Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 3 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND MARK LODGE OF LEICESTERSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Tidings. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Hogg replied as a P . G . D . Bro . G . King , [ . P . M ., proposed ' ¦' The Health of the W . M , " and in doing so said that the W . M . had worked very hard in the Craft , nnd rill who had been present in the Lodge of Instruction when he went through the three degrees mnst have been delighted with his progress . •The W . M . had
carried in an excellent list as Steward for the Boys ' School , and in all his capacities while a member of the lodge had shewn himself a worthy Mason . He could only wish that while a member of the lodge , the W . M . might witness the prosperity which he had been so great a means of promoting The W . M ., in reply , said it was very gratifying to him to receive such a welcome . He would
do the best he could to promote the welfare of the lodge . He should always set a good example to the brethren , both whilst W . M , and P . M ., and he hoped that example would be followed . He trusted that when his year of office was at an end , the brethren would
acknowledge that he had done good for the lodge . "The Initiates , " "The P . M . ' s , " "The Visitors , " "The Officers , " and " The T yler ' s Toast , " were afterwards given and the brethren separated after having spent a deli ghtful evening . The brethren present were—Bros . G . King ,
jun . G . King , C . Darby , T . R . Maples , H . Hollingsworth , C . E . Axford , J . T . Bigwood , W . Ryan , T . P . Bedford , E . J . Goddard , John Foss , jun . ; J . T . Spalding , G . Vine , M . Lowes , J . R . Maples , A . Dains , and Dr . Jabez Hogg . . The visitors were Bros . H . S . Hilairy , P . M .,
25 ;; H . E . S . Sanderson , 69 ; Jas . A . Gow , W . M . 807 ; S . Carrington , 1314 ; G . Simpson , 65 ; H . Massey , P . M . 619 ; W . Goodyer , P . M . 192 ; T . Holland , P . M . 172 ; and Seymour Smith . There was a capital selection of music performed during the evening , in which Bro .
Seymour Smith took a principal part . MILLOM . —Whitwell Lodge ( No . 1390 ) . — The monthly meeting was held on Tuesday , March 17 th , at the Masonic Rooms . The lodge \ was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Thos . Dodgson , P . G . S . S . C . and W ., and P . M . 995 . The minutes
of last regular lodge were read and duly conrirmed . The ballot was then taken for Mr . < 3 eorge Corkhill , of East India Road , London , which proved favourable . Bro . Bell being a candidate for being passed to the second degree , the questions being answered satisfactorily , was
entrusted and retired ; Bro . Newton Pearson , P . M . 95 $ and P . G . P . West Lancashire , took the chair , and passed Bro . Bell to second degree . Br <> . Dodgson was placed on the Charity Committee for this lodge at next P . G . meeting .
Brt ) . Dodgson then assumed the chair , and it was unanimously carried that the lodge business be adjourned until June 16 . There being no other business , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer at 7 p . m .
' [ INSTRUCTION . STRONG MAN LODGE OF INSTRUCTION ( No . 45 ) was held at St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , on Monday evening , March 23 rd , Bro . Beckett , Preceptor , in the chair ; Bro . Williams , S . W .: Saul , J . W . ; Defriez , S . D . ; Harty ; J . D . ; Gardner , I . G . ; Bro . Poona , ( W . M . 720 ) , W . M .
elect . The lodj / e was opened in the three degrees , and Bro . Beckett worked the installation ceremony , at the termination of which Brother Arnold W . M . No . 45 , ( in the absence of P . M . Ma * , 45 ; who had to retire only to catch his train , ) presented to Bro . Beckett in the name
of the Strong Man Lodge and Charterhouse Club of Instruction with a cheque for £ 20 , su ) scribed by the brethren , as a mark of esteem loathe willingness he has at all times shown n instructing the brethren in their Masonic , duties . Bro . Beckett mode a very suitable r . ply . A voteof thanks to the Committee
brought z very enjoyable evening to a close . The following are a few of the brethren who attended —P . M . West , 548 ; Sickle , J . W . Urban ; Defriez , J . D . 45 , P . M . Bentl y ; Ridder , Davies , Clarke , Cook , Storey , Baldwin , Durham , Fox croft , Tolmie , Crawley , Sayer , Garbett , Walker , Tones , and others . _ ¦ r / . n / l / t / - „ , ,, „; ,, ;„/ ,, ¦ / ¦ ; --A \
¦ A ..... — 'i . itu ..- •J _ , UIJGE VISITATIONS . " " On Monday , 16 th ult ., there was a large attendance of theniembers of the Union Lodge , 332 , to , ' ¦/> MJ > , Ar , / : // ' . /¦
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
do honour to the visit . Bro . J . B . McNair , the R . W . M ., and his office-bearers , were hig hly complimented by Bro . Barrow , on the correctness of their working and the good state of their books . After the deputation had retired , the R . W . M . proceeded to pass five brethren to the
Fellow Craft degree . On Tuesday , ( 7 th , St . John ' s Lodge , No . 3 , was visited . This is the oldest lodge in the province , and they claim to be the oldest in the world ; their traditions carry them back beyond the Old Melrose , Mary ' s Chapter , Mother
Kilwinning , or even the ancient York Lodge in the days of Athelstan , but the historical proof is not complete . Still the P . G . M . was able to congratulate them , and prove that old age had not impaired their vigour , and that under Brother Fletcher , their present R . W . M ., they are not
likely to retrograde or stop in their progress . The Thistle , No . 87 , was also visited . Brother Miller , R . W . M ., was not so fortunate in securing so large a meeting , but the report of P . G . S . was complimentary to the lodge . Wednesday , the 18 th , the Caledonian Railway
Lodge , 354 , was visited . This lodge last year had the honour of having Bro . Walter Monguire Neilson , the P . G . M ., in their chair , it is therefore not to be wondered at that Bro . Shaw , his successor , should do his best to make the visit
pass oft with eclat , in which he succeeded , as there was a full attendance of members , and a good number of visitors . The D . P . G . M . addressed them at some length on the present aspect of Masonic affairs in the province .
On Thursday the St . Mungo Lodge , No . 2 7 , received them under the presidency of their new R . W . M ., Bro . Dugald Butler , the I . P . M ., Bro . G . Sinclair , being one of the provincial deputation . The books kept by Bro . Pattison , tbe Secretarv , were declared to be in perfect order ,
and after the official visit was over , the lodge was called from labour to refreshment , when with song , toast , and sentiment , the brethren enjoyed themselves to the " wee short hours ayent the twal , " the sons of St . Mungo delighting to do honour to their patron saint , who is also thc
titular saint of the city . On Friday the Lodge Clyde , No . 408 , was visited , when the hall was crowded , as in addition to their members and several visitors from other Glasgow lodges , there was a deputation of 37 members from Rutherglen ,
No . 247 , headed by their R . W . M ., his Wardens and principal office-bearers . The lodge was opened at 8 o ' clock by Bro . D . Downie , R . W . M ., assisted by Bro . J . Buchanan , P . M . ; McGinons , S . W . ; Belsland , J . W ; Harper , T . ; J . Martin , Sec . On the dais , in addition to
those named were G . W . Weston , R . W . M . ; G . W . Wheeler , S . 7 . 3 ; and W . Basset ! :, 27 . Thc Provincial Lodge were received with the customary honours . Bro . McTaggart , P . G . S ., reported that he had never seen books better kept than those he had now inspected . The acting
P . G . M ., Bro . Barrow , said it afforded him great pleasure to visit a lodge when the P . G . S . was able to report a clean bill of health . These visitations were for a double purpose , to see what they had been doing in the past , and to give them counsel for the future . He was pleased
to find so many visiting brethren there to-night , but that was a point on which it behoved them to very cautious , and he hoped the lodge would follow the advice he had already given to other lodges he had visited , and not admit any one into the lodge room without producing their
diplomas , unless they were personally known either to the Master or his Wardens . This caution was necessary , now , as they had in their midst several of what he could only designate as Bush Lodges , and spurious Masons who were trying to entrap the
unwary . He had no sympathy with those parties , but he pitied the poor dupes whom they got to join them ; many of these had heard of the benevolence of Masons , and they were justly proud of their benevolence , but if any of these poor dupes should ever require aid they could
not get it from a regular recognised lodge , neither would their widows or orphans have any claim on them or on their funds . The P . G . M . then explained a plan that had been suggested for raising more funds for benevolence , so as to ensure that every deserving brother or his family
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
might receive relief should they ever require it . Me mnst , however , draw his remarks to a close , as they had another lodge to visit tint ni ght . The P . G . S . then retired . The P . G . L . then proceeded to Croy-place , to visit the Commercial Lodsre , No . 360 . Bro .
Morton , R . W . M ., who was also well supported , not only by his office-bearers , but also by a large body of members , at 9 . 15 , received the P . G . L . The P . G . M . congratulated the lodge on the progress they had made ' "during the past year
ancl the efficiency of the [ Master and his staff of officers ; he also cautioned them against having anything to do with spurious ' Masons , if they would not violate their own obligations , and also dwelt on the prominent features of the scheme of benevolence . The R . W . M tendered the thanks of the lodge to the P . G . M . and P . G . L .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Leicestershire.
The annual meeting took place at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Thursday , the 20 " th ult ., under the auspices of the Fowke Lodge , No . 19 . The chair was tiken by the R . W . B ' . W . Kelly , now the senior Prov . G . M . in the Order , and there was a good attendance of officers and members .
The business consisted only of the ordinary routine at annual meetings . The Treasurer ' s accounts were passed , and the Prov . G . Officers for the year were duly invested , the G . Wardens being the Earl Ferrers , Past S . G . Warden of England , and Bro . Partridge , P . M . 19 . After
the Prov . Lodge had been closed , the regular meeting of the Fowke Lod ge was held , the W . M ., Bro . W . Weare , presiding . Two candidates were advanced to the degree of Mark Master , after which the dispensation authorising the installation of Bro . J . M . MacAlister J . W .
, , the W . M . elect was read , ( he not being a Craft P . M . ) , and the S . W ., Bro . Toller having declined the office . Bro . MacAlister was then regularl y installed , and saluted , after which he appointed and invested his officers . The ceremonies of advancement and of installation were
admirably performed b y Bro . Partrid ge , P . M . £ 3 3 s . was voted to the Howe Memorial Widows' Fund , after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet , under the presidency of the newly installed W . M .
It may be mentioned that the Mark degree is exceedingly popular in Leicester , the Fowke Lodge now numbers 86 subscribing members , and amongst the present officers are six Craft P . M . ' s .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
THE CONFIDENCE LODGE ov INSTRUCTION having been removed from the Railway Tavern , Fenchurch-street , to Bro . Chard ' s , White Hart Tavern , corner of Abchurch-lane and
Cannonstreet , the ceremony of consecration will be performed on Wednesday , the 15 th inst . at 7 p . m ., by Bro . Jas . Brett , P . G . P ., after which the installation ceremony by Bro . J . Constable , W . M . 185 . The attendance of brethren oil this
occasion is invited . We are requested to notice the death of Mrs . Catharine Baker , who died March 28 th , 1874 ) , the beloved wife of the late Bro . William
Baker , who died May 14 th , 18 71 , and who was initiated on the 19 th day of March , 1832 , in the One and All Lodge , Bodmin , Cornwall . She departed this life much respected by all who knew her .
INVULIDS TOO OFTEN FRUITLESSLY EXHAUST EVERY EFFORT TO OBTAIN RELEASE from their sufferings , when a little reflection and moderate faith would supply them with a remed y for rheumatism , gout , colds , & c . Holloway's Ointment well rubbed upon the skin , after repeated fomentation gives infinite relief in these diseases . Thousands of testimonials bear witness to the wonderful
comfort obtained from this safe and simple treatment , which all sufferers can instantly and successfully adopt without any futther advice than is afforded in the accompanying directions . Holloway ' s Ointment , assisted by the judicious use of his Pills , is especially serviceable in assuaging the sufferings from cramps , other muscular pains , and the great inconvenience of varicose veins . ADVT .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Hogg replied as a P . G . D . Bro . G . King , [ . P . M ., proposed ' ¦' The Health of the W . M , " and in doing so said that the W . M . had worked very hard in the Craft , nnd rill who had been present in the Lodge of Instruction when he went through the three degrees mnst have been delighted with his progress . •The W . M . had
carried in an excellent list as Steward for the Boys ' School , and in all his capacities while a member of the lodge had shewn himself a worthy Mason . He could only wish that while a member of the lodge , the W . M . might witness the prosperity which he had been so great a means of promoting The W . M ., in reply , said it was very gratifying to him to receive such a welcome . He would
do the best he could to promote the welfare of the lodge . He should always set a good example to the brethren , both whilst W . M , and P . M ., and he hoped that example would be followed . He trusted that when his year of office was at an end , the brethren would
acknowledge that he had done good for the lodge . "The Initiates , " "The P . M . ' s , " "The Visitors , " "The Officers , " and " The T yler ' s Toast , " were afterwards given and the brethren separated after having spent a deli ghtful evening . The brethren present were—Bros . G . King ,
jun . G . King , C . Darby , T . R . Maples , H . Hollingsworth , C . E . Axford , J . T . Bigwood , W . Ryan , T . P . Bedford , E . J . Goddard , John Foss , jun . ; J . T . Spalding , G . Vine , M . Lowes , J . R . Maples , A . Dains , and Dr . Jabez Hogg . . The visitors were Bros . H . S . Hilairy , P . M .,
25 ;; H . E . S . Sanderson , 69 ; Jas . A . Gow , W . M . 807 ; S . Carrington , 1314 ; G . Simpson , 65 ; H . Massey , P . M . 619 ; W . Goodyer , P . M . 192 ; T . Holland , P . M . 172 ; and Seymour Smith . There was a capital selection of music performed during the evening , in which Bro .
Seymour Smith took a principal part . MILLOM . —Whitwell Lodge ( No . 1390 ) . — The monthly meeting was held on Tuesday , March 17 th , at the Masonic Rooms . The lodge \ was opened by the W . M ., Bro . Thos . Dodgson , P . G . S . S . C . and W ., and P . M . 995 . The minutes
of last regular lodge were read and duly conrirmed . The ballot was then taken for Mr . < 3 eorge Corkhill , of East India Road , London , which proved favourable . Bro . Bell being a candidate for being passed to the second degree , the questions being answered satisfactorily , was
entrusted and retired ; Bro . Newton Pearson , P . M . 95 $ and P . G . P . West Lancashire , took the chair , and passed Bro . Bell to second degree . Br <> . Dodgson was placed on the Charity Committee for this lodge at next P . G . meeting .
Brt ) . Dodgson then assumed the chair , and it was unanimously carried that the lodge business be adjourned until June 16 . There being no other business , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer at 7 p . m .
' [ INSTRUCTION . STRONG MAN LODGE OF INSTRUCTION ( No . 45 ) was held at St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , on Monday evening , March 23 rd , Bro . Beckett , Preceptor , in the chair ; Bro . Williams , S . W .: Saul , J . W . ; Defriez , S . D . ; Harty ; J . D . ; Gardner , I . G . ; Bro . Poona , ( W . M . 720 ) , W . M .
elect . The lodj / e was opened in the three degrees , and Bro . Beckett worked the installation ceremony , at the termination of which Brother Arnold W . M . No . 45 , ( in the absence of P . M . Ma * , 45 ; who had to retire only to catch his train , ) presented to Bro . Beckett in the name
of the Strong Man Lodge and Charterhouse Club of Instruction with a cheque for £ 20 , su ) scribed by the brethren , as a mark of esteem loathe willingness he has at all times shown n instructing the brethren in their Masonic , duties . Bro . Beckett mode a very suitable r . ply . A voteof thanks to the Committee
brought z very enjoyable evening to a close . The following are a few of the brethren who attended —P . M . West , 548 ; Sickle , J . W . Urban ; Defriez , J . D . 45 , P . M . Bentl y ; Ridder , Davies , Clarke , Cook , Storey , Baldwin , Durham , Fox croft , Tolmie , Crawley , Sayer , Garbett , Walker , Tones , and others . _ ¦ r / . n / l / t / - „ , ,, „; ,, ;„/ ,, ¦ / ¦ ; --A \
¦ A ..... — 'i . itu ..- •J _ , UIJGE VISITATIONS . " " On Monday , 16 th ult ., there was a large attendance of theniembers of the Union Lodge , 332 , to , ' ¦/> MJ > , Ar , / : // ' . /¦
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
do honour to the visit . Bro . J . B . McNair , the R . W . M ., and his office-bearers , were hig hly complimented by Bro . Barrow , on the correctness of their working and the good state of their books . After the deputation had retired , the R . W . M . proceeded to pass five brethren to the
Fellow Craft degree . On Tuesday , ( 7 th , St . John ' s Lodge , No . 3 , was visited . This is the oldest lodge in the province , and they claim to be the oldest in the world ; their traditions carry them back beyond the Old Melrose , Mary ' s Chapter , Mother
Kilwinning , or even the ancient York Lodge in the days of Athelstan , but the historical proof is not complete . Still the P . G . M . was able to congratulate them , and prove that old age had not impaired their vigour , and that under Brother Fletcher , their present R . W . M ., they are not
likely to retrograde or stop in their progress . The Thistle , No . 87 , was also visited . Brother Miller , R . W . M ., was not so fortunate in securing so large a meeting , but the report of P . G . S . was complimentary to the lodge . Wednesday , the 18 th , the Caledonian Railway
Lodge , 354 , was visited . This lodge last year had the honour of having Bro . Walter Monguire Neilson , the P . G . M ., in their chair , it is therefore not to be wondered at that Bro . Shaw , his successor , should do his best to make the visit
pass oft with eclat , in which he succeeded , as there was a full attendance of members , and a good number of visitors . The D . P . G . M . addressed them at some length on the present aspect of Masonic affairs in the province .
On Thursday the St . Mungo Lodge , No . 2 7 , received them under the presidency of their new R . W . M ., Bro . Dugald Butler , the I . P . M ., Bro . G . Sinclair , being one of the provincial deputation . The books kept by Bro . Pattison , tbe Secretarv , were declared to be in perfect order ,
and after the official visit was over , the lodge was called from labour to refreshment , when with song , toast , and sentiment , the brethren enjoyed themselves to the " wee short hours ayent the twal , " the sons of St . Mungo delighting to do honour to their patron saint , who is also thc
titular saint of the city . On Friday the Lodge Clyde , No . 408 , was visited , when the hall was crowded , as in addition to their members and several visitors from other Glasgow lodges , there was a deputation of 37 members from Rutherglen ,
No . 247 , headed by their R . W . M ., his Wardens and principal office-bearers . The lodge was opened at 8 o ' clock by Bro . D . Downie , R . W . M ., assisted by Bro . J . Buchanan , P . M . ; McGinons , S . W . ; Belsland , J . W ; Harper , T . ; J . Martin , Sec . On the dais , in addition to
those named were G . W . Weston , R . W . M . ; G . W . Wheeler , S . 7 . 3 ; and W . Basset ! :, 27 . Thc Provincial Lodge were received with the customary honours . Bro . McTaggart , P . G . S ., reported that he had never seen books better kept than those he had now inspected . The acting
P . G . M ., Bro . Barrow , said it afforded him great pleasure to visit a lodge when the P . G . S . was able to report a clean bill of health . These visitations were for a double purpose , to see what they had been doing in the past , and to give them counsel for the future . He was pleased
to find so many visiting brethren there to-night , but that was a point on which it behoved them to very cautious , and he hoped the lodge would follow the advice he had already given to other lodges he had visited , and not admit any one into the lodge room without producing their
diplomas , unless they were personally known either to the Master or his Wardens . This caution was necessary , now , as they had in their midst several of what he could only designate as Bush Lodges , and spurious Masons who were trying to entrap the
unwary . He had no sympathy with those parties , but he pitied the poor dupes whom they got to join them ; many of these had heard of the benevolence of Masons , and they were justly proud of their benevolence , but if any of these poor dupes should ever require aid they could
not get it from a regular recognised lodge , neither would their widows or orphans have any claim on them or on their funds . The P . G . M . then explained a plan that had been suggested for raising more funds for benevolence , so as to ensure that every deserving brother or his family
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
might receive relief should they ever require it . Me mnst , however , draw his remarks to a close , as they had another lodge to visit tint ni ght . The P . G . S . then retired . The P . G . L . then proceeded to Croy-place , to visit the Commercial Lodsre , No . 360 . Bro .
Morton , R . W . M ., who was also well supported , not only by his office-bearers , but also by a large body of members , at 9 . 15 , received the P . G . L . The P . G . M . congratulated the lodge on the progress they had made ' "during the past year
ancl the efficiency of the [ Master and his staff of officers ; he also cautioned them against having anything to do with spurious ' Masons , if they would not violate their own obligations , and also dwelt on the prominent features of the scheme of benevolence . The R . W . M tendered the thanks of the lodge to the P . G . M . and P . G . L .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Leicestershire.
The annual meeting took place at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Thursday , the 20 " th ult ., under the auspices of the Fowke Lodge , No . 19 . The chair was tiken by the R . W . B ' . W . Kelly , now the senior Prov . G . M . in the Order , and there was a good attendance of officers and members .
The business consisted only of the ordinary routine at annual meetings . The Treasurer ' s accounts were passed , and the Prov . G . Officers for the year were duly invested , the G . Wardens being the Earl Ferrers , Past S . G . Warden of England , and Bro . Partridge , P . M . 19 . After
the Prov . Lodge had been closed , the regular meeting of the Fowke Lod ge was held , the W . M ., Bro . W . Weare , presiding . Two candidates were advanced to the degree of Mark Master , after which the dispensation authorising the installation of Bro . J . M . MacAlister J . W .
, , the W . M . elect was read , ( he not being a Craft P . M . ) , and the S . W ., Bro . Toller having declined the office . Bro . MacAlister was then regularl y installed , and saluted , after which he appointed and invested his officers . The ceremonies of advancement and of installation were
admirably performed b y Bro . Partrid ge , P . M . £ 3 3 s . was voted to the Howe Memorial Widows' Fund , after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet , under the presidency of the newly installed W . M .
It may be mentioned that the Mark degree is exceedingly popular in Leicester , the Fowke Lodge now numbers 86 subscribing members , and amongst the present officers are six Craft P . M . ' s .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
THE CONFIDENCE LODGE ov INSTRUCTION having been removed from the Railway Tavern , Fenchurch-street , to Bro . Chard ' s , White Hart Tavern , corner of Abchurch-lane and
Cannonstreet , the ceremony of consecration will be performed on Wednesday , the 15 th inst . at 7 p . m ., by Bro . Jas . Brett , P . G . P ., after which the installation ceremony by Bro . J . Constable , W . M . 185 . The attendance of brethren oil this
occasion is invited . We are requested to notice the death of Mrs . Catharine Baker , who died March 28 th , 1874 ) , the beloved wife of the late Bro . William
Baker , who died May 14 th , 18 71 , and who was initiated on the 19 th day of March , 1832 , in the One and All Lodge , Bodmin , Cornwall . She departed this life much respected by all who knew her .
INVULIDS TOO OFTEN FRUITLESSLY EXHAUST EVERY EFFORT TO OBTAIN RELEASE from their sufferings , when a little reflection and moderate faith would supply them with a remed y for rheumatism , gout , colds , & c . Holloway's Ointment well rubbed upon the skin , after repeated fomentation gives infinite relief in these diseases . Thousands of testimonials bear witness to the wonderful
comfort obtained from this safe and simple treatment , which all sufferers can instantly and successfully adopt without any futther advice than is afforded in the accompanying directions . Holloway ' s Ointment , assisted by the judicious use of his Pills , is especially serviceable in assuaging the sufferings from cramps , other muscular pains , and the great inconvenience of varicose veins . ADVT .