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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cumberland And Westmor Land.
872 , and P . Prov . G . S . W . ; T . Moot , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; J . Bowes , P . Prov . G . R . C . Morton , P . M . 872 , and P . Prov . G . S . W . ; Holme , P . AL 872 , P . Prov . G . Chaplain ; J . Holme , P . AL 1 S 6 , and P . Prov . G . J . W . ; and on the left by Bro . Lord Muncaster , W . AI . 119 , and Prov . G . S . W . ; Alajor
Spencer , P . M . 116 , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; G . C Bentinck , P . Prov . G . Registrar ; W . G Bentinck ; Rev . Canon Ware , Prov . G . J . W . Rev . F . W . Wicks , Prov . A . G . Chaplain Gibson , P . M . ug , and P . Prov . G . S . W . Kenworthy , P . M . 119 , and P . Prov . G . S . AV
M'Kelvie , P . AL 119 , and P . Prov . G . S . D . ; Barr , P . M . 119 , and P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Henry , P . M . 119 , P . Prov . G . J . W . ; Shannon , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; and Porter P . Prov . G . S . D . "Ihe centre table ( facing the Chairman ) was presided over by Brother Alsop , and the other
two by brothers Fearon and Atter respectively . The Chairman gave the first toast on the list of all loyal Meetings of that kind—the health of Her Majesty the Queen . Although her sex prevented her from being a Alason , as understood by their rules , still in every relation of life , either
in public or private , she had proved that practcially she was one . The toast was drunk with all the honours . The Chairman next gave the health of one whose health they ought to drink with enthusiasm , whether from a Masonic or a patriotic point of
view , and that was His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales . The Prince was one of their most illustrions craftsmen , and a Past Grand Officer of England . With the toast he coupled the name of hischarming consorti the Princess of Wales , and the rest ofthe Royal Family . Drunk with three times three .
Brother Bentinck , M . P ., and P . Prov . G . Registrar , said that , having been requested to propose the next toast , he accepted the invitation with much pleasure . Itwas hislot to addressa large assembly in this town in the course of last week , and he then dilated upon the great advantages
there were in being Englishmen . Now , one of the advantages of a person being an Englishman and an English Mason was that he was protected and encouraged by the clergy of all denominations . There was an erroneous opinion on the Continent ,
amongst the clergy of the Christian Churches , that had predominance there , that Alasonry was an institution which was contrary to the principles of God Almighty , and that no man could be a Freemason unless he had some
mischievous intent in the background . That belief , however , proceeded from entire ignorance and superstition , for it was well known that where the principles of Masonry were promulgated such ideas did not long prevail . As Englishmen and English Alasons they were
proud to see not only their brethren who stood almost at the head of their profession , but also the clergy of all denominations . In this town they had one who was an ornament to the Church , and zealous , active Churchman—one who was always ready to promote every good
work in connection with Masonry . Having made this preface , he desired to propose the toast that had fallen to his lot , " The Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese , and including the Clergy of all Denominations , " coupled with the name of Brother the Rev . F . W . Wicks , P . A . G .
Chaplain . He would take this opportunity of expressing , on behalf of the brethren , their thanks to Brother Wicks for having taken the part he did in the service that day . He also begged to couple with the toast the name of Brother the Rev . J . Tyson , P . G . Chaplain .
Brother I ) son briefly responded , expressing the pleasure the clergy felt in meeting the brethren upon all occasions . Brother Wicks , who also replied , said it was with the greatest pleasure that he occupied the position which he had done that morning , lt
certainly was not his duty to have occupied the pulpit that day , but having been requested to do so by some of the brethren , he of course willingly undertook the office , not wishing to shiik anything . It always gave him pleasure to fulfil
any duties that were imposed upon him as a brother Mason . He felt hi ghly gratified at the compliment they had paid to the Bishop and clergy of the diocese . The Bishop and clergy , in their various paths of life , were all very anxious to aid the good cause of Freemasonry , as they
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cumberland And Westmor Land.
considered it a just and a true one . The quotation which he made that morning was from a record of the Bishop of Alanchester , who , like their own Bishop , was not a Alason . At the same time , their Bishop admired Freemasonry , and if the clergy ofthe Church admired the institution as
one that was striving to help mankind , why did they not become Alasons ? There was a great deal in the name , and b y combination with a certain class of men in the Order , they might fulfil the great duties of human life with profit and pleasure . They knew as well as he did that
the Bishop , when requested to preach a sermon for the brethren of their ancient Order , willingly did so , entering into facts which proved that he had not only compared the practical part of Freemasonry with the Divine Word , but which showed that every one who strove to search the Scriptures would find that Freemasonry was
based upon the revealed word of God . He had striven to do so sincerely , and the lower he dipped into the depths thejbrighter the pearls he drew therefrom . Upon every occasion he would do his utmost , with ready hand and open heart , to fulfil the duties that mi ght be imposed upon him . He cordially thanked then for the gracious manner in which they had received the toast .
I'he Chairman then erave " The Health of the
Most Worshipful Grand Master of England , the Marquis of Ripon , K . G . " For the last few years the Grand Alaster had discharged the duties pertaining to his position in the most just and equitable manner . He had to devote a large portion of his time to the servicesof Her Majesty ,
but besides that he had courtesy , good nature , and ability , to induce him to much as he did to the business of the Order . They must all feel deeply indebted to him for the manner in which he had , and he ( Chairman ) hoped , would continue to discharge his duties . Drunk with great enthusiasm .
At this stage of the proceedings , the Ri ght Worshipful the Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster , the Earl of Bective retired , his Lordship having to leave to catch the last train . The toast was drunk amid vociferous cheering ; and his Lordshit ) , having briefly responded , vacated the chair .
He was accompanied b y Lord A-Iuncaster , M . P . ; Prov . G . S . W . Bro . G . C . Bentinck , P . AL , and Bro . Bentinck , jun . On leaving the hall , the distinguished party were greeted with several rounds of cheers , on the subsidence of which the
chair was taken b y the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Whitwell , M . P ., who proposed "The Army , Navy , and Volunteers " He coupled the toast with the name of Bro . Major Spencer and Captain Mott ; both of whom responded in gallant terms .
The Chairman proposed the " Deputy Grand Master of England , " the Earl of Carnarvon , complimenting his Lordshi p upon the efficient discharge of the duties of that ollice ; and " The Provincial Grand Officers , Present and Past , "
coupled with the health of Brother Busher , who responded . Bro . Lemon proposed the health of Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Whitwell , who responded .
The Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster , Bro . Whitwell , here left , amid much cheering , to catch the tram ; and Bro . AI'Kelvie was called upon to fill his place . Bro . W . B . Clarke proposed the health of Bro . Lord Muncaster , ALP ., W . M . uy , whose
unavoidable absence he regretted . With the toast he had pleasure in coupling the name of Bro . M'Kelvie , whom his Loidship had elected his Deputy . Bro . M'Kelvie had devoted a number ol years , not only to the study , but to the practice ol the great principles of Fieemasonry . It was
as unnecessary lor him ( Bto . Clark ) to dilate upon Bro . M'Kelvie ' s Alasonic capabilities as it was for him to speak of the many olher good qualities which he was known to possess . His zeal and untiring assiduity in Freemasonry were proverbial throughout the entire province . The Chairman ( Bro . AI'Kelvie ) briefly
acknowledged the t ., ast . Me could assure the brethren that nothing would have given Bro . Lord Aluucaster greater pleasure than to have remained to the last , had time permitted . I le ( Bro . M'Kelvie ) felt proud of the position which Lodge 119 occupied . In electing Bro . Loid Muncaster W . M . for the present year , the members had not only done honour to his
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cumberland And Westmor Land.
Lordship and to themselves , but they had conferred lustre upon the entire body of Freemasons throughout the province . 119 was the oldest lodge in the province . It had seen days of adversity ; but for some time past it had flourished in an extraordinary degree , and he hoped
that it would long continue to do so . Bro . Gibson proposed "The Visiting Brethren , " to which Bro . Labarte responded . Bro . Wicks proposed "The Past Alasters of 119 , " coupled with the names of those present and absent , to which Bros . Kenworthy and Henry
responded . The Charman proposed the health of Bro . Busher . No better Alason ever belonged to the Craft . Not only had Bro , Busher proved himself a good Alason in the Province , but the Grand Master of England had heard of his work , and
had honoured him with office in the Grand Lodge , an honour to which many mi ght aspire , but which very few ever attained . They were all sorry , in one sense , that he had resigned the office of Provincial Grand Secretary . But it was not ri ght to expect too much from one man . Hc , ( Bro .
M'Kelvie ) knew that Bro . Busher had frequently attended to the duties of the Provincial Grand Lodge at great personal inconvenience , and even on the present occasion he had come to Whitehaven the previous night , in order to perfect the arrangements necessary for that meeting , although he was not in the best of health .
Bro . Busher , who was warmly received , in acknowleding the compliment , said that as long as he could give either counsel , advice , votes , or do a bit of work , they might rely upon it that he should be only too happy to assist them . The Chairman proposed the Worshi pful Master
and Past Alasters of Lodge 872 , to which Bro . Robertson briefly responded . Bro . Gibson , in proposing " The Alasonic Charities , " urged that as Lodge 119 had already done so much for the Boys' School , it ought now to turn its attention more particularly to the Girls ' School .
Bro . Busher proposed the Senior and Junior Wardens of Lodge 119 , to which Bros . Atter and Alsop responded . Bro . Captain Alott proposed " Lodge 119 , "
coupled with the name of Brother Gibson , who , in responding , remarked that it was the first time in his experience that they had held a Provincial Lodge without Bro . Quinn ( the oldest Freemason in the Province ) being present .
Bro . Alsop proposed The Officers of Lod ge 119 under the rank of J . W ., coupled with the name of Bro . Edward Tyson . Bro . Tyson , in reply , alluded to the fact that several brethren had been unable to find accommodation at dinner , a circumstance which they
must all regret . It was , however , quite unavoidable . Tbey had not expected more than 170 or 180 , and they had laid covers for 200 ; bu t instead of 200 there had been 230 , and 30 of them had been obliged to go away unable to get accommodated . He wished this explanation to be made public . The Tyler ' s Toast having been proposed , the company separated .
Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar.
We wish to draw the attention of our numerous readers to the advertisement of the Cosmopolitan Alasonic Calendar , Diary , and Pocket-book for 1874 . Among the many valuable additions made in
the issue for the coming year , we may mention that the London meetings of every degree appear in the memorandum space of each day , the country lodges in towns , alphabetically arranged .
The Charge and Entered Apprentice ' s Song , have also been added . We feel assured that this year ' s issue will prove of far greater value than any of its predecessors .
lhe clothing and jewels for the officers of the District Grand Lodge of Westland , New Zealand , will be on view this week at lhe Masonic Show Rooms , 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cumberland And Westmor Land.
872 , and P . Prov . G . S . W . ; T . Moot , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; J . Bowes , P . Prov . G . R . C . Morton , P . M . 872 , and P . Prov . G . S . W . ; Holme , P . AL 872 , P . Prov . G . Chaplain ; J . Holme , P . AL 1 S 6 , and P . Prov . G . J . W . ; and on the left by Bro . Lord Muncaster , W . AI . 119 , and Prov . G . S . W . ; Alajor
Spencer , P . M . 116 , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; G . C Bentinck , P . Prov . G . Registrar ; W . G Bentinck ; Rev . Canon Ware , Prov . G . J . W . Rev . F . W . Wicks , Prov . A . G . Chaplain Gibson , P . M . ug , and P . Prov . G . S . W . Kenworthy , P . M . 119 , and P . Prov . G . S . AV
M'Kelvie , P . AL 119 , and P . Prov . G . S . D . ; Barr , P . M . 119 , and P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Henry , P . M . 119 , P . Prov . G . J . W . ; Shannon , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; and Porter P . Prov . G . S . D . "Ihe centre table ( facing the Chairman ) was presided over by Brother Alsop , and the other
two by brothers Fearon and Atter respectively . The Chairman gave the first toast on the list of all loyal Meetings of that kind—the health of Her Majesty the Queen . Although her sex prevented her from being a Alason , as understood by their rules , still in every relation of life , either
in public or private , she had proved that practcially she was one . The toast was drunk with all the honours . The Chairman next gave the health of one whose health they ought to drink with enthusiasm , whether from a Masonic or a patriotic point of
view , and that was His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales . The Prince was one of their most illustrions craftsmen , and a Past Grand Officer of England . With the toast he coupled the name of hischarming consorti the Princess of Wales , and the rest ofthe Royal Family . Drunk with three times three .
Brother Bentinck , M . P ., and P . Prov . G . Registrar , said that , having been requested to propose the next toast , he accepted the invitation with much pleasure . Itwas hislot to addressa large assembly in this town in the course of last week , and he then dilated upon the great advantages
there were in being Englishmen . Now , one of the advantages of a person being an Englishman and an English Mason was that he was protected and encouraged by the clergy of all denominations . There was an erroneous opinion on the Continent ,
amongst the clergy of the Christian Churches , that had predominance there , that Alasonry was an institution which was contrary to the principles of God Almighty , and that no man could be a Freemason unless he had some
mischievous intent in the background . That belief , however , proceeded from entire ignorance and superstition , for it was well known that where the principles of Masonry were promulgated such ideas did not long prevail . As Englishmen and English Alasons they were
proud to see not only their brethren who stood almost at the head of their profession , but also the clergy of all denominations . In this town they had one who was an ornament to the Church , and zealous , active Churchman—one who was always ready to promote every good
work in connection with Masonry . Having made this preface , he desired to propose the toast that had fallen to his lot , " The Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese , and including the Clergy of all Denominations , " coupled with the name of Brother the Rev . F . W . Wicks , P . A . G .
Chaplain . He would take this opportunity of expressing , on behalf of the brethren , their thanks to Brother Wicks for having taken the part he did in the service that day . He also begged to couple with the toast the name of Brother the Rev . J . Tyson , P . G . Chaplain .
Brother I ) son briefly responded , expressing the pleasure the clergy felt in meeting the brethren upon all occasions . Brother Wicks , who also replied , said it was with the greatest pleasure that he occupied the position which he had done that morning , lt
certainly was not his duty to have occupied the pulpit that day , but having been requested to do so by some of the brethren , he of course willingly undertook the office , not wishing to shiik anything . It always gave him pleasure to fulfil
any duties that were imposed upon him as a brother Mason . He felt hi ghly gratified at the compliment they had paid to the Bishop and clergy of the diocese . The Bishop and clergy , in their various paths of life , were all very anxious to aid the good cause of Freemasonry , as they
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cumberland And Westmor Land.
considered it a just and a true one . The quotation which he made that morning was from a record of the Bishop of Alanchester , who , like their own Bishop , was not a Alason . At the same time , their Bishop admired Freemasonry , and if the clergy ofthe Church admired the institution as
one that was striving to help mankind , why did they not become Alasons ? There was a great deal in the name , and b y combination with a certain class of men in the Order , they might fulfil the great duties of human life with profit and pleasure . They knew as well as he did that
the Bishop , when requested to preach a sermon for the brethren of their ancient Order , willingly did so , entering into facts which proved that he had not only compared the practical part of Freemasonry with the Divine Word , but which showed that every one who strove to search the Scriptures would find that Freemasonry was
based upon the revealed word of God . He had striven to do so sincerely , and the lower he dipped into the depths thejbrighter the pearls he drew therefrom . Upon every occasion he would do his utmost , with ready hand and open heart , to fulfil the duties that mi ght be imposed upon him . He cordially thanked then for the gracious manner in which they had received the toast .
I'he Chairman then erave " The Health of the
Most Worshipful Grand Master of England , the Marquis of Ripon , K . G . " For the last few years the Grand Alaster had discharged the duties pertaining to his position in the most just and equitable manner . He had to devote a large portion of his time to the servicesof Her Majesty ,
but besides that he had courtesy , good nature , and ability , to induce him to much as he did to the business of the Order . They must all feel deeply indebted to him for the manner in which he had , and he ( Chairman ) hoped , would continue to discharge his duties . Drunk with great enthusiasm .
At this stage of the proceedings , the Ri ght Worshipful the Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster , the Earl of Bective retired , his Lordship having to leave to catch the last train . The toast was drunk amid vociferous cheering ; and his Lordshit ) , having briefly responded , vacated the chair .
He was accompanied b y Lord A-Iuncaster , M . P . ; Prov . G . S . W . Bro . G . C . Bentinck , P . AL , and Bro . Bentinck , jun . On leaving the hall , the distinguished party were greeted with several rounds of cheers , on the subsidence of which the
chair was taken b y the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Whitwell , M . P ., who proposed "The Army , Navy , and Volunteers " He coupled the toast with the name of Bro . Major Spencer and Captain Mott ; both of whom responded in gallant terms .
The Chairman proposed the " Deputy Grand Master of England , " the Earl of Carnarvon , complimenting his Lordshi p upon the efficient discharge of the duties of that ollice ; and " The Provincial Grand Officers , Present and Past , "
coupled with the health of Brother Busher , who responded . Bro . Lemon proposed the health of Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Whitwell , who responded .
The Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster , Bro . Whitwell , here left , amid much cheering , to catch the tram ; and Bro . AI'Kelvie was called upon to fill his place . Bro . W . B . Clarke proposed the health of Bro . Lord Muncaster , ALP ., W . M . uy , whose
unavoidable absence he regretted . With the toast he had pleasure in coupling the name of Bro . M'Kelvie , whom his Loidship had elected his Deputy . Bro . M'Kelvie had devoted a number ol years , not only to the study , but to the practice ol the great principles of Fieemasonry . It was
as unnecessary lor him ( Bto . Clark ) to dilate upon Bro . M'Kelvie ' s Alasonic capabilities as it was for him to speak of the many olher good qualities which he was known to possess . His zeal and untiring assiduity in Freemasonry were proverbial throughout the entire province . The Chairman ( Bro . AI'Kelvie ) briefly
acknowledged the t ., ast . Me could assure the brethren that nothing would have given Bro . Lord Aluucaster greater pleasure than to have remained to the last , had time permitted . I le ( Bro . M'Kelvie ) felt proud of the position which Lodge 119 occupied . In electing Bro . Loid Muncaster W . M . for the present year , the members had not only done honour to his
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cumberland And Westmor Land.
Lordship and to themselves , but they had conferred lustre upon the entire body of Freemasons throughout the province . 119 was the oldest lodge in the province . It had seen days of adversity ; but for some time past it had flourished in an extraordinary degree , and he hoped
that it would long continue to do so . Bro . Gibson proposed "The Visiting Brethren , " to which Bro . Labarte responded . Bro . Wicks proposed "The Past Alasters of 119 , " coupled with the names of those present and absent , to which Bros . Kenworthy and Henry
responded . The Charman proposed the health of Bro . Busher . No better Alason ever belonged to the Craft . Not only had Bro , Busher proved himself a good Alason in the Province , but the Grand Master of England had heard of his work , and
had honoured him with office in the Grand Lodge , an honour to which many mi ght aspire , but which very few ever attained . They were all sorry , in one sense , that he had resigned the office of Provincial Grand Secretary . But it was not ri ght to expect too much from one man . Hc , ( Bro .
M'Kelvie ) knew that Bro . Busher had frequently attended to the duties of the Provincial Grand Lodge at great personal inconvenience , and even on the present occasion he had come to Whitehaven the previous night , in order to perfect the arrangements necessary for that meeting , although he was not in the best of health .
Bro . Busher , who was warmly received , in acknowleding the compliment , said that as long as he could give either counsel , advice , votes , or do a bit of work , they might rely upon it that he should be only too happy to assist them . The Chairman proposed the Worshi pful Master
and Past Alasters of Lodge 872 , to which Bro . Robertson briefly responded . Bro . Gibson , in proposing " The Alasonic Charities , " urged that as Lodge 119 had already done so much for the Boys' School , it ought now to turn its attention more particularly to the Girls ' School .
Bro . Busher proposed the Senior and Junior Wardens of Lodge 119 , to which Bros . Atter and Alsop responded . Bro . Captain Alott proposed " Lodge 119 , "
coupled with the name of Brother Gibson , who , in responding , remarked that it was the first time in his experience that they had held a Provincial Lodge without Bro . Quinn ( the oldest Freemason in the Province ) being present .
Bro . Alsop proposed The Officers of Lod ge 119 under the rank of J . W ., coupled with the name of Bro . Edward Tyson . Bro . Tyson , in reply , alluded to the fact that several brethren had been unable to find accommodation at dinner , a circumstance which they
must all regret . It was , however , quite unavoidable . Tbey had not expected more than 170 or 180 , and they had laid covers for 200 ; bu t instead of 200 there had been 230 , and 30 of them had been obliged to go away unable to get accommodated . He wished this explanation to be made public . The Tyler ' s Toast having been proposed , the company separated .
Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar.
We wish to draw the attention of our numerous readers to the advertisement of the Cosmopolitan Alasonic Calendar , Diary , and Pocket-book for 1874 . Among the many valuable additions made in
the issue for the coming year , we may mention that the London meetings of every degree appear in the memorandum space of each day , the country lodges in towns , alphabetically arranged .
The Charge and Entered Apprentice ' s Song , have also been added . We feel assured that this year ' s issue will prove of far greater value than any of its predecessors .
lhe clothing and jewels for the officers of the District Grand Lodge of Westland , New Zealand , will be on view this week at lhe Masonic Show Rooms , 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain .