Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 2 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
meeting . The lodge was closed at 2 p . m . After an interval of an hour and a half , those who had been present at the ceremony , and others , reassembled at the Seven Stars Hotel to partake of the annual banquet . The arrangements were very complete , a
programme which had been prepared was strictly adhered to , the usual Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and the proceedings , which passed off with great Mat , terminated at about 8 o ' clock , the party breaking up early owing to the exigencies of trains .
MARKET HARBOROUGH . —St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . . 1130 . —The first annual Festival of this flourishing young lodge was held at the Assembly-room , Three Swans Hotel , on Friday , the 27 th ult ., the W . M ., Bro . Wm . Kelly , R . W . P . G . M ., in the chair . There were also present : Bros . Col . Sir Henry St . John
Halford , Bart ., S . W . and W . M .-elect ; Rev . John F . Halford , M . A ., J . W . ; Rev . A . A . O'Neill ( P . P . G . C , East Lancashire ) , Chaplain ; W . H . Marris , P . M . and P . P . G . S . D ., Secretary ; F . Kemp , S . D . ; J . H . Douglass , J . . ; T . Macaulay , M . R . C . S ., I . G . ; J . E . Dixon , Org . ; H . Freestone , Steward ; E . Clarke
Tyler ; and Albert Pell , M . P ., Rev . F . M . Beaumont , M . A ., Dr . Grant , E . Fuller . J . Shovelbottom , J . Gibbs , J . Whitehead , J . Newton , jun ., Joseph J . Harrison , Healy , Lewin , Lawrence , Wiggins , & c . Visitors : Rev . T . M . N . Owen , Chap ., and Dobson , J . W ., 455 ; T . Miller , W . M ., and T . Butcher , Sec ,
737 ; J . Mason Moore , 1085 , P . G . Steward Derbyshire ; George Toller , jun ., P . G . Sec . ; Dr . Clifton , J . Halford , and S . Cleaver , Leicester . Apologies for absence were received from the D . P . G . M . for Norths , and Hunts , ( a frequent visitor of the lodge ) , and other brethren . Great regret was expressed at
the absence , owing to sudden and dangerous illness , of the zealous and active Treasurer of the lodge , Bro . Robt . Waite , P . M . On the completion of the preliminary business , and a ballot having resulted in his favour , Mr . Willoughby Frederick Ellis , of Market Harborough , was duly initiated by the
W . M ., the musical chants , & c , being conducted by Bro . Dixon on the harmonium . Bro . Sir Henry St . John Halford , Bart ., was duly installed by his predecessor according to ancient custom . R . W . Bro . Kelly , " as a slight memento of his official connection with the lodge as its first W . M . and P . M ., "
presented a silver jewel of office for the P . M ., which was accepted with thanks . The W . M . then appointed and invested the following brethren as the officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Wm . Kelly , Prov . G . M ., P . M . ; Rev . J . F . Halford , P . G . C ., S . W . ; F . Kemp , J . W . ; Rev . Francis Morton Beaumont , Chaplain ;
James H . Douglass , Secretary ; Thomas Macaulay , S . D . ; Frederick Grant , J . D . ; Jas . Edward Dixon , Org . ; Edward Fuller and H . Freestone , Stewards ; Joseph James Harrison , I . G . ; E . Clarke , Tyler . Thanks for his services in the chair were voted to , and acknowledged by , Bro . Kelly , who ( the printed
abstract of the lodge accounts having been taken as read ) proposed a vote of thanks to P . M . ' s Waite and Marris for their services as Treasurer and Secretary , which was responded to by Bro . Marris , an earnest hope being expressed by both brethren for the speedy restoration to health of Bro . Waite . Thanks
were also accorded to the P . G . Sec , Bro . Toller , P . M . 523 , for his valuable aid in the duties of the lodge for the past year , and which that worthy brother suitably acknowledged . On the lodge being closed , about forty brethren sat down to an elegant banquet , the newly-installed W . M ., Bro . Sir Henry
Halford , of course , presiding , and by whom a plentiful supply of game and champagne was contributed . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , the healths of the P . G . M . and the W . M . being most cordially received . The toast of " The Right Rev . B ; o . the Bishop of the Diocese and the
Clergy of all Denominations in the Province , " was ably proposed by Bro . Pell and wittily responded to by Bro . the Rev . T . M . N . Owen . The Tyler ' s toast brought a very pleasant reunion to a close at an early hour . HAMPTON . — Burdett LodeeNo . 1293 . —This
, lodge met at the Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court , on Saturday , the 28 th ult . Bro . R . Wentworth Little , W . M ., presided , suppoited by Bros . R . Kcnyon , S . W . ; George Kenning , J . W . ; H . G . Buss , P . M ., Treas . ; W . H . Hubbard , P . M ., Sec . ; Major H . W . Palmer , S . D . ; Capt . A . B . DonnithorncI . G . ; J .
, Self , M . D . ; S . Rosenthal , D . R . Adams , R . Boncey , and E . Baxter , P . M . 's ; H . Phythian , J . W . Sanders , J . W . Wiles , and other brethren , including Bros . Marsh and Walters as visitors . The only business was the elections for the ensuing year , which
resulted unanimously as follows : Bros . Kcnyon , W . M . ; Little , Treas . ; and Gilbert , Tyler . When the lodge was closed , the brethren sat down to a first-rate banquet , and passed a very agreeable evening together .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . m Caveac Chapter , No . 1 76 . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held on Thursday , the 2 nd mst ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , City .
Royal Arch.
The chapter was opened by Comps . P . A . Nairne , Z ., P . Browne , H ., and M . Scott , J ., assisted by Comps . F . Walters , P . Z : and Treas ., R . W . Little , P . Z ., & c The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and the report of the Audit Committee , which showed that a good balance was in the hands of the Treasurer , was received and
adopted . A ballot proved unanimous in favor of the admission of Bro . Louis Beek ( 205 ) , who was duly exalted . Comp . F . Walters then installed Comp . Pemble Brown , Z ., and Comp . Montagu Scott , H . The installation of Comp . R . S . Foreman as J . was deferred owing to his unavoidable absence . The other officers appointed and invested were Comps . F . Walters ( 5 th time ) , Treasurer ; T . Cmihampton ,
S . E . ; J . Hills , S . N . ; J . C . Hall , P . S . ; W . Holland , 1 st A . S . ; W . A . Hinde , 2 nd A . S . ; F . H . R . Godsell , D . C . ; W . D . Barnett , W . S . ; C . J . Speight , Janitor . The newly-installed M . E . Z . then , on behalf of the chapter , presented his predecessor with a splendid gold P . Z . jewel ( a fine specimen of design and
workmanship of Comp . Geo . Kenning ) , which was duly acknowledged by Comp . Nairne . A vote of thanks was passed to Comp . Walters , as Treasurer and Installing Principal , and the chapter was closed , the companions adjourning to banquet . Domatic C hapter No . 177 . —This old chapter met
on Thursday . the 25 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , under the presidency of the M . E . Z . Comp . W . J . Gilbert , and among other companions present were G . Wilson , H . ; T . Cubitt , J . H . G . Buss , P . Z ., Treas . ; R . W . Little , P . Z ., S . E . ; W . Carpenter , T . A . Adams , C . A . Cottebrune , J . Brett , E . Sisson , and C . B . Payne , P . Z . ' s ; J . R .
Foulger , S . N . ; J . W . Barrett , P . Soj . ; A . T . Hayward and M . Scott , Asst . Soj . ' s ; J . Weaver , Org . ; G . Bolton , J . G . Webb . Bro . Amos Treadwell of the Domatic Lodge , was duly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry , and the chapter was then closed . A banquet followed the work of the chapter , and the evening was most enjoyably spent by all present .
PROVINCIAL . EASTBOURNE . —Jlartington Chapter , No . 916 . — The first regular meeting of this chapter was held at the Sussex Hotel , Eastbourne , on Wednesday , the 1 st inst , at five o ' clock . The chapter was opened in regular form , and the minutes of last
meeting read and confirmed . Five candidates then presented themselves for exaltation , the ceremony being performed by Comp . Dr . Cunningham , Z ., assisted by all his officers , who were almost perfect in the work . The by-laws having been agreed uponthe chapter was closed in solemn form , and
, adjourned till the first Wednesday in February . The companions afterwards sat down to a wellprovided supper , at which they had the pleasure of seeing several distinguished visitors , who expressed themselves well satisfied at their instruction in chapter and entertainment afterwards .
Mark Masonry.
PanmureLodge , No . 139 . —This newly-established lodge held its second meeting on Monday evening , the 6 th inst ., at the Balham Hotel , Balham , when were present the V . W . Bro . James Stevens , P . G . O ., P . M . 104 , W . M . ; W . Bro . John Thomas , P . M ., Prov . Grand Sword-bearer , Middlesex and Surrey ,
S . W . ; W . Bro . Henry F . Huntley , Prov . Grand Standard-bearer , Middlesex and Surrey , J . W . ; Bros . H . F . Hodges , M . O ., Sec ; R . Huntley , S . O . ; George Lillcy , J . O . ; Payne , S . D . ; Maddern , J . D . j G . T . Smith , I . G . ; Hellendean , Steward ; and several members , together with W . Bro . S . Rosenthal , P . M .,
P . G . D . C . ; W . Bro . Dr . Eugene Cronin , G . D ., W . M . 104 ; and Bro . A . Southam , 10 4 , visitors . The minutes of the consecration meeting having been read and confirmed the names of several brethren desiring advancement were mentioned , and the ceremony was then rehearsed by the W . M . and his
officers , in ordnr to secure a proper performance of their respective duties at the ensuing meeting when , after usual ballot , the proposed brethren will be duly advanced . The W . M . delivered the explanatory lecture of the degree , and exemplified to the brethren
its application to their respective duties as officers . A most instructive and agreeable evening was spent in this manner , and its good result will doubtless be experienced in the perfect working of the lodge when it next meets to induct candidates for the degree .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE . JERSEY . —Concord Conclave . No . 8 . —The annual assembly of this conclave was held at the Masonic Temple , on Tuesday , the 24 th of October . The conclave was opened in solemn form by B . Sir Kt .
P . W . Benhain , P . S ., in the unavoidable absence of the M . P . S ., assisted by Sir Kts . Col . Malet de Carteret , Int . Gen . for the division of Jersey ; Ed . D . Le Couteur , V . E . ; Joseph Gregg , S . G . ; Ed . M . Lott , H . P . ; A . Schmitt , Rec . ; J . Oatley , P . ; A . J .
Orders Of Chivalry.
Boullier , H . ; J . Blampied , Treas . ; & c . After the confirmation of the minutes , the circular convening the conclave was read . Sir Kt . Comp . Lucas , of Conclave No . 7 , was balloted for as ., a joining member , and unanimously admitted . The officers for the ensuing year were then elected as follows : Sir
Kts . E . D . Le Couteur , M . P . S . ; Ed . M . Lott , V . E . ; Joseph Gregg , H . P . ; John Oatley , S . G . ; D . Le Geyt , I . G . ; A . Schmitt , Rec . ; John Blampied , Treas . ; A . J . Bouillier , P . ; W . H . Long , Standardbearer ; Lucas , H . ; and G . Rogers , Sec . The M . P . S .-acting opened a College of Viceroys of the
Order , when Sir Kts . Col . Ed . C . Malet de Carteret and Ed . M . Lott , V . E .-elect , were admitted to the Priestly Order . A Senate of Prince Masons and Sovereigns of the Order was then opened by the M . P . S ., assisted by the Recorder , who enthroned the E . Sir Kts . Malet de Carteret and Ed . D . Le
Couteur , M . P . S .-elect of the conclave , in the chair of C . The ceremony throughout was performed in a solemn and impressive manner . The members were admitted , and saluted their new chiefs . The M . P . S . then invested the elected Sir Knights in their respective offices . The M . P . S . now informed the
conclave that the M . 111 . the G . Sov . was pleased to appoint the 111 . Sir Kt . Col . E . C . Malet de Carteret to the post of Intendant-General for the division of Jersey , at the same time requesting the Recorder to proceed with the ceremony of his installation as such . The 111 . Sir Kt . Malet de Carteret was then
presented to the Installing Officer by Sir Kt . Benham , who caused the commission nominating him to that exalted post to be read . The Recorder , after having expressed , in the name of the conclave , the unanimous and cordial ratification of the appointment , performed the ceremony of installing and
obligating the Intendant-General in due form . Ha was then proclaimed as such for the division of Jersey , and saluted accordingly . It was moved by the Recorder , seconded by the Intendant-General , and resolved by acclamation , " That a most cordial vote of grateful thanks be recorded in the minutes
to E . Sir Kt . P . W . Benham , P . Sov ., in recognition of the valuable and graceful services hehasrendered to this conclave , not only in faithfully and religiously discharging his onerous duties thereof as M . P . S . for three consecutive years , but also for the energy and
untired exertions he has displayed during that period to promote the harmonious prosperity of the conclave , as well as to preserve the prestige and dignity of the Order . " The conclave was closed in love and perfect harmony .
LIVERPOOL . —Liverpool Conclave , No . 55 . —By order of the M . P . S ., Gen . Sir Kt . J . Kellett Smith , the Sir Knight companions of the Liverpool Conclave , No . 55 , of the Masonic Order of Knights of Rome and of the Red Cross of Constantine , were summoned to attend an assembly of the conclave at
the Adelphi Hotel , Lime-street , on Thursday , the 26 th ult . The enthusiasm shown at the first meeting of the conclave was again displayed at the second by the attendance of a great number of Sir Knights . Gen . Sir Kt . J . K . Smith , M . P . S ., occupied the chair of C , and amongst those who answered to
the roll-call were : III . Sir G . Turner , Int .-Gen . West Lancashire ; Sir Kts . J . R . Goepel , V . E . ; J . B . Robinson , S . G . ; H . M . Molyneux , J . G . ; R . Washington , H . P . ; J . Wood , Treas . ; H . James , Recorder ; T . Clark , Prefect ; E . Hughes , Orator ; J . Skeaf , Organist ; W . Crane , Herald ; H . Nelson ,
S . S . ; P . Ball , Sentinel ; Moses Mawson , D . C . ; G . H . Wilson , A . Pickup , W . Doyle , J . B . Mackenzie , R . Brown , H . Scott , J . Lloyd , J . E . Jackson , A . Jarvis , J . J . Rose , J . S . Robertson , I . W . Robinson , S . Hague , & c Invitations had been sent to the Int .-Gens . for neighbouring provinces , but business
engagements prevented them from being present , and Sir Kt . C . F . Matier , P . Sov . of the Palatine Conclave , No . 50 , Manchester , was the only visitor present . The Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale was on the list of approved candidates for installation , but his lordship had sent a most brotherly note to
the M . P . S . regretting his unavoidable absence , in consequence of his attending the funeral of a niece . Lord Lindsay was also on the list for joining , but he also was absent . The conclave having been opened with solemn ceremonial and according to ancient custom , the Recorder read the minutes of
the previous assembly , which were approved . Out of the sixteen approved candidates , the following six brethren presented themselves for installation , and , after the ballot , were duly installed : S . Johnson , L . Archdeacon , G . D . Urquhart , G . H . Turner , Cron , and McDowell . The conclave was
subsequently closed in peace and harmony , after which banquet was served , to which about thirty Sir Knights sat down . The M . P . S . gave the toasts of " The Queen and Royal Family " and " The Earl Bective , M . I . G . S ., and the Officers of the Grand Conclave , " which were duly honoured . Ill Sir Kt .
Turner proposed " Sir Kt . T . N . Williams and . Jrand Officers of the College of Viceroys , " which was acknowledged by Sir Kts . Goepel and Matier . —The M . P . S . said he had great pleasure in g iving "The Health of their Intendant-General , Sir Kt . Turner , " and he was certain the toast would ba
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
meeting . The lodge was closed at 2 p . m . After an interval of an hour and a half , those who had been present at the ceremony , and others , reassembled at the Seven Stars Hotel to partake of the annual banquet . The arrangements were very complete , a
programme which had been prepared was strictly adhered to , the usual Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and the proceedings , which passed off with great Mat , terminated at about 8 o ' clock , the party breaking up early owing to the exigencies of trains .
MARKET HARBOROUGH . —St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . . 1130 . —The first annual Festival of this flourishing young lodge was held at the Assembly-room , Three Swans Hotel , on Friday , the 27 th ult ., the W . M ., Bro . Wm . Kelly , R . W . P . G . M ., in the chair . There were also present : Bros . Col . Sir Henry St . John
Halford , Bart ., S . W . and W . M .-elect ; Rev . John F . Halford , M . A ., J . W . ; Rev . A . A . O'Neill ( P . P . G . C , East Lancashire ) , Chaplain ; W . H . Marris , P . M . and P . P . G . S . D ., Secretary ; F . Kemp , S . D . ; J . H . Douglass , J . . ; T . Macaulay , M . R . C . S ., I . G . ; J . E . Dixon , Org . ; H . Freestone , Steward ; E . Clarke
Tyler ; and Albert Pell , M . P ., Rev . F . M . Beaumont , M . A ., Dr . Grant , E . Fuller . J . Shovelbottom , J . Gibbs , J . Whitehead , J . Newton , jun ., Joseph J . Harrison , Healy , Lewin , Lawrence , Wiggins , & c . Visitors : Rev . T . M . N . Owen , Chap ., and Dobson , J . W ., 455 ; T . Miller , W . M ., and T . Butcher , Sec ,
737 ; J . Mason Moore , 1085 , P . G . Steward Derbyshire ; George Toller , jun ., P . G . Sec . ; Dr . Clifton , J . Halford , and S . Cleaver , Leicester . Apologies for absence were received from the D . P . G . M . for Norths , and Hunts , ( a frequent visitor of the lodge ) , and other brethren . Great regret was expressed at
the absence , owing to sudden and dangerous illness , of the zealous and active Treasurer of the lodge , Bro . Robt . Waite , P . M . On the completion of the preliminary business , and a ballot having resulted in his favour , Mr . Willoughby Frederick Ellis , of Market Harborough , was duly initiated by the
W . M ., the musical chants , & c , being conducted by Bro . Dixon on the harmonium . Bro . Sir Henry St . John Halford , Bart ., was duly installed by his predecessor according to ancient custom . R . W . Bro . Kelly , " as a slight memento of his official connection with the lodge as its first W . M . and P . M ., "
presented a silver jewel of office for the P . M ., which was accepted with thanks . The W . M . then appointed and invested the following brethren as the officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Wm . Kelly , Prov . G . M ., P . M . ; Rev . J . F . Halford , P . G . C ., S . W . ; F . Kemp , J . W . ; Rev . Francis Morton Beaumont , Chaplain ;
James H . Douglass , Secretary ; Thomas Macaulay , S . D . ; Frederick Grant , J . D . ; Jas . Edward Dixon , Org . ; Edward Fuller and H . Freestone , Stewards ; Joseph James Harrison , I . G . ; E . Clarke , Tyler . Thanks for his services in the chair were voted to , and acknowledged by , Bro . Kelly , who ( the printed
abstract of the lodge accounts having been taken as read ) proposed a vote of thanks to P . M . ' s Waite and Marris for their services as Treasurer and Secretary , which was responded to by Bro . Marris , an earnest hope being expressed by both brethren for the speedy restoration to health of Bro . Waite . Thanks
were also accorded to the P . G . Sec , Bro . Toller , P . M . 523 , for his valuable aid in the duties of the lodge for the past year , and which that worthy brother suitably acknowledged . On the lodge being closed , about forty brethren sat down to an elegant banquet , the newly-installed W . M ., Bro . Sir Henry
Halford , of course , presiding , and by whom a plentiful supply of game and champagne was contributed . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , the healths of the P . G . M . and the W . M . being most cordially received . The toast of " The Right Rev . B ; o . the Bishop of the Diocese and the
Clergy of all Denominations in the Province , " was ably proposed by Bro . Pell and wittily responded to by Bro . the Rev . T . M . N . Owen . The Tyler ' s toast brought a very pleasant reunion to a close at an early hour . HAMPTON . — Burdett LodeeNo . 1293 . —This
, lodge met at the Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court , on Saturday , the 28 th ult . Bro . R . Wentworth Little , W . M ., presided , suppoited by Bros . R . Kcnyon , S . W . ; George Kenning , J . W . ; H . G . Buss , P . M ., Treas . ; W . H . Hubbard , P . M ., Sec . ; Major H . W . Palmer , S . D . ; Capt . A . B . DonnithorncI . G . ; J .
, Self , M . D . ; S . Rosenthal , D . R . Adams , R . Boncey , and E . Baxter , P . M . 's ; H . Phythian , J . W . Sanders , J . W . Wiles , and other brethren , including Bros . Marsh and Walters as visitors . The only business was the elections for the ensuing year , which
resulted unanimously as follows : Bros . Kcnyon , W . M . ; Little , Treas . ; and Gilbert , Tyler . When the lodge was closed , the brethren sat down to a first-rate banquet , and passed a very agreeable evening together .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . m Caveac Chapter , No . 1 76 . —The installation meeting of this chapter was held on Thursday , the 2 nd mst ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , City .
Royal Arch.
The chapter was opened by Comps . P . A . Nairne , Z ., P . Browne , H ., and M . Scott , J ., assisted by Comps . F . Walters , P . Z : and Treas ., R . W . Little , P . Z ., & c The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and the report of the Audit Committee , which showed that a good balance was in the hands of the Treasurer , was received and
adopted . A ballot proved unanimous in favor of the admission of Bro . Louis Beek ( 205 ) , who was duly exalted . Comp . F . Walters then installed Comp . Pemble Brown , Z ., and Comp . Montagu Scott , H . The installation of Comp . R . S . Foreman as J . was deferred owing to his unavoidable absence . The other officers appointed and invested were Comps . F . Walters ( 5 th time ) , Treasurer ; T . Cmihampton ,
S . E . ; J . Hills , S . N . ; J . C . Hall , P . S . ; W . Holland , 1 st A . S . ; W . A . Hinde , 2 nd A . S . ; F . H . R . Godsell , D . C . ; W . D . Barnett , W . S . ; C . J . Speight , Janitor . The newly-installed M . E . Z . then , on behalf of the chapter , presented his predecessor with a splendid gold P . Z . jewel ( a fine specimen of design and
workmanship of Comp . Geo . Kenning ) , which was duly acknowledged by Comp . Nairne . A vote of thanks was passed to Comp . Walters , as Treasurer and Installing Principal , and the chapter was closed , the companions adjourning to banquet . Domatic C hapter No . 177 . —This old chapter met
on Thursday . the 25 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , under the presidency of the M . E . Z . Comp . W . J . Gilbert , and among other companions present were G . Wilson , H . ; T . Cubitt , J . H . G . Buss , P . Z ., Treas . ; R . W . Little , P . Z ., S . E . ; W . Carpenter , T . A . Adams , C . A . Cottebrune , J . Brett , E . Sisson , and C . B . Payne , P . Z . ' s ; J . R .
Foulger , S . N . ; J . W . Barrett , P . Soj . ; A . T . Hayward and M . Scott , Asst . Soj . ' s ; J . Weaver , Org . ; G . Bolton , J . G . Webb . Bro . Amos Treadwell of the Domatic Lodge , was duly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry , and the chapter was then closed . A banquet followed the work of the chapter , and the evening was most enjoyably spent by all present .
PROVINCIAL . EASTBOURNE . —Jlartington Chapter , No . 916 . — The first regular meeting of this chapter was held at the Sussex Hotel , Eastbourne , on Wednesday , the 1 st inst , at five o ' clock . The chapter was opened in regular form , and the minutes of last
meeting read and confirmed . Five candidates then presented themselves for exaltation , the ceremony being performed by Comp . Dr . Cunningham , Z ., assisted by all his officers , who were almost perfect in the work . The by-laws having been agreed uponthe chapter was closed in solemn form , and
, adjourned till the first Wednesday in February . The companions afterwards sat down to a wellprovided supper , at which they had the pleasure of seeing several distinguished visitors , who expressed themselves well satisfied at their instruction in chapter and entertainment afterwards .
Mark Masonry.
PanmureLodge , No . 139 . —This newly-established lodge held its second meeting on Monday evening , the 6 th inst ., at the Balham Hotel , Balham , when were present the V . W . Bro . James Stevens , P . G . O ., P . M . 104 , W . M . ; W . Bro . John Thomas , P . M ., Prov . Grand Sword-bearer , Middlesex and Surrey ,
S . W . ; W . Bro . Henry F . Huntley , Prov . Grand Standard-bearer , Middlesex and Surrey , J . W . ; Bros . H . F . Hodges , M . O ., Sec ; R . Huntley , S . O . ; George Lillcy , J . O . ; Payne , S . D . ; Maddern , J . D . j G . T . Smith , I . G . ; Hellendean , Steward ; and several members , together with W . Bro . S . Rosenthal , P . M .,
P . G . D . C . ; W . Bro . Dr . Eugene Cronin , G . D ., W . M . 104 ; and Bro . A . Southam , 10 4 , visitors . The minutes of the consecration meeting having been read and confirmed the names of several brethren desiring advancement were mentioned , and the ceremony was then rehearsed by the W . M . and his
officers , in ordnr to secure a proper performance of their respective duties at the ensuing meeting when , after usual ballot , the proposed brethren will be duly advanced . The W . M . delivered the explanatory lecture of the degree , and exemplified to the brethren
its application to their respective duties as officers . A most instructive and agreeable evening was spent in this manner , and its good result will doubtless be experienced in the perfect working of the lodge when it next meets to induct candidates for the degree .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE . JERSEY . —Concord Conclave . No . 8 . —The annual assembly of this conclave was held at the Masonic Temple , on Tuesday , the 24 th of October . The conclave was opened in solemn form by B . Sir Kt .
P . W . Benhain , P . S ., in the unavoidable absence of the M . P . S ., assisted by Sir Kts . Col . Malet de Carteret , Int . Gen . for the division of Jersey ; Ed . D . Le Couteur , V . E . ; Joseph Gregg , S . G . ; Ed . M . Lott , H . P . ; A . Schmitt , Rec . ; J . Oatley , P . ; A . J .
Orders Of Chivalry.
Boullier , H . ; J . Blampied , Treas . ; & c . After the confirmation of the minutes , the circular convening the conclave was read . Sir Kt . Comp . Lucas , of Conclave No . 7 , was balloted for as ., a joining member , and unanimously admitted . The officers for the ensuing year were then elected as follows : Sir
Kts . E . D . Le Couteur , M . P . S . ; Ed . M . Lott , V . E . ; Joseph Gregg , H . P . ; John Oatley , S . G . ; D . Le Geyt , I . G . ; A . Schmitt , Rec . ; John Blampied , Treas . ; A . J . Bouillier , P . ; W . H . Long , Standardbearer ; Lucas , H . ; and G . Rogers , Sec . The M . P . S .-acting opened a College of Viceroys of the
Order , when Sir Kts . Col . Ed . C . Malet de Carteret and Ed . M . Lott , V . E .-elect , were admitted to the Priestly Order . A Senate of Prince Masons and Sovereigns of the Order was then opened by the M . P . S ., assisted by the Recorder , who enthroned the E . Sir Kts . Malet de Carteret and Ed . D . Le
Couteur , M . P . S .-elect of the conclave , in the chair of C . The ceremony throughout was performed in a solemn and impressive manner . The members were admitted , and saluted their new chiefs . The M . P . S . then invested the elected Sir Knights in their respective offices . The M . P . S . now informed the
conclave that the M . 111 . the G . Sov . was pleased to appoint the 111 . Sir Kt . Col . E . C . Malet de Carteret to the post of Intendant-General for the division of Jersey , at the same time requesting the Recorder to proceed with the ceremony of his installation as such . The 111 . Sir Kt . Malet de Carteret was then
presented to the Installing Officer by Sir Kt . Benham , who caused the commission nominating him to that exalted post to be read . The Recorder , after having expressed , in the name of the conclave , the unanimous and cordial ratification of the appointment , performed the ceremony of installing and
obligating the Intendant-General in due form . Ha was then proclaimed as such for the division of Jersey , and saluted accordingly . It was moved by the Recorder , seconded by the Intendant-General , and resolved by acclamation , " That a most cordial vote of grateful thanks be recorded in the minutes
to E . Sir Kt . P . W . Benham , P . Sov ., in recognition of the valuable and graceful services hehasrendered to this conclave , not only in faithfully and religiously discharging his onerous duties thereof as M . P . S . for three consecutive years , but also for the energy and
untired exertions he has displayed during that period to promote the harmonious prosperity of the conclave , as well as to preserve the prestige and dignity of the Order . " The conclave was closed in love and perfect harmony .
LIVERPOOL . —Liverpool Conclave , No . 55 . —By order of the M . P . S ., Gen . Sir Kt . J . Kellett Smith , the Sir Knight companions of the Liverpool Conclave , No . 55 , of the Masonic Order of Knights of Rome and of the Red Cross of Constantine , were summoned to attend an assembly of the conclave at
the Adelphi Hotel , Lime-street , on Thursday , the 26 th ult . The enthusiasm shown at the first meeting of the conclave was again displayed at the second by the attendance of a great number of Sir Knights . Gen . Sir Kt . J . K . Smith , M . P . S ., occupied the chair of C , and amongst those who answered to
the roll-call were : III . Sir G . Turner , Int .-Gen . West Lancashire ; Sir Kts . J . R . Goepel , V . E . ; J . B . Robinson , S . G . ; H . M . Molyneux , J . G . ; R . Washington , H . P . ; J . Wood , Treas . ; H . James , Recorder ; T . Clark , Prefect ; E . Hughes , Orator ; J . Skeaf , Organist ; W . Crane , Herald ; H . Nelson ,
S . S . ; P . Ball , Sentinel ; Moses Mawson , D . C . ; G . H . Wilson , A . Pickup , W . Doyle , J . B . Mackenzie , R . Brown , H . Scott , J . Lloyd , J . E . Jackson , A . Jarvis , J . J . Rose , J . S . Robertson , I . W . Robinson , S . Hague , & c Invitations had been sent to the Int .-Gens . for neighbouring provinces , but business
engagements prevented them from being present , and Sir Kt . C . F . Matier , P . Sov . of the Palatine Conclave , No . 50 , Manchester , was the only visitor present . The Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale was on the list of approved candidates for installation , but his lordship had sent a most brotherly note to
the M . P . S . regretting his unavoidable absence , in consequence of his attending the funeral of a niece . Lord Lindsay was also on the list for joining , but he also was absent . The conclave having been opened with solemn ceremonial and according to ancient custom , the Recorder read the minutes of
the previous assembly , which were approved . Out of the sixteen approved candidates , the following six brethren presented themselves for installation , and , after the ballot , were duly installed : S . Johnson , L . Archdeacon , G . D . Urquhart , G . H . Turner , Cron , and McDowell . The conclave was
subsequently closed in peace and harmony , after which banquet was served , to which about thirty Sir Knights sat down . The M . P . S . gave the toasts of " The Queen and Royal Family " and " The Earl Bective , M . I . G . S ., and the Officers of the Grand Conclave , " which were duly honoured . Ill Sir Kt .
Turner proposed " Sir Kt . T . N . Williams and . Jrand Officers of the College of Viceroys , " which was acknowledged by Sir Kts . Goepel and Matier . —The M . P . S . said he had great pleasure in g iving "The Health of their Intendant-General , Sir Kt . Turner , " and he was certain the toast would ba