Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
WE are much interested in the new departure of the Lodge Cor ' on ' a ' ti of the Quatuor Coronati , No . 2076 . The members have in Lodge . contemplation the formation of an adjunct to their lodge in the shape of a literary society , or " correspondence circle , " open to Master Masons in good standing of all jurisdictions . The steps necessary to procure admission and mode of election are not yet definitely settled ; the
subscription will probably be 10 s . 6 d . yearly ; members will be entitled to receive the prin ' . ed Transactions of the lodge gratis ; those in England will further receive the lodge summonses , and other minor privileges will be accorded , tending to associate them very closely with the special work of the lodge . A Committee of the lodge , consisting of Bros . Sir CHARLES WARREN . W . M . ; Rev . A . F . A . WOODFORD . R- F . GOULD , W . SIMPSON ,
G . W . SPETII , W . J . HUGHAN , and T . B . WHYTEHEAD , has been formed , with power and instructions to arrange details and carry out the project at once , and we await their promised circular with some curiosity . Besides the forthcoming volume of Transactions , the lodge contemplates an early issue of Volume I . of " Quatuor Cotonati Reprints . " This will probably include the Halliwell PoenV , in facsimile , "The Defence of Masonry , " 1730 , and
the article in the Plain Dealer of 1724 on the Society of the Gormogons . Members of the correspondence circle will receive these reprints at a reduced price . The first volume of the Transactions will include the oration delivered at the consecration of the lodge by Bro . WOODFORD , and the following papers ; "On some Old Scottish Masonic Customs , " by Bro . GOULD ; "The Steinmetz Theory Critically Examined , " by Bro . SPETH ; * ' On an Early Version of the Hirainic Legend , " by Bro . Professor T .
HAYTER-LEWIS ; "Freemasonry and Hermeticism , " by Bro . WOODFORD ; " On the Orientation of Temples , " by Bro . Sir CHARLES WARREN ; and other matter . Future papers already announced by the lodge are " The Threefold Division of Temples , " by Bro . W . SIMPSON ; "Connecting Links between Ancient and Modern Freemasonry from a A o' « -Masonic Standpoint , " by Bro . HUGHAN ; and a Rosicrucian Paper by Bro . Dr . W . WYNN WESTCOTT .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Wiltshire.
The annual meeting took p lace at the Masonic Hall , Devizes , on Tuesday , the 30 th ult ., being held under the banner of the Wiltshire Lodge of Fidelity , No . 663 . The Prov . G . M ., Lord Methuen , was unavoidably prevented , by illness , from being present . In his absence the chair was filled by the D . P . G . M ., Sir Gabriel Goldney , Bart ., who was supported by the following Prov . Grand Officers and brethren ; Bros . W . Nott , P . G . S . W . ; T . H . Chandler , as P . G . l . W . ; Rev . T . J . Heard , P . G . Chap .: F . H . Goldney , P . G . Treas . ; H . Bevir , P . G . Sec ; A . J . Beaven , P . G .
S . D . ; T . Reeves , P . G . J . D . ; J . Chandler , P . G . D . C ; H . I . Ward , P . G . A . D . C . ; J . Green , P . G . Swd . Br . ; H . Millington , P . G . O . ; Wm . Pullin , P . G . A . P . ; H . Howse , P . G . Stwd . ; Rev . G . E . Gardiner , P . P . G . C ; J . C . Maclean , P . P . G . S . D . ; T . S . Futcher , P . P . G . J . D . ; W . H . Burt , P . P . G . Swd . Br . ; H . E . Bishop , P . P . G . Swd . Br . ; Dr . Ringer , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; G . W . Collen , P . P . G . A . P . ; W . S . Bambridge , P . P . G . O . ; Rev . J . A . Lloyd , P . P . G . C ; J . Sparks , P . P . G . O . ; W . H . Bunkworth , P . P . G . O . ; C Gauntlett , P . P . G . A . D . C ; and others . The roll of the various lodges was called , and in every case duly responded to .
The Prov . G . Secretary , Bro . HARRY BEVIR , read the minutes of the last Prov . Grand Lodge , held at Warminster , which being duly confirmed , he then read the minutes of the Charity Committee held that morning , when the Treasurer ' s accounts , so far as regarded the Charity Fund , had been duly passed , showinga balance in hand ol £ 149 us . 6 d ., of which the sum of thirty guineas the Committee recommended should be granted to
the Boys' School , and placed on the list of Bro . T . S . Futcher , whose Stewardship for that Institution , as representing the Province of Wiltshire , had been approved by the Committee . The Committee also recorded its opinion that the province should support only one Institution each year , and the name of Bro . Mann was mentioned as willing to accept a Stewardship for the Girls' School for the year 1888 . The recommendations of the Committee were adopted .
The Prov . Grand Treasurer , Bro . F . H . GOLDNEY , then produced his account , which had been duly audited , and of which an abstract was read and duly approved . The Prov . Grand Registrar , Bro . HENRY MERRICK , also presented his report , showing the position of Masonry in the province . This report exhibited a steady increase in the number of members , the ten lodges constituting the province now numbering amongst them nearly 500 members .
The report also called special attention to the number of votes held for the Masonic Charities by the various lodges . It was resolved that the report be approved , and printed for circulation , with thanks to the P . G . Reg . for the trouble he had taken in compiling it . Bro . WILLIAM NOTT , the Prov . Charity Secretary , produced his report on behalf of the Benevolent Fund Charity Organisation Committee as follows : —
BENEVOLENT FUND . —There having been no claim upon the income of this Fund , the whole of it has been added to | the capital , which now amount to £ 335 is . 2 d . Consols . The Fund is now assuming such a position that in a few years it will have reached an amount sufficient to enable the Committee , from its annual income and the lodge subscriptions , to give substantial assistance to any case requiring it . CHARITY ORGANISATION . —During the present year your Committee partially supported the case of Meyrick George Bruton Good , son of a deceased member of 586 ,
as a candidate for the Boys'School , and he was successful at the election held last month . Your Charity Secretary has attended the elections during the current year , the result of such e ' ections , so far as the associated provinces are concerned , being that all the candidates put forward—eleven in all—have been successful , viz .: Bristol I boy , Gloucestershire 2 boys , Leicester and Rutland 1 girl , Somersetshire 2 widows , South Wales
( East Division ) 1 boy , Wiltshire 1 boy ( Good ) , and Worcestershire 2 girls and 1 boy . The Wiltshire recipient of the Masonic Charities are now it in number , viz ., four widows receiving annuities of £ 32 each from the Benevolent Institution , five children in the Ciils' School , and two in the Boys' School . It will therefore be seen that Wiltshire derives _ a large benefit—certainly not less than £ 500 a year in value—from the great Masonic Charities .
The contributions from Wiltshire to these Charities during the year , made through the medium of Bro . J . Campbell Maclean , as Steward , amounted in the aggregate to £ 261 14 s ., viz ., £ f > i 3 s . for the Boys' School and £ 200 ns . for the Girls' School . The votes placed at the disposal of the Committee during the past three years have been as follows : —
1 S 84 18 S 5 1 S 8 G Royal Masonic Institution for Boys 509 513 560 „ „ > . ,, Girls 417 384 4 G 7 ,, ,, Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons 233 244 223 >» ., » „ ,, Widows 338 279 212
1497 1420 14 C 2 WILLIAM NOTT , P . G . S . W . Wilts , Prov . Charity Sec . Devizes , inlh November , iSSCi ,
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Wiltshire.
This having been printed and circulated with the summons was taken as read , and was , on the motion of the D . P . G . M ., unanimously approved , the thanks of the Prov . Grand Lodge being , at the same time , voted to Bro . Nott , as Charity Secretary . Bro . J . Campbell Maclean , who had served two Stewardships during the year , viz ., for the Boys' and the Girls' School , was then , on behall of the Provincial Grand Lodge , presented by the D . P . G . M . with the Charity jewel in recognition of his services .
Bro . Sir GABRIEL GOLDNEY , D . P . G . M ., addressing the meeting , said that Lord Methuen wished him to convey to the meeting his great regret that illness prevented him from being present that day . Sir Gabriel Goldney further went on to express his own gratification at the present position of Masonry in Wiltshire as testified by the reports which they had that day had before them . He considered theyearon which they had now entered was a most important one to Freemasons , being as it was the Jubilee year of her
Majesty , the Patroness of the Craft . He felt sure that every Mason in Wiltshire would be desirous of testif y ing his loyalty on the occasion , and he suggested that a resolution should be drawn up and signed by the Master and Wardens of each lodge and be presented by a deputation in such way as might hereafter be considered desirable . He begged , therefore , to propose that such a course be adopted , and that a Committee be appointed to draw up such a resolution and submit it to the Prov . Grand Master for his approval .
Bro . WM . NOTT , P . G . S . W ., said that he believed that such a course would meet with general approval , whatever other course might be decided upon after the subject had been fully dealt with in Grand Lodge and elsewhere , when possibly the Prov . Grand Master might think it desirable to
call a special Provincial Grand Lodge meeting for Wiltshire . He ( Bro . Nott ) had therefore great pleasure in seconding the resolution , and naming the D . P . G . M ., the P . G . Treas ., and the P . G . Sec , as lhe Committee to draw up the resolution . The proposition was carried unanimously .
Bro . F , H . GOLDNEY was unanimously re-elected Treasurer with thanks for his valuable services in the past , whilst Bro . J . Savory was unanimously re-elected Tyler . The D . P . G . M . having declared all offices vacant , then proceeded to invest the new officers for the ensuing year as follows :
Bro . Earl Cowley ... ... ... ... Prov . S . G . W . „ J . C . Maclean , 355 ... ... ... Prov . J . G . W . „ Rev . J . A . Lloyd , 1533 ... ... ... Prov . G . Chap . „ F . H . Goldney , 626 ( re-elected ) ... ... Prov . G . Treas . ,, James Sparks , 1271 ... ... ... Prov . G . Reg .
„ Harry Bever , 355 ( re-appointed ) ... ... Prov . G . Sec . „ F . S . Hancock , 663 ... ... ... Prov . S . G . D . ,, Kdvvard Noke , 335 ... ... ... Prov . J . G . D . „ J . A . Randall , 66 3 ... ... ... Prov . G . S . of W „ J . Chandler , 355 ( re-appointed ) ... ... Prov . G . D . C . .. « s I Harlpn r . i-jfi P , „„ A O . V \ r
„ G . S . A . Waylen , 663 ... ... ... Prov . G . Swd . Br „ H . Howse , 663 ... ... ... Prov . G . Org . „ H . Cooper , 1533 ... ... Prov . G . Purst . „ G . R . Shemilt , 1295 ... ... ... Prov . A . G . Purst „ F . B . Norris , 636 ... ... ... Prov . G . Std . Br „ W . C . White , 1533 ... ... ... Prov . G . Stwd . „ J . Savory , 355 ( re-elected ) ... ... Prov . G . Tyler .
lhis ended the business of the P . G . L ., which was then closed and the brethren afterwards adjourned to the annual banquet , at the Town Hall , which was presided over by the D . P . G . M .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of West Yorkshire.
A convocation of the above Provincial Grand Chapter was held in the Mechanics' Institute , Wood-street , Wakefield , on Wednesday , the 24 th ult ., by the invitation of Chapters Unanimity , 154 ; Wakefield , 495 ; and Sincerity , 1019 . M . E . Comp . T . W . Tew , J . P ., P . G . Supt ., presided , and there were present—Comps . Rev . Wm . Collings Lukis , M . A ., Prov . G . H . ; Rev . Thomas Cartwright Smyth , D . D ., Prov . G . J . ; C L . Mason , P . P . G . H . ; John Booth , P . P . G . J . ; John
Dunning Kay , P . P . G . J . ; Benjamin Broughton , P . P . G . J . ; Henry Smith , Prov . G . S . E . ; Henry W . Pawson , Prov . G . S . N . ; James Bedford , P . P . G . S . N . ; John Wm . Fourness , Prov . G . Treas . ; George Marshal / , P . P . G . Treas . ; John Heaton Cadman , Prov . G . Reg . ; Jonas Craven , P . P . G . Reg . ; Wm . Brewin Alderson , P . P . G . Reg . ; John C . Malcolm , P . P . G . Reg . ; J- Kitson Ibberson , P . P . G . Reg . ; Charles Crabtree , Prov . G . Prin . Soj . ; C T . Rhodes , Prov . G . 1 st Asst . Soj . ; W . T . Beanland , Prov . G . 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; Samuel H . Stocks , P . P . G . Soj . ; Samuel Slack , P . P . G . Soj . ; H .
Wm . Maleham , P . P . G . Soj . ; J . W . Monckman , P . P . G . Soj . ; Robert Craig , P . P . G . Soj . ; George Althorp , P . P . G . Soj . ; Wm . F . Tomlinson , P . P . G . Soj . ; John Win . Turner , Prov . G . Swd . Be . ; Thomas Denby , P . P . G . Swd . Br . ; R . Williamson , P . P . Swd . Br . ; A . A . Stott , Prov . G . Std . Br . ; Wm . Dclanoy , Prov . G . D . C . ; E . Lord , Prov . G . A . D . C ; Henry France , P . P . G . D . C ; John Wordsworth , P . P . G . D . C . ; W .
F . Smithson , P . P . G . D . C ; John Read Dore , P . P . G . D . C ; J . Barker , P . P . G . D . C . ; Edward Poppleton , P . P . G . D . C . ; Christopher W . Fmcken , Prov . G . Org . ; W . Ash , P . P . G . Org . ; H . G . E . Green , Prov . G . A . S . E . ; Joseph Dobson , as Prov . G . Stwd . ; Dr . W . R . Thomas , Prov . G . Stwd . ; Thos . R . Vaux , Prov . G . Stwd . ; Wm . Watson , Prov . G . Stwd . ; Joshua Lee , Prov . G . Janitor ; and acting Principals , Past First Principals and companions of the majority of the chanters .
Apologies for absence from several companions having been read , and P . Grand Chapter having been opened , the PROV . GRAND SUPERINTENDENT , after the usual salutation , delivered the following address : Excellent Companions , —At this period of the year we assemble to take note of the progress of Royal Arch Masonry during the past six months , and to transact such business as may lie before us . It is most gratifying to observe that the work undertaken by its responsible officers has been faithfully and efficiently accomplished with credit to
themselves and honour to this exalted Degree . The enthusiasm displayed is strongly evinced by the increase in the number of members and chapters , and should the recovery in trade continue I doubt not in time there will scarcely be one W . Master of the 940 in this Province who is not also a Royal Arch Mason . Towards this achievement I am sure your officers will not fail to use every legitimate influence . I feel very proud to meet
you this afternoon to acknowledge your salutation , and to express my high sense of your kindness and the support you give to the office , which it seems to be your pleasure that 1 should try to fill . Our meeting is under somewhat exceptional circumstances ; not having received an application for this autumn gathering , we have had to cast about for a suitable place , and our friends in the three Wakefiield Chapters most willingly undertook to receive us , viz . —Unanimity 154 , Wakefield , 495 , and Sincerity , 1019 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
WE are much interested in the new departure of the Lodge Cor ' on ' a ' ti of the Quatuor Coronati , No . 2076 . The members have in Lodge . contemplation the formation of an adjunct to their lodge in the shape of a literary society , or " correspondence circle , " open to Master Masons in good standing of all jurisdictions . The steps necessary to procure admission and mode of election are not yet definitely settled ; the
subscription will probably be 10 s . 6 d . yearly ; members will be entitled to receive the prin ' . ed Transactions of the lodge gratis ; those in England will further receive the lodge summonses , and other minor privileges will be accorded , tending to associate them very closely with the special work of the lodge . A Committee of the lodge , consisting of Bros . Sir CHARLES WARREN . W . M . ; Rev . A . F . A . WOODFORD . R- F . GOULD , W . SIMPSON ,
G . W . SPETII , W . J . HUGHAN , and T . B . WHYTEHEAD , has been formed , with power and instructions to arrange details and carry out the project at once , and we await their promised circular with some curiosity . Besides the forthcoming volume of Transactions , the lodge contemplates an early issue of Volume I . of " Quatuor Cotonati Reprints . " This will probably include the Halliwell PoenV , in facsimile , "The Defence of Masonry , " 1730 , and
the article in the Plain Dealer of 1724 on the Society of the Gormogons . Members of the correspondence circle will receive these reprints at a reduced price . The first volume of the Transactions will include the oration delivered at the consecration of the lodge by Bro . WOODFORD , and the following papers ; "On some Old Scottish Masonic Customs , " by Bro . GOULD ; "The Steinmetz Theory Critically Examined , " by Bro . SPETH ; * ' On an Early Version of the Hirainic Legend , " by Bro . Professor T .
HAYTER-LEWIS ; "Freemasonry and Hermeticism , " by Bro . WOODFORD ; " On the Orientation of Temples , " by Bro . Sir CHARLES WARREN ; and other matter . Future papers already announced by the lodge are " The Threefold Division of Temples , " by Bro . W . SIMPSON ; "Connecting Links between Ancient and Modern Freemasonry from a A o' « -Masonic Standpoint , " by Bro . HUGHAN ; and a Rosicrucian Paper by Bro . Dr . W . WYNN WESTCOTT .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Wiltshire.
The annual meeting took p lace at the Masonic Hall , Devizes , on Tuesday , the 30 th ult ., being held under the banner of the Wiltshire Lodge of Fidelity , No . 663 . The Prov . G . M ., Lord Methuen , was unavoidably prevented , by illness , from being present . In his absence the chair was filled by the D . P . G . M ., Sir Gabriel Goldney , Bart ., who was supported by the following Prov . Grand Officers and brethren ; Bros . W . Nott , P . G . S . W . ; T . H . Chandler , as P . G . l . W . ; Rev . T . J . Heard , P . G . Chap .: F . H . Goldney , P . G . Treas . ; H . Bevir , P . G . Sec ; A . J . Beaven , P . G .
S . D . ; T . Reeves , P . G . J . D . ; J . Chandler , P . G . D . C ; H . I . Ward , P . G . A . D . C . ; J . Green , P . G . Swd . Br . ; H . Millington , P . G . O . ; Wm . Pullin , P . G . A . P . ; H . Howse , P . G . Stwd . ; Rev . G . E . Gardiner , P . P . G . C ; J . C . Maclean , P . P . G . S . D . ; T . S . Futcher , P . P . G . J . D . ; W . H . Burt , P . P . G . Swd . Br . ; H . E . Bishop , P . P . G . Swd . Br . ; Dr . Ringer , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; G . W . Collen , P . P . G . A . P . ; W . S . Bambridge , P . P . G . O . ; Rev . J . A . Lloyd , P . P . G . C ; J . Sparks , P . P . G . O . ; W . H . Bunkworth , P . P . G . O . ; C Gauntlett , P . P . G . A . D . C ; and others . The roll of the various lodges was called , and in every case duly responded to .
The Prov . G . Secretary , Bro . HARRY BEVIR , read the minutes of the last Prov . Grand Lodge , held at Warminster , which being duly confirmed , he then read the minutes of the Charity Committee held that morning , when the Treasurer ' s accounts , so far as regarded the Charity Fund , had been duly passed , showinga balance in hand ol £ 149 us . 6 d ., of which the sum of thirty guineas the Committee recommended should be granted to
the Boys' School , and placed on the list of Bro . T . S . Futcher , whose Stewardship for that Institution , as representing the Province of Wiltshire , had been approved by the Committee . The Committee also recorded its opinion that the province should support only one Institution each year , and the name of Bro . Mann was mentioned as willing to accept a Stewardship for the Girls' School for the year 1888 . The recommendations of the Committee were adopted .
The Prov . Grand Treasurer , Bro . F . H . GOLDNEY , then produced his account , which had been duly audited , and of which an abstract was read and duly approved . The Prov . Grand Registrar , Bro . HENRY MERRICK , also presented his report , showing the position of Masonry in the province . This report exhibited a steady increase in the number of members , the ten lodges constituting the province now numbering amongst them nearly 500 members .
The report also called special attention to the number of votes held for the Masonic Charities by the various lodges . It was resolved that the report be approved , and printed for circulation , with thanks to the P . G . Reg . for the trouble he had taken in compiling it . Bro . WILLIAM NOTT , the Prov . Charity Secretary , produced his report on behalf of the Benevolent Fund Charity Organisation Committee as follows : —
BENEVOLENT FUND . —There having been no claim upon the income of this Fund , the whole of it has been added to | the capital , which now amount to £ 335 is . 2 d . Consols . The Fund is now assuming such a position that in a few years it will have reached an amount sufficient to enable the Committee , from its annual income and the lodge subscriptions , to give substantial assistance to any case requiring it . CHARITY ORGANISATION . —During the present year your Committee partially supported the case of Meyrick George Bruton Good , son of a deceased member of 586 ,
as a candidate for the Boys'School , and he was successful at the election held last month . Your Charity Secretary has attended the elections during the current year , the result of such e ' ections , so far as the associated provinces are concerned , being that all the candidates put forward—eleven in all—have been successful , viz .: Bristol I boy , Gloucestershire 2 boys , Leicester and Rutland 1 girl , Somersetshire 2 widows , South Wales
( East Division ) 1 boy , Wiltshire 1 boy ( Good ) , and Worcestershire 2 girls and 1 boy . The Wiltshire recipient of the Masonic Charities are now it in number , viz ., four widows receiving annuities of £ 32 each from the Benevolent Institution , five children in the Ciils' School , and two in the Boys' School . It will therefore be seen that Wiltshire derives _ a large benefit—certainly not less than £ 500 a year in value—from the great Masonic Charities .
The contributions from Wiltshire to these Charities during the year , made through the medium of Bro . J . Campbell Maclean , as Steward , amounted in the aggregate to £ 261 14 s ., viz ., £ f > i 3 s . for the Boys' School and £ 200 ns . for the Girls' School . The votes placed at the disposal of the Committee during the past three years have been as follows : —
1 S 84 18 S 5 1 S 8 G Royal Masonic Institution for Boys 509 513 560 „ „ > . ,, Girls 417 384 4 G 7 ,, ,, Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons 233 244 223 >» ., » „ ,, Widows 338 279 212
1497 1420 14 C 2 WILLIAM NOTT , P . G . S . W . Wilts , Prov . Charity Sec . Devizes , inlh November , iSSCi ,
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Wiltshire.
This having been printed and circulated with the summons was taken as read , and was , on the motion of the D . P . G . M ., unanimously approved , the thanks of the Prov . Grand Lodge being , at the same time , voted to Bro . Nott , as Charity Secretary . Bro . J . Campbell Maclean , who had served two Stewardships during the year , viz ., for the Boys' and the Girls' School , was then , on behall of the Provincial Grand Lodge , presented by the D . P . G . M . with the Charity jewel in recognition of his services .
Bro . Sir GABRIEL GOLDNEY , D . P . G . M ., addressing the meeting , said that Lord Methuen wished him to convey to the meeting his great regret that illness prevented him from being present that day . Sir Gabriel Goldney further went on to express his own gratification at the present position of Masonry in Wiltshire as testified by the reports which they had that day had before them . He considered theyearon which they had now entered was a most important one to Freemasons , being as it was the Jubilee year of her
Majesty , the Patroness of the Craft . He felt sure that every Mason in Wiltshire would be desirous of testif y ing his loyalty on the occasion , and he suggested that a resolution should be drawn up and signed by the Master and Wardens of each lodge and be presented by a deputation in such way as might hereafter be considered desirable . He begged , therefore , to propose that such a course be adopted , and that a Committee be appointed to draw up such a resolution and submit it to the Prov . Grand Master for his approval .
Bro . WM . NOTT , P . G . S . W ., said that he believed that such a course would meet with general approval , whatever other course might be decided upon after the subject had been fully dealt with in Grand Lodge and elsewhere , when possibly the Prov . Grand Master might think it desirable to
call a special Provincial Grand Lodge meeting for Wiltshire . He ( Bro . Nott ) had therefore great pleasure in seconding the resolution , and naming the D . P . G . M ., the P . G . Treas ., and the P . G . Sec , as lhe Committee to draw up the resolution . The proposition was carried unanimously .
Bro . F , H . GOLDNEY was unanimously re-elected Treasurer with thanks for his valuable services in the past , whilst Bro . J . Savory was unanimously re-elected Tyler . The D . P . G . M . having declared all offices vacant , then proceeded to invest the new officers for the ensuing year as follows :
Bro . Earl Cowley ... ... ... ... Prov . S . G . W . „ J . C . Maclean , 355 ... ... ... Prov . J . G . W . „ Rev . J . A . Lloyd , 1533 ... ... ... Prov . G . Chap . „ F . H . Goldney , 626 ( re-elected ) ... ... Prov . G . Treas . ,, James Sparks , 1271 ... ... ... Prov . G . Reg .
„ Harry Bever , 355 ( re-appointed ) ... ... Prov . G . Sec . „ F . S . Hancock , 663 ... ... ... Prov . S . G . D . ,, Kdvvard Noke , 335 ... ... ... Prov . J . G . D . „ J . A . Randall , 66 3 ... ... ... Prov . G . S . of W „ J . Chandler , 355 ( re-appointed ) ... ... Prov . G . D . C . .. « s I Harlpn r . i-jfi P , „„ A O . V \ r
„ G . S . A . Waylen , 663 ... ... ... Prov . G . Swd . Br „ H . Howse , 663 ... ... ... Prov . G . Org . „ H . Cooper , 1533 ... ... Prov . G . Purst . „ G . R . Shemilt , 1295 ... ... ... Prov . A . G . Purst „ F . B . Norris , 636 ... ... ... Prov . G . Std . Br „ W . C . White , 1533 ... ... ... Prov . G . Stwd . „ J . Savory , 355 ( re-elected ) ... ... Prov . G . Tyler .
lhis ended the business of the P . G . L ., which was then closed and the brethren afterwards adjourned to the annual banquet , at the Town Hall , which was presided over by the D . P . G . M .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of West Yorkshire.
A convocation of the above Provincial Grand Chapter was held in the Mechanics' Institute , Wood-street , Wakefield , on Wednesday , the 24 th ult ., by the invitation of Chapters Unanimity , 154 ; Wakefield , 495 ; and Sincerity , 1019 . M . E . Comp . T . W . Tew , J . P ., P . G . Supt ., presided , and there were present—Comps . Rev . Wm . Collings Lukis , M . A ., Prov . G . H . ; Rev . Thomas Cartwright Smyth , D . D ., Prov . G . J . ; C L . Mason , P . P . G . H . ; John Booth , P . P . G . J . ; John
Dunning Kay , P . P . G . J . ; Benjamin Broughton , P . P . G . J . ; Henry Smith , Prov . G . S . E . ; Henry W . Pawson , Prov . G . S . N . ; James Bedford , P . P . G . S . N . ; John Wm . Fourness , Prov . G . Treas . ; George Marshal / , P . P . G . Treas . ; John Heaton Cadman , Prov . G . Reg . ; Jonas Craven , P . P . G . Reg . ; Wm . Brewin Alderson , P . P . G . Reg . ; John C . Malcolm , P . P . G . Reg . ; J- Kitson Ibberson , P . P . G . Reg . ; Charles Crabtree , Prov . G . Prin . Soj . ; C T . Rhodes , Prov . G . 1 st Asst . Soj . ; W . T . Beanland , Prov . G . 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; Samuel H . Stocks , P . P . G . Soj . ; Samuel Slack , P . P . G . Soj . ; H .
Wm . Maleham , P . P . G . Soj . ; J . W . Monckman , P . P . G . Soj . ; Robert Craig , P . P . G . Soj . ; George Althorp , P . P . G . Soj . ; Wm . F . Tomlinson , P . P . G . Soj . ; John Win . Turner , Prov . G . Swd . Be . ; Thomas Denby , P . P . G . Swd . Br . ; R . Williamson , P . P . Swd . Br . ; A . A . Stott , Prov . G . Std . Br . ; Wm . Dclanoy , Prov . G . D . C . ; E . Lord , Prov . G . A . D . C ; Henry France , P . P . G . D . C ; John Wordsworth , P . P . G . D . C . ; W .
F . Smithson , P . P . G . D . C ; John Read Dore , P . P . G . D . C ; J . Barker , P . P . G . D . C . ; Edward Poppleton , P . P . G . D . C . ; Christopher W . Fmcken , Prov . G . Org . ; W . Ash , P . P . G . Org . ; H . G . E . Green , Prov . G . A . S . E . ; Joseph Dobson , as Prov . G . Stwd . ; Dr . W . R . Thomas , Prov . G . Stwd . ; Thos . R . Vaux , Prov . G . Stwd . ; Wm . Watson , Prov . G . Stwd . ; Joshua Lee , Prov . G . Janitor ; and acting Principals , Past First Principals and companions of the majority of the chanters .
Apologies for absence from several companions having been read , and P . Grand Chapter having been opened , the PROV . GRAND SUPERINTENDENT , after the usual salutation , delivered the following address : Excellent Companions , —At this period of the year we assemble to take note of the progress of Royal Arch Masonry during the past six months , and to transact such business as may lie before us . It is most gratifying to observe that the work undertaken by its responsible officers has been faithfully and efficiently accomplished with credit to
themselves and honour to this exalted Degree . The enthusiasm displayed is strongly evinced by the increase in the number of members and chapters , and should the recovery in trade continue I doubt not in time there will scarcely be one W . Master of the 940 in this Province who is not also a Royal Arch Mason . Towards this achievement I am sure your officers will not fail to use every legitimate influence . I feel very proud to meet
you this afternoon to acknowledge your salutation , and to express my high sense of your kindness and the support you give to the office , which it seems to be your pleasure that 1 should try to fill . Our meeting is under somewhat exceptional circumstances ; not having received an application for this autumn gathering , we have had to cast about for a suitable place , and our friends in the three Wakefiield Chapters most willingly undertook to receive us , viz . —Unanimity 154 , Wakefield , 495 , and Sincerity , 1019 .