Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Girls' And Boys' Schools Elections
of these two excellent Schools , and with the hope and prayer that they may continue to progress and to expand , for the increasing wants of our Fraternity , that they may receive the still
more liberal and systematic support of onr entire Order , and may long demonstrate , both to others and ourselves , the genuine principles of
that great and benevolent confraternity , to which it is alike our happiness and our privilege to belong .
British Association For The Advancement Of Science.
RECEPTION OE BRETHREN BY THE LODGE OIHOPE ( No 302 ) , AND PENTALPHA L ODGE ( No . 974 ) , BRADFORD . ' " The brethren of these two lodges held a Lodge of F . mergency on Monday , the 22 nd September , in the Masonic Hall , Godwin street , in
order to receive and entertain such of the Members of the British Association , then meeting in Bradford , as were Freemasons , and might be disposed to meet their Yorkshire Brethren . Bro . Manoah Rhodes , P . M . Hope , 302 , occupied the position of W . M ., and was supported
by the following Brethren , namely -. —Bros . Bentley Shaw , L . L . D ., P . G . D . of E ., and D . P . G . M . West Yorkshire ; Hyde Clarke , P . G . M . of Columbia , and P . D . G . M . Turkey ; James Glaisher , S . G . D . of E . ; William Smith , C . E ., P . G . S . of E . ; Richard James Spiers , P . G . S . B .
of E „ D . P . G . M . Oxford ; C . J . Bannister , P . G . S . B . of E . ; M . Moggridge , P . Prov . G . M . S . Wales ; C . Graham , P . G . S . D . Surrey ; J . J . Gasdar ( Marquis Dalhousie Lodge ) Bombay ; Rev . E . A . Pitman , Cambridge ; Broughton , P . G . J-W . S . Wales ; Cyrus Brook , W . M ., 600 ;
Geo . Althorp , W . M ., 1018 ; J . Proctor , W . M ., 1034 ; Fred . W . Booth , P . M ., 387 ; Geo . Richardson , W . M , 302 ; John Ambler , W . M ., 975 ; D . Salmond , P . M ., 302 , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; D'Angelis , P . M ., 974 ; J . J . Schaeppi , P . M ., 302 ; P . Prov . G . S . D . ; J . White , P . M ., 439 ;
Thos . Hill , P . M ., 302 , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; J . Barraclough , P . M ., 302 , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; C . H . Taylor , P . M . 302 , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; A . Briggs , P . M ., 974 , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; Hen . Smith , P . M ., 387 , Prov . G . Sec . ; W . Ibbetson , P . M ., 302 , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; S . B . Walmsley , P . M ., 974 ; M .
Rogerson , P . M ., 302 , P . Prov . G . Org ; J . F . Leeson , P . M ., 974 ; J . Rhodes , P . M ., 974 , P . Prov . G . Org ; H . O . Mawson , P . M ., 302 ; \ V . H . Evans , P . M ., 974 ; Rob . Richardson , P . M ., 974 ; J . D . Sugd'in , P . M ., 302 ; James Green , P . M ., 303 ; W . W . Barlow , P . M ., 302 ; Bernard H . Woodard , Enoch n , and numerous others .
The lodge was opened at 7 . 30 , after which the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Bentley Shaw , and the reft of ths Provincial Grand Officers entered the
Iodge , and were received by the brethren with the usual Masonic honours due to their position in the Craft . Tlie D . P . G . M ., on behalf of himself and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers , in most courteous and flattering terms , thanked the
numerous brethren present for their very kind reception . After the ordinary business was transacted , Bro . M . Rhodes , P . M ., who occupied the position of W . M . for the occasion , invited all the visitors and other brethien to join him in the
refreshment room , where he again presided , surrounded by nearly all the brethren who had been in the Lodge Meeting . The Chairman proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic Toasts , which , as is ever the case in such gatherings , were most cordially and heartily
responded to . On the toast of "The Marquess of Ripon , M . W . G . M ., and all the Grand Officers , " being proposed , Bro . James Glaisher , S . G . D . of E . responded , saying that on his own part , and
that of all the Grand Officers , he thanked the brethren for the way in which they had proposed and received the toast , but he hoped it would ever be as kindly given and received in West Yorkshire—lor how well the M . W . G . M .
British Association For The Advancement Of Science.
performed his duties , and how much he was entitled to our esteem and regard—and ( he said ) I am sure you will be glad to hear that the Earl of Carnarvon , our D . G . M ., told me when last I saw him , that he was sufficiently recovered to attend to his duties for the future . The duties
of Grand Officers make that no idle post , and I can assure you they are pretty onerous . It has afforded me much pleasure to visit this town .. I am no stranger to many of you ; there is one kind brother I have been hunting up ever since I came to Bradford—Brother C . Gott—and I
am delighted to see him here to-night . He is a Mason at heart of the right kind . How strange the coincidence that I should be mourning today for the Earl of Zetland , and that 22 years ago , this very day , he should have been laying the Foundation Stone of the very St . George ' s Hall ,
where we , the British Association , are holding our meetings . I have been revolving how strange that on a Monday 22 years ago he should have been here , and been endeavouring to make out , but have not yet succeeded , how many 11 years will elapse before this date again falls on a
Monday . The meeting ofthe Association in this town , I have no doubt , will be of the greatest advantage ; the very meeting of the various classes of philantropists and eminent men will have the greatest advantage . The change I see in Bradford is marvellous . If all Londoners knew as
much of Yorkshire as I do of your Wliarfedale and Airedale , there would not be so much running about for scenery . Now , to come to Masonry , is it not a gieat thing that I , as a stranger , come here and receive such a welcome : It is a noble institution , and I have often reaped
its advantages . I have been in great difficulties , and Masonry has helped me out of them . Even in the balloon at Derby , when in extreme difficulty and danger , I remember receiving the greatest aid from Brother Freemasons who happened to be there , and who to a man came to
my assistance on my showing myself a Mason . At that time , had it not been for them , I feel that my life might have been sacrificed , therefore , do I say , kt Masonry flourish . In conclusion , I cannot tell you how pleased I am to be here , and on the part of Earl Carnarvon and the rest
of the Grand Officers , I thank you , and trust that you will never have cause for less affection for them than you now show towards them . Bro . Richard J . Spiers , P . G . S . D . of E ., D . P . G . M . Oxford ; was also called upon from the chair , and said I had hoped that you would have been satisfied with what Bro . Glashier
has said , I can tell you I should have been disappointed if I had gone away without meeting you , and I can assure you f go back with great pleasure , after this evening ' s meeting . I feel much pride in coming amongst you and feel that Yorksire , like Oxfordshire , has much to be proud of . Fourteen Grand Officers have been educated at Oxford . And Yorkshire is
celebrated for its chanty , no county is so much so , and 1 am glad you have done us the honour of inviting us to be with you , 1 am also proud to see here Bro . Bentley Shaw , who has done us the honour of being present . We had had an invitation to the Alliance
meeting , but , there was no " Hope" for the Alliance ; the Lodge of Hope , had the preference . I thank you for your kind reception . The Chairman , in a few well chosen words , and in the most complimentary manner , proposed the " Health of Bro . Hyde Clark , " P . G . M . of
Columbia , and D . P . G . M . Turkey , who in responding said , without impropriety I can return thanks on the part of the Foreign Lodges , for I am an officer in the four quarters of the Globe , and I may say that I am the only one who has held the office of W . M . in the Hol y Land since
King Solomon himself . You are aware that in Jerusalem a lodge has been opened , and we may hope to see Freemasonry flourish there . I can well perform tlie duty of responding for the Foreign Lodges , because I stand an accredited officer from the Lodge of Columbia . Bro . Glashier
has impressed upon you the great advantages of Freemasonry , but some of ns may give grander ones , for the advantages you enjoy are small compared . villi those of Foreign Countries . Yoursarepeaceful gatherings , compared with those abroad . It was my province lo preside or a lodge where eight dif-
British Association For The Advancement Of Science.
ferent languages were spoken . That will give to you an exemplification of the advantages of Freemasonry . This lodge was held under the warrant of the Grand Lodge of England Many members of that lodge , owing to caste / could not meet in the outer world , but could do
so in loage meetings , and without some such common meeting ground could not be brought together , as they are in our great possessions in India , where the Grand Principles of Freemasonry are practised . In the battle field and elsewhere , Freemasonry is a positive safeguard and it
is to that many a man has owed his life . We are inevitably brought to the conclusion that we owe much to the Grand Lodge of England , beyond that we owe much to lodges like these . It is certain you have not so much inducement as we have abroad , yet you attend well to vour duties ,
and it is such great lodges as yours that contribute to the advantage of Freemaonry , far more than you can imagine . There is a brother here who was initiated in India , and who can bear testimony to the same effect , and you can rely upon it that these advantages , great to yourselves
are greater to the world at large . I thank you heartily for the Foreign Lodges , and for the kindness mani fested to me . Bro , William Smith , C . E ., Prov . G . S . of E ., being called upon by the Chairman , said I should indeed be wanting in common courtesy if I did
not thank you , along with my other brothers , for your hospitality to-night . Twenty years I have had the honour of seeing this kind of Masonic feeling displayed in connection with the British Association . In Brighton last year at the British Association we had not the same opportunity ,
I cannot pretend to extend my arm Masonically so far as Bro . Clarke has done , nor to ascend so high as Bro . Glashier , but we have had the pleasure of long working together . It has been usual for the officers of Provincial Grand Lodge to have a meeting during the sitting of the
British Association , and I must take some blame to myself for there not having been one , but am delighted with the very agreeable meeting you have afforded us the opportunity of enjoying . I am glad Bro . Glashier is placed in such a high position by Grand Lodge , but not satisfied ; he has
soared above "the upper ten thousand . " Going back to Bro . H yde Clarke , than whom I know of no one who has done so much for Freemasonry , I cannot ] help thinking , that , kindly as he speaks of Grand Lodge , it has not done so much for him as it mi ght have
don ? . I am glad to see the progress of Freemasonry in foreign countries . I have travelled , often in countries where Freemasonry is under the ban of the Government or the priests , I have mee in lodges where the police have stood at the door to report our names to their superiors in civil and military
authoritysitting inside with us . Brethren , I thank you on my own behalf and on behalf of the visitors , for your kind reception , and I wish to express to you how much it has delighted me once more to meet here our estimable Bro . Bentley Shaw , who so ably fills the post of D . Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshire .
The W . M . of the Lodge of Hope , on rising to propose " The Health of Bro . Bentley Shaw , D . Prov . G . M ,, " said , before giving the toast which I have the honour of proposing , allow me to say how much we of the Hope , conjoined with the Pentalpha , feel indebted to Bro . Bentley
Shaw for honouring us with his presence this evening . We feel it to be a most auspicious occasion , and one we shall reflect upon with very great pleasure and pride . I call upon you to join with mein drinking "The Health of the Right Worshipful the D . Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshire .
The W . M . of the Pental pha said , before the brethren drink this toast I wish on the part of the brethren of the Pental pha to express their thanks to the brethren , members of the British Association , for their presence this evening , and in supporting the proposition , he could only say
that the D . Prov . G . M . was so well known that his name need only bo mentioned to ensure for it a hearty welcome and response ; and as we have the honour of his presence amongst us I need only ask you to drink his very good health . Bro . Bentley Shaw , L . L . D ., D . P . G . M ., on rising to respond , was received with reiieatt . 4
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Girls' And Boys' Schools Elections
of these two excellent Schools , and with the hope and prayer that they may continue to progress and to expand , for the increasing wants of our Fraternity , that they may receive the still
more liberal and systematic support of onr entire Order , and may long demonstrate , both to others and ourselves , the genuine principles of
that great and benevolent confraternity , to which it is alike our happiness and our privilege to belong .
British Association For The Advancement Of Science.
RECEPTION OE BRETHREN BY THE LODGE OIHOPE ( No 302 ) , AND PENTALPHA L ODGE ( No . 974 ) , BRADFORD . ' " The brethren of these two lodges held a Lodge of F . mergency on Monday , the 22 nd September , in the Masonic Hall , Godwin street , in
order to receive and entertain such of the Members of the British Association , then meeting in Bradford , as were Freemasons , and might be disposed to meet their Yorkshire Brethren . Bro . Manoah Rhodes , P . M . Hope , 302 , occupied the position of W . M ., and was supported
by the following Brethren , namely -. —Bros . Bentley Shaw , L . L . D ., P . G . D . of E ., and D . P . G . M . West Yorkshire ; Hyde Clarke , P . G . M . of Columbia , and P . D . G . M . Turkey ; James Glaisher , S . G . D . of E . ; William Smith , C . E ., P . G . S . of E . ; Richard James Spiers , P . G . S . B .
of E „ D . P . G . M . Oxford ; C . J . Bannister , P . G . S . B . of E . ; M . Moggridge , P . Prov . G . M . S . Wales ; C . Graham , P . G . S . D . Surrey ; J . J . Gasdar ( Marquis Dalhousie Lodge ) Bombay ; Rev . E . A . Pitman , Cambridge ; Broughton , P . G . J-W . S . Wales ; Cyrus Brook , W . M ., 600 ;
Geo . Althorp , W . M ., 1018 ; J . Proctor , W . M ., 1034 ; Fred . W . Booth , P . M ., 387 ; Geo . Richardson , W . M , 302 ; John Ambler , W . M ., 975 ; D . Salmond , P . M ., 302 , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; D'Angelis , P . M ., 974 ; J . J . Schaeppi , P . M ., 302 ; P . Prov . G . S . D . ; J . White , P . M ., 439 ;
Thos . Hill , P . M ., 302 , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; J . Barraclough , P . M ., 302 , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; C . H . Taylor , P . M . 302 , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; A . Briggs , P . M ., 974 , P . Prov . G . S . D . ; Hen . Smith , P . M ., 387 , Prov . G . Sec . ; W . Ibbetson , P . M ., 302 , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; S . B . Walmsley , P . M ., 974 ; M .
Rogerson , P . M ., 302 , P . Prov . G . Org ; J . F . Leeson , P . M ., 974 ; J . Rhodes , P . M ., 974 , P . Prov . G . Org ; H . O . Mawson , P . M ., 302 ; \ V . H . Evans , P . M ., 974 ; Rob . Richardson , P . M ., 974 ; J . D . Sugd'in , P . M ., 302 ; James Green , P . M ., 303 ; W . W . Barlow , P . M ., 302 ; Bernard H . Woodard , Enoch n , and numerous others .
The lodge was opened at 7 . 30 , after which the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Bentley Shaw , and the reft of ths Provincial Grand Officers entered the
Iodge , and were received by the brethren with the usual Masonic honours due to their position in the Craft . Tlie D . P . G . M ., on behalf of himself and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers , in most courteous and flattering terms , thanked the
numerous brethren present for their very kind reception . After the ordinary business was transacted , Bro . M . Rhodes , P . M ., who occupied the position of W . M . for the occasion , invited all the visitors and other brethien to join him in the
refreshment room , where he again presided , surrounded by nearly all the brethren who had been in the Lodge Meeting . The Chairman proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic Toasts , which , as is ever the case in such gatherings , were most cordially and heartily
responded to . On the toast of "The Marquess of Ripon , M . W . G . M ., and all the Grand Officers , " being proposed , Bro . James Glaisher , S . G . D . of E . responded , saying that on his own part , and
that of all the Grand Officers , he thanked the brethren for the way in which they had proposed and received the toast , but he hoped it would ever be as kindly given and received in West Yorkshire—lor how well the M . W . G . M .
British Association For The Advancement Of Science.
performed his duties , and how much he was entitled to our esteem and regard—and ( he said ) I am sure you will be glad to hear that the Earl of Carnarvon , our D . G . M ., told me when last I saw him , that he was sufficiently recovered to attend to his duties for the future . The duties
of Grand Officers make that no idle post , and I can assure you they are pretty onerous . It has afforded me much pleasure to visit this town .. I am no stranger to many of you ; there is one kind brother I have been hunting up ever since I came to Bradford—Brother C . Gott—and I
am delighted to see him here to-night . He is a Mason at heart of the right kind . How strange the coincidence that I should be mourning today for the Earl of Zetland , and that 22 years ago , this very day , he should have been laying the Foundation Stone of the very St . George ' s Hall ,
where we , the British Association , are holding our meetings . I have been revolving how strange that on a Monday 22 years ago he should have been here , and been endeavouring to make out , but have not yet succeeded , how many 11 years will elapse before this date again falls on a
Monday . The meeting ofthe Association in this town , I have no doubt , will be of the greatest advantage ; the very meeting of the various classes of philantropists and eminent men will have the greatest advantage . The change I see in Bradford is marvellous . If all Londoners knew as
much of Yorkshire as I do of your Wliarfedale and Airedale , there would not be so much running about for scenery . Now , to come to Masonry , is it not a gieat thing that I , as a stranger , come here and receive such a welcome : It is a noble institution , and I have often reaped
its advantages . I have been in great difficulties , and Masonry has helped me out of them . Even in the balloon at Derby , when in extreme difficulty and danger , I remember receiving the greatest aid from Brother Freemasons who happened to be there , and who to a man came to
my assistance on my showing myself a Mason . At that time , had it not been for them , I feel that my life might have been sacrificed , therefore , do I say , kt Masonry flourish . In conclusion , I cannot tell you how pleased I am to be here , and on the part of Earl Carnarvon and the rest
of the Grand Officers , I thank you , and trust that you will never have cause for less affection for them than you now show towards them . Bro . Richard J . Spiers , P . G . S . D . of E ., D . P . G . M . Oxford ; was also called upon from the chair , and said I had hoped that you would have been satisfied with what Bro . Glashier
has said , I can tell you I should have been disappointed if I had gone away without meeting you , and I can assure you f go back with great pleasure , after this evening ' s meeting . I feel much pride in coming amongst you and feel that Yorksire , like Oxfordshire , has much to be proud of . Fourteen Grand Officers have been educated at Oxford . And Yorkshire is
celebrated for its chanty , no county is so much so , and 1 am glad you have done us the honour of inviting us to be with you , 1 am also proud to see here Bro . Bentley Shaw , who has done us the honour of being present . We had had an invitation to the Alliance
meeting , but , there was no " Hope" for the Alliance ; the Lodge of Hope , had the preference . I thank you for your kind reception . The Chairman , in a few well chosen words , and in the most complimentary manner , proposed the " Health of Bro . Hyde Clark , " P . G . M . of
Columbia , and D . P . G . M . Turkey , who in responding said , without impropriety I can return thanks on the part of the Foreign Lodges , for I am an officer in the four quarters of the Globe , and I may say that I am the only one who has held the office of W . M . in the Hol y Land since
King Solomon himself . You are aware that in Jerusalem a lodge has been opened , and we may hope to see Freemasonry flourish there . I can well perform tlie duty of responding for the Foreign Lodges , because I stand an accredited officer from the Lodge of Columbia . Bro . Glashier
has impressed upon you the great advantages of Freemasonry , but some of ns may give grander ones , for the advantages you enjoy are small compared . villi those of Foreign Countries . Yoursarepeaceful gatherings , compared with those abroad . It was my province lo preside or a lodge where eight dif-
British Association For The Advancement Of Science.
ferent languages were spoken . That will give to you an exemplification of the advantages of Freemasonry . This lodge was held under the warrant of the Grand Lodge of England Many members of that lodge , owing to caste / could not meet in the outer world , but could do
so in loage meetings , and without some such common meeting ground could not be brought together , as they are in our great possessions in India , where the Grand Principles of Freemasonry are practised . In the battle field and elsewhere , Freemasonry is a positive safeguard and it
is to that many a man has owed his life . We are inevitably brought to the conclusion that we owe much to the Grand Lodge of England , beyond that we owe much to lodges like these . It is certain you have not so much inducement as we have abroad , yet you attend well to vour duties ,
and it is such great lodges as yours that contribute to the advantage of Freemaonry , far more than you can imagine . There is a brother here who was initiated in India , and who can bear testimony to the same effect , and you can rely upon it that these advantages , great to yourselves
are greater to the world at large . I thank you heartily for the Foreign Lodges , and for the kindness mani fested to me . Bro , William Smith , C . E ., Prov . G . S . of E ., being called upon by the Chairman , said I should indeed be wanting in common courtesy if I did
not thank you , along with my other brothers , for your hospitality to-night . Twenty years I have had the honour of seeing this kind of Masonic feeling displayed in connection with the British Association . In Brighton last year at the British Association we had not the same opportunity ,
I cannot pretend to extend my arm Masonically so far as Bro . Clarke has done , nor to ascend so high as Bro . Glashier , but we have had the pleasure of long working together . It has been usual for the officers of Provincial Grand Lodge to have a meeting during the sitting of the
British Association , and I must take some blame to myself for there not having been one , but am delighted with the very agreeable meeting you have afforded us the opportunity of enjoying . I am glad Bro . Glashier is placed in such a high position by Grand Lodge , but not satisfied ; he has
soared above "the upper ten thousand . " Going back to Bro . H yde Clarke , than whom I know of no one who has done so much for Freemasonry , I cannot ] help thinking , that , kindly as he speaks of Grand Lodge , it has not done so much for him as it mi ght have
don ? . I am glad to see the progress of Freemasonry in foreign countries . I have travelled , often in countries where Freemasonry is under the ban of the Government or the priests , I have mee in lodges where the police have stood at the door to report our names to their superiors in civil and military
authoritysitting inside with us . Brethren , I thank you on my own behalf and on behalf of the visitors , for your kind reception , and I wish to express to you how much it has delighted me once more to meet here our estimable Bro . Bentley Shaw , who so ably fills the post of D . Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshire .
The W . M . of the Lodge of Hope , on rising to propose " The Health of Bro . Bentley Shaw , D . Prov . G . M ,, " said , before giving the toast which I have the honour of proposing , allow me to say how much we of the Hope , conjoined with the Pentalpha , feel indebted to Bro . Bentley
Shaw for honouring us with his presence this evening . We feel it to be a most auspicious occasion , and one we shall reflect upon with very great pleasure and pride . I call upon you to join with mein drinking "The Health of the Right Worshipful the D . Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshire .
The W . M . of the Pental pha said , before the brethren drink this toast I wish on the part of the brethren of the Pental pha to express their thanks to the brethren , members of the British Association , for their presence this evening , and in supporting the proposition , he could only say
that the D . Prov . G . M . was so well known that his name need only bo mentioned to ensure for it a hearty welcome and response ; and as we have the honour of his presence amongst us I need only ask you to drink his very good health . Bro . Bentley Shaw , L . L . D ., D . P . G . M ., on rising to respond , was received with reiieatt . 4