Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE CARADOC LODGE, No. 1674. Page 1 of 2 Article CONSECRATION OF THE CARADOC LODGE, No. 1674. Page 1 of 2 →
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REPORTS or M ASONIC M . NGS : - CraftMasonry ' •¦•• J ; 5 r " ^ lilnTh ra ^ nVuhw :::::::: ; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: r = J . ''" a io £ thc Ci . aplcrof United Strength 3 = < 2 : ^„ a " on rvln < l « United States 3 = C Frec . naso . uy in Germany - t ^ 7 Freemasonry in India j- / The Grand Orient n l ™« . . 3 = 7 in i \ Zealand 3 * 7
irccm nsonrv ew R ,-ht Estimate of Kreemnsonrv- 327 A Summer St . Join , s tn America 3 * Should Old Acquaintance be I'oryot ? 3 = S T , „ WM 1 > V Immemorial Constitution 32 S Marria-eofll . e Lady Mayoress 3 * S l ' oval Masonic lienevolcnt Institution 32 b P . - .-at Masonic Institution for Girls 32 S Masonic and General Tidings 329 Exacircrated Views of hrcemasonry 330
Gratuitous Medical Kehel 330 The Horrors of War 33 ' True Charily ! Truer Religion ! 331 Why Masonic Undertakings are often Unsuccessful 331 C IIKRESWINDEXCE — Shakespeare and Freemasonry 331 Masonic Canvassing 33 ' The Installation Kngraving 331 Itinerant Masons 331
Masonic Notes and Oucnes 33 r Kcviews ••¦¦•¦ 331 Grand Fodire of Scotland 332 Uoval Masonic Institution lor I ' oys 332 A Police Kepoit 332 Freemasonry in South Africa 332 Proposed Freemasons' Hall at Barnard Castle 329 Obituary 3- l . odqe Meetings for next Week 334 Advertisements i . ii . iii . 'V . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings
€ mtt SflaaoiML
LODGE OF JOPPA ( No . 188 ) . —At a special meeting of this lodge , held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgatcstrcct , on Thursday , August 2 nd , 1877 , the following resolution was unanimously passed : "That the lodge having heard of the unfortunate position in which the W . M ., Bro . Lewis Lazarus , is placed , beg to tender to him the expression cf sympathy which animates every
member present , and also their full confitler . ee in his integrity and his humanity , which actuated him in the circumstances which placed him in his present position . That a copy of the above resolution be sent to the W . M ., and also one to his wife . " NEW CROSS LODGE , ( No . 1559 ) . —OnSaturday last , the regular meeting of this lodge was held at the
New Cross Public Hall , Lewisham High Road . Considering the seaside attractions , and the general desire of Hank Holiday-makers to quit the town of toil for other and more agreeable scenes , the attendance may be said to have been a good one , although in one or two instances the absentees were out of town . With his usual reverence for punctuality , the W . M ., Bio . H . Keeble , entered lodge , and
assumed the duties of the chair , being supported by Bros . E . H . Thiellay , P . M . 145 , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., S . W . ; Walter Simmonds , J . W . ; Louis Beck , S . D . ; H . J . Green , ) . D . ; Ernest E . Smith , ( acting as ) I . G . ; T . Grummant , Secretary ; Bro . E . M . Hubbuck , P . M . 79 , P . G . S . & c ; Bro . Hamilton , 1559 , as l . P . M . There were present Bros . A . Macgillivray , 11 . Metham , Hiram Henton , Knibbs , Fry ,
Thornton , Swain , and Wise ; and visitors , Bros . J . L . Cogan , J . W . 1365 , and Aimc Hugon , 145 . The lodge having been opened , Bros . S . Wise , and E . Fry were interrogated and subsequently passed to the degree of F . C . Lodge bavins , been further opened , the W . M ., in ] a most impressive manner , passed to the Sublime Degree of M . M . Bros . Thornton , Knibbs , ant ! Swain . Too much cannot
be said of Bro . Kceble ' s excellent working , but we may add in parenthesis it was the general remark that our esteemed brother exceeded all previous efforts . This concluding the business on the agenda paper , lodge was eloscd , and an adjournment made for refreshment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given , Bro . E . M . Hubbuck , P . M . 79 , P . G . S ., & c , proposed in an
overwhelmingly complimentary speech " The Health of the W . M ., " whom he described as a Mason who had the welfare of the Craft at heart , and as W . M . of 1359 the welfare cf that lodge in particular . He assured the brethren that in rJro . Keeble they had a W . M . who would not fail to advance the interests of those under his Masonic rule , and was ever willing to listen to , and adopt any
suggestion made by a member , so long as it was for the good of the lodge , and its brethren . Much more he said tn praise of one who well deserved it , but \ vc regret that we cannot give Bro . Hubbuck ' s speech at farther length . 1 he W . M , was warmly received , when he replied , and from the reception accorded him it is easy to see that never has it fallen to the lot of an occupant of the chair of K . S . to be so universally popular with his brethren . The
toastof "The Visitors" was responded to by Bro . Cogan , J . W . 1 :-, (> - , ; and that of "The Officers" by Bros . Thiellay , S . W . ; simmonds J . W . ; L . Beck , S . D . ; H . Green , J . D . ; Grummant , ^ c . Excellent harmony was supplied by Bros . Beck , Metham , l-Jagon and Swain , and it was not until a very 'ate hour that the Tyler ' s toast brought to a close what was acknowledged to be one of the most enjoyable sellings spent since the consecration of 1559 .
THE HENRY MUGGERIDGE LODGE ( No . ' 0 / 9 ) . The second regular meeting of this lodge was held at 1 he Prince George , Park Road , Dalston , on SaturaaVi July 28 th , when the following business of the lodge \ v aCilllir : ibl y conducted by Bros . Henry Muggeridge , " ¦»}¦ ; Francis Fellows , S . W . ; E . F . Storr , J . W . ; J . ln
£ > rk . S . D . ; H . John , J . D . ; J . H . Wilkin , I . G . Bro . Air" l ullandt > of the Neptune Lodge , was raised . Bros , "tred Sack , Edwin Charles Dyer , and Compton F . Brown we passed , and Messrs George Clark , S . Stampfer , Am i lamcs > a » d Charles Arnold were initiated . verT !^ £ 1 Vlsit 0 rs wc noticed our Bro . Henry Marston , a »/ mghiy respected member of the Craft , and eminently
Reports Of Masonic Meetings
known in the theatrical world . Bro . Alfred Henry Diaper , Past Grand Steward , P . M . St . George and Corner Stone Lodge , No . 3 , was elected a joining member . It was late before the banquet was on the table , in consequence of the work to be got through in lodge , and we much admire our old friend Bro . Henry Muggeridge for taking the initiations one at a time . It is a pity it is ever
otherwise , for such a fine and solemn ceremony should not be imperfectly done . We have sometimes three candidates taken at one time , and the effect is not so good . The banquet was well served , but being nearly ten o ' clock , little time could be allowed for long speedies or songs , many of the brethren residing at a great distance . The second meeting of this successful lodge closed in harmony .
PAIGNTON . —Torbay Lodge ( No . 1 . 15 8 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 6 th inst ., at the Town Hall , Paignton . Present : Bros . John Couldrey , W . M . ; W . E . Warren , l . P . M . ; S . E . Heath ( W . M . 797 ) , as S . W . ; J . F . Chinnoek , J . W . ; Rev . B . Bowden , P . P . G . C , and Rev . N . Pratt , P . G . C ., Chaplains ; ] amcs Greenfield , P . P . J . G . O . ( W . M . elect ) , Treas . ; A . L .
Palk , Sec , ; F . Palk , S . D . ; P . Warren as J . D . ; T . Brooks , R . A . M ., Organist ; C . Perrot , I . G . ; W . Tozer , Tyler . Also Bros . Oliver , P . M . ; Pillar , P . M . ; J . Burton , W . M . 328 ; Yates , Hunt , Sawyer , W . Rossiter . Visiting brethren : John Hurrell , S . W . 797 ; Pearl , 22 ; P . Warren , 1241 ; ; Sampson , 2 S 2 ; Coffin , sen ., Coffin , jun , 1205 . The
minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the ceremony of ii stallation was proceeded with . The W . M . elect was presented to the Installing Master Bro . the Rev . R . Bowden , P . P . G . C , by Bros . Couldrey and Warren , and was , according to ancient custom , duly installed in the chair of K . S . All below the rank of I . M . were then admitted and saluted the W . M . in the
usual manner ; the W . M . then invested his officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bro . John Couldrey , I . P . M . ; J . F . Chinnoek , S . W . ; F . Palk , J . W . ; Rev . Noel Piatt , Chaplain ; W . Rossiter , Treas . ; W . E . Warren , P . M . Sec ; Rev . Noel Piatt , S . D . ; A . L . Palk , J . D . ; S . C . Heath , D . of C . ; T . Brooks , R . A . M . Organist ; Prelar and Bovey ,
Stewards ; C . Perrot , I . G . ; W . Toscr , Tyler ; W . E . Warren , P . M . The lodge being closed , the brethren proceeded to the Esplanade Hotel , where a capital banquet was served . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given by the W . M . and duly honoured , Bro . T . Brooks presided at the piano , and a most enjoyable evening was spent .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
TRURO . — Fortitude Lodge ( No . 78 ) . —On Friday , the 3 rd inst ., Bro . William Lake , the well known Cornish publisher , was installed as W . M . of the Fortitude Mark Lodge , No . 78 , Truro , by the R . W . Bro . W . J . Hughan , Senior P . M . 7 8 , P . G . W . of England , & c , assisted by W . Bro . W . J . Johns , P . M . and Treas . No . 78 , Prov . G . Sec . There was a-goodly muster of the members , Past Masters ; Crewes Sec . ; and Middleton , P . Prov ,
S . G . D . ; as usual being present . Visitors , Bros . Bray , Taylor , and Hooper , of No . 73 , 87 , and 101 respectively . Mark Masonry has always found congenial soil on which to flourish , since its introduction in 1865 , under the wing of its Senior P . M ., and its popular Prov . G . M ., Sir Fredk . M . Williams , Bart ., M . P ., and we understand that a warrant for another new lodge has just been issued for New c , jay .
Consecration Of The Caradoc Lodge, No. 1674.
Friday the 3 rd inst ., will long be a red letter day in Rhyl , as it maiked the identification of the town for the first time with Freemasonry . For some time past the want of a Masonic lodge has been felt in Rhyl , and at the instance of Bro . J . A . Spinks several of the fraternity
held meetings with the view of establishing a lodge in that town . All preliminary difficulties having been smoothed away , the brethren communicated with Bro . j . Salmon , of Chester , Junior Grand Warden of the Province of North Wales and Shropshire , and P . P . S . G . D . Cheshire , whose experience in Masonry well qualified him for the task of forming a new lodge . Bro . Salmon had several
conferences with the brethren at Rhyl , and a petition was finally sent up to the Grand Lodge . The petition was acceded to , and Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., the popular Grand Master of the Province , was then asked to consecrate the lodge , which is
called the Caradoc Lodge , being No . 16 74 on the register of the Grand Lodge of England , but in consequence of his ill-health the ceremony was postponed . No sooner , however , had the worthy baronet recovered from his indisposition than he announced his intention of consecrating the lodge , and on Friday the event took place under his
auspices . The town was visited by a large number of the brethren of the province , together with Masonic visitors from Liverpool , Chester , and various other places . The consecration took place at the Town Hall at two o ' clock , the following Prov . Grand Officers being present : —Bros . Sir W . W . Wynn , Bart ., G . M . of the province ;
G . Owen , P . S . G . W . ; the Rev . T . L . Kyffin , P . G . Chap . ; Sisson , P . G . R . ; Spaul , P . G . Sec . ; Parmiter , P . G . D . C . ; W . L . Banks , P . G . S . of W . ; F . Wood , P . G . D . of Cer . ; Hyde , P . G . Tyler ; Britton , P . G . Steward ; R . Phillips , P . G . Std . ; E . Andrew , P . G . Sid . ; J . Stokes , P . G . Std . ; A . Walker , P . P . G . S . of Works ; John Peters , P . P . G . S . W . ; A . W . Blancway , P . P . G . S . W . ; L . G . Wardley , P . P . S . G . D . ;
R . Wcrrall , P . P . G . S . B . Cheshire ; J . T . Piatt , P . P . G . J . W . Cheshire ; C . Dutton , P . P . S . G . W . Cheshire ; and James Gerrard , P . P . S . J . D . Cheshire . In addition to the above each lodge in the province was represented by its W . M . and a detachment of the brethren . The Consecrating Officer was Bro . W . H . Spaull , who performed the ceremony in a very impressive manner .
Consecration Of The Caradoc Lodge, No. 1674.
In the oration Bro . the Rev . T . L . Kyffin , P . G . Chaplain urged upon those present , and especially upon the officers to be elected for the lodge , the carrying out of the sacred principles and duties of Freemasonry , which had spread among all ranks of society and throughout every clime . These sacred precepts taught them the right way to live and their duty to rise higher and higher on earth , that
when the Grand Master of all came to make up his jewels they might feel in their own minds the happy conciousness of having done their duty . At the conclusion of the consecration the Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master appointed Bro . James Salmon W . M . of the new lodge , the installation being performed by Bro . George Owen , P . S . G . W . Bro . Henry Nicholson
Gilbank and A . J . Spinks were appointed Senior Warden , and Junior Warden of the lodge . At the conclusion of the business the brethren , in full regalia formed in procession , and proceeded to St . Thomas ' s Church . The demonstration would have been very imposing had it not been for the rain which compelled the members of the fraternity to asume their overcoats . The
brethren arrived at the church shortly after four o ' clock . The service was read by the Rev . T . L . Kyffin , and the lesson by the Ven . Archdeacon Morgan , P . P . G . Chaplain . The service was choral . The sermon was preached by the Ven . Archdeacon Morgan , who said that by command of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , a collection would be made at the close of the
service in behalf of the Rhyl Charities , and the Masonic Benevolent Institution of the Province . He might mention that the Rhyl Charities named were the Women ' s Home and the Ragged Schools ; which were local so far as the buildings were in the town . But the benefits of the Women ' s Home were limited to persons not resident in Rhyl . He thought it best to mention
the object . The home stood in much need of aid ; and he appealed to his brother Masons who had the means , to consider the wants of poor women who had lost their health and were without the means necessary to restore it . Of the Ragged Schools he might say they were for destitute children in the parish , who during the summer months ministered to the wants of visitors . Having again
appealed to those before him to consider these objects , he took for his text the words to be found in St . Matthew , xxii , 37 and following verses . The preacher proceeded , after a brief introduction , to treat of the twofold love mentioned in the text—of selfishness , of hatred . He noticed the words of the Apostle , " He that loveth not his brother abideth in death , " and said that if self-interest were the
great thing with any one of them , if he were wanting in sympathy with his fellows , he was in God's sight as a dead man . If anyone amongst them had no sympathy with , or withheld support from these charities , he had not learnt the rudiments of Freemasonry . At the close a collection was made , the bags being carried by members of the fraternity . The amount contributed
was ^ 20 . There was a strong choir , and an anthem was sung . Mr . Wrigley , organist and choirmaster , presided at the organ , and after the close played the National Anthem . The brethren then wended their way to the Town Hall , where they sat down to a banquet , under the presidency of the Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master . A number of
ladies were admitted to the gallery . On the removal of the cloth , Bro . Sir Watkin Wynn proposed " The Health of Her Majesty , " which was most loyally received . In proposing " The Health of the Prince of Wales , " Bro , Sir Watkin remarked that he had great pleasure in proposing the toast , seeing that his Royal Highness was heir
apparent to the throne , and Grand Master of their Order . The Prince had seen Masonry in many parts of the world , and was an enthusiastic supporter of the Craft . Bro . J . Salmon , who was received with applause , proposed the health of " The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , " and in doing so he regretted that the toast had not been placed in abler hands , but at the same
time he felt it did not require a long speech from him to remind them of the many good qualities which distinguished Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , who was beloved throughout the principality of North Wales . It must be pleasing to those present to think that their Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master ' s health had been so far restored as to enable him to be present on that occasion ,
and he trusted that Sir Watkin would long be spared to preside over the Province of North Wales and Shropshire . During the time he had been their Grand Master , Masonry had greatly increased throughout the Principality , and the Province was now second to none in the kingdom . Bro . Sir Watkin , in responding , said he felt much obliged to them for the kind way in which the toast had
been received . He was very glad every time he came to Rhyl to see how wonderfully the town was improving . Forty years ago , when he first visited it , it was an unimportant village , but every time he re-visited it he could not fail to notice its growth . He had the honour of assisting at the laying of the foundation stone of the beautiful church they had attended that afternoon , and he was now
glad to see that the gentleman by whose exertions it had been completed had , by the unanimous consent of the diocese , been appointed archdeacon . As to the good of Freemasonry it would be idle on his part to take up their time in speaking of it . He had had the pleasure of attending lodges in many parts of Europe , and had seen the good it had done everywhere . He regretted that in
consequence of the state of his health this was the first time he had been able to come among them that year . The consecration of the lodge had been postponed longer than he could have wished , Ibut he had , unfortunately , been confined to the hou-e . Thanks , however , to the care of his doctors and a visit to Germany , his health was now restored , and he hoped to make up for his shortcomings during the remainder of the year .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
REPORTS or M ASONIC M . NGS : - CraftMasonry ' •¦•• J ; 5 r " ^ lilnTh ra ^ nVuhw :::::::: ; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: r = J . ''" a io £ thc Ci . aplcrof United Strength 3 = < 2 : ^„ a " on rvln < l « United States 3 = C Frec . naso . uy in Germany - t ^ 7 Freemasonry in India j- / The Grand Orient n l ™« . . 3 = 7 in i \ Zealand 3 * 7
irccm nsonrv ew R ,-ht Estimate of Kreemnsonrv- 327 A Summer St . Join , s tn America 3 * Should Old Acquaintance be I'oryot ? 3 = S T , „ WM 1 > V Immemorial Constitution 32 S Marria-eofll . e Lady Mayoress 3 * S l ' oval Masonic lienevolcnt Institution 32 b P . - .-at Masonic Institution for Girls 32 S Masonic and General Tidings 329 Exacircrated Views of hrcemasonry 330
Gratuitous Medical Kehel 330 The Horrors of War 33 ' True Charily ! Truer Religion ! 331 Why Masonic Undertakings are often Unsuccessful 331 C IIKRESWINDEXCE — Shakespeare and Freemasonry 331 Masonic Canvassing 33 ' The Installation Kngraving 331 Itinerant Masons 331
Masonic Notes and Oucnes 33 r Kcviews ••¦¦•¦ 331 Grand Fodire of Scotland 332 Uoval Masonic Institution lor I ' oys 332 A Police Kepoit 332 Freemasonry in South Africa 332 Proposed Freemasons' Hall at Barnard Castle 329 Obituary 3- l . odqe Meetings for next Week 334 Advertisements i . ii . iii . 'V . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings
€ mtt SflaaoiML
LODGE OF JOPPA ( No . 188 ) . —At a special meeting of this lodge , held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgatcstrcct , on Thursday , August 2 nd , 1877 , the following resolution was unanimously passed : "That the lodge having heard of the unfortunate position in which the W . M ., Bro . Lewis Lazarus , is placed , beg to tender to him the expression cf sympathy which animates every
member present , and also their full confitler . ee in his integrity and his humanity , which actuated him in the circumstances which placed him in his present position . That a copy of the above resolution be sent to the W . M ., and also one to his wife . " NEW CROSS LODGE , ( No . 1559 ) . —OnSaturday last , the regular meeting of this lodge was held at the
New Cross Public Hall , Lewisham High Road . Considering the seaside attractions , and the general desire of Hank Holiday-makers to quit the town of toil for other and more agreeable scenes , the attendance may be said to have been a good one , although in one or two instances the absentees were out of town . With his usual reverence for punctuality , the W . M ., Bio . H . Keeble , entered lodge , and
assumed the duties of the chair , being supported by Bros . E . H . Thiellay , P . M . 145 , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., S . W . ; Walter Simmonds , J . W . ; Louis Beck , S . D . ; H . J . Green , ) . D . ; Ernest E . Smith , ( acting as ) I . G . ; T . Grummant , Secretary ; Bro . E . M . Hubbuck , P . M . 79 , P . G . S . & c ; Bro . Hamilton , 1559 , as l . P . M . There were present Bros . A . Macgillivray , 11 . Metham , Hiram Henton , Knibbs , Fry ,
Thornton , Swain , and Wise ; and visitors , Bros . J . L . Cogan , J . W . 1365 , and Aimc Hugon , 145 . The lodge having been opened , Bros . S . Wise , and E . Fry were interrogated and subsequently passed to the degree of F . C . Lodge bavins , been further opened , the W . M ., in ] a most impressive manner , passed to the Sublime Degree of M . M . Bros . Thornton , Knibbs , ant ! Swain . Too much cannot
be said of Bro . Kceble ' s excellent working , but we may add in parenthesis it was the general remark that our esteemed brother exceeded all previous efforts . This concluding the business on the agenda paper , lodge was eloscd , and an adjournment made for refreshment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given , Bro . E . M . Hubbuck , P . M . 79 , P . G . S ., & c , proposed in an
overwhelmingly complimentary speech " The Health of the W . M ., " whom he described as a Mason who had the welfare of the Craft at heart , and as W . M . of 1359 the welfare cf that lodge in particular . He assured the brethren that in rJro . Keeble they had a W . M . who would not fail to advance the interests of those under his Masonic rule , and was ever willing to listen to , and adopt any
suggestion made by a member , so long as it was for the good of the lodge , and its brethren . Much more he said tn praise of one who well deserved it , but \ vc regret that we cannot give Bro . Hubbuck ' s speech at farther length . 1 he W . M , was warmly received , when he replied , and from the reception accorded him it is easy to see that never has it fallen to the lot of an occupant of the chair of K . S . to be so universally popular with his brethren . The
toastof "The Visitors" was responded to by Bro . Cogan , J . W . 1 :-, (> - , ; and that of "The Officers" by Bros . Thiellay , S . W . ; simmonds J . W . ; L . Beck , S . D . ; H . Green , J . D . ; Grummant , ^ c . Excellent harmony was supplied by Bros . Beck , Metham , l-Jagon and Swain , and it was not until a very 'ate hour that the Tyler ' s toast brought to a close what was acknowledged to be one of the most enjoyable sellings spent since the consecration of 1559 .
THE HENRY MUGGERIDGE LODGE ( No . ' 0 / 9 ) . The second regular meeting of this lodge was held at 1 he Prince George , Park Road , Dalston , on SaturaaVi July 28 th , when the following business of the lodge \ v aCilllir : ibl y conducted by Bros . Henry Muggeridge , " ¦»}¦ ; Francis Fellows , S . W . ; E . F . Storr , J . W . ; J . ln
£ > rk . S . D . ; H . John , J . D . ; J . H . Wilkin , I . G . Bro . Air" l ullandt > of the Neptune Lodge , was raised . Bros , "tred Sack , Edwin Charles Dyer , and Compton F . Brown we passed , and Messrs George Clark , S . Stampfer , Am i lamcs > a » d Charles Arnold were initiated . verT !^ £ 1 Vlsit 0 rs wc noticed our Bro . Henry Marston , a »/ mghiy respected member of the Craft , and eminently
Reports Of Masonic Meetings
known in the theatrical world . Bro . Alfred Henry Diaper , Past Grand Steward , P . M . St . George and Corner Stone Lodge , No . 3 , was elected a joining member . It was late before the banquet was on the table , in consequence of the work to be got through in lodge , and we much admire our old friend Bro . Henry Muggeridge for taking the initiations one at a time . It is a pity it is ever
otherwise , for such a fine and solemn ceremony should not be imperfectly done . We have sometimes three candidates taken at one time , and the effect is not so good . The banquet was well served , but being nearly ten o ' clock , little time could be allowed for long speedies or songs , many of the brethren residing at a great distance . The second meeting of this successful lodge closed in harmony .
PAIGNTON . —Torbay Lodge ( No . 1 . 15 8 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 6 th inst ., at the Town Hall , Paignton . Present : Bros . John Couldrey , W . M . ; W . E . Warren , l . P . M . ; S . E . Heath ( W . M . 797 ) , as S . W . ; J . F . Chinnoek , J . W . ; Rev . B . Bowden , P . P . G . C , and Rev . N . Pratt , P . G . C ., Chaplains ; ] amcs Greenfield , P . P . J . G . O . ( W . M . elect ) , Treas . ; A . L .
Palk , Sec , ; F . Palk , S . D . ; P . Warren as J . D . ; T . Brooks , R . A . M ., Organist ; C . Perrot , I . G . ; W . Tozer , Tyler . Also Bros . Oliver , P . M . ; Pillar , P . M . ; J . Burton , W . M . 328 ; Yates , Hunt , Sawyer , W . Rossiter . Visiting brethren : John Hurrell , S . W . 797 ; Pearl , 22 ; P . Warren , 1241 ; ; Sampson , 2 S 2 ; Coffin , sen ., Coffin , jun , 1205 . The
minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the ceremony of ii stallation was proceeded with . The W . M . elect was presented to the Installing Master Bro . the Rev . R . Bowden , P . P . G . C , by Bros . Couldrey and Warren , and was , according to ancient custom , duly installed in the chair of K . S . All below the rank of I . M . were then admitted and saluted the W . M . in the
usual manner ; the W . M . then invested his officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bro . John Couldrey , I . P . M . ; J . F . Chinnoek , S . W . ; F . Palk , J . W . ; Rev . Noel Piatt , Chaplain ; W . Rossiter , Treas . ; W . E . Warren , P . M . Sec ; Rev . Noel Piatt , S . D . ; A . L . Palk , J . D . ; S . C . Heath , D . of C . ; T . Brooks , R . A . M . Organist ; Prelar and Bovey ,
Stewards ; C . Perrot , I . G . ; W . Toscr , Tyler ; W . E . Warren , P . M . The lodge being closed , the brethren proceeded to the Esplanade Hotel , where a capital banquet was served . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given by the W . M . and duly honoured , Bro . T . Brooks presided at the piano , and a most enjoyable evening was spent .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
TRURO . — Fortitude Lodge ( No . 78 ) . —On Friday , the 3 rd inst ., Bro . William Lake , the well known Cornish publisher , was installed as W . M . of the Fortitude Mark Lodge , No . 78 , Truro , by the R . W . Bro . W . J . Hughan , Senior P . M . 7 8 , P . G . W . of England , & c , assisted by W . Bro . W . J . Johns , P . M . and Treas . No . 78 , Prov . G . Sec . There was a-goodly muster of the members , Past Masters ; Crewes Sec . ; and Middleton , P . Prov ,
S . G . D . ; as usual being present . Visitors , Bros . Bray , Taylor , and Hooper , of No . 73 , 87 , and 101 respectively . Mark Masonry has always found congenial soil on which to flourish , since its introduction in 1865 , under the wing of its Senior P . M ., and its popular Prov . G . M ., Sir Fredk . M . Williams , Bart ., M . P ., and we understand that a warrant for another new lodge has just been issued for New c , jay .
Consecration Of The Caradoc Lodge, No. 1674.
Friday the 3 rd inst ., will long be a red letter day in Rhyl , as it maiked the identification of the town for the first time with Freemasonry . For some time past the want of a Masonic lodge has been felt in Rhyl , and at the instance of Bro . J . A . Spinks several of the fraternity
held meetings with the view of establishing a lodge in that town . All preliminary difficulties having been smoothed away , the brethren communicated with Bro . j . Salmon , of Chester , Junior Grand Warden of the Province of North Wales and Shropshire , and P . P . S . G . D . Cheshire , whose experience in Masonry well qualified him for the task of forming a new lodge . Bro . Salmon had several
conferences with the brethren at Rhyl , and a petition was finally sent up to the Grand Lodge . The petition was acceded to , and Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., the popular Grand Master of the Province , was then asked to consecrate the lodge , which is
called the Caradoc Lodge , being No . 16 74 on the register of the Grand Lodge of England , but in consequence of his ill-health the ceremony was postponed . No sooner , however , had the worthy baronet recovered from his indisposition than he announced his intention of consecrating the lodge , and on Friday the event took place under his
auspices . The town was visited by a large number of the brethren of the province , together with Masonic visitors from Liverpool , Chester , and various other places . The consecration took place at the Town Hall at two o ' clock , the following Prov . Grand Officers being present : —Bros . Sir W . W . Wynn , Bart ., G . M . of the province ;
G . Owen , P . S . G . W . ; the Rev . T . L . Kyffin , P . G . Chap . ; Sisson , P . G . R . ; Spaul , P . G . Sec . ; Parmiter , P . G . D . C . ; W . L . Banks , P . G . S . of W . ; F . Wood , P . G . D . of Cer . ; Hyde , P . G . Tyler ; Britton , P . G . Steward ; R . Phillips , P . G . Std . ; E . Andrew , P . G . Sid . ; J . Stokes , P . G . Std . ; A . Walker , P . P . G . S . of Works ; John Peters , P . P . G . S . W . ; A . W . Blancway , P . P . G . S . W . ; L . G . Wardley , P . P . S . G . D . ;
R . Wcrrall , P . P . G . S . B . Cheshire ; J . T . Piatt , P . P . G . J . W . Cheshire ; C . Dutton , P . P . S . G . W . Cheshire ; and James Gerrard , P . P . S . J . D . Cheshire . In addition to the above each lodge in the province was represented by its W . M . and a detachment of the brethren . The Consecrating Officer was Bro . W . H . Spaull , who performed the ceremony in a very impressive manner .
Consecration Of The Caradoc Lodge, No. 1674.
In the oration Bro . the Rev . T . L . Kyffin , P . G . Chaplain urged upon those present , and especially upon the officers to be elected for the lodge , the carrying out of the sacred principles and duties of Freemasonry , which had spread among all ranks of society and throughout every clime . These sacred precepts taught them the right way to live and their duty to rise higher and higher on earth , that
when the Grand Master of all came to make up his jewels they might feel in their own minds the happy conciousness of having done their duty . At the conclusion of the consecration the Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master appointed Bro . James Salmon W . M . of the new lodge , the installation being performed by Bro . George Owen , P . S . G . W . Bro . Henry Nicholson
Gilbank and A . J . Spinks were appointed Senior Warden , and Junior Warden of the lodge . At the conclusion of the business the brethren , in full regalia formed in procession , and proceeded to St . Thomas ' s Church . The demonstration would have been very imposing had it not been for the rain which compelled the members of the fraternity to asume their overcoats . The
brethren arrived at the church shortly after four o ' clock . The service was read by the Rev . T . L . Kyffin , and the lesson by the Ven . Archdeacon Morgan , P . P . G . Chaplain . The service was choral . The sermon was preached by the Ven . Archdeacon Morgan , who said that by command of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , a collection would be made at the close of the
service in behalf of the Rhyl Charities , and the Masonic Benevolent Institution of the Province . He might mention that the Rhyl Charities named were the Women ' s Home and the Ragged Schools ; which were local so far as the buildings were in the town . But the benefits of the Women ' s Home were limited to persons not resident in Rhyl . He thought it best to mention
the object . The home stood in much need of aid ; and he appealed to his brother Masons who had the means , to consider the wants of poor women who had lost their health and were without the means necessary to restore it . Of the Ragged Schools he might say they were for destitute children in the parish , who during the summer months ministered to the wants of visitors . Having again
appealed to those before him to consider these objects , he took for his text the words to be found in St . Matthew , xxii , 37 and following verses . The preacher proceeded , after a brief introduction , to treat of the twofold love mentioned in the text—of selfishness , of hatred . He noticed the words of the Apostle , " He that loveth not his brother abideth in death , " and said that if self-interest were the
great thing with any one of them , if he were wanting in sympathy with his fellows , he was in God's sight as a dead man . If anyone amongst them had no sympathy with , or withheld support from these charities , he had not learnt the rudiments of Freemasonry . At the close a collection was made , the bags being carried by members of the fraternity . The amount contributed
was ^ 20 . There was a strong choir , and an anthem was sung . Mr . Wrigley , organist and choirmaster , presided at the organ , and after the close played the National Anthem . The brethren then wended their way to the Town Hall , where they sat down to a banquet , under the presidency of the Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master . A number of
ladies were admitted to the gallery . On the removal of the cloth , Bro . Sir Watkin Wynn proposed " The Health of Her Majesty , " which was most loyally received . In proposing " The Health of the Prince of Wales , " Bro , Sir Watkin remarked that he had great pleasure in proposing the toast , seeing that his Royal Highness was heir
apparent to the throne , and Grand Master of their Order . The Prince had seen Masonry in many parts of the world , and was an enthusiastic supporter of the Craft . Bro . J . Salmon , who was received with applause , proposed the health of " The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , " and in doing so he regretted that the toast had not been placed in abler hands , but at the same
time he felt it did not require a long speech from him to remind them of the many good qualities which distinguished Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , who was beloved throughout the principality of North Wales . It must be pleasing to those present to think that their Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master ' s health had been so far restored as to enable him to be present on that occasion ,
and he trusted that Sir Watkin would long be spared to preside over the Province of North Wales and Shropshire . During the time he had been their Grand Master , Masonry had greatly increased throughout the Principality , and the Province was now second to none in the kingdom . Bro . Sir Watkin , in responding , said he felt much obliged to them for the kind way in which the toast had
been received . He was very glad every time he came to Rhyl to see how wonderfully the town was improving . Forty years ago , when he first visited it , it was an unimportant village , but every time he re-visited it he could not fail to notice its growth . He had the honour of assisting at the laying of the foundation stone of the beautiful church they had attended that afternoon , and he was now
glad to see that the gentleman by whose exertions it had been completed had , by the unanimous consent of the diocese , been appointed archdeacon . As to the good of Freemasonry it would be idle on his part to take up their time in speaking of it . He had had the pleasure of attending lodges in many parts of Europe , and had seen the good it had done everywhere . He regretted that in
consequence of the state of his health this was the first time he had been able to come among them that year . The consecration of the lodge had been postponed longer than he could have wished , Ibut he had , unfortunately , been confined to the hou-e . Thanks , however , to the care of his doctors and a visit to Germany , his health was now restored , and he hoped to make up for his shortcomings during the remainder of the year .