Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article SECOND ANNUAL DINNER OF THE UBIQUE LODGE OF INSTRUCTION, No. 1789. Page 1 of 1 Article BRO. J. H. SCOTT, P.G.D., D.P.G.M. SUSSEX. Page 1 of 1 Article BRO. J. H. SCOTT, P.G.D., D.P.G.M. SUSSEX. Page 1 of 1 Article Ireland. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Order of Scotland. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The regular meeting of the General Committee of this Institution took place at Freemasons' Hall on Saturday last . Bro . James Moon , V .-Pat ., presided , and among those present were Bros . Alfred Williams , John L . Mather , George Motion , Stephen Richardson , Walter Ballard ,
Raynham W . Stewart , P . G . D . ; S . H . Parkhouse , C . F . Hogard , G . Bolton , J . S . Cumberland , F . Adlard , C . Belton , F . W . Ramsay , A . E . Gladwell , G . P . Gillard , W . H . Saunders , N . B . Headon , E . Baxter , George Read , George W . B . Fletcher , John H . Gwyn , W . Maple , W . A . Scurrah , W . Harding , F . T . C . Keeble , George Cooper , H . W . Hunt , Richard Eve , H . Young , and F . Binckes
( Secretary ) . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , and those of the House Committee readfor information , nine petitions were considered and accepted , and the names of the children ordered to be entered on the list of candidates for the April election . Two applications by ex-pupils for grants towards outfit
were favourably entertained . The day for holding the Quarterly Court in April , 1 SS 7 , which will fall on Easter Monday , was postponed till the Monday following ( iSth April , 1 SS 7 ) . The other business having been disposed of , and a vote of thanks passed to the Chairman , the Committee rose .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The Committee of Management held its usual monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday . The chair was occupied by Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , P . G . D ., and amongt the members present were Bros . Edgar Bower , P . G . Std . B . ; Samuel Brooks , Hugh Cotter , Alex . Forsyth ,
Charles J . Perceval , Joseph Freeman , Thos . Griffith , W . J . Murlis , W . Belchamber , John Bulman , J . A . Farnfield , Thomas Cubitt , P . G . P . ; A . H . Tattersha ' ll , C . H . Driver , Albert Fish , C . F . Matier , Fred . Davison , P . G . D . ; J . H . Webb , W . H . Perryman , A . G . P . ; Chas . Belton , and James Terry ( Sec . ) The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and verified , the Secretary reported the death of one male
annuitant , who had received £ 230 . The Warden's report for the past month was read . The receipt of a legacy to the Male Fund amounting to £ 25 , free of duty , from the executors of the late Rev . Samuel Gauntlett , of Midway Manor , Wilts , was announced . The Committee voted the sum of £ 20 towards the entertainment of the inmates of the Institution at Croydon , on 5 th January , prox .
An application made by the widow of a late annuitant for half her husband ' s annuity was granted . Nine petitions ( 6 male and 3 widows ) were taken into consideration , with the result that seven were accepted , and the names ordered to be placed on the list of candidates for the election in May next , and two were deferred for further information . A vote of thanks to the chair terminated the meeting .
Second Annual Dinner Of The Ubique Lodge Of Instruction, No. 1789.
The second annual dinner of the above lodge of instruction took place at the Crown and Anchor , 79 , Ebury-strect , S . W ., on Friday , the 27 th ult ., when a goodly muster of the members sat down to an excellent repast provided by
the worthy host , Bro . Walteley . The chair was occupied by Bro . Boulton , P . M . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been given , a presentation of a handsome gold watch was made to Bro . Coughlan , P . M ., the esteemed Secretary . The CHAIRMAN , in the course of his remarks , referred to the admirable services rendered to the lodge of instruction bv that brother , and , in making the presentation , said
he felt sure that he was only echoing the feelings of every member in wishing that he may be long spared to wear it . Bro . COUGHLAN , in reply , said that to hold office in lodge was in itself an honour , but when the members conferred a reward , as they had done that evening , it not only showed that the small services rendered had been appreciated , but that the recipient gained their esteem . He
also stated the good services rendered by the lodge to Freemasonry in general , and pointed out that although the lodge had been in existence five years , they had , after paying the necessary expenses incurred , contributed no less than twenty guineas to the several Charities , and that out of an income of £ 5 15 s . for the past year £ 5 10 s . was devoted to Charity ; he the services rendered the Charit
also dwelt upou great by - able Associations in connection with the lodge , which , although only established a year , had contributed So guineas to the several Masonic Institutions ; he also pointed out that such distinguished brethren as Bros , the Rev . C . A . Tolbe , B . A ., Capt . Butterworth , J . Gibson , W . Bnndley , JWadeand F . Green , all of whom are Past Masters ,
. , and Bros . G . Mason , W . M . of the mother lodge , and Valentine Green , W . M . of the Rothesay Lodge , had received a goodly portion , if not all their instruction in this lodge , and that these brethren while in office rendered their services in a mannerwhich reflected credit , not only on themselves , but to the lodges to which they belonged , and remarked that the nrosoerous condition of this lodge was
due to various causes—first , the Preceptor , Bro . Boulton , P . M ., by his tact , ability , and courtesy could not be surpassed ; the work done by the lodge could not be excelled ; and the members united in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness , so that perfect
harmony prevailed . The toast of "The Mother Lodge" was appropriately responded to by Bro . MASON . Songs and recitations were indulged in throughout the evening , and the brethren departed shortly before midnight , having spent a most enjoyable evening .
Bro . the Rev . William-Whittley , P . P . S . G . W ., P . P . G . Chaplain ot Devon , will preach a sermon on "The Pillars of the Temple" on Sunday evening next , the 12 th inst ., at 6 . 30 p . m ., at the Claremont Congregational Church , Pentonville-road , N ., near the Angel .
Bro. J. H. Scott, P.G.D., D.P.G.M. Sussex.
BRO . J . H . SCOTT , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . SUSSEX .
It is with sincere regret that we record the death of Bro . John Henderson Scott , which took place at his residence , 59 , Brunswick-road , Brighton , on Sunday last . The deceased had been in declining health for sometime past , but it was not till quite recently that a fatal issue was considered probable . A Sussex contemporary of ours—whose
sketch of our late brother's career is so ample and , as regards the Masonic details , so accurate , that we have deemed it well to quote it at length—writes of him thus : To the general public , Mr . Scott was known as a local artist of great repute . His grandfather , securing the friendship and patronage of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , afterwards George IV ., established himself at Brighton just before the opening of the
present century . His father , too , secured a reputation in Brighton as a water-colour painter of acknowledged merit , and , on his death , his mantle fell worthily on his son , John Henderson , who at once achieved a high position among the artists of the South of England . The metropolitan picture galleries have , from time to time , been favoured with his works from his easel , while the local exhibitions have , year after year , being assisted by his choice
productions . Mr . John Henderson Scott ' s leisure time was however , mainly devoted to the cause of Freemasonry , into which he threw his whole heart and soul , and in which he secured such distinction as to ultimately gain the honourable position of Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Sussex . Bro . Scott was initiated into Freemasonry in the Royal Clarence Lodge , No . 271 , February iSth , 1 S 53 , and it is worthy of notice that for three generations the
Scott family has been honourably connected with the Lodge . Bro . Edmund Scott was Master from 1796 to 1805 , and during the Grand Mastership of General Lennox , afterwards Duke of Richmond , he was the Acting Master . Bro . John Scott has filled every office in the Royal Clarence Lodge , from I . G . upwards , and has been thrice elected W . M ., and occupied the chair in the years 1 S 59 , 1 S 65 , and 1 S 77 . In the Provincial Grand Lodge
he was appointed Provincial Senior Grand Deacon in 1 S 59 , and it was at the September meeting at Hastings that Bro . Scott proposed the appointment of a Steward in every lodge to collect subscriptions from the members of his lodge ; a system which has worked so well as to place the province in a very prominent position with respect to the number of votes per lodge . In 1 S 61 , he was appointed Prov . G . J . W ., while in 1 S 65-6-7 , he held the high position
of Prov . G . S . W . In 1873 , on the retirement of Bro . G . E , Pocock , P . G . Swd . Br . of England , from the duties of Prov . Grand Secretary , Bro . J . H . Scott was appointed as his successor . In April , 1 S 75 , the installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as M . W . G . M . took place , and the two brethren selected to act as Stewards for the province on that occasion were Bros . J . H . Scott and V . P . Freeman . In the following September , at the Provincial Lodge
meeting , Bro . Scott and his fellow Steward were presented each with a jewel , struck by command of the iM . W . G . M ., in commemoration of the installation . In December , 1 S 76 , Bro . E . J . Furncr sent in his resignation to Lord Pelham , the Prov . Grand Master of the oflice of Deputy Provincial Grand Master the duties of the office encroaching too much on the time his own profession demanded of him . In consequence of Bro .
Furner ' s resignation . Lord Pelham , not feeling equal to resuming the direction of the affairs of the province , tendered his own resignation as Prov . Grand Master to the M . W . G . M ., which was accepted . Bro . Sir W . W . Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., succeeded Lord Pelham , and in June , 1 S 77 , at a Provincial Grand Lodge meeting held at Brighton , obligated , invested , and installed Bro . Scott as Deputy P . G . M . The Prov . Grand Master , addressing Bro . Scott ,
said'that he felt it would be useless to say much with regard to the duties of D . P . G . M . to so old a Mason , and one who was so particularly looked up to by the brethren of the province . All the brethren would agree that in choosing Bro . Scott to he his deputy he had selected the right man , and put him in the right place . " ( Cheers . ) It was at this meeting that Bro . Vincent P . Freeman , P . P . S . G . W ., was appointed to succeed Bro . Scott as
Prov . Grand Sec . The year 18 S 0 was an eventful one to Bro . Scott . In February , at the Annual Festival of the Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons , he took up the magnificent total of £ C 30 on his list . Such a result must have been highly gratifying to Bro . Scott , as , out of twenty-seven provinces represented , Sussex took the second place . At the Annual Festival of the Grand Lodge , held at Freemasons' Hall , in April , Bro . Scott was
appointed one of the G . J . Deacons of England , which appointment was received with unanimous satisfaction throughout the province . Bro . Scott worthily carried out the duties of Deputy Provincial Grand Master under the late Sir W . W . Burrell , and it will be remembered that at that imposing gathering of Freemasons at the Brighton Dome last June , H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , the recently-installed Provincial Grand Master of Sussex ,
reappointed him to the high position in the Sussex Province . His Royal Highness , in investing him , said he was " fully aware of his ( Bro . Scott ' s ) long and valued services in the cause of Freemasonry in general , and in the Sussex province . He knew him to be one who would maintain in all their integrity the distinguishing characteristics of the Order . ( Loud applause ) . " At the banquet which followed the ceremony , the Duke of Connaught proposed "' The Health of
Bro . John Henderson Scott , P . G . D ., 'and said he did so with the greatest cordiality , knowing that he had laboured most assiduously in the cause of Freemasonry . In the Sussex province he had held the post of Provincial Grand Secretary , and for many years that of Deputy Provincial Grand Master . In three generations the name of Scott had been familiarly associated with Freemasonry in Sussex , and in Bro . John Henderson Scott they had a thorough
Freemason at heart . It was , therefore , with the greatest satisfaction that he appointed him his Deputy . Before sitting down , he desired to express to him his appreciation of the admirable arrangements for the ceremonies of the day . They had been satisfactory in every respect . ( Applause . ) " Bro . Scott , who was warmly received on rising ,
"thanked the Provincial Grand Master for the kind manner in which the toast had been proposed , and the brethren for the cordial manner in which it hadbeen received . He deeply felt the honour conferred upon him , and trusted , with restored health —( applause)—to prove equal to the duties which would devolve upon him . ( Applause . )" In the absence of his Royal Highness the Prov . Grand
Bro. J. H. Scott, P.G.D., D.P.G.M. Sussex.
Master of Sussex , Bro . Scott presided at the Prov . Grand Lodge meeting recently held at the Royal Pavilion , and those present will not readily forget the graceful manner in which he alluded to the late Bro . Sir W . W . Burrell . Though enfeebled by his serious indisposition , Bro . Scott spoke in a truly eloquent and impressive manner , and his short but effective speech will long be remembered as the last avid one of the best he ever delivered to a large body
of the brethren of the Craft . A striking and substantial recognition of the value and high estimation in which the services of Bro . Scott to Freemasonry was shown in June , 1 SS 4 , when he was presented with a purse of 700 guineas , a silver goblet , and a handsome illuminated address and record of the occasion . During his long life in the Craft , he has installed nearly 40 W . M . ' s , consecrated five new lodges , and assisted at the consecration of 13 new lodges ,
and has worked every section , of the Three Lectures . He was a Life Governor of each of the Masonic Charitable Institutions . In Royal Arch Freemasonry Bro . Scott was equally distinguished and energetic . He was exalted in the Lennox Chapter , No . 271 , in 1 S 57 , and served the offices of M . E . Z . twice , H . four times , and J . three times . With but few exceptions he installed all the Principals and exalted the majority of the companions of that chapter
since 1 SG 2 . He was father ot the Royal Sussex Chapter , No . 732 , of which he was M . E . Z . in 1 S 69 . He was the founder and the first M . E . Z . of the Cyrus Chapter , No . 38 . He has assisted at the consecration of three new chapters , was appointed G . Std . Br . ol the Supreme Grand Chapter of England in May , 1 SS 0 , and Prov . G . H . at the resuscitation of the Prov . Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Sussex , in April , 1 SS 0 . So highly was he appreciated by the
brethren of the province , that he was elected an honorary member of almost all the lodges and chapters in Sussex . By the death of Bro . Scott ( who had passed his 57 th year ) a valued and beloved Freemason has passed away , whose place it will be difficult to fill . To the younger members of the Craft he was especially affable and courteous , and was , at all times , happy to render them any service which his experience and knowledge of the working of theOrder would
enable him to afford them . His colleagues in the I rov . Grand Lodge will keenly feel his loss . As Bro . Scott so feelingly said of Sir W . W . Burrell in his last speech at the October meeting , so it may be said of himself— " It was impossible to know him without loving him . His happy and cordial nature , his generosity and kindness , his hatred
of everything mean , dishonest , or untruthful , his anxiety to anticipate the wants and also the pleasures of those about him , seemed to embody him as the vi-ry incarnation of the grand Masonic design— ' to be happy himself and to communicate happiness to others . '" The funeral will take place at the Extra-Mural Cemetery , to-day ( Friday ) , atone o'clock .
Ireland .
CONVERSAZIONE OF THE ST . CECILIA LODGE , No . 250 On Monday , the 22 nd ult ., the members of the abovenamed lodge gave a grand concert and conversazione ] under the patronage of his Grace the Duke of Abeicurn , M . W . G . M . of Ireland , in the Masonic Hall , Molcsworthstreet , Dublin . This is the third concert given under the auspices of the lodge , and was so successful that the
members have decided upon giving another early next year . The Grand Lodge room , in which the conceit was held , was filled to overflowing by a fashionable and brilliant audience , almost all the brethren present wearing full Masonic costume , whilst the handsome apparel of the ladies aided in producing a scene seldom belore witnessed in the beautiful hall , round which hang the poitiuits of many distinguished brethren . The ladies and gentlemen
who took part in the programme were Bro . W . H . Gater , Mus . Doc , Herr Rudersdorff , Mr . Walter Bapty , M . Victor Buziau , Bro . Edmond Oldham , Miss llartc , and Miss Lucy A . Hackett , the performances , both vocal and instrumental , being highly appreciated . Bro . T . K . G . Joze , Mus . Doc , W . M . oi St . Cecilia , acted as conductor ,
and filled the post most efficiently . During the interval between the first and second parts , Bro . R . VV . SIIEKLETO . V , Cj . C , D . G . AJ ., announced that he had received a letter from the Duke of Abercorn , expressing his regret at being unable , through the illness of the Duchess , to be present , and wishing the lodge every
success . A conversazione was afterwards held , when the visitors had free access to the splendid suite of apartments in which the Royal Arch and Prince Masons meet , and also to the pretty chapel dedicated to the uses of the Knight Templars . All the officers of the St . Cecilia Lodge exerted themselves to the utmost to secure the comfort and happU ness of the visitors , and in this they were so successful that there are few who do not look forward with pleasant anticipations to the next concert .
Royal Order Of Scotland.
Royal Order of Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AND CHAPTER OF NORTH AND EAST YORKSHIRE . A meeting of this body was held in Freemasons' Hall , St . Saviourgate , York , on Friday , the 3 rd inst . Bro . the Rev . Wm . Valentine , M . A ., P . G . M ., presided , and there were also present Bros . V . B . WhyteheadD . P . G . M . ;
, Wm . H . Cowper , P . G . S . W . ; Donald Grant , P . G . J . W . ; George Simpsin , Prov . G . Treas . ; Wm . Brown , Prov . G . Sec ; VV . H . B . Atkinson , P . G . S . U . ; VV . B . Dyson , P . G . Ex . ; and other brethren . Bros . W . H . V . Millbank , II . Darley , and H . E . Cousans were duly admitted to the Order of H . R . D . M ., and
afterwards promoted to the U . S . Y . CS . A draft of by-laws was submitted , and the Prov . G . M . and D . P . G . M . were appointed to arrange the fixed days of meeting . A number of apologies from absent brethren were read , and after the close of the lodge the brethren adjourned to a banquet at the Station Hotei .
Bro . R . L . Roberton has recentl y been installed W . M . of the Medina Mark Lodge , No . 140 , West Cowus , Isle of Wight , the Installing Master being Bro . T . W . Faulkner , P . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The regular meeting of the General Committee of this Institution took place at Freemasons' Hall on Saturday last . Bro . James Moon , V .-Pat ., presided , and among those present were Bros . Alfred Williams , John L . Mather , George Motion , Stephen Richardson , Walter Ballard ,
Raynham W . Stewart , P . G . D . ; S . H . Parkhouse , C . F . Hogard , G . Bolton , J . S . Cumberland , F . Adlard , C . Belton , F . W . Ramsay , A . E . Gladwell , G . P . Gillard , W . H . Saunders , N . B . Headon , E . Baxter , George Read , George W . B . Fletcher , John H . Gwyn , W . Maple , W . A . Scurrah , W . Harding , F . T . C . Keeble , George Cooper , H . W . Hunt , Richard Eve , H . Young , and F . Binckes
( Secretary ) . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , and those of the House Committee readfor information , nine petitions were considered and accepted , and the names of the children ordered to be entered on the list of candidates for the April election . Two applications by ex-pupils for grants towards outfit
were favourably entertained . The day for holding the Quarterly Court in April , 1 SS 7 , which will fall on Easter Monday , was postponed till the Monday following ( iSth April , 1 SS 7 ) . The other business having been disposed of , and a vote of thanks passed to the Chairman , the Committee rose .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The Committee of Management held its usual monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday . The chair was occupied by Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , P . G . D ., and amongt the members present were Bros . Edgar Bower , P . G . Std . B . ; Samuel Brooks , Hugh Cotter , Alex . Forsyth ,
Charles J . Perceval , Joseph Freeman , Thos . Griffith , W . J . Murlis , W . Belchamber , John Bulman , J . A . Farnfield , Thomas Cubitt , P . G . P . ; A . H . Tattersha ' ll , C . H . Driver , Albert Fish , C . F . Matier , Fred . Davison , P . G . D . ; J . H . Webb , W . H . Perryman , A . G . P . ; Chas . Belton , and James Terry ( Sec . ) The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and verified , the Secretary reported the death of one male
annuitant , who had received £ 230 . The Warden's report for the past month was read . The receipt of a legacy to the Male Fund amounting to £ 25 , free of duty , from the executors of the late Rev . Samuel Gauntlett , of Midway Manor , Wilts , was announced . The Committee voted the sum of £ 20 towards the entertainment of the inmates of the Institution at Croydon , on 5 th January , prox .
An application made by the widow of a late annuitant for half her husband ' s annuity was granted . Nine petitions ( 6 male and 3 widows ) were taken into consideration , with the result that seven were accepted , and the names ordered to be placed on the list of candidates for the election in May next , and two were deferred for further information . A vote of thanks to the chair terminated the meeting .
Second Annual Dinner Of The Ubique Lodge Of Instruction, No. 1789.
The second annual dinner of the above lodge of instruction took place at the Crown and Anchor , 79 , Ebury-strect , S . W ., on Friday , the 27 th ult ., when a goodly muster of the members sat down to an excellent repast provided by
the worthy host , Bro . Walteley . The chair was occupied by Bro . Boulton , P . M . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been given , a presentation of a handsome gold watch was made to Bro . Coughlan , P . M ., the esteemed Secretary . The CHAIRMAN , in the course of his remarks , referred to the admirable services rendered to the lodge of instruction bv that brother , and , in making the presentation , said
he felt sure that he was only echoing the feelings of every member in wishing that he may be long spared to wear it . Bro . COUGHLAN , in reply , said that to hold office in lodge was in itself an honour , but when the members conferred a reward , as they had done that evening , it not only showed that the small services rendered had been appreciated , but that the recipient gained their esteem . He
also stated the good services rendered by the lodge to Freemasonry in general , and pointed out that although the lodge had been in existence five years , they had , after paying the necessary expenses incurred , contributed no less than twenty guineas to the several Charities , and that out of an income of £ 5 15 s . for the past year £ 5 10 s . was devoted to Charity ; he the services rendered the Charit
also dwelt upou great by - able Associations in connection with the lodge , which , although only established a year , had contributed So guineas to the several Masonic Institutions ; he also pointed out that such distinguished brethren as Bros , the Rev . C . A . Tolbe , B . A ., Capt . Butterworth , J . Gibson , W . Bnndley , JWadeand F . Green , all of whom are Past Masters ,
. , and Bros . G . Mason , W . M . of the mother lodge , and Valentine Green , W . M . of the Rothesay Lodge , had received a goodly portion , if not all their instruction in this lodge , and that these brethren while in office rendered their services in a mannerwhich reflected credit , not only on themselves , but to the lodges to which they belonged , and remarked that the nrosoerous condition of this lodge was
due to various causes—first , the Preceptor , Bro . Boulton , P . M ., by his tact , ability , and courtesy could not be surpassed ; the work done by the lodge could not be excelled ; and the members united in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness , so that perfect
harmony prevailed . The toast of "The Mother Lodge" was appropriately responded to by Bro . MASON . Songs and recitations were indulged in throughout the evening , and the brethren departed shortly before midnight , having spent a most enjoyable evening .
Bro . the Rev . William-Whittley , P . P . S . G . W ., P . P . G . Chaplain ot Devon , will preach a sermon on "The Pillars of the Temple" on Sunday evening next , the 12 th inst ., at 6 . 30 p . m ., at the Claremont Congregational Church , Pentonville-road , N ., near the Angel .
Bro. J. H. Scott, P.G.D., D.P.G.M. Sussex.
BRO . J . H . SCOTT , P . G . D ., D . P . G . M . SUSSEX .
It is with sincere regret that we record the death of Bro . John Henderson Scott , which took place at his residence , 59 , Brunswick-road , Brighton , on Sunday last . The deceased had been in declining health for sometime past , but it was not till quite recently that a fatal issue was considered probable . A Sussex contemporary of ours—whose
sketch of our late brother's career is so ample and , as regards the Masonic details , so accurate , that we have deemed it well to quote it at length—writes of him thus : To the general public , Mr . Scott was known as a local artist of great repute . His grandfather , securing the friendship and patronage of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , afterwards George IV ., established himself at Brighton just before the opening of the
present century . His father , too , secured a reputation in Brighton as a water-colour painter of acknowledged merit , and , on his death , his mantle fell worthily on his son , John Henderson , who at once achieved a high position among the artists of the South of England . The metropolitan picture galleries have , from time to time , been favoured with his works from his easel , while the local exhibitions have , year after year , being assisted by his choice
productions . Mr . John Henderson Scott ' s leisure time was however , mainly devoted to the cause of Freemasonry , into which he threw his whole heart and soul , and in which he secured such distinction as to ultimately gain the honourable position of Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Sussex . Bro . Scott was initiated into Freemasonry in the Royal Clarence Lodge , No . 271 , February iSth , 1 S 53 , and it is worthy of notice that for three generations the
Scott family has been honourably connected with the Lodge . Bro . Edmund Scott was Master from 1796 to 1805 , and during the Grand Mastership of General Lennox , afterwards Duke of Richmond , he was the Acting Master . Bro . John Scott has filled every office in the Royal Clarence Lodge , from I . G . upwards , and has been thrice elected W . M ., and occupied the chair in the years 1 S 59 , 1 S 65 , and 1 S 77 . In the Provincial Grand Lodge
he was appointed Provincial Senior Grand Deacon in 1 S 59 , and it was at the September meeting at Hastings that Bro . Scott proposed the appointment of a Steward in every lodge to collect subscriptions from the members of his lodge ; a system which has worked so well as to place the province in a very prominent position with respect to the number of votes per lodge . In 1 S 61 , he was appointed Prov . G . J . W ., while in 1 S 65-6-7 , he held the high position
of Prov . G . S . W . In 1873 , on the retirement of Bro . G . E , Pocock , P . G . Swd . Br . of England , from the duties of Prov . Grand Secretary , Bro . J . H . Scott was appointed as his successor . In April , 1 S 75 , the installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as M . W . G . M . took place , and the two brethren selected to act as Stewards for the province on that occasion were Bros . J . H . Scott and V . P . Freeman . In the following September , at the Provincial Lodge
meeting , Bro . Scott and his fellow Steward were presented each with a jewel , struck by command of the iM . W . G . M ., in commemoration of the installation . In December , 1 S 76 , Bro . E . J . Furncr sent in his resignation to Lord Pelham , the Prov . Grand Master of the oflice of Deputy Provincial Grand Master the duties of the office encroaching too much on the time his own profession demanded of him . In consequence of Bro .
Furner ' s resignation . Lord Pelham , not feeling equal to resuming the direction of the affairs of the province , tendered his own resignation as Prov . Grand Master to the M . W . G . M ., which was accepted . Bro . Sir W . W . Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., succeeded Lord Pelham , and in June , 1 S 77 , at a Provincial Grand Lodge meeting held at Brighton , obligated , invested , and installed Bro . Scott as Deputy P . G . M . The Prov . Grand Master , addressing Bro . Scott ,
said'that he felt it would be useless to say much with regard to the duties of D . P . G . M . to so old a Mason , and one who was so particularly looked up to by the brethren of the province . All the brethren would agree that in choosing Bro . Scott to he his deputy he had selected the right man , and put him in the right place . " ( Cheers . ) It was at this meeting that Bro . Vincent P . Freeman , P . P . S . G . W ., was appointed to succeed Bro . Scott as
Prov . Grand Sec . The year 18 S 0 was an eventful one to Bro . Scott . In February , at the Annual Festival of the Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons , he took up the magnificent total of £ C 30 on his list . Such a result must have been highly gratifying to Bro . Scott , as , out of twenty-seven provinces represented , Sussex took the second place . At the Annual Festival of the Grand Lodge , held at Freemasons' Hall , in April , Bro . Scott was
appointed one of the G . J . Deacons of England , which appointment was received with unanimous satisfaction throughout the province . Bro . Scott worthily carried out the duties of Deputy Provincial Grand Master under the late Sir W . W . Burrell , and it will be remembered that at that imposing gathering of Freemasons at the Brighton Dome last June , H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , the recently-installed Provincial Grand Master of Sussex ,
reappointed him to the high position in the Sussex Province . His Royal Highness , in investing him , said he was " fully aware of his ( Bro . Scott ' s ) long and valued services in the cause of Freemasonry in general , and in the Sussex province . He knew him to be one who would maintain in all their integrity the distinguishing characteristics of the Order . ( Loud applause ) . " At the banquet which followed the ceremony , the Duke of Connaught proposed "' The Health of
Bro . John Henderson Scott , P . G . D ., 'and said he did so with the greatest cordiality , knowing that he had laboured most assiduously in the cause of Freemasonry . In the Sussex province he had held the post of Provincial Grand Secretary , and for many years that of Deputy Provincial Grand Master . In three generations the name of Scott had been familiarly associated with Freemasonry in Sussex , and in Bro . John Henderson Scott they had a thorough
Freemason at heart . It was , therefore , with the greatest satisfaction that he appointed him his Deputy . Before sitting down , he desired to express to him his appreciation of the admirable arrangements for the ceremonies of the day . They had been satisfactory in every respect . ( Applause . ) " Bro . Scott , who was warmly received on rising ,
"thanked the Provincial Grand Master for the kind manner in which the toast had been proposed , and the brethren for the cordial manner in which it hadbeen received . He deeply felt the honour conferred upon him , and trusted , with restored health —( applause)—to prove equal to the duties which would devolve upon him . ( Applause . )" In the absence of his Royal Highness the Prov . Grand
Bro. J. H. Scott, P.G.D., D.P.G.M. Sussex.
Master of Sussex , Bro . Scott presided at the Prov . Grand Lodge meeting recently held at the Royal Pavilion , and those present will not readily forget the graceful manner in which he alluded to the late Bro . Sir W . W . Burrell . Though enfeebled by his serious indisposition , Bro . Scott spoke in a truly eloquent and impressive manner , and his short but effective speech will long be remembered as the last avid one of the best he ever delivered to a large body
of the brethren of the Craft . A striking and substantial recognition of the value and high estimation in which the services of Bro . Scott to Freemasonry was shown in June , 1 SS 4 , when he was presented with a purse of 700 guineas , a silver goblet , and a handsome illuminated address and record of the occasion . During his long life in the Craft , he has installed nearly 40 W . M . ' s , consecrated five new lodges , and assisted at the consecration of 13 new lodges ,
and has worked every section , of the Three Lectures . He was a Life Governor of each of the Masonic Charitable Institutions . In Royal Arch Freemasonry Bro . Scott was equally distinguished and energetic . He was exalted in the Lennox Chapter , No . 271 , in 1 S 57 , and served the offices of M . E . Z . twice , H . four times , and J . three times . With but few exceptions he installed all the Principals and exalted the majority of the companions of that chapter
since 1 SG 2 . He was father ot the Royal Sussex Chapter , No . 732 , of which he was M . E . Z . in 1 S 69 . He was the founder and the first M . E . Z . of the Cyrus Chapter , No . 38 . He has assisted at the consecration of three new chapters , was appointed G . Std . Br . ol the Supreme Grand Chapter of England in May , 1 SS 0 , and Prov . G . H . at the resuscitation of the Prov . Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Sussex , in April , 1 SS 0 . So highly was he appreciated by the
brethren of the province , that he was elected an honorary member of almost all the lodges and chapters in Sussex . By the death of Bro . Scott ( who had passed his 57 th year ) a valued and beloved Freemason has passed away , whose place it will be difficult to fill . To the younger members of the Craft he was especially affable and courteous , and was , at all times , happy to render them any service which his experience and knowledge of the working of theOrder would
enable him to afford them . His colleagues in the I rov . Grand Lodge will keenly feel his loss . As Bro . Scott so feelingly said of Sir W . W . Burrell in his last speech at the October meeting , so it may be said of himself— " It was impossible to know him without loving him . His happy and cordial nature , his generosity and kindness , his hatred
of everything mean , dishonest , or untruthful , his anxiety to anticipate the wants and also the pleasures of those about him , seemed to embody him as the vi-ry incarnation of the grand Masonic design— ' to be happy himself and to communicate happiness to others . '" The funeral will take place at the Extra-Mural Cemetery , to-day ( Friday ) , atone o'clock .
Ireland .
CONVERSAZIONE OF THE ST . CECILIA LODGE , No . 250 On Monday , the 22 nd ult ., the members of the abovenamed lodge gave a grand concert and conversazione ] under the patronage of his Grace the Duke of Abeicurn , M . W . G . M . of Ireland , in the Masonic Hall , Molcsworthstreet , Dublin . This is the third concert given under the auspices of the lodge , and was so successful that the
members have decided upon giving another early next year . The Grand Lodge room , in which the conceit was held , was filled to overflowing by a fashionable and brilliant audience , almost all the brethren present wearing full Masonic costume , whilst the handsome apparel of the ladies aided in producing a scene seldom belore witnessed in the beautiful hall , round which hang the poitiuits of many distinguished brethren . The ladies and gentlemen
who took part in the programme were Bro . W . H . Gater , Mus . Doc , Herr Rudersdorff , Mr . Walter Bapty , M . Victor Buziau , Bro . Edmond Oldham , Miss llartc , and Miss Lucy A . Hackett , the performances , both vocal and instrumental , being highly appreciated . Bro . T . K . G . Joze , Mus . Doc , W . M . oi St . Cecilia , acted as conductor ,
and filled the post most efficiently . During the interval between the first and second parts , Bro . R . VV . SIIEKLETO . V , Cj . C , D . G . AJ ., announced that he had received a letter from the Duke of Abercorn , expressing his regret at being unable , through the illness of the Duchess , to be present , and wishing the lodge every
success . A conversazione was afterwards held , when the visitors had free access to the splendid suite of apartments in which the Royal Arch and Prince Masons meet , and also to the pretty chapel dedicated to the uses of the Knight Templars . All the officers of the St . Cecilia Lodge exerted themselves to the utmost to secure the comfort and happU ness of the visitors , and in this they were so successful that there are few who do not look forward with pleasant anticipations to the next concert .
Royal Order Of Scotland.
Royal Order of Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AND CHAPTER OF NORTH AND EAST YORKSHIRE . A meeting of this body was held in Freemasons' Hall , St . Saviourgate , York , on Friday , the 3 rd inst . Bro . the Rev . Wm . Valentine , M . A ., P . G . M ., presided , and there were also present Bros . V . B . WhyteheadD . P . G . M . ;
, Wm . H . Cowper , P . G . S . W . ; Donald Grant , P . G . J . W . ; George Simpsin , Prov . G . Treas . ; Wm . Brown , Prov . G . Sec ; VV . H . B . Atkinson , P . G . S . U . ; VV . B . Dyson , P . G . Ex . ; and other brethren . Bros . W . H . V . Millbank , II . Darley , and H . E . Cousans were duly admitted to the Order of H . R . D . M ., and
afterwards promoted to the U . S . Y . CS . A draft of by-laws was submitted , and the Prov . G . M . and D . P . G . M . were appointed to arrange the fixed days of meeting . A number of apologies from absent brethren were read , and after the close of the lodge the brethren adjourned to a banquet at the Station Hotei .
Bro . R . L . Roberton has recentl y been installed W . M . of the Medina Mark Lodge , No . 140 , West Cowus , Isle of Wight , the Installing Master being Bro . T . W . Faulkner , P . M .