Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ELECTION—yth OCTOBER , 1873 . T > OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR - " - BOYS . Thc Votes and Interests of Governors and Subscribers arc earnestly solicited on bchalt of DAVID DOVE , AoEnNiNE Ann A HALF YEAISK . His Fithcr , Bro . Edward Dove , formerly a Builder , at Scarborough , was initiated in the Old Globe Lodge , Scarborough , No . 200 , in May , i 8 J 7 , and continued a Subscribing Member lor nearly ten years . Through failure in business hc left Scarborough , aud subsequently was appointed Inspector of Buildings on the North Eastern Railway . After a snort illness died ( of inllamation of thc lungs broughton bv exposure to cold in the discharge of his duties ) on the 16 th November 1 S 70 , leaving a Widow and three Children -, since which time the mother has deserted them , and they arc hy the kind assistance of friends now being supported . This case is deserving of the utmost sympathy and support ol thc Craft generally . The case is strongly recommended by the following Brethren , andby several lodges in the Province of North and East Yorkshire : — Thc Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , W . M . 113 , Richmond ; Askc Hall . Bro . Geo . Russel , W . M . 660 , Malton . „ Christopher Sykes , P . M . 1040 . M . P ., V . Prov . S . G . W . North and East York , Brantingham , Thorpe , anil London . „ C . M . Norwood . JJ , M . P ., London . „ lohn P . Bell , M . D ., P . M . SI- P . S . G . D . England , Hull . „ ll . W . Longstaff , P . M . 1010 , ( r . P . ) P . Prov . S . G . W ., North and East York , Hull . „ lohn Dalton Holmes , 1010 , Hull . „ VV . Tcsscvman , P . M ., JJ , P . Prov . G . Snpt . of Wks . North and East York , Hull . „ lohn Hudson , W . M . J 7 , Hull . „ George Hardy , P . M . 1 $° , P . Prov . S . G . D ., N . and E . York , Hnll . „ Francis Jackson , ago Hull , ( SheritF of Hull ) . „ Iiro . M " . C . Peik , P . M . 10 + 0 , P . Prov . U . Sec , North ami East York , Hull . „ I . W . Hughan ; r . P . \ P . M . rji ; P . Prov . O . Sec , Cornwall . „ " J . W . Woodall , P . M . , P . Prov . S . G . D ., North and East York , Scarborough . „ C . E . Harding , W . M . 134 . Londesborough Lodge , Burlington . „ John Kemp , W . M . 294 , Constitutional Lodge , Beverley . „ lames Pvburn , . U . D ., W . M . 1010 , Hull . „ Hcnrv Haigh , W . M . 250 , Hull . „ W . C ' Copp ' erthwaitc ; 660 , P . M . ; P . Prov . G . S . W . ; Malton . „ E . H . Newton ; P . M . 236 , Scarborough . ,, I . onl Londesborough ; P . M . 534 , Scarborough . II 1 . J . P . Moody , P . M . 200 , Scarborough . „ \ Vm . Tavlor , P . M . 200 , Scarborough . „ W . F . tiookc , P . M . ioo , l \ Prov . G . J . W ., North aud Kast York , Scarborough . „ W . B . Stewart , P . BI . 300 , Scarborough . „ H . A . Williamson , P . M , , Scarborough . „ Sir A . Johnstone , Bart ., P . M . 200 , P . Pro * . S . G . W . North and EastYork , Scarlvorough . „ Wm . Peacock , P . M . 200 , Scarborough . ,, R . H . Peacock , P . M . 200 , Scarborough . „ I . W . Taylor , M . D . W . M . 200 , Scarborough . „ David l- 'letcher , P . M . 200 , Scarborough . „ G . H . Walshaw , P . M . 200 , Prov . S . D . C ., North and EastYork , Scarborough . Voting Papers and any assistance will be thankfully received bv BRO . JOHN WALKER , P . M . . ' P . Prov . G . Supt . of Wks ., N . and E . York . 56 , Lister-street , Hull .
SECOND APPLICATION . ELECTION-OCTOBER , 1 S 73 . R OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR iv GIRLS . The Votes and Interest nf the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution are rcspcctlullv solicited on behalf of HARRIET DAVIS , Anti ) Ei'iiir YEAKS . Daughter of Iiro . ( ames Davis ( 1275 ) , who died suddenly leaving a Widow and ' Eight Children tol . illy unprovided for . The ' case is recommended by the following Brethren , -who have kindly consented to receive Proxies : — Bro . ' Joseph Smith , P . G . P ., P . M . 127 ; , & c „ 14 , Greek-street , Soho ' W . C . „ lohn Harris , P . M . 192 , 22 , Austinfriars , li . C . „ George Abbott , S . W . lt ) 2 . Station Master , Cannon-street Terminus , S . E . R . C . J . Hogg , P . M . 1271 , 7 , Malcolm-terrace . L ' nner New Cross , S . E . , W . F . Bates , 192 , Cannon-street Ilotel . „ C . Burmeister , P . M . 435 , 27 . SackvUle-strect , \ V . „ Wm . Ough , P . M . 127 ; , Wellington Wharf llchidcrc-road , I _ ambelb . Rev . S . Bin-lie Harris , S . W . £ JN , P . M . 12 ( 19 , New University Club , St . James ' -Mreet , W . „ las . Kench " , P . M . f 3 R , awl I ' . M . 12 ( 19 , 4-, St . ' . lanuV-street , W . „ j . M . l- ' ox , 1275 , 10 , Hrocklcv-road , Upper New Cross ., S . I- ; . „ George Kenning , V . Patron , P . M . 192 , l ' . Gil ) . Middlesex , Upper Sydenham .
OLD MASONIC BOOKS FOR SALE . The Sentimental and Masonic Magazine , 4 vols . 1792 , 3 am ! 4 . Solomon ' s Temple Spiritualised , with an account of its destruction by Christopher Kelly . 1 S 03 Edition . The Temple , an essay on tha forms of the Ark , the Tabernacle , and the Temple of Jerusalem . Jacob ' s Ladder , the Ascent to Heaven , plainly pointed out . Hy the Rev . G . Oliver , D . D . A Mirror for the Johannite Masons , in a series of letters to the Right Hon . thc Earl of Aboyne , Prov . Grand Master for Northampton and 1 lunlingdon . History of the Knights of Malta , or the Order of the Hospital of St . | olui of | i-rosnli-m ( 2 vols . ) Bv Major Whitworth Porter , R . E . The Achievements of the Kni ghts of Malta 2 vols . By A . Sutherland . Jerusalem , a Sketch of the City and Temple , from the earliest times to thc siege bv Tito ' s , Uv Thomas Lewin lisij ., ol Trinity College , Oxford . History of Freemasonry and the Grand Lodge of Scotland . Hy Wir . A . Laurie . Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of Free ar . d Accepted Masons , 1841 and 18 : 3 Editions . Collections of Masonic Son ^ s ( 1795 Edition . ) Maybe had at Bro . Geuige Keuiiitig ' s Masonic Library , I « j 8 , Fleet-street . Masonic Uuok . , Uoti ^ lit , Sjld rfiid E . iilijiye . i .
In the Press and will Ir pul-ti ' shal shor / li / . NEW EDITION OK THE LAWS AND CONSTITUTIONS Ol' THE GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND , Care fully Revised and Corrected down lo date of issue . This Edition ( under the special authority of thc Grand Committee ) will have added to thc Appendix a List of the Daughter Lodges , with Dates of Charter , Colour of Clothing , & c , also the Ancient Charges of the Craft , Service for Funeral Lodge , and various other Formula ? , together with a new and copious Index . Copies , price is . 6 d . each , or is . fd . per post , may be obtained from the GRAND SECRETARY , Freemasons' Hall , 98 , George-street , Edinburgh .
GEORGE KENNING , LATE J MOTT THEARLE . 198 , Fleet Street , E . G . WATCH & CLOCK MANUFACTURER GOLDSMITH AND JEWELLER . § •^ tii ( L 0 N 00 N \ nil ™ r s . a Strong Silver Watches from 1 o o Silver English Levers ( own make ) from 3 10 o Latlies'Gold English Levers „ from 990 Gent's Gold English Levers „ from 12 12 o Gold Watches from 212 0 Good Sound 8-day Clocks , in neat cases from 010 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , with alarum from 0150 Watches , Clocks , Jewellery , Medals , aud Jewels , suitable for Presentation , < S _ c ., made to order with dispatch . All kinds of repairs done on the premises , at moderate prices , by experienced workmen . George Kennings' Ladies' Gold English Levers , unequalled £ 10 ios . Jlasonic Signet Kings , Scarf I'ins , Lockets . Stud and Links . Masonic Charms of every degree in 9 ct ., 1 ijct . and iSc Gold . Watch Glasses 6 d . and 1 / - Watch Keys 6 d . Ladies' Ears pierced 1 / - Mauufactory : 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain
TI 111 UJ AITI . U'ATION . ELECTION—OCTOIiKR , 1873 . DOYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR •*¦* - GIRLS . Tlie Votes and Interest of the Governors and Subscribers arc carncstlv solicited on behalf ol ETHEL IDA MARGARET SEATON , AUEII NINE YEARS . Her l- ' atlier , Hro . George Seaton , formerly Master Mariner and Ship Chandler at Hull , was for io years a Subscribing . Mcml . ei ofthe Hnmber Lodge , So . 57 , llnll ( nlsonl ' omp . mion of tbe Huml ) er Chapter ) , and alter a very short illness , died on the 19 th l- ' ebruary , iNGK , lca \ inti his Widow with live Children , three of whom are entirely dependent on her for support , ami with very small and inadequate means to edueate and maintain them . The case is strnnglv recommended by the Provincial Grand Hoard of Benevolence of the . North and ' Last Ridings of Yorkshire , and the following Hrethren -. — All the W . Masters of the Lodges iu . North and Kast Yorkshire . Hro . James Clay , 57 , M . P ., London . „ (' . M . Norwood , 57 , . 17 . / ' ., London . „ C . Svkes , loio , M . P ., London . „ | . 1 > . " Hell , . 11 . /) ., S . G . D . of England , Hull . „ Sir Fredk . M . Williams . Hart . . !/ . /' ., I' . G . W ., I' . I ' . G . W ., - . Cornwall , ) ( V . F . ) Gunmrea , l ' crv .. n .. v , vortl . ; tt , Cornwall . , . W . J . Hughan , ( L . G . ) I' . M . 131 , I ' . l ' . ti . Sec . ( Cornwall , ) Truro , Cornwall . „ Francis Jackson , : ; o , I lull .-Shcriil of Hi . ll . „ * N .-ithaniel Kn-ton , 57 and 1010 , Hull . ,, Gilbert Wilkinson , 250 , Hull , i __ 4 S , Scarborough , „ * Gcorgc llardv , l ' .. \ L 2 : 0 , r . S . I ' . G . D . North and Fast Yolk , Hull . „ J . W . Woodall , l ' . M . JOO , I' . S . l ' . G . W ., North and Fast York . Scarbrorongli , „ I ) . K . W . I ' orrctt , P . M . 7 J 4 , I ' . S . I ' . G . W ., West York , lirldlingtou-Quav . ,. J . | . ' Forester , I ' . M . = ;_ ., 00 , Mark-lane , London . The llrcthn-u marked thus * will be happy lo receive Voting Papers ; which , with any communication or assistance , will he tliaufcl ' ullv ii-i ' i'iii'd , or Hoys' Votes for exchange , In-Hnu . JOHN WALKER , P . M . 57 . P . P . G . Supt . Works , North , and Kast York , 56 , Listei-strect , Hull ,
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE , 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . JOSEPH RANKIN STEBBING , Esq ., P . G . D ., Chairman . This Company was the first to adopt the new and popular system of POSITIVE ASSURANCE . The policies being payable to bearer , render assignments , stamps , legacy duties , Sec , unnecessary , and they have at all times an immediate purchaseable value . See detailed prospectus . FREDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager .
BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE "" COMPANY . 4 , Quccn-street-place , London , E . C . EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT . New business , 2 , 190 policies for £ 380 , 050 . New annual income , jL ' , 615 r } } death claims paid for £ 29 , 905 . 16 claims for matured policies , £ 1 , 502 . Paid for surrenders , £ 1 , 701 . Laid by iu year , £ 41 , 043 . In force , 18 , 08 4 policies for £ 3 , 10 9 , 215 . Annual premium income , . £ 97 , 402 . Paid for death claims in 18 years , under 1 , 366 policies , £ 218 , 965 . Accumulated fund increased to £ 314 , 116 .
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . ESTABLISHED 18 5 6 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused by Accidents CHIEF OFFICES—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LONDON : 49 , MOOKGATE-ST . Secretary : CHARLES R . GILMAN , Esq . London Manager : Mr . GEOKGE POWELL . MONEY . —LOANS granted immediately from £ 100 to £ 2 , 000 at 5 per cent ., repayable over Three , Four , or Five Years , on Personal Security and Life Policy effected with the WEST OF ENGLAND INSURANCE CO ., ( Established 1807 . ) Apply to the Superintendent of Agents , J . CROCKER , Neville Street , Newcastle . Agents Wanted .
MOURNINGROSETTES FOR APRONS AND COLLARS . Regulation size and pattern , 6 s . and 9 s . Dozen AT BRO . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS , 198 , Fleet-street , antl Little Britain , London 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool . 145 , Argylc-strect , Glasgow . 67 , llanover-street , Edinburgh . THE LOMBARD EXCHANGE , LOMBARD STREET , LONDON , E . C . TERNS . C s . A Entrance Fee ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 o Annual Subscription ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 0 Meniheis residing and earning on business at a distance ot tilty miles and upwards fiom London , Mcrch .-inl-Cnplains , and Clerks to Suhsciihcrs ( no entrance tee ) 1 1 The room is well supplied . villi ne \ vs | ,-ycrs , telegrams , and hooks ol reference . It includes a l'ost-olliee , I ' oste Kcstante , Tclegrapli-otlice , Heading and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lavatories , & c . ; also copying machines lor the use of Subscribers . Iiro . JOHN 11 . YOUNGllUSDAND , I ' . M ., I' . Z ., P . E . C ,, I' . r . J . G . W . , \ .. Manager .
MASON IC EMBLEMS . A BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART in Photojjr : ii > liyf fof framing , representing a volume of thc , Scripture , opened at Chapter 6 of the 1 st Uookof Kings , surrounded by symbols of the Cralt . Plain , is . 61 I . ; richly coloured , 3 s . To be had wholesale ami tctailof STEVENS \ -RICIIAIIDSON , Stationers and Steam 1 ' iiiiters , 5 , Great iiucen-itreet , Liiicoln's-iim-hclds .
W . M . RICHMOND'S LA M I' M A N U I- ' ACTO RY AND General Fishing Tackle Repository , EASTGATE-STREET , CHESTER . !
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ELECTION—yth OCTOBER , 1873 . T > OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR - " - BOYS . Thc Votes and Interests of Governors and Subscribers arc earnestly solicited on bchalt of DAVID DOVE , AoEnNiNE Ann A HALF YEAISK . His Fithcr , Bro . Edward Dove , formerly a Builder , at Scarborough , was initiated in the Old Globe Lodge , Scarborough , No . 200 , in May , i 8 J 7 , and continued a Subscribing Member lor nearly ten years . Through failure in business hc left Scarborough , aud subsequently was appointed Inspector of Buildings on the North Eastern Railway . After a snort illness died ( of inllamation of thc lungs broughton bv exposure to cold in the discharge of his duties ) on the 16 th November 1 S 70 , leaving a Widow and three Children -, since which time the mother has deserted them , and they arc hy the kind assistance of friends now being supported . This case is deserving of the utmost sympathy and support ol thc Craft generally . The case is strongly recommended by the following Brethren , andby several lodges in the Province of North and East Yorkshire : — Thc Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , W . M . 113 , Richmond ; Askc Hall . Bro . Geo . Russel , W . M . 660 , Malton . „ Christopher Sykes , P . M . 1040 . M . P ., V . Prov . S . G . W . North and East York , Brantingham , Thorpe , anil London . „ C . M . Norwood . JJ , M . P ., London . „ lohn P . Bell , M . D ., P . M . SI- P . S . G . D . England , Hull . „ ll . W . Longstaff , P . M . 1010 , ( r . P . ) P . Prov . S . G . W ., North and East York , Hull . „ lohn Dalton Holmes , 1010 , Hull . „ VV . Tcsscvman , P . M ., JJ , P . Prov . G . Snpt . of Wks . North and East York , Hull . „ lohn Hudson , W . M . J 7 , Hull . „ George Hardy , P . M . 1 $° , P . Prov . S . G . D ., N . and E . York , Hnll . „ Francis Jackson , ago Hull , ( SheritF of Hull ) . „ Iiro . M " . C . Peik , P . M . 10 + 0 , P . Prov . U . Sec , North ami East York , Hull . „ I . W . Hughan ; r . P . \ P . M . rji ; P . Prov . O . Sec , Cornwall . „ " J . W . Woodall , P . M . , P . Prov . S . G . D ., North and East York , Scarborough . „ C . E . Harding , W . M . 134 . Londesborough Lodge , Burlington . „ John Kemp , W . M . 294 , Constitutional Lodge , Beverley . „ lames Pvburn , . U . D ., W . M . 1010 , Hull . „ Hcnrv Haigh , W . M . 250 , Hull . „ W . C ' Copp ' erthwaitc ; 660 , P . M . ; P . Prov . G . S . W . ; Malton . „ E . H . Newton ; P . M . 236 , Scarborough . ,, I . onl Londesborough ; P . M . 534 , Scarborough . II 1 . J . P . Moody , P . M . 200 , Scarborough . „ \ Vm . Tavlor , P . M . 200 , Scarborough . „ W . F . tiookc , P . M . ioo , l \ Prov . G . J . W ., North aud Kast York , Scarborough . „ W . B . Stewart , P . BI . 300 , Scarborough . „ H . A . Williamson , P . M , , Scarborough . „ Sir A . Johnstone , Bart ., P . M . 200 , P . Pro * . S . G . W . North and EastYork , Scarlvorough . „ Wm . Peacock , P . M . 200 , Scarborough . ,, R . H . Peacock , P . M . 200 , Scarborough . „ I . W . Taylor , M . D . W . M . 200 , Scarborough . „ David l- 'letcher , P . M . 200 , Scarborough . „ G . H . Walshaw , P . M . 200 , Prov . S . D . C ., North and EastYork , Scarborough . Voting Papers and any assistance will be thankfully received bv BRO . JOHN WALKER , P . M . . ' P . Prov . G . Supt . of Wks ., N . and E . York . 56 , Lister-street , Hull .
SECOND APPLICATION . ELECTION-OCTOBER , 1 S 73 . R OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR iv GIRLS . The Votes and Interest nf the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution are rcspcctlullv solicited on behalf of HARRIET DAVIS , Anti ) Ei'iiir YEAKS . Daughter of Iiro . ( ames Davis ( 1275 ) , who died suddenly leaving a Widow and ' Eight Children tol . illy unprovided for . The ' case is recommended by the following Brethren , -who have kindly consented to receive Proxies : — Bro . ' Joseph Smith , P . G . P ., P . M . 127 ; , & c „ 14 , Greek-street , Soho ' W . C . „ lohn Harris , P . M . 192 , 22 , Austinfriars , li . C . „ George Abbott , S . W . lt ) 2 . Station Master , Cannon-street Terminus , S . E . R . C . J . Hogg , P . M . 1271 , 7 , Malcolm-terrace . L ' nner New Cross , S . E . , W . F . Bates , 192 , Cannon-street Ilotel . „ C . Burmeister , P . M . 435 , 27 . SackvUle-strect , \ V . „ Wm . Ough , P . M . 127 ; , Wellington Wharf llchidcrc-road , I _ ambelb . Rev . S . Bin-lie Harris , S . W . £ JN , P . M . 12 ( 19 , New University Club , St . James ' -Mreet , W . „ las . Kench " , P . M . f 3 R , awl I ' . M . 12 ( 19 , 4-, St . ' . lanuV-street , W . „ j . M . l- ' ox , 1275 , 10 , Hrocklcv-road , Upper New Cross ., S . I- ; . „ George Kenning , V . Patron , P . M . 192 , l ' . Gil ) . Middlesex , Upper Sydenham .
OLD MASONIC BOOKS FOR SALE . The Sentimental and Masonic Magazine , 4 vols . 1792 , 3 am ! 4 . Solomon ' s Temple Spiritualised , with an account of its destruction by Christopher Kelly . 1 S 03 Edition . The Temple , an essay on tha forms of the Ark , the Tabernacle , and the Temple of Jerusalem . Jacob ' s Ladder , the Ascent to Heaven , plainly pointed out . Hy the Rev . G . Oliver , D . D . A Mirror for the Johannite Masons , in a series of letters to the Right Hon . thc Earl of Aboyne , Prov . Grand Master for Northampton and 1 lunlingdon . History of the Knights of Malta , or the Order of the Hospital of St . | olui of | i-rosnli-m ( 2 vols . ) Bv Major Whitworth Porter , R . E . The Achievements of the Kni ghts of Malta 2 vols . By A . Sutherland . Jerusalem , a Sketch of the City and Temple , from the earliest times to thc siege bv Tito ' s , Uv Thomas Lewin lisij ., ol Trinity College , Oxford . History of Freemasonry and the Grand Lodge of Scotland . Hy Wir . A . Laurie . Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of Free ar . d Accepted Masons , 1841 and 18 : 3 Editions . Collections of Masonic Son ^ s ( 1795 Edition . ) Maybe had at Bro . Geuige Keuiiitig ' s Masonic Library , I « j 8 , Fleet-street . Masonic Uuok . , Uoti ^ lit , Sjld rfiid E . iilijiye . i .
In the Press and will Ir pul-ti ' shal shor / li / . NEW EDITION OK THE LAWS AND CONSTITUTIONS Ol' THE GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND , Care fully Revised and Corrected down lo date of issue . This Edition ( under the special authority of thc Grand Committee ) will have added to thc Appendix a List of the Daughter Lodges , with Dates of Charter , Colour of Clothing , & c , also the Ancient Charges of the Craft , Service for Funeral Lodge , and various other Formula ? , together with a new and copious Index . Copies , price is . 6 d . each , or is . fd . per post , may be obtained from the GRAND SECRETARY , Freemasons' Hall , 98 , George-street , Edinburgh .
GEORGE KENNING , LATE J MOTT THEARLE . 198 , Fleet Street , E . G . WATCH & CLOCK MANUFACTURER GOLDSMITH AND JEWELLER . § •^ tii ( L 0 N 00 N \ nil ™ r s . a Strong Silver Watches from 1 o o Silver English Levers ( own make ) from 3 10 o Latlies'Gold English Levers „ from 990 Gent's Gold English Levers „ from 12 12 o Gold Watches from 212 0 Good Sound 8-day Clocks , in neat cases from 010 o Good Sound 8-day Clocks , with alarum from 0150 Watches , Clocks , Jewellery , Medals , aud Jewels , suitable for Presentation , < S _ c ., made to order with dispatch . All kinds of repairs done on the premises , at moderate prices , by experienced workmen . George Kennings' Ladies' Gold English Levers , unequalled £ 10 ios . Jlasonic Signet Kings , Scarf I'ins , Lockets . Stud and Links . Masonic Charms of every degree in 9 ct ., 1 ijct . and iSc Gold . Watch Glasses 6 d . and 1 / - Watch Keys 6 d . Ladies' Ears pierced 1 / - Mauufactory : 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain
TI 111 UJ AITI . U'ATION . ELECTION—OCTOIiKR , 1873 . DOYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR •*¦* - GIRLS . Tlie Votes and Interest of the Governors and Subscribers arc carncstlv solicited on behalf ol ETHEL IDA MARGARET SEATON , AUEII NINE YEARS . Her l- ' atlier , Hro . George Seaton , formerly Master Mariner and Ship Chandler at Hull , was for io years a Subscribing . Mcml . ei ofthe Hnmber Lodge , So . 57 , llnll ( nlsonl ' omp . mion of tbe Huml ) er Chapter ) , and alter a very short illness , died on the 19 th l- ' ebruary , iNGK , lca \ inti his Widow with live Children , three of whom are entirely dependent on her for support , ami with very small and inadequate means to edueate and maintain them . The case is strnnglv recommended by the Provincial Grand Hoard of Benevolence of the . North and ' Last Ridings of Yorkshire , and the following Hrethren -. — All the W . Masters of the Lodges iu . North and Kast Yorkshire . Hro . James Clay , 57 , M . P ., London . „ (' . M . Norwood , 57 , . 17 . / ' ., London . „ C . Svkes , loio , M . P ., London . „ | . 1 > . " Hell , . 11 . /) ., S . G . D . of England , Hull . „ Sir Fredk . M . Williams . Hart . . !/ . /' ., I' . G . W ., I' . I ' . G . W ., - . Cornwall , ) ( V . F . ) Gunmrea , l ' crv .. n .. v , vortl . ; tt , Cornwall . , . W . J . Hughan , ( L . G . ) I' . M . 131 , I ' . l ' . ti . Sec . ( Cornwall , ) Truro , Cornwall . „ Francis Jackson , : ; o , I lull .-Shcriil of Hi . ll . „ * N .-ithaniel Kn-ton , 57 and 1010 , Hull . ,, Gilbert Wilkinson , 250 , Hull , i __ 4 S , Scarborough , „ * Gcorgc llardv , l ' .. \ L 2 : 0 , r . S . I ' . G . D . North and Fast Yolk , Hull . „ J . W . Woodall , l ' . M . JOO , I' . S . l ' . G . W ., North and Fast York . Scarbrorongli , „ I ) . K . W . I ' orrctt , P . M . 7 J 4 , I ' . S . I ' . G . W ., West York , lirldlingtou-Quav . ,. J . | . ' Forester , I ' . M . = ;_ ., 00 , Mark-lane , London . The llrcthn-u marked thus * will be happy lo receive Voting Papers ; which , with any communication or assistance , will he tliaufcl ' ullv ii-i ' i'iii'd , or Hoys' Votes for exchange , In-Hnu . JOHN WALKER , P . M . 57 . P . P . G . Supt . Works , North , and Kast York , 56 , Listei-strect , Hull ,
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE , 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . JOSEPH RANKIN STEBBING , Esq ., P . G . D ., Chairman . This Company was the first to adopt the new and popular system of POSITIVE ASSURANCE . The policies being payable to bearer , render assignments , stamps , legacy duties , Sec , unnecessary , and they have at all times an immediate purchaseable value . See detailed prospectus . FREDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager .
BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE "" COMPANY . 4 , Quccn-street-place , London , E . C . EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT . New business , 2 , 190 policies for £ 380 , 050 . New annual income , jL ' , 615 r } } death claims paid for £ 29 , 905 . 16 claims for matured policies , £ 1 , 502 . Paid for surrenders , £ 1 , 701 . Laid by iu year , £ 41 , 043 . In force , 18 , 08 4 policies for £ 3 , 10 9 , 215 . Annual premium income , . £ 97 , 402 . Paid for death claims in 18 years , under 1 , 366 policies , £ 218 , 965 . Accumulated fund increased to £ 314 , 116 .
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . ESTABLISHED 18 5 6 . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused by Accidents CHIEF OFFICES—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LONDON : 49 , MOOKGATE-ST . Secretary : CHARLES R . GILMAN , Esq . London Manager : Mr . GEOKGE POWELL . MONEY . —LOANS granted immediately from £ 100 to £ 2 , 000 at 5 per cent ., repayable over Three , Four , or Five Years , on Personal Security and Life Policy effected with the WEST OF ENGLAND INSURANCE CO ., ( Established 1807 . ) Apply to the Superintendent of Agents , J . CROCKER , Neville Street , Newcastle . Agents Wanted .
MOURNINGROSETTES FOR APRONS AND COLLARS . Regulation size and pattern , 6 s . and 9 s . Dozen AT BRO . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS , 198 , Fleet-street , antl Little Britain , London 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool . 145 , Argylc-strect , Glasgow . 67 , llanover-street , Edinburgh . THE LOMBARD EXCHANGE , LOMBARD STREET , LONDON , E . C . TERNS . C s . A Entrance Fee ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 o Annual Subscription ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 0 Meniheis residing and earning on business at a distance ot tilty miles and upwards fiom London , Mcrch .-inl-Cnplains , and Clerks to Suhsciihcrs ( no entrance tee ) 1 1 The room is well supplied . villi ne \ vs | ,-ycrs , telegrams , and hooks ol reference . It includes a l'ost-olliee , I ' oste Kcstante , Tclegrapli-otlice , Heading and Writing Room , Restaurant , Lavatories , & c . ; also copying machines lor the use of Subscribers . Iiro . JOHN 11 . YOUNGllUSDAND , I ' . M ., I' . Z ., P . E . C ,, I' . r . J . G . W . , \ .. Manager .
MASON IC EMBLEMS . A BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART in Photojjr : ii > liyf fof framing , representing a volume of thc , Scripture , opened at Chapter 6 of the 1 st Uookof Kings , surrounded by symbols of the Cralt . Plain , is . 61 I . ; richly coloured , 3 s . To be had wholesale ami tctailof STEVENS \ -RICIIAIIDSON , Stationers and Steam 1 ' iiiiters , 5 , Great iiucen-itreet , Liiicoln's-iim-hclds .
W . M . RICHMOND'S LA M I' M A N U I- ' ACTO RY AND General Fishing Tackle Repository , EASTGATE-STREET , CHESTER . !