Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Craft Masonry. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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Craft Masonry.
were g ° ' K forward as Stewards to the Boys' Festival in luiie , would not be wanting in the support that is always so nobly accorded . For "The Initiates , ' the newly-made brethren briefly responded . * r ,- "The Visitors , " Bro . Money , P . G . S ., successfully rep lied , expressing his pleasure in being present , and said had been highly gratified with the efficient work in the lodge and the hospitable way in which he and the other
, visitors had been received . Bro . Beard , a member of the Board of Benevolence , expressed himself much to the same effect , and thought the general working of the lodge was beyond all praise . " Other toasts having been proposed and drunk , the Tyler ' s toast closed a very . enjoyable evening . During the evening a very pleasing musical programme
was provided , under the direction of Bro . Harry Tipper , P . M . 1 S 5 , 2054 , 20 C ( 0 , P . Z . 141 , P . P . G . Reg . Herts , & c The grace " For these and all Thy mercies" was sung , and a selection of Irish melodies was performed by the Royal Criterion Hand-bell Ringers . In their due time the National Anthem and "God Bless the Prince of Wales "
were also sung . Without malice prepense to the other singers , who all ably performed their parts , we may note that the honours of the evening were conferred on Madame Millie Malenoir , whose "Angus Macdonald " and "Ah well a-day ! " were supplemented by " Leonora " and " Kobin Adair" as encores . The now veteran elocutionist Bro . Arthur Wieland was very telling in his selection .
Henry Muggendge Lodge ( No . 1679 ) . —A meeting was held on Saturday , the 2 Sth ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , when there were present Bros . G . Clark , W . M . ; J . Bagot Scriven , Treas ., W . M . elect ; Boyce , S . W . ; Wooddiorpe , J . W . ; Sack , P . M ., Hon . Sec ; Sibley , S . D . ; Hall , J . D . ; Stampfer , P . M ., D . C ; Sainton , I . G . ; Elstab , Org . ; Marsh . Tyler ; Penny , P . M .
Street , P . M . ; Reddall , P . M . ; Allengame , Worthington , Strutt , Russell , Williams , Smith , Gomm , Wingrove , C . Wilkinson , Austin , and Crompton . Visitors : Bros . H . Birdseye , P . M . 715 ; R . W . Muggeridge , P . M . 1704 ; j . M . McLeod , P . P . S . G . W . Derbyshire , Sec . R . M . I , for Boys ; W . Englefield , P . M . 1321 ; VV . Jordan , P . M . 170 S ; R . Sobel , 275 , New York . '; and others .
The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . Mr . R . M . Crompton was then initiated . Bro . J . Bagot Scriven was very ably installed W . M . by Bro . G . Clark . The W . M . then presented Bro . Clark , I . P . M ., with a a Past Master's jewel and Past Master ' s collar and jewel in a very complimentary speech , whxh was very appropriately replied to by that
brother . I he officers were appointed for the ensuing year as above , except that Bro . G . Clark , I . P . M ., was elected Treasurer . The lodge was then closed . The brethren then partook of a very excellent banquet , served by Bro . Clemow in his usual excellent style , which was much enjoyed . The music at the banquet was arranged by Bro . S . \ V . Reddall , and gave great satisfaction to all the brethren . The jewel was manufactured by Bro . George Kenning .
Anglo-American Lodge ( No . 2191 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Criterion , Piccadilly-circus , S . W ., on the 17 th ult ., when there were present Bros . James J . VVoolley , W . M . ; Theodore H . Tilton , l . P . M . ; W . Hancock , S . W . ; G . IL Reynolds ,
J . W . ; G . Reynolds , Sec . ; J . Skinner , S . D . ; F . Jackson , l . G . j J . Rowe , C . O . Burgess , and G . A . Bergholz , Stwds . ; R . F . Potter , Tyler ; Fred . Kedge , P . M . ; H . Vilian , G . C . Sherwood , G . T . Atkinson , A . H . P . Snow , James Woodward , and others . Bro . A . Cogliati , 1559 , was
a visitor . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . Letters of regret at not being able to be present were read from Bros . Brackstone Baker , P . M ., P . G . D . ; J . B . Cumming , Treas . ; A . Harris , J . D . ; and many other brethren . The candidate for passing , Bro , S . Solcberg , was prevented from being present on
account of pressure of business . The Secretary read the by-laws of the lodge . Bro . W . Hancock , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and thanked the brethren in a few kind words for the great hoi . our the lodge had conferred upon him , and promised to do his very best for its prosperity . Bro . J . B . Cumming was also unanimously elected Treasurer , and Bro . G . Reynolds ,
Secretary , on behalf of Bro . J B . Cumming , who was absent in I' ranee on business , thanked the brethren for their renewed confidence . Bro . R . F . Potter was unanimously elected yler . Bros . J . Allen , J . Coltart , and B . R . Paul were appointed Auditors to audit the accounts for the past year . On the motion of Bro . Theodore H . Tilton , l . P . M ., seconded by Bro . F . Kedce . P . M .. a Past Master's ieivel of
Irie usual value was unanimously voted to Bro . James J . iVooiley , W . M ., in recognition of the able manner in which "' had conducted the affairs of the lodge during his year of ° '"C e , and also for the way in which be had worked the ceremonies . The W . M . thanked the brethren for the ndness they had always shown towards him , and said it was a pleasure to know that his conduct during his year of Mice had met with their approval . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , we lod ge was closed .
... Cordwainer Ward Lodge ( No . 2241 ) . — 'He installation meeting of this lodge was held at the a . nnon-street Hotel , under very depressing circumstances , r' -iR to the sudden death of Bro . Frank Tayler , C . C ., the \ V \ , s * er of 'he lodge . The lodge was opened by the /• ' >! ., Bro . C . S . Buck , and Bro . Hirshhorn was , after the sual preliminaries , passed to the Second Degree . The of
j P ° 'l the Audit Committee was received and adopted . | ! r vote . ° f condolence to the widow and family of the late Uto (• ranl < Tayler , P . M ., was passed . The resignation of had ' * * Cowan was received and accepted with regret . It cert arrar * gea' for the late Bro . Tayler to perform the than " - ' ° * nsta ** ation , at the request of the W . M ., but I ' 'y was undertaken by the Secretary , Bro . Henry ffs roye , who installed Bro . I . II . HeDbum . C . C . P . P . G .
ur „ ,. ' , '" iddx . The officers appointed were as follows : Ck i n \ . P' S * -- lr - W * hotter , J . W . ; C . S . Ci '•' "I - - * H * J * A < Jams » I ' -G . S . B ., Treas . ; H . J . b ? T ' , * - A * ' ' Hawkins , S . D . ; R . Greening , « ' ' C . J . Wilkinson-Pimbury , I . G .: A . Wright , D . C ; Atth' per ' * " -oKley * Stwds . ; and J . Ravvles , Tyler . lti c c "" - conclusion of the business the brethren dispersed , ° mary banquet being postponed until the autumn .
Craft Masonry.
Hiram Lodge ( No . 2416 ) . —The meeting of this , the architects and surveyors' lodge , was held at Freemasons' Hall , on the 25 th ult . Bro . Henry Lovegrove , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . F . R . Farrow , S . VV . ; F . A . Powell , | . W . ; T . E . Mundy , P . M ., Treasurer ; W . J . Ebbetts , ' P . M ., P . G . O ., Secretary ; W . T . Bonner ,
S . D . ; G . Elkington , J . D . ; H . G . W . Drinkwater , I . G . ; J . O . Abbott , T . C . Yates , and others . Messrs . A . F . Wrighton , W . West , and S . Jackson were duly initiated into Freemasonry , and Bros . W . Heelis and H . J . Pain were elected joining members . Dinner followed , and a pleasant evening was spent .
Provincial Meetings.
DONCASTER . St . George ' s Lodge ( No . 242 ) . —The first meeting under the newly-installed W . M . was held in the Masonic Rooms , Nether Hall-road , on Friday , the 3 rd inst ., when there were present Bros . F . Webb , W . M . ; J . Fitzgerald , l . P . M . ( acting S . VV . ); W . Blake , J . W . ; J . Forth
P . M ., Sec ; T . Foster , J . D . ; F . H . Buckland , I . G . ; H . White , Org . ; G . J . Smith , S . Lester , and J . VV . Turner , Stewards ; A . Parkin , P . M . ; F . Rand , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; F . D . Walker , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; G . Wilkie , P . M . ; J . Greaves , J . Rayner , J . F . Hanson , C . Swales , E . T . Smith , C . Hopkinson , H . J . Pawson , and VV . Mason and J . Hirst , Tylers . Visitors : Bros . J . A . Senior , 179 , New South Wales ; W . J . Sanders , 50 ( S . C ); and J . Constable ,
S . W . 2259 . The lodge was opened , and the minutes read and confirmed , and the Secretary having introduced several matters respecting the lodge premises , the discussion thereon was adjourned until July . After a proposition , and " Hearty good wishes " from the visitors , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the ante-room , where refreshment was provided .
FRIZINGTON . ArlecdOll Lodge ( No . 1660 ) . — The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday , the 1 st inst ., Bro . J . Wakefield , P . G . Tyler , VV . M ., in the chair , supported by about sixty members and visitors . The lodge was opened , and the minutes confirmed . One candidate was balloted for and initiated , when Bro .
Geo . Dalrymple , P . M ., P . G . Sec , was invited to the chair , and Bro . . Wakefield presented Bro . William Robinson , W . M . elect , for installation , and he was duly installed , and invested the following as his officers : Bros . W . Shaw , S . W . ; J . Armstrong , J . W . ; Rev . J . Tyson , P . P . G . Chap ., Chap , ; G . Dalrymple , Treas . ; VV . Brown , Sec ; E . Jackson , S . D . ; R . Douglas , J . D . ;
VV . H . Jenkinson , I . G . ; Dr . Routledge , D . C ; and Jas . Toye and R . James , Stwds . Bro . John Bare , P . M . 119 , P . P . S . G . W ., gave the customary address in his usual able manner . The VV . M . then invited Bro . Dalrymple to present Bros . H . Hartley , P . M ., P . G . Std . Br ., John Wilkinson , P . M ., P . G . Purst ., and John Wakefield , P . G . Tyler , I . P . M ., each with a Past Master ' s jewel , vvith a
suitable inscription upon them . Bro . Dalrymple said it was not at all necessary to use many words anent this presentation from the lodge , as it was for regular attendance during their year as Master , good workmanship , a willingness at all times to support the Masonic Charities , and above all that which was the keystone of our whole Masonic structure—good harmony . The three brethren thanked the
members of Arlecdon Lodge for their quite unexpected gift , and said it was one they should ever hold in high esteem . The Secretary was ordered to read copy of patent received from the Prov . Grand Secretary informing the members that Bro . Geo . J . McKay , J . P ., Past Grand Std . Br ., had been appointed Deputy Prov . Grand Master of the province , and Bro . Dalrymple , Prov . Grand Secretary .
Bro . Robinson , VV . M ., said it gave him much pleasure to move that the hearty congratulations of Arlecdon Lodge be sent to Bros . McKay and Dalrymple on the high distinction conferred upon them , which was seconded by Bro . Hartley , P . M ., and carried with applause . With " Hearty good wishes , " the lodge was closed . The brethren , to the number of 54 , then sat down to an
excellent banquet at the Parkside Hotel , the nevvly-instal' . ed Master in the chair , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed . The following brethren were also present : Bros . Dr . Lace , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D . ; J . Wilkinson , P . M . ; J . Webb , J . Singers , J . Bewick , T . L . Nicholls , H . Watson , J . Baraganath , Rev . J . Tyson , P . P . G . Chap . ; Rev . | as . Anderson , 119 , P . P . G . Chap . ; E . G . Hughes , P . M ., P . P .
S . G . D . ; W . Heathcote , P . M . 19 S 9 , P . G . Steward ; L . Rumney , J . Tilford , VV . Keivley , E . M . Edgar , J . Bell , J . Sumpton , J . Holmes , W . Lowery , J . McHarry , P . M . ; li . M . Farrin , Dr . Braithwaite , P . M . 1267 , P . P . J . G . D . ; Geo . Wilson , VV . M . elect 12 O 7 ; A . MoordafT , J . Lowery , W . M . 12 G 7 ; J . Stout , P . M ., P . P . G . Std . Br . ; J . J . Little , 9 62 ; A . VV . Turner , P . M . 22 S 5 ; T . G . Koxby , 1400 ; and others . The jewels were manufactured by Bro . George Kenning .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Rose of Denmark Chapter ( No . 075 ) . — The quarterly meeting was held at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , on the 4 th instant , when there were present Comps . Bentley Haynes , I . P . Z . ; C . J . Blasby , P . Z . ; S . Brooks , P . Z ., Treas . ; G . Everett , P . Z ., P . G . Treas . ; W . Dodd , P . Z ., S . E . ; A . Skene , ist A . S ., as S . N . ; Woodbridge Biggs , P . S . ; T . T . \ Villcox , 2 nd A . S . ; Breadmore ,
J . Ambrose , 11 . Fox , L . J . Goddard , A . J . bhotter , C . W . Bennett , and Gilbert , Janitor . The chapter having been opened , the first business was the election of a First Principal , to fill the place of Comp . Chalfont , deceased , who was only installed in March last , and Comp . Blasby , P . Z ., was unanimously elected , and inducted into the chair . The ballot was then taken for Bro .
Capel Smith , 2032 , and , proving unanimous in his favour , he was duly exalted , Comp . Haynes taking the chair of IL , in the unavoidable absence of Comp . Sapsivorth . A vote of condolence with the family of the late Comp . Chalfont was passed unanimously . The chapter was then closed , and the companions dined together as usual .
Royal Arch.
Rose Chapter ( No . 1622 ) . —The regular meetng of this flourishing chapter was held at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road , on Saturday , the 2 SH 1 ult . Present : Comps . F . Hilton , M . E . Z . ; H . G . Martin , H . ; Thos . Grummant , acting J . ; J . VV . Kirby , Treas . ; John Loader , S . E . ; VV . Dawson , acting S . N . ; J . H . Pullen , P . S . ; G . Thompson , ist A . S . ; J . Whiteman , janitor ; ] . Bladon , G . H . Lewis , F . G . Choveaux . T . R ,
Cass , F . VV . Pearce , I . Dunn , VV . G . Jeffrey , E . A . Rice , T . H . Salmon , G . C . Pike , and L . J . Derham . Visitors * . Comps . T . Grummant , P . Z . 1275 ; C . H . Stone , 1275 ; and C . J . Coombs , J . 975 . The minutes of consecration and emergency meetings were read and confirmed . Bros . E . A . Rice , G . C . Pike ,
and T . H . Salmon were exalted in a most perfect manner by the M . E . Z . Ten guineas were voted from the chapter funds , and placed on the list of the M . E . Z ., who stood as Steward at the Girls' Festival , which speaks well for so young a chapter . Comp . Choveaux was elected honorary Organist . A letter was read from Comp . F . VV . Williams , J ., excusing his absence through unavoidable
circumstances . The chapter having been closed , the companions adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided by Mrs . Venables . Banquet ended , the usual loyal and Royal Arch toasts
were most tersely given by the M . E . Z . and most loyally received . That of "The Pro G . Z ., G . H ., G . J ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " was next given in high terms of commendation , and received most heartily by thc
companions . The toast of "The M . E . Z . " was then given by Comp . Martin , H ., who said it gave him intense pleasure in presenting the toast , especially as that was the anniversary of his natal day . He would state the M . E . Z . was one of the most genial and kind hearted Masons living , which was evidenced by the enthusiasm and extraordinary good feeling
shown him both in the lodge and chapter , and also in the Star Chapter of Instruction , of which he was the esteemed Preceptor . He never tired in teaching all who came to him , which teaching was given with much courtesy . He ( Comp . Martin ) owed his position to the excellent teaching received at the hands of the M . E . Z ., and he trusted that he might be spared for many years to enjoy the friendship
of the M . E . Z . in the future as in the past . He hoped the three exaltees would emulate their respected M . E . Z ., as the whole of the companions desired to do . The toast having been received most enthusiastically , The M . E . Z ., in reply , heartily thanked the companions for their kind expressions . He was exceedingly pleased and much gratified in spending his 49 th birthday in company
of the companions of the Rose Chapter , and he hoped to live long to see the chapter flourish . He had every reason to be gratified at the success the chapter was attaining , and so long as the companions so loyally supported him ( hc being the father of it ) , it would go on and prosper , which was his most earnest desire . The toast of "The H . and J . " was given in terms of
great pride and pleasure at the hands of the M . E . Z ., and responded to most ably by Comp . Martin , H ., reflecting the whole of his Masonic career upon the M . E . Z ., whom he had to thank most heartily for all that he had done for him , thereby enabling' him lo fill the honourable position of H . of the chapter . "The Exaltees" was given by the M . E . Z ., remarking
the great honour and privilege he felt in presenting it . The three exaltees that evening were only just of age to admit of becoming Royal Arch Masons , and he would state that three more worthy brethren could not be found . Of their ability in Craft Masonry all knew their worth , and he was confident that they would prove themselves most worthy of the Rose Chapter .
Comps . Rice , Pike , and Salmon most ably responded , one and all remarking it would be their earnest endeavour to emulate such excellent officers as they had seen that evening , and also endeavour to carry uut to their fullest the splendid principles so excellently propounded to them . Comp . J . H . Pullen , P . S ., then presented the M . E . Z ., in the name of Mrs . Venables , vvith a splendid bouquet in
honour of his birthday , wishing him very many happy returns , which the M . E . Z . most kindly accepted and acknowledged . The toast of "The Visitors" followed in most becoming terms , and was ably responded to by Comps . Grummant , Stone , and Coombs . " The Treasurer and S . E . " was given in most
praiseworthy terms , and was responded to by Comps . Kirby and J . Loader . That of "The Officers" the M . E . Z . gave most commendably , and Comps . Pullen , P . S ., and Thompson , ist A . S ., in responding , acknowledged most suitably the kind terms expressed by the M . E . Z . The Janitor's toast closed a most successful and intellectual meeting . The following assisted with some excellent harmony : Comps . G . Thompson , Stone , Choveaux ( pianist ) , Derham ( flautist ) , and F . Williams .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BIRMINGHAM . Charity Lodge ( N o . 430 ) . —The installation of the second Master of the above lodge took place at thc Masonic Hall , New-street , on Wednesday , the ist inst ., in the presence of a distinguished body of Mark Master Masons . Letters of apology were received from Bros , the Marquess of Hertford , Pro G . M ., Prov . G . M . of
Warwickshire , who is an honorary P . M . of the lodge , * Rev . Trevor Parkins , D . P . G . M . ; David Rose , P . S . G . W . ; T . R . Arter , P . J . G . W . ; other Provincial Grand Officers , and brethren from the Provinces of Warwickshire and Staffordshire . The brethren present were Bros . William Hillman , P . S . G . W . ; Sergeant-Major Woods , P . G . D . C . Staffordshire ; Captain Burrough , J . 0 . 40 . S ; Dr . Wright Wilson , P . G . Sec . ; J . Candelent , l . P . M . 31 S , P . I . G . O .: Samuel
Jenkins , W . M . 318 , P . P . J . G . D . ; VV . A . Parker , Org . 31 S ; J . Attwood , R . M . 115 , P . G . S . ; C . D . Eaton , ) . l ) . 115 ; G . N . Milward , Sec . 115 ; Howard Jennens , 115 ; Rev . W . H . Poulton , M . A ., P . G . Chap . ; R . 0 . Wills , Org . 174 , P . G . Org . ; and the officers and brethren of the lodge . t he Worshipful Master elect was presented by Bro . W . Hillman , P . P . S . G . VV ., and the installation u-ranutiy
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
were g ° ' K forward as Stewards to the Boys' Festival in luiie , would not be wanting in the support that is always so nobly accorded . For "The Initiates , ' the newly-made brethren briefly responded . * r ,- "The Visitors , " Bro . Money , P . G . S ., successfully rep lied , expressing his pleasure in being present , and said had been highly gratified with the efficient work in the lodge and the hospitable way in which he and the other
, visitors had been received . Bro . Beard , a member of the Board of Benevolence , expressed himself much to the same effect , and thought the general working of the lodge was beyond all praise . " Other toasts having been proposed and drunk , the Tyler ' s toast closed a very . enjoyable evening . During the evening a very pleasing musical programme
was provided , under the direction of Bro . Harry Tipper , P . M . 1 S 5 , 2054 , 20 C ( 0 , P . Z . 141 , P . P . G . Reg . Herts , & c The grace " For these and all Thy mercies" was sung , and a selection of Irish melodies was performed by the Royal Criterion Hand-bell Ringers . In their due time the National Anthem and "God Bless the Prince of Wales "
were also sung . Without malice prepense to the other singers , who all ably performed their parts , we may note that the honours of the evening were conferred on Madame Millie Malenoir , whose "Angus Macdonald " and "Ah well a-day ! " were supplemented by " Leonora " and " Kobin Adair" as encores . The now veteran elocutionist Bro . Arthur Wieland was very telling in his selection .
Henry Muggendge Lodge ( No . 1679 ) . —A meeting was held on Saturday , the 2 Sth ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , when there were present Bros . G . Clark , W . M . ; J . Bagot Scriven , Treas ., W . M . elect ; Boyce , S . W . ; Wooddiorpe , J . W . ; Sack , P . M ., Hon . Sec ; Sibley , S . D . ; Hall , J . D . ; Stampfer , P . M ., D . C ; Sainton , I . G . ; Elstab , Org . ; Marsh . Tyler ; Penny , P . M .
Street , P . M . ; Reddall , P . M . ; Allengame , Worthington , Strutt , Russell , Williams , Smith , Gomm , Wingrove , C . Wilkinson , Austin , and Crompton . Visitors : Bros . H . Birdseye , P . M . 715 ; R . W . Muggeridge , P . M . 1704 ; j . M . McLeod , P . P . S . G . W . Derbyshire , Sec . R . M . I , for Boys ; W . Englefield , P . M . 1321 ; VV . Jordan , P . M . 170 S ; R . Sobel , 275 , New York . '; and others .
The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . Mr . R . M . Crompton was then initiated . Bro . J . Bagot Scriven was very ably installed W . M . by Bro . G . Clark . The W . M . then presented Bro . Clark , I . P . M ., with a a Past Master's jewel and Past Master ' s collar and jewel in a very complimentary speech , whxh was very appropriately replied to by that
brother . I he officers were appointed for the ensuing year as above , except that Bro . G . Clark , I . P . M ., was elected Treasurer . The lodge was then closed . The brethren then partook of a very excellent banquet , served by Bro . Clemow in his usual excellent style , which was much enjoyed . The music at the banquet was arranged by Bro . S . \ V . Reddall , and gave great satisfaction to all the brethren . The jewel was manufactured by Bro . George Kenning .
Anglo-American Lodge ( No . 2191 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Criterion , Piccadilly-circus , S . W ., on the 17 th ult ., when there were present Bros . James J . VVoolley , W . M . ; Theodore H . Tilton , l . P . M . ; W . Hancock , S . W . ; G . IL Reynolds ,
J . W . ; G . Reynolds , Sec . ; J . Skinner , S . D . ; F . Jackson , l . G . j J . Rowe , C . O . Burgess , and G . A . Bergholz , Stwds . ; R . F . Potter , Tyler ; Fred . Kedge , P . M . ; H . Vilian , G . C . Sherwood , G . T . Atkinson , A . H . P . Snow , James Woodward , and others . Bro . A . Cogliati , 1559 , was
a visitor . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . Letters of regret at not being able to be present were read from Bros . Brackstone Baker , P . M ., P . G . D . ; J . B . Cumming , Treas . ; A . Harris , J . D . ; and many other brethren . The candidate for passing , Bro , S . Solcberg , was prevented from being present on
account of pressure of business . The Secretary read the by-laws of the lodge . Bro . W . Hancock , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and thanked the brethren in a few kind words for the great hoi . our the lodge had conferred upon him , and promised to do his very best for its prosperity . Bro . J . B . Cumming was also unanimously elected Treasurer , and Bro . G . Reynolds ,
Secretary , on behalf of Bro . J B . Cumming , who was absent in I' ranee on business , thanked the brethren for their renewed confidence . Bro . R . F . Potter was unanimously elected yler . Bros . J . Allen , J . Coltart , and B . R . Paul were appointed Auditors to audit the accounts for the past year . On the motion of Bro . Theodore H . Tilton , l . P . M ., seconded by Bro . F . Kedce . P . M .. a Past Master's ieivel of
Irie usual value was unanimously voted to Bro . James J . iVooiley , W . M ., in recognition of the able manner in which "' had conducted the affairs of the lodge during his year of ° '"C e , and also for the way in which be had worked the ceremonies . The W . M . thanked the brethren for the ndness they had always shown towards him , and said it was a pleasure to know that his conduct during his year of Mice had met with their approval . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , we lod ge was closed .
... Cordwainer Ward Lodge ( No . 2241 ) . — 'He installation meeting of this lodge was held at the a . nnon-street Hotel , under very depressing circumstances , r' -iR to the sudden death of Bro . Frank Tayler , C . C ., the \ V \ , s * er of 'he lodge . The lodge was opened by the /• ' >! ., Bro . C . S . Buck , and Bro . Hirshhorn was , after the sual preliminaries , passed to the Second Degree . The of
j P ° 'l the Audit Committee was received and adopted . | ! r vote . ° f condolence to the widow and family of the late Uto (• ranl < Tayler , P . M ., was passed . The resignation of had ' * * Cowan was received and accepted with regret . It cert arrar * gea' for the late Bro . Tayler to perform the than " - ' ° * nsta ** ation , at the request of the W . M ., but I ' 'y was undertaken by the Secretary , Bro . Henry ffs roye , who installed Bro . I . II . HeDbum . C . C . P . P . G .
ur „ ,. ' , '" iddx . The officers appointed were as follows : Ck i n \ . P' S * -- lr - W * hotter , J . W . ; C . S . Ci '•' "I - - * H * J * A < Jams » I ' -G . S . B ., Treas . ; H . J . b ? T ' , * - A * ' ' Hawkins , S . D . ; R . Greening , « ' ' C . J . Wilkinson-Pimbury , I . G .: A . Wright , D . C ; Atth' per ' * " -oKley * Stwds . ; and J . Ravvles , Tyler . lti c c "" - conclusion of the business the brethren dispersed , ° mary banquet being postponed until the autumn .
Craft Masonry.
Hiram Lodge ( No . 2416 ) . —The meeting of this , the architects and surveyors' lodge , was held at Freemasons' Hall , on the 25 th ult . Bro . Henry Lovegrove , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . F . R . Farrow , S . VV . ; F . A . Powell , | . W . ; T . E . Mundy , P . M ., Treasurer ; W . J . Ebbetts , ' P . M ., P . G . O ., Secretary ; W . T . Bonner ,
S . D . ; G . Elkington , J . D . ; H . G . W . Drinkwater , I . G . ; J . O . Abbott , T . C . Yates , and others . Messrs . A . F . Wrighton , W . West , and S . Jackson were duly initiated into Freemasonry , and Bros . W . Heelis and H . J . Pain were elected joining members . Dinner followed , and a pleasant evening was spent .
Provincial Meetings.
DONCASTER . St . George ' s Lodge ( No . 242 ) . —The first meeting under the newly-installed W . M . was held in the Masonic Rooms , Nether Hall-road , on Friday , the 3 rd inst ., when there were present Bros . F . Webb , W . M . ; J . Fitzgerald , l . P . M . ( acting S . VV . ); W . Blake , J . W . ; J . Forth
P . M ., Sec ; T . Foster , J . D . ; F . H . Buckland , I . G . ; H . White , Org . ; G . J . Smith , S . Lester , and J . VV . Turner , Stewards ; A . Parkin , P . M . ; F . Rand , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; F . D . Walker , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . ; G . Wilkie , P . M . ; J . Greaves , J . Rayner , J . F . Hanson , C . Swales , E . T . Smith , C . Hopkinson , H . J . Pawson , and VV . Mason and J . Hirst , Tylers . Visitors : Bros . J . A . Senior , 179 , New South Wales ; W . J . Sanders , 50 ( S . C ); and J . Constable ,
S . W . 2259 . The lodge was opened , and the minutes read and confirmed , and the Secretary having introduced several matters respecting the lodge premises , the discussion thereon was adjourned until July . After a proposition , and " Hearty good wishes " from the visitors , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the ante-room , where refreshment was provided .
FRIZINGTON . ArlecdOll Lodge ( No . 1660 ) . — The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday , the 1 st inst ., Bro . J . Wakefield , P . G . Tyler , VV . M ., in the chair , supported by about sixty members and visitors . The lodge was opened , and the minutes confirmed . One candidate was balloted for and initiated , when Bro .
Geo . Dalrymple , P . M ., P . G . Sec , was invited to the chair , and Bro . . Wakefield presented Bro . William Robinson , W . M . elect , for installation , and he was duly installed , and invested the following as his officers : Bros . W . Shaw , S . W . ; J . Armstrong , J . W . ; Rev . J . Tyson , P . P . G . Chap ., Chap , ; G . Dalrymple , Treas . ; VV . Brown , Sec ; E . Jackson , S . D . ; R . Douglas , J . D . ;
VV . H . Jenkinson , I . G . ; Dr . Routledge , D . C ; and Jas . Toye and R . James , Stwds . Bro . John Bare , P . M . 119 , P . P . S . G . W ., gave the customary address in his usual able manner . The VV . M . then invited Bro . Dalrymple to present Bros . H . Hartley , P . M ., P . G . Std . Br ., John Wilkinson , P . M ., P . G . Purst ., and John Wakefield , P . G . Tyler , I . P . M ., each with a Past Master ' s jewel , vvith a
suitable inscription upon them . Bro . Dalrymple said it was not at all necessary to use many words anent this presentation from the lodge , as it was for regular attendance during their year as Master , good workmanship , a willingness at all times to support the Masonic Charities , and above all that which was the keystone of our whole Masonic structure—good harmony . The three brethren thanked the
members of Arlecdon Lodge for their quite unexpected gift , and said it was one they should ever hold in high esteem . The Secretary was ordered to read copy of patent received from the Prov . Grand Secretary informing the members that Bro . Geo . J . McKay , J . P ., Past Grand Std . Br ., had been appointed Deputy Prov . Grand Master of the province , and Bro . Dalrymple , Prov . Grand Secretary .
Bro . Robinson , VV . M ., said it gave him much pleasure to move that the hearty congratulations of Arlecdon Lodge be sent to Bros . McKay and Dalrymple on the high distinction conferred upon them , which was seconded by Bro . Hartley , P . M ., and carried with applause . With " Hearty good wishes , " the lodge was closed . The brethren , to the number of 54 , then sat down to an
excellent banquet at the Parkside Hotel , the nevvly-instal' . ed Master in the chair , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed . The following brethren were also present : Bros . Dr . Lace , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D . ; J . Wilkinson , P . M . ; J . Webb , J . Singers , J . Bewick , T . L . Nicholls , H . Watson , J . Baraganath , Rev . J . Tyson , P . P . G . Chap . ; Rev . | as . Anderson , 119 , P . P . G . Chap . ; E . G . Hughes , P . M ., P . P .
S . G . D . ; W . Heathcote , P . M . 19 S 9 , P . G . Steward ; L . Rumney , J . Tilford , VV . Keivley , E . M . Edgar , J . Bell , J . Sumpton , J . Holmes , W . Lowery , J . McHarry , P . M . ; li . M . Farrin , Dr . Braithwaite , P . M . 1267 , P . P . J . G . D . ; Geo . Wilson , VV . M . elect 12 O 7 ; A . MoordafT , J . Lowery , W . M . 12 G 7 ; J . Stout , P . M ., P . P . G . Std . Br . ; J . J . Little , 9 62 ; A . VV . Turner , P . M . 22 S 5 ; T . G . Koxby , 1400 ; and others . The jewels were manufactured by Bro . George Kenning .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Rose of Denmark Chapter ( No . 075 ) . — The quarterly meeting was held at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , on the 4 th instant , when there were present Comps . Bentley Haynes , I . P . Z . ; C . J . Blasby , P . Z . ; S . Brooks , P . Z ., Treas . ; G . Everett , P . Z ., P . G . Treas . ; W . Dodd , P . Z ., S . E . ; A . Skene , ist A . S ., as S . N . ; Woodbridge Biggs , P . S . ; T . T . \ Villcox , 2 nd A . S . ; Breadmore ,
J . Ambrose , 11 . Fox , L . J . Goddard , A . J . bhotter , C . W . Bennett , and Gilbert , Janitor . The chapter having been opened , the first business was the election of a First Principal , to fill the place of Comp . Chalfont , deceased , who was only installed in March last , and Comp . Blasby , P . Z ., was unanimously elected , and inducted into the chair . The ballot was then taken for Bro .
Capel Smith , 2032 , and , proving unanimous in his favour , he was duly exalted , Comp . Haynes taking the chair of IL , in the unavoidable absence of Comp . Sapsivorth . A vote of condolence with the family of the late Comp . Chalfont was passed unanimously . The chapter was then closed , and the companions dined together as usual .
Royal Arch.
Rose Chapter ( No . 1622 ) . —The regular meetng of this flourishing chapter was held at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road , on Saturday , the 2 SH 1 ult . Present : Comps . F . Hilton , M . E . Z . ; H . G . Martin , H . ; Thos . Grummant , acting J . ; J . VV . Kirby , Treas . ; John Loader , S . E . ; VV . Dawson , acting S . N . ; J . H . Pullen , P . S . ; G . Thompson , ist A . S . ; J . Whiteman , janitor ; ] . Bladon , G . H . Lewis , F . G . Choveaux . T . R ,
Cass , F . VV . Pearce , I . Dunn , VV . G . Jeffrey , E . A . Rice , T . H . Salmon , G . C . Pike , and L . J . Derham . Visitors * . Comps . T . Grummant , P . Z . 1275 ; C . H . Stone , 1275 ; and C . J . Coombs , J . 975 . The minutes of consecration and emergency meetings were read and confirmed . Bros . E . A . Rice , G . C . Pike ,
and T . H . Salmon were exalted in a most perfect manner by the M . E . Z . Ten guineas were voted from the chapter funds , and placed on the list of the M . E . Z ., who stood as Steward at the Girls' Festival , which speaks well for so young a chapter . Comp . Choveaux was elected honorary Organist . A letter was read from Comp . F . VV . Williams , J ., excusing his absence through unavoidable
circumstances . The chapter having been closed , the companions adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided by Mrs . Venables . Banquet ended , the usual loyal and Royal Arch toasts
were most tersely given by the M . E . Z . and most loyally received . That of "The Pro G . Z ., G . H ., G . J ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " was next given in high terms of commendation , and received most heartily by thc
companions . The toast of "The M . E . Z . " was then given by Comp . Martin , H ., who said it gave him intense pleasure in presenting the toast , especially as that was the anniversary of his natal day . He would state the M . E . Z . was one of the most genial and kind hearted Masons living , which was evidenced by the enthusiasm and extraordinary good feeling
shown him both in the lodge and chapter , and also in the Star Chapter of Instruction , of which he was the esteemed Preceptor . He never tired in teaching all who came to him , which teaching was given with much courtesy . He ( Comp . Martin ) owed his position to the excellent teaching received at the hands of the M . E . Z ., and he trusted that he might be spared for many years to enjoy the friendship
of the M . E . Z . in the future as in the past . He hoped the three exaltees would emulate their respected M . E . Z ., as the whole of the companions desired to do . The toast having been received most enthusiastically , The M . E . Z ., in reply , heartily thanked the companions for their kind expressions . He was exceedingly pleased and much gratified in spending his 49 th birthday in company
of the companions of the Rose Chapter , and he hoped to live long to see the chapter flourish . He had every reason to be gratified at the success the chapter was attaining , and so long as the companions so loyally supported him ( hc being the father of it ) , it would go on and prosper , which was his most earnest desire . The toast of "The H . and J . " was given in terms of
great pride and pleasure at the hands of the M . E . Z ., and responded to most ably by Comp . Martin , H ., reflecting the whole of his Masonic career upon the M . E . Z ., whom he had to thank most heartily for all that he had done for him , thereby enabling' him lo fill the honourable position of H . of the chapter . "The Exaltees" was given by the M . E . Z ., remarking
the great honour and privilege he felt in presenting it . The three exaltees that evening were only just of age to admit of becoming Royal Arch Masons , and he would state that three more worthy brethren could not be found . Of their ability in Craft Masonry all knew their worth , and he was confident that they would prove themselves most worthy of the Rose Chapter .
Comps . Rice , Pike , and Salmon most ably responded , one and all remarking it would be their earnest endeavour to emulate such excellent officers as they had seen that evening , and also endeavour to carry uut to their fullest the splendid principles so excellently propounded to them . Comp . J . H . Pullen , P . S ., then presented the M . E . Z ., in the name of Mrs . Venables , vvith a splendid bouquet in
honour of his birthday , wishing him very many happy returns , which the M . E . Z . most kindly accepted and acknowledged . The toast of "The Visitors" followed in most becoming terms , and was ably responded to by Comps . Grummant , Stone , and Coombs . " The Treasurer and S . E . " was given in most
praiseworthy terms , and was responded to by Comps . Kirby and J . Loader . That of "The Officers" the M . E . Z . gave most commendably , and Comps . Pullen , P . S ., and Thompson , ist A . S ., in responding , acknowledged most suitably the kind terms expressed by the M . E . Z . The Janitor's toast closed a most successful and intellectual meeting . The following assisted with some excellent harmony : Comps . G . Thompson , Stone , Choveaux ( pianist ) , Derham ( flautist ) , and F . Williams .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
BIRMINGHAM . Charity Lodge ( N o . 430 ) . —The installation of the second Master of the above lodge took place at thc Masonic Hall , New-street , on Wednesday , the ist inst ., in the presence of a distinguished body of Mark Master Masons . Letters of apology were received from Bros , the Marquess of Hertford , Pro G . M ., Prov . G . M . of
Warwickshire , who is an honorary P . M . of the lodge , * Rev . Trevor Parkins , D . P . G . M . ; David Rose , P . S . G . W . ; T . R . Arter , P . J . G . W . ; other Provincial Grand Officers , and brethren from the Provinces of Warwickshire and Staffordshire . The brethren present were Bros . William Hillman , P . S . G . W . ; Sergeant-Major Woods , P . G . D . C . Staffordshire ; Captain Burrough , J . 0 . 40 . S ; Dr . Wright Wilson , P . G . Sec . ; J . Candelent , l . P . M . 31 S , P . I . G . O .: Samuel
Jenkins , W . M . 318 , P . P . J . G . D . ; VV . A . Parker , Org . 31 S ; J . Attwood , R . M . 115 , P . G . S . ; C . D . Eaton , ) . l ) . 115 ; G . N . Milward , Sec . 115 ; Howard Jennens , 115 ; Rev . W . H . Poulton , M . A ., P . G . Chap . ; R . 0 . Wills , Org . 174 , P . G . Org . ; and the officers and brethren of the lodge . t he Worshipful Master elect was presented by Bro . W . Hillman , P . P . S . G . VV ., and the installation u-ranutiy