Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
y The Council of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will hold their monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall , tomorrow ( Saturday ) , at 3 p . m . The change this month from the first to the second Saturday is due to Bank Holiday on Monday .
We are asked to state that the Crusaders Lodge of Instruction have recommenced their meetings at the Northampton Arms , Goswell-road , on Friday evenings at eight o ' clock . Bro . Weedon is the Preceptor . . Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria , having returned from visiting the Queen at Balmoral , will be entertained at luncheon at the Mansion House by Bro . Lord Mayor Evans and the Lady Mayoress to-day ( Friday ) .
The Duke of Cambridge has expressed his intention of inspecting the London Rifle Brigade , of which his Royal Highness has been colonel for 32 years , in Hyde Park , to-morrow ( Saturday ) . The Prince of Wales , accompanied by the Duke of Vork , and attended by Bro . Sir Francis Knollys , landed at Dover on the return from Copenhagen on Tuesday afternoon , and
travelled thence by special train to Charing Cross , which was reached shortly before 7 p . m . A large crowd had assembled , and respectfully saluted the Prince and his son as they drove off to Marlborough 1 louse . A benefit has been arranged to take place at the Lyceum Theatre in behalf of the Actors' Benevolent Fund , on
Thursday , the 23 rd inst ., when among the artistes who will appear will be Madame Sarah Bernhardt , Mr . Sims Reeves , Bro . Hare and the Garrick Company , Bro . Toole , Bro . BeerbohmTree and the HaymarketCompany , Mr . Alexander and the St . James ' s Company , and Bro . Henry Irving and the Lyceum Company .
The Kingston Lodge , No . 1010 , Hull , on Wednesday night opened vvith much ceremony a new organ which has been built for the use of the Kingston and De la Pole Lodges . Bro . F . Bentley presided at the instrument throughout the ceremony and played a splendid selection of music At the subsequent banquet Bro . H . Woodhouse , LLD ., presided .
It has been resolved to celebrate the accession to the Masonic Throne of Scotland of the Right Hon . the Earl of Haddington by a painting , which shall embrace portraits of the office-bearers and members of the Grand Lodge for the present year . The number of portraits included in the picture will be limited . Members who are not office-bearers will be depicted in the regalia of their respective lodges . —
Glasgow Evening News . The remains of Bro . James Fergusson , vvho died on Saturday , the 2 Sth ult ., aged G 7 years , were interred in St . Nicholas' Churchyard , at Boston , onthe 3 ist ult . Deceased was well known and respected throughout and beyond the
Province of Lincolnshire . In his lodge he passed through all the chairs , and he held high provincial honours . Bro . W . H . Gane , VV . M . of the Franklin Lodge , and upwards of 20 brethren of that and the Harmony Lodge followed their deceased brother to the grave . Deceased was also an active member of the Foresters and Oddfellows' societies .
The Editor of the Gentlewoman put to his readers the question— "Do Women desire to Vote for Members of Parliament ? " —and asked them to vote thereon . The ballot , which has been open for several weeks , closed on Monday vvith the following result : S 301 voting " Ves , " and 1 . 1 , 5 s voting " No , " in answer to the above question . This is an interesting and useful indication of what Mr . Gladstone called the " womanly mind" of the kingdom
upon the subject . A book which should prove interesting reading to all Sussex people will shortly be published , entitled " A Peep into the Past : 'Brighton in the Olden Time . " A fellow journalist of ours , Mr . John George Bishop , is the author , and if any man should be thoroughly conversant with the
subject of Brighton past and present , it is certaintly Mr . Bishop , as last week he completed fifty-three years of journalistic service on the Brighton Herald . We look forward with much pleasure to the perusal of this his latest work , "A Peep into the Past , " the interest of which will be enhanced by the numerous illustrations and portraits which will appear in it . —Sola ' s "Journal .
Bro . James Terry , P . G . S . B ., and Secretary to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , will rehearse the ceremony of consecration at the Covent Garden Lodge of Instruction at the Criterion , Piccadilly-circus ( Masonic Temple ) , on Thursday evening , the 23 rd inst ., at 7 o ' clock
precisely . The annual supper will take place immediately after Ihe ceremony , Bro . G . H . Foan , W . M . 1614 , Assistant Preceptor , in the Chair , Bro . G . Reynolds , P . M . ' 1 O 14 , Secretary , Vice-Chairman . Tickets for the supper , 5 s . each , can be had of Bro . G . Reynolds , 3 , St . James ' ssquare , Pall Mall , S . W .
Chesterfield vVas the scene of a very interesting ceremony on Tuesday , when a large gathering of local and other notabilities and a vast concourse of spectators assembled to witness Mrs . Arkwiight cut the first turf of the new Lancashire , Derbyshire , and East Coast Railway . The undertaking is a very popular one in the district and
throughout Derbyshire , as it will connect Derbyshire with the agricultural districts in Lincolnshire on the one hand , and with the Manchester Ship Canal and the Mersey on the other , while at the same time it will afford an alternative route to London . It is hoped that the line will be completed in the course of the next three years .
MllLLOWAY 8 OlXlMKNT ASH I'lU . S . —Colils , Coughs , Shortness of Breath . —These maladies rei-imc early anil unremitt ' mi ; attention , for if neglected they often end iii asthnn , bronchitis , or consumption . The Ointment well nibbed upon the chest anil back , penetrating the skin , is absorbed and carried directly to the lungs , whence it expels all impurities . All the blond in the body is perpetually passing through the lungs , and therefore all noxious
panicles tending todisease can be quickly , thoroughly , and permanently neutralised , rendered harmless , or ejected from the system , llolloway ' s Ointment and I'ills perfectly accomplish this purification ; and through the blood thus cleansed , the inlluence of these wonderful medicaments reaches Ihe remotest parts of the human body , and thus cures all diseased action , whether internal or external , —Anvr .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Bro . the Earl and Countess of Londesborough and the Ladies Denison left London on Saturday last for their seat —Londesborough Lodge , Scarborough . The Hon . VV . F . D . Smith , M . P ., and Bro . W . Burdett-Coutts , M . P ., have joined the Committee of Management of the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital .
The Earl of Carnarvon Lodge of Instruction is now holding its meetings at the Duke of Cornwall Hotel , Talbotroad , Bayswater , VV ., on Friday evenings , at eight o'clock . Bro . the Earl and Countess of Mount Edgcumbe and Lady Edith Edgcumbe went on Friday , the 3 rd instant , to Guy's Cliff , Warwick , on a visit to Lord and Lady Algernon Percy .
The Duke of Connaught , as Colonel-in-Chief of the Rifle Brigade , presided at the annual regimental dinner which was held at the Hotel Metropole , on Friday evening , the 3 rd instant . Bro . the Earl and Countess of Wharncliffe left Curzonstreet on the 3 rd instant for Vichy , where they will spend a
month in order that his lordship s health may be benefited by the waters . Friday , the 3 rd instant , being the 27 th anniversary of the birth of his Royal Highness the Duke of York , the bells in Windsor were rung , and a Royal salute fired in the Long Walk in commemoration of the event .
Bro . Sir Edmund Monson , the British Minister at Athens , who has been appointed to the same post at Brussels , will leave Athens on Sunday , the 12 th inst ., paying a visit by the way to Vice-Admiral Sir G . Tryon , commanding-in-chief the Mediterranean squadron .
Bro . W . Vaughan Morgan , who was recently elected Alderman of Cordwainer Ward in place of Bro . Col . Cowan , resigned , was entertained at dinner at the Mansion House by Bro . Lord Mayor Evans and the Lady Mayoress on Friday , the 3 rd inst .
The Duke of Northumberland having concluded his visit to Lord Algernon Percy , at Guy's Cliff , Warrick , proceeded last week to Albury Park , Surrey , where the rejoicings in behalf of the coming of age of his grandson , Lord Warkworth , eldest son of Bro . Earl Percy , have since been celebrated .
The Queen has ordered that the India medal for 1 S 54 , with a clasp inscribed " N . E . Frontier , 1 S 91 , " shall be granted to the troops employed in the Manipur expedition , and a bronze medal and clasp for all authorised Government followers . But officers , soldiers , and others already in receipt of either medal , will receive the clasp only . It is intended to erect an " Albert Edward Sailors' Rest "
in the east of London as a memorial to the late Duke of Clarence and Avondale . The Duke of Vork has expressed his approval of the sch erne , and an appeal signed by Bro . Lord Mayor Evans , Bro . Lord Brassey , Archdeacon Sinclair , Vice-Admiral Grant , and others has been addressed to the public in its behalf . The sum proposed to be raised towards this memorial is £ 10 , 000 .
The Prince of Wales and his son , the Duke of Vork , left Copenhagen on Saturday evening last for Calais en route for London , travelling by special train via Fiinen and Jutland . Their Royal Highnesses were accompanied to the station by the King , the Crown Prince and Princess , the King of the Hellenes , the Duke of Cumberland , Princes Christian and Charles , Princess Louise , Princes John and William , and the British Minister—Sir Hugh MacDonell .
A meeting of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution was held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , on Friday evening , the 3 rd inst ., for the purpose of electing candidates to be placed on the list for the election at the next Court of Governors of the Institution . There was a good attendance of members , including Bros . J . Houlding , E . C . Jones , G . Broadbridgc , T . H . VV .
Walker , W . E . Cox , and J . 1 . Callow . In the course of the evening 13 candidates were elected , and none of the applications were refused . A special appeal has bean adJressed to thi pu ' ilic by the Archbishop of Canterbury ( a Vice-Patron ) , Viscount Cranbrook ( the President ) , and a number of distinguished
physicians in behalf of the Royal Sea Bathing Infirmary , Margate , which was founded in 1891 , and which has rendered incalculable service to upwards of 40 , 000 patients suffering from scrofula . It is the only hospital of its kind , and unfortunately , owing to the very serious an nual deficit , its funds are at a very low ebb .
In addition to the marvellously attractive ballet of " Versailles , " which certainly surpasses anything yet produced at the Empire Theatre of Varieties , the general programme is very strong , as will hi seen from the following : Kelly and Ashby , Cninese laundry ; E . Williams , cartoonist ; Vesta Tilley , vocalist ; " By the Sea , " ballet ; R . G . Knowles , the very peculiar American comedian ; Marvelle ' s
Dogs ; Armanmi Quintette , imndohnists , etc . ; Cinquevalli , juggler ; Vanoni ; Rose Sullivan , vocalist ; Bedouins , Arab acrobats ; Huline Bros ., eccentric clowns ; and Boissets , in the laughable pantomime " The Wild West . " THE NEW TKAVEI . I . EK . S' CI . U 11—which was opened on Monday last—is the latest addition to clubland . Built on one of the finest sites in London—07 ,
Piccadilly—overlooking the Green Park , and furnished in the most sumptuous manner by Maple and Co ., it possesses all the attractions that the most luxurious of mortals could desire , and , from the influential and experienced noblemen and gentlemen whose names appear as forming the Committee , we cannot doubt that it will be well and successfull y managed . It is founded on similar lines to the Travellers '
Club , winch , like several of the oldest and most exclusive clubs , offers little or no chance of a member being elected within 10 or 15 years , therefore , the probability is that the New Travellers' will within a short time have its list full . We are informed that over 1500 noblemen and gentlemen have already been elected , and numerous candidates await election . Amongst other advantages the club contains numerous bedrooms for the exclusive use of members .
Fisu ! i- 'isii ! I ' ISH 1 The CO-0 I ' EKATIV * K FISH SUPPLY Co ., LTD ., are now sending out cheap BASKETS of FISH or OYSTERS , carriage paid , to any part of the Kingdom , from 2 s . fid . each and upwards , direct Irom the landing stage . Address orders and remittances to the Co-Operative Fish Supply Co ., Ltd ., Pontoon , Grimsby , or to Billingsgate Buildings , London , E . C , as may be most convenient . Try our I . ondon House for their celebrated Bloaters , Findon Haddocks , Kippers , & c .
Masonic And General Tidings.
A marriage has been arranged between the Earl < - * Southampton and the Lady Hilda Dundas , eldest daughter of Bro . the Earl and Countess of Zetland . It is said that the German Emperor has accepted the Queen ' s invitation to visit her Majesty in the Isle , of Wi ght this summer , and that his visit will be timed to coincide vvith
the Cowes Regatta , which is fixed for the 2 nd August . In the summons issued to the members of the Bruce Chapter of the Royal Order of Scotland , the name of Bro . VV . Glynes is given in error as T . R . S . T . A ., when it should have been Bro . Henry Lovegrove , P . P . G Std . Br . Province of London .
The election of a successor to Bro . Sir P . De Keyser as Alderman for the Ward of Farringdon Without , resulted in the unanimous choice of Bro . W . P . Treloar . A vote of thanks to Bro . Sir P . De Keyser for his services was also passed by acclamation . Two fine roads are being laid out in South London , one will be so feet wide , Holmdene-avenue , and will connect
Heme Hill vvith Half Moon Lane . About 150 houses of a superior class will be erected , under the superintendence of the surveyor to the freeholder , Bro . Henry Lovegrove . The Queen has been pleased to place the vise of the Royal box at The disposal of the Committee which is organising the concert in aid of funds for the relief of distressed forei gn artists in England , which will take p lace at the Royal Albert Hall , South Kensington , to-day ( Friday ; , at 3 p . m .
The Princess Marie of Edinburgh , the eldest daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh , and a grand-daughter of the Queen , has been betrothed in Berlin to Prince Ferdinand , nephew of the King of Roumania , and b y special enactment the heir-apparent to that Monarch .
The National United Order of Free Gardeners commenccd their annual meeting at Wednesbury on Monday under the presidency of their Grand Master . The address showed that there were 57 , 6 7 6 members , and funds amounting to £ 147 , , being an increase of £ 5000 over the previous year .
Brockwell Park , Heme Hill , was opened on Whit Monday by Lord Rosebery and some members of the London County Council . Nobody worked harder to secure the park for the people than Bro . Thomas Lynn Bristowe , M . P ., P . M ., & c , and it was extremely sad that a few minutes after Lord Rosebery finished speaking Bro . Bristowe fell dead on the steps .
The Earl and Countess of Cadogan gave a dinner party at Chelsea House on the 3 rd inst ., at which the guests included Bro . the Duke of Devonshire , the Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry , the Marquis of Hamilton , Bro . the Earl and Countess of Zetland , the Earl of Dalkeith , Bro . the Earl of March , Viscount and Viscountess Chelsea , Bro . Lord and Lady Burton , and Count Albert
Mensdorff . The annual Cart Horse Parade and Competition was held in the Inner Circle of the Regent's Park on Whit Monday . There were in all 59 6 horses with 4 S 3 drivers entered , there being 4 6 in the single horse two-wheel class , 363 in the single horse four-wheel class , 13 S in the pairs , 33 in the teams of three , and 16 in the teams of four . Baroness
Burdett-Coutts was to have presented the prizes , but was prevented by the death of her cousin , Bro . Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., and her place was very kindly taken by the Lady Mayoress . The parade and distribution of prizes were witnessed by crowds of people , and a vote of thanks to the Lady Mayoress , which was briefly acknowledged by Bro . Lord Mayor Evans , was passed by acclamation .
As the weather was brilliant , the number of people who availed themselves of the facilities afforded for enioyment on Bank Holiday was enormous . The " principal railway ttrmini were thronged vvith intending excursionists , and Brighton , Ramsgate , Dover , Margate , and all the sea-side resorts within easy reach of the Metropolis were crowded with visitors the whole day through . The museums , parks ,
and gardens in London were also thronged . Some 23 , 000 persons visited the Zoological Gardens , and about 12 , 000 the South Kensington Museum , and half that number the Natural History Museum . Many also travelled to Windsor and inspected the State Apartments at the Castle , while Hampton Court , Richmond , Kcw Gardens , the Crystal Palace , and other suburban resorts had each of them their
full complement of holiday folk . It is long since the day sacred to St . Lubbock at this season has been the means of affording so much enjoyment to so many people . At the Crystal Palace the visitors mustered upwards of 4 6 , 000 , while Venice at Olympia attracted over 30 , 000 , and the International Horticultural Show , vvith Buffalo Bill ' s Wild West , the Cossacks , and the band of the French Republican drew nearly 44 , 000 .
THE CIIOVKVI ZIIIX—Lovers of Zion—Society , whose appeal appears in our advertisement columns , has ben founded for the purpose of establishing agricultural colonies of Jews in Palestine and the neighbouring territories . 1 he objects nf the Society are such as to enlist the sympathies of members ol all denominations , whether considered in their religious , in their humanitarian , or in their charilalil '
aspects . The Society was founded , and is supported mainly by a great mass of Uussianjews settled in Eng land ; either for a permanence or , as they hope , for a short tune only . They look to Palestine as the country suited above ail ultimately to provide them with a home and with su t-jnance by agricultuial labiur . Several influential levvLh gentlemen , notably Samuel Montagu , Esq ., M . i ¦;
J . S . Montefiore , Esq ., J . P ., the Rev . Dr . Adler , Cluet Kabbi , and others , are doing all they can to assist in the objects of the Society , and are ably secondel by a number of provincial congregations . The programme of l " Society is based on eminently practical grounds . There are no dreams of creating a Jenish kingdom in Palestine ,
nor of driving out the Turks , who have shown themselves most friendly towards the Jewish race . The plot of ground chosen by the Society for ' their fir-4 attempt is eminentl ) suitable lor the purpose . Major Conder , R . E ., one of tne greatest living authorities on the subject , vvho will short ) lecture in the Portman Rooms on "Eastern Palestine , fully approves of the selection made by the " Lovers
Zion . " A GOOD PLAN . —The Eleventh Annual Kditicm of Explanatory Book , sent frte , gives valuable and reus \ information how to operate successfully in Stocks Shares and obtain handsjme profits . —Address , Geo . i-v * and Co ., Stockbrokers , 11 , Poultry , London , E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
y The Council of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will hold their monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall , tomorrow ( Saturday ) , at 3 p . m . The change this month from the first to the second Saturday is due to Bank Holiday on Monday .
We are asked to state that the Crusaders Lodge of Instruction have recommenced their meetings at the Northampton Arms , Goswell-road , on Friday evenings at eight o ' clock . Bro . Weedon is the Preceptor . . Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria , having returned from visiting the Queen at Balmoral , will be entertained at luncheon at the Mansion House by Bro . Lord Mayor Evans and the Lady Mayoress to-day ( Friday ) .
The Duke of Cambridge has expressed his intention of inspecting the London Rifle Brigade , of which his Royal Highness has been colonel for 32 years , in Hyde Park , to-morrow ( Saturday ) . The Prince of Wales , accompanied by the Duke of Vork , and attended by Bro . Sir Francis Knollys , landed at Dover on the return from Copenhagen on Tuesday afternoon , and
travelled thence by special train to Charing Cross , which was reached shortly before 7 p . m . A large crowd had assembled , and respectfully saluted the Prince and his son as they drove off to Marlborough 1 louse . A benefit has been arranged to take place at the Lyceum Theatre in behalf of the Actors' Benevolent Fund , on
Thursday , the 23 rd inst ., when among the artistes who will appear will be Madame Sarah Bernhardt , Mr . Sims Reeves , Bro . Hare and the Garrick Company , Bro . Toole , Bro . BeerbohmTree and the HaymarketCompany , Mr . Alexander and the St . James ' s Company , and Bro . Henry Irving and the Lyceum Company .
The Kingston Lodge , No . 1010 , Hull , on Wednesday night opened vvith much ceremony a new organ which has been built for the use of the Kingston and De la Pole Lodges . Bro . F . Bentley presided at the instrument throughout the ceremony and played a splendid selection of music At the subsequent banquet Bro . H . Woodhouse , LLD ., presided .
It has been resolved to celebrate the accession to the Masonic Throne of Scotland of the Right Hon . the Earl of Haddington by a painting , which shall embrace portraits of the office-bearers and members of the Grand Lodge for the present year . The number of portraits included in the picture will be limited . Members who are not office-bearers will be depicted in the regalia of their respective lodges . —
Glasgow Evening News . The remains of Bro . James Fergusson , vvho died on Saturday , the 2 Sth ult ., aged G 7 years , were interred in St . Nicholas' Churchyard , at Boston , onthe 3 ist ult . Deceased was well known and respected throughout and beyond the
Province of Lincolnshire . In his lodge he passed through all the chairs , and he held high provincial honours . Bro . W . H . Gane , VV . M . of the Franklin Lodge , and upwards of 20 brethren of that and the Harmony Lodge followed their deceased brother to the grave . Deceased was also an active member of the Foresters and Oddfellows' societies .
The Editor of the Gentlewoman put to his readers the question— "Do Women desire to Vote for Members of Parliament ? " —and asked them to vote thereon . The ballot , which has been open for several weeks , closed on Monday vvith the following result : S 301 voting " Ves , " and 1 . 1 , 5 s voting " No , " in answer to the above question . This is an interesting and useful indication of what Mr . Gladstone called the " womanly mind" of the kingdom
upon the subject . A book which should prove interesting reading to all Sussex people will shortly be published , entitled " A Peep into the Past : 'Brighton in the Olden Time . " A fellow journalist of ours , Mr . John George Bishop , is the author , and if any man should be thoroughly conversant with the
subject of Brighton past and present , it is certaintly Mr . Bishop , as last week he completed fifty-three years of journalistic service on the Brighton Herald . We look forward with much pleasure to the perusal of this his latest work , "A Peep into the Past , " the interest of which will be enhanced by the numerous illustrations and portraits which will appear in it . —Sola ' s "Journal .
Bro . James Terry , P . G . S . B ., and Secretary to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , will rehearse the ceremony of consecration at the Covent Garden Lodge of Instruction at the Criterion , Piccadilly-circus ( Masonic Temple ) , on Thursday evening , the 23 rd inst ., at 7 o ' clock
precisely . The annual supper will take place immediately after Ihe ceremony , Bro . G . H . Foan , W . M . 1614 , Assistant Preceptor , in the Chair , Bro . G . Reynolds , P . M . ' 1 O 14 , Secretary , Vice-Chairman . Tickets for the supper , 5 s . each , can be had of Bro . G . Reynolds , 3 , St . James ' ssquare , Pall Mall , S . W .
Chesterfield vVas the scene of a very interesting ceremony on Tuesday , when a large gathering of local and other notabilities and a vast concourse of spectators assembled to witness Mrs . Arkwiight cut the first turf of the new Lancashire , Derbyshire , and East Coast Railway . The undertaking is a very popular one in the district and
throughout Derbyshire , as it will connect Derbyshire with the agricultural districts in Lincolnshire on the one hand , and with the Manchester Ship Canal and the Mersey on the other , while at the same time it will afford an alternative route to London . It is hoped that the line will be completed in the course of the next three years .
MllLLOWAY 8 OlXlMKNT ASH I'lU . S . —Colils , Coughs , Shortness of Breath . —These maladies rei-imc early anil unremitt ' mi ; attention , for if neglected they often end iii asthnn , bronchitis , or consumption . The Ointment well nibbed upon the chest anil back , penetrating the skin , is absorbed and carried directly to the lungs , whence it expels all impurities . All the blond in the body is perpetually passing through the lungs , and therefore all noxious
panicles tending todisease can be quickly , thoroughly , and permanently neutralised , rendered harmless , or ejected from the system , llolloway ' s Ointment and I'ills perfectly accomplish this purification ; and through the blood thus cleansed , the inlluence of these wonderful medicaments reaches Ihe remotest parts of the human body , and thus cures all diseased action , whether internal or external , —Anvr .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Bro . the Earl and Countess of Londesborough and the Ladies Denison left London on Saturday last for their seat —Londesborough Lodge , Scarborough . The Hon . VV . F . D . Smith , M . P ., and Bro . W . Burdett-Coutts , M . P ., have joined the Committee of Management of the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital .
The Earl of Carnarvon Lodge of Instruction is now holding its meetings at the Duke of Cornwall Hotel , Talbotroad , Bayswater , VV ., on Friday evenings , at eight o'clock . Bro . the Earl and Countess of Mount Edgcumbe and Lady Edith Edgcumbe went on Friday , the 3 rd instant , to Guy's Cliff , Warwick , on a visit to Lord and Lady Algernon Percy .
The Duke of Connaught , as Colonel-in-Chief of the Rifle Brigade , presided at the annual regimental dinner which was held at the Hotel Metropole , on Friday evening , the 3 rd instant . Bro . the Earl and Countess of Wharncliffe left Curzonstreet on the 3 rd instant for Vichy , where they will spend a
month in order that his lordship s health may be benefited by the waters . Friday , the 3 rd instant , being the 27 th anniversary of the birth of his Royal Highness the Duke of York , the bells in Windsor were rung , and a Royal salute fired in the Long Walk in commemoration of the event .
Bro . Sir Edmund Monson , the British Minister at Athens , who has been appointed to the same post at Brussels , will leave Athens on Sunday , the 12 th inst ., paying a visit by the way to Vice-Admiral Sir G . Tryon , commanding-in-chief the Mediterranean squadron .
Bro . W . Vaughan Morgan , who was recently elected Alderman of Cordwainer Ward in place of Bro . Col . Cowan , resigned , was entertained at dinner at the Mansion House by Bro . Lord Mayor Evans and the Lady Mayoress on Friday , the 3 rd inst .
The Duke of Northumberland having concluded his visit to Lord Algernon Percy , at Guy's Cliff , Warrick , proceeded last week to Albury Park , Surrey , where the rejoicings in behalf of the coming of age of his grandson , Lord Warkworth , eldest son of Bro . Earl Percy , have since been celebrated .
The Queen has ordered that the India medal for 1 S 54 , with a clasp inscribed " N . E . Frontier , 1 S 91 , " shall be granted to the troops employed in the Manipur expedition , and a bronze medal and clasp for all authorised Government followers . But officers , soldiers , and others already in receipt of either medal , will receive the clasp only . It is intended to erect an " Albert Edward Sailors' Rest "
in the east of London as a memorial to the late Duke of Clarence and Avondale . The Duke of Vork has expressed his approval of the sch erne , and an appeal signed by Bro . Lord Mayor Evans , Bro . Lord Brassey , Archdeacon Sinclair , Vice-Admiral Grant , and others has been addressed to the public in its behalf . The sum proposed to be raised towards this memorial is £ 10 , 000 .
The Prince of Wales and his son , the Duke of Vork , left Copenhagen on Saturday evening last for Calais en route for London , travelling by special train via Fiinen and Jutland . Their Royal Highnesses were accompanied to the station by the King , the Crown Prince and Princess , the King of the Hellenes , the Duke of Cumberland , Princes Christian and Charles , Princess Louise , Princes John and William , and the British Minister—Sir Hugh MacDonell .
A meeting of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution was held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , on Friday evening , the 3 rd inst ., for the purpose of electing candidates to be placed on the list for the election at the next Court of Governors of the Institution . There was a good attendance of members , including Bros . J . Houlding , E . C . Jones , G . Broadbridgc , T . H . VV .
Walker , W . E . Cox , and J . 1 . Callow . In the course of the evening 13 candidates were elected , and none of the applications were refused . A special appeal has bean adJressed to thi pu ' ilic by the Archbishop of Canterbury ( a Vice-Patron ) , Viscount Cranbrook ( the President ) , and a number of distinguished
physicians in behalf of the Royal Sea Bathing Infirmary , Margate , which was founded in 1891 , and which has rendered incalculable service to upwards of 40 , 000 patients suffering from scrofula . It is the only hospital of its kind , and unfortunately , owing to the very serious an nual deficit , its funds are at a very low ebb .
In addition to the marvellously attractive ballet of " Versailles , " which certainly surpasses anything yet produced at the Empire Theatre of Varieties , the general programme is very strong , as will hi seen from the following : Kelly and Ashby , Cninese laundry ; E . Williams , cartoonist ; Vesta Tilley , vocalist ; " By the Sea , " ballet ; R . G . Knowles , the very peculiar American comedian ; Marvelle ' s
Dogs ; Armanmi Quintette , imndohnists , etc . ; Cinquevalli , juggler ; Vanoni ; Rose Sullivan , vocalist ; Bedouins , Arab acrobats ; Huline Bros ., eccentric clowns ; and Boissets , in the laughable pantomime " The Wild West . " THE NEW TKAVEI . I . EK . S' CI . U 11—which was opened on Monday last—is the latest addition to clubland . Built on one of the finest sites in London—07 ,
Piccadilly—overlooking the Green Park , and furnished in the most sumptuous manner by Maple and Co ., it possesses all the attractions that the most luxurious of mortals could desire , and , from the influential and experienced noblemen and gentlemen whose names appear as forming the Committee , we cannot doubt that it will be well and successfull y managed . It is founded on similar lines to the Travellers '
Club , winch , like several of the oldest and most exclusive clubs , offers little or no chance of a member being elected within 10 or 15 years , therefore , the probability is that the New Travellers' will within a short time have its list full . We are informed that over 1500 noblemen and gentlemen have already been elected , and numerous candidates await election . Amongst other advantages the club contains numerous bedrooms for the exclusive use of members .
Fisu ! i- 'isii ! I ' ISH 1 The CO-0 I ' EKATIV * K FISH SUPPLY Co ., LTD ., are now sending out cheap BASKETS of FISH or OYSTERS , carriage paid , to any part of the Kingdom , from 2 s . fid . each and upwards , direct Irom the landing stage . Address orders and remittances to the Co-Operative Fish Supply Co ., Ltd ., Pontoon , Grimsby , or to Billingsgate Buildings , London , E . C , as may be most convenient . Try our I . ondon House for their celebrated Bloaters , Findon Haddocks , Kippers , & c .
Masonic And General Tidings.
A marriage has been arranged between the Earl < - * Southampton and the Lady Hilda Dundas , eldest daughter of Bro . the Earl and Countess of Zetland . It is said that the German Emperor has accepted the Queen ' s invitation to visit her Majesty in the Isle , of Wi ght this summer , and that his visit will be timed to coincide vvith
the Cowes Regatta , which is fixed for the 2 nd August . In the summons issued to the members of the Bruce Chapter of the Royal Order of Scotland , the name of Bro . VV . Glynes is given in error as T . R . S . T . A ., when it should have been Bro . Henry Lovegrove , P . P . G Std . Br . Province of London .
The election of a successor to Bro . Sir P . De Keyser as Alderman for the Ward of Farringdon Without , resulted in the unanimous choice of Bro . W . P . Treloar . A vote of thanks to Bro . Sir P . De Keyser for his services was also passed by acclamation . Two fine roads are being laid out in South London , one will be so feet wide , Holmdene-avenue , and will connect
Heme Hill vvith Half Moon Lane . About 150 houses of a superior class will be erected , under the superintendence of the surveyor to the freeholder , Bro . Henry Lovegrove . The Queen has been pleased to place the vise of the Royal box at The disposal of the Committee which is organising the concert in aid of funds for the relief of distressed forei gn artists in England , which will take p lace at the Royal Albert Hall , South Kensington , to-day ( Friday ; , at 3 p . m .
The Princess Marie of Edinburgh , the eldest daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh , and a grand-daughter of the Queen , has been betrothed in Berlin to Prince Ferdinand , nephew of the King of Roumania , and b y special enactment the heir-apparent to that Monarch .
The National United Order of Free Gardeners commenccd their annual meeting at Wednesbury on Monday under the presidency of their Grand Master . The address showed that there were 57 , 6 7 6 members , and funds amounting to £ 147 , , being an increase of £ 5000 over the previous year .
Brockwell Park , Heme Hill , was opened on Whit Monday by Lord Rosebery and some members of the London County Council . Nobody worked harder to secure the park for the people than Bro . Thomas Lynn Bristowe , M . P ., P . M ., & c , and it was extremely sad that a few minutes after Lord Rosebery finished speaking Bro . Bristowe fell dead on the steps .
The Earl and Countess of Cadogan gave a dinner party at Chelsea House on the 3 rd inst ., at which the guests included Bro . the Duke of Devonshire , the Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry , the Marquis of Hamilton , Bro . the Earl and Countess of Zetland , the Earl of Dalkeith , Bro . the Earl of March , Viscount and Viscountess Chelsea , Bro . Lord and Lady Burton , and Count Albert
Mensdorff . The annual Cart Horse Parade and Competition was held in the Inner Circle of the Regent's Park on Whit Monday . There were in all 59 6 horses with 4 S 3 drivers entered , there being 4 6 in the single horse two-wheel class , 363 in the single horse four-wheel class , 13 S in the pairs , 33 in the teams of three , and 16 in the teams of four . Baroness
Burdett-Coutts was to have presented the prizes , but was prevented by the death of her cousin , Bro . Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., and her place was very kindly taken by the Lady Mayoress . The parade and distribution of prizes were witnessed by crowds of people , and a vote of thanks to the Lady Mayoress , which was briefly acknowledged by Bro . Lord Mayor Evans , was passed by acclamation .
As the weather was brilliant , the number of people who availed themselves of the facilities afforded for enioyment on Bank Holiday was enormous . The " principal railway ttrmini were thronged vvith intending excursionists , and Brighton , Ramsgate , Dover , Margate , and all the sea-side resorts within easy reach of the Metropolis were crowded with visitors the whole day through . The museums , parks ,
and gardens in London were also thronged . Some 23 , 000 persons visited the Zoological Gardens , and about 12 , 000 the South Kensington Museum , and half that number the Natural History Museum . Many also travelled to Windsor and inspected the State Apartments at the Castle , while Hampton Court , Richmond , Kcw Gardens , the Crystal Palace , and other suburban resorts had each of them their
full complement of holiday folk . It is long since the day sacred to St . Lubbock at this season has been the means of affording so much enjoyment to so many people . At the Crystal Palace the visitors mustered upwards of 4 6 , 000 , while Venice at Olympia attracted over 30 , 000 , and the International Horticultural Show , vvith Buffalo Bill ' s Wild West , the Cossacks , and the band of the French Republican drew nearly 44 , 000 .
THE CIIOVKVI ZIIIX—Lovers of Zion—Society , whose appeal appears in our advertisement columns , has ben founded for the purpose of establishing agricultural colonies of Jews in Palestine and the neighbouring territories . 1 he objects nf the Society are such as to enlist the sympathies of members ol all denominations , whether considered in their religious , in their humanitarian , or in their charilalil '
aspects . The Society was founded , and is supported mainly by a great mass of Uussianjews settled in Eng land ; either for a permanence or , as they hope , for a short tune only . They look to Palestine as the country suited above ail ultimately to provide them with a home and with su t-jnance by agricultuial labiur . Several influential levvLh gentlemen , notably Samuel Montagu , Esq ., M . i ¦;
J . S . Montefiore , Esq ., J . P ., the Rev . Dr . Adler , Cluet Kabbi , and others , are doing all they can to assist in the objects of the Society , and are ably secondel by a number of provincial congregations . The programme of l " Society is based on eminently practical grounds . There are no dreams of creating a Jenish kingdom in Palestine ,
nor of driving out the Turks , who have shown themselves most friendly towards the Jewish race . The plot of ground chosen by the Society for ' their fir-4 attempt is eminentl ) suitable lor the purpose . Major Conder , R . E ., one of tne greatest living authorities on the subject , vvho will short ) lecture in the Portman Rooms on "Eastern Palestine , fully approves of the selection made by the " Lovers
Zion . " A GOOD PLAN . —The Eleventh Annual Kditicm of Explanatory Book , sent frte , gives valuable and reus \ information how to operate successfully in Stocks Shares and obtain handsjme profits . —Address , Geo . i-v * and Co ., Stockbrokers , 11 , Poultry , London , E . C .