Article Mark Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Mark Masonry. Page 2 of 2 Article Lodges and Chapters of Instruction. Page 1 of 2 Article Lodges and Chapters of Instruction. Page 1 of 2 →
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Mark Masonry.
was performed by Bro . Edward Mallard , S . W . 115 , P . ] . G . D ., one of thc founders and thc first W . M . of the louVe , the new Master being Bro . Thomas Rowbotham , S . D . Hv , P . G . I . of W . After the installation ceremony , which was performed in a perfect manner , the Installing Master was presented by Bro . VV . H . Poulton , Chaplain of the lodge , and P . G . Chap ., vvith a Past Master's jewel , which bears thc following inscription * . " Presented to Wor .
Bro . Edward Mallard , Provincial Grand Mark Deacon Warwickshire , by the officers and brethren of thc Mark Lodge of Charity , No . 430 , in recognition of . his services as one of the founders , and his zeal and ability as first Worship ful Master of the lodge , also as a mark of fraternal esteem and regard . 1 st June , iSg 2 . " The P . G . Chaplain , in presenting the jewel , bore testimony as Chaplain of thc lodge to the admirable and exemplary manner in
which the Installing Master had performed the duties of Master , and conducted the affairs of the lodge during the first year of its infancy , and to the zeal and ability which he had displayed in founding the lodge , and also to the success which he had achieved in inducing the other founders to join him in furnishing the lodge in a most complete manner , and with the most costly and beautiful working toolsofficers' jewels , books , and other necessary
, paraphernalia , adding that he was perfectly satisfied that the lodge had been fixed on a sure and lasting basis , honourable to the builder , and that the future prosperity of the lodge was fully assured by his untiring and successful efforts , and the worthy Chaplain expressed a fervent hope that the Installing Master might long be able to boast of be ingthe oldest Past Master of the lodge as well as the oldest subscribing Past Master of the Charity Craft Lodge , which
he was fond of asserting . The Installing Master , in replying , expressed his great satisfaction that he had obtained the esteem and approbation of his brethren , and assured them that as long as he lived he hoped that it would be his earnest desire as it was then to keep his connection with thc lodge , and to do Ihe utmost in his power to secure its future prosperity and promote the happiness of his brethren .
After the ceremony was over , a most excellent banquet was partaken of by the whole of the brethren , the vicechairs being filled , in the absence of the S . W ., by Bro . Councillor Walter Waters , J . W ., and Bro . Sir James Sawyer , M . O . The W . M . proposed the usual loyal toasts of ' * The Queen and Mark Masonry , " "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present
and Past , " in his usual eloquent and felicitous manner , referring to the great impetus that had been given to Masonry in general by the patronage of her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen and her noble son , the Prince of Wales , as Grand Master , and to the brotherly kindness and assistance always so willingly and graciously bestowed by the Grand Master whenever required or in his power . The toast of "The Pro G . M . and Prov . G . M ., Bro . the
Marquess of Hertford , and the rest of the Prov . Grand Officers , Present and Past , " was proposed by Bro . Sir James Sawyer , M . O ., who took an opportunity of paying a very eloquent tribute not only to the Masonic virtues of the M . W . Pro G . M . but to his high descent and honourable career , and fuither pointed out that the noble family of Seymours ( part of whose arms the lodge bore on their banner by the noble marquess ' s kind permission ) had in
time past the distinction of furnishing not only great and distinguished statesmen but had even produced occupants of the throne of England , and for that reason he considered it a very great honour for any W . M . to be able to sit under such a banner , and a very great honour to the lodge as well as to the whole body of Mark Master Masons throughout the world . The speaker also assured the brethren from a personal and intimate acquaintance with the M . W . Pro
G . M ., of his sterling good qualities as a country gentleman , landlord , and employer , bearing testimony to his invariable goodness of heart , charitable acts , and kindly demeanour , not only to his equals in station , but to all those over whom he had authority , and whose duties and services and whose good fortunes brought them in contact with him in any way . Ihe worthy Bro . Sir James Sawyer finished an eloquent speech with a most excellent tribute to the virtues and
principles inculcated in Masonic ritual , and although he admitted that he was a v ; ry young Mason in comparison with those around him , said that he wished he had started on his Masonic career earlier in life ; that he had been so impressed with the genuine tenets and principles of the Order he had imbibed that he felt justified in saying that they were second only to those taught by Christianity , and in exhorting the brethren present to become closer and
more earnest and zealous advocates , practitioners , and exponents of the great objects and sublime teachings of the Institution which was gradually spreading its branches over the whole face of the globe , to the great benefit of the human race . Bro . Councillor Waters , J . W . and acting S . VV ., proposed "The Health of the W . M . and the Installing Master , " eulogising the many good qualities of both , and bearing
testimony to the two prosperous jears just completed by the VV . M . in the chair of thc Charity Craft Lodge , to the greater zeal he had infused into its members , the many charitable acts he had personally been guilty of , and to the beneficial effects of his good example to the brethren of the lodge . He also spoke in very kindly terms of appreciation and approbation of the Installing Master , instancing his own experience 10 years ago , when the Installing Master
raised him to the SuLlime Degree of a Master Mason , and saying that the deep impression made by the impressive manner in which the ritual was then given had lasted to that day , and had ever since stimulated him to persevere in acquiring Masonic knowledge . The W . M ., in responding , said that , although he had only just completed his second year of oflice in the chair of the Charity Craft Lodge , he only felt his appetite whetted for
a further happy year's connection with the brethren of the Mark Degree , who were , of necessity , all members of the Craft lodge , and assured the brethren that he would exercise the utmost power and ability he possessed in still further increasing the high reputation of the lodge , which the Installing Master had prophesied at its consecration would soon become the premier lodge of the
province , and which certainly , it appeared to him , had a near prospect of fulfilment . He also thanked the brethren for the honour conferred upon him , and hoped that all the good wishes expressed by the mouth of the eloquent S . W ., his dear and esteemed brother , and by the heartiness with which the toast had been received , might be fulfilled so far as the Charity Mark Lodge was concerned .
Mark Masonry.
The Installing Master , in responding , thanked the brethren for the most enthusiastic and cordial reception of his name , and assured them that he would do the utmost in his power to assist the Worshipful Master , and he hoped many succeeding Worshipful Masters , in doing all he could for the great cause they had at heart , and further assured them that the fact stated by the S . W ., if it were one—and he dared not doubt it after the assurance
given—was alone a sufficient reward to him as a Mason for any and all the exertions he had ever put forth in the great and glorious cause . Bro . the Rev . W . H . Poulton , M . A ., P . G . Chap ., Chap ., in proposing the toast of " The Visitors , " further expatiated upon the sublime principles and great objects of the Institution , and endorsed the statements of Bro . Sir James Sawyer , who had been his intimate and dear friend for
upwards of 30 years , that the objects of Freemaso . iry were second only in importance to those of religion , and were , he said , calculated to promote and further the interests of the whole community . He also thanked the visiting brethren for coming amongst them , and assured them that the hospitality of the lodge had already become proverbial . Bro . Hillman , as thescnior P . G . Ofticcrpresent , andas one of the oldest Past Masters ot the province , after thanking the
W . M . and officers for their generous hospitality , eulogised the general conduct of the Installing Master as a Mason , and said he had worked with him in various Degrees , Craft , chapter , and Mark , and that he had always been a great admirer of the zeal and ability displayed by him in the various Masonic ceremonies in which he had seen him work , and added ' that thc installation of the W . M ., Bro . Thomas Rowbotham , that evening had been performed in the most
exemplary manner , and with greater perfectness and proper rendering of the beautiful ritual than he had ever witnessed or experienced during the whole course of his Masonic career . The worshipful brother also expressed his opinion that he had never listened to so eloquent an address or so high an eulogium of the principles of Masonry as that which had been uttered t > y the worthy brother , Sir James Sawyerand congratulated the Lidge of Charity upon
, having so many earnest and zeakus Masons as members . The toast of " The Visitors " was also responded toby Bros . W . H . Parker , Sergeant-Ma ) ir Woods , J . M . Milward , and C . D . Eaton , each speaker endorsing the opinion of Bro . William Hillman as to the excellent example set by the W . M ., Installing Master , officers , and
brethren of the lodge . After the other usual toasts , interspersed w 1 h excellent vocal and instrumental music by thc Provincial Grand , Craft , and Mark Organists , and other brethren , the proceedings were brought to a close amidst a unanimous expression of opinion by the brethren that a more enjoyable Masonic evening had never been spent by any of them .
Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Lodges and Chapters of Instruction .
CLARENCE LODGE ( No . 363 ) . —The usual weekly meeting was held on Thursday , the 20 th ult ., at IA , Fitzroy-square , when the following brethren were present : Bros . D . G . Imlay , W . M . ; H . S . Wellcome , S . W . ; J . Hart , J . W . ; W . H . Kirby , Preceptor , * VV . Baker , Sec . ; W . Freemantle , S . D . ; Jas . Passmore , J . D . ; M . M . Tavlor , I . G . ; H . H . Nuding , Dr . Frost , Jas . Corp , D . D .
West , H . Sands , A . Leighton , Morris Evans , and J . Tidmarsh . Visitor : Bro . Byworth , 1420 . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Sands volunteered to act as candidate , was examined , entrusted , and retired from the lodge . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of Dassincr . The explanation of the tracing board was
rendered by Bro . A . Leighton . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree . Bro . Jas . Corp worked the 3 rd Section of the Third Lecture , 'the lodge was resumed in the First Degree . Bro . Byworth was proposed as a joining member . Bro . II . S . Wellcome was unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting . He appointed his officers , and announced that the work would be the ceremony of raising and the ( ith Section of the First Lecture . The lodge was then closed .
RANELAGH LODGE ( No . 834 ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 27 th ult ., at the Six Bells Hotel , Queenstreet , Hammersmith , when there were present Bros . F . Craggs , P . M ., W . M . ; A . Williams , P . M ., S . W . ; J . Banks , J . W . ; J . Sims , P . M ., Preceptor ; D . S . Long , P . M ., Sec ; VV . Hide , S . D . ; R . J . Williams , J . D . ; H . G . Pearson , I . G . ; S . Cochrane , P . M ., and R . Reid . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes
of the last meeting read and confirmed . Ihe ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Reid acting as candidate . 'Ihe lodge was opened in the Second Degree . The 1 st Section of the Lecture was worked by the brethren , under the direction of the Preceptor . The lodge was closed in the Second Degree . The W . M . having risen , the S . VV . was unanimously elected VV . M . for the next meeting . After " Hearty good wishes , " the lodge was closed .
BLACKHEATH LODGE ( No . 1320 ) . — Ihe usual weekly meeting was held at the Milkwood Tavern , Milkwood-road , Loughborough Junction , on Monday , the 30 th ult ., when there were present Bros . C . IL Stone , VV . M . ; Pullen , S . W . ; Gaze , J . W . ; Hilton , P . M ., Preceptor ; T . R . Cass , Treas . ; E . A . Rice , Sec ; T . C Turner , S . D . ; VV . Hill , J . D . ; Pike , I . G . j Lake , Tyler ; Hooper , Clarke , Fisher , Salmon , Orton , Hubbard , Sercombe , Telling , Derham , Mattock , P . M . ; Hobley , and
Vouens . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of passing was then rehearsed , and Bro . Salmon , acting as candidate , was entrusted and retired . The lodge was opened in
the Second Degree , and Bro . Salmon was passed in due form . The lodge was called off and on , alter which the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . The VV . M . rose for the first time , and dues were collected . The W . M . rose for the second and third times , and the lodge was closed .
HVDE PARK LODGE ( No . 1425 ) . —A meeting was held on Monday , the 23 rd ult ., at the Prince of Wales Hotel , corner of Eastbourne-terrace and Bishop ' s-road , Paddington , W ., when there were present Bros . W . Edlestein , W . M . ; 11 . Campbell , S . W . ; J . C . Conway , J . W . ; G . Read , P . M . 511 , Treas . ; II . Dehane , P . M .
Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
1 543 , Sec ; W . Hillier , S . D . ; J . Powell , J . D . ; Main , E . J . Reed , I . G . ; S . N . Isaacs , Stwd . ; D . Gellion P \ i 1425 ; W . J . Ferguson , P . M . , 77 ; C G . Wetzlar , ' pt , 141 ; T . M . Lamble , M . Rosenberg , and W . Smith . ' The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The cere mony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Rosenberg actinrr zl
candidate . I he 2 nd and 3 rd Sections of the Lecture were worked by Bro . Read , assisted by the brethren . Bro Ferguson was appointed Deputy Preceptor , and unani ! mously elected an honorary member , and having expressed his thanks for . the compliment , stated he would conform
strictly to the ritual and avoid innovations . Bro . Campbell was elected W . M . for the next meeting—officers to be in rotation . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Edlestein for the admirable manner he had presided as W . M . for the first time , and he acknowledged the compliment . After " Hearty good wishes , " the lodge was closed .
IVY LODGE ( No . 1441 ) . —The usual weekl y meeting of the above lodge was held on Thursday , the 2 ( ith ult at the Railway Tavern , Battersea Rise , S . W ., when there were present Bros . Hardiman , Preceptor ; Bircham CooDer P . M . 1441 , W . M . ; Carter , S . W . ; Wallace Ingram , I VV ' Martin D . Wills , S . D . ; Bradbury , J . D . ; Walter B . ' George , I . G . and Sec ; Higerty , Edwards , and others
The lodge was duly opened , and the minutes of the last meeting , with a slight alteration , read and confirmed . The lodge opened in the Second Degree , when Bro . Edwards as a candidate to be raised to the Degree of a M . M ., was duly examined , and entrusted . The lodge opened in thc Third Degree , when Bro . Edwards was duly raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . The lodge resumed to the
First Degree . The VV . M . rose for the first and second times , when Bro . Carter , P . M . 1444 , was elected to the chair for the next meeting . On the proposition of Bro Higerty , P . M . 1444 , P . P . J . G . D . Surrey , Bro . Walter H . George was re-elected Secretary ; and , on the proposition of Bro . Hardiman , Preceptor , Bro . Martin D . Wills was
unanimously elected Assistant Secretary . The Preceptor proposed , and Bro . Carter seconded , a hearty vote of thanks to Bro . Bircham Cooper for his excellent working in the chair , which was warmly appreciated by the brethren present . The W . M . rose for the third time , when nothing further offering , excepting relief to a brother in distress , the lodge was duly closed .
ISLINGTON LODGE ( No . 1471 ) . —The usual weekly meeting was held on Tuesday , the 31 st ult ., at the Cock Tavern , Highbury , when there were present Bros . R . P Upton , W . M . ; G . T . Chretien , S . W . ; H . B . Harding , I . W . ; W . Hancock , Preceptor ; J . Duncan , J . D . ; C . M . Coxon , I . G . ; and W . Rapley . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes
of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Thc ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Rapley being the candidate . The W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Hancock , W . M . elect 2191 , who rehearsed the investiture of officers . This ceremony was again rehearsed by Bro . Coxon , VV . M . elect 227 S . Bro . Hancock
resumed the chair , when Bro . Duncan answered the questions leading to the Second Degree , and was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed , Bro . Duncan being the candidate . The lodge was resumed in the First Degree . Bro . Chretien was elected W . M . for the next meeting . The lodge was then closed , and adjourned until the first week in September .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1614 ) . —The usual weekly meeting of this lodge was held at the Criterion , Piccadilly , S . W ., on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., when there were present Bros . G . H . Foan , W . M . j R . W . Jones , S . W . ; J . Rowe , J . W . ; VV . Hancock , acting Preceptor j Geo . Reynolds , Treas . and Sec . ; W . Hoggins , S . D . ; R . Sandland , J . D . ; E . Harris , I . G . ; T . E . Weeks , l
yier ; i \ . IMIK , n . Duuen , j . n . vvarvviCK , i \ . DUKas , v .. Morrell , E . J . D . Bromley , J . S . Cater , W . T . Bates , J . Wise , T . Hawken , VV Dovvnes , F . VV . Buxton , G . H . Reynolds , H . J . Keen , G . A . Bergholz , E . Evetidinc , MacLion , and others . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . II . J . Keen having offered himself as a candidate for initiation ,
the VV . M . rehearsed the ceremony . Bro . G . H . I'oan vacated the chair in favour of Bro . W . Hancock . l ! ro . 1 . Wise offered himself as a candidate to be passed to tne Second Degree , and having answered the necessary questions satisfactorily , was entrusted and retired . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . The W . M . rehearsed
the Degree of F . C . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . On rising for the first time , Bro . MacLion , 16231 was unanimously elected a joining member . On rising lot the second time , Bro . R . AV . Jones , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . On rising for the third time ; the lodge was closed .
KENSINGTON LODGE ( No . 1767 ) . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , the 31 st ult ., at tne Scarsdale Arms Hotel , Edwardes-square , Kensington , W . Present : Br s T . VV . Heath , VV . M . 1642 , W . M . ; VV . Hillier , S . W . ; T . Kington , J . W . ; R . H . Williams , P . M ., Deputy Preceptor ; F . Craggs , P . M ., Sec ; G . W . T . Kvrkham . S . D . ; Lewis Beale , J . D . ; W . E . Kington , I . G . ; H *»* Danby , W . M . 105 G ; J . R . Hubbard , P . M . ; W . "
Dresden , W . M . 1 C 02 ; and IL K . Elkin . .... The lodge w * . s duly opened , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Hubbard acting as candidate . t * ro Elkin offered himself as a candidate for passing , and « ' *•> examined and entrusted . The lodge was opened in tri Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing re * iear f , The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and resumed 1 the First Degree . Bro . Hillier was elected W . M . W « w next meeting , and the lodge was closed .
ST . AMBROSE LODGE ( No . 1891 ) . —A meeting «« held on Monday , the 23 rd ult ., at the Scarsdale i \«" Hotel , Edwardes-square , Kensington , when there vv present Bros . Joseph Cox , W . M .: T . C . Dyer , s- " *; T . E . P . Bell . I . W .: lesse Collinrrs . P . M ., Precept ?'
V . Craggs , P . M ., Sec . ; C . C . Barber , S . D . ; E . J * ° , T > J D . ; Philip Howard , I . G . ; W . C . Williams , P . M * . * * G . Std . Br . Middx . ; E . Clare , and Walter Dew . . of The lodge was opened in due form , and the n [ , n . re H -as the previous meeting read and confirmed . The to"t > ^ erei opened in the Second Degree . Bro . Clare then 0 ^ himself as a candidate for raising , and was , . ? { [) cl rrc < i entrusted . The lodge was opened in thc Third
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
was performed by Bro . Edward Mallard , S . W . 115 , P . ] . G . D ., one of thc founders and thc first W . M . of the louVe , the new Master being Bro . Thomas Rowbotham , S . D . Hv , P . G . I . of W . After the installation ceremony , which was performed in a perfect manner , the Installing Master was presented by Bro . VV . H . Poulton , Chaplain of the lodge , and P . G . Chap ., vvith a Past Master's jewel , which bears thc following inscription * . " Presented to Wor .
Bro . Edward Mallard , Provincial Grand Mark Deacon Warwickshire , by the officers and brethren of thc Mark Lodge of Charity , No . 430 , in recognition of . his services as one of the founders , and his zeal and ability as first Worship ful Master of the lodge , also as a mark of fraternal esteem and regard . 1 st June , iSg 2 . " The P . G . Chaplain , in presenting the jewel , bore testimony as Chaplain of thc lodge to the admirable and exemplary manner in
which the Installing Master had performed the duties of Master , and conducted the affairs of the lodge during the first year of its infancy , and to the zeal and ability which he had displayed in founding the lodge , and also to the success which he had achieved in inducing the other founders to join him in furnishing the lodge in a most complete manner , and with the most costly and beautiful working toolsofficers' jewels , books , and other necessary
, paraphernalia , adding that he was perfectly satisfied that the lodge had been fixed on a sure and lasting basis , honourable to the builder , and that the future prosperity of the lodge was fully assured by his untiring and successful efforts , and the worthy Chaplain expressed a fervent hope that the Installing Master might long be able to boast of be ingthe oldest Past Master of the lodge as well as the oldest subscribing Past Master of the Charity Craft Lodge , which
he was fond of asserting . The Installing Master , in replying , expressed his great satisfaction that he had obtained the esteem and approbation of his brethren , and assured them that as long as he lived he hoped that it would be his earnest desire as it was then to keep his connection with thc lodge , and to do Ihe utmost in his power to secure its future prosperity and promote the happiness of his brethren .
After the ceremony was over , a most excellent banquet was partaken of by the whole of the brethren , the vicechairs being filled , in the absence of the S . W ., by Bro . Councillor Walter Waters , J . W ., and Bro . Sir James Sawyer , M . O . The W . M . proposed the usual loyal toasts of ' * The Queen and Mark Masonry , " "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present
and Past , " in his usual eloquent and felicitous manner , referring to the great impetus that had been given to Masonry in general by the patronage of her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen and her noble son , the Prince of Wales , as Grand Master , and to the brotherly kindness and assistance always so willingly and graciously bestowed by the Grand Master whenever required or in his power . The toast of "The Pro G . M . and Prov . G . M ., Bro . the
Marquess of Hertford , and the rest of the Prov . Grand Officers , Present and Past , " was proposed by Bro . Sir James Sawyer , M . O ., who took an opportunity of paying a very eloquent tribute not only to the Masonic virtues of the M . W . Pro G . M . but to his high descent and honourable career , and fuither pointed out that the noble family of Seymours ( part of whose arms the lodge bore on their banner by the noble marquess ' s kind permission ) had in
time past the distinction of furnishing not only great and distinguished statesmen but had even produced occupants of the throne of England , and for that reason he considered it a very great honour for any W . M . to be able to sit under such a banner , and a very great honour to the lodge as well as to the whole body of Mark Master Masons throughout the world . The speaker also assured the brethren from a personal and intimate acquaintance with the M . W . Pro
G . M ., of his sterling good qualities as a country gentleman , landlord , and employer , bearing testimony to his invariable goodness of heart , charitable acts , and kindly demeanour , not only to his equals in station , but to all those over whom he had authority , and whose duties and services and whose good fortunes brought them in contact with him in any way . Ihe worthy Bro . Sir James Sawyer finished an eloquent speech with a most excellent tribute to the virtues and
principles inculcated in Masonic ritual , and although he admitted that he was a v ; ry young Mason in comparison with those around him , said that he wished he had started on his Masonic career earlier in life ; that he had been so impressed with the genuine tenets and principles of the Order he had imbibed that he felt justified in saying that they were second only to those taught by Christianity , and in exhorting the brethren present to become closer and
more earnest and zealous advocates , practitioners , and exponents of the great objects and sublime teachings of the Institution which was gradually spreading its branches over the whole face of the globe , to the great benefit of the human race . Bro . Councillor Waters , J . W . and acting S . VV ., proposed "The Health of the W . M . and the Installing Master , " eulogising the many good qualities of both , and bearing
testimony to the two prosperous jears just completed by the VV . M . in the chair of thc Charity Craft Lodge , to the greater zeal he had infused into its members , the many charitable acts he had personally been guilty of , and to the beneficial effects of his good example to the brethren of the lodge . He also spoke in very kindly terms of appreciation and approbation of the Installing Master , instancing his own experience 10 years ago , when the Installing Master
raised him to the SuLlime Degree of a Master Mason , and saying that the deep impression made by the impressive manner in which the ritual was then given had lasted to that day , and had ever since stimulated him to persevere in acquiring Masonic knowledge . The W . M ., in responding , said that , although he had only just completed his second year of oflice in the chair of the Charity Craft Lodge , he only felt his appetite whetted for
a further happy year's connection with the brethren of the Mark Degree , who were , of necessity , all members of the Craft lodge , and assured the brethren that he would exercise the utmost power and ability he possessed in still further increasing the high reputation of the lodge , which the Installing Master had prophesied at its consecration would soon become the premier lodge of the
province , and which certainly , it appeared to him , had a near prospect of fulfilment . He also thanked the brethren for the honour conferred upon him , and hoped that all the good wishes expressed by the mouth of the eloquent S . W ., his dear and esteemed brother , and by the heartiness with which the toast had been received , might be fulfilled so far as the Charity Mark Lodge was concerned .
Mark Masonry.
The Installing Master , in responding , thanked the brethren for the most enthusiastic and cordial reception of his name , and assured them that he would do the utmost in his power to assist the Worshipful Master , and he hoped many succeeding Worshipful Masters , in doing all he could for the great cause they had at heart , and further assured them that the fact stated by the S . W ., if it were one—and he dared not doubt it after the assurance
given—was alone a sufficient reward to him as a Mason for any and all the exertions he had ever put forth in the great and glorious cause . Bro . the Rev . W . H . Poulton , M . A ., P . G . Chap ., Chap ., in proposing the toast of " The Visitors , " further expatiated upon the sublime principles and great objects of the Institution , and endorsed the statements of Bro . Sir James Sawyer , who had been his intimate and dear friend for
upwards of 30 years , that the objects of Freemaso . iry were second only in importance to those of religion , and were , he said , calculated to promote and further the interests of the whole community . He also thanked the visiting brethren for coming amongst them , and assured them that the hospitality of the lodge had already become proverbial . Bro . Hillman , as thescnior P . G . Ofticcrpresent , andas one of the oldest Past Masters ot the province , after thanking the
W . M . and officers for their generous hospitality , eulogised the general conduct of the Installing Master as a Mason , and said he had worked with him in various Degrees , Craft , chapter , and Mark , and that he had always been a great admirer of the zeal and ability displayed by him in the various Masonic ceremonies in which he had seen him work , and added ' that thc installation of the W . M ., Bro . Thomas Rowbotham , that evening had been performed in the most
exemplary manner , and with greater perfectness and proper rendering of the beautiful ritual than he had ever witnessed or experienced during the whole course of his Masonic career . The worshipful brother also expressed his opinion that he had never listened to so eloquent an address or so high an eulogium of the principles of Masonry as that which had been uttered t > y the worthy brother , Sir James Sawyerand congratulated the Lidge of Charity upon
, having so many earnest and zeakus Masons as members . The toast of " The Visitors " was also responded toby Bros . W . H . Parker , Sergeant-Ma ) ir Woods , J . M . Milward , and C . D . Eaton , each speaker endorsing the opinion of Bro . William Hillman as to the excellent example set by the W . M ., Installing Master , officers , and
brethren of the lodge . After the other usual toasts , interspersed w 1 h excellent vocal and instrumental music by thc Provincial Grand , Craft , and Mark Organists , and other brethren , the proceedings were brought to a close amidst a unanimous expression of opinion by the brethren that a more enjoyable Masonic evening had never been spent by any of them .
Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Lodges and Chapters of Instruction .
CLARENCE LODGE ( No . 363 ) . —The usual weekly meeting was held on Thursday , the 20 th ult ., at IA , Fitzroy-square , when the following brethren were present : Bros . D . G . Imlay , W . M . ; H . S . Wellcome , S . W . ; J . Hart , J . W . ; W . H . Kirby , Preceptor , * VV . Baker , Sec . ; W . Freemantle , S . D . ; Jas . Passmore , J . D . ; M . M . Tavlor , I . G . ; H . H . Nuding , Dr . Frost , Jas . Corp , D . D .
West , H . Sands , A . Leighton , Morris Evans , and J . Tidmarsh . Visitor : Bro . Byworth , 1420 . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Sands volunteered to act as candidate , was examined , entrusted , and retired from the lodge . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of Dassincr . The explanation of the tracing board was
rendered by Bro . A . Leighton . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree . Bro . Jas . Corp worked the 3 rd Section of the Third Lecture , 'the lodge was resumed in the First Degree . Bro . Byworth was proposed as a joining member . Bro . II . S . Wellcome was unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting . He appointed his officers , and announced that the work would be the ceremony of raising and the ( ith Section of the First Lecture . The lodge was then closed .
RANELAGH LODGE ( No . 834 ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 27 th ult ., at the Six Bells Hotel , Queenstreet , Hammersmith , when there were present Bros . F . Craggs , P . M ., W . M . ; A . Williams , P . M ., S . W . ; J . Banks , J . W . ; J . Sims , P . M ., Preceptor ; D . S . Long , P . M ., Sec ; VV . Hide , S . D . ; R . J . Williams , J . D . ; H . G . Pearson , I . G . ; S . Cochrane , P . M ., and R . Reid . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes
of the last meeting read and confirmed . Ihe ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Reid acting as candidate . 'Ihe lodge was opened in the Second Degree . The 1 st Section of the Lecture was worked by the brethren , under the direction of the Preceptor . The lodge was closed in the Second Degree . The W . M . having risen , the S . VV . was unanimously elected VV . M . for the next meeting . After " Hearty good wishes , " the lodge was closed .
BLACKHEATH LODGE ( No . 1320 ) . — Ihe usual weekly meeting was held at the Milkwood Tavern , Milkwood-road , Loughborough Junction , on Monday , the 30 th ult ., when there were present Bros . C . IL Stone , VV . M . ; Pullen , S . W . ; Gaze , J . W . ; Hilton , P . M ., Preceptor ; T . R . Cass , Treas . ; E . A . Rice , Sec ; T . C Turner , S . D . ; VV . Hill , J . D . ; Pike , I . G . j Lake , Tyler ; Hooper , Clarke , Fisher , Salmon , Orton , Hubbard , Sercombe , Telling , Derham , Mattock , P . M . ; Hobley , and
Vouens . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of passing was then rehearsed , and Bro . Salmon , acting as candidate , was entrusted and retired . The lodge was opened in
the Second Degree , and Bro . Salmon was passed in due form . The lodge was called off and on , alter which the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . The VV . M . rose for the first time , and dues were collected . The W . M . rose for the second and third times , and the lodge was closed .
HVDE PARK LODGE ( No . 1425 ) . —A meeting was held on Monday , the 23 rd ult ., at the Prince of Wales Hotel , corner of Eastbourne-terrace and Bishop ' s-road , Paddington , W ., when there were present Bros . W . Edlestein , W . M . ; 11 . Campbell , S . W . ; J . C . Conway , J . W . ; G . Read , P . M . 511 , Treas . ; II . Dehane , P . M .
Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
1 543 , Sec ; W . Hillier , S . D . ; J . Powell , J . D . ; Main , E . J . Reed , I . G . ; S . N . Isaacs , Stwd . ; D . Gellion P \ i 1425 ; W . J . Ferguson , P . M . , 77 ; C G . Wetzlar , ' pt , 141 ; T . M . Lamble , M . Rosenberg , and W . Smith . ' The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The cere mony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Rosenberg actinrr zl
candidate . I he 2 nd and 3 rd Sections of the Lecture were worked by Bro . Read , assisted by the brethren . Bro Ferguson was appointed Deputy Preceptor , and unani ! mously elected an honorary member , and having expressed his thanks for . the compliment , stated he would conform
strictly to the ritual and avoid innovations . Bro . Campbell was elected W . M . for the next meeting—officers to be in rotation . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Edlestein for the admirable manner he had presided as W . M . for the first time , and he acknowledged the compliment . After " Hearty good wishes , " the lodge was closed .
IVY LODGE ( No . 1441 ) . —The usual weekl y meeting of the above lodge was held on Thursday , the 2 ( ith ult at the Railway Tavern , Battersea Rise , S . W ., when there were present Bros . Hardiman , Preceptor ; Bircham CooDer P . M . 1441 , W . M . ; Carter , S . W . ; Wallace Ingram , I VV ' Martin D . Wills , S . D . ; Bradbury , J . D . ; Walter B . ' George , I . G . and Sec ; Higerty , Edwards , and others
The lodge was duly opened , and the minutes of the last meeting , with a slight alteration , read and confirmed . The lodge opened in the Second Degree , when Bro . Edwards as a candidate to be raised to the Degree of a M . M ., was duly examined , and entrusted . The lodge opened in thc Third Degree , when Bro . Edwards was duly raised to the Sublime Degree of a M . M . The lodge resumed to the
First Degree . The VV . M . rose for the first and second times , when Bro . Carter , P . M . 1444 , was elected to the chair for the next meeting . On the proposition of Bro Higerty , P . M . 1444 , P . P . J . G . D . Surrey , Bro . Walter H . George was re-elected Secretary ; and , on the proposition of Bro . Hardiman , Preceptor , Bro . Martin D . Wills was
unanimously elected Assistant Secretary . The Preceptor proposed , and Bro . Carter seconded , a hearty vote of thanks to Bro . Bircham Cooper for his excellent working in the chair , which was warmly appreciated by the brethren present . The W . M . rose for the third time , when nothing further offering , excepting relief to a brother in distress , the lodge was duly closed .
ISLINGTON LODGE ( No . 1471 ) . —The usual weekly meeting was held on Tuesday , the 31 st ult ., at the Cock Tavern , Highbury , when there were present Bros . R . P Upton , W . M . ; G . T . Chretien , S . W . ; H . B . Harding , I . W . ; W . Hancock , Preceptor ; J . Duncan , J . D . ; C . M . Coxon , I . G . ; and W . Rapley . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes
of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Thc ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Rapley being the candidate . The W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Hancock , W . M . elect 2191 , who rehearsed the investiture of officers . This ceremony was again rehearsed by Bro . Coxon , VV . M . elect 227 S . Bro . Hancock
resumed the chair , when Bro . Duncan answered the questions leading to the Second Degree , and was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed , Bro . Duncan being the candidate . The lodge was resumed in the First Degree . Bro . Chretien was elected W . M . for the next meeting . The lodge was then closed , and adjourned until the first week in September .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1614 ) . —The usual weekly meeting of this lodge was held at the Criterion , Piccadilly , S . W ., on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., when there were present Bros . G . H . Foan , W . M . j R . W . Jones , S . W . ; J . Rowe , J . W . ; VV . Hancock , acting Preceptor j Geo . Reynolds , Treas . and Sec . ; W . Hoggins , S . D . ; R . Sandland , J . D . ; E . Harris , I . G . ; T . E . Weeks , l
yier ; i \ . IMIK , n . Duuen , j . n . vvarvviCK , i \ . DUKas , v .. Morrell , E . J . D . Bromley , J . S . Cater , W . T . Bates , J . Wise , T . Hawken , VV Dovvnes , F . VV . Buxton , G . H . Reynolds , H . J . Keen , G . A . Bergholz , E . Evetidinc , MacLion , and others . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . II . J . Keen having offered himself as a candidate for initiation ,
the VV . M . rehearsed the ceremony . Bro . G . H . I'oan vacated the chair in favour of Bro . W . Hancock . l ! ro . 1 . Wise offered himself as a candidate to be passed to tne Second Degree , and having answered the necessary questions satisfactorily , was entrusted and retired . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . The W . M . rehearsed
the Degree of F . C . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . On rising for the first time , Bro . MacLion , 16231 was unanimously elected a joining member . On rising lot the second time , Bro . R . AV . Jones , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . On rising for the third time ; the lodge was closed .
KENSINGTON LODGE ( No . 1767 ) . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , the 31 st ult ., at tne Scarsdale Arms Hotel , Edwardes-square , Kensington , W . Present : Br s T . VV . Heath , VV . M . 1642 , W . M . ; VV . Hillier , S . W . ; T . Kington , J . W . ; R . H . Williams , P . M ., Deputy Preceptor ; F . Craggs , P . M ., Sec ; G . W . T . Kvrkham . S . D . ; Lewis Beale , J . D . ; W . E . Kington , I . G . ; H *»* Danby , W . M . 105 G ; J . R . Hubbard , P . M . ; W . "
Dresden , W . M . 1 C 02 ; and IL K . Elkin . .... The lodge w * . s duly opened , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Hubbard acting as candidate . t * ro Elkin offered himself as a candidate for passing , and « ' *•> examined and entrusted . The lodge was opened in tri Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing re * iear f , The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and resumed 1 the First Degree . Bro . Hillier was elected W . M . W « w next meeting , and the lodge was closed .
ST . AMBROSE LODGE ( No . 1891 ) . —A meeting «« held on Monday , the 23 rd ult ., at the Scarsdale i \«" Hotel , Edwardes-square , Kensington , when there vv present Bros . Joseph Cox , W . M .: T . C . Dyer , s- " *; T . E . P . Bell . I . W .: lesse Collinrrs . P . M ., Precept ?'
V . Craggs , P . M ., Sec . ; C . C . Barber , S . D . ; E . J * ° , T > J D . ; Philip Howard , I . G . ; W . C . Williams , P . M * . * * G . Std . Br . Middx . ; E . Clare , and Walter Dew . . of The lodge was opened in due form , and the n [ , n . re H -as the previous meeting read and confirmed . The to"t > ^ erei opened in the Second Degree . Bro . Clare then 0 ^ himself as a candidate for raising , and was , . ? { [) cl rrc < i entrusted . The lodge was opened in thc Third