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PHCENIX FIRE OFFICE , it ) , LOMBARD ST ., & 57 , CHARING CROSS , LONDON . —Established 17 S 2 . LOVEST Current Rates 1 Assured free of all Liability Liberal and Prompt Settlements | Electric Lighting Rules supplied W . C . MACDONALD , 1 Joint F . B . MACDONALD , } Secretaries .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . 10 , ST . SWITHIN'S LANE , LONDON , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal Injuries . Railway Accidents . 1 Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
ANDERTON'S HOTEL & TAVERN FLEET STREET , LONDON . In connection with the Royal Clarence Hotel , Ufracombe ; and Peacock Hotel , and Royal Hotel , Boston , Lincolnshire . The central position of ANDERTON'S renders this Tavern unequalled for Masonic Banquets , Public Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Meetings of Creditors , Arbitrations or Jovial Gatherings The Rooms reserved for the above business consist of DINING HALL , PILLAR HALL , MASONIC HALL , CHAPTSR , and numerous Smaller Rooms . The RESTAURANT on Eastern Side of Hotel Entrance is open to the Public from } a . m . to 7 p . m . for BREAKFASTS , LUNCHEONS , TIAS , and DINNIRI , F . H . CLEMOW , Proprietor .
TUT AN CHESTE R HOTEL , ***• ALDERSGATE STREETNOTICB TO SECRETARIES OF MASONIC LODGES , CLUBS , AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS . The Proprietors of the above Hotel , having recently added a number of commodious Rooms to the Establishment , suitable for LODGE MEETINGS , BANQUETS , DINNERS , & C , will be glad to furnish Terms and Particulars for the use of same on application .
BRO . DAN GODFREY , Tunr ., R . C . M ., L . R . A . M ., CONDUCTOR , THE LONDON MILITARY BAND , ( President—Sir ARTHUR SULLIVAN ) , SUPPLIES BANDS ( Military and String ) for GARDEN PARTIES , RECEPTIONS , DINNERS , BALLS , & c . For Terms—Apply to 428 , STRAND , W . C .
DRO . CHAS . JEFFREY MORGAN FURNISHING UNDERTAKER , MORGAN'S PLACE , 2 S 7 , LIVERPOOL ROAD , ISLINGTON , N . FUNERALS AT STATED CHARGES . An Apartment for the reception of persons dying from home . DISTANCE NO OBJECT . ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL , BI . OMIIEI . U STREET , MOOKFIELDS , E . C . The Committee earnestly appeal to the Benevolent for Help to raise A SPECIAL FUND TO REBUILD This most necessary Hospital . I low immensely the Hospital is appreciated may be seen from the following figures for the past year : — New Out-Patients treated , 25 , 55 s . In-Patients „ 1 , 892 . The total attendances of Out-Patients were 109 , 756 , and 212 G operations were performed , in many instances restoring their sight to those who had been deprived of it . All Patients are admitted free and without letters of recommendation , necessity being the one credential . The necessity for the erection of a New Building is most urgent , as thc accommodation at present is totally inadequate to the ever-increasing calls upon its resources ' . Contributions to the Building Fund and Annual Subscriptions will le thankfully received by J DEACON , Esq ., Treasurer and Trustee at the banking house of Messrs . WILLIAMS , DEACON , and Co ., 20 , Birchin-lane , and at Ihe Hospital by ROBERT J . NEWSTEAD , Secretary .
FISH , POULTRY , GAME , OYSTERS . JOHN GOW , LIMITED , J SO , OLD BROAD STREET , E . C . ( late 17 , New Broad Street , E . C ) , 12 , HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE , AN J ) 93 , THEOBALD'S RD „ HOLBORN , W . C , JOHN GOW , Limited , always have on sale the Largest-Stock in London of the Very Best Quality at Lowest Prices HIGH-CLASS PROVISION STORES ( NOW OPENED ) , 5 \ o , 51 . and 52 , OLD BROAD STREET , E . C .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . OKKICE—6 , FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . GRAND PATRON : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . THE NINETY-FOURTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will be held at THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , LONDON , W . C , On WEDNESDAY , 29 T 11 JUNE , 1892 , UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PRESIDENCY OF THE RIGHT HON . SIR MICHAEL E . HICKS-BEACH , Bart ., M . P ., Past Grand Warden , and R . W . Prov . Grand Master for Gloucestershire . Dinner on Table at C . 30 precisely . —Evening Dress . Brethren to appear in full Masonic Craft Clothing . On this occasion the Ladies will Dine with the Brethren . Tickets : LADIES 10 s . Cd ., BRETHREN £ 1 is . ; maybe obtained from the Stewards or at the Office . Early application is requested . Musical Arrangements under the direction of Bro . E . P . Delevanti . By Order , J . MORRISON McLEOD , P . P . S . G . W . Derbys ., V .-Pres . and Sec . of Inst ., Hon . Secretary Board of Stewards . 6 , freemasons' Hall , W . C , 2 nd June , 1892 . The services of Brethren and Ladies as Stewards are earnestly solicited , and will be gratefully acknowledged .
p \ RDER of the SECRET MONITOR . GRAND FESTIVAL , 1892 . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the GRAND FESTIVAL of the O RDER will be held at MARK MASONS ' HALL , GREAT Q UEEN STREET , W . C , on WEDNESDAY , 22 ND JUNE , 1892 , WHEN M . WORTHY BRO . DR . 1 SSACHAR ZACHARIE Will be re-installed as Grand Supreme Ruler for the Year , AND WHEN M , WORTHY BRO , EDWARD LETCH WORTH , Grand Secretary of Craft Masonry , Will bo installed as a Past Grand Supreme Ruler of the Order . AT THE SAME TIME The other G RAND OFFICERS and GRAND STEWARDS for the Year will be invested and proclaimed . All Princes of the Order are entitled to be present , and all Bro . Secret Monitors are invited on this important occasion . Brethren belonging to a foreign jurisdiction , and desiring to be present , should apply to Bro . W . J . SPRATLING , Grand Recorder , 74 , Wickham Road , Brockley , S . E . Thc Grand Festival will be followed by a BANQUET at Lie Holborn Restaurant , for which Tickets ( price One Guinea each , inclttsivej may be obtained of the Grand Stewards attached to the various Conclaves , or of the Grand Recorder .
pREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY . SUMMER HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS . THURSDAY , JUNK 16-T 0 CAMBRIDGE ( May Term Attractions ) from Moorgate , 9 . 22 a . m ., Aldcrsgate , 9 . 24 , Farringdon , 9 . 26 , King's Cross ( G . N . ) , 9 . 50 , Finsbury Park , 9 55 . Third Class Return Fare , 4 s . Returning from Cambridge same day only at 9 . 30 p . m . MONDAY , | UNK 20-T 0 NEWCASTLE ( Races ) , Northallerton , Richmond , Darlington , and Durham for 4 days from LONDON . EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON until September 24 thinclusive-ToST . ALBANS , WHKATHAMPSTEAD , and Harpcnden , from Moorgate , 2 . 15 p . m ., Aldcrsgate , 2 . 17 , Farringdon , 2 . 19 , King ' s Cross IU . N . ) , 2 . 411 , Finsbury Park , 2 . 45 . For further particulars , sec bills , which can be obtained at Company's Stations and Town Parcels Receiving Offices ; at the Offices of Swan and Leach , 3 , Charing Cross , and ; J , Piccadilly Circus ; at the Army and Navy Stores , 105 , Victoria-street , S . W . ; and of William Whiteley , 151 , Oueen ' s-road , Bayswater . HENRY OAKLEY , General Manager . King's Cross , June , 1892 .
pOALS . COALS . COALS . COCKERELL'S ( LIMITED ) , 13 , CORNHILL , LONDON , E . C . For Prices , see Daily Papers . Trucks direct from the Colliery to every Railway Station .
DOYAL ORDER OF SCOTLAND . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF LONDON AND METROPOLITAN COUNTIES . The Knight Companions will meet in Council at 31 GOLDEN SQUARE , W ., on WEDNESDAY , the 22 nd day 0 f J , i ? 92 , at 5 p . m . precisely , where W . Bro . tne EARL 01 ? EUSTON will be installed as Prov . Grand Master by M . W . Bro . the EARL OF H ADDINGTON , M . W . Dep . G . M . and Governor of the Order , and the Dep . Prov . G . M . desires the attendance of all duly qualified Brethren . Names and Addresses of Candidates , vvith the name and number of Craft Lodge and R . A . Chapter , must be sent to me not later than SATURDAY , the tSth June , 1 S 92 . The ANNUAL BANQUET will be held at the CAKE ROYAL , Regent-street , at 8 p . m . precisely . By order , FRANK RICHARDSON , 2 S , Golden-square , W ., Prov . Grand Secretary . 27 th May , 1 S 92 .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MIDDLESEX . W . BRO . RAYMOND H . THRUPP , P . A . G . D . C , Deputy Provincial Grand Master in charge . THE ANNUAL MEETING WILL DE HELD AT THE PARISH ROOM , TEDDINGTON , ON SATURDAY , J 25 th , At Half-past Three o ' clock p . m . punctually . The Parish Room is about seven minutes' walk from Teddington Station in the direction of the river , and adjoins the New Parish Church . A DINNER ( Cold ) will take place at the TOWN HALL ( opposite the Clarence Hotel and close to the Railway Station ) , immediately after the Provincial Grand Lodge . TICKETS , 6 S . each ( exclusive of Wine ) . Brethren intending to dine must apply for Tickets to Brother R . W . FORGE , Twickenham ( who has kindly undertaken this matter ) , not later than J 21 st , and to insure the comfort of those Brethren who have obtained Tickets , none can be issued after that date , and covers will only be laid for the number applied for . This arrangement will be rigidly observed , and no one will be able to obtain Tickets at the Meeting . No Ticket will be sent unless a Remittance accompanies the application . The Town Hall affords ample accommodation for a large number , and arrangements have been made for efficient attendance . Trains leave Waterloo for Teddington at 2 . $ { South Station ) , 2 . 20 { North Station ) . Trains leave Teddington for Waterloo at S . 14 , S . JI , b ' -Sy , J * - ' - ' . < J-39 < 10- ' - ' - As thc Trains on Saturdays arc greatly crowded , Brethren are advised to start as early as possible . In consequence of the much lamented death of R . W . Bro . Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., J . P ., P . G . W ., Prov . Grand Master of Middlesex , the Brethren will appear in Masonic mourning . By command of the R . W . Deputy Provincial Grand Master in charge . HOWARD II . ROOM , P . M ., Prov . Grand Secretary .
THE SHADWELL CLERKE TRUST . TRUSTEES . Thc M . W . Pro G . M ., the Right Hon . the EARL OF LATHOM . The R . W . Deputy G . M ., the Right Hon . the EARL Ot MOUNT EDGCUMBE . The R . W . Bro . Sir ALBERT W . WOODS ( Garter ) , P . G . Warden . CHAIRMAN . The V . W . Bro . THOMAS FENN , Pres . B . of G . P . TREASURER . The V . W . Bro . ROBERT GREY , Pres . B . of B . SECRETARY . The V . W . Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON . P . G . D . Cheques to be sent to the Treasurer , Bro . R OUEKI GREY , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C . The next meeting of the Committee will be held here o " MONDAY , 4 th July , at FIVE o ' clock , of which this is to be taken as notice . FRANK RICHARDSON , Freemasons' Hall , Secretary . 3 rd May , 1 S 92 . .
Crown Hvo . Price - ' . v . ( by post 2 s . 2 d . ) SECOND EDITION . THE EVOLUTION OF SYMBOLIC MASONRY . BY BRO . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., V . Z-, Mem . C . C Quatuor Coronati Lodge , No . 2076 , & c , " This little brochure is a most welcome and opportune addition to thc literature of the Craft ; the treatise is use j » in many ways , and is thc best thing oi the kind extant , handy size and generally trustworthy character ueii „ special reronimendations . ''—Freemason . BY POST FROM THE AUTHOR ONLY . —Address E A " CATFOKD , S . E .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
PHCENIX FIRE OFFICE , it ) , LOMBARD ST ., & 57 , CHARING CROSS , LONDON . —Established 17 S 2 . LOVEST Current Rates 1 Assured free of all Liability Liberal and Prompt Settlements | Electric Lighting Rules supplied W . C . MACDONALD , 1 Joint F . B . MACDONALD , } Secretaries .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . 10 , ST . SWITHIN'S LANE , LONDON , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal Injuries . Railway Accidents . 1 Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
ANDERTON'S HOTEL & TAVERN FLEET STREET , LONDON . In connection with the Royal Clarence Hotel , Ufracombe ; and Peacock Hotel , and Royal Hotel , Boston , Lincolnshire . The central position of ANDERTON'S renders this Tavern unequalled for Masonic Banquets , Public Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Meetings of Creditors , Arbitrations or Jovial Gatherings The Rooms reserved for the above business consist of DINING HALL , PILLAR HALL , MASONIC HALL , CHAPTSR , and numerous Smaller Rooms . The RESTAURANT on Eastern Side of Hotel Entrance is open to the Public from } a . m . to 7 p . m . for BREAKFASTS , LUNCHEONS , TIAS , and DINNIRI , F . H . CLEMOW , Proprietor .
TUT AN CHESTE R HOTEL , ***• ALDERSGATE STREETNOTICB TO SECRETARIES OF MASONIC LODGES , CLUBS , AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS . The Proprietors of the above Hotel , having recently added a number of commodious Rooms to the Establishment , suitable for LODGE MEETINGS , BANQUETS , DINNERS , & C , will be glad to furnish Terms and Particulars for the use of same on application .
BRO . DAN GODFREY , Tunr ., R . C . M ., L . R . A . M ., CONDUCTOR , THE LONDON MILITARY BAND , ( President—Sir ARTHUR SULLIVAN ) , SUPPLIES BANDS ( Military and String ) for GARDEN PARTIES , RECEPTIONS , DINNERS , BALLS , & c . For Terms—Apply to 428 , STRAND , W . C .
DRO . CHAS . JEFFREY MORGAN FURNISHING UNDERTAKER , MORGAN'S PLACE , 2 S 7 , LIVERPOOL ROAD , ISLINGTON , N . FUNERALS AT STATED CHARGES . An Apartment for the reception of persons dying from home . DISTANCE NO OBJECT . ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL , BI . OMIIEI . U STREET , MOOKFIELDS , E . C . The Committee earnestly appeal to the Benevolent for Help to raise A SPECIAL FUND TO REBUILD This most necessary Hospital . I low immensely the Hospital is appreciated may be seen from the following figures for the past year : — New Out-Patients treated , 25 , 55 s . In-Patients „ 1 , 892 . The total attendances of Out-Patients were 109 , 756 , and 212 G operations were performed , in many instances restoring their sight to those who had been deprived of it . All Patients are admitted free and without letters of recommendation , necessity being the one credential . The necessity for the erection of a New Building is most urgent , as thc accommodation at present is totally inadequate to the ever-increasing calls upon its resources ' . Contributions to the Building Fund and Annual Subscriptions will le thankfully received by J DEACON , Esq ., Treasurer and Trustee at the banking house of Messrs . WILLIAMS , DEACON , and Co ., 20 , Birchin-lane , and at Ihe Hospital by ROBERT J . NEWSTEAD , Secretary .
FISH , POULTRY , GAME , OYSTERS . JOHN GOW , LIMITED , J SO , OLD BROAD STREET , E . C . ( late 17 , New Broad Street , E . C ) , 12 , HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE , AN J ) 93 , THEOBALD'S RD „ HOLBORN , W . C , JOHN GOW , Limited , always have on sale the Largest-Stock in London of the Very Best Quality at Lowest Prices HIGH-CLASS PROVISION STORES ( NOW OPENED ) , 5 \ o , 51 . and 52 , OLD BROAD STREET , E . C .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . OKKICE—6 , FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . GRAND PATRON : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . THE NINETY-FOURTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will be held at THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , LONDON , W . C , On WEDNESDAY , 29 T 11 JUNE , 1892 , UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PRESIDENCY OF THE RIGHT HON . SIR MICHAEL E . HICKS-BEACH , Bart ., M . P ., Past Grand Warden , and R . W . Prov . Grand Master for Gloucestershire . Dinner on Table at C . 30 precisely . —Evening Dress . Brethren to appear in full Masonic Craft Clothing . On this occasion the Ladies will Dine with the Brethren . Tickets : LADIES 10 s . Cd ., BRETHREN £ 1 is . ; maybe obtained from the Stewards or at the Office . Early application is requested . Musical Arrangements under the direction of Bro . E . P . Delevanti . By Order , J . MORRISON McLEOD , P . P . S . G . W . Derbys ., V .-Pres . and Sec . of Inst ., Hon . Secretary Board of Stewards . 6 , freemasons' Hall , W . C , 2 nd June , 1892 . The services of Brethren and Ladies as Stewards are earnestly solicited , and will be gratefully acknowledged .
p \ RDER of the SECRET MONITOR . GRAND FESTIVAL , 1892 . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the GRAND FESTIVAL of the O RDER will be held at MARK MASONS ' HALL , GREAT Q UEEN STREET , W . C , on WEDNESDAY , 22 ND JUNE , 1892 , WHEN M . WORTHY BRO . DR . 1 SSACHAR ZACHARIE Will be re-installed as Grand Supreme Ruler for the Year , AND WHEN M , WORTHY BRO , EDWARD LETCH WORTH , Grand Secretary of Craft Masonry , Will bo installed as a Past Grand Supreme Ruler of the Order . AT THE SAME TIME The other G RAND OFFICERS and GRAND STEWARDS for the Year will be invested and proclaimed . All Princes of the Order are entitled to be present , and all Bro . Secret Monitors are invited on this important occasion . Brethren belonging to a foreign jurisdiction , and desiring to be present , should apply to Bro . W . J . SPRATLING , Grand Recorder , 74 , Wickham Road , Brockley , S . E . Thc Grand Festival will be followed by a BANQUET at Lie Holborn Restaurant , for which Tickets ( price One Guinea each , inclttsivej may be obtained of the Grand Stewards attached to the various Conclaves , or of the Grand Recorder .
pREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY . SUMMER HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS . THURSDAY , JUNK 16-T 0 CAMBRIDGE ( May Term Attractions ) from Moorgate , 9 . 22 a . m ., Aldcrsgate , 9 . 24 , Farringdon , 9 . 26 , King's Cross ( G . N . ) , 9 . 50 , Finsbury Park , 9 55 . Third Class Return Fare , 4 s . Returning from Cambridge same day only at 9 . 30 p . m . MONDAY , | UNK 20-T 0 NEWCASTLE ( Races ) , Northallerton , Richmond , Darlington , and Durham for 4 days from LONDON . EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON until September 24 thinclusive-ToST . ALBANS , WHKATHAMPSTEAD , and Harpcnden , from Moorgate , 2 . 15 p . m ., Aldcrsgate , 2 . 17 , Farringdon , 2 . 19 , King ' s Cross IU . N . ) , 2 . 411 , Finsbury Park , 2 . 45 . For further particulars , sec bills , which can be obtained at Company's Stations and Town Parcels Receiving Offices ; at the Offices of Swan and Leach , 3 , Charing Cross , and ; J , Piccadilly Circus ; at the Army and Navy Stores , 105 , Victoria-street , S . W . ; and of William Whiteley , 151 , Oueen ' s-road , Bayswater . HENRY OAKLEY , General Manager . King's Cross , June , 1892 .
pOALS . COALS . COALS . COCKERELL'S ( LIMITED ) , 13 , CORNHILL , LONDON , E . C . For Prices , see Daily Papers . Trucks direct from the Colliery to every Railway Station .
DOYAL ORDER OF SCOTLAND . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF LONDON AND METROPOLITAN COUNTIES . The Knight Companions will meet in Council at 31 GOLDEN SQUARE , W ., on WEDNESDAY , the 22 nd day 0 f J , i ? 92 , at 5 p . m . precisely , where W . Bro . tne EARL 01 ? EUSTON will be installed as Prov . Grand Master by M . W . Bro . the EARL OF H ADDINGTON , M . W . Dep . G . M . and Governor of the Order , and the Dep . Prov . G . M . desires the attendance of all duly qualified Brethren . Names and Addresses of Candidates , vvith the name and number of Craft Lodge and R . A . Chapter , must be sent to me not later than SATURDAY , the tSth June , 1 S 92 . The ANNUAL BANQUET will be held at the CAKE ROYAL , Regent-street , at 8 p . m . precisely . By order , FRANK RICHARDSON , 2 S , Golden-square , W ., Prov . Grand Secretary . 27 th May , 1 S 92 .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF MIDDLESEX . W . BRO . RAYMOND H . THRUPP , P . A . G . D . C , Deputy Provincial Grand Master in charge . THE ANNUAL MEETING WILL DE HELD AT THE PARISH ROOM , TEDDINGTON , ON SATURDAY , J 25 th , At Half-past Three o ' clock p . m . punctually . The Parish Room is about seven minutes' walk from Teddington Station in the direction of the river , and adjoins the New Parish Church . A DINNER ( Cold ) will take place at the TOWN HALL ( opposite the Clarence Hotel and close to the Railway Station ) , immediately after the Provincial Grand Lodge . TICKETS , 6 S . each ( exclusive of Wine ) . Brethren intending to dine must apply for Tickets to Brother R . W . FORGE , Twickenham ( who has kindly undertaken this matter ) , not later than J 21 st , and to insure the comfort of those Brethren who have obtained Tickets , none can be issued after that date , and covers will only be laid for the number applied for . This arrangement will be rigidly observed , and no one will be able to obtain Tickets at the Meeting . No Ticket will be sent unless a Remittance accompanies the application . The Town Hall affords ample accommodation for a large number , and arrangements have been made for efficient attendance . Trains leave Waterloo for Teddington at 2 . $ { South Station ) , 2 . 20 { North Station ) . Trains leave Teddington for Waterloo at S . 14 , S . JI , b ' -Sy , J * - ' - ' . < J-39 < 10- ' - ' - As thc Trains on Saturdays arc greatly crowded , Brethren are advised to start as early as possible . In consequence of the much lamented death of R . W . Bro . Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., J . P ., P . G . W ., Prov . Grand Master of Middlesex , the Brethren will appear in Masonic mourning . By command of the R . W . Deputy Provincial Grand Master in charge . HOWARD II . ROOM , P . M ., Prov . Grand Secretary .
THE SHADWELL CLERKE TRUST . TRUSTEES . Thc M . W . Pro G . M ., the Right Hon . the EARL OF LATHOM . The R . W . Deputy G . M ., the Right Hon . the EARL Ot MOUNT EDGCUMBE . The R . W . Bro . Sir ALBERT W . WOODS ( Garter ) , P . G . Warden . CHAIRMAN . The V . W . Bro . THOMAS FENN , Pres . B . of G . P . TREASURER . The V . W . Bro . ROBERT GREY , Pres . B . of B . SECRETARY . The V . W . Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON . P . G . D . Cheques to be sent to the Treasurer , Bro . R OUEKI GREY , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , W . C . The next meeting of the Committee will be held here o " MONDAY , 4 th July , at FIVE o ' clock , of which this is to be taken as notice . FRANK RICHARDSON , Freemasons' Hall , Secretary . 3 rd May , 1 S 92 . .
Crown Hvo . Price - ' . v . ( by post 2 s . 2 d . ) SECOND EDITION . THE EVOLUTION OF SYMBOLIC MASONRY . BY BRO . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., V . Z-, Mem . C . C Quatuor Coronati Lodge , No . 2076 , & c , " This little brochure is a most welcome and opportune addition to thc literature of the Craft ; the treatise is use j » in many ways , and is thc best thing oi the kind extant , handy size and generally trustworthy character ueii „ special reronimendations . ''—Freemason . BY POST FROM THE AUTHOR ONLY . —Address E A " CATFOKD , S . E .