Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE SECOND DEGREE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE SECOND DEGREE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE SECOND DEGREE. Page 1 of 1 Article Multum in Parbo, or Masonic notes and Queries. Page 1 of 2 →
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NOTICE . - —0 The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now 10 s . per annum , post-free , payable tn advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . 6 cl . Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . 6 d . United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance .
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . — — The Office of THE FREEMASON is now transferred lo 198 , FLEET STREET , E . C . All communications for the Editor or Publisher should therefore he forwarded to that address . All communications for THK FREEMASON should be written legibly on one bide of the paper only , and , if intended for insertion in the current number , must be received not later than to o ' clock a . m . on Thursdays , unless ia very special cases . The name and address of every writer must be sent to us in confidence .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , NOVEMBER II , 1871 . THE FREEMASON is published on Saturday illornings in time for the early trains . The price of THE FRUBMASON is Twopence per week ; annual subscription , 10 s . ( payable in advance ) . All comnunications , letters , & c , to be addressed to the EDITOR 198 , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted to him liut cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
The Second Degree.
IN resuming the consideration of the subject which we broached last week , let us take as a starting-point the theory , that the second degree teaches a Mason to apply
the knowledge that he acquired in the first grade . A Fellow-Craft ' s attention is directed to the truths of science , and by every symbol in the lodge he is enjoined to
cultivate his intellectual faculties , and to improve the talents with which he may be endowed . He is expected to explore the
mysteries of nature , to sound the depths of philosophy , and , above all , to exemplify in his conduct the strictest principles of morality and virtue .
We may , therefore , contend that the second degree practically enforces the lessons taught in the first ; and , in fact , it may be observed that the aim of every
succeeding degree in Freemasonry is to shed additional light , if possible , upon the foundational tenets of the Order . But , apart from its moral value , the
Fellow-Craft ' s degree possesses a special interest to every Masonic student , because it contains the first reference to the science of Geometry , with which Operative Masonry has so long
been connected . It is well known that our ancient brethren were as frequently called Geometricians as Masons , and the
importance of the science was so universally recognised , that no man who was ignorant of geometry could claim to be considered learned . Among the great philosophers of
The Second Degree.
old who cultivated this useful art , the name of Pythagoras is one of the most conspicuous , although it is also true that many Pythagorean doctrines were unfolded
through the medium of numbers . Thus One , the monad , was the emblem of God , without beginning and without end—the central fire , or point within the circle .
Being indivisible , it also denoted love , friendship , and peace . The number Two represented darkness , or the evil principle ; it was a symbol of misfortune—hence , the
second month of the year was , in ancient times , dedicated to the infernal deity , and the second day of that month to the memory of the dead . Three was the
mystical number in the system of Pythagoras , and signified harmony or perfection . It likewise appears to have been venerated as a sacred numeral in most of the Pagan
mysteries . In the rites of Mithras , for instance , we find the three intelligences , and in the Indian rites , the trinity of Brahma , Vishnu , and Seeva . The Druids
entertained a high respect for this number , composing even their religious chants in triplets . As to Freemasonry , it has been well remarked that the number three pervades the whole ritual . There are three
degrees of ancient Craft Masonry , three chief officers of a lodge , three lights , three supports , three ornaments , three principles , three working tools , three principal orders
of architecture , and other coincidences too numerous to specify . Four was the Divine number , because it referred to the Deity , and was considered the image of God .
The Tetragrammaton of the Hebrews and the Tetractys of the Greeks bear evidence to this fact , and Iamblichus relates that Pythagoras obligated every aspirant to
the higher mysteries' upon this sacred figure , expressed by ten jods in the form of a triangle . In the school of Pythagoras , Five represented light , and his disciples
adopted the five-pointed star as an emblem of health ( at a later period the Kabbalists used this sign as a talisman ) , the name of God being placed on each of its points and
also in the centre . Six was called the Symbol of Justice , because it was the first perfect number ; Masonically , it alludes to the six days of the creation of the world .
T he numeral Seven was held in high estimation ; the Pythagoreans called it a venerable number , because it referred to the completion of the work of creation , and was
made up of two perfect figures , the triangle and the square . References to this number are almost countless , so a few examples must suffice . There were seven planets , and
seven plciadcs ; seven altars burnt continually before the image of the God Mithras . The Coths had seven deities , from whose names arc derived the day of the week . The Arabians reckoned seven
holy temples , the Persians had seven caverns through which the candidate for the mysteries was required to pass , and
Plato taught that the soul of the world was generated out of the number seven . In Scripture , we find that seven persons
The Second Degree.
accompanied Noah into the ark . The walls of Jericho were invested seven days by seven priests , bearing seven rams' horns . Abraham pleaded seven times for the wicked
cities of the plain . Jacob served seven years for Rachel , and also another seven years . King Solomon was seven years
building the Temple , which he dedicated m the seventh month , and the festival lasted seven days . The ordinances of Israel abound with similar references . Unleavened
bread was to be eaten by the people seven days , and every seventh year was appointed as a year of rest . In Freemasonry , the number seven is highly important , inasmuch
as a perfect lodge of the brethren must consist of seven regularly-made Masons , without whose presence no candidate can be legally admitted into the Craft , although
five may hold a Fellow-Craft s lodge . The number Eight was esteemed as the first cube , and was considered an emblem of friendship and prudence . Nine was called
the finished number , or symbol of perfection , in allusion to the nine months required for the development of a human being before birth . Nine is a sacred number in
Freemasonry , and bears a peculiar significance in the Royal Arch and the high degrees . Ten was denominated heaven , or the consummation of all things—it being
constituted by the union of One , the monad , or active principle ; Two , the duad , or passive principle ; Three , the triad , or world , proceeding from their union ; and
Four , the sacred tetractys . The number ten , therefore , contained all the numerical and harmonic relations of the Pythagorean theory .
The second degree directs our attention to these instructive subjects , and , hence , the true Craftsman is expected to make a daily advance in knowledge and science .
But the greatest lesson of all awaits him in the degree of a Master Mason , when the veil of life is temporarily lifted , and his soul is brought into communion with itself
and face to face with the shadows and darkness that encompass the grave . The mysterious teachings of the third degree are in accord with the most sublime
teachings of revelation , and deserve the closest study and attention ; but we must defer our remarks thereon to a future occasion .
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic notes and Queries .
—*—MASONIC PUBLICATIONS . Wc have reason to believe that Brother Woodford , Rector of Swillington , P . G . C ., will soon publish the Masonic M . S . from
the volume of Sloanc MSS . 3329 , with a preface , and a fac-simile of the MS . The fac-similc will be taken by the new process , and will give a most accurate specimen alike of the handwriting and the archaic MS .
We hope to be able to announce , further particulars in our next number .
QUESTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION . Has not the time arrived for a revision , or modernization , of our Ritual , to free it
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . - —0 The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now 10 s . per annum , post-free , payable tn advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . 6 cl . Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . 6 d . United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance .
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . — — The Office of THE FREEMASON is now transferred lo 198 , FLEET STREET , E . C . All communications for the Editor or Publisher should therefore he forwarded to that address . All communications for THK FREEMASON should be written legibly on one bide of the paper only , and , if intended for insertion in the current number , must be received not later than to o ' clock a . m . on Thursdays , unless ia very special cases . The name and address of every writer must be sent to us in confidence .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , NOVEMBER II , 1871 . THE FREEMASON is published on Saturday illornings in time for the early trains . The price of THE FRUBMASON is Twopence per week ; annual subscription , 10 s . ( payable in advance ) . All comnunications , letters , & c , to be addressed to the EDITOR 198 , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted to him liut cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
The Second Degree.
IN resuming the consideration of the subject which we broached last week , let us take as a starting-point the theory , that the second degree teaches a Mason to apply
the knowledge that he acquired in the first grade . A Fellow-Craft ' s attention is directed to the truths of science , and by every symbol in the lodge he is enjoined to
cultivate his intellectual faculties , and to improve the talents with which he may be endowed . He is expected to explore the
mysteries of nature , to sound the depths of philosophy , and , above all , to exemplify in his conduct the strictest principles of morality and virtue .
We may , therefore , contend that the second degree practically enforces the lessons taught in the first ; and , in fact , it may be observed that the aim of every
succeeding degree in Freemasonry is to shed additional light , if possible , upon the foundational tenets of the Order . But , apart from its moral value , the
Fellow-Craft ' s degree possesses a special interest to every Masonic student , because it contains the first reference to the science of Geometry , with which Operative Masonry has so long
been connected . It is well known that our ancient brethren were as frequently called Geometricians as Masons , and the
importance of the science was so universally recognised , that no man who was ignorant of geometry could claim to be considered learned . Among the great philosophers of
The Second Degree.
old who cultivated this useful art , the name of Pythagoras is one of the most conspicuous , although it is also true that many Pythagorean doctrines were unfolded
through the medium of numbers . Thus One , the monad , was the emblem of God , without beginning and without end—the central fire , or point within the circle .
Being indivisible , it also denoted love , friendship , and peace . The number Two represented darkness , or the evil principle ; it was a symbol of misfortune—hence , the
second month of the year was , in ancient times , dedicated to the infernal deity , and the second day of that month to the memory of the dead . Three was the
mystical number in the system of Pythagoras , and signified harmony or perfection . It likewise appears to have been venerated as a sacred numeral in most of the Pagan
mysteries . In the rites of Mithras , for instance , we find the three intelligences , and in the Indian rites , the trinity of Brahma , Vishnu , and Seeva . The Druids
entertained a high respect for this number , composing even their religious chants in triplets . As to Freemasonry , it has been well remarked that the number three pervades the whole ritual . There are three
degrees of ancient Craft Masonry , three chief officers of a lodge , three lights , three supports , three ornaments , three principles , three working tools , three principal orders
of architecture , and other coincidences too numerous to specify . Four was the Divine number , because it referred to the Deity , and was considered the image of God .
The Tetragrammaton of the Hebrews and the Tetractys of the Greeks bear evidence to this fact , and Iamblichus relates that Pythagoras obligated every aspirant to
the higher mysteries' upon this sacred figure , expressed by ten jods in the form of a triangle . In the school of Pythagoras , Five represented light , and his disciples
adopted the five-pointed star as an emblem of health ( at a later period the Kabbalists used this sign as a talisman ) , the name of God being placed on each of its points and
also in the centre . Six was called the Symbol of Justice , because it was the first perfect number ; Masonically , it alludes to the six days of the creation of the world .
T he numeral Seven was held in high estimation ; the Pythagoreans called it a venerable number , because it referred to the completion of the work of creation , and was
made up of two perfect figures , the triangle and the square . References to this number are almost countless , so a few examples must suffice . There were seven planets , and
seven plciadcs ; seven altars burnt continually before the image of the God Mithras . The Coths had seven deities , from whose names arc derived the day of the week . The Arabians reckoned seven
holy temples , the Persians had seven caverns through which the candidate for the mysteries was required to pass , and
Plato taught that the soul of the world was generated out of the number seven . In Scripture , we find that seven persons
The Second Degree.
accompanied Noah into the ark . The walls of Jericho were invested seven days by seven priests , bearing seven rams' horns . Abraham pleaded seven times for the wicked
cities of the plain . Jacob served seven years for Rachel , and also another seven years . King Solomon was seven years
building the Temple , which he dedicated m the seventh month , and the festival lasted seven days . The ordinances of Israel abound with similar references . Unleavened
bread was to be eaten by the people seven days , and every seventh year was appointed as a year of rest . In Freemasonry , the number seven is highly important , inasmuch
as a perfect lodge of the brethren must consist of seven regularly-made Masons , without whose presence no candidate can be legally admitted into the Craft , although
five may hold a Fellow-Craft s lodge . The number Eight was esteemed as the first cube , and was considered an emblem of friendship and prudence . Nine was called
the finished number , or symbol of perfection , in allusion to the nine months required for the development of a human being before birth . Nine is a sacred number in
Freemasonry , and bears a peculiar significance in the Royal Arch and the high degrees . Ten was denominated heaven , or the consummation of all things—it being
constituted by the union of One , the monad , or active principle ; Two , the duad , or passive principle ; Three , the triad , or world , proceeding from their union ; and
Four , the sacred tetractys . The number ten , therefore , contained all the numerical and harmonic relations of the Pythagorean theory .
The second degree directs our attention to these instructive subjects , and , hence , the true Craftsman is expected to make a daily advance in knowledge and science .
But the greatest lesson of all awaits him in the degree of a Master Mason , when the veil of life is temporarily lifted , and his soul is brought into communion with itself
and face to face with the shadows and darkness that encompass the grave . The mysterious teachings of the third degree are in accord with the most sublime
teachings of revelation , and deserve the closest study and attention ; but we must defer our remarks thereon to a future occasion .
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic notes and Queries .
—*—MASONIC PUBLICATIONS . Wc have reason to believe that Brother Woodford , Rector of Swillington , P . G . C ., will soon publish the Masonic M . S . from
the volume of Sloanc MSS . 3329 , with a preface , and a fac-simile of the MS . The fac-similc will be taken by the new process , and will give a most accurate specimen alike of the handwriting and the archaic MS .
We hope to be able to announce , further particulars in our next number .
QUESTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION . Has not the time arrived for a revision , or modernization , of our Ritual , to free it