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The Rite Of Memphis.
were present at the discussion . Indeed , the committee have manifested more concern for his reputation than himself appears to have entertained , and under all the circumstances , he can have no reasonable ground to complain of the result . "
Besides other imputations that have been presented to the committee ' s notice injurious to the Masonic standing of the Grand Master , the following allegations are embraced in the complaint of California Lodge No . i : — " i . That Grand Master B . D . Hyam , on the
night of the 25 th of June last , assembled several Master Masons in a house not devoted to Masonic uses , and there conferred the three degrees of Masonry upon an individual who had been duly rejected as a candidate on the third
day of the same month m California Lodge No . r , in the presence of the Grand Master , and that those degrees were given purposely in a covert manner , and in a spirit of malice towards the lodge in which the candidate had been so rejected .
" 2 . That the Grand Master , on another occasion , in a similar manner , conferred the Masonic degrees upon a candidate who had been rejected in Mountain Shade Lodge , No . 18 , receiving a fee of 100 dols . therefor .
" 3 . That on another occasion , in the near vicinity of working lodges , the Grand Master , in known opposition to the desires of the Fraternity , and without any good reason , much less necessity for so doing , made Masons at will , receiving fees for the work , and appropriating them to his
own use . " 4 . That the Grand Master has entered a working lodge as a visitor , interfered with its proceedings , refused to obey the gavel when called to order , and to treat the Master with the
respect due to his office , used language unworthy a brother , and otherwise conducted in an unmasonic manner . " Such is a brief synopsis of the offences of the ¦ Grand Master , of which complaint is made . The evidences of their truth are conclusive . The
facts were substantially admitted by the party accused . At the convention above named , the -Grand Master confessed to having acted injudiciously in regard to the rejected candidate of California Lodge , and could furnish no excuse by which to justify his conduct . On being
assured that he had lost the confidence of the Fraternity in the State , and solicited to discontinue the further exercise of the powers he so strangely abused , he refused in such terms as to indicate a disregard for the opinions of his brethren , or the prosperity of the Institution of
which he had been made the head . He persisted that , though his acts might tend to evil , he could do no wrong for which he could be held responsible ; for , by virtue of his office , he had the power and the right to perform such acts as
he might deem proper . He had obtained the impression , which he pertinaciously maintained , that , as Grand Master , he was superior to all Masonic authority—that his will was above all law—that in him was vested the discretion and
power to make and break Masons , and create and destroy lodges at will—that he could not be shaken from his high position—and that to himself alone was he accountable . # # * # # The ancient Romans had no law by which to punish fratricide , they not supposing it possible
that a man would be so vile as to commit a crime so terrible . But when a case occurred , a law was made for the occasion . So with our ancient Brotherhood . They never supposed it possible that a Grand Master could , to any extent , abuse his high prerogatives . But the case has transpired , and it now becomes the
brethren everywhere to look well to the matter , and guard by proper and effectual means against its repetition . If there are no proscribed limits to the powers of the Grand Master , there should "be , and they cannot be too soon adopted . If there is no law that holds the Grand Master accountable for unworthy actions , it is high time that one should be established .
That our present Grand Master has shamefully abused the powers of his office ; that he has "Employed that office far unworthy purposes ;
The Rite Of Memphis.
that he has exhibited an inexcusable indifference toward the consequence of his unmasonic acts ; that he has wilfully violated the spirit of our Grand Lodge Constitution ; that he has appropriated to his own use money that was never
contemplated being employed for any other than Masonic uses ; that he has conducted himself with impropriety at a lodge meeting ; that he has treated his brethren with unmerited contempt ; that he has done all this and more , deserving of
reprehension , there is no room for any one conversant with the facts to doubt . And , we repeat , if there is no precedent or law by which we can reach such flagrant acts , it is proper that one should now be made .
The Committee thus concluded their report , which was received and concurred in , and the resolutions separately adopted : — " It is the deliberate opinion of the Committee that it is of the utmost importance to the
wellbeing of Masonry that Grand Master Hyam should retire from the responsible station he so unhappily fills ; and that he may be induced so to do , we offer for your consideration the following resolutions :
" Resolved— That Grand Master B . D . Hyam has , since his elevation to the office of Grand Master , been guilty of conduct unbecoming his high station , and tending materially to disturb the harmony and prosperity of the Fraternity
within his jurisdiction , and has therefore merited the unqualified reprehension of this Grand Lodge . " Resolved—That upon his return to this State , from which he is now temporarily absent , Grand
Master Hyam be requested to permit the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master to discharge the functions of Grand Master during the remainder of the present Masonic year . "Resolved—That the Grand Lodge request
each lodge under its jurisdiction to appoint a committee to notify Grand Master Hyam of the proceedings of this Convocation , and to induce him to comply with the terms of the foregoing resolutions . "
But B . D . Hyam absented himself from California . When he committed these crimes , there were neither railroads nor telegraphs , as now . He arrived in the city of New York befoie the news of his misdeeds were known . He
pretended to have urgent business at Washingtonwhere he said he had only to reach to obtain ample means—and as Grand Master , borrowed on his Masonic honour , for a few days , 100 dols .
from the Grand Lodge of New York , 100 dols . from Bro . John W . Simons , of this city , and 10 dols . from the writer of this , neither of which sums , nor any part thereof , has ever been paid back .
Such is the man whom the speculator in Memphis humbuggery , Seymour , lias sent to England , to induce those of the English Craft ( who may be fools enough ) to part with their pounds , shillings , and pence . Hyam can now be
judged as well as the convicted Burt . We have fairly given his record . He is just such an instrument as his employer always works with , and each is worthy of the other . The English Craft will govern themselves accordingly .
THE Sphinx Lodge of Instruction held its semi-annual meeting , for the working of the Fifteen Sections , on Saturday , Oct . 28 th . Bro . Thomas , P . M ., Preceptor of the lodge , presided , and the following brethren worked the sections : Bros . Dawson , Larlham , Wingham , Cohen , Noke , Thomas , Stevens , Bcdolfe , and Worthington .
HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Scrofula , Skin Diseases . —In no disease is more early or constant vigilance required than in the treatment of scrofula ; early curative measures save great risks and much unnecessary suffering . The nurse or parent must meet the first approach of the foe , or his defeat will be difficult . Enlarged glands about the neck , flying pains through the
limbs , and irritable skin , warns us of the presence of this hereditary malady , and not a moment should be lost in the employment of Hollo way's anti-scorbutic remedies , to throw out from the blood at once the morbid cause of alt future disfigurements ; these wonderful remedies leave the systejn pure and vigorous , so thoroughly do they banish thp poison . —[ Advt . ]
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
The Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held on Monday , 6 th inst ., in Freemasons' Hall , George-street , Edinburgh . In the absence of the M . W . G . Master , the Earl of Rosslyn ,
the meeting was presided over by W . Mann , the Senior Grand Warden , supported by Lord Lindsay , Prov . Grand Master of Aberdeenshire ( West ); Col . Campbell of Blythswood , Prov . Grand Master of
Renfrewshire ( East ) ; J . C . Abbott , Acting Senior Grand Warden ; and others . After the transaction of the usual routine business , the nomination of Grand Officebearers and Grand Stewards for the ensuing
year was proceeded with , when the following were elected : The Right Hon . the Earl of Rosslyn , M . W . Grand Master ; the Right Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., R . W . Past Grand Master : Sir Michael Shaw
Steward , Bart ., R . W . Depute Grand Master . ; Henry Inglis of Torsonce , R . W . Substitute Grand Master ; Col . A . C . Campbell of Blytheswood , R . W . Senior Grand Warden ; the Right Hon . Lord Erskine , R . W . Junior
Grand Warden ; Samuel Hay . R . W . Grand Treasurer ; Alex . J . Stewart , R . W . Grand Secretary ; John Laurie , R . W . Grand Clerk ; the Rev . D . Arnott , D . D ., and the Rev . V . G . Faithfull , M . A ., V . W . Grand Chaplains :
Wm . Officer , V . W . Senior Grand Deacon ; Major W . H . Ramsay , V . W . Junior Grand Deacon ; David Bryce , W . Architect ; A . Hay , W . Grand Jeweller ; John Coghill , W . Grand Director of Ceremonies ; D .
Robertson , W . Grand Bible-bearer ; James Ballantine , Grand Bard ; the Right Hon . Lord Roschill , Grand Sword-bearer ; C . W . M . Mullcr , Grand Director of Music . ; R . Davidson , Grand Organist ; M . Mackenzie ,
Chief Grand Marshal ; A . T . Apthorpe , Grand Marshal ; W . M . Bryce , Grand Tyler ; and James Baikie , Outer Guard . Charters were granted for new lodges" Maryhill , " Glasgow ; " Star of Central
China , " Hankow ; " Thorn Tree , " Thorliebank ; and " Peabody , " New South Wales . The dormant lodge , " St . Anthony , "
Inverary , was reponed upon Grand Lodge Roll . The arrangements for the festival of St . Andrew were remitted to the Board of Grand Stewards . Several motions were postponed to next Quarterly Communication .
Fraternal Compliments From The United States.
" HONOURS J USTLY PAID . —Lafayette Royal Arch Chapter , No . 5 , of the City of Washington , at a recent convocation , elected as life members the Marquis of Ripon ( late Earl de Grey ) , Grand Principal Z . of the Grand Chapter of England ; Lord Tenterden , Principal Z . of the Chapter of Iris , London ; Sir John A . Macdonald , of the
Grand Chapter of Canada ; and William James Hughan , the distinguished Masonic Historian . Life membership in Lafayette Chapter may be considered of some value , as the chapter is very chary in the bestowal of that honour , it having been hitherto granted to only three persons : Bros . Albert Pike , Albert G . Mackey , and Ben Perley Poore . "—National Freemason , Oct ., 1871 .
SMALL-POX , FEVERS , SKIN DISEASES . — The predisposition to is prevented bv Lamplough ' s Vyrctic Saline . Vitalising and invigorating , its effects are remarkable in their cure and prevention . Take it as directed . Sold by chemists and the maker , II . Lamplough , 113 , Holborn-hill . —[ Advt . ] " MORE than a year ago one of my children
was attacked with bronchitis , and , after a long illness , was given up by my physician as ' past cure . ' I was then induced to try your Vegetable Pain Killer , and from the time I began the use of it the child rapidly got better , and is now strong and healthy . — J WINSTANLEV , 10 , Whittle-st ., L'pool , fan . i 860 . —To P . D . & Son . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Rite Of Memphis.
were present at the discussion . Indeed , the committee have manifested more concern for his reputation than himself appears to have entertained , and under all the circumstances , he can have no reasonable ground to complain of the result . "
Besides other imputations that have been presented to the committee ' s notice injurious to the Masonic standing of the Grand Master , the following allegations are embraced in the complaint of California Lodge No . i : — " i . That Grand Master B . D . Hyam , on the
night of the 25 th of June last , assembled several Master Masons in a house not devoted to Masonic uses , and there conferred the three degrees of Masonry upon an individual who had been duly rejected as a candidate on the third
day of the same month m California Lodge No . r , in the presence of the Grand Master , and that those degrees were given purposely in a covert manner , and in a spirit of malice towards the lodge in which the candidate had been so rejected .
" 2 . That the Grand Master , on another occasion , in a similar manner , conferred the Masonic degrees upon a candidate who had been rejected in Mountain Shade Lodge , No . 18 , receiving a fee of 100 dols . therefor .
" 3 . That on another occasion , in the near vicinity of working lodges , the Grand Master , in known opposition to the desires of the Fraternity , and without any good reason , much less necessity for so doing , made Masons at will , receiving fees for the work , and appropriating them to his
own use . " 4 . That the Grand Master has entered a working lodge as a visitor , interfered with its proceedings , refused to obey the gavel when called to order , and to treat the Master with the
respect due to his office , used language unworthy a brother , and otherwise conducted in an unmasonic manner . " Such is a brief synopsis of the offences of the ¦ Grand Master , of which complaint is made . The evidences of their truth are conclusive . The
facts were substantially admitted by the party accused . At the convention above named , the -Grand Master confessed to having acted injudiciously in regard to the rejected candidate of California Lodge , and could furnish no excuse by which to justify his conduct . On being
assured that he had lost the confidence of the Fraternity in the State , and solicited to discontinue the further exercise of the powers he so strangely abused , he refused in such terms as to indicate a disregard for the opinions of his brethren , or the prosperity of the Institution of
which he had been made the head . He persisted that , though his acts might tend to evil , he could do no wrong for which he could be held responsible ; for , by virtue of his office , he had the power and the right to perform such acts as
he might deem proper . He had obtained the impression , which he pertinaciously maintained , that , as Grand Master , he was superior to all Masonic authority—that his will was above all law—that in him was vested the discretion and
power to make and break Masons , and create and destroy lodges at will—that he could not be shaken from his high position—and that to himself alone was he accountable . # # * # # The ancient Romans had no law by which to punish fratricide , they not supposing it possible
that a man would be so vile as to commit a crime so terrible . But when a case occurred , a law was made for the occasion . So with our ancient Brotherhood . They never supposed it possible that a Grand Master could , to any extent , abuse his high prerogatives . But the case has transpired , and it now becomes the
brethren everywhere to look well to the matter , and guard by proper and effectual means against its repetition . If there are no proscribed limits to the powers of the Grand Master , there should "be , and they cannot be too soon adopted . If there is no law that holds the Grand Master accountable for unworthy actions , it is high time that one should be established .
That our present Grand Master has shamefully abused the powers of his office ; that he has "Employed that office far unworthy purposes ;
The Rite Of Memphis.
that he has exhibited an inexcusable indifference toward the consequence of his unmasonic acts ; that he has wilfully violated the spirit of our Grand Lodge Constitution ; that he has appropriated to his own use money that was never
contemplated being employed for any other than Masonic uses ; that he has conducted himself with impropriety at a lodge meeting ; that he has treated his brethren with unmerited contempt ; that he has done all this and more , deserving of
reprehension , there is no room for any one conversant with the facts to doubt . And , we repeat , if there is no precedent or law by which we can reach such flagrant acts , it is proper that one should now be made .
The Committee thus concluded their report , which was received and concurred in , and the resolutions separately adopted : — " It is the deliberate opinion of the Committee that it is of the utmost importance to the
wellbeing of Masonry that Grand Master Hyam should retire from the responsible station he so unhappily fills ; and that he may be induced so to do , we offer for your consideration the following resolutions :
" Resolved— That Grand Master B . D . Hyam has , since his elevation to the office of Grand Master , been guilty of conduct unbecoming his high station , and tending materially to disturb the harmony and prosperity of the Fraternity
within his jurisdiction , and has therefore merited the unqualified reprehension of this Grand Lodge . " Resolved—That upon his return to this State , from which he is now temporarily absent , Grand
Master Hyam be requested to permit the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master to discharge the functions of Grand Master during the remainder of the present Masonic year . "Resolved—That the Grand Lodge request
each lodge under its jurisdiction to appoint a committee to notify Grand Master Hyam of the proceedings of this Convocation , and to induce him to comply with the terms of the foregoing resolutions . "
But B . D . Hyam absented himself from California . When he committed these crimes , there were neither railroads nor telegraphs , as now . He arrived in the city of New York befoie the news of his misdeeds were known . He
pretended to have urgent business at Washingtonwhere he said he had only to reach to obtain ample means—and as Grand Master , borrowed on his Masonic honour , for a few days , 100 dols .
from the Grand Lodge of New York , 100 dols . from Bro . John W . Simons , of this city , and 10 dols . from the writer of this , neither of which sums , nor any part thereof , has ever been paid back .
Such is the man whom the speculator in Memphis humbuggery , Seymour , lias sent to England , to induce those of the English Craft ( who may be fools enough ) to part with their pounds , shillings , and pence . Hyam can now be
judged as well as the convicted Burt . We have fairly given his record . He is just such an instrument as his employer always works with , and each is worthy of the other . The English Craft will govern themselves accordingly .
THE Sphinx Lodge of Instruction held its semi-annual meeting , for the working of the Fifteen Sections , on Saturday , Oct . 28 th . Bro . Thomas , P . M ., Preceptor of the lodge , presided , and the following brethren worked the sections : Bros . Dawson , Larlham , Wingham , Cohen , Noke , Thomas , Stevens , Bcdolfe , and Worthington .
HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Scrofula , Skin Diseases . —In no disease is more early or constant vigilance required than in the treatment of scrofula ; early curative measures save great risks and much unnecessary suffering . The nurse or parent must meet the first approach of the foe , or his defeat will be difficult . Enlarged glands about the neck , flying pains through the
limbs , and irritable skin , warns us of the presence of this hereditary malady , and not a moment should be lost in the employment of Hollo way's anti-scorbutic remedies , to throw out from the blood at once the morbid cause of alt future disfigurements ; these wonderful remedies leave the systejn pure and vigorous , so thoroughly do they banish thp poison . —[ Advt . ]
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
The Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held on Monday , 6 th inst ., in Freemasons' Hall , George-street , Edinburgh . In the absence of the M . W . G . Master , the Earl of Rosslyn ,
the meeting was presided over by W . Mann , the Senior Grand Warden , supported by Lord Lindsay , Prov . Grand Master of Aberdeenshire ( West ); Col . Campbell of Blythswood , Prov . Grand Master of
Renfrewshire ( East ) ; J . C . Abbott , Acting Senior Grand Warden ; and others . After the transaction of the usual routine business , the nomination of Grand Officebearers and Grand Stewards for the ensuing
year was proceeded with , when the following were elected : The Right Hon . the Earl of Rosslyn , M . W . Grand Master ; the Right Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., R . W . Past Grand Master : Sir Michael Shaw
Steward , Bart ., R . W . Depute Grand Master . ; Henry Inglis of Torsonce , R . W . Substitute Grand Master ; Col . A . C . Campbell of Blytheswood , R . W . Senior Grand Warden ; the Right Hon . Lord Erskine , R . W . Junior
Grand Warden ; Samuel Hay . R . W . Grand Treasurer ; Alex . J . Stewart , R . W . Grand Secretary ; John Laurie , R . W . Grand Clerk ; the Rev . D . Arnott , D . D ., and the Rev . V . G . Faithfull , M . A ., V . W . Grand Chaplains :
Wm . Officer , V . W . Senior Grand Deacon ; Major W . H . Ramsay , V . W . Junior Grand Deacon ; David Bryce , W . Architect ; A . Hay , W . Grand Jeweller ; John Coghill , W . Grand Director of Ceremonies ; D .
Robertson , W . Grand Bible-bearer ; James Ballantine , Grand Bard ; the Right Hon . Lord Roschill , Grand Sword-bearer ; C . W . M . Mullcr , Grand Director of Music . ; R . Davidson , Grand Organist ; M . Mackenzie ,
Chief Grand Marshal ; A . T . Apthorpe , Grand Marshal ; W . M . Bryce , Grand Tyler ; and James Baikie , Outer Guard . Charters were granted for new lodges" Maryhill , " Glasgow ; " Star of Central
China , " Hankow ; " Thorn Tree , " Thorliebank ; and " Peabody , " New South Wales . The dormant lodge , " St . Anthony , "
Inverary , was reponed upon Grand Lodge Roll . The arrangements for the festival of St . Andrew were remitted to the Board of Grand Stewards . Several motions were postponed to next Quarterly Communication .
Fraternal Compliments From The United States.
" HONOURS J USTLY PAID . —Lafayette Royal Arch Chapter , No . 5 , of the City of Washington , at a recent convocation , elected as life members the Marquis of Ripon ( late Earl de Grey ) , Grand Principal Z . of the Grand Chapter of England ; Lord Tenterden , Principal Z . of the Chapter of Iris , London ; Sir John A . Macdonald , of the
Grand Chapter of Canada ; and William James Hughan , the distinguished Masonic Historian . Life membership in Lafayette Chapter may be considered of some value , as the chapter is very chary in the bestowal of that honour , it having been hitherto granted to only three persons : Bros . Albert Pike , Albert G . Mackey , and Ben Perley Poore . "—National Freemason , Oct ., 1871 .
SMALL-POX , FEVERS , SKIN DISEASES . — The predisposition to is prevented bv Lamplough ' s Vyrctic Saline . Vitalising and invigorating , its effects are remarkable in their cure and prevention . Take it as directed . Sold by chemists and the maker , II . Lamplough , 113 , Holborn-hill . —[ Advt . ] " MORE than a year ago one of my children
was attacked with bronchitis , and , after a long illness , was given up by my physician as ' past cure . ' I was then induced to try your Vegetable Pain Killer , and from the time I began the use of it the child rapidly got better , and is now strong and healthy . — J WINSTANLEV , 10 , Whittle-st ., L'pool , fan . i 860 . —To P . D . & Son . "