STARCH , are respectfully solicited to give it a trial , and carefully follow out the directions printed on every package . It is rather more diffcitlt to make than other Starches , but when this is overcome , they will say , like the Queen ' s Laundress , that it is the finest Starch they ever used . When you ask for tfa GlenficM , see that yon get it .
Science must Concfuer . NATURE'S CURATIVE . ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISMCURE YOURSELF by the ELECTRIC & MAGNETIC SELE-ADJUSTING CURATIVE . SUFFERERS from Nervous Ailments , Indigestion , Debility , Weakness , & c , CAN NOW CURE THEMSELVES by the only " GUAKANTr . ED KKMiirjy" in Europe , protected and sanctioned by the Faculty . Free for one Stamp , by W . TENNER , Esq ., S . M . ( Member College , & c ) , I'ERCY HOUSE , IJEDFOED SQ ., LONDON . N . H .--Medicines and Fees superseded , ( Rlil'EltliN'Cli TO THK I . EAIJlNt ; PHYSICIANS OK THK DAY . ) A TEST GRATIS .-Send for Details . CAUTION . —N . B . 'flu ' s is the ouly achno-. vledgcd Curative Ap-/>/ iiincc as in use in the various Uos / 'itals and recognised by the Medical faculty of Great Hritain , and none are genuine unless had direct from Mr , Ivalter fciuicr ; li'lio cautions the public against a person nsing his name , and imitating his discoveries . Vide Prize Medal and Hospital Reports .
/^ ALVANISAr .-PULVERMACHER'S Monthly V _ J Kl-XOKD of CUKKS U now ready ior the benefit of sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable cures effected by Pl'I . Vr . IOLM iMCIt ' s I . Ml'KOVi : i > PATKNT SKU ' -AtTLICAHUI Vot . TAKU-XTKIC CHAIN DANPS and Pncici-vr IIATI KUIKS , and may be had on application to th « Soli inventor and Patentee , J . L . I ' t'LVKHMAtHHK , zoo , Regent-street , London , W . A test on loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious electric appliances bcinj ; advertised by Quack l ") nctors , 1 ' alients should consult Pulvermachcr ' s Pamphlet on ( hat subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for rlio . e Miflerin ;; from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functional l ) i > oidei \ s ( iS : c , & e .
WEAK or Uufcctivc SIGHT . —SPECTACLES scientifically adapted to remedy impaired vision b * Mr . Acl-. land , surgeon , dnily , at HORNK and THORNTHWAlVE'S , Opt'ciaus to the Queen , 127 and 123 . Newgate-street , J ^ ondon . SLMUI six stamps fur "Ackland's Hints ou ^ Spectacles , " which contains valuable suggestions lo . sufferers from imperfect sight .
VOUNC'S ARNMCATED CORN AND X JlUN ' 'IN PLAISTKRS arc the best ever invented for ijivimj immediate HSC , and rcmoviu ;; tlviM : p . unfid excrescences . Price Cd . and is . per box . May be Ind ofinu ^ t cliemists . Obsrrvfr tin . * trade mark . — II V—uithuiit winch none arc genuine . IJ-jMi f and ask for YOUNC'S .
R * " U P T V R K S , & c—iMr . S . KNOTTLEY , Seventeen Vcars at WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS MANUKACJ'ORV , bc ^ s to inform the Public he is comiiiiMicim ; business himself , and trusts that , with strict attention and his lung experience , lie will merit the same patronage as his late employer . Price of . 1 Single Truss , 15 s . ami i . vs . ; post ^ c , is . sd , Don Me ditto , £ 1 ios . ; postage , is . jod . Umbilical Truss , £ 1 10 s . : postage , is . lod . On best construction only . Pust-officc Orders made payable to SILAS KNOTTLKV , Post-office , Piccadilly . L 7 LASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE CAPS , & c . S-1 J Hells of every description , Trusses , Suspensory Bandages , at equally low prices , and every Surgical Appliance made to order . Mrs . K ., twenty years in the same / inn , personally attends ladies . IV""nt A'liln- it SILAS KNOTTI . UY , 44 , Creat Windmill-street , I ! . lY . ii . irket , I < i '"> -
Priii ' 'd by Jirothcr J AMKS AIM-KV KI : I : \ IS AND SON , Playhouse \ . rd , IJIaclifrtars , in the Ciiy of London ; a ; id puMi-hed by the P . 'prielor , Urolhcr Giioliuii KICNNINU , .-. t his Ollices , : , 3 and 4 , L . ilc liritaiu , in the City of London . —SATUHUAV , M . UICII II , it , 1 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LONDON AND SUBURBAN MUTUAL BUILDING-SOCIETY , Enrolled in 1855 , pursuant to Act of Parliament . SHARES , £ ? $ each , may be paid in one sum , or by Monthly Subscriptions of 5 s . per share . INVESTING MEMBERS receive 5 per cent . Interest , and Share of Surplus Profits . MONEY ADVANCED ON MORTGAGE , without Premium , f any term of years . Bro . JONATHAN TAYLOR ( Doric 933 ) . Secretary . Offices : —107 a , FEKCHUKCH STISKET , E . C .
THE BIRKBECK Is the only BUILDING SOCIETY whose Annual Receipts exceed ONE MILLION ! How to Purchase a House Tivo Guineas per Month , With IMMEDIATE POSSESSION and NO RENT TO PAY . Apply at the Office of the BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chancery-lane . Hon to purchase a Plot of Land for Five Shillings per month With Immediate Posscssion , eitherfor Building or Gardening Purposes , apply at the Oir . ce of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY , 29 & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Chanccn ' -lane . How to invest Money with safety at £ 4 . per cent , fntcrest , Apply to the Office of the BIRKBECK BANK . All sums under ^ 50 repayable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Bankers . Cheque Books supplied . Office hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from 10 till 9 , and on Saturdays from 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT . Manicer .
THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON . X AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY , 1 , Dale-stvect , Liverpool ; Cornhill and Charing-cross , London . Fire Insurances at current rates . Annuities on favourable terms . Life Ass ranees n liberal conditions . To the Assured who pay a Bonus Premium , the BONUSES ARE GUARANTEED , and set forth on the Policy as part of the Contract . AUGUSTUS HENDRIKS , Actuary and Res . Sec .
MONEY . —LOANS granted froin ^ ioo to . £ 2 , at s per cent ., repayable over three years , on personal security and life policy effected with the WEST OF ENGLAND INSURANCE COMPANY . ( Established 1 S 07 . ) Apply to the Superintendent or Agents . Bro . J . CROCKER , Gateshead-on-Tyne . Agents wanted .
MONEY , in large or small amounts , and for long or short periods , with or without a life policy , readily obtainable at the NATIONAL GUARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY ( Limited ) , No . 48 . 1 , Oxlord-street , W . C . THOS . BOURNE , Res . Sec .
MONEY promptly ADVANCED on personal or available security . A moderate interest , repayable by instalments . Stamp for reply . REAL and PERSONAL ADVANCE COMPANY" ( Limited ) , 3 , Tavistock -. street , Covcm-garden , and 14 , Southampton-row , llloomsbury . P . J . "HARVEY , Sec .
To Ironmongers . WANTED , by a M . M ., as » cd 26 , a SITUATION as Manager or Assistant . Six years' managing ; experience ; a practical knowledge of working trade : used to workmen . —W . P ., j 12 , High-street , CJapham .
WANTED an ESTIMATE for FURNISHING a Masonic Lodge with every thing" necessary , both Jewels and Furniture . —J . Jackson , Town Hall , Leigh .
EVANS , SON , & COMPANY , Stove , Crate , and Kitchen Range Manufacturers , Hot Water and Gas Engineers , Manufacturing and Furnishing I rniunongers , 33 & 34 , KING WILLIAM STREET , LONDON BRIDGE .
"TRUTH MUST PKEVAII .. "—Common Sense . Lumps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders mid Fire Irons , Electroplate and Nickel-Silver Goods . R . D . PARR , General House-Furnishing Ironmonger , 4 ? , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , ' OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY ttooi ) Articles at fair and reasonable juices . He does no t keep 311 ' * ImmtMiM * Stock , " but M'J TICJK . NTI . Y I . AI «; K for any rerson to select from , lie does not sell " cheaper thaw every other hous , * in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as ANY . A visit will , at all times , ve very much /> A > ranted .
Bro . DAVID BLISS , 22 & 23 , NEW CUT . LAMIIIiTII , AM , EAGLE JIKASS WORKS NEW" ST ., SHORT ST ., S . K ., M . vmi ' acturcr o Gas Lamps , Chandelier ; , Hydraulic , Steam anil Gas i'ittin ^ s ; Plumbers' Cocks , Ihuss WuiU , and Chisels ; lli .-li Pressure Dili , Slop , and K <| iiiHlii'im-. i I ' . all Valves ; Miect Zinc , Composition and Lead Pipe . Licen-cd Victuallers' I ' civ icier . // Materials for UuiUers and Gas Engineers kept in Slue /; .
Rose Croix Tracing Beards , five Guineas the Pair . MASONIC DEPOT , 5 , .,, and .,, LITTLE LK 1 TAIX .
MASONIC PERFUME , Emblematicall y Arranged / or Craft and Royal Jrch , WHOLESALE ANU KKTA 1 L G . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT , LITTLE BRITAIN .
TESSELATED CARPETING , FOR Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c , Four Feet wide , 5 / - per Yard , Or 4 / - per Square Yard , made up . MASONIC DEPOT , LITTLE BRITAIN .
HE A . J & M O 1 ST IXI -M . S , SALE OR HIRE , For Lodges , Chapels , Schools and Families , PRICES from , £ 4 to , £ 50 . G , CAMP , 215 , STANHorE ST ., MORNINGTON CRESCENT , N . W .
Bro . JAMES STEVENS , ( 25 , 720 , 1216 , & C . ) Auctioneer and Surveyor , House and Estate Agent , < S * v 9 , CLOAK LANE , CUT , E . C , & CLAPHAM COMMON , S . Valuations for Probate and Legacy Duties . Agent to the Imperial Fire and Life Insurance Offices .
Agent for the Masonic Life Inswance . BRO . JOSEPH WOOD , MASONIC CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , > 8 a , NORTON STREET , LIVERPOOL . JEWELS , CLOTHING , and every requisite for j all degrees in Freemasonry , at prices not to be surpassed by any house in England . M . M . ' -. Aprnns , from 10 / 6 each . Lodge Furniture made to order . Ag-- i ' or Kemiing ' s Masonic Candles , Note Paper and Envelopes , -, ' umcs , & c , Sec . Advertisements received for "THE FKEEMASON . "
CIX CARTES DE V I S I T E , is . Sd . ; K _/ Twelve , 2 s . 8 d . Carte enlarged to JO inches , 5 s . ; _ Cabinet size , 2 s . Send Carte with stamps . Perfect copies and original returned free . LONDON PHOTOGRAPHIC COPYING COMPANY Offices : —304 , Regent Street , W ., and 40 , High Holbom , W . C . LODGES , CHAPTERS and ENCAMPMENTS Photographed at the Company ' s Studio , 16 and 17 , Warwick Comt , adjoining 40 , HighHolborn . Dro . I * . S . D . PHILLIPS , Manager .
SPORRANS . No . 1 , —Goat-skin Sporran , with ornament on top .. 5 / 0 No . 2 . —Ditto , ,, = nd size 5 / 6 No . 3 . —Ditto , same size as No . 1 , with bells and chain on ornament .. .. .. 7 / 0 No . 4 . —Ditto , same size as No . 2 , with cantle , bells , and chains on ornament .. .. S / 6 Xo . 5 . —Ditto , same size as No . 2 , with cantle , bells , and chains , and ornament .. ,. 0 / 0 No . 6 . —Ditto , same size as No . 2 , with engraved lop , cantle , bells , and chains .. .. n / o IH . ACK , WIIITK njt ( IKKV , AS DI-StREP . Ait assarted quantity if Badges en Sporrans at prices as alive . IN STOCK AT Kenning ' s Military Warehouse , ¦ j 3 * . ( , LITTLE nRlTAlN .
MASONIC MUSIC IN STOCK AT 15 KO . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . THE I- 'ED CROSS SONG ; compo .-c . lby Bro . II . P ' . KKKI . . words by l » rt \ K . W . l . iTn . r . ... ... ... j / u WHAT 11 ETTEK THEME THAN' MASONRY ? words hy ilr . i . J AMKS STKVKVN ; IIIUMC by Jl .. i WII . IIKI . M l : \ S 7 . ... ... ... ... ... ... , (/ u BROTHERLY LOVE , RE I . IKE At ' 1 RUTH ; written l ! u > . J . H . Sltwitl . l , ; composed i > y l ' -ro . J . HnoDKS ... 4 / 0 THE E 1 NAL TOAST : v .-jittLii l , yl ) . L . KICIIAKD .-OX ; nuwc by l ! r . t . EuwiN J . LKOV . ... ... ... - / 0 THK K . A . . ' -OXG ; arranged by the l . itc Bro . P-l ' . lcV , of liu- * ' Lode , e of Anlhpl . ty , ' No . . ! ... ... o / j Til :-: MASONIC SERVICE ; by J . C . KAKUI :, NO . -p i / o MAMJNIC HAUMOXIA ,: / G MAJONIC . Ml ' . SIC , com-. ileil for ill- use of the ' Mcr . diams J . « J „; c , ' No . ' ¦ - •¦!' , W Jir " - J- JI- Yor . vr ,. Hl'MiAN i ... ... ... ... ... o / . } THE ERE EM A SON fl ' cll mc llic s-isn Jolui ) : wnltcn by Or . OkGK l'AI . MHN ... ... ... ... ,: / o THREE TIMES 'i'HREE : composed by li .-o . IIAKJ . - WAV , " i < oyal York Lou ' ijc , " IJrigblon ... ... , ;/ u THE . SHAKE OK THE HANI ) ( i .. G . ll : d 1 ! Il . it ); composod by J IJLOCKI . ICV ... ... ... 3 / 0 THE FREEMASON'S FESTIVAL MARCH AND MASONIC HYMN , by I ro . V , li . TOUM-TT ( l'ast M . i-tcr of 1 lie 'Temple Lodyc , " No . oi <> , Ko ketone ... ... ... ... ... ;;/ o THE K ; : I : E . MAS 0 N QUADRILLES : hsaibel ( by pcrniission ) t > the Right Hon . the Earl oc Grey and 1 < |) on , K , G : by lire JOKMI / A MAKSOALI . ( i' . G . U ., \\'( . ¦ ^ t Yorksbiic ) , Soto or Duett ... ... ... 4 / 0 I
For Cheap Watches , Clocks , Gold Chains and feweltcry , go to KIBBLES ' , 22 , GRACECHURCH STREET ( one door from Lombard-street ) , and 51 , LUDGATE HILL ( opposite the Old Bailey ) . Gold Watches .. .. .. .. .. £ ? 15 s Silver W ' atche .. .. .. .. .. jji 5 s . Timepieces .. .. .. .. .. from gs . 6 d . Every article warranted . Plate , Watches and Jewellery bought or exchanged . List of Prices post free
BRO . REEVES , SON & Co ., Trade Lithographers , Engravers & ° Dic-Sinkcrs , PLAYHOUSE YARD , BLACKFRIARS , LONDON , E . C . Book of Specimens and Prices forwarded on receipt of 24 stamps .
Bro . JAMES B . SLY , Heraldic , Monogram and Device Engrave-, Die-Sinker , and Draughtsman to ihe Trade . Maker of Gilt Pierced Monograms , and Masonic Emblems in S ° 'd , silver or metal , 9 , RATHBONE PLACE . LONDON , W . Sample Sheets of Die-sinking for Note Paper , supplied free .
To Picture - Frame Dealers and Decorators . A REDUCTION of Ten to Twenty per cent . on every description of Picture Frames , Room Mouldings . aJ-2-inch Maple , 18 s . ; 2-inch ditto , 14 s . ; jJ 4-inch ditto , io * . per dozen , 12 ft . lengths . A large assortment of Engravings , Cromos , Lithographs , 30 by 24 , 50 s . per 100 , for country dealers and exportation . For Trade Lists send stamped directed envelope to H . MORRELL , 18 , Great St . Andrew-street , Bloomsbury , London . Warehouse , No . 30 opposite . Old Frames re-GUt . Orders promptly attended to .
GLENFIELD STARCH is the only kind used in Her Majesty ' s Laundry . THOSE LADIES who have not yet used the GI . EN * I ' IBI . D STARCH , are respectfully solicited to give it a trial , and carefully follow out the directions printed on every package . It is rather more diffcitlt to make than other Starches , but when this is overcome , they will say , like the Queen ' s Laundress , that it is the finest Starch they ever used . When you ask for tfa GlenficM , see that yon get it .
Science must Concfuer . NATURE'S CURATIVE . ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISMCURE YOURSELF by the ELECTRIC & MAGNETIC SELE-ADJUSTING CURATIVE . SUFFERERS from Nervous Ailments , Indigestion , Debility , Weakness , & c , CAN NOW CURE THEMSELVES by the only " GUAKANTr . ED KKMiirjy" in Europe , protected and sanctioned by the Faculty . Free for one Stamp , by W . TENNER , Esq ., S . M . ( Member College , & c ) , I'ERCY HOUSE , IJEDFOED SQ ., LONDON . N . H .--Medicines and Fees superseded , ( Rlil'EltliN'Cli TO THK I . EAIJlNt ; PHYSICIANS OK THK DAY . ) A TEST GRATIS .-Send for Details . CAUTION . —N . B . 'flu ' s is the ouly achno-. vledgcd Curative Ap-/>/ iiincc as in use in the various Uos / 'itals and recognised by the Medical faculty of Great Hritain , and none are genuine unless had direct from Mr , Ivalter fciuicr ; li'lio cautions the public against a person nsing his name , and imitating his discoveries . Vide Prize Medal and Hospital Reports .
/^ ALVANISAr .-PULVERMACHER'S Monthly V _ J Kl-XOKD of CUKKS U now ready ior the benefit of sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable cures effected by Pl'I . Vr . IOLM iMCIt ' s I . Ml'KOVi : i > PATKNT SKU ' -AtTLICAHUI Vot . TAKU-XTKIC CHAIN DANPS and Pncici-vr IIATI KUIKS , and may be had on application to th « Soli inventor and Patentee , J . L . I ' t'LVKHMAtHHK , zoo , Regent-street , London , W . A test on loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious electric appliances bcinj ; advertised by Quack l ") nctors , 1 ' alients should consult Pulvermachcr ' s Pamphlet on ( hat subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for rlio . e Miflerin ;; from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functional l ) i > oidei \ s ( iS : c , & e .
WEAK or Uufcctivc SIGHT . —SPECTACLES scientifically adapted to remedy impaired vision b * Mr . Acl-. land , surgeon , dnily , at HORNK and THORNTHWAlVE'S , Opt'ciaus to the Queen , 127 and 123 . Newgate-street , J ^ ondon . SLMUI six stamps fur "Ackland's Hints ou ^ Spectacles , " which contains valuable suggestions lo . sufferers from imperfect sight .
VOUNC'S ARNMCATED CORN AND X JlUN ' 'IN PLAISTKRS arc the best ever invented for ijivimj immediate HSC , and rcmoviu ;; tlviM : p . unfid excrescences . Price Cd . and is . per box . May be Ind ofinu ^ t cliemists . Obsrrvfr tin . * trade mark . — II V—uithuiit winch none arc genuine . IJ-jMi f and ask for YOUNC'S .
R * " U P T V R K S , & c—iMr . S . KNOTTLEY , Seventeen Vcars at WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS MANUKACJ'ORV , bc ^ s to inform the Public he is comiiiiMicim ; business himself , and trusts that , with strict attention and his lung experience , lie will merit the same patronage as his late employer . Price of . 1 Single Truss , 15 s . ami i . vs . ; post ^ c , is . sd , Don Me ditto , £ 1 ios . ; postage , is . jod . Umbilical Truss , £ 1 10 s . : postage , is . lod . On best construction only . Pust-officc Orders made payable to SILAS KNOTTLKV , Post-office , Piccadilly . L 7 LASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE CAPS , & c . S-1 J Hells of every description , Trusses , Suspensory Bandages , at equally low prices , and every Surgical Appliance made to order . Mrs . K ., twenty years in the same / inn , personally attends ladies . IV""nt A'liln- it SILAS KNOTTI . UY , 44 , Creat Windmill-street , I ! . lY . ii . irket , I < i '"> -
Priii ' 'd by Jirothcr J AMKS AIM-KV KI : I : \ IS AND SON , Playhouse \ . rd , IJIaclifrtars , in the Ciiy of London ; a ; id puMi-hed by the P . 'prielor , Urolhcr Giioliuii KICNNINU , .-. t his Ollices , : , 3 and 4 , L . ilc liritaiu , in the City of London . —SATUHUAV , M . UICII II , it , 1 .