Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Nothing To Be Gained.
building up . They never assist m the erection of a moral superstructure , but , instead , are ever digging about the foundation , of those already erected , hunting for flaws in corner-stone or base . Restless spirits , ever depreciating the good and showing up the worst side of the bad . Morbid
minds , that feed upon failings of humanity , always scenting out the wrong instead of the ri g ht . Negative minds , ever hunting for evidence to disprove rather than prove a moral proposition . Unsafe minds , that would cut tlie world adrift upon the sea of experiment , without
compass or rudder , and no means of returning to the safe harbour . There are many things in this life that mankind must take for granted . To prove or disprove many propositions generally accepted as truths , is beyond finite powers ,. as it is beyond the powers of the human mind to comprehend
space . So , m the lack of all demonstration we have but one resort ; and that is to faith . AVhen the mind fails to grasp or fathom , faith steps in to our assistance , and bridges the chasm . And now , closing this article , we come' back to our first propositions , the fallacy of attemptin" - to discredit the ancient traditions of Masonrv .
Whatever has yet been written , and whatever may yet be written , discrediting the history of our ancient Order , can never disturb our traditions , allegorical though they be , like most of the traditions of the East , evidence itself of
authenticity , which takes us back to the first Temple . Worse than useless , then , are all such attempts to pull down or destroy the harmony and beauty of a system that has defied the lapse of time , and come down to us unimpaired along the ages .
Masonry In Buenos Ayres. By Finlav M. King.
Recent difficulties in the jurisdiction of Peru , as well as those with which our brethren of Buenos Ayrcs have had to contend , lead me to remark that the Fraternity of thc United States should be very
charitable in the opinions they may form of Masonry in those distant climes . Masonic fidelity his often imperilled the lives of our brethren in both thc countries referred to . It is the subject of rejoicing that a change is taking place . The highest ranks of socictv , and very many of the Government officers
m Peru , Brazil , Buenos Ayrcs , and even in L ruguay , are contributing lo thc fraternal band and joining their names and efforts to its progress and prosperity . It was not long since that I fell in company with an enterprising merchant from Buenos Ayrcs , who
had long been a member of our fraternity , ancl he gave me many interesting facts in connection with Masonry in that region . It appears there are 13 different lodges in the jurisdiction of Buenos Ayrcs , having in all about 3000 members . They are under thc supreme control of thc Grand Orient of
Uruguay , practising thc Scottish Kite . A few years since , the Roman Catholic Bishop of that country fulminated a bull against all Masons within his . bishopric , and he went the length of declaring the marriage contract dissolved , and absolving the wife a vinculo matrimonii , in all cases where
the husband refused to renounce Masonry . Some parties , as high in temporal authority as the Bishop was in spiritual , appealed from his decree to his Holiness Pius IX . at Rome . After waiting a long time for a reply or decision upon thc appeal , and rcciving none , an inquiry was instituted as to the
cause of the delay , when it was found , to thc great satisfaction of the Roman Catholics of the La Plata who were unwilling to bow to the behests of thc Bishop , that during a sojourn at Montevideo , in 1 S 16 , the venerable prelate at Rome , then a young man , received thc degrees and took upon himself
the obligations of Masonry ! The successor of St . Peter could , by no means , violate the vows he had thus taken in his early years , 'ill .: result was that the bull of the Buenos Ay ream bishop fell harmless to the ground , and the Grand Orient of Uruguay is in as successful operation as ever . Masonry has taken a new start in the Argentine Confederacv .
and its republican tendencies have not only relaxed the grasp and tyranny of the priesthood , but have ex : rcised a powerful influence in ameliorating the condition and elevating the standard of society . Such is ever thc inlluenceof Masonry when allowed to work out its own mission unfettered by the chains of political and ecclesiastical despotism , Port Byron , N . Y ., July , 1 S 60 . Thc above communication , contributed to the Masonic Mirror and Keystone'was published in thc
Masonry In Buenos Ayres. By Finlav M. King.
issue of July 4 , 1 S 60 , pp . 322 'and 323 , and also in thc World ' s Masonic Register , 1860 , p . 528 . Thc distinguished brother who wrote thc above has since passed away to the higher life , progressing onwards in thc fulfilment of his mission throughout an
endless eternity . He made his mark in Masonry before his departure . His Masonic attainments were of the highest order . As a Masonic writer he will not be surpassed in this generation . He attained the highest position in the Grand Lodge of New York
and discharged the duties of the Orient with signal ability . His reports on correspondence were not only polished compositions but manifested a research and industry rarely equalled . AA e owe it to our
departed brother to say what is written . He was a free contributor to our columns many years , and wc never found him to err in any statements he made . Phila ., April 7 , 1870 . LEON HYNEMAN .
PLEAD BEFORE THY FATHER'S THRONE ( A MASON ' S THOUGHTS ON PRAYER . ) In the hour when Hope ' s high mission Points thy soul to realms of joy—In thc hour when shades of sorrow
Scenes of happiness alloy , AVhen by earthly friends forsaken Desolate thou scem'st alone , Sinking 'neath thy tribulation—Plead before thy Father ' s throne .
Plead in meek yet sweet reliance On His all-enduring love , Ancl for others too be wafted Prayers unto His home above .
Plead for those who need forgiving , Thai they may their guilt atone ; And for sorrow ' s suffering children Plead before thy Father ' s throne .
Oh ! be thankful God permits you To commune with llim in prayer-Blessed solace , kindly given , Soothiivr cvei'v mourner ' s care .
All our griefs and tribulations , All our trials , to Him are known ; In each hour of joy or sorrow Plead before thy Father ' s throne . A . C . SWAIN .
THE ACACIA LODGE , NO . 1314 , to meet at the Bell Hotel , Bromley , Kent , will be consecrated on AA ' ednesday next , the 15 th inst ., byAW Br . R . A \ entworth Little , P . M . and P . Z . 975 , Prov . Grand Sec . for Middlesex , by authority of the R . W . Brother
A'iscount Holmesdale , M . I ' ., Prov . Grand Master for Kent , who , with his esteemed Deputy , Br . \ . W . AA . F . Dobson , has signified his intention to be present . Brother Alfred Avery , P . M . 619 , is the W . M .-dcsignate .
A CUP OF C OITEH . —Such is the heading of a paragraph wc read lately in thc columns of the illustrated Graphic . Our limited space , unfortunately , will not allow us to give it in extenso , but we think it due to our numerous readers to let them have the benefit of its shortened contents . It
speaks of the wide difference that exists m the preparation of coffee in this country and France , and great praise is accorded to a new concern—viz ., the French Coffee Company , at London Bridge Railway Terminus for their splendid produce . If wc are to believe the text of the paragraph , we have
at last thc facility and means of procuring coflee in this country which leaves absolutely nothing to wish for . In strength and aroma it stands equal to tbe best produced in France , and in price it is even lower , being is . Stl . peril ) . Amateurs of good coffee will thank us fortius information .
GALVANISM . —Pulvei'iirichcr ' s Monthly Record of Cure * is no ; i > ready fur the benefit of Sufferer .:, containing documentary evidence of remarkable Cures effected by I'lilvermaclier ' s Improved Patent Self-applicable A ' olta-Klectric Chain-Bands nnd Pocket Batteries , and may lie had on application to the Sole Inventor ami Patentee —| . L . Pulvoiinaehcr , 200 , Regent-street ,
London , W . A Te .-I on Loan sent gratis if rc <| idrcl . Caution . —Spurious Llccti'ic Appliances being advertised by C ^ uack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvcrmacher ' s Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying oilier most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functional Disorders , & c , & c —[ Advt . l
Laying Of The Foundation Stones Of St. Fauns And St. Mark's At Leicester.
AVednesday , the 18 th ult . was a day long to be remembered in Leicester . Thc death of Earl Howe cast a shadow upon thc proceedings , but the wide-spread sorrow for the loss which the county has sustained was in no way inconsistent with the performance of the religious ceremonies which accompanied the laying of thc foundation-stones of the two new churches .
The brethren assembled at the Freemasons' Hall , Halford-strcct , where thc Provincial Grand Lodge , which was numerously attended , was opened at a quarter to ten o ' clock . After thc usual duties in lodge had been performed , the brethren , in clue Masonic costume , dressed in black , with white tics and gloves , and wearing thc jewels of office and
emblems or rosettes on the aprons , covered with crape , in memory of their lamented deceased brother , Earl Howe , proceeded in the followingorder along Horsefair-strcct , Friar-lane , and Castlestreet , where they joined the procession of the Right Reverend Brother thc Lord Bishop of the
Diocese , who , along with thc clergy in surplices and thc children of Alderman Newton's school , moved along the Bow Bridge-street and King Richard ' s-road to the site of St . Paul ' s Church , where they arrived about eleven o'clock . The Freemasons observed the following order of procession : —
Tyler with a drawn sword . Visiting Brethren , two and two , according to the seniority of their lodges , thc Officers wearing their collars and jewels . Thc brethren of the A ale of Catmos Lodge , No . 1265 , Oakham , not in office , two and two . The Officers , according to their rank , wearing the collars
and jew els of their respective offices , and the deacons carrying their pillars . The lodge banner . The AA ' orsliipful Master Uro . George Brown , P . P . G . J . AV . The Rough Ashlar ( borne hy the son of a Master Mason ) . The Brethren , Officers , aud Past Masters of the Rutland Lodge , No . 11 3 , Melton Mowhrav , in the
same order . Thc lodge banner . The AVorshipful Master , Bra . llen-y Douglas , P . G . J . D . The Perfect Ashlar ( borne hy the son of a . Master Mason ) . The Brethren , Officers , and Past Masters of the Howe and Chnrnwood Lodge , No . 1007 , Loughborough ,
in thc same order . The lodge banner . The Worshipful Master , Bro . John Wilson , P . G . D . of C . Thc Key Stone ( carried by the son of a Master Mason ) , The Brethren , Ofiicers , and Past Masters of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 770 , Ashby-ilc-la-Zouch , in the same order .
I he lodge banner , flic Worshipful Master , Bro . Kdward F . Mammatt ,
P . G . J . W . Thc Doric Column ( carried by the son of a Master Mason ) . The Brethren , Officers , and Past Masters of the John of Gaum Lodge , No . 523 , Leicester , in the same order . The lodere banner .
Tho AAorshipful Master , Bro . Geo . Toller , Jun ., P . G . . Secretary . The Ionic Column ( carried by the son of a . Master Mason ) . The Brethren , Officers , and Past -Masters of St . John Lodge , No . 279 , Leicester , in the same order . ' 1 'lie lodge banner . Thc Worshipful Master , Pro . W . IC . S . Stanley P . P . G . PI ) .
Thc Corinthian Column ( carried by the son of a Master Mason ) . Thc Brethren , Officers , and Past Masters of the ! viiiglits of Malta Lodge , No . 50 , Hinckley , in the same order . The lodge banner . flic AVorshipful Master , Pro . thc Rev . W . Langley , M . A ., P . P . G . S . W . The Provincial Grand Lod ^ e .
The Past Grand Ollicers immediately preceding thc Actual Officers , accordin ; lo their respective rank , \ i / .: ) I'he Assistant Grand Pur .-iiivant , Pro . Markham , with a Sv . vrd . Tlic Provincial Grand Pursuivant , Bro . J . II . Garnar , bearing the banner of die late Sir F . G . Fowke , Bail ., Past Prov . G . Master .
A'isitmg bre ' . nrcn , being Gr . vid Officers of other Provinces . Provincial Gran 1 Org . iniv ., Pro . K . ] . Crow . Provincial Assistant Gran I Director of Ceremonies , Bio . T . II . l ! u / ,: ard . Provincial Gra . id Director of Geremonies , 1 ' .. - .. . I . Wilson .
Provincial Grand Supeiiii ; en lent of Works , Pro . | as . Stannard . Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . Geo . Toller , jun ., bearing the Bouk of Constitutions . Provincial ( Jrand Registrar , Pro . Fred . Pern NeweomberP . P . G . S . AV . Provincial Grand Treasurer , Bro . A \ . Beaumont Smith , P . P . G . J . W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Nothing To Be Gained.
building up . They never assist m the erection of a moral superstructure , but , instead , are ever digging about the foundation , of those already erected , hunting for flaws in corner-stone or base . Restless spirits , ever depreciating the good and showing up the worst side of the bad . Morbid
minds , that feed upon failings of humanity , always scenting out the wrong instead of the ri g ht . Negative minds , ever hunting for evidence to disprove rather than prove a moral proposition . Unsafe minds , that would cut tlie world adrift upon the sea of experiment , without
compass or rudder , and no means of returning to the safe harbour . There are many things in this life that mankind must take for granted . To prove or disprove many propositions generally accepted as truths , is beyond finite powers ,. as it is beyond the powers of the human mind to comprehend
space . So , m the lack of all demonstration we have but one resort ; and that is to faith . AVhen the mind fails to grasp or fathom , faith steps in to our assistance , and bridges the chasm . And now , closing this article , we come' back to our first propositions , the fallacy of attemptin" - to discredit the ancient traditions of Masonrv .
Whatever has yet been written , and whatever may yet be written , discrediting the history of our ancient Order , can never disturb our traditions , allegorical though they be , like most of the traditions of the East , evidence itself of
authenticity , which takes us back to the first Temple . Worse than useless , then , are all such attempts to pull down or destroy the harmony and beauty of a system that has defied the lapse of time , and come down to us unimpaired along the ages .
Masonry In Buenos Ayres. By Finlav M. King.
Recent difficulties in the jurisdiction of Peru , as well as those with which our brethren of Buenos Ayrcs have had to contend , lead me to remark that the Fraternity of thc United States should be very
charitable in the opinions they may form of Masonry in those distant climes . Masonic fidelity his often imperilled the lives of our brethren in both thc countries referred to . It is the subject of rejoicing that a change is taking place . The highest ranks of socictv , and very many of the Government officers
m Peru , Brazil , Buenos Ayrcs , and even in L ruguay , are contributing lo thc fraternal band and joining their names and efforts to its progress and prosperity . It was not long since that I fell in company with an enterprising merchant from Buenos Ayrcs , who
had long been a member of our fraternity , ancl he gave me many interesting facts in connection with Masonry in that region . It appears there are 13 different lodges in the jurisdiction of Buenos Ayrcs , having in all about 3000 members . They are under thc supreme control of thc Grand Orient of
Uruguay , practising thc Scottish Kite . A few years since , the Roman Catholic Bishop of that country fulminated a bull against all Masons within his . bishopric , and he went the length of declaring the marriage contract dissolved , and absolving the wife a vinculo matrimonii , in all cases where
the husband refused to renounce Masonry . Some parties , as high in temporal authority as the Bishop was in spiritual , appealed from his decree to his Holiness Pius IX . at Rome . After waiting a long time for a reply or decision upon thc appeal , and rcciving none , an inquiry was instituted as to the
cause of the delay , when it was found , to thc great satisfaction of the Roman Catholics of the La Plata who were unwilling to bow to the behests of thc Bishop , that during a sojourn at Montevideo , in 1 S 16 , the venerable prelate at Rome , then a young man , received thc degrees and took upon himself
the obligations of Masonry ! The successor of St . Peter could , by no means , violate the vows he had thus taken in his early years , 'ill .: result was that the bull of the Buenos Ay ream bishop fell harmless to the ground , and the Grand Orient of Uruguay is in as successful operation as ever . Masonry has taken a new start in the Argentine Confederacv .
and its republican tendencies have not only relaxed the grasp and tyranny of the priesthood , but have ex : rcised a powerful influence in ameliorating the condition and elevating the standard of society . Such is ever thc inlluenceof Masonry when allowed to work out its own mission unfettered by the chains of political and ecclesiastical despotism , Port Byron , N . Y ., July , 1 S 60 . Thc above communication , contributed to the Masonic Mirror and Keystone'was published in thc
Masonry In Buenos Ayres. By Finlav M. King.
issue of July 4 , 1 S 60 , pp . 322 'and 323 , and also in thc World ' s Masonic Register , 1860 , p . 528 . Thc distinguished brother who wrote thc above has since passed away to the higher life , progressing onwards in thc fulfilment of his mission throughout an
endless eternity . He made his mark in Masonry before his departure . His Masonic attainments were of the highest order . As a Masonic writer he will not be surpassed in this generation . He attained the highest position in the Grand Lodge of New York
and discharged the duties of the Orient with signal ability . His reports on correspondence were not only polished compositions but manifested a research and industry rarely equalled . AA e owe it to our
departed brother to say what is written . He was a free contributor to our columns many years , and wc never found him to err in any statements he made . Phila ., April 7 , 1870 . LEON HYNEMAN .
PLEAD BEFORE THY FATHER'S THRONE ( A MASON ' S THOUGHTS ON PRAYER . ) In the hour when Hope ' s high mission Points thy soul to realms of joy—In thc hour when shades of sorrow
Scenes of happiness alloy , AVhen by earthly friends forsaken Desolate thou scem'st alone , Sinking 'neath thy tribulation—Plead before thy Father ' s throne .
Plead in meek yet sweet reliance On His all-enduring love , Ancl for others too be wafted Prayers unto His home above .
Plead for those who need forgiving , Thai they may their guilt atone ; And for sorrow ' s suffering children Plead before thy Father ' s throne .
Oh ! be thankful God permits you To commune with llim in prayer-Blessed solace , kindly given , Soothiivr cvei'v mourner ' s care .
All our griefs and tribulations , All our trials , to Him are known ; In each hour of joy or sorrow Plead before thy Father ' s throne . A . C . SWAIN .
THE ACACIA LODGE , NO . 1314 , to meet at the Bell Hotel , Bromley , Kent , will be consecrated on AA ' ednesday next , the 15 th inst ., byAW Br . R . A \ entworth Little , P . M . and P . Z . 975 , Prov . Grand Sec . for Middlesex , by authority of the R . W . Brother
A'iscount Holmesdale , M . I ' ., Prov . Grand Master for Kent , who , with his esteemed Deputy , Br . \ . W . AA . F . Dobson , has signified his intention to be present . Brother Alfred Avery , P . M . 619 , is the W . M .-dcsignate .
A CUP OF C OITEH . —Such is the heading of a paragraph wc read lately in thc columns of the illustrated Graphic . Our limited space , unfortunately , will not allow us to give it in extenso , but we think it due to our numerous readers to let them have the benefit of its shortened contents . It
speaks of the wide difference that exists m the preparation of coffee in this country and France , and great praise is accorded to a new concern—viz ., the French Coffee Company , at London Bridge Railway Terminus for their splendid produce . If wc are to believe the text of the paragraph , we have
at last thc facility and means of procuring coflee in this country which leaves absolutely nothing to wish for . In strength and aroma it stands equal to tbe best produced in France , and in price it is even lower , being is . Stl . peril ) . Amateurs of good coffee will thank us fortius information .
GALVANISM . —Pulvei'iirichcr ' s Monthly Record of Cure * is no ; i > ready fur the benefit of Sufferer .:, containing documentary evidence of remarkable Cures effected by I'lilvermaclier ' s Improved Patent Self-applicable A ' olta-Klectric Chain-Bands nnd Pocket Batteries , and may lie had on application to the Sole Inventor ami Patentee —| . L . Pulvoiinaehcr , 200 , Regent-street ,
London , W . A Te .-I on Loan sent gratis if rc <| idrcl . Caution . —Spurious Llccti'ic Appliances being advertised by C ^ uack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvcrmacher ' s Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying oilier most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functional Disorders , & c , & c —[ Advt . l
Laying Of The Foundation Stones Of St. Fauns And St. Mark's At Leicester.
AVednesday , the 18 th ult . was a day long to be remembered in Leicester . Thc death of Earl Howe cast a shadow upon thc proceedings , but the wide-spread sorrow for the loss which the county has sustained was in no way inconsistent with the performance of the religious ceremonies which accompanied the laying of thc foundation-stones of the two new churches .
The brethren assembled at the Freemasons' Hall , Halford-strcct , where thc Provincial Grand Lodge , which was numerously attended , was opened at a quarter to ten o ' clock . After thc usual duties in lodge had been performed , the brethren , in clue Masonic costume , dressed in black , with white tics and gloves , and wearing thc jewels of office and
emblems or rosettes on the aprons , covered with crape , in memory of their lamented deceased brother , Earl Howe , proceeded in the followingorder along Horsefair-strcct , Friar-lane , and Castlestreet , where they joined the procession of the Right Reverend Brother thc Lord Bishop of the
Diocese , who , along with thc clergy in surplices and thc children of Alderman Newton's school , moved along the Bow Bridge-street and King Richard ' s-road to the site of St . Paul ' s Church , where they arrived about eleven o'clock . The Freemasons observed the following order of procession : —
Tyler with a drawn sword . Visiting Brethren , two and two , according to the seniority of their lodges , thc Officers wearing their collars and jewels . Thc brethren of the A ale of Catmos Lodge , No . 1265 , Oakham , not in office , two and two . The Officers , according to their rank , wearing the collars
and jew els of their respective offices , and the deacons carrying their pillars . The lodge banner . The AA ' orsliipful Master Uro . George Brown , P . P . G . J . AV . The Rough Ashlar ( borne hy the son of a Master Mason ) . The Brethren , Officers , aud Past Masters of the Rutland Lodge , No . 11 3 , Melton Mowhrav , in the
same order . Thc lodge banner . The AVorshipful Master , Bra . llen-y Douglas , P . G . J . D . The Perfect Ashlar ( borne hy the son of a . Master Mason ) . The Brethren , Officers , and Past Masters of the Howe and Chnrnwood Lodge , No . 1007 , Loughborough ,
in thc same order . The lodge banner . The Worshipful Master , Bro . John Wilson , P . G . D . of C . Thc Key Stone ( carried by the son of a Master Mason ) , The Brethren , Ofiicers , and Past Masters of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 770 , Ashby-ilc-la-Zouch , in the same order .
I he lodge banner , flic Worshipful Master , Bro . Kdward F . Mammatt ,
P . G . J . W . Thc Doric Column ( carried by the son of a Master Mason ) . The Brethren , Officers , and Past Masters of the John of Gaum Lodge , No . 523 , Leicester , in the same order . The lodere banner .
Tho AAorshipful Master , Bro . Geo . Toller , Jun ., P . G . . Secretary . The Ionic Column ( carried by the son of a . Master Mason ) . The Brethren , Officers , and Past -Masters of St . John Lodge , No . 279 , Leicester , in the same order . ' 1 'lie lodge banner . Thc Worshipful Master , Pro . W . IC . S . Stanley P . P . G . PI ) .
Thc Corinthian Column ( carried by the son of a Master Mason ) . Thc Brethren , Officers , and Past Masters of the ! viiiglits of Malta Lodge , No . 50 , Hinckley , in the same order . The lodge banner . flic AVorshipful Master , Pro . thc Rev . W . Langley , M . A ., P . P . G . S . W . The Provincial Grand Lod ^ e .
The Past Grand Ollicers immediately preceding thc Actual Officers , accordin ; lo their respective rank , \ i / .: ) I'he Assistant Grand Pur .-iiivant , Pro . Markham , with a Sv . vrd . Tlic Provincial Grand Pursuivant , Bro . J . II . Garnar , bearing the banner of die late Sir F . G . Fowke , Bail ., Past Prov . G . Master .
A'isitmg bre ' . nrcn , being Gr . vid Officers of other Provinces . Provincial Gran 1 Org . iniv ., Pro . K . ] . Crow . Provincial Assistant Gran I Director of Ceremonies , Bio . T . II . l ! u / ,: ard . Provincial Gra . id Director of Geremonies , 1 ' .. - .. . I . Wilson .
Provincial Grand Supeiiii ; en lent of Works , Pro . | as . Stannard . Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . Geo . Toller , jun ., bearing the Bouk of Constitutions . Provincial ( Jrand Registrar , Pro . Fred . Pern NeweomberP . P . G . S . AV . Provincial Grand Treasurer , Bro . A \ . Beaumont Smith , P . P . G . J . W .