Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancients and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R EPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 6 5 J Boyal Arch 6 5 J Knights Templar 6 57 Ancient and Accepted Rite 6 57 Scotland •^ 57 New College for the Northern Counties C 58 Provincial Grand Lodge of Cumberland and
Westmoreland — 659 O BITUARY : — Bro . Charles Ewens Deacon 661 Masonic Tidings 661 Boys ' and Girls' School Elections C 62 British Association—Masonic Reception at Bradford 66 3
CORRESPONDENCE : — Spiritualism 664 Lodge Meetings for next week 666 Advertisements 655 65 6 666 667 668 66 9 670
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft IStonvg . IPSWICH . —British Union Lodge ( No . 114 ) . —The first meeting of the above very prosperous and exclusive lodge , after the usual summer recess , was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., when there were present Bros . C . Long , I . P . M ., in the chair ( in
the absence of Dr . Beaumont , R . N ., Start Surgeon , H . M . S . Northumberland ) , the Rev . E . J . Lockwood , D . P . G . M . ; Dr . Barton , L . L . D . P . Prov . G . M . Western India , S . C . ; Boby , P . G . S . W ., Acting Secretary , C . Schulen , P . Prov . G . D . C ; P . Cornell , P . Prov . G . J . D . ;
Emra Holmes . P . Prov . G . A . D . C , P . G . Reg ., M . C ; P . De L . Long , P . M . ; A . J . Barber , P . G . O . ; S . Wright , S . W . ; A . D . George , J . W . ; J . Burton , S . D . ; Rev . A . W . G . Moore , J . D . ; H . Miller , I . G . ; and others . Visiting brethen , V . Childe , ofthe Isaac Newton Lodge ,
A . Gamman , W . M . Perfect Friendship Lodge , S . B . King , P . Prov . G . D . The lotlge having been opened , Mr . Alfred George Allen , of Shotley , Suffolk , who had been previously ballotted for and accepted , was initiated into Freemasonry , the impressive ceremony being
performed by Bro . Barber , P . M . ; Bro . Long , the Ac ; ing W . M ., g iving the working tools and Bro . Schulen delivering lhe charge , with much impressiveness . Bro . Holmes proposed a candidate for initiation , Bros . George and Co .-n . 11 , proposed joining members tube ballotted for at
next regular lodge . The other routine business having been gone through , the lodge was closed , and the brethren sat down to a substantial banquet , served in Bro . Spalding ' s usual excellent style , when the usual toast list was gone through . " The Health of the
venerable D . P . G . M ., was very cordially proposed by the W . M ., and as modestly responded to by the Rev . Bro ., who took occasion to remark on the progress Masonry was making in the Province , and alluded to the fact that the petition for a new lodge at Lowestoft had been granted by their esteemed Prov . Grand Master . Lord
Waveny , had consented to preside at the next festival for the Aged Freemasons . He also stated that a new company had been formed for the purchase of the Masonic Hall , that the P . G . M . had taken 50 shares , which he intended to present to the P . G . Lodge ; another brother
a P . G . Chaplain of England , had taken 100 shares , and he hoped the lodges in Ipswich would follow the example , and become shareholders . Bro . Barton , felicitously proposed the past and present Prov . G . Officers , and Bro . Boby responded . The health of the " Visiting
Brethren was responded to , at some length , by Bro . Childe , and briefly by Bro . Gamman . The "Tylers' Toast" followed , after Bro . King had delivered his well known recitation from Hood "A Nocturnal Sketch , " and the brethren
separated after spending , as usual , a most agreeable evening . ROYAL ALFRED LODGE ( No . 780 ) . —The installation meeting of this flourishing lodge took place at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , on Friday , 26 th ult , Bro . Brown , W . M ., assisted
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
by his officers , opened the lodge at the appointed time . Three candidates being present for passing , and two for raising , the W . M . proceeded to perform the ceremonies , which he did in a very able manner , proving to the brethren that he had studied in the right school , and was well able to
do the work of his office . Bro . Smith then took the chair , and Bro . Ammon Beasley was presented to him to receive the benefit of installation . This ceremony was most admirably performed , the addresses being delivered by Bro . Littlewood , P . M . No sooner was the installation completed
than the new W . M . proceeded to initiate Mr . L . H . Cuzner . This he did in a simply perfect manner , which shewed that he had worked hard to qualify himself for his high station , and from the manner in which he performed his duty , there is every prospect of a very prosperous year for the lodge .
Bro . Thomas Brown , I . P . M ., announced his intention of serving the office of Steward for the Benevolent Institution , and the sum of j ^ io was voted towards his list . All business being ended the brethren adjourned to banquet , served by Bro . Banks in his best style . The cloth being
cleared , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , the proceedings being enlivened by the admirable singing of Bros . Ransford , Wrighton , Montem Smith , Baxter , and Theodore Distin . Among the visitors we observed : —Bros . H . Lloyd Thomas , P . Prov . G . S . W . Herts ; H .
Craven , W . M . 342 ; J . Weightman , W . M . 364 ; J . T . Spencer , VV . M . 25 ; and others . The following are the newly-appointed officers : — Bros . W . Hilton , S . W . ; W . Gardner , J . W . ; W . Travers , S . D . ; J . Ryder , J . D . ; Lionel Brough , I . G . ; J . Chambers Roe , D . of C . ; J . Gilbert , Tyler .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Ii > sw ..- . i . —St . Luke ' s Chapter ( No . 225 ) . — On W ' v Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., the St . Luke ' s Chapter was holden at the Coach and Horses Hotel , Ipswich , present Comps . Richmond , M . E . Z . ; C . Turner , H . ; Emra Holmes , J . ; S . B . King , P . Z ., Scribe E ., Acting Prin . Soj . ;
G . S . Findley , P . Z . ; J . Tracy , P . Z ., and others . The chapter having been opened by the Three Principals in ancient form , and the companions admitted , the minutes of the last chapter were read and confirmed , and the ballot was taken for Bro . Hcii' -v Ward , of the Perfect Friendship Lodge , and in
w ' . i ., i ... i ^ elected attendance wa- ; introduced , obligated , and exalu-d to the degree of Royal Arch Mason , the ceremony being performed by the M . E . Z ., who also gave the symbolical and mvstical lectures , Comp . Emra Holmes , as J ., delivering the Historical Lecture . The business of the chapter having been
concluded , the companions retired to partake of slig ht refreshment , when the usual toasts were given and responded to , and the health of the "New Companion" drunk with the customary cordiality . The brethren separated at an early hour in obedience no doubt to the commands of the ghost of Lord Aberdare .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
It'swicii . —Prudence Preceptory . —An emergency meeting of the Prudence Preceptory was held afc the Masonic HaU , Ipswich , on Wednesday , the ist inst ., to receive propositions , as in this Order , unlike every other degree connected with Masonry every candidate must be
proposed in open chapter . The Preceptory having been opened by Sir Knight Emra Holmes , Past Grand Provost , Acting Preceptor , in the absence of Sir Knight Dr . Beaumont , R . N . ( at present on duty with H . M . S . Northumberland ) , and the muster roll having been called by Sir Knight G . S . Findley , P . E . C , Registrar ; Sir
Knight Dr . Mills , P . li . C , proposed , and Sir Knight J . Pitcher , P . E . C , seconded a candidate for installation at the next regular meeting , whose name for obvious reasons we do not give . The Preceptor icquested the Registrar to send the proposition forthwith to the V . E . Provincial Prior for his approval , in accordance with the statutes . There being 110 further business , the
Knights Templar.
Preceptory was closed , and the Sir Knights adjourned to the refectory , where supper was served and an agreeable hour spent .
Ancients And Accepted Rite.
Ancients and Accepted Rite .
EDINBURGH . —Edinburgh Consistory ( No . 1 ) , —At a meeting held on Monday , the 6 th inst , present—III . Comps . Alexander Hay , 31 , Dep , Gr . Commander ; Dr . Cairns , 30 , Gr . Orator ; Wm . Mann , 3 , 3 ° , Sen . Gr . Warden , ; Alex : Mitchell , 3 r ° , Tun . Gr . Warden ; L . Mackersy , 33
Gr . Sec ; Wm . Hay 31 ° , Gr . M . C . . 'J ohn Laurie , 30 ° Gr . Chancellor ; Edward Savage , 31 ; S . Georgiades , 30 ; C F . Matier , 30 ; B . ^ C Waller , 30 ° ; W . J . V . Bindon , 30 ° ; Wm . Gilles 18 ° ( E . G . ); and W . M . Bryce , 30 ° ; Outer Guard . The Sovereign Chapter of Prince Rose Croix was opened by 111 . Comp . Ales . Hay , Dep . M . W . S .,
when John Maitland , Esq ., Willow Bank House , Aberdeen , was admitted tothe 18 thdegree . Thereafter the Consistory was opened by 111 . Comp . Alex . Hay , Dep . Gr . Com ., and 111 . Cornp . Maitland , was admitted to the K . H ., or 30 th degree . After the minutes had been read , and some formal business transacted , the Consistory was closed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
EDINBURGH . —Celtic Lodge of Edinburgh aud Leith ( No . 291 ) . —The first monthly meeting of this lodge for the season was held in the Lodge Room , Ship Hotel , Edinburgh , on Friday , the 3 rd inst . Bro . Wormald , R . W . M ., occupied the chair . Bro . Brown R . W . M . Lodge St . Stephen , No . 14 ft
Bro . Ford , R . W . M . Lodge Rifle , No . 405 ; and Bro . Moodie , P . M . of the Great City Lodge , London , were present . The minutes having been read by the Secretary , and approved of , the R . W . M . intimated that since the last monthly meeting Bro . Alexander Stuart , the first member
initiated in the lodge , and a P . M ., had died at the advanced age of 8 r . The Secretary was instructed , on the motion of the R . W . M ., to record this in the minutes , and also an expression of the regret with which the members of the lodge learned of the death of one who had , in his
younger days , and also in the younger days of the loilge , taken such a great interest in its welfare . Two circulars were read from the R . W . M . of the Lodge Roman Ragle , requesting the patronage of the Lodge Celtic at the benefit of Bro . McNeill , of the Royal Princess Theatre , on the
3 1 st inst . It was unanimously agreed to grant the request , and a large number ofthe brethren signified their intention of being present on the occasion . Bro . Sheppard , a past Senior Warden of thelodge , then stated that a short time ago he had purchased the harmonium , which had for
some time been used in the service ofthe Parish Church of Cramond , and he had now great p leasure in presenting the same to the lodge . His only motive , he said , in doing so , was to assist in the working of the lodge , the advancement of Freemasonrv , and as an example to others to do
likewise . Bro . Wormald , R . W . M ., accepted the same on behalf of the lodge , and thanked Bro . Sheppard for his handsome gift . He rejoiced that the harmonium which had , since its existence , so to speak , known nothing but discord and dissension , would now rest HY hatmony and peace .
It was agreed that a silver plate , bearing a suitable inscription , should be procured and affixed to tho harmonium , and ft was remitted to the officebearers to make the necessary arrangements to hate a festival concert to suitably inaugurate the
instrument , and as a small mark of regard to Bro . Sheppard for his handsome gift . The lodge afterwards adjourned to refreshment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and responded to .
StiMHEXT . —The only guaranteed cure for Toothache . —This extraordinary application , marvellous in its effects , gives immediate relief , without injuring the tooth , and forms a temporary stopping , is . ijil .: post free is . 3 d . TIICCOKAUTE TOOTH PASTE , for cleans ing anil improving thc teeth , imparts a natural redness to the gums , aud gives brilliancy to the enamel . Price is . Gd . The KOYAL
DENTIFRICE , prepared from a recipe as used by her Majesty , gives lhe teeth a pearl-like whiteness , and imparts a delicious fragrance to the breath . Price is . 6 d . Sold by all chemists and perfumers , and by the proprietors , MESSRS . GAURIKL ., the old-established Dentists , 73 , Ludgate-hill and 56 , HarIcy-street , Cavendish-s . luare , London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R EPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 6 5 J Boyal Arch 6 5 J Knights Templar 6 57 Ancient and Accepted Rite 6 57 Scotland •^ 57 New College for the Northern Counties C 58 Provincial Grand Lodge of Cumberland and
Westmoreland — 659 O BITUARY : — Bro . Charles Ewens Deacon 661 Masonic Tidings 661 Boys ' and Girls' School Elections C 62 British Association—Masonic Reception at Bradford 66 3
CORRESPONDENCE : — Spiritualism 664 Lodge Meetings for next week 666 Advertisements 655 65 6 666 667 668 66 9 670
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft IStonvg . IPSWICH . —British Union Lodge ( No . 114 ) . —The first meeting of the above very prosperous and exclusive lodge , after the usual summer recess , was held at the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., when there were present Bros . C . Long , I . P . M ., in the chair ( in
the absence of Dr . Beaumont , R . N ., Start Surgeon , H . M . S . Northumberland ) , the Rev . E . J . Lockwood , D . P . G . M . ; Dr . Barton , L . L . D . P . Prov . G . M . Western India , S . C . ; Boby , P . G . S . W ., Acting Secretary , C . Schulen , P . Prov . G . D . C ; P . Cornell , P . Prov . G . J . D . ;
Emra Holmes . P . Prov . G . A . D . C , P . G . Reg ., M . C ; P . De L . Long , P . M . ; A . J . Barber , P . G . O . ; S . Wright , S . W . ; A . D . George , J . W . ; J . Burton , S . D . ; Rev . A . W . G . Moore , J . D . ; H . Miller , I . G . ; and others . Visiting brethen , V . Childe , ofthe Isaac Newton Lodge ,
A . Gamman , W . M . Perfect Friendship Lodge , S . B . King , P . Prov . G . D . The lotlge having been opened , Mr . Alfred George Allen , of Shotley , Suffolk , who had been previously ballotted for and accepted , was initiated into Freemasonry , the impressive ceremony being
performed by Bro . Barber , P . M . ; Bro . Long , the Ac ; ing W . M ., g iving the working tools and Bro . Schulen delivering lhe charge , with much impressiveness . Bro . Holmes proposed a candidate for initiation , Bros . George and Co .-n . 11 , proposed joining members tube ballotted for at
next regular lodge . The other routine business having been gone through , the lodge was closed , and the brethren sat down to a substantial banquet , served in Bro . Spalding ' s usual excellent style , when the usual toast list was gone through . " The Health of the
venerable D . P . G . M ., was very cordially proposed by the W . M ., and as modestly responded to by the Rev . Bro ., who took occasion to remark on the progress Masonry was making in the Province , and alluded to the fact that the petition for a new lodge at Lowestoft had been granted by their esteemed Prov . Grand Master . Lord
Waveny , had consented to preside at the next festival for the Aged Freemasons . He also stated that a new company had been formed for the purchase of the Masonic Hall , that the P . G . M . had taken 50 shares , which he intended to present to the P . G . Lodge ; another brother
a P . G . Chaplain of England , had taken 100 shares , and he hoped the lodges in Ipswich would follow the example , and become shareholders . Bro . Barton , felicitously proposed the past and present Prov . G . Officers , and Bro . Boby responded . The health of the " Visiting
Brethren was responded to , at some length , by Bro . Childe , and briefly by Bro . Gamman . The "Tylers' Toast" followed , after Bro . King had delivered his well known recitation from Hood "A Nocturnal Sketch , " and the brethren
separated after spending , as usual , a most agreeable evening . ROYAL ALFRED LODGE ( No . 780 ) . —The installation meeting of this flourishing lodge took place at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , on Friday , 26 th ult , Bro . Brown , W . M ., assisted
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
by his officers , opened the lodge at the appointed time . Three candidates being present for passing , and two for raising , the W . M . proceeded to perform the ceremonies , which he did in a very able manner , proving to the brethren that he had studied in the right school , and was well able to
do the work of his office . Bro . Smith then took the chair , and Bro . Ammon Beasley was presented to him to receive the benefit of installation . This ceremony was most admirably performed , the addresses being delivered by Bro . Littlewood , P . M . No sooner was the installation completed
than the new W . M . proceeded to initiate Mr . L . H . Cuzner . This he did in a simply perfect manner , which shewed that he had worked hard to qualify himself for his high station , and from the manner in which he performed his duty , there is every prospect of a very prosperous year for the lodge .
Bro . Thomas Brown , I . P . M ., announced his intention of serving the office of Steward for the Benevolent Institution , and the sum of j ^ io was voted towards his list . All business being ended the brethren adjourned to banquet , served by Bro . Banks in his best style . The cloth being
cleared , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , the proceedings being enlivened by the admirable singing of Bros . Ransford , Wrighton , Montem Smith , Baxter , and Theodore Distin . Among the visitors we observed : —Bros . H . Lloyd Thomas , P . Prov . G . S . W . Herts ; H .
Craven , W . M . 342 ; J . Weightman , W . M . 364 ; J . T . Spencer , VV . M . 25 ; and others . The following are the newly-appointed officers : — Bros . W . Hilton , S . W . ; W . Gardner , J . W . ; W . Travers , S . D . ; J . Ryder , J . D . ; Lionel Brough , I . G . ; J . Chambers Roe , D . of C . ; J . Gilbert , Tyler .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Ii > sw ..- . i . —St . Luke ' s Chapter ( No . 225 ) . — On W ' v Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., the St . Luke ' s Chapter was holden at the Coach and Horses Hotel , Ipswich , present Comps . Richmond , M . E . Z . ; C . Turner , H . ; Emra Holmes , J . ; S . B . King , P . Z ., Scribe E ., Acting Prin . Soj . ;
G . S . Findley , P . Z . ; J . Tracy , P . Z ., and others . The chapter having been opened by the Three Principals in ancient form , and the companions admitted , the minutes of the last chapter were read and confirmed , and the ballot was taken for Bro . Hcii' -v Ward , of the Perfect Friendship Lodge , and in
w ' . i ., i ... i ^ elected attendance wa- ; introduced , obligated , and exalu-d to the degree of Royal Arch Mason , the ceremony being performed by the M . E . Z ., who also gave the symbolical and mvstical lectures , Comp . Emra Holmes , as J ., delivering the Historical Lecture . The business of the chapter having been
concluded , the companions retired to partake of slig ht refreshment , when the usual toasts were given and responded to , and the health of the "New Companion" drunk with the customary cordiality . The brethren separated at an early hour in obedience no doubt to the commands of the ghost of Lord Aberdare .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
It'swicii . —Prudence Preceptory . —An emergency meeting of the Prudence Preceptory was held afc the Masonic HaU , Ipswich , on Wednesday , the ist inst ., to receive propositions , as in this Order , unlike every other degree connected with Masonry every candidate must be
proposed in open chapter . The Preceptory having been opened by Sir Knight Emra Holmes , Past Grand Provost , Acting Preceptor , in the absence of Sir Knight Dr . Beaumont , R . N . ( at present on duty with H . M . S . Northumberland ) , and the muster roll having been called by Sir Knight G . S . Findley , P . E . C , Registrar ; Sir
Knight Dr . Mills , P . li . C , proposed , and Sir Knight J . Pitcher , P . E . C , seconded a candidate for installation at the next regular meeting , whose name for obvious reasons we do not give . The Preceptor icquested the Registrar to send the proposition forthwith to the V . E . Provincial Prior for his approval , in accordance with the statutes . There being 110 further business , the
Knights Templar.
Preceptory was closed , and the Sir Knights adjourned to the refectory , where supper was served and an agreeable hour spent .
Ancients And Accepted Rite.
Ancients and Accepted Rite .
EDINBURGH . —Edinburgh Consistory ( No . 1 ) , —At a meeting held on Monday , the 6 th inst , present—III . Comps . Alexander Hay , 31 , Dep , Gr . Commander ; Dr . Cairns , 30 , Gr . Orator ; Wm . Mann , 3 , 3 ° , Sen . Gr . Warden , ; Alex : Mitchell , 3 r ° , Tun . Gr . Warden ; L . Mackersy , 33
Gr . Sec ; Wm . Hay 31 ° , Gr . M . C . . 'J ohn Laurie , 30 ° Gr . Chancellor ; Edward Savage , 31 ; S . Georgiades , 30 ; C F . Matier , 30 ; B . ^ C Waller , 30 ° ; W . J . V . Bindon , 30 ° ; Wm . Gilles 18 ° ( E . G . ); and W . M . Bryce , 30 ° ; Outer Guard . The Sovereign Chapter of Prince Rose Croix was opened by 111 . Comp . Ales . Hay , Dep . M . W . S .,
when John Maitland , Esq ., Willow Bank House , Aberdeen , was admitted tothe 18 thdegree . Thereafter the Consistory was opened by 111 . Comp . Alex . Hay , Dep . Gr . Com ., and 111 . Cornp . Maitland , was admitted to the K . H ., or 30 th degree . After the minutes had been read , and some formal business transacted , the Consistory was closed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
EDINBURGH . —Celtic Lodge of Edinburgh aud Leith ( No . 291 ) . —The first monthly meeting of this lodge for the season was held in the Lodge Room , Ship Hotel , Edinburgh , on Friday , the 3 rd inst . Bro . Wormald , R . W . M ., occupied the chair . Bro . Brown R . W . M . Lodge St . Stephen , No . 14 ft
Bro . Ford , R . W . M . Lodge Rifle , No . 405 ; and Bro . Moodie , P . M . of the Great City Lodge , London , were present . The minutes having been read by the Secretary , and approved of , the R . W . M . intimated that since the last monthly meeting Bro . Alexander Stuart , the first member
initiated in the lodge , and a P . M ., had died at the advanced age of 8 r . The Secretary was instructed , on the motion of the R . W . M ., to record this in the minutes , and also an expression of the regret with which the members of the lodge learned of the death of one who had , in his
younger days , and also in the younger days of the loilge , taken such a great interest in its welfare . Two circulars were read from the R . W . M . of the Lodge Roman Ragle , requesting the patronage of the Lodge Celtic at the benefit of Bro . McNeill , of the Royal Princess Theatre , on the
3 1 st inst . It was unanimously agreed to grant the request , and a large number ofthe brethren signified their intention of being present on the occasion . Bro . Sheppard , a past Senior Warden of thelodge , then stated that a short time ago he had purchased the harmonium , which had for
some time been used in the service ofthe Parish Church of Cramond , and he had now great p leasure in presenting the same to the lodge . His only motive , he said , in doing so , was to assist in the working of the lodge , the advancement of Freemasonrv , and as an example to others to do
likewise . Bro . Wormald , R . W . M ., accepted the same on behalf of the lodge , and thanked Bro . Sheppard for his handsome gift . He rejoiced that the harmonium which had , since its existence , so to speak , known nothing but discord and dissension , would now rest HY hatmony and peace .
It was agreed that a silver plate , bearing a suitable inscription , should be procured and affixed to tho harmonium , and ft was remitted to the officebearers to make the necessary arrangements to hate a festival concert to suitably inaugurate the
instrument , and as a small mark of regard to Bro . Sheppard for his handsome gift . The lodge afterwards adjourned to refreshment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and responded to .
StiMHEXT . —The only guaranteed cure for Toothache . —This extraordinary application , marvellous in its effects , gives immediate relief , without injuring the tooth , and forms a temporary stopping , is . ijil .: post free is . 3 d . TIICCOKAUTE TOOTH PASTE , for cleans ing anil improving thc teeth , imparts a natural redness to the gums , aud gives brilliancy to the enamel . Price is . Gd . The KOYAL
DENTIFRICE , prepared from a recipe as used by her Majesty , gives lhe teeth a pearl-like whiteness , and imparts a delicious fragrance to the breath . Price is . 6 d . Sold by all chemists and perfumers , and by the proprietors , MESSRS . GAURIKL ., the old-established Dentists , 73 , Ludgate-hill and 56 , HarIcy-street , Cavendish-s . luare , London .