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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL * MASONICINSTITUTION ; FOR BOYS' . WOO ^ GREEN , LONDON , N . PATRON : — HER MAJESTJ" THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT : — MOST HON . THE MARQUESS OF RIPON , K . G ., M . W . G . M . A Quarterly General Court of the Governors and Subscribers will be held at Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-Inn-Fields , London , on Monday , the 13 th day of April , 1874 , for the transaction of the ordinary business of the Institution ; To elect a Treasurer for the year ensuing ; To elect Twelve Brethren , being Annual or Life Subscribers , as Members of the General Committee for the year ensuing ; To elect Fourteen Boys from an approved list of fifty-two candidates . To consider notice of motion , should any be given at the General Committee , on Saturday , | th proximo . The Chair will be taken at Twelve o ' clock at loon precisely . FREDERICK BINCKES , ( Secretary ) . OFFICE . —6 , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 31 st March , 1874 .
FIFTY-SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY O-f THE LODGE OF INSTRUCTION , UNDER SANCTION OF THE LODGE OF STABILITY , No . 217 . BRO . HENRY MUGGERIDGE , P . M ., W . M . The Anniversary Meeting will be held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Friday , the 24 th day of April , 1874 , at half-past five o ' clock , when the Lecture of the First Degree will be worked in sections by the following brethren , viz .: — 1 st Section . Bro . Peter Wagner , J . W . 101 2 nd „ „ J . T . C . WinkfieldW . M . 591 3 rd „ „ George Phythian ... 22 4 th „ „ John Jonas , S . W . ... 715 Sth " ) „ „ J . Bagot Scriven , P . M . 6 th j „ „ P . G . S . ( Lodge Board ) S 7 th „ „ J . Robertson ... 33 BRO . COL . FRANCIS BURDETT , P . G . W ., R . W . Prov : Grand Master for Middlesex , Will preside at the Banquet , which will be on the table at eight o ' clock . Tickets 5 s . each . The brethren will appear in fall Masonic Craft costume .
MASONIC EMBLEMS . A BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART , in " ^ Photogiaphy , for framing-, representing a volume ofthe Scripture , opened at Chapter 6 of the 1 st Book of Kings , surrounded by symbols of the Craft . Plain , is . 6 d . ; richly coloured , 3 s . To be had wholesale and retail of STEVENS & RICHARDSON , Stationers and Steam Printers , 5 , Great Queenstreet , Lincoln's-inn-fields .
-O / -ANTED , Hands for the Gold , Silk and Worsted Embroidery Geo . Kenning , 2 , 3 , £ 4 , Little Britain . Apprentices taken .
RANTED , a PARTNER to carry on and manage a building business . To a practical and thoroughly business man with a small capital , a better opportunity could not offer itself ( a brother Mason preferred ) . For full particulars , apply 4 ^ 7 , to the office of The Freemason , 198 , Fleet-street , London .
MORITZ , SHAW , & Co ., HAVE NOW IN STOCK Henry Clays I Cabanas T Carbajal Paz de China I Partagas & Co . Bock & Co . I Confederacion Sueza And all the choicest Brands of HABANA CIGARS , Imported direct at lowest Market Prices . THE "ROYAL ARCH" SMOKING MIXTURE , A compound of the Choicest Tobaccos , of delicate flavour , in 202 . and 40 Z . ornamented lead packages ; 6 d . per oz ., 8 s . per lb ., free by post . MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES , CIGAR HOLDERS , CIGARS , FUSEE DOXES , ETC ., Direct from Vienna and Paris . Price Lists on application to MORITZ , SHAW , & CO ., 46 , LIME-STREET , LIVERPOOL .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF THE COUNTYOFHERTFORD. A special meeting will be held at the' Shire Hall , Hertford , on Wednesday , April 22 nd , at one o ' clock , for the purpose of Installing the Right Worshipful Brother , Thomas Frederick Halsey , M . P ., P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . W . Installing Master , Brother John Hervey , Grand Secretary . A banquet will take place in the Shire Hall at 4 . 30 p . m . precisely . Tickets , £ 1 is . each , must be obtained , on or before the 15 th inst ., from Bro . Wilson lies , M . D ., Watford , Herts , acting Prov . G . S . ; or from Bro . Andrews , Castle-street , Hertford , Sec . Hertford Lodge , No . 403 ; or from the Secretaries of the respective Lodges .
THE MASONIC CLUB . HpHIS Club is now in course of formation ¦* - in a central position of the West-end . Its use will be restricted to members of the Masonic Order . It is intended that the Club contain spacious dining , smoking , billiard , and reading rooms , with every modern convenience . Entrance fee £$ 5 s ., and annual subscription £ 5 S - > no further liability , country members , annual subscription £ i 2 s . First two hundred members admitted without entrance fee . Brethren desirous of joining will please send the number of their lodges . An influential committee will have the control of the club . F . RErLEY , Secretary . Temporary Office , 324 , Strand .
THIRD APPLICATION . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . —April Election , 1874 . Your Votes and Interest are earnestly solicited on behalf of WALTER WILLIAM CATT , AoF . n TEN YEARS . His father , William Taylor Catt . hotelkecpcr , Hartford , Kent , was initiated in the Lodge of" limnlation , " No . 299 , in May , 1861 , was W . M . in 1865 , and remained a subscribing member until his death , which took place on the 1 st January , 1871 , leaving a widow and live young children in very depressed circumstances . Thc case is strongly recommended by—* Uro . G . J . Tvlcr . ' W . M ., 299 , 44 , Carey-street , Lincoln ' s Inn , „ Alfred Russell , P . M ., 299 , Hartford , P . P . G . J . W ., Kent „ Edwards , W . M ., 20 , Chatham . * „ Lewis Finch , P . P . G . D . C , Kent , Ouccn-strect , Rarr . sgatc . „ Ilurlield , P . M ., 20 , Chatham . * „ 12 . Mackney , P . M ., 299 , P . P . G . O ., Kent , Darentli , Dartlord . ,. Ashdown , P . M ., iojo , Rochester , P . P . G . S . D ., Kent . „ Andrews , P . M :, 299 , Nortblleet , Kent . * „ W . H . llateman . No . 12 , 90 , Cannon-street . * ; , N . Martin , P . M ., 299 , Hartford , P . P . G . S . B ., Kent . * „ Quait , P . M ., 299 , Hartford , P . P . G . P ., Kent . „ Tinkler , P . M ., iqq , n , Portugal-street , lAnenln ' * Inn ; P . P . G . U . C . * ; Harvey , P . M ., 299 , Hartford , P . P . G . D . C . Kent . , W . C . Fooks , (( J . C . ) , P . M ., 299 , Hartford , P . P . G . S . W ., Kent . „ Jno . Miles , P . M ., 299 , Hartford . \ * Proxies will be received
"P MOSES and SOIL'S STOCK of CLOTH' ING for Adults and Juveniles surpasses in magnitude , variety , and excellence any hitherto offered to the public . The Bespoke or Order Department is furnished with an unequalled assortment of fabrics from the best manufacturers of the Home and Foreign Markets . "P MOSES and SON beg to state that the Xj' DEPARTMENTS for BOYS' CLOTHING in their establishments are quite distinct , vhich will be found a great convenience , particularly by ladies accompanying their sons . T ? MOSES and SON forward PRICE LIST , * Patterns , Fashion Sheet , and Rules for Self-Measuregratis and post free . Country orders promptly and carefully executed . JT MOSES and SON'S vast Stock is divided * into distinct Departments , as follows : — Ready-made Clothing for Adults . Ready-Made Clothing for Juveniles . Ready-made Closing for Sailors and Mechanics . Clothing made to Order . Hosiery and Drapery . Mantles , Shawls , and Ladies' Underclothing . Hats and Caps . Boots and Shoes . Outfits for Sea or Shore . J £ MOSES and SON beg to state that every * article in their Establishments is marked in plain figures , and that any article not approved of will be exchanged , or the amount paid for it will be returned . P MOSES and SON'S Establishments are closed every Fridayevening at sunset , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed until 11 o'clock . The following are the only addresses of E . MOSES an SON : — LoNooy . Corner of Minories and Aldgate ( opposite Aldgate Church , New Oxford-street , corner of Hart-street . Corner of Tottenham-Court-road and Euston-road . COUNTRY BRANCH . Bradford , Yorkshire .
EPPS'SCOCOA. BREAKFAST . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables widl a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . "—Civil Service Gazette . " We will now give an account of the process adoptei by Messrs . James Epps and Co ., manufacturers of dietetic articles , at their works in the Euston-road , London . " - ' Casselfs Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or milk . Each Packet is Labelled . JAMES EPPS & Co ., HOMCEOPATHIC CHEMISTS . 48 , Threadneedle-street , and 170 , Piccadilly . Works for Dietetic Preparations , Euston-road , London .
A / TONEY . —LOANS granted immediately from £ 100 to £ 2 , 000 at 5 per cent ., repayable over Three , Four , or Five Years , on Personal Security and Life Policy effected with the WEST OF ENGLAND INSURANCE CO ., ( Established 1807 . ) Apply to the Superintendent of Agents , Bro . J . CROCKER , Neville Street , Newcastle . Agents Wanteo .
SWANSEA . Agent for " The Freemason . " ¦ DRO . CHAS , MAGGS , 24 , Oxford-st ., Swansea , A large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing , and every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kenning ' s Masonic Note Paper , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , & c . Advertisements received for "The Freemason . "
YOUR ARMS , CRESTS , & MOTTO , FOUND AND S . d . Drawn in Pen and Ink for ... » 4 6 Emblazoned in Heraldic Colours ... ... 7 o Crests Engraved on Spoons and Forks , per doz . 5 o And on Rings , Seals , and Dies 6 o SEALS , DIES , PRESSES , ENDORSING STAMPS , Stamping on Note Paper in Embossed Relief . Bro . JAMES B . SLY'S , 9 . RATHB 0 NE PLACE , OXFORD-ST . LONDON , W <
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL * MASONICINSTITUTION ; FOR BOYS' . WOO ^ GREEN , LONDON , N . PATRON : — HER MAJESTJ" THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT : — MOST HON . THE MARQUESS OF RIPON , K . G ., M . W . G . M . A Quarterly General Court of the Governors and Subscribers will be held at Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-Inn-Fields , London , on Monday , the 13 th day of April , 1874 , for the transaction of the ordinary business of the Institution ; To elect a Treasurer for the year ensuing ; To elect Twelve Brethren , being Annual or Life Subscribers , as Members of the General Committee for the year ensuing ; To elect Fourteen Boys from an approved list of fifty-two candidates . To consider notice of motion , should any be given at the General Committee , on Saturday , | th proximo . The Chair will be taken at Twelve o ' clock at loon precisely . FREDERICK BINCKES , ( Secretary ) . OFFICE . —6 , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 31 st March , 1874 .
FIFTY-SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY O-f THE LODGE OF INSTRUCTION , UNDER SANCTION OF THE LODGE OF STABILITY , No . 217 . BRO . HENRY MUGGERIDGE , P . M ., W . M . The Anniversary Meeting will be held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Friday , the 24 th day of April , 1874 , at half-past five o ' clock , when the Lecture of the First Degree will be worked in sections by the following brethren , viz .: — 1 st Section . Bro . Peter Wagner , J . W . 101 2 nd „ „ J . T . C . WinkfieldW . M . 591 3 rd „ „ George Phythian ... 22 4 th „ „ John Jonas , S . W . ... 715 Sth " ) „ „ J . Bagot Scriven , P . M . 6 th j „ „ P . G . S . ( Lodge Board ) S 7 th „ „ J . Robertson ... 33 BRO . COL . FRANCIS BURDETT , P . G . W ., R . W . Prov : Grand Master for Middlesex , Will preside at the Banquet , which will be on the table at eight o ' clock . Tickets 5 s . each . The brethren will appear in fall Masonic Craft costume .
MASONIC EMBLEMS . A BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART , in " ^ Photogiaphy , for framing-, representing a volume ofthe Scripture , opened at Chapter 6 of the 1 st Book of Kings , surrounded by symbols of the Craft . Plain , is . 6 d . ; richly coloured , 3 s . To be had wholesale and retail of STEVENS & RICHARDSON , Stationers and Steam Printers , 5 , Great Queenstreet , Lincoln's-inn-fields .
-O / -ANTED , Hands for the Gold , Silk and Worsted Embroidery Geo . Kenning , 2 , 3 , £ 4 , Little Britain . Apprentices taken .
RANTED , a PARTNER to carry on and manage a building business . To a practical and thoroughly business man with a small capital , a better opportunity could not offer itself ( a brother Mason preferred ) . For full particulars , apply 4 ^ 7 , to the office of The Freemason , 198 , Fleet-street , London .
MORITZ , SHAW , & Co ., HAVE NOW IN STOCK Henry Clays I Cabanas T Carbajal Paz de China I Partagas & Co . Bock & Co . I Confederacion Sueza And all the choicest Brands of HABANA CIGARS , Imported direct at lowest Market Prices . THE "ROYAL ARCH" SMOKING MIXTURE , A compound of the Choicest Tobaccos , of delicate flavour , in 202 . and 40 Z . ornamented lead packages ; 6 d . per oz ., 8 s . per lb ., free by post . MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES , CIGAR HOLDERS , CIGARS , FUSEE DOXES , ETC ., Direct from Vienna and Paris . Price Lists on application to MORITZ , SHAW , & CO ., 46 , LIME-STREET , LIVERPOOL .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF THE COUNTYOFHERTFORD. A special meeting will be held at the' Shire Hall , Hertford , on Wednesday , April 22 nd , at one o ' clock , for the purpose of Installing the Right Worshipful Brother , Thomas Frederick Halsey , M . P ., P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . W . Installing Master , Brother John Hervey , Grand Secretary . A banquet will take place in the Shire Hall at 4 . 30 p . m . precisely . Tickets , £ 1 is . each , must be obtained , on or before the 15 th inst ., from Bro . Wilson lies , M . D ., Watford , Herts , acting Prov . G . S . ; or from Bro . Andrews , Castle-street , Hertford , Sec . Hertford Lodge , No . 403 ; or from the Secretaries of the respective Lodges .
THE MASONIC CLUB . HpHIS Club is now in course of formation ¦* - in a central position of the West-end . Its use will be restricted to members of the Masonic Order . It is intended that the Club contain spacious dining , smoking , billiard , and reading rooms , with every modern convenience . Entrance fee £$ 5 s ., and annual subscription £ 5 S - > no further liability , country members , annual subscription £ i 2 s . First two hundred members admitted without entrance fee . Brethren desirous of joining will please send the number of their lodges . An influential committee will have the control of the club . F . RErLEY , Secretary . Temporary Office , 324 , Strand .
THIRD APPLICATION . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . —April Election , 1874 . Your Votes and Interest are earnestly solicited on behalf of WALTER WILLIAM CATT , AoF . n TEN YEARS . His father , William Taylor Catt . hotelkecpcr , Hartford , Kent , was initiated in the Lodge of" limnlation , " No . 299 , in May , 1861 , was W . M . in 1865 , and remained a subscribing member until his death , which took place on the 1 st January , 1871 , leaving a widow and live young children in very depressed circumstances . Thc case is strongly recommended by—* Uro . G . J . Tvlcr . ' W . M ., 299 , 44 , Carey-street , Lincoln ' s Inn , „ Alfred Russell , P . M ., 299 , Hartford , P . P . G . J . W ., Kent „ Edwards , W . M ., 20 , Chatham . * „ Lewis Finch , P . P . G . D . C , Kent , Ouccn-strect , Rarr . sgatc . „ Ilurlield , P . M ., 20 , Chatham . * „ 12 . Mackney , P . M ., 299 , P . P . G . O ., Kent , Darentli , Dartlord . ,. Ashdown , P . M ., iojo , Rochester , P . P . G . S . D ., Kent . „ Andrews , P . M :, 299 , Nortblleet , Kent . * „ W . H . llateman . No . 12 , 90 , Cannon-street . * ; , N . Martin , P . M ., 299 , Hartford , P . P . G . S . B ., Kent . * „ Quait , P . M ., 299 , Hartford , P . P . G . P ., Kent . „ Tinkler , P . M ., iqq , n , Portugal-street , lAnenln ' * Inn ; P . P . G . U . C . * ; Harvey , P . M ., 299 , Hartford , P . P . G . D . C . Kent . , W . C . Fooks , (( J . C . ) , P . M ., 299 , Hartford , P . P . G . S . W ., Kent . „ Jno . Miles , P . M ., 299 , Hartford . \ * Proxies will be received
"P MOSES and SOIL'S STOCK of CLOTH' ING for Adults and Juveniles surpasses in magnitude , variety , and excellence any hitherto offered to the public . The Bespoke or Order Department is furnished with an unequalled assortment of fabrics from the best manufacturers of the Home and Foreign Markets . "P MOSES and SON beg to state that the Xj' DEPARTMENTS for BOYS' CLOTHING in their establishments are quite distinct , vhich will be found a great convenience , particularly by ladies accompanying their sons . T ? MOSES and SON forward PRICE LIST , * Patterns , Fashion Sheet , and Rules for Self-Measuregratis and post free . Country orders promptly and carefully executed . JT MOSES and SON'S vast Stock is divided * into distinct Departments , as follows : — Ready-made Clothing for Adults . Ready-Made Clothing for Juveniles . Ready-made Closing for Sailors and Mechanics . Clothing made to Order . Hosiery and Drapery . Mantles , Shawls , and Ladies' Underclothing . Hats and Caps . Boots and Shoes . Outfits for Sea or Shore . J £ MOSES and SON beg to state that every * article in their Establishments is marked in plain figures , and that any article not approved of will be exchanged , or the amount paid for it will be returned . P MOSES and SON'S Establishments are closed every Fridayevening at sunset , till Saturday evening at sunset , when business is resumed until 11 o'clock . The following are the only addresses of E . MOSES an SON : — LoNooy . Corner of Minories and Aldgate ( opposite Aldgate Church , New Oxford-street , corner of Hart-street . Corner of Tottenham-Court-road and Euston-road . COUNTRY BRANCH . Bradford , Yorkshire .
EPPS'SCOCOA. BREAKFAST . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables widl a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . "—Civil Service Gazette . " We will now give an account of the process adoptei by Messrs . James Epps and Co ., manufacturers of dietetic articles , at their works in the Euston-road , London . " - ' Casselfs Household Guide . Made simply with boiling water or milk . Each Packet is Labelled . JAMES EPPS & Co ., HOMCEOPATHIC CHEMISTS . 48 , Threadneedle-street , and 170 , Piccadilly . Works for Dietetic Preparations , Euston-road , London .
A / TONEY . —LOANS granted immediately from £ 100 to £ 2 , 000 at 5 per cent ., repayable over Three , Four , or Five Years , on Personal Security and Life Policy effected with the WEST OF ENGLAND INSURANCE CO ., ( Established 1807 . ) Apply to the Superintendent of Agents , Bro . J . CROCKER , Neville Street , Newcastle . Agents Wanteo .
SWANSEA . Agent for " The Freemason . " ¦ DRO . CHAS , MAGGS , 24 , Oxford-st ., Swansea , A large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing , and every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kenning ' s Masonic Note Paper , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , & c . Advertisements received for "The Freemason . "
YOUR ARMS , CRESTS , & MOTTO , FOUND AND S . d . Drawn in Pen and Ink for ... » 4 6 Emblazoned in Heraldic Colours ... ... 7 o Crests Engraved on Spoons and Forks , per doz . 5 o And on Rings , Seals , and Dies 6 o SEALS , DIES , PRESSES , ENDORSING STAMPS , Stamping on Note Paper in Embossed Relief . Bro . JAMES B . SLY'S , 9 . RATHB 0 NE PLACE , OXFORD-ST . LONDON , W <