Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Births ,Marriages and Deaths. Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE INSTALLATION OF BRO. THE EARL OF ZETLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article THE INSTALLATION OF BRO. THE EARL OF ZETLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article THE NEXT ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL OF THE GIRLS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEW OF THE SOLDIERS FROM THE GOLD COAST. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
¦''¦ - * . NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now 10 s . her annum , post-free , payable
in advance . Vol . I ,, bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . 11 ., ditto ? s . 6 d . Vols III ., IV ., V . and VI [ each 15 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 . numbers ... 25 . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 d .
United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in time for the earlv trains .
The price of trie Freemason is Twopence per -week ; ' ammai Bubscription , ios . ( payable in advance . ) All communication ' s , letters , & c , to be addressed to the Editor , 9 8 , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention toallMSS . entrusted tohim , butcannot undertake to return them unlessaccompanied bypostags stamps .
NOTICE . All Communications , Advertisements , isfc , intended for insertion in the Numler of the following
Saturday , must reach the Office not later than 6 o ' clock on Wednesday evening .
Births ,Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
DEATHS . BOND . —March 28 , at Waterloo Dock Pier , Liverpool , aged 4 6 , Elizabeth , the wife of Bro ., G . A . Bond , master of the Prince ' s and Waterloo Docks . WELSH . : —March ic . at his residence in Uxbridsre-street ,
Liverpool , Bro . William Edward Welsh , aged 3 8 . LLOYD . —On the 25 th ult ., Henrietta , wife of Bro- John Lloyd , of London-road , Liverpool , aged 3 8 .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
ST . VINCENT received , owing to greatpress has to stand over . ACROSTIC received , declined with thanks . " Early Gtand Encampment , " too late for this issue ; will appear next week . The following communications stand over : —Consecration of Mark Lodges at Brig hton and Gainsborough ; Belfast Masonic Widows' fund ; reports of lodges 877 , 102 , 413 , SC . ; Chapters 141 , 228 ; Mark Lodge 129 , Red Cross Conclave 17 . REMITTANCES RECEIVED . P . J . Boylan , Weymouth , New Zealand , P . O . O . 9 s . S . W . Nicholson , Boston , U . S . A ., cash 9 s . M . Jonas , Timaru , N . Z ., P . O . O . 20 s .
Second Edition , Now Ready , 1 / 6 . A MASONIC MUSICAL SERVICE . In the key of C . for A ., T ., T ., B . Opening and Closing Odes . Craft Ceremonies . Royal Arch Ceremony . Consecration Ceremony . Grace before and after Meat . COMPOSED 13 V DR . J . C . BAKER , NO . 241 . LONDON . —Geo . Kenning , 19 8 , Fleet-street ; and 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain . „ R . Spencer , 26 , Great Queen-street . LIVERPOOL . —Geo . Kenning , 2 , Monument-place . MANCHESTER . —E . Henry & Co ., 59 , Deansgate . DUBLIN . —C . Eedgelong , 26 , Grafton-street GLASGOW . —Geo . Kenning , 145 , Argyle-street .
MADAME TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION , BAKER STREET . Now added , PORTRAIT MODELS of the SHAH of PERSIA , Marshal MacMahon , M . Thiers , and the late Charles Dickens . The original autograph and testimonial written and presented by the Shah to Messrs . Tussaud , July 3 , 1873 , is exhibited . Admission is . Children under ten , 6 d . Extra Rooms , fid . Open from ten a . m . to ten p . m
TheFreemason, SATURDAY , APRIL II , 1874 .
The Installation Of Bro. The Earl Of Zetland.
At first this announcement almost sounds strangely to the Craft , and at any rate to many of us old Masons ; for the name of " Zetland " carries us back to ancient days , and a good " regime , " in which this famous Craft of ours flourished and progressed in wonderful measure .
The Installation Of Bro. The Earl Of Zetland.
And we are glad to be permitted to make such an announcement , as it is , and will be , a subject of rejoicing to all Freemasons , to see the nephew following in the steps of his well known
and most venerated uncle . That the gathering at York to welcome our distinguished brother will be very numerous , we need hardly say , and as far as the arrangements
have been made known , they seem to us to be both very simple and yet very effective . Our Grand Master will preside in person at the installation ceremony , and we feel certain
that all will be done to enhance the solemnity of the occasion , and to make this great " assembly " a " dies alba" in the memory of Yorkshire Freemasons . All that the good city of York
can do to give a respectable welcome to the strangers and visitors on that day , we hope will be done and done well , and we trust that our brethren may enjoy a very happy gathering ,
under the shadow of that great Minster raised b y our operative forefathers in times of old . May all of good attend the installation and rule of Bro . the Earl of Zetland , and may he
emulate the true Masonic spirit and zealous devotion to our Order , which characterised his lamented uncle , our good old chief . We hope to give a full account of the day ' s proceedings in our next issue .
The Next Anniversary Festival Of The Girls' School.
An official circular from Bro . R . Wentworth Little , the Secretary , which appeared in our last impression , informs the Craft that the Stewards for the next festival have elected Bro .
the Earl of Zetland , President of the Board of Stewards , and Bro . Joseph Charles Parkinson , the D . P . G . M . for Middlesex , Vice Patron . Bro . Raynham Stewart , P . G . D ., has been elected
Treasurer , and all present and Past Grand Officers , Vice-Presidents , and Vice-Patrons of the institution . The Stewards' deposit was ) fixed at the
reasonable amount of £ 2 2 s ., and ladies' tickets can be obtained , price 1 is . each . This seems to be a ver ) sensible arrangement , and will , we think , be acceptable to many of the
brethren . We feel certain that the next Anniversary Meeting , under the presidency of our distinguished Bro . the Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot , will be a very successful one , and
we hope that , by their liberal support and fraternal sympathy , our brethren will exhibit their unabated interest in that excellent institution , the Girls' School , and will thus testify that
they fully endorse and approve of the recent en largement and additions , urgently required by in creasing demands for admission and education . We would suggest , that , our excellent Bro
R . W . Little should publish before long the list of Stewards . May our third charitable anniversary for 1874 , make plain to all impugners of Freemasonry ,
that , whatever may be the changes elsewhere Masonic hearts are still unchanged , and beat very warmly in the " good old cause " of relief
and true charity to those who are now dependant on them , in the hour of their bereavement and adversity .
Review Of The Soldiers From The Gold Coast.
Though we are not politicians , a * Freemasons , in any sense , and though the Freemasons hare nothing , qua Freemasons , to do with the
passing events of the world extern to Freemasonry , yet we think we are not doing wrong , as English Freemasons , for alluding to the subject of our heading .
It must surely be a matter to us all of great rejoicing , as philanthropists and lovers of peace ( not peace at any price ) , to know that a sad and distant war is over , and that our gallant soldiers
have returned to receive the well-merited apJ proval of their sovereign , and the admiration ana applause of their fellow countrymen . ( ,
Though some , alas ! are sleeping in their far and lonely graves , who died as English soldiers always die ; though some have come back to country and friends enervated and
suffering from the poisonous atmosphere of that deadly clime , a very large number of stalwart frame and cheery presence were mustered or
Monday , March 30 th , in Windsor Park ,-., await the arrival , and hail the advent of their Queen .
At their head was theii excenem ana an . i . n-. commander , surrounded by his efficient staff , and the sunburnt men there assembled in thipresence of our Royal Familv and a large con
course of spectators , received from H . R . H . the Commander-in-Chief the formal assurance vt Her Majesty ' s special admirati- u and a-Vf ' bation .
We must all rejoice at the well-merited honours which have fallen to the lot of Sir Garnet Wolseley and his subordinate officers ,
and we all feel proud of the young Lieutenant , and of the gallant Sergejmt , _ who havejvon . the Victoria Cross . \
Independently of the fact , that , there an ; no doubt some of our brethren among the officers , and non-commissioned officers happily returned home as patriots as well as Freemasons
we must always feel proud of the English army . John Beetle-Crusher , as some one has called him , deserves verywellof usall , for few persons do more hard work and do it more thoroughly well
than he does . And when we remember to day , how very many , and how varied are the services of the English soldier , we may well admire that discipline , and courage , and devotion , and dash ,
and heroism , which make many of the chapters of our military history , so striking and . so brilliant . May those who have returned lome safe and sound , from the perils of the junge and the
treacherous breezes of the Gol d Coast . snon recover their wonted and previous vigour , bo'h of mind and body , amid the welcome which all at home offer to those who have served thei- Queen so
well , have so signally punished a treacherous foe , and have maintained alike the credit of their famous regiments , and the power an * » - " ~ - England . ' W" '" r ? Air ft ) mn A ;' c >
But in saying this we ... t not forget that fine body of men , the Marines , ot the gallant blue jackets of our Naval Brigade ( or even our West India Regiments , for all Ijave alike deserved well of their Queen and ' country . In-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
¦''¦ - * . NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now 10 s . her annum , post-free , payable
in advance . Vol . I ,, bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . 11 ., ditto ? s . 6 d . Vols III ., IV ., V . and VI [ each 15 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 . numbers ... 25 . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 d .
United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in time for the earlv trains .
The price of trie Freemason is Twopence per -week ; ' ammai Bubscription , ios . ( payable in advance . ) All communication ' s , letters , & c , to be addressed to the Editor , 9 8 , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention toallMSS . entrusted tohim , butcannot undertake to return them unlessaccompanied bypostags stamps .
NOTICE . All Communications , Advertisements , isfc , intended for insertion in the Numler of the following
Saturday , must reach the Office not later than 6 o ' clock on Wednesday evening .
Births ,Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
DEATHS . BOND . —March 28 , at Waterloo Dock Pier , Liverpool , aged 4 6 , Elizabeth , the wife of Bro ., G . A . Bond , master of the Prince ' s and Waterloo Docks . WELSH . : —March ic . at his residence in Uxbridsre-street ,
Liverpool , Bro . William Edward Welsh , aged 3 8 . LLOYD . —On the 25 th ult ., Henrietta , wife of Bro- John Lloyd , of London-road , Liverpool , aged 3 8 .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
ST . VINCENT received , owing to greatpress has to stand over . ACROSTIC received , declined with thanks . " Early Gtand Encampment , " too late for this issue ; will appear next week . The following communications stand over : —Consecration of Mark Lodges at Brig hton and Gainsborough ; Belfast Masonic Widows' fund ; reports of lodges 877 , 102 , 413 , SC . ; Chapters 141 , 228 ; Mark Lodge 129 , Red Cross Conclave 17 . REMITTANCES RECEIVED . P . J . Boylan , Weymouth , New Zealand , P . O . O . 9 s . S . W . Nicholson , Boston , U . S . A ., cash 9 s . M . Jonas , Timaru , N . Z ., P . O . O . 20 s .
Second Edition , Now Ready , 1 / 6 . A MASONIC MUSICAL SERVICE . In the key of C . for A ., T ., T ., B . Opening and Closing Odes . Craft Ceremonies . Royal Arch Ceremony . Consecration Ceremony . Grace before and after Meat . COMPOSED 13 V DR . J . C . BAKER , NO . 241 . LONDON . —Geo . Kenning , 19 8 , Fleet-street ; and 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain . „ R . Spencer , 26 , Great Queen-street . LIVERPOOL . —Geo . Kenning , 2 , Monument-place . MANCHESTER . —E . Henry & Co ., 59 , Deansgate . DUBLIN . —C . Eedgelong , 26 , Grafton-street GLASGOW . —Geo . Kenning , 145 , Argyle-street .
MADAME TUSSAUD'S EXHIBITION , BAKER STREET . Now added , PORTRAIT MODELS of the SHAH of PERSIA , Marshal MacMahon , M . Thiers , and the late Charles Dickens . The original autograph and testimonial written and presented by the Shah to Messrs . Tussaud , July 3 , 1873 , is exhibited . Admission is . Children under ten , 6 d . Extra Rooms , fid . Open from ten a . m . to ten p . m
TheFreemason, SATURDAY , APRIL II , 1874 .
The Installation Of Bro. The Earl Of Zetland.
At first this announcement almost sounds strangely to the Craft , and at any rate to many of us old Masons ; for the name of " Zetland " carries us back to ancient days , and a good " regime , " in which this famous Craft of ours flourished and progressed in wonderful measure .
The Installation Of Bro. The Earl Of Zetland.
And we are glad to be permitted to make such an announcement , as it is , and will be , a subject of rejoicing to all Freemasons , to see the nephew following in the steps of his well known
and most venerated uncle . That the gathering at York to welcome our distinguished brother will be very numerous , we need hardly say , and as far as the arrangements
have been made known , they seem to us to be both very simple and yet very effective . Our Grand Master will preside in person at the installation ceremony , and we feel certain
that all will be done to enhance the solemnity of the occasion , and to make this great " assembly " a " dies alba" in the memory of Yorkshire Freemasons . All that the good city of York
can do to give a respectable welcome to the strangers and visitors on that day , we hope will be done and done well , and we trust that our brethren may enjoy a very happy gathering ,
under the shadow of that great Minster raised b y our operative forefathers in times of old . May all of good attend the installation and rule of Bro . the Earl of Zetland , and may he
emulate the true Masonic spirit and zealous devotion to our Order , which characterised his lamented uncle , our good old chief . We hope to give a full account of the day ' s proceedings in our next issue .
The Next Anniversary Festival Of The Girls' School.
An official circular from Bro . R . Wentworth Little , the Secretary , which appeared in our last impression , informs the Craft that the Stewards for the next festival have elected Bro .
the Earl of Zetland , President of the Board of Stewards , and Bro . Joseph Charles Parkinson , the D . P . G . M . for Middlesex , Vice Patron . Bro . Raynham Stewart , P . G . D ., has been elected
Treasurer , and all present and Past Grand Officers , Vice-Presidents , and Vice-Patrons of the institution . The Stewards' deposit was ) fixed at the
reasonable amount of £ 2 2 s ., and ladies' tickets can be obtained , price 1 is . each . This seems to be a ver ) sensible arrangement , and will , we think , be acceptable to many of the
brethren . We feel certain that the next Anniversary Meeting , under the presidency of our distinguished Bro . the Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot , will be a very successful one , and
we hope that , by their liberal support and fraternal sympathy , our brethren will exhibit their unabated interest in that excellent institution , the Girls' School , and will thus testify that
they fully endorse and approve of the recent en largement and additions , urgently required by in creasing demands for admission and education . We would suggest , that , our excellent Bro
R . W . Little should publish before long the list of Stewards . May our third charitable anniversary for 1874 , make plain to all impugners of Freemasonry ,
that , whatever may be the changes elsewhere Masonic hearts are still unchanged , and beat very warmly in the " good old cause " of relief
and true charity to those who are now dependant on them , in the hour of their bereavement and adversity .
Review Of The Soldiers From The Gold Coast.
Though we are not politicians , a * Freemasons , in any sense , and though the Freemasons hare nothing , qua Freemasons , to do with the
passing events of the world extern to Freemasonry , yet we think we are not doing wrong , as English Freemasons , for alluding to the subject of our heading .
It must surely be a matter to us all of great rejoicing , as philanthropists and lovers of peace ( not peace at any price ) , to know that a sad and distant war is over , and that our gallant soldiers
have returned to receive the well-merited apJ proval of their sovereign , and the admiration ana applause of their fellow countrymen . ( ,
Though some , alas ! are sleeping in their far and lonely graves , who died as English soldiers always die ; though some have come back to country and friends enervated and
suffering from the poisonous atmosphere of that deadly clime , a very large number of stalwart frame and cheery presence were mustered or
Monday , March 30 th , in Windsor Park ,-., await the arrival , and hail the advent of their Queen .
At their head was theii excenem ana an . i . n-. commander , surrounded by his efficient staff , and the sunburnt men there assembled in thipresence of our Royal Familv and a large con
course of spectators , received from H . R . H . the Commander-in-Chief the formal assurance vt Her Majesty ' s special admirati- u and a-Vf ' bation .
We must all rejoice at the well-merited honours which have fallen to the lot of Sir Garnet Wolseley and his subordinate officers ,
and we all feel proud of the young Lieutenant , and of the gallant Sergejmt , _ who havejvon . the Victoria Cross . \
Independently of the fact , that , there an ; no doubt some of our brethren among the officers , and non-commissioned officers happily returned home as patriots as well as Freemasons
we must always feel proud of the English army . John Beetle-Crusher , as some one has called him , deserves verywellof usall , for few persons do more hard work and do it more thoroughly well
than he does . And when we remember to day , how very many , and how varied are the services of the English soldier , we may well admire that discipline , and courage , and devotion , and dash ,
and heroism , which make many of the chapters of our military history , so striking and . so brilliant . May those who have returned lome safe and sound , from the perils of the junge and the
treacherous breezes of the Gol d Coast . snon recover their wonted and previous vigour , bo'h of mind and body , amid the welcome which all at home offer to those who have served thei- Queen so
well , have so signally punished a treacherous foe , and have maintained alike the credit of their famous regiments , and the power an * » - " ~ - England . ' W" '" r ? Air ft ) mn A ;' c >
But in saying this we ... t not forget that fine body of men , the Marines , ot the gallant blue jackets of our Naval Brigade ( or even our West India Regiments , for all Ijave alike deserved well of their Queen and ' country . In-