Article Royal Arch. ← Page 2 of 2 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Rome & Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Cryptic Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC AND GENERAL TIDINGS Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC AND GENERAL TIDINGS Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
D . Westcott , who was for several years Treasurer of the chapter . At the close of the business , the annual banquet was held at the Temple , a large number of members and visitors being present , and a very enjoyable evening passed .
HORNSEY CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT ( No . S 90 ) . —A convocation was held on Friday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Porchcster Hotel , Leinster-place , Cleveland-square , Paddington , W . Present ; Comps . Capt . A . Nicols , P . Z ., V .. Sgo , P . D . G . S . of W . Punjab , M . E . Z . ; E . Child , P . Z . J 38 , 1-1 . ; A . Rudall , P . Z . Sgo , | . ; H . Dehane , 1 . 890 , 2 nd A . S . S 62 , S . li . ; W . H . Chalfont , 973 , S . N . ; W . C . Williams , 733 , P . S . ; VV . 11 . VVadham , 890 , 1 st A . S . ; and E . J . Day , 1329 . Visitor : Comp . A . G . Boswell , 1339 . The chapter having been declared open , and the minutes of the
last convocation read and confirmed , the ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Boswell being the candidate , and he was elected a member . Comps . II . Dehane and J . T . Mickelbnrgh were unanimously elected S . E . and Treas . for the ensuing twelve months , and Comps . Capt . A , Nicols , Dehane , and W . ft . Dean the Committee of Management for the same period . It is hoped that companions will attend and give Comp . Kev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . G . Chap , and P . G . P . Soj ., a hearty reception . The M . E . Z . rose the usual number of times , and , after " Hearty good wishes , " the chapter was closed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
EARL OF CARNARVON LODGE ( No . 211 ) . —This lodge met at Ladbroke Hall , Notting Hill , on the 25 th ult . Among those in attendance were Bros . Skinner , W . M . ; J . Taylor , S . W . ; Rickwood , J . VV . ; J . N . Frye , S . O . ; F . C . Frye , J . O . ; T . C . Walls , P . G . S . B ., & c , P . M ., Sec ; Parkhouse , S . D . ; Smout , J . D . ; French , I . G . ; Hurst , D . C . ; Monson , W . S . ; Dr . Pocock , Lawson ,
P . G . M . O . Middlesex and Surrey , P . M . ; Harris , I . P . M . ; and others . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the election of W . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler for the year ensuing then took place , with the following result : Bros . Taylor , W . M . ; J . Mason , Treasurer ;
and Schofield , Tyler . Bros . Dr . Pocock , Wadham , and Mattin were appointed Auditors . A P . M . ' s jewel having been voted to the W . M ., letters pleading inability to attend were read from Bros . Mason , P . M . ; Goodall , P . M . ; Cama , P . M . ; and others . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet . The usual toasts followed .
HASTINGS . —East Sussex Lodge ( No . 166 ) . —The regular quarterly meeting of this lodge was held at the Castle Hotel , on Tuesday , the 30 th ult . The W . M ., Bro . Councillor W . H . Russell , Prov . G . M . O ., presided , there being also present Bros . Capt . E . W . J . Hennah , R . N ., Prov . G . S . W ., I . P . M . ; T . W . Markwick , Prov . G . Stwd ., S . W . ; the Very Rev . E . R . Currie , M . A ., P . G .
Chap . Eng ., J . W . ; P . M . Skinner , acting M . O . ; F . Duke , P . G . S . D ., S . O . ; J . B . Foord , J . O . ; John Bray , Sec . j Henry Kimm , S . D . ; C . Haine , I . G . ; and Leslie , Tyler . The minutes of previous meeting having been confirmed
and communications read , the candidate for advancement not being in attendance , the W . M ., Bro . Russell , proposed , and Bro . the Very Rev . Currie seconded , that a sum of two guineas be voted from the funds of the lodge towards the proposed testimonial to Bro . Binckes . There being no further business , lodge was closed .
GATESHEAD-ON-TYNE . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 293 ) . —The last meeting of this lodge for the present year was held at the Industry Masonic Hall on Monday , the 6 th inst ., when there was a fair attendance of members and visitors . The W . M ., Bro . C . B . Ford , occupied the chair , supported and assisted by Bros . J . G . Smith , I . P . M . ; lohn Wood , P . M ., Treasurer ; David Sinclair , P . M . ; M .
Corbitt , P . M . ; John Page , S . W . ; W . F . Carmon , J . W . ; A . Simpson , as M . O . ; Robert Whitfield , S . O . ; W . Brown , I . O . ; W . Stafford , Secretary ; H . F . Dryden , S . D . ; Thomas Thompson , J . D . ; R . Wilson , I . G . ; and J . Hedley , Stwd . There were also present Bros . John Usher , W . M . ( T . I . ) N . ar . d B . ; William Coulson , S . W . 362 ; M . j . Wheatley , 362 ; M . H . Dodd , S . W . 124 ; Wm . Richardson , and T . H . Elliottoe .
The ballot was taken for Bro . Edmund Carr , of 4 S , and proving satisfactory he was duly advanced as a M . M . M . by the W . M ., who did his work in an able manner . Bro . John Page , S . W ., was elected as W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . John Wood was re-elected Treasurer , and Joshua Curry as Tyler . The installation will take place on Monday , the 3 rd prox . The lodge was afterwards closed in due form .
Red Cross Of Rome & Constantine.
Red Cross of Rome & Constantine .
ST . ANDREWS CONCLAVE ( No . 15 ) . —A meeting of this conclave was held at the Masonic Hall , Red Lion-square , on Wednesday , the 24 th ult . In the absence of Sir Knt . Alfred Williams , the chair was occupied by Sir Knt . C . F . Matier , Intendant General of Lancashire , and there were present Sir Knts . Baron de Ferrieres , V . E . ; W . M . Bywaler , J . G . ; T . L . Sims , H . P . ; C . H . Driver , Treas . ; F . Bennett , Perfect ; R . Berridge ,
Std . Br . ; C . A . C Jones , Herald ; and E . J . Mills , Sentinel . Visitors : Sir Knts . W . Lake , C . F . Hogard , John W . F . Cuiseberg ( Bombay ) , and R . F . Casalleri ( Rawalpindi ) . The minutes of the last meeting were lead and confirmed , and Bros . H . Parnell Hay , W . E . Stewart , and A . R . Carter were balloted for , and admitted as sir knights of the
Order . The M . P . S ., Sir Knt . Matier , performed the ceremony in that admirable and perfect manner which characterises all his work in Masonry . The ballot for the M . P . S . was then taken , and Sir Knt . Baron de Ferrieres was duly elected to the office . A banquet afterwards took place at the Holborn Restaurant .
MORTGAGES . —Messrs . JAMES are in a position to Supply Money to ANY EXTENT on the ' following Securities : —Landed Estates , Houses , Shops , and Offices , Warehouses and Wharves , Life Interests , & c . Reversions , Borough Rates , & c , at the lowest current rates of interest . Prompt Settlement . 11 , Staple Inn , London , W . C—[ ADVT . ]
Cryptic Masonry.
Cryptic Masonry .
GRAND MASTERS COUNCIL ( No . 1 ) . — This old and exceedingly prosperous council met at the Masonic Hall , Red Lion-square , Holborn , on the 26 th ult . Among those present were Bros . Capt . J . E . Anderson , T . I . M . ; Thomas Poore , P . D . M . ; T . Cubitt , D . M . ; George Graveley , P . C . W . ; T . C . Walls , R . P . D . G . M ., P . T . I . M ., Recorder ; Major Dunbar , C . of C . ; R . B .
Bryant , 3 rd Marshal ; E . Storr , J . S . ; H . H . Shirley , Sentinel ; E . Margrett , Sturtevant , P . L . Smith , ' : T . Clark , F . Graves , J . Harris , J . Jones , T . O . Harding , M . A ., W . VV . Codd , VV . A . Scurrah , William Poore , Nelson Prower , M . A ., Mills , Outer Sentinel ; and others . The minutes of the previous council having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken on behalf of Bros . J .
J . Pakes , R . A . 140 , Mark 1 ; and H . Harris , R . A . 1 S 5 , and Mark 23 S , and it proving to be unanimous , they were most impressively greeted , received , and admitted as M . E . M ., R . M ., S . M ., and S . E . M ., the four arduous ceremonies being performed by the veteran Bro . T . Poore .
Letters pleading inability to attend were read from Bros . Baron de Ferrieres , the Rev . T . W . Lemon , M . A ., Alfred Williams , P . T . I . M ., & . C ., Slater , and others . The council was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant to banquet , under the able presidency of the Thrice Illustiious Master . The usual toasts followed .
Obituary .
BRO . G . H . ATKINSON , S . W . 1 G 22 . We regret to announce the death of Bro . G . H . Atkinson , S . W . of the Rose Lodge , No . 1622 , which took place at his residence , 30 , Trevelyan road , St . John ' s Wood , on Tuesday , the 30 th ult ., after a few days' illness . Bro . Atkinson was initiated into the Rose Lodge in 1 S 77 , and had filled the various ofiices up to that he held at the time of his death . At the funeral , which took place at Nunhead
Cemetery on Saturday , the 4 th inst ., there were present , in addition to his sorrowing relatives , Bros . F . Hilton , W . M . 1622 ; J . T . Loader , I . P . M . 1622 ; D . Rose , P . M . 1 G 22 ; H . Vickery , P . M . 1622 ; W . Cowley , P . M . 1559 , J . W . 1622 ; I . Dunn , J . D . 1622 ; H . G . Martin , Secretary 1 C 22 ; D . Channon , P . M . 147 s ; G . Bracegirdle , 1475 ; and S .
Penny , 1679 . I he brethren of Rose Lodge sent a splendid wreath of flowers as a tribute of respect , and the estimation in which Bro . Atkinson was held in the firm of Messrs . Caldicott and Co ., where he had been employed many years , was testified by the presence of nearly 100 gentlemen connected with that establishment . Bro . Atkinson has left a widow and . four children to mourn his loss .
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Lennox Browne , one of the founders and during the past year the indefatigable Secretary of the Empire Lodge , No . 210 S , has been elected W . M . for the ensuing year in succession to Bro . Sir P . Cunliffe Owen , and will be installed in office at the next regular meeting in
January . The installation meeting of the St . John ' s Lodge , No . 292 , Rothesay , took place on the 2 Qth ult ., when Bro . D . C . Murray was duly installed Master for the ensuing year .
Bro . Robert Davison was installed W . M . of the Caledonian Railway Lodge , No . 345 , Glasgow , on Wednesday , the 1 st inst ., the Installing Master being Bro . Finlay , P . M . St . George Lodge , No . 333 , Glasgow . The Dunbar Castle Lodge , No . 75 , held thenannual ball on Friday , the 26 th ult . There was a large attendance , and the arrangements , under Bro . Provost Brand , W . M ., who acted as M . C ., were very successfully carried out .
On Ihursday , the 2 nd instant , Bvo . W . G , Snaith was installed W . M . of the Tees Lodge , No . 509 , Stockton-on-Tees , in succession to Bro . J . R . N . Jordison , the ceremony being very ably performed by Bro . Alex . Hey , P . M . At the recent monthly meeting of the Tynwald Lodge , No . 1242 , Douglas , Isle of Man , Bro . W . Kissick ,
S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . J . A . Brovyn , P . M ., being re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . j . Cowen , Tyler . Bro . Dr . John Ford is the W . M . for the current year of the Gveencck Kilwinning Lodge , No . 12 , and Bro . D . J . Dunlop , W . M . of the Doric Kilwinning Lodge , No . CS , the installation in both cases having taken place on Thursday , the 2 nd inst .
Bro . the Hon . VV . T . Orde-Powlett , D . P . G . M . North and East Yorkshire , officially visited the North York Lodge , No . G 02 , Middlesborough , on the 20 th ult ., and after greeting the brethren , and congratulating them on the present prosperous condition of Freemasonry in their ( own , was unanimously elected an honorary member of the lodge .
The new lodge , the Sterndale Bennett , will be consecrated on Friday , the 17 th inst ., at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell . Any members of the Craft who are desirous of being present should communicate at once with the Secretary of the lodge at the Hall . The ceremony will be performed by V . W . Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S ., assisted by Bro . Philbrick , Q . C ., and other Grand Officers .
Bros . F . Tayler , C . C ., and Philip E . Cltinn , the partners of the firm of G . W . Wheatley and Co ,, entertained their staff and a few friends to dinner at the Holborn Restaurant on Monday evening last , over forty being present . Everything passed off well . The dinner , served
under the direction of Bro . Hamp , was excellent , and the speeches short and to the point , while the singing during the intervals was much appreciated . The visitors included Bros . VV . Darkin , C . C ., H . A . Lovctt , Mount Brown , G . H . Baker , and A . Bull .
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . T . R . Beaufort Hinks has been elected W . M . of the Stability Lodge , No . 217 , for the ensuing year , and will be duly installed in office at the meeting in January . At the annual meeting of the Palatine Lodge , No . 97 , Sunderland , on Thursday afternoon , the 9 th inst ., Bro . Robert Singleton , S . W ., W . M . elect , was duly
installed as W . M . o ! the lodge . Bro . S . H . Sharman , P . P . G . S . B ., was , on Monday , unanimously elected W . M . ol the Lodge of Three Grand Principles , No . 441 , Cambridge . The installation will take place on January 3 rd . At a meeting of the Royal Savoy Mark Lodge , No- 355 . held on Tuesday , the 6 th inst ., Bro . Wm . Mason
Stiles was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . J . Willing , jun ., as Treasurer . Bro . R . P . Duke , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Derbyshire , was installed W . M . of the Buxton Lodge , No . iGSS , Buxton , at the annual meeting , at the Palace Hotel , on Monday , the 29 th ult . The usual banquet followed . It has been stated that the members of thn St .
Peter s Lodge , No . 476 , Carmarthen , propose holding a concert in the Assembly Rooms of that town on the 25 th January prox ., in aid of the local Infirmary . We have been requested to announce that the date on which the Lodge of Merit , No . 466 , Stamford , will hold its annual ball , in aid of the Masonic Institutions , has been changed from the 14 th January to the 21 st January next .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Hyde Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1425 , as follows : the first lecture on Monday , the 13 th inst ; and the second and third lectures on Monday , the 20 th inst . Brethren are invited to attend .
A concert in aid of the Dublin Masonic Chanties was recently held in the Town Hall , Lurgan , under distinguished patronage , and we are glad to hear that , both financially and musically , it proved a great success , the attendance being large , and the applause both frequent and appreciative .
The annual meeting of the King Solomon Lodge , No . 2029 , will take place at the Masonic Hall , Sa , Red Lion-square , on the Sth January next , when Bro . VV . P . St . Leonards Chubb , S . W ., W . M . elect , will be installed in the chair of K . S . Banquet at the Holborn Restaurant at seven p . m . We announced last week that a chapter is about
to be established in connection with the Chiswick Lodge , and we are asked to state that Bro . Gardner will be pleased to hear from any brother in the neighbourhood who desires to co-operate . Bro . Gardner ' s address is Goldhawk House , William's Terrace , Chiswick , W . Among the more recent deaths of eminent public men must be mentioned that of Bro . Sir Alexander
Malet , formerly her Majesty's Minister Plenipotentiary to the late Germon diet , who was initiated in the Apollo University Lodge , No . 357 , Oxford , in 1 S 20 , and whose son , Sir E . Baldwin Malet , her Majesty ' s Ambassador at Berlin , is also an initiate of the same distinguished lodge . We regret to announce that Bro . T . W . C . Bush
died on Tuesday . _ Bro . Bush had played his part in Masonry with considerable success , and had done much valuable service to our Institutions , of all of which he was a Life Governor , and for which he had served sundry Stewardships . We hope to give a full notice of his career next week .
Bro . C . J . Cuthbertson , P . M . 27 , by the courtesy of the W . M ., Bro . Hales , performed the interesting ceremony of initiating his own brother , Francis Cuthbertson , LL . D ., M . A ., Mathematical Master of the City of London School , on Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., a large number of distinguished visitors , and many Past Masters of the lodge , being present .
On Saturday , the 27 th ult ., the remains of Bro . James Mitchell , for 20 years Treasurer of Lodge Ancient , No . 49 , Dundee , were laid in their last resting-place in Rosehill Cemetery with Masonic honours , the brethren attending in full Masonic clothing , and the service being read by Bro . A , Balfour . Bro . Mitchell , who was highly respected , was in his 71 st year . Bro . Col . T . P . Frankl yn was installed W . M .
of the Douglas Lodge , No . 1725 , Maidstone , on Friday , the 2 Gth ult ., Bro . Shaw , P . M . Invicta Lodge , No . 709 , Ashford , being the Installing Master . There was a numerous attendance of members and visitors , both in lodge and at the subsequent banquet at the Mitre , and in the course of the proceedings Bro . Arkcoll , the retiring W . M ., was presented with a handsome P . M . ' s jewel in recognition of his services during the past year .
A lodge of instruction has been started in connection with the Hammersmith Lodge , No . 2090 , which was consecrated in April , 1 SS 5 . It meets on Wednesday evenings , at 7 . 30 p . m ., in the Board Room of the Baths' Company , in Black's-road , Bridge-road , Hammersmith . Bro . Howard Room , the first W . M . of the lodge , has accepted the post of Preceptor . The working is that adopted by the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , and will be confined entirely to the ceremonies .
At the annual meeting of the Kingston Lodge , No . 1010 , Hull , on the 1 st inst ., Bro . O'Donohue , W . M . Humber Lodge , No . 57 , threw out a suggestion in the course of some jrcmarks he had occasion to make as to the advisability of the five Hull lodges securing to their own
use one large central building , where they could all hold their meetings , and establish a Masonic Club . As the Kingston Lodge will at a not very remote date have to vacate its present hall , the suggestion is not unlikely to find favour with our Hull brethren .
HOLLOWAV ' PHLS AXD Oi . vTMEKT . —It is impossible to over , estimate the benefits these effective remedies have conferred on mankind ; and so great has been their success in every part of the world that their names have become " familiar in our mouths as household words" as ready remefn .-s for constipation , indigestion , anil kind of blood The action of these
every impurity . Pills is essentially that of I'lirijicrs of the blood , hence they strike at the root of nearly all the diseases to which our llesh is heir , neutralise the ill-eil ' ecfs of malaria and unhealthy atmospheres , and check the onset of fevers , and inflammations , and catarrhs . The Ointment acts as a detergent and cleansing agent , reduces glandular swellings and quickly heals chronic ulcerations , —[ Anvr . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
D . Westcott , who was for several years Treasurer of the chapter . At the close of the business , the annual banquet was held at the Temple , a large number of members and visitors being present , and a very enjoyable evening passed .
HORNSEY CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT ( No . S 90 ) . —A convocation was held on Friday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Porchcster Hotel , Leinster-place , Cleveland-square , Paddington , W . Present ; Comps . Capt . A . Nicols , P . Z ., V .. Sgo , P . D . G . S . of W . Punjab , M . E . Z . ; E . Child , P . Z . J 38 , 1-1 . ; A . Rudall , P . Z . Sgo , | . ; H . Dehane , 1 . 890 , 2 nd A . S . S 62 , S . li . ; W . H . Chalfont , 973 , S . N . ; W . C . Williams , 733 , P . S . ; VV . 11 . VVadham , 890 , 1 st A . S . ; and E . J . Day , 1329 . Visitor : Comp . A . G . Boswell , 1339 . The chapter having been declared open , and the minutes of the
last convocation read and confirmed , the ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Boswell being the candidate , and he was elected a member . Comps . II . Dehane and J . T . Mickelbnrgh were unanimously elected S . E . and Treas . for the ensuing twelve months , and Comps . Capt . A , Nicols , Dehane , and W . ft . Dean the Committee of Management for the same period . It is hoped that companions will attend and give Comp . Kev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . G . Chap , and P . G . P . Soj ., a hearty reception . The M . E . Z . rose the usual number of times , and , after " Hearty good wishes , " the chapter was closed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
EARL OF CARNARVON LODGE ( No . 211 ) . —This lodge met at Ladbroke Hall , Notting Hill , on the 25 th ult . Among those in attendance were Bros . Skinner , W . M . ; J . Taylor , S . W . ; Rickwood , J . VV . ; J . N . Frye , S . O . ; F . C . Frye , J . O . ; T . C . Walls , P . G . S . B ., & c , P . M ., Sec ; Parkhouse , S . D . ; Smout , J . D . ; French , I . G . ; Hurst , D . C . ; Monson , W . S . ; Dr . Pocock , Lawson ,
P . G . M . O . Middlesex and Surrey , P . M . ; Harris , I . P . M . ; and others . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the election of W . M ., Treasurer , and Tyler for the year ensuing then took place , with the following result : Bros . Taylor , W . M . ; J . Mason , Treasurer ;
and Schofield , Tyler . Bros . Dr . Pocock , Wadham , and Mattin were appointed Auditors . A P . M . ' s jewel having been voted to the W . M ., letters pleading inability to attend were read from Bros . Mason , P . M . ; Goodall , P . M . ; Cama , P . M . ; and others . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet . The usual toasts followed .
HASTINGS . —East Sussex Lodge ( No . 166 ) . —The regular quarterly meeting of this lodge was held at the Castle Hotel , on Tuesday , the 30 th ult . The W . M ., Bro . Councillor W . H . Russell , Prov . G . M . O ., presided , there being also present Bros . Capt . E . W . J . Hennah , R . N ., Prov . G . S . W ., I . P . M . ; T . W . Markwick , Prov . G . Stwd ., S . W . ; the Very Rev . E . R . Currie , M . A ., P . G .
Chap . Eng ., J . W . ; P . M . Skinner , acting M . O . ; F . Duke , P . G . S . D ., S . O . ; J . B . Foord , J . O . ; John Bray , Sec . j Henry Kimm , S . D . ; C . Haine , I . G . ; and Leslie , Tyler . The minutes of previous meeting having been confirmed
and communications read , the candidate for advancement not being in attendance , the W . M ., Bro . Russell , proposed , and Bro . the Very Rev . Currie seconded , that a sum of two guineas be voted from the funds of the lodge towards the proposed testimonial to Bro . Binckes . There being no further business , lodge was closed .
GATESHEAD-ON-TYNE . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 293 ) . —The last meeting of this lodge for the present year was held at the Industry Masonic Hall on Monday , the 6 th inst ., when there was a fair attendance of members and visitors . The W . M ., Bro . C . B . Ford , occupied the chair , supported and assisted by Bros . J . G . Smith , I . P . M . ; lohn Wood , P . M ., Treasurer ; David Sinclair , P . M . ; M .
Corbitt , P . M . ; John Page , S . W . ; W . F . Carmon , J . W . ; A . Simpson , as M . O . ; Robert Whitfield , S . O . ; W . Brown , I . O . ; W . Stafford , Secretary ; H . F . Dryden , S . D . ; Thomas Thompson , J . D . ; R . Wilson , I . G . ; and J . Hedley , Stwd . There were also present Bros . John Usher , W . M . ( T . I . ) N . ar . d B . ; William Coulson , S . W . 362 ; M . j . Wheatley , 362 ; M . H . Dodd , S . W . 124 ; Wm . Richardson , and T . H . Elliottoe .
The ballot was taken for Bro . Edmund Carr , of 4 S , and proving satisfactory he was duly advanced as a M . M . M . by the W . M ., who did his work in an able manner . Bro . John Page , S . W ., was elected as W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . John Wood was re-elected Treasurer , and Joshua Curry as Tyler . The installation will take place on Monday , the 3 rd prox . The lodge was afterwards closed in due form .
Red Cross Of Rome & Constantine.
Red Cross of Rome & Constantine .
ST . ANDREWS CONCLAVE ( No . 15 ) . —A meeting of this conclave was held at the Masonic Hall , Red Lion-square , on Wednesday , the 24 th ult . In the absence of Sir Knt . Alfred Williams , the chair was occupied by Sir Knt . C . F . Matier , Intendant General of Lancashire , and there were present Sir Knts . Baron de Ferrieres , V . E . ; W . M . Bywaler , J . G . ; T . L . Sims , H . P . ; C . H . Driver , Treas . ; F . Bennett , Perfect ; R . Berridge ,
Std . Br . ; C . A . C Jones , Herald ; and E . J . Mills , Sentinel . Visitors : Sir Knts . W . Lake , C . F . Hogard , John W . F . Cuiseberg ( Bombay ) , and R . F . Casalleri ( Rawalpindi ) . The minutes of the last meeting were lead and confirmed , and Bros . H . Parnell Hay , W . E . Stewart , and A . R . Carter were balloted for , and admitted as sir knights of the
Order . The M . P . S ., Sir Knt . Matier , performed the ceremony in that admirable and perfect manner which characterises all his work in Masonry . The ballot for the M . P . S . was then taken , and Sir Knt . Baron de Ferrieres was duly elected to the office . A banquet afterwards took place at the Holborn Restaurant .
MORTGAGES . —Messrs . JAMES are in a position to Supply Money to ANY EXTENT on the ' following Securities : —Landed Estates , Houses , Shops , and Offices , Warehouses and Wharves , Life Interests , & c . Reversions , Borough Rates , & c , at the lowest current rates of interest . Prompt Settlement . 11 , Staple Inn , London , W . C—[ ADVT . ]
Cryptic Masonry.
Cryptic Masonry .
GRAND MASTERS COUNCIL ( No . 1 ) . — This old and exceedingly prosperous council met at the Masonic Hall , Red Lion-square , Holborn , on the 26 th ult . Among those present were Bros . Capt . J . E . Anderson , T . I . M . ; Thomas Poore , P . D . M . ; T . Cubitt , D . M . ; George Graveley , P . C . W . ; T . C . Walls , R . P . D . G . M ., P . T . I . M ., Recorder ; Major Dunbar , C . of C . ; R . B .
Bryant , 3 rd Marshal ; E . Storr , J . S . ; H . H . Shirley , Sentinel ; E . Margrett , Sturtevant , P . L . Smith , ' : T . Clark , F . Graves , J . Harris , J . Jones , T . O . Harding , M . A ., W . VV . Codd , VV . A . Scurrah , William Poore , Nelson Prower , M . A ., Mills , Outer Sentinel ; and others . The minutes of the previous council having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken on behalf of Bros . J .
J . Pakes , R . A . 140 , Mark 1 ; and H . Harris , R . A . 1 S 5 , and Mark 23 S , and it proving to be unanimous , they were most impressively greeted , received , and admitted as M . E . M ., R . M ., S . M ., and S . E . M ., the four arduous ceremonies being performed by the veteran Bro . T . Poore .
Letters pleading inability to attend were read from Bros . Baron de Ferrieres , the Rev . T . W . Lemon , M . A ., Alfred Williams , P . T . I . M ., & . C ., Slater , and others . The council was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant to banquet , under the able presidency of the Thrice Illustiious Master . The usual toasts followed .
Obituary .
BRO . G . H . ATKINSON , S . W . 1 G 22 . We regret to announce the death of Bro . G . H . Atkinson , S . W . of the Rose Lodge , No . 1622 , which took place at his residence , 30 , Trevelyan road , St . John ' s Wood , on Tuesday , the 30 th ult ., after a few days' illness . Bro . Atkinson was initiated into the Rose Lodge in 1 S 77 , and had filled the various ofiices up to that he held at the time of his death . At the funeral , which took place at Nunhead
Cemetery on Saturday , the 4 th inst ., there were present , in addition to his sorrowing relatives , Bros . F . Hilton , W . M . 1622 ; J . T . Loader , I . P . M . 1622 ; D . Rose , P . M . 1 G 22 ; H . Vickery , P . M . 1622 ; W . Cowley , P . M . 1559 , J . W . 1622 ; I . Dunn , J . D . 1622 ; H . G . Martin , Secretary 1 C 22 ; D . Channon , P . M . 147 s ; G . Bracegirdle , 1475 ; and S .
Penny , 1679 . I he brethren of Rose Lodge sent a splendid wreath of flowers as a tribute of respect , and the estimation in which Bro . Atkinson was held in the firm of Messrs . Caldicott and Co ., where he had been employed many years , was testified by the presence of nearly 100 gentlemen connected with that establishment . Bro . Atkinson has left a widow and . four children to mourn his loss .
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Lennox Browne , one of the founders and during the past year the indefatigable Secretary of the Empire Lodge , No . 210 S , has been elected W . M . for the ensuing year in succession to Bro . Sir P . Cunliffe Owen , and will be installed in office at the next regular meeting in
January . The installation meeting of the St . John ' s Lodge , No . 292 , Rothesay , took place on the 2 Qth ult ., when Bro . D . C . Murray was duly installed Master for the ensuing year .
Bro . Robert Davison was installed W . M . of the Caledonian Railway Lodge , No . 345 , Glasgow , on Wednesday , the 1 st inst ., the Installing Master being Bro . Finlay , P . M . St . George Lodge , No . 333 , Glasgow . The Dunbar Castle Lodge , No . 75 , held thenannual ball on Friday , the 26 th ult . There was a large attendance , and the arrangements , under Bro . Provost Brand , W . M ., who acted as M . C ., were very successfully carried out .
On Ihursday , the 2 nd instant , Bvo . W . G , Snaith was installed W . M . of the Tees Lodge , No . 509 , Stockton-on-Tees , in succession to Bro . J . R . N . Jordison , the ceremony being very ably performed by Bro . Alex . Hey , P . M . At the recent monthly meeting of the Tynwald Lodge , No . 1242 , Douglas , Isle of Man , Bro . W . Kissick ,
S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . J . A . Brovyn , P . M ., being re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . j . Cowen , Tyler . Bro . Dr . John Ford is the W . M . for the current year of the Gveencck Kilwinning Lodge , No . 12 , and Bro . D . J . Dunlop , W . M . of the Doric Kilwinning Lodge , No . CS , the installation in both cases having taken place on Thursday , the 2 nd inst .
Bro . the Hon . VV . T . Orde-Powlett , D . P . G . M . North and East Yorkshire , officially visited the North York Lodge , No . G 02 , Middlesborough , on the 20 th ult ., and after greeting the brethren , and congratulating them on the present prosperous condition of Freemasonry in their ( own , was unanimously elected an honorary member of the lodge .
The new lodge , the Sterndale Bennett , will be consecrated on Friday , the 17 th inst ., at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell . Any members of the Craft who are desirous of being present should communicate at once with the Secretary of the lodge at the Hall . The ceremony will be performed by V . W . Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S ., assisted by Bro . Philbrick , Q . C ., and other Grand Officers .
Bros . F . Tayler , C . C ., and Philip E . Cltinn , the partners of the firm of G . W . Wheatley and Co ,, entertained their staff and a few friends to dinner at the Holborn Restaurant on Monday evening last , over forty being present . Everything passed off well . The dinner , served
under the direction of Bro . Hamp , was excellent , and the speeches short and to the point , while the singing during the intervals was much appreciated . The visitors included Bros . VV . Darkin , C . C ., H . A . Lovctt , Mount Brown , G . H . Baker , and A . Bull .
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . T . R . Beaufort Hinks has been elected W . M . of the Stability Lodge , No . 217 , for the ensuing year , and will be duly installed in office at the meeting in January . At the annual meeting of the Palatine Lodge , No . 97 , Sunderland , on Thursday afternoon , the 9 th inst ., Bro . Robert Singleton , S . W ., W . M . elect , was duly
installed as W . M . o ! the lodge . Bro . S . H . Sharman , P . P . G . S . B ., was , on Monday , unanimously elected W . M . ol the Lodge of Three Grand Principles , No . 441 , Cambridge . The installation will take place on January 3 rd . At a meeting of the Royal Savoy Mark Lodge , No- 355 . held on Tuesday , the 6 th inst ., Bro . Wm . Mason
Stiles was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . J . Willing , jun ., as Treasurer . Bro . R . P . Duke , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Derbyshire , was installed W . M . of the Buxton Lodge , No . iGSS , Buxton , at the annual meeting , at the Palace Hotel , on Monday , the 29 th ult . The usual banquet followed . It has been stated that the members of thn St .
Peter s Lodge , No . 476 , Carmarthen , propose holding a concert in the Assembly Rooms of that town on the 25 th January prox ., in aid of the local Infirmary . We have been requested to announce that the date on which the Lodge of Merit , No . 466 , Stamford , will hold its annual ball , in aid of the Masonic Institutions , has been changed from the 14 th January to the 21 st January next .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Hyde Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1425 , as follows : the first lecture on Monday , the 13 th inst ; and the second and third lectures on Monday , the 20 th inst . Brethren are invited to attend .
A concert in aid of the Dublin Masonic Chanties was recently held in the Town Hall , Lurgan , under distinguished patronage , and we are glad to hear that , both financially and musically , it proved a great success , the attendance being large , and the applause both frequent and appreciative .
The annual meeting of the King Solomon Lodge , No . 2029 , will take place at the Masonic Hall , Sa , Red Lion-square , on the Sth January next , when Bro . VV . P . St . Leonards Chubb , S . W ., W . M . elect , will be installed in the chair of K . S . Banquet at the Holborn Restaurant at seven p . m . We announced last week that a chapter is about
to be established in connection with the Chiswick Lodge , and we are asked to state that Bro . Gardner will be pleased to hear from any brother in the neighbourhood who desires to co-operate . Bro . Gardner ' s address is Goldhawk House , William's Terrace , Chiswick , W . Among the more recent deaths of eminent public men must be mentioned that of Bro . Sir Alexander
Malet , formerly her Majesty's Minister Plenipotentiary to the late Germon diet , who was initiated in the Apollo University Lodge , No . 357 , Oxford , in 1 S 20 , and whose son , Sir E . Baldwin Malet , her Majesty ' s Ambassador at Berlin , is also an initiate of the same distinguished lodge . We regret to announce that Bro . T . W . C . Bush
died on Tuesday . _ Bro . Bush had played his part in Masonry with considerable success , and had done much valuable service to our Institutions , of all of which he was a Life Governor , and for which he had served sundry Stewardships . We hope to give a full notice of his career next week .
Bro . C . J . Cuthbertson , P . M . 27 , by the courtesy of the W . M ., Bro . Hales , performed the interesting ceremony of initiating his own brother , Francis Cuthbertson , LL . D ., M . A ., Mathematical Master of the City of London School , on Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., a large number of distinguished visitors , and many Past Masters of the lodge , being present .
On Saturday , the 27 th ult ., the remains of Bro . James Mitchell , for 20 years Treasurer of Lodge Ancient , No . 49 , Dundee , were laid in their last resting-place in Rosehill Cemetery with Masonic honours , the brethren attending in full Masonic clothing , and the service being read by Bro . A , Balfour . Bro . Mitchell , who was highly respected , was in his 71 st year . Bro . Col . T . P . Frankl yn was installed W . M .
of the Douglas Lodge , No . 1725 , Maidstone , on Friday , the 2 Gth ult ., Bro . Shaw , P . M . Invicta Lodge , No . 709 , Ashford , being the Installing Master . There was a numerous attendance of members and visitors , both in lodge and at the subsequent banquet at the Mitre , and in the course of the proceedings Bro . Arkcoll , the retiring W . M ., was presented with a handsome P . M . ' s jewel in recognition of his services during the past year .
A lodge of instruction has been started in connection with the Hammersmith Lodge , No . 2090 , which was consecrated in April , 1 SS 5 . It meets on Wednesday evenings , at 7 . 30 p . m ., in the Board Room of the Baths' Company , in Black's-road , Bridge-road , Hammersmith . Bro . Howard Room , the first W . M . of the lodge , has accepted the post of Preceptor . The working is that adopted by the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , and will be confined entirely to the ceremonies .
At the annual meeting of the Kingston Lodge , No . 1010 , Hull , on the 1 st inst ., Bro . O'Donohue , W . M . Humber Lodge , No . 57 , threw out a suggestion in the course of some jrcmarks he had occasion to make as to the advisability of the five Hull lodges securing to their own
use one large central building , where they could all hold their meetings , and establish a Masonic Club . As the Kingston Lodge will at a not very remote date have to vacate its present hall , the suggestion is not unlikely to find favour with our Hull brethren .
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