Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article CHOVEVI ZION.-LOVERS OF ZION. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article To Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Notes. Page 1 of 2 Article Masonic Notes. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
TNFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM , I WANSTEAD . PATRON—HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . THE SIXTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY WILL BE CELEBRATED AT THE ASYLUM , WANSTEAD , ON WEDNESDAY , J 29 th , W HEN H . R . H . PRINCESS LOUISE OF WALES ( DUCHESS OF FIFE ) , HAS GRACIOUSLY CONSENTED TO DISTRIBUTE THE PSIZES The Proceedings will commence at Two o ' clock . HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF FIFE , K . T ., WILL TAKE THE CHAIK . LIST OF STEWARDS . His Grace the Duke of Argyll , Thc Right Hon . the Earl of K . G . Kilmorcy , K . P . Job Aahton , Est ) . A . T . Layton , Esq . J \ Tress Barry , Esq ., M . l \ Frederick Lee , Esq . U , Curtis Bennett , Esq ., J . P . W . Burrowcs Lewis , Esq . Major-Gen . W . H . Beynou W . H . Liversidgc , Esq . IV . P . Bodkin , Esq ., J . P . Lt .-Gen . R . W . Lovvry , C . B . * tV . Shailf orth Boger . Esq ., M . A . Major Mackenzie The Kcv . S . Bridge , M . A . H . Perceval Miickrcll , Esq . 'J'lio Most Hon . the Marquis of Commander M'Laughlin , R . N . Bristol Col . Milking , M . P . Sir W . C . Brookes , Burt ., M . I ' . The Rt . Hon . the Eurl Mnnvcrs Anthony Brown , Esq . Horace B . Marshall , Esq ., J \ I \ , Col . II . Somervillc Burney (! . ( . ' . It . Lucas Chance , Esc ) . Horace B . Marshall , jun ., Esq ., t ' ol . Chamier M . A . 0 . E . Chapman , Esq . Col . Sir G . A . Maude , K . C . B . The Rt . Hon . Lord Chelmsford , Sir F . G . Milncr , Bart ., M . P . G . C . B . The Rev . Prebendary Moore , IV . S . Church , Esq ., M . D . ST . A . II . L . Cohen , Esq . A . Lo B . Newberry , Esq . G . Courtauld , Esq . The Rev . Canon Norman , M . A . K . Culver , Esq . Wm . Page , Esq ., J . P . H . Ditlton , Esq . George Palmer , Esq . John Deacon , Esq . ( Treasurer ) Charles Pannell , Esq . The Right Hon . the Karl of T . J . Fcmberton , Esq . Derby , K . G . E . E . Phillips , Esq ., J . P . Sir Richard Dickesou Alderman G . Faudcl Phillips Samuel Dixon , Esq . T . Adams Phillips , Esq . ¥ . D . Dixon-Hartland , Esq ., The Bt . Hon . Viscotint Portmau M . P . G . Thompson Powell , Esq . Colonel Domiitliorac W . U . Preece , Esq ., F . R . S . Tho Right Hon . tho Earl of The Kev . E . J . Reeve , M . A . Dudley G . W . Rich , Esq . The Most Hon . the Marquis of Tho Bight Hon . the Earl of St . Ely Germans William Evill , Esq , J . P . ( Sub- James Salmon , Esq ., C . C . Treasurer ) J . H . Salter , Esq ., J . P . Roger Eykyn , Esq . Philip Savill , Esq . Sir Henry Fletcher , Bait ., M . P . B . Woodd Smith , Esq ., J . P . H . J . Forsbroy , Esq . Col . Henry Smith Mr . Sheriff Foster « . Cam ' ck Steot , Esq ., F . R . C . S . Francis Fox , Esq . Tho Right Hon . the Earl of J . F . France , Esq ., J . P ., F . S . A . Strafford Joseph Fry , Esq . Francis Taylor , Esq ,, M . P . Sir E , H . Galsworthy Richard Taylor , Esq , Alfred Goad , Esq . James Theobald , Esq ., M . P . Sir W . F . Guise , Bart . E . J . Thompson , Esq . Sir Reginald Hanson , Ut ., M . P , AldcrmaiiSirF . W . yattTiuscott V . O'Brien Harding , Esq . G . Wyatt Truscott , Esq ., CO . Herbert Harris , Esq . Inctt Ward , Esq . riiomas Hilhouse , Esq , Norman Watney , Esq . John Hill , Esq . Walt . Wellsman , Esq ., F . U . S . L , Sidue . v Hill , Esq . General Sir Hiclid . Wilbraham , L I ) . Ilollowa . y , Esq . K . C . B . Eliot Howurd , Esq ., J . P . Tho Rev . Philip Williams , A . Hubbard , Esq ., J . P . B . C . L ., M . A . Sir W . Guycr Hunter , M . P . Thomas Woods , Esq . U J . Judge , Esq . Gentlemen willing to act as Stewards are respectfully requested to forward their names to the Secretary . HENRY W . GREEN , Secretary . Oflice , 100 , Fleet-street , E . C .
'TOWN HALL , WESTMINSTER , *¦ FRIDAY , J 24 , 1802 . "LORDS AND COMMONS " ( From thc Press Gallery ) . An Entertainment by the well-known Political Caricaturist , MK . I «\ CARRUTHERS GOULD , WILL BE GIVEN IN AID OF 'HIE IIENWOOD THOMAS TESTIMONIAL FUND , ON FRIDAY EVENING , J 24 , NEW . Mr . B . C . MOLLOY , M . P ., in the Chair . Ihe Lecture will be freely illustrated vvith Caricature ' "rtruits , shown by the Oxy-hydrogen Light . Doors open at 7 . 30 p . m . Lecture at S p . m . .. '' L ' KETS , 5 s . and 2 s . fid . each , may be obtained of the "on . Secretary , Mr . TREGASKIS , 232 , High Holborn .
QEORGE REES . ENGRAVINGS by the Principal Artists . Eight Hundred Subjects in Stock , ^ Liberal Discount . JJ'rCHlNGS , Large and Choice Variety on View by Leading Artists . Liberal Cash Discount . JyORTING PICTURES , both Old and New . Hunting , Racing , Coaching , & c . Large Assortment . Liberal Discount ^ for Cash . P * CTURE FRAMES . Special Masonic Designs for Certificate Frames , & c , at Lowest Prices . /¦ M » Catalogue , with Prices , & c , post free , Jd . Stamp . Eoi < GE REES , SAVOY HOUSE , 115 , STRAND . Established 30 Years .
Chovevi Zion.-Lovers Of Zion.
Formed for the purpose of establishing Colonies of Jews in Palestine and the Neighbouring Countries . The CHOVEVI ZION has purchased , as a first step towards the attainment of the obje ; ts of the Association , a tract of Land in Gilead , situated on the borders of Hauran and Jaulan . This land is 2401 acres in extent , and it is
proposed to settle th-ie . m 50 Families to form the First Colony . The cost of the land is £ 2000 , and the bulk of this amount has already been paid . Funds are now required to complete the purchase and to provide Houses , Implements , Young Trees , Seeds , a Few Head of Cattle , and also the means of sustenance for the Colonists during the time that must elapse before the
Settlement can become self-supporting and the Settlers can commence to repay the outlay incurred for them . The land purchased has been most carefully selected as eminently suited for colonisation . It is well watered , and adjoins lands purchased by Continental Colonisation Societies , with whom our Society will act in concert . , No difficulty is anticipated from the Turkish Government ,
which , while prohibiting the influx of pauper immigrants , raises no obstacle lo the establishment of properly organised Colonies in a portion of the country which is at present sparsely populated . The Society of CHOVEVI ZION appeals to all wellwishers of Israel to help this work . Every Jew and every Christian ought to assist this Society to find a permanent home for the outcasts of Israel in the land which is dear to
both alike . We want help to found a home for our people in a land where they can return to the service of the soil and be free from the ever-haunting dread of persecution . To all who believe that Israel's destiny is indissolubly bound up with the land hallowed by the history of a glorious past and the promise of a greater future , and also to those whose feelings of humanity prompt them to succour the oppressed , we appeal to help us to forward this great undertaking .
Donations can be sent to , and all information obtained from : — E . H . D'AVIGDOR , Esq ., B . A ., Chief , 35 , Lancaster Gate , W . j J OSEPH PRAG , Esq ., Vice-Chief , 120 , Forestreet , E . C ; S . MONTAGU , Esq ., M . P ., Chief Treas ., Go , Old Broad-street , E . C ; Capt . H . LEWIS-BARNED , Chief Sec , 10 , Cambridge-square , W . ; Dr . S . A . HIRSCH , Secretary , 11 , Bevis Marks , E . C Offices of the Association—11 , BEVIS MARKS , E . C .
GILLIAM ( Successors to Makepeace and Walford ) , SILVERSMITHS , JEWELLERS , AND DIAMOND MOUNTERS , DEALERS IN ANTIQUE PLATE & JEWELLERY . 6 , SERLE STREET , LINCOLN ' S INN , 446 , OXFORD STREET , NEAR ORCHARD STRERT . The Freemasaa of May Kith , 1801 , says— "M OSRVS . Gilliam Bros ., Gold and Silversmiths , o £ 8 , Serle Street , Lincoln ' s Inn , have been very fortunate in securing so lino a sito for their now establishment as IK ) , Oxford Street ( near Orchard Street ) , and wo congratulate them on tho beauty and artistic design displayed in their now premises j tho stock is of tho most rare and choico kind , and our brethren , who arc fond of old and good tinners in precious metals , would do well to nay thorn a visit . "
PARTRIDGE & COOPER , « THE " STA TIONERS , 191 & 192 , FLEET STREET , LONDON . THE ROYAL COURTS NOTE PAPER . This is the cheapest paper ever introduced to the public , it being slightly tinted , thick , and pleasant to write upon . Price 4 s . per ream . THE VELLUM WOVE CLUB-HOUSE PAPER . The best paper made . Send for sample box of paper and envelopes , post free for 2 s .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
The following communications amongst others unavoidably stand over : CRAFT LOJIGKS . —Plni-nix , No . 904 ; and Old Kiigland , No . I 7 JO ,
SATURDAY , J UNE U , 1892 .
Masonic Notes.
Masonic Notes .
We are glad lo learn that a very substantial increase has been made on the Board of Stewards for the 94 th Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , which will be held at Freemasons' Tavern on Wednesday , the 29 th inst , The Board musters nearly 300 members , and when the appointed day comes round we shall probably find that several names have been added to the list . The London lodges are
Masonic Notes.
but poorly represented , notwithstanding that several have appointed Stewards since we last wrote on the subject , while considering the number of Stewards from the Metropolitan district , the Unattached brethren are more numerous than usual .
Butvt London vs weak tbe Provinces are exceptionally strong , their representatives constituting not far short of two-thirds of the whole Board . The Chairman ' s Province makes a brave show , nearly every one of its lodges , two out of its three R . A . chapters , a Rose
Croix chapter , and a K . T . preceptory having at least one , several more than one , and one as many as 10 Stewards acting in their behalf . Nearly all thc Home Counties are fairly represented , considering the heavy demands made upon them by the Benevolent Jubilee ,
while , under the circumstances , there is a fair contingent of brethren from Provinces more remote from the Metropolis . Altogether about three-fourths of the Provinces will take part in the Festival , and there are , in addition , a few Stewards from Districts abroad .
# # # But though the outloak for the 29 th instant is so far satisfactory , we must caution our readers against expecting a large return . We have every confidence that
the Stewards will exert themselves to the utmost of their ability , but what we have said in reference to the Girls' School Festival as to the difficulty they would experience in compiling heavy lists will appeal with even greater force to the Festival which is now approaching .
* Bro . Ashley , of Bath , has discovered in the minutes of the old Cumberland lodge , No . 41 , the interesting fact that the Earl of Cork great-grandfather of thc
present Prov . G . Master of Somersetshire , Viscount Dungarvan , was initiated in that lodge on the 6 th of November , 1787 , and frequently attended its meetings afterwards .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire held its centenary meeting at Grantham yesterday ( Thursday ) . The first lodge was held at Grantham on 21 st June , 1792 , when the Rev . W . Peters was installed
P . G . M . This brother for valuable services rendered to Grand Lodge was honoured with the title of " Grand Portrait Painter , " a distinction conferred for life , and whose office has never again been filled . Every brother in the province has received a handsome notice
of the meeting in the shape of a Masonic design , which , in addition to the usual emblems , contains a picture of Grantham Church , and medallion portrait of each P . G . M . —six in number—connected by a chain suspended from the keystone of the arch . The design
is the work of Bro . W . Mortimer , of Lincoln , and will doubtless be preserved as a memento by every brother who attends the lodge . An interesting feature of the gathering was a performance of Mozart ' s Masonic cantata , by choir and orchestra . We hope to give a full account of this interesting gathering next week .
? * * Bro . Col . and ex-Sheriff and Mrs . Thomas Clarke are inviting the W . M . and brethren of the Alliance Lodge , No . 1827 , besides many distinguished members of the Craft , to a garden party at their residence—The Gables , Upper Hamilton-terrace—on Wednesday , the 22 nd inst ., from 4 to 7 .
* * * We congratulate our esteemed contemporary , the South Australian Freemason , on the steady progress it has made since it was first published some four years ago . It is a well-written and well-edited journal ; its articles are always characterised by perfect fairness and
good taste ; its complement of news is always interesting , and the articles and paragraphs it quotes from its Masonic contemporaries are invariably selected with judgment . We trust it may be continued with advantage to the Craft in South Australia and to the advancement of its own good name for many a long year to come .
The first number of its fifth volume contains a full report of the " Welcome Social " given by the brethren to Bro . the Hon . Chief Justice Way , Past G . M . and Pro G . M . of South Australia , on his return home after an absence of 14 months . The meeting , though not
so numerously attended as had been expected , appears to have been in all respects a thoroughly representative one , and Bro . Way must have been immensely gratified by his reception after so prolonged an absence .
The speech of the evening was , of course , that of our distinguished brother , who , as those of our readers who were privileged to hear him on sundry occasions during his stay in England know , is an eloquent and effective speaker , and who described in admirable fashion his
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
TNFANT ORPHAN ASYLUM , I WANSTEAD . PATRON—HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . THE SIXTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY WILL BE CELEBRATED AT THE ASYLUM , WANSTEAD , ON WEDNESDAY , J 29 th , W HEN H . R . H . PRINCESS LOUISE OF WALES ( DUCHESS OF FIFE ) , HAS GRACIOUSLY CONSENTED TO DISTRIBUTE THE PSIZES The Proceedings will commence at Two o ' clock . HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF FIFE , K . T ., WILL TAKE THE CHAIK . LIST OF STEWARDS . His Grace the Duke of Argyll , Thc Right Hon . the Earl of K . G . Kilmorcy , K . P . Job Aahton , Est ) . A . T . Layton , Esq . J \ Tress Barry , Esq ., M . l \ Frederick Lee , Esq . U , Curtis Bennett , Esq ., J . P . W . Burrowcs Lewis , Esq . Major-Gen . W . H . Beynou W . H . Liversidgc , Esq . IV . P . Bodkin , Esq ., J . P . Lt .-Gen . R . W . Lovvry , C . B . * tV . Shailf orth Boger . Esq ., M . A . Major Mackenzie The Kcv . S . Bridge , M . A . H . Perceval Miickrcll , Esq . 'J'lio Most Hon . the Marquis of Commander M'Laughlin , R . N . Bristol Col . Milking , M . P . Sir W . C . Brookes , Burt ., M . I ' . The Rt . Hon . the Eurl Mnnvcrs Anthony Brown , Esq . Horace B . Marshall , Esq ., J \ I \ , Col . II . Somervillc Burney (! . ( . ' . It . Lucas Chance , Esc ) . Horace B . Marshall , jun ., Esq ., t ' ol . Chamier M . A . 0 . E . Chapman , Esq . Col . Sir G . A . Maude , K . C . B . The Rt . Hon . Lord Chelmsford , Sir F . G . Milncr , Bart ., M . P . G . C . B . The Rev . Prebendary Moore , IV . S . Church , Esq ., M . D . ST . A . II . L . Cohen , Esq . A . Lo B . Newberry , Esq . G . Courtauld , Esq . The Rev . Canon Norman , M . A . K . Culver , Esq . Wm . Page , Esq ., J . P . H . Ditlton , Esq . George Palmer , Esq . John Deacon , Esq . ( Treasurer ) Charles Pannell , Esq . The Right Hon . the Karl of T . J . Fcmberton , Esq . Derby , K . G . E . E . Phillips , Esq ., J . P . Sir Richard Dickesou Alderman G . Faudcl Phillips Samuel Dixon , Esq . T . Adams Phillips , Esq . ¥ . D . Dixon-Hartland , Esq ., The Bt . Hon . Viscotint Portmau M . P . G . Thompson Powell , Esq . Colonel Domiitliorac W . U . Preece , Esq ., F . R . S . Tho Right Hon . tho Earl of The Kev . E . J . Reeve , M . A . Dudley G . W . Rich , Esq . The Most Hon . the Marquis of Tho Bight Hon . the Earl of St . Ely Germans William Evill , Esq , J . P . ( Sub- James Salmon , Esq ., C . C . Treasurer ) J . H . Salter , Esq ., J . P . Roger Eykyn , Esq . Philip Savill , Esq . Sir Henry Fletcher , Bait ., M . P . B . Woodd Smith , Esq ., J . P . H . J . Forsbroy , Esq . Col . Henry Smith Mr . Sheriff Foster « . Cam ' ck Steot , Esq ., F . R . C . S . Francis Fox , Esq . Tho Right Hon . the Earl of J . F . France , Esq ., J . P ., F . S . A . Strafford Joseph Fry , Esq . Francis Taylor , Esq ,, M . P . Sir E , H . Galsworthy Richard Taylor , Esq , Alfred Goad , Esq . James Theobald , Esq ., M . P . Sir W . F . Guise , Bart . E . J . Thompson , Esq . Sir Reginald Hanson , Ut ., M . P , AldcrmaiiSirF . W . yattTiuscott V . O'Brien Harding , Esq . G . Wyatt Truscott , Esq ., CO . Herbert Harris , Esq . Inctt Ward , Esq . riiomas Hilhouse , Esq , Norman Watney , Esq . John Hill , Esq . Walt . Wellsman , Esq ., F . U . S . L , Sidue . v Hill , Esq . General Sir Hiclid . Wilbraham , L I ) . Ilollowa . y , Esq . K . C . B . Eliot Howurd , Esq ., J . P . Tho Rev . Philip Williams , A . Hubbard , Esq ., J . P . B . C . L ., M . A . Sir W . Guycr Hunter , M . P . Thomas Woods , Esq . U J . Judge , Esq . Gentlemen willing to act as Stewards are respectfully requested to forward their names to the Secretary . HENRY W . GREEN , Secretary . Oflice , 100 , Fleet-street , E . C .
'TOWN HALL , WESTMINSTER , *¦ FRIDAY , J 24 , 1802 . "LORDS AND COMMONS " ( From thc Press Gallery ) . An Entertainment by the well-known Political Caricaturist , MK . I «\ CARRUTHERS GOULD , WILL BE GIVEN IN AID OF 'HIE IIENWOOD THOMAS TESTIMONIAL FUND , ON FRIDAY EVENING , J 24 , NEW . Mr . B . C . MOLLOY , M . P ., in the Chair . Ihe Lecture will be freely illustrated vvith Caricature ' "rtruits , shown by the Oxy-hydrogen Light . Doors open at 7 . 30 p . m . Lecture at S p . m . .. '' L ' KETS , 5 s . and 2 s . fid . each , may be obtained of the "on . Secretary , Mr . TREGASKIS , 232 , High Holborn .
QEORGE REES . ENGRAVINGS by the Principal Artists . Eight Hundred Subjects in Stock , ^ Liberal Discount . JJ'rCHlNGS , Large and Choice Variety on View by Leading Artists . Liberal Cash Discount . JyORTING PICTURES , both Old and New . Hunting , Racing , Coaching , & c . Large Assortment . Liberal Discount ^ for Cash . P * CTURE FRAMES . Special Masonic Designs for Certificate Frames , & c , at Lowest Prices . /¦ M » Catalogue , with Prices , & c , post free , Jd . Stamp . Eoi < GE REES , SAVOY HOUSE , 115 , STRAND . Established 30 Years .
Chovevi Zion.-Lovers Of Zion.
Formed for the purpose of establishing Colonies of Jews in Palestine and the Neighbouring Countries . The CHOVEVI ZION has purchased , as a first step towards the attainment of the obje ; ts of the Association , a tract of Land in Gilead , situated on the borders of Hauran and Jaulan . This land is 2401 acres in extent , and it is
proposed to settle th-ie . m 50 Families to form the First Colony . The cost of the land is £ 2000 , and the bulk of this amount has already been paid . Funds are now required to complete the purchase and to provide Houses , Implements , Young Trees , Seeds , a Few Head of Cattle , and also the means of sustenance for the Colonists during the time that must elapse before the
Settlement can become self-supporting and the Settlers can commence to repay the outlay incurred for them . The land purchased has been most carefully selected as eminently suited for colonisation . It is well watered , and adjoins lands purchased by Continental Colonisation Societies , with whom our Society will act in concert . , No difficulty is anticipated from the Turkish Government ,
which , while prohibiting the influx of pauper immigrants , raises no obstacle lo the establishment of properly organised Colonies in a portion of the country which is at present sparsely populated . The Society of CHOVEVI ZION appeals to all wellwishers of Israel to help this work . Every Jew and every Christian ought to assist this Society to find a permanent home for the outcasts of Israel in the land which is dear to
both alike . We want help to found a home for our people in a land where they can return to the service of the soil and be free from the ever-haunting dread of persecution . To all who believe that Israel's destiny is indissolubly bound up with the land hallowed by the history of a glorious past and the promise of a greater future , and also to those whose feelings of humanity prompt them to succour the oppressed , we appeal to help us to forward this great undertaking .
Donations can be sent to , and all information obtained from : — E . H . D'AVIGDOR , Esq ., B . A ., Chief , 35 , Lancaster Gate , W . j J OSEPH PRAG , Esq ., Vice-Chief , 120 , Forestreet , E . C ; S . MONTAGU , Esq ., M . P ., Chief Treas ., Go , Old Broad-street , E . C ; Capt . H . LEWIS-BARNED , Chief Sec , 10 , Cambridge-square , W . ; Dr . S . A . HIRSCH , Secretary , 11 , Bevis Marks , E . C Offices of the Association—11 , BEVIS MARKS , E . C .
GILLIAM ( Successors to Makepeace and Walford ) , SILVERSMITHS , JEWELLERS , AND DIAMOND MOUNTERS , DEALERS IN ANTIQUE PLATE & JEWELLERY . 6 , SERLE STREET , LINCOLN ' S INN , 446 , OXFORD STREET , NEAR ORCHARD STRERT . The Freemasaa of May Kith , 1801 , says— "M OSRVS . Gilliam Bros ., Gold and Silversmiths , o £ 8 , Serle Street , Lincoln ' s Inn , have been very fortunate in securing so lino a sito for their now establishment as IK ) , Oxford Street ( near Orchard Street ) , and wo congratulate them on tho beauty and artistic design displayed in their now premises j tho stock is of tho most rare and choico kind , and our brethren , who arc fond of old and good tinners in precious metals , would do well to nay thorn a visit . "
PARTRIDGE & COOPER , « THE " STA TIONERS , 191 & 192 , FLEET STREET , LONDON . THE ROYAL COURTS NOTE PAPER . This is the cheapest paper ever introduced to the public , it being slightly tinted , thick , and pleasant to write upon . Price 4 s . per ream . THE VELLUM WOVE CLUB-HOUSE PAPER . The best paper made . Send for sample box of paper and envelopes , post free for 2 s .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
The following communications amongst others unavoidably stand over : CRAFT LOJIGKS . —Plni-nix , No . 904 ; and Old Kiigland , No . I 7 JO ,
SATURDAY , J UNE U , 1892 .
Masonic Notes.
Masonic Notes .
We are glad lo learn that a very substantial increase has been made on the Board of Stewards for the 94 th Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , which will be held at Freemasons' Tavern on Wednesday , the 29 th inst , The Board musters nearly 300 members , and when the appointed day comes round we shall probably find that several names have been added to the list . The London lodges are
Masonic Notes.
but poorly represented , notwithstanding that several have appointed Stewards since we last wrote on the subject , while considering the number of Stewards from the Metropolitan district , the Unattached brethren are more numerous than usual .
Butvt London vs weak tbe Provinces are exceptionally strong , their representatives constituting not far short of two-thirds of the whole Board . The Chairman ' s Province makes a brave show , nearly every one of its lodges , two out of its three R . A . chapters , a Rose
Croix chapter , and a K . T . preceptory having at least one , several more than one , and one as many as 10 Stewards acting in their behalf . Nearly all thc Home Counties are fairly represented , considering the heavy demands made upon them by the Benevolent Jubilee ,
while , under the circumstances , there is a fair contingent of brethren from Provinces more remote from the Metropolis . Altogether about three-fourths of the Provinces will take part in the Festival , and there are , in addition , a few Stewards from Districts abroad .
# # # But though the outloak for the 29 th instant is so far satisfactory , we must caution our readers against expecting a large return . We have every confidence that
the Stewards will exert themselves to the utmost of their ability , but what we have said in reference to the Girls' School Festival as to the difficulty they would experience in compiling heavy lists will appeal with even greater force to the Festival which is now approaching .
* Bro . Ashley , of Bath , has discovered in the minutes of the old Cumberland lodge , No . 41 , the interesting fact that the Earl of Cork great-grandfather of thc
present Prov . G . Master of Somersetshire , Viscount Dungarvan , was initiated in that lodge on the 6 th of November , 1787 , and frequently attended its meetings afterwards .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire held its centenary meeting at Grantham yesterday ( Thursday ) . The first lodge was held at Grantham on 21 st June , 1792 , when the Rev . W . Peters was installed
P . G . M . This brother for valuable services rendered to Grand Lodge was honoured with the title of " Grand Portrait Painter , " a distinction conferred for life , and whose office has never again been filled . Every brother in the province has received a handsome notice
of the meeting in the shape of a Masonic design , which , in addition to the usual emblems , contains a picture of Grantham Church , and medallion portrait of each P . G . M . —six in number—connected by a chain suspended from the keystone of the arch . The design
is the work of Bro . W . Mortimer , of Lincoln , and will doubtless be preserved as a memento by every brother who attends the lodge . An interesting feature of the gathering was a performance of Mozart ' s Masonic cantata , by choir and orchestra . We hope to give a full account of this interesting gathering next week .
? * * Bro . Col . and ex-Sheriff and Mrs . Thomas Clarke are inviting the W . M . and brethren of the Alliance Lodge , No . 1827 , besides many distinguished members of the Craft , to a garden party at their residence—The Gables , Upper Hamilton-terrace—on Wednesday , the 22 nd inst ., from 4 to 7 .
* * * We congratulate our esteemed contemporary , the South Australian Freemason , on the steady progress it has made since it was first published some four years ago . It is a well-written and well-edited journal ; its articles are always characterised by perfect fairness and
good taste ; its complement of news is always interesting , and the articles and paragraphs it quotes from its Masonic contemporaries are invariably selected with judgment . We trust it may be continued with advantage to the Craft in South Australia and to the advancement of its own good name for many a long year to come .
The first number of its fifth volume contains a full report of the " Welcome Social " given by the brethren to Bro . the Hon . Chief Justice Way , Past G . M . and Pro G . M . of South Australia , on his return home after an absence of 14 months . The meeting , though not
so numerously attended as had been expected , appears to have been in all respects a thoroughly representative one , and Bro . Way must have been immensely gratified by his reception after so prolonged an absence .
The speech of the evening was , of course , that of our distinguished brother , who , as those of our readers who were privileged to hear him on sundry occasions during his stay in England know , is an eloquent and effective speaker , and who described in admirable fashion his