Article Scotland. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Scotland. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER OF LANARKSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 4 →
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G . Marshal , acted as Assistant Croupiers . Amongst others present were Bros . Dr . Falconer and D . Hume , Dysart ; Sir Molyneux Ncpcan , Bart . ; Captain Fletcher Campbell , R . N . ; and James Elliott , y r ., of Wolflce . Apolcies ' had been received from Bros , thc Earl of Mar and Kcl'fic , Dep . G . M . ; John Whyte Melville , Past G . M . ; Earl of Brcadalbane . S . ' G . D . ; K . VV . Cochran-Patrick ,
ALP ., Prov . G . M . of Ayrshire ; Charles Dalrymple , M . P ., Prov * . G . M . of Argyll ancl the Isles ; Captain Clayhills Henderson , Prov . G . M . of Forfarshire ; George Maxwell , Prov . G . M . of Wigtown and Kirkcudbright ; F . A . Barrow , Past S . G . W . ' ; Sir J . Don Wauchope , Bart . ; Col . Lumsden , P . P . G . M . of Aberdeenshire ( East ); James H . Neilson , Proxy Prov . G . M . of Venezuela ; Captain G . F .
R . Colt , Proxy Prov . G . M . of Trinidad ; VV . Hay , Representative Nova Scotia ; and Hector M'Lean , Prov . G . M . Lanarkshire ( Upper Ward ) . Deputations were in attendance from thc following lodges , headed by thc under-mentioned brethren , for the most part the R . W . M . ' s of the respective lodges : Bros . James Crichton , i : Andrew Clark , 5 ; J . Wilson , S ; Dalkeith
Kilwinning , io ; Nisbet , u ; Gillespie , 14 ; Milne , 19 ; Bertram , 20 ; Wallace , 35 ; E . Scllintin , 3 G ; Bringloe , 42 ; Dr . Carmichael , 4 S ; Macdonald , 54 ; D . Compton , 57 ; Robertson , 70 ,- Moir , 93 ; J . Craig , 97 ; Laurence , 117 ; Ronaldson , 151 ; Robertson , 153 ; Cameron , 175 ; A . Hay , 1 S 5 ; Barry , 223 ; Dr . Falconer , 291 ; Dobie , 349 ; Brownlee , 3 62 : A . VV . Rennie , 3 S 0 ; A . Apthorpe , 46 - ;; Laing , 429 ; ' VV . Pearson , 51 S ; Hume , 520 ;
Drysdale , 597 ; and J . D . Duncan , 607 . Dinner was served in excellent style by Bro . Daish ; and thereafter Grand Lodge was opened in the First Degree , and several toasts were proposed . "The Queen and thc Prince and Princess of Wales , with the rest of the Royal Family , " having been drunk with loyal honours , the Grand Master proposed " The Navy , Army , Militia , and
Volunteers , " coupling with thc navy the name of Captain Fletcher Campbell , R . N ., vvho , hc mentioned , had been made a Companion of the Bath for his behaviour at the Cape , and whom Grand Lodge welcomed there ( applause ); Bro . Lieut .-Gencral Sir James Alexander with the army ; Col . Sir Archibald Campbell with thc militia ; and Captain Crombie , Aberdeen , with the volunteers . These brethren having replied , the Grand Master proposed " The Grand
Lodges of England and Ireland . " Bro BALFOUR , Grand Master of all India , rose amid cheers to propose thc toast of " Flic Grand Master . " In doing so he said that he felt that a very great honour had been conferred on Scottish Freemasons in India by their representative having been permitted to instal the Grand Master , and by this toast having been committed to his
hands . , lt would be superfluous on his part to tell them anything of the manner in which thc Grand Master had discharged the duties of his high office . Their Grand Master had laboured among them all ( applause ) , and by his works they knew him ( renewed applause ) , and their appreciation of them had led them to rc-clcct him , and to appoint him as their Grand Master for the eighth time
( applause ) , to the entire satisfaction of every brother of the Scottish Craft , and in that he had been undoubtedly and quietly carrying out their legitimate objects ; buthe had , as many had , recognised , as these had been brought to a close , that his labours were only commencing ( hear , hear ) , and that they were yet necessary to place Scottish Freemasonry in thc high position which all the brethren
who desired to see it emulate the Constitutions of England and Ireland were anxious it should occupy . ( Applause . ) He vvas sure hc might say , not only on behalf of the foreign brethren , that their Grand Master , in endeavouring to continue his series of reforms , had the heartfelt sympathy and cordial support of every brother belonging to the Craft . ( Prolonged applause . )
Thc GRAND MASTER , who was received with prolonged and enthusiastic cheering , said that the part he was now called upon to perform was much more pleasing than it vvas a lew ycars ago—in fact thc whole drama was more satisfactory and more pleasant to all—thc performers and the audience ; thc general body of Masons was also much better pleased . ( Applause . ) The consequence vvas that
they had a full treasury , and they could all unite , without reserve , in drinking to thc prosperity of thc Grand Lodge of Scotland . ( Applause . ) During the year ending lhat day there had been 37 6 3 entrants , anil of these about one third were from Colonial and foreign lodges , and seven new charters had been issued . Thc Grand Lodge debt at that date amounted to £ 3800 ,
whilst at the same date last year it was £ 5464 , so that there vvas a surplus on the year of £ 1 GG 4 . ( Applause . ) This state of Grand Lodge affairs was satisfactory to him , and vvas highly so to all present Financial matters were going right ; they had a most efficient and attentive committee ; and besides that hc thought the whole tone of Grand Lodge vvas ihealthy and fraternal . ( Applause . ) Jealousies of
localities were dying away , and they now f » lt it was their duty and pleasure to do their best for Grand Lodge , irrespective-of east or west , north or south . ( Applause . ) The Grand Master concluded by thanking the Grand Lodge for re-electing him to his high office . The toast of "The Past Grand Masters " having been proposed by Bro . ALEXANDER HAY , and that of "Thc
Foreign Grand Lodges" by SIR ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL , and replied to by Capt . CHARLES HUNTER , "The Depute and Substitute Grand Masters" was proposed by Bro . VVM . MANN . In doing so hc remarked that it vyas not long since the Substitute Master , Sir Archibald Campbell , had an honour conferred upon him by thc Queen ; and they trusted in course of time to see him at tlie head of Grand
Lodge . They could not always have Sir Michael on the throne , and hc had no doubt that thc time was fast coming vvhen their fric id Sir Alexander Campbell would be put in the chair , antl hc was sure Sir Alexander would do equal credit to the cl ai * as had been done by the excellent Grand Masters who had preceded him . ( Applause . ) In replying to thc toast , Sir ALEXANDER CAMPBELL
said that , though he would not venture to be a prophet , he hoped and trusted that in whatever position hc was placed he would be able to do his duty . ( Applause . ) " 1 hc Health of Lady Octavia Stewart " was then proposed in felicitous t-jnns by thc Fail of HADDINGTON , and
drank amid cheers , the Grand Master replying . Thc health of each of the daughter lodges which were represented by deputations was then proposed , thc heads of the deputations replying in due order . The other toasts werc "The Grand Wardens , " by Bro . MACRAE , replied lo by the Earl of HADDINGTON ; "Thc Provincial and District Grand Lodges , " by Bro . OFFICER
and acknowledged by Bro . CHARLES SHEPHERD ; "The Grand Chaplains and other Office Bearers cf Grand Lodge , " by thc GRAND Al ASTER , who passed a high eulogium upon thc Grand Secretary for his faithful discharge of his duties , and replied for by Bro . Rev . VV . C . E . J AMIESON ; "The Board of Grand Stewards , " by Bro . Captain CROMBIE , replied for by Bro . J AMES TURNER ;
and , in solemn silence , " The Alemory of St . Clair of Rosslyn . " An excellent orchestra , under Bro . Dambmann , supplied music during the evening , and a number of excellent songs were sung by several of the brethren . Grand Lodge was closed in ample form , and the company separated at about ten o ' clock .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Lanarkshire.
The quarterly convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter over the Lower Ward of Lanarkshire took place within their chapter rooms , 213 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Friday evening , the 26 th ult ., Comp . VV . J . Easton , M . E . Supt ., presiding , who was ably assisted by Comps . T . M . Campbell , M . li . Principal H . ; James Dalrymple Duncan ,
acting M . E . Principal J . ; James Balfour , E . Scribe E . ; Thomas W . Brownlie , E . Treas . ; Geo . Muir , Colin M'Kenzie , and David Gilchrist , First , Second , and Third Sojourners respectively . The meeting was fairly represented by the Principals comprising the various chapters in thc province . The minute of last meeting was read and cordially sustained by the companions . The election of office bearers was next proceeded with , and constituted as follows :
Comp . VV . J . Easton Prov . G . Supt . „ Thomas Halket Prov . G . H . „ Thomas M . Campbell Prov . G . J . „ James Balfour Prov . G . S . E . „ James M . Oliver Prov . G . S . N . „ John Marshall Prov . G . Treas .
„ James Duthie Prov . G . Chan . „ George Muir Prov . G . ist Soj . „ Colin M'Kenzie ... ... -... Prov . G . 2 ndSoj . „ Stephen Roberton ... ... Prov . G . 3 rd Soj . „ Frederick Neute Prov . G ; Swd . B . „ William Findlav Prov . G . S . of VV . „ Robert Muir Prov . G . Std . B . „ Robert Gardiner Prov . G . Janitor .
The auditor ' s report for the past financial year was laid before the meeting , when thc- companions expressed themselves highly satisfied at thc continued prosperity of the chapter , and regretted the retiral from office of Comp . T . \ V . Brownlie , late Treasurer , who received the thanks of thc chapter for his past services . A like compliment to
thc auditors was passed for their prompt action in auditing thc books . The annual levy from the chapters in the province was continued the same as last year . The annual visitation by the Provincial Grand Chapter to take p lace upon an early date . After other formal business relative to Royal Arch Masonry the chapter was duly closed .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
• Xraft Jteonrg . FAITH LODGE ( No . 141 ) . —This old lodge , as usual , mustered strongly on Tuesday , the 30 th tilt ., when it met at its head-quarters , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . There were present Bros . Morrison , VV . M . ; Themans , P . M ., acting S . VV . ( in the absence , through severe illness , of Bro . Heaphy ); T . C Walls , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., J . W . ; E . Hopwood , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., acting I . P . M .
Carter , P . M ., Treas . ; VV . Stuart , P . M ., Sec ; Clark , S . D . ; Jordan , I . G . ; Kendall , W . S . ; Fromitz , D . C . ; Giecn , P . M . ; Charles Dairy , P . M . ; and Cobham , P . M . Amongst the visitors were Bros . T . Fisher , J . W . 1405 ; Dickson , 179 ; E . Wood , S 26 ; G . Gorringc , S 34 ; II . Bromit , Excelsior ; VV . Mollis , 1531 ; A . Walmsley , 1 G 24 ; and S . Doig , 90 ( Scotland ) .
The minutes of the installation meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken upon behalf of Mr . Day , and it proving to be unanimous , that gentleman vvas duly and ably inducted into the mysteries of the Craft . The subject of the testimonial to Bro . Carter having been fully discussed , thc sum of five guineas , from the lodge funds , was , upon the motion of Bros . Walls and Themans ,
unanimously voted to the fund now in course of collection . A Committee , consisting of the officers and three lay members , was subsequently appointed to carry out the details of the testimonial . Several communications from absent members having been read , the lodge vvas closed , and the brethren adjourned to a collation . Thc after proceedings were merel y of a formal nature . Bro . Day acknowledged the toast of "Thc Initiate , " and
Bros , risher , Doig , and others responded upon behalf of "The Visitors . " "The Health of the VV . AI . " was given by Bro . Dairy , P . AL , and modestly replied to by Bro . Alorrison . "The Officers" was coupled with thc name of Bro . Walls , who responded . The success of the proceedings vyas greatly enhanced b y thc instrumental and vocal abilities of Bro . Dickson and others . The members separated at an early hour .
HORNSEY LODGE ( No . 890 ) . —A large num . ber of the brethren of the above lodge met at Freemasons ' Hall , on Friday , the 3 rd inst ., and weresupplemented by an almost equal number of visitors . The sole business of the evening vvas to instal Bro . S . T . Turquand , P . G . D . C . Surrey , into the chair of the lodge , thisimpressivecereniony being ably performed by the outgoing Alaster , Bro .
Kempster , AI . D ., and obtained the hearty applause of the assembled brethren . Bro . Turquand appointed and invested his officers as follows , viz . : Bros . T . G . Smith , S . VV . ; Walters , J . W . ; Churchward , S . D . ; Bolton , J . D . ; Bench , I . G . ; Crawby , D . C .: and Willing . W . S .
A [ handsome Past Alaster ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Kempster , AI . D ., vvho warmly thanked the lodge for the gift . The banquet was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , and gave great satisfaction to the brethren of thc lodge , and their invites . The usual loyal and Alasonic toasts werc given , that of " The W . M . " being most cordiall y received . "Thc Visitors" had due acknowledgment from Bros .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Greenwood , G . S . B ., P . G . D . Surrey ; H . E . Frances , P . P . G . D . ; Greenwood , P . G . R . Surrey ; Dew , and others . "The Masonic Charities" were dul y honoured , and eloquently replied to b y Bros . Binckes and Terry , the VV . M expressing his determination to represent thc Boys' at the next festival . The pleasures of the evening were much
enhanced by some admirable singing by Miss Bertie Stephens , R . A . AL , Alessrs . Lovett , Ring , and H . Preston , Alilland ' s song of " Waiting " being charmingly rendered by Miss Stephens , and enthusiastically encored by thc brethren . Altogether Bro . 'Turquand may congratulate himself on a most successful commencement to his year of office .
NEW CROSS LODGE ( No . 1559 ) . —The election meeting of this lodge was held at the New Cross Public Hall , Lewisham High-road , on Saturday the 4 th inst ., and the brethren mustered in fair strength . There were present Bros . E . H . Thiellay , P . G . STB . Aliddx ., P . M . W . AL ; Ernest E . Smith , S . VV . ; VV . Cowley , j . W . ; H ! Keeble , P . M . Treas . ; Walter Simmonds , P . AI . Secretary ;
Louis Beck , I . P . M . ; T . Grummant , S . D . ; H . Henton , J . D . ; Fry , ( acting as ) I . G . Members : Bros . Aloss , T . Aletham , Whichelow , J . Graham , G . J . Hendry , R . P . Gloag , and Ross . The lodge having been opened in the First Degree , and minutes of the last regular lodge meeting , and those of the emergency meeting ofthe ioth ult ., read and confirmed , Bros . Simmons , P . AL , Secretary then read the bye-laws , after which the lodge vvas
opened in thc Second Degree , and Bros . Gloag , Hendry , and Graham , candidates for raising , were subjected to examination , and having given proofs of their efficiency in the former Degrees were duly entrusted and withdrew . Bro . L . Beck , LP . AL , then assumed the chair of K . S ., and opened thc lodge in thc Third Degree . Bros . Gloag , Hendry and Graham were admitted , and raised to the
Sublime Degree of a P . AL , Bro . Beck performing thc ceremony with thc same efficiency which characterised his ministrations during his year of office in 1 S 59 . The brethren then proceeded to elect a successor to Bro . Thiellay to fill the office of VV . AI . for the ensuing twelve months , and Bro . Ernest Smith was duly elected to fill that office . Bro . Thiellay , VV . AI . addressing
Bro . Smith , observed : " Bro . Smith , it gives me great pleasure in officiall y informing you that the brethren have elected you as their W . AI . For the ensuing twelve months . As one of the founders of this lodge , I have watched your career as a young Alason with great interest , and I am satisfied that you will fulfil the duties of thc chair with credit to yourself and with satisfaction to the brethren . "
Bro . Ernest Smith , S . VV ., in responding , thanked those who had voted for him , and also thc VV . AI . for his kind remarks . It would be his earnest endeavour to render his year of office an enjoyable one to the brethren and a successful one for the lodge , and bearing in mind the excellent efficiency of those who would assist him as officers , he felt confident as to the result of the ensuing year ' s work . " The ballot was
then taken for thc office of 1 reasurer , to which office Bro . Thiellay was elected . Bro . Thiellay in a few well chosen words thanked the brethren for the honour conferred upon him . Bro . A . B . Church was next re-elected as T y ler , and Bros . Fry , Whichelow , and Graham appointed Auditors . It vvas then proposed and seconded that a Past Alaster ' s jewel be presented to Bro . Thiellay as a recognition of the able manner in which he had fulfilled the duties
of the chair during his year of ofiice . This was carried unanimously and Bro . Smith , S . VV ., announced the fact to thc VV . AI ., who returned thanks . A matter of a private nature having occupied the attention of the lodge for some little time , the W . AL , having risen thrice , the lodge wai closed in due form . Refreshment followed labour and due justice was done to the usual Alasonic toasts . Bro . Ernest Smith , S . VV ., announced Air . Fred Darrell ( of the Globa Theatre ) as his first initiate .
CARNARVON LODGE ( No . 1572 ) . —One of thc most successful meetings in connection with this flourishing lodge took place on Saturday last , at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , when a large number of brethren were present to do honour to the occasion of thc installation of Bro . Nelson Reed , P . AI . 1 G 01 and 1 G 71 , as Worshipful Alaster , which ceremony was performed by
Bro . George Briggs , in such a manner as to draw upon him the highest encomiums from those present , many of whom , as their names will prove , were well able to judge . The lodge was opened in due form at 2 . 30 by thc W . AL , Bro . George Briggs , assisted by Bros . T . S . Hellier , I . P . M . ; Nelson Reed , S . VV . ; George A . Brock , J . VV . j J . Clarricoats , Treasurer ; " VV . S . Whitaker , Secretary ;
F . Morgan , S . D . ; P . Bullock , Organist ; A . Pearce , D . of C ; R . Cotton , I . G . ; J . Steedman , P . AI . 75-1 Tyler ; James Cowan , P . AL ; Henry G . Buss , P . M . ( hon » mem . ); James Terry , P . AL ( lion , mem . ) , Past G . W . Herts ; fc . E . H . Goffin ; VV . H . Wright ; John C . Werring , Z . H . Perkins , John C . Corris , R . Hobbs , A . Bradley , F . A . Spurgin , J . Russell , VV . H . Bennett ,
li . A . Packer , Thomas qrown , C . Lovebond , J . Alargetts , J , Byles , F . H . Willcocks , VV . E . Leman , A . Taylor , Alfred E . J . Snell , and others . The minutes of the meeting held on the Gth ult . were read and confirmed , after which Bro . Bradley was passed to the Second Degree . Ballot was then taken for Messrs Albert Alodel and James Pcrrior Swayne , candidates for initiation . This being
declared in their favour , they were duly prepared and subsequently initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry by the W . AL , Bro . Briggs , in a 1110 s ' perfect and impressive manner . The Wardens having vacated their chairs , the installation ceremony vvas proceeded with , the chair of K . S . being occupied by Br George Briggs , supported by Bro . H . G . Buss , as S . W ., Past
and Bro . James Terry , as J . W . ; Bro . J . L . Alather , Grand D . of C Herts , acting as D . of C . The ceremony was performed in the presence of a Board of twenty Installed Alasters . On the return of the brethren the newlyinstalled Alaster , Bro . Nelson Reed , vvas proclaimed an " saluted in the various Degrees , and , in due course , pf " ceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows , accon
panying each investment with a few comp limentary remarks : Bros . George Briggs , I . P . M . ; G . A . Bn"j ; S . VV . ; F . Alorgan ( first initiate of the lodge ) , l . * v * i John Clarricoats , Treasurer ( re-elected for the fifth time ) > \ V . S . Whitaker , P . M ., Sec . ( re-appointed ); J . E . Vf man , S . D . ( by proxy ); R . Cotton , f . D . ; A . T . Pearce . I . G . ; P . Bullock , D . of C ; R . E . H . Goffin , W . S j I j ? Steedman , P . M . 754 , Tyler . In appointing his b . U .
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G . Marshal , acted as Assistant Croupiers . Amongst others present were Bros . Dr . Falconer and D . Hume , Dysart ; Sir Molyneux Ncpcan , Bart . ; Captain Fletcher Campbell , R . N . ; and James Elliott , y r ., of Wolflce . Apolcies ' had been received from Bros , thc Earl of Mar and Kcl'fic , Dep . G . M . ; John Whyte Melville , Past G . M . ; Earl of Brcadalbane . S . ' G . D . ; K . VV . Cochran-Patrick ,
ALP ., Prov . G . M . of Ayrshire ; Charles Dalrymple , M . P ., Prov * . G . M . of Argyll ancl the Isles ; Captain Clayhills Henderson , Prov . G . M . of Forfarshire ; George Maxwell , Prov . G . M . of Wigtown and Kirkcudbright ; F . A . Barrow , Past S . G . W . ' ; Sir J . Don Wauchope , Bart . ; Col . Lumsden , P . P . G . M . of Aberdeenshire ( East ); James H . Neilson , Proxy Prov . G . M . of Venezuela ; Captain G . F .
R . Colt , Proxy Prov . G . M . of Trinidad ; VV . Hay , Representative Nova Scotia ; and Hector M'Lean , Prov . G . M . Lanarkshire ( Upper Ward ) . Deputations were in attendance from thc following lodges , headed by thc under-mentioned brethren , for the most part the R . W . M . ' s of the respective lodges : Bros . James Crichton , i : Andrew Clark , 5 ; J . Wilson , S ; Dalkeith
Kilwinning , io ; Nisbet , u ; Gillespie , 14 ; Milne , 19 ; Bertram , 20 ; Wallace , 35 ; E . Scllintin , 3 G ; Bringloe , 42 ; Dr . Carmichael , 4 S ; Macdonald , 54 ; D . Compton , 57 ; Robertson , 70 ,- Moir , 93 ; J . Craig , 97 ; Laurence , 117 ; Ronaldson , 151 ; Robertson , 153 ; Cameron , 175 ; A . Hay , 1 S 5 ; Barry , 223 ; Dr . Falconer , 291 ; Dobie , 349 ; Brownlee , 3 62 : A . VV . Rennie , 3 S 0 ; A . Apthorpe , 46 - ;; Laing , 429 ; ' VV . Pearson , 51 S ; Hume , 520 ;
Drysdale , 597 ; and J . D . Duncan , 607 . Dinner was served in excellent style by Bro . Daish ; and thereafter Grand Lodge was opened in the First Degree , and several toasts were proposed . "The Queen and thc Prince and Princess of Wales , with the rest of the Royal Family , " having been drunk with loyal honours , the Grand Master proposed " The Navy , Army , Militia , and
Volunteers , " coupling with thc navy the name of Captain Fletcher Campbell , R . N ., vvho , hc mentioned , had been made a Companion of the Bath for his behaviour at the Cape , and whom Grand Lodge welcomed there ( applause ); Bro . Lieut .-Gencral Sir James Alexander with the army ; Col . Sir Archibald Campbell with thc militia ; and Captain Crombie , Aberdeen , with the volunteers . These brethren having replied , the Grand Master proposed " The Grand
Lodges of England and Ireland . " Bro BALFOUR , Grand Master of all India , rose amid cheers to propose thc toast of " Flic Grand Master . " In doing so he said that he felt that a very great honour had been conferred on Scottish Freemasons in India by their representative having been permitted to instal the Grand Master , and by this toast having been committed to his
hands . , lt would be superfluous on his part to tell them anything of the manner in which thc Grand Master had discharged the duties of his high office . Their Grand Master had laboured among them all ( applause ) , and by his works they knew him ( renewed applause ) , and their appreciation of them had led them to rc-clcct him , and to appoint him as their Grand Master for the eighth time
( applause ) , to the entire satisfaction of every brother of the Scottish Craft , and in that he had been undoubtedly and quietly carrying out their legitimate objects ; buthe had , as many had , recognised , as these had been brought to a close , that his labours were only commencing ( hear , hear ) , and that they were yet necessary to place Scottish Freemasonry in thc high position which all the brethren
who desired to see it emulate the Constitutions of England and Ireland were anxious it should occupy . ( Applause . ) He vvas sure hc might say , not only on behalf of the foreign brethren , that their Grand Master , in endeavouring to continue his series of reforms , had the heartfelt sympathy and cordial support of every brother belonging to the Craft . ( Prolonged applause . )
Thc GRAND MASTER , who was received with prolonged and enthusiastic cheering , said that the part he was now called upon to perform was much more pleasing than it vvas a lew ycars ago—in fact thc whole drama was more satisfactory and more pleasant to all—thc performers and the audience ; thc general body of Masons was also much better pleased . ( Applause . ) The consequence vvas that
they had a full treasury , and they could all unite , without reserve , in drinking to thc prosperity of thc Grand Lodge of Scotland . ( Applause . ) During the year ending lhat day there had been 37 6 3 entrants , anil of these about one third were from Colonial and foreign lodges , and seven new charters had been issued . Thc Grand Lodge debt at that date amounted to £ 3800 ,
whilst at the same date last year it was £ 5464 , so that there vvas a surplus on the year of £ 1 GG 4 . ( Applause . ) This state of Grand Lodge affairs was satisfactory to him , and vvas highly so to all present Financial matters were going right ; they had a most efficient and attentive committee ; and besides that hc thought the whole tone of Grand Lodge vvas ihealthy and fraternal . ( Applause . ) Jealousies of
localities were dying away , and they now f » lt it was their duty and pleasure to do their best for Grand Lodge , irrespective-of east or west , north or south . ( Applause . ) The Grand Master concluded by thanking the Grand Lodge for re-electing him to his high office . The toast of "The Past Grand Masters " having been proposed by Bro . ALEXANDER HAY , and that of "Thc
Foreign Grand Lodges" by SIR ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL , and replied to by Capt . CHARLES HUNTER , "The Depute and Substitute Grand Masters" was proposed by Bro . VVM . MANN . In doing so hc remarked that it vyas not long since the Substitute Master , Sir Archibald Campbell , had an honour conferred upon him by thc Queen ; and they trusted in course of time to see him at tlie head of Grand
Lodge . They could not always have Sir Michael on the throne , and hc had no doubt that thc time was fast coming vvhen their fric id Sir Alexander Campbell would be put in the chair , antl hc was sure Sir Alexander would do equal credit to the cl ai * as had been done by the excellent Grand Masters who had preceded him . ( Applause . ) In replying to thc toast , Sir ALEXANDER CAMPBELL
said that , though he would not venture to be a prophet , he hoped and trusted that in whatever position hc was placed he would be able to do his duty . ( Applause . ) " 1 hc Health of Lady Octavia Stewart " was then proposed in felicitous t-jnns by thc Fail of HADDINGTON , and
drank amid cheers , the Grand Master replying . Thc health of each of the daughter lodges which were represented by deputations was then proposed , thc heads of the deputations replying in due order . The other toasts werc "The Grand Wardens , " by Bro . MACRAE , replied lo by the Earl of HADDINGTON ; "Thc Provincial and District Grand Lodges , " by Bro . OFFICER
and acknowledged by Bro . CHARLES SHEPHERD ; "The Grand Chaplains and other Office Bearers cf Grand Lodge , " by thc GRAND Al ASTER , who passed a high eulogium upon thc Grand Secretary for his faithful discharge of his duties , and replied for by Bro . Rev . VV . C . E . J AMIESON ; "The Board of Grand Stewards , " by Bro . Captain CROMBIE , replied for by Bro . J AMES TURNER ;
and , in solemn silence , " The Alemory of St . Clair of Rosslyn . " An excellent orchestra , under Bro . Dambmann , supplied music during the evening , and a number of excellent songs were sung by several of the brethren . Grand Lodge was closed in ample form , and the company separated at about ten o ' clock .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Lanarkshire.
The quarterly convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter over the Lower Ward of Lanarkshire took place within their chapter rooms , 213 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Friday evening , the 26 th ult ., Comp . VV . J . Easton , M . E . Supt ., presiding , who was ably assisted by Comps . T . M . Campbell , M . li . Principal H . ; James Dalrymple Duncan ,
acting M . E . Principal J . ; James Balfour , E . Scribe E . ; Thomas W . Brownlie , E . Treas . ; Geo . Muir , Colin M'Kenzie , and David Gilchrist , First , Second , and Third Sojourners respectively . The meeting was fairly represented by the Principals comprising the various chapters in thc province . The minute of last meeting was read and cordially sustained by the companions . The election of office bearers was next proceeded with , and constituted as follows :
Comp . VV . J . Easton Prov . G . Supt . „ Thomas Halket Prov . G . H . „ Thomas M . Campbell Prov . G . J . „ James Balfour Prov . G . S . E . „ James M . Oliver Prov . G . S . N . „ John Marshall Prov . G . Treas .
„ James Duthie Prov . G . Chan . „ George Muir Prov . G . ist Soj . „ Colin M'Kenzie ... ... -... Prov . G . 2 ndSoj . „ Stephen Roberton ... ... Prov . G . 3 rd Soj . „ Frederick Neute Prov . G ; Swd . B . „ William Findlav Prov . G . S . of VV . „ Robert Muir Prov . G . Std . B . „ Robert Gardiner Prov . G . Janitor .
The auditor ' s report for the past financial year was laid before the meeting , when thc- companions expressed themselves highly satisfied at thc continued prosperity of the chapter , and regretted the retiral from office of Comp . T . \ V . Brownlie , late Treasurer , who received the thanks of thc chapter for his past services . A like compliment to
thc auditors was passed for their prompt action in auditing thc books . The annual levy from the chapters in the province was continued the same as last year . The annual visitation by the Provincial Grand Chapter to take p lace upon an early date . After other formal business relative to Royal Arch Masonry the chapter was duly closed .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
• Xraft Jteonrg . FAITH LODGE ( No . 141 ) . —This old lodge , as usual , mustered strongly on Tuesday , the 30 th tilt ., when it met at its head-quarters , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . There were present Bros . Morrison , VV . M . ; Themans , P . M ., acting S . VV . ( in the absence , through severe illness , of Bro . Heaphy ); T . C Walls , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., J . W . ; E . Hopwood , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., acting I . P . M .
Carter , P . M ., Treas . ; VV . Stuart , P . M ., Sec ; Clark , S . D . ; Jordan , I . G . ; Kendall , W . S . ; Fromitz , D . C . ; Giecn , P . M . ; Charles Dairy , P . M . ; and Cobham , P . M . Amongst the visitors were Bros . T . Fisher , J . W . 1405 ; Dickson , 179 ; E . Wood , S 26 ; G . Gorringc , S 34 ; II . Bromit , Excelsior ; VV . Mollis , 1531 ; A . Walmsley , 1 G 24 ; and S . Doig , 90 ( Scotland ) .
The minutes of the installation meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken upon behalf of Mr . Day , and it proving to be unanimous , that gentleman vvas duly and ably inducted into the mysteries of the Craft . The subject of the testimonial to Bro . Carter having been fully discussed , thc sum of five guineas , from the lodge funds , was , upon the motion of Bros . Walls and Themans ,
unanimously voted to the fund now in course of collection . A Committee , consisting of the officers and three lay members , was subsequently appointed to carry out the details of the testimonial . Several communications from absent members having been read , the lodge vvas closed , and the brethren adjourned to a collation . Thc after proceedings were merel y of a formal nature . Bro . Day acknowledged the toast of "Thc Initiate , " and
Bros , risher , Doig , and others responded upon behalf of "The Visitors . " "The Health of the VV . AI . " was given by Bro . Dairy , P . AL , and modestly replied to by Bro . Alorrison . "The Officers" was coupled with thc name of Bro . Walls , who responded . The success of the proceedings vyas greatly enhanced b y thc instrumental and vocal abilities of Bro . Dickson and others . The members separated at an early hour .
HORNSEY LODGE ( No . 890 ) . —A large num . ber of the brethren of the above lodge met at Freemasons ' Hall , on Friday , the 3 rd inst ., and weresupplemented by an almost equal number of visitors . The sole business of the evening vvas to instal Bro . S . T . Turquand , P . G . D . C . Surrey , into the chair of the lodge , thisimpressivecereniony being ably performed by the outgoing Alaster , Bro .
Kempster , AI . D ., and obtained the hearty applause of the assembled brethren . Bro . Turquand appointed and invested his officers as follows , viz . : Bros . T . G . Smith , S . VV . ; Walters , J . W . ; Churchward , S . D . ; Bolton , J . D . ; Bench , I . G . ; Crawby , D . C .: and Willing . W . S .
A [ handsome Past Alaster ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Kempster , AI . D ., vvho warmly thanked the lodge for the gift . The banquet was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , and gave great satisfaction to the brethren of thc lodge , and their invites . The usual loyal and Alasonic toasts werc given , that of " The W . M . " being most cordiall y received . "Thc Visitors" had due acknowledgment from Bros .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Greenwood , G . S . B ., P . G . D . Surrey ; H . E . Frances , P . P . G . D . ; Greenwood , P . G . R . Surrey ; Dew , and others . "The Masonic Charities" were dul y honoured , and eloquently replied to b y Bros . Binckes and Terry , the VV . M expressing his determination to represent thc Boys' at the next festival . The pleasures of the evening were much
enhanced by some admirable singing by Miss Bertie Stephens , R . A . AL , Alessrs . Lovett , Ring , and H . Preston , Alilland ' s song of " Waiting " being charmingly rendered by Miss Stephens , and enthusiastically encored by thc brethren . Altogether Bro . 'Turquand may congratulate himself on a most successful commencement to his year of office .
NEW CROSS LODGE ( No . 1559 ) . —The election meeting of this lodge was held at the New Cross Public Hall , Lewisham High-road , on Saturday the 4 th inst ., and the brethren mustered in fair strength . There were present Bros . E . H . Thiellay , P . G . STB . Aliddx ., P . M . W . AL ; Ernest E . Smith , S . VV . ; VV . Cowley , j . W . ; H ! Keeble , P . M . Treas . ; Walter Simmonds , P . AI . Secretary ;
Louis Beck , I . P . M . ; T . Grummant , S . D . ; H . Henton , J . D . ; Fry , ( acting as ) I . G . Members : Bros . Aloss , T . Aletham , Whichelow , J . Graham , G . J . Hendry , R . P . Gloag , and Ross . The lodge having been opened in the First Degree , and minutes of the last regular lodge meeting , and those of the emergency meeting ofthe ioth ult ., read and confirmed , Bros . Simmons , P . AL , Secretary then read the bye-laws , after which the lodge vvas
opened in thc Second Degree , and Bros . Gloag , Hendry , and Graham , candidates for raising , were subjected to examination , and having given proofs of their efficiency in the former Degrees were duly entrusted and withdrew . Bro . L . Beck , LP . AL , then assumed the chair of K . S ., and opened thc lodge in thc Third Degree . Bros . Gloag , Hendry and Graham were admitted , and raised to the
Sublime Degree of a P . AL , Bro . Beck performing thc ceremony with thc same efficiency which characterised his ministrations during his year of office in 1 S 59 . The brethren then proceeded to elect a successor to Bro . Thiellay to fill the office of VV . AI . for the ensuing twelve months , and Bro . Ernest Smith was duly elected to fill that office . Bro . Thiellay , VV . AI . addressing
Bro . Smith , observed : " Bro . Smith , it gives me great pleasure in officiall y informing you that the brethren have elected you as their W . AI . For the ensuing twelve months . As one of the founders of this lodge , I have watched your career as a young Alason with great interest , and I am satisfied that you will fulfil the duties of thc chair with credit to yourself and with satisfaction to the brethren . "
Bro . Ernest Smith , S . VV ., in responding , thanked those who had voted for him , and also thc VV . AI . for his kind remarks . It would be his earnest endeavour to render his year of office an enjoyable one to the brethren and a successful one for the lodge , and bearing in mind the excellent efficiency of those who would assist him as officers , he felt confident as to the result of the ensuing year ' s work . " The ballot was
then taken for thc office of 1 reasurer , to which office Bro . Thiellay was elected . Bro . Thiellay in a few well chosen words thanked the brethren for the honour conferred upon him . Bro . A . B . Church was next re-elected as T y ler , and Bros . Fry , Whichelow , and Graham appointed Auditors . It vvas then proposed and seconded that a Past Alaster ' s jewel be presented to Bro . Thiellay as a recognition of the able manner in which he had fulfilled the duties
of the chair during his year of ofiice . This was carried unanimously and Bro . Smith , S . VV ., announced the fact to thc VV . AI ., who returned thanks . A matter of a private nature having occupied the attention of the lodge for some little time , the W . AL , having risen thrice , the lodge wai closed in due form . Refreshment followed labour and due justice was done to the usual Alasonic toasts . Bro . Ernest Smith , S . VV ., announced Air . Fred Darrell ( of the Globa Theatre ) as his first initiate .
CARNARVON LODGE ( No . 1572 ) . —One of thc most successful meetings in connection with this flourishing lodge took place on Saturday last , at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , when a large number of brethren were present to do honour to the occasion of thc installation of Bro . Nelson Reed , P . AI . 1 G 01 and 1 G 71 , as Worshipful Alaster , which ceremony was performed by
Bro . George Briggs , in such a manner as to draw upon him the highest encomiums from those present , many of whom , as their names will prove , were well able to judge . The lodge was opened in due form at 2 . 30 by thc W . AL , Bro . George Briggs , assisted by Bros . T . S . Hellier , I . P . M . ; Nelson Reed , S . VV . ; George A . Brock , J . VV . j J . Clarricoats , Treasurer ; " VV . S . Whitaker , Secretary ;
F . Morgan , S . D . ; P . Bullock , Organist ; A . Pearce , D . of C ; R . Cotton , I . G . ; J . Steedman , P . AI . 75-1 Tyler ; James Cowan , P . AL ; Henry G . Buss , P . M . ( hon » mem . ); James Terry , P . AL ( lion , mem . ) , Past G . W . Herts ; fc . E . H . Goffin ; VV . H . Wright ; John C . Werring , Z . H . Perkins , John C . Corris , R . Hobbs , A . Bradley , F . A . Spurgin , J . Russell , VV . H . Bennett ,
li . A . Packer , Thomas qrown , C . Lovebond , J . Alargetts , J , Byles , F . H . Willcocks , VV . E . Leman , A . Taylor , Alfred E . J . Snell , and others . The minutes of the meeting held on the Gth ult . were read and confirmed , after which Bro . Bradley was passed to the Second Degree . Ballot was then taken for Messrs Albert Alodel and James Pcrrior Swayne , candidates for initiation . This being
declared in their favour , they were duly prepared and subsequently initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry by the W . AL , Bro . Briggs , in a 1110 s ' perfect and impressive manner . The Wardens having vacated their chairs , the installation ceremony vvas proceeded with , the chair of K . S . being occupied by Br George Briggs , supported by Bro . H . G . Buss , as S . W ., Past
and Bro . James Terry , as J . W . ; Bro . J . L . Alather , Grand D . of C Herts , acting as D . of C . The ceremony was performed in the presence of a Board of twenty Installed Alasters . On the return of the brethren the newlyinstalled Alaster , Bro . Nelson Reed , vvas proclaimed an " saluted in the various Degrees , and , in due course , pf " ceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows , accon
panying each investment with a few comp limentary remarks : Bros . George Briggs , I . P . M . ; G . A . Bn"j ; S . VV . ; F . Alorgan ( first initiate of the lodge ) , l . * v * i John Clarricoats , Treasurer ( re-elected for the fifth time ) > \ V . S . Whitaker , P . M ., Sec . ( re-appointed ); J . E . Vf man , S . D . ( by proxy ); R . Cotton , f . D . ; A . T . Pearce . I . G . ; P . Bullock , D . of C ; R . E . H . Goffin , W . S j I j ? Steedman , P . M . 754 , Tyler . In appointing his b . U .