Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Recently enlarged by the erection of three additional School-rooms , Students' Hall , Theological and Scientific Lecture Hall ( including Reading Room ) , Ch & ivka ! Laboratory , Private Studies , Dining Halls , large Swimming Bath , Gymnasium , and spacious Dormitories , as well as separate Bedrooms .
RECTOR : Buo . REV . T . ABBOTT PETERS , M . A . VICK-PBINCIPAI . : Rev . J . S . SKINNER , B . A , MASTERS : Rev . T . ABBOTT PETERS , M . A ., Divinity . Rev . J . S . SKINNER , B . A ., the Classics and Ancient History .
Mr . H . J . HENDERSON , M . A ., Junior Classics . Mr . T . HYMERS J ACKSON , B . A ., Mathematics , Navigations and the English Language , History and Literature . Mr . E . CLEMENT , Ph . D ., The Natural Sciences ( Experimental and Mathematical ) , French and German .
Mr . J . ROCHFORT , CM ., English Subjects generally , anil Junior Mathematics . Mr . G . CLIFFORD , Junior English and Junior Mathematics . Mr . FLOYD . C . E ., Land Surveying and . Levelling with the use of Theodolite , Mechanical Drawing . Mr . W . H . J ONES , Music ( Organanil Piano ) and Singing .
Mr . R . NICHOL , Librarian . Sergeant BRADY , Military Drill , Gymnastics , and Swim ming . There are in connection with the College
THREE ANNUAL EXHIBITIONS , open for general competition to all students , anil tenable for three years . Special Classes are formed for preparing students for the Legal , Medical , Home , Colonial , and Indian Civil Service Examinations ; and for entrance to Woolwich , Coopershill , and the Universities of Oxfortl , Cambridge , London ,
Dublin , Durham , and Edinburgh . The Religious Teaching is based on strictly Protestant Principles , in accordance with the Doctrines and Liturgy of the Church of England . Students requiring a commercial education only , are exempt from the classical course , if desired . The year consists of two terms , during which there are
no holidays , the only vacations being at Midsummer and Christmas . The use of all class books , valuable library , stationery ( except mathematical instruments ) laundry , & c , is included in the terms . No Extras of any kind .
The High School—Students from 16 to 23 years of age . The Middle School—Students from 12 to 16 years of age . The Preparatory School—Students under 12 years of age . The College is divided into three sections . In the
PREPARATORY SCHOOL ( entirely distinct , tut contiguous ) Boys arc well grounded in the elements of a sound English Education , with French and German ( also in Latin and Greek if for the learned professions ) , and prepared for the High or Middle School . In the 1 ligh School thc course of study is a preparation for the Universities and the
various competitive examinations ; while the Middle School trains pupils in such subjects as will qualify them for scientific and commercial pursuits . Alston College is pleasantly situated , about six miles from Preston , and half a mile from Longridge Railway Station ; is in immediate proximity to beautiful mountain scenery , within half an hour ' s ride of the chief watering
dlaces on the western coast of Lancashire , and is considered by Medical Professors to be in one of the healthiest localities in England—a fact sufficiently proved by the icmarkably good health enjoyed by the studen's and regularly confirmed by the half-yearly medical reports . Extensive Cricket Grounds are attached to the College Farms , whilst a spacious covered Gymnasium and
Student ' s Hall , available for recreation , drill , & c , adjoin . Reports of all examinations , together with the names of those students who have distinguished themselves at the College and the Universities , as Exhibitioners , Medalists and Prizemen , also the reports of the late examinations , together with views of the College buildings , and al necessary information , forwarded on application to the
Hector , or to MR . GEORGE CLIFFORD , Secretary . References kindly permitted to Bto . Masons , and to the late Examiners : Rev . T . H . Lindsay Leary , M . A ., D . C . L . ( Oxon ) , Assistant Examiner to Her Majesty ' s Civil Service Ccmmissicn , Crawford Cottage , Epsom ; T . VV . Eyre Evans , Esq ., LL . D . T . C . D ., Nightingale "Villa , Lower
Norwood ; and other University Examiners ; Professor Pagel , Liverpool ; R . Routledge , Esq ., B . S . F . C . S ., Manchester ; also the Protestant Clergy , Nobility , and Professional Gentlemen ( parents of present pupils ) in London , Manchester , Liverpool , Birmingham , Leeds , Bradford , Bognor , Preston , Burnley , Chester , Lancaster , Boston
( Lincoln ) , Wigan , Hanowgate , Accrington , Haslingden , Kendal , Southport , Todmorden , Stc ., and various other towns ; the Continent of Europe , the colonies , New York , and the United States , brazil , Cuba , & c , who can bear ample testimony to the merits and success of this College . Next term commences the Jth August , 1873 .
BRO .GEORGEKENNING, P . M ., P . Z ., Mk . M ., A . M ., K . T ., R . C . K ., R . O . S ., 30 . 2,3,&4,LittleBritain, LONDON , E . C . f 19 8 , Fleet-street , London . „ \ 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool . BRANCHES : ^ ' . , . * . '„ , r gj , 1 i 45 > Argyle-street , Glasgow . { 67 , Hanover-street , Edinburgh . MASOWCTDEPOT. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE WORLD O I- ' ; J ewels Clothing , Ribbons , Tassels , Furniture , Banners , Books , Stationery , Tracing Boards , And every Requisite for all Degrees in Freemasonry . 2 3 & 4 LITTLE BRITAIN LONDON , E . C . f rice | fists oil nplkatioit . NAVAL&14ILITARY WAREHOUSE. Swords , Laces , Braids , Cords , Embroidery , Belts , Shabraques , Chacos . Caps , Buttons , Epaulettes , Sashes , Medals , & c & c 2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN LONDON , E C $ vice lists m aplicntion . GEORGETENNING, 2,3,&4,LittleBritain, LONDON , E . C . ( 198 , Fket-street , London . D u , Monument-place , Liverpool . BRANCHES : j ^ Argyle . * > ' Qhsg ^ C . 67 , Hanover-street , Edinburgh .
ESTABLISHMENT , 89 , Clapham Park Road , S . W .
In returning sincere thanks for the kind patronage bestowed for so many years u pon her late husband , Mrs . Fells begs respectfully to inform her friends and the inhabitants of Clapham generally , that she has recently secured the
services of a thoroughly efficient Manager , a Registered Chemist under the Pharmacy Act of 1868 . Being a gentleman of great practical experience in the leading West End Houses , the fullest confidence may be placed in his accuracy and skill .
All Prescriptions , and Family Recipes will , as hitherto , be carefully prepared , with Drugs and Chemicals of guaranteed excellence , obtained from the best London Houses , the prices charged being as moderate as is compatible with absolute purity .
Every description ot Patent and Homoeopathic Medicines kept in stock , or procured from the Depot at a few hours notice . The subjoined list includes various Specialities and Proprietary Articles decidedly worthy of attention : —
Family Aperient or Antibilious Pills . Fells' Ammoniacum Cough Pills . Fells' Liver Pills . Lane ' s Alterative Powders . Cordial Diarrhoea Mixture .
Fells' Athenian Odontme . Antiseptic Quinine Dentifrice . Fells' Tooth-ache remedy . Lane ' s Cough Lozenges . Fells' Cantharidated Castorine Cream .
Lane ' s Cantharidme or Rosemary Lotion . Chilblain Liniment . Milk of Koses Furniture Cream .
Genuine Seidlitz Powders . Essence of Jamaica Ginger . Concentrated Essence of Jamaica Sarsaparilla . Granular Effervescent Citrate of Magnesia .
REQUISITES FOR THE TOILET . Kenning ' s Masonic Perfume . Old English Lavender Water . Genuine Eau De Cologne . Bayley ' s Essence Bouquet .
Hannay ' s Rondeletia . Breidenbach's Wood Violet . Hendries' Jockey Club . Piesseand Lubin ' s Perfumes in great variety . Rimmel ' s loilet Vinegar .
Godfrey ' s Extract of Elder Flowers . Rowland's Macassar Oil , Kaly dor , and Odonto . Saunders' Bloom of Ninon . Atkinson ' s Bears Grease . Patey ' s Cold Cream .
Hopgoods Nutritive Cream . Lloyd s Euxesis . Mrs . Allen ' s Hair Restorer and Z ylobalsamum . Rossetter ' s Hair Restorer . Coalman ' s , Gosnell ' s , and Jcwsbury Brown ' s Tooth Pastes .
French and English Cosmetiques . Bandoline Fixateur . Tooth , Nail , and Hair Brushes . Dressing and Tail Combs . Ivory Small Tooth Combs .
1 ' ield s United Service Soap . Transparent Shaving Soap . Old Brown Windsor Honey , Oatmeal , Almond , and Curd Soaps , in Tablets , Bars and Boxes . Turkey and Honeycomb Sponges . Sponge Bags . Flesh Gloves . Chest Protectors ,
Leibig s Extract of Meat ( Company ' s ) in a ({ sizes . Schweppe ' s Aerated Soda , Potash , and Seltzer Waters , Lemonade , Occ . All Lozenges and Jujubes obtained from the best makers .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Recently enlarged by the erection of three additional School-rooms , Students' Hall , Theological and Scientific Lecture Hall ( including Reading Room ) , Ch & ivka ! Laboratory , Private Studies , Dining Halls , large Swimming Bath , Gymnasium , and spacious Dormitories , as well as separate Bedrooms .
RECTOR : Buo . REV . T . ABBOTT PETERS , M . A . VICK-PBINCIPAI . : Rev . J . S . SKINNER , B . A , MASTERS : Rev . T . ABBOTT PETERS , M . A ., Divinity . Rev . J . S . SKINNER , B . A ., the Classics and Ancient History .
Mr . H . J . HENDERSON , M . A ., Junior Classics . Mr . T . HYMERS J ACKSON , B . A ., Mathematics , Navigations and the English Language , History and Literature . Mr . E . CLEMENT , Ph . D ., The Natural Sciences ( Experimental and Mathematical ) , French and German .
Mr . J . ROCHFORT , CM ., English Subjects generally , anil Junior Mathematics . Mr . G . CLIFFORD , Junior English and Junior Mathematics . Mr . FLOYD . C . E ., Land Surveying and . Levelling with the use of Theodolite , Mechanical Drawing . Mr . W . H . J ONES , Music ( Organanil Piano ) and Singing .
Mr . R . NICHOL , Librarian . Sergeant BRADY , Military Drill , Gymnastics , and Swim ming . There are in connection with the College
THREE ANNUAL EXHIBITIONS , open for general competition to all students , anil tenable for three years . Special Classes are formed for preparing students for the Legal , Medical , Home , Colonial , and Indian Civil Service Examinations ; and for entrance to Woolwich , Coopershill , and the Universities of Oxfortl , Cambridge , London ,
Dublin , Durham , and Edinburgh . The Religious Teaching is based on strictly Protestant Principles , in accordance with the Doctrines and Liturgy of the Church of England . Students requiring a commercial education only , are exempt from the classical course , if desired . The year consists of two terms , during which there are
no holidays , the only vacations being at Midsummer and Christmas . The use of all class books , valuable library , stationery ( except mathematical instruments ) laundry , & c , is included in the terms . No Extras of any kind .
The High School—Students from 16 to 23 years of age . The Middle School—Students from 12 to 16 years of age . The Preparatory School—Students under 12 years of age . The College is divided into three sections . In the
PREPARATORY SCHOOL ( entirely distinct , tut contiguous ) Boys arc well grounded in the elements of a sound English Education , with French and German ( also in Latin and Greek if for the learned professions ) , and prepared for the High or Middle School . In the 1 ligh School thc course of study is a preparation for the Universities and the
various competitive examinations ; while the Middle School trains pupils in such subjects as will qualify them for scientific and commercial pursuits . Alston College is pleasantly situated , about six miles from Preston , and half a mile from Longridge Railway Station ; is in immediate proximity to beautiful mountain scenery , within half an hour ' s ride of the chief watering
dlaces on the western coast of Lancashire , and is considered by Medical Professors to be in one of the healthiest localities in England—a fact sufficiently proved by the icmarkably good health enjoyed by the studen's and regularly confirmed by the half-yearly medical reports . Extensive Cricket Grounds are attached to the College Farms , whilst a spacious covered Gymnasium and
Student ' s Hall , available for recreation , drill , & c , adjoin . Reports of all examinations , together with the names of those students who have distinguished themselves at the College and the Universities , as Exhibitioners , Medalists and Prizemen , also the reports of the late examinations , together with views of the College buildings , and al necessary information , forwarded on application to the
Hector , or to MR . GEORGE CLIFFORD , Secretary . References kindly permitted to Bto . Masons , and to the late Examiners : Rev . T . H . Lindsay Leary , M . A ., D . C . L . ( Oxon ) , Assistant Examiner to Her Majesty ' s Civil Service Ccmmissicn , Crawford Cottage , Epsom ; T . VV . Eyre Evans , Esq ., LL . D . T . C . D ., Nightingale "Villa , Lower
Norwood ; and other University Examiners ; Professor Pagel , Liverpool ; R . Routledge , Esq ., B . S . F . C . S ., Manchester ; also the Protestant Clergy , Nobility , and Professional Gentlemen ( parents of present pupils ) in London , Manchester , Liverpool , Birmingham , Leeds , Bradford , Bognor , Preston , Burnley , Chester , Lancaster , Boston
( Lincoln ) , Wigan , Hanowgate , Accrington , Haslingden , Kendal , Southport , Todmorden , Stc ., and various other towns ; the Continent of Europe , the colonies , New York , and the United States , brazil , Cuba , & c , who can bear ample testimony to the merits and success of this College . Next term commences the Jth August , 1873 .
BRO .GEORGEKENNING, P . M ., P . Z ., Mk . M ., A . M ., K . T ., R . C . K ., R . O . S ., 30 . 2,3,&4,LittleBritain, LONDON , E . C . f 19 8 , Fleet-street , London . „ \ 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool . BRANCHES : ^ ' . , . * . '„ , r gj , 1 i 45 > Argyle-street , Glasgow . { 67 , Hanover-street , Edinburgh . MASOWCTDEPOT. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE WORLD O I- ' ; J ewels Clothing , Ribbons , Tassels , Furniture , Banners , Books , Stationery , Tracing Boards , And every Requisite for all Degrees in Freemasonry . 2 3 & 4 LITTLE BRITAIN LONDON , E . C . f rice | fists oil nplkatioit . NAVAL&14ILITARY WAREHOUSE. Swords , Laces , Braids , Cords , Embroidery , Belts , Shabraques , Chacos . Caps , Buttons , Epaulettes , Sashes , Medals , & c & c 2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN LONDON , E C $ vice lists m aplicntion . GEORGETENNING, 2,3,&4,LittleBritain, LONDON , E . C . ( 198 , Fket-street , London . D u , Monument-place , Liverpool . BRANCHES : j ^ Argyle . * > ' Qhsg ^ C . 67 , Hanover-street , Edinburgh .
ESTABLISHMENT , 89 , Clapham Park Road , S . W .
In returning sincere thanks for the kind patronage bestowed for so many years u pon her late husband , Mrs . Fells begs respectfully to inform her friends and the inhabitants of Clapham generally , that she has recently secured the
services of a thoroughly efficient Manager , a Registered Chemist under the Pharmacy Act of 1868 . Being a gentleman of great practical experience in the leading West End Houses , the fullest confidence may be placed in his accuracy and skill .
All Prescriptions , and Family Recipes will , as hitherto , be carefully prepared , with Drugs and Chemicals of guaranteed excellence , obtained from the best London Houses , the prices charged being as moderate as is compatible with absolute purity .
Every description ot Patent and Homoeopathic Medicines kept in stock , or procured from the Depot at a few hours notice . The subjoined list includes various Specialities and Proprietary Articles decidedly worthy of attention : —
Family Aperient or Antibilious Pills . Fells' Ammoniacum Cough Pills . Fells' Liver Pills . Lane ' s Alterative Powders . Cordial Diarrhoea Mixture .
Fells' Athenian Odontme . Antiseptic Quinine Dentifrice . Fells' Tooth-ache remedy . Lane ' s Cough Lozenges . Fells' Cantharidated Castorine Cream .
Lane ' s Cantharidme or Rosemary Lotion . Chilblain Liniment . Milk of Koses Furniture Cream .
Genuine Seidlitz Powders . Essence of Jamaica Ginger . Concentrated Essence of Jamaica Sarsaparilla . Granular Effervescent Citrate of Magnesia .
REQUISITES FOR THE TOILET . Kenning ' s Masonic Perfume . Old English Lavender Water . Genuine Eau De Cologne . Bayley ' s Essence Bouquet .
Hannay ' s Rondeletia . Breidenbach's Wood Violet . Hendries' Jockey Club . Piesseand Lubin ' s Perfumes in great variety . Rimmel ' s loilet Vinegar .
Godfrey ' s Extract of Elder Flowers . Rowland's Macassar Oil , Kaly dor , and Odonto . Saunders' Bloom of Ninon . Atkinson ' s Bears Grease . Patey ' s Cold Cream .
Hopgoods Nutritive Cream . Lloyd s Euxesis . Mrs . Allen ' s Hair Restorer and Z ylobalsamum . Rossetter ' s Hair Restorer . Coalman ' s , Gosnell ' s , and Jcwsbury Brown ' s Tooth Pastes .
French and English Cosmetiques . Bandoline Fixateur . Tooth , Nail , and Hair Brushes . Dressing and Tail Combs . Ivory Small Tooth Combs .
1 ' ield s United Service Soap . Transparent Shaving Soap . Old Brown Windsor Honey , Oatmeal , Almond , and Curd Soaps , in Tablets , Bars and Boxes . Turkey and Honeycomb Sponges . Sponge Bags . Flesh Gloves . Chest Protectors ,
Leibig s Extract of Meat ( Company ' s ) in a ({ sizes . Schweppe ' s Aerated Soda , Potash , and Seltzer Waters , Lemonade , Occ . All Lozenges and Jujubes obtained from the best makers .