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...... I . ¦ . ¦ »! " *» ' - ¦ " - ¦¦¦ ' ¦——J JOHN GOW , £ \ S $ . ' ' SEW BROAD ST ., E . C * . J lOutside Railway Stltion ) . -r-r-t TV ^ u * •HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . ^ 0 " 93 , THEOBALD'S RD „ HOLBORN , W . C . 125 , BROMPTON ROAD , S . W . rt K ^ Rpi JOHN ClOW always has on sale th ( * Jf ^ - Largest Stock in London of the Very Besi - Quality at Lowest Trices . Barrellet rtiVTOl- Oysters . O 'io - PERFECTLY-FITTED OYSTER SALOON Now Open at New Broad Street . ¦
•IKY I . BEASLEY'S BOOTS , BOOTS i Ami ensure Ease and Elegance , combined with __ _ . . _ , _ TRUE PIT , BOOTS ! 28 , QUEEN VICTORIA ST . i \ enr the Mansion House ) . Specialities—Hand-Sewn . Special Orders in BOOTS I a few days . Large Stock to select from , UoMMeilal Awarded nUhc London Internationa ] Exhibition , Crystal l'jilacc , 1 SS 1 .
ARTIFICIAL TEETH ^ w Such as have been found lo be the most useful ^ SL !»» 'l durable , SUPl'MKI ) by the actual makers si Ov J from is . Od . eavli ; an upper or lower set from v- r ^ * jO -S ? V" 2-w * . upwards . Teeth extracted by gas . War-^ t > -O JC »* r . intcd to j ? ive perfect satisfaction . No pain Cy < iy ^ Y Riven . Advice free . Mr . BTKXT . I > cntal r y * V ^ Surgeon ,. * , Coventry Street , W ., and 5 'i 7 , FuHiam * W Itoad , S . W . Kstiibllshcd SO years . Numerous < V testimonials may be seen from ladies and gen-. tlcnien . GREAT CLEARANCE SALE CHINA , OLASS & EARTHENWARE NOW ON . Great Bargains to be had in Dinner , Dessert Sets , & c . J . B , KORNER , 35 hOxfordSt ., London , W .
< £ ) ^ J . & W . TOLLEY , ^ f Gun and Rifle Manufacturers , -Or CV PIONEER WORKS , BIRMINGHAM ; cN JvC' 1 , Conduit Street , Regent Street , london , J ^ »\ . NEW LISTS FREE . vX * " rjU Sole Makers of the " STANDARD " ^ HAMMERLESS GUN . MASONS' CERTIFICATES . & c , FEAMED TO ANY DESIGN . H . M O R ELL , 17 ami 18 , Great St . Andrew St ., Bloomsbury , W . C , London . Manufacturer and Importer of all kinds of Picture Frame and Decorative Mouldings ( Two Million l ' eet always in stock ) . Every requisite for the Trade and Exportation . Illustrated Book of Patterns post free for three penny stamps .
Estab . 1 THE [ 1804 . < $ ? 4 * " DUMENLY " CIGARETTES . * " *\\ V Possessing an aroma of passing excellence , vAV anJ unequalled in the world . Manufac-^ <\ vV tured hy A . C . PARASCHO & CO ., of *<\»' , * Dumenly , Venijch , Turkey . Each Cigarette vA \> ^ O , bears the Trade Mark , "DUMENLY , " V ^\<^ V 1 an < 1 Monograms . None others are gen-, <\< \ V "ino . One sample box ( sent post free . Q V > for as . 6 d , ) is sufficient to convince any . Ky > ' connoiseur of their superiority . r \\ V $ > Sole a < 1 ( lressin the United Kingdom—V ) v 57 , Pall Mall , London , W
By Appointment to the Royal Family SPECIALITY— ^ WEDDING _ CAKES . % HERBERT and JONES £ , » , 1 ' rqinUuntcr ' i !) ( From JI . M . Kitelicu ) VS » V" ^\ Cooks and Confectioners . & ^ Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , and I 3 al xJi . Sippers supplied . T 16 , KENSINGTON HIGH STREET , W . Kstutilibfietl 3 U 0 ytarv .
By Appointment to H . R . H . the Princess of Wales , l MA ISON ISIDORE , g tf \ ( ESTABLISHED 1827 ) . f * . ^ . m Ladies' and Children ' s Haircutting on Scientilic JT ^ Principles . Latest improvements in Coverings Q jjj for Baldness , liaume's Medical Extrait Vegetal ~ pj Pommade a la Heme for the Hair . (/) 14 , BEMTIWCK STREET , MANCHESTER SOU / IRE , W "
A NEW VARNISH /> * ( A SPIRIT COPAL ) , ¦ %£ > » Clear as water or plate-glass ; never before ty . Kfo produced ; dries in five minutes . Hard , e \ ^ " fo . durable , aud brilliant . A bottle , post free , y ^> * * 13-i stamps . —Mr . STENT , J , Coventry •*; ijtrcet , London , W . Established 30 years .
SMITH'S LONDON BLUE IS Unequalled for Laundry Work . Sold by Oilmen , in bottles , id . and 6 d . each , or by the Gallon , at Estab . 1879 . ] No . 2 , Finsbury Sq ., London .
THE "FREEMASON " ChristmasNumber will be Published 1 ON THE 15 th of DECEMBER , And will contain an ORIGINAL TALE , By R . E . FRANCILLON , AUTHOR OV "Ropes of Sand , " "Olympia , " "Queen Cophetua , " "Strange Waters , " & c , & c , ENTITLED" A More Wonderful Lamp , " ( ILLUSTRATED . )
ALSO TALES AND ARTICLES CY WELL-KNOWN Masonic and other Writers . PRICE SIXPENCE . Orders should be given at once to all Booksellers or Newsagents . LONDON : THE " ' FREEMASON" OFFICE , 16 & I 6 A GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . C .
co - J . C . CORDING AND Co . ijj FOR THE BEST te . ^ WATERPROOFS J?^ eg * O SHOOTING , A ? $ FISHING . § * TRAVELLING . & 7 i — c > 7 Only Address—0 Corner of AIR STREET , PICCADILLY .
Hotel , Club , and Restaurant Proprietors , AND VISITORS TO THE FOOD 4 COOKERY EXHIBITION , AT THE ROYAL AQUARIUM , SHOULD NOT NEGLECT TO SEE GEO . MASON & M / S SPECIALITIES . 417 , King ' s Hoad , Chelsea , S . W .
A SUITE OF E 00 MS TO LET , NEWLY DECORATED AND FITTED FOR Lodges , Chapters , Preceptories , Conclaves , & c , & c . For particulars apply at the Freemason office , 16 Great Queen-st ., W . C .
A BROTHER , M . M ., R . A . and M . M . M ., desires care of Masonic Hall , & c . Firstclass Army Pensioner ; married ; no encumbrance . — Address , J AMES ANDERSON , 15 , Margarct-st ., Wilmingtonsquare , W . C . BRO . TOM LAWLER begs to announce that he has returned to Town , and is now open to accept Engagements for the MANAGEMENT OF MUSIC AT MASONIC BANQUETS , CITY DINNERS , CONCERTS , & c—66 , Tonslcfliill , Wandsworth , S . W .
BRO . CHARLES STEWART LANE is open to ENGAGEMENTS for CONCERTS , MASONIC BANQUETS , & c .-Addrcss , No . 7 , Denmanstrect , London Bridge . TO LET—The UPPER PART of a HOUSE near the General Post Oflice . Eight Rooms , together or separate . —Apply B . J ., Office of this Paper .
CLOSE to Piccadilly and West End Clubs . APARTMENTS FURNISHED with Attendance for Gentlemen . Terms moderate . —II . AMELOT , 45 , Brick-street , Piccadilly . CAMBRIDCTE GRADUATE fP . M . and P . Z . ) . —PRIVATE TUITION in the CLASSICS , MATHEMATICS , ENGLISH , & c . Lectures on various subjects . Schools visited . Foreigners taught English by means of French . —Address , F . D ., 62 , Lancaster-road , Notting-hill , W .
BRO . BINCKES' PRESENTATION FUND . President—THE EARL OF LATIIOM , D . G . M ., & Prov . G . M . W . Lancashire . Treasurer—Bro . GEORGE PLUCKNETT , P . G . D . England , and Treasurer of the R . M . I . B . Hon . Secretary—Bro . C . F . HOGARD , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . Subscriptions to the above Fund will be received by Bro . GEO . PLUCKNETT , 46 , Connaught-sq ., W ., or by Bro . C . F . HOGARD , 45 a , Cheapside , London , E . C , by whom also all further particulars will be furnished .
Tilbury ' sWarehouses, ^ ° ^ MAMLEBONE , LONDON c ^ ° ^\ 3 ^ ( Oldest Store Warehouse for Storing „ .. 3 ^ ^< f .. Furniture and Household Effects , Plate , < J \ 3 •" ( v ^** Luggage , & c . DRY DISTRICT , HIGH > —< . ?>• AUOVETHAMESLEVEL , andrcstrictcd V * ^ to storage purposes only , so avoiding many 9 ty ' risks . Office—EIIWD . TILBURY & Co ., 35 , High-street , St . Marylcbone , \ V .
A MASONIC BALL , Under distinguished patronage , will be held IN THE ASSEMBLY ROOMS , STAMFORD , On FRIDAY , JANUARY , 21 st , 1887 . In aid of the ROYAL MASONIC CHARITIES . TICKETS ( including Refreshments)—Gentlemen , ios . 6 d . ; Ladies , 7 s . 6 d . ; Double , 15 s . ; to be obtained previously to January 14 th by written application .
NOW READY . MASONIC ~ RECORDS , I 7 I 7-I 886 , Comprising a complete List of all the Lodges warranted by the Four Grand Lodges and the United Grand Lodgo of England , with their Dates , Places of Meeting , Successive Numbers , & c , & c , by JOHN LANE , F . C . A ., P . M . 1402 , Torquay . The work is dedicated , by gracious permission , to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , K . G ., K . T ., & c , & c , M . W . Grand Master , and contains a fac simile of Pine ' s Engraved List of 1725 , and an introduction by W . Bro . W . J . HUGHAN , P . G . S . D . England . It contains 340 pages , and is handsomely bound in blue cloth , bevelled boards , with edges all silt , or top edge only gilt . In consequence of the work containing 40 pages more than originally contemplated , the expense of production has been very considerably increased , and tha price is now necessarily increased to £ 1 Us . 6 d . nett . App lication for the remaining copies , accompanied by a remittance , and stating which binding is desired , should be sent forthwith to the Author , BRO . JOHN LANE , BANNERCROSS , TORQUAY . The cost of postage or carriage not being included inthe above price , must be added in all cases where prepayment of postage , & c , is necessary . The weight of the booh , without packing , is nearly 5 I 0 .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . 10 , ST . SWITHIN'S LANE , LONDON , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal Injuries Railway Accidents . [ Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
PATENTS , DESIGNS , TRADE MARKS , SECURED BY Bro . JAMES STEVENSON , C . E . ( Late Freemasons' Magazine & Masonic Mirror ) , Editor Reflected Rays of Light on Freemasonry , & c . Upwards of 25 Years experience as Patent Agent , Consulting Engineer and Technical Expert . Note . —British Patent Complete ( 4 years ) £ 5 10 o Provisional Protection ( 9 months ) £ 250 Drawings to Estimate . Searches as to Novelty of Inventions at nominal charges . Address-JAMES STEVENSON , C . E ., The Peoples Patent Agency , GRAYS INN CHAMBERS , so HIGH HOLBORN ,
FUNERAL REFORM . Simple , Kevcrciit , and Inexpensive Funerals . Explanatory PatnpUci gra ( i » . LONDON NECROPOLIS CO ., 2 , LANCASTER PLACE . STRAND . W . C . PATENT EARTH TO EARTH PERISHABLE COFFINS . Eslab . j D U E R , D 749 . / ^ * i 4 6 , NEW BOND ST ., W ., ^ T Also ^> CALLARD & CALLABD , ^ v Queen ' s Terrace , St . John ' s Wood . ^ 0 ^^ " / Vans to all parts Daily . Hampers & Tins < C _ J / packed for the country with Biscuits , & c . > r f French & Vienna Fancy Rolls le Bread . WEDDING BREAKFASTS SUPPLIED .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
...... I . ¦ . ¦ »! " *» ' - ¦ " - ¦¦¦ ' ¦——J JOHN GOW , £ \ S $ . ' ' SEW BROAD ST ., E . C * . J lOutside Railway Stltion ) . -r-r-t TV ^ u * •HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . ^ 0 " 93 , THEOBALD'S RD „ HOLBORN , W . C . 125 , BROMPTON ROAD , S . W . rt K ^ Rpi JOHN ClOW always has on sale th ( * Jf ^ - Largest Stock in London of the Very Besi - Quality at Lowest Trices . Barrellet rtiVTOl- Oysters . O 'io - PERFECTLY-FITTED OYSTER SALOON Now Open at New Broad Street . ¦
•IKY I . BEASLEY'S BOOTS , BOOTS i Ami ensure Ease and Elegance , combined with __ _ . . _ , _ TRUE PIT , BOOTS ! 28 , QUEEN VICTORIA ST . i \ enr the Mansion House ) . Specialities—Hand-Sewn . Special Orders in BOOTS I a few days . Large Stock to select from , UoMMeilal Awarded nUhc London Internationa ] Exhibition , Crystal l'jilacc , 1 SS 1 .
ARTIFICIAL TEETH ^ w Such as have been found lo be the most useful ^ SL !»» 'l durable , SUPl'MKI ) by the actual makers si Ov J from is . Od . eavli ; an upper or lower set from v- r ^ * jO -S ? V" 2-w * . upwards . Teeth extracted by gas . War-^ t > -O JC »* r . intcd to j ? ive perfect satisfaction . No pain Cy < iy ^ Y Riven . Advice free . Mr . BTKXT . I > cntal r y * V ^ Surgeon ,. * , Coventry Street , W ., and 5 'i 7 , FuHiam * W Itoad , S . W . Kstiibllshcd SO years . Numerous < V testimonials may be seen from ladies and gen-. tlcnien . GREAT CLEARANCE SALE CHINA , OLASS & EARTHENWARE NOW ON . Great Bargains to be had in Dinner , Dessert Sets , & c . J . B , KORNER , 35 hOxfordSt ., London , W .
< £ ) ^ J . & W . TOLLEY , ^ f Gun and Rifle Manufacturers , -Or CV PIONEER WORKS , BIRMINGHAM ; cN JvC' 1 , Conduit Street , Regent Street , london , J ^ »\ . NEW LISTS FREE . vX * " rjU Sole Makers of the " STANDARD " ^ HAMMERLESS GUN . MASONS' CERTIFICATES . & c , FEAMED TO ANY DESIGN . H . M O R ELL , 17 ami 18 , Great St . Andrew St ., Bloomsbury , W . C , London . Manufacturer and Importer of all kinds of Picture Frame and Decorative Mouldings ( Two Million l ' eet always in stock ) . Every requisite for the Trade and Exportation . Illustrated Book of Patterns post free for three penny stamps .
Estab . 1 THE [ 1804 . < $ ? 4 * " DUMENLY " CIGARETTES . * " *\\ V Possessing an aroma of passing excellence , vAV anJ unequalled in the world . Manufac-^ <\ vV tured hy A . C . PARASCHO & CO ., of *<\»' , * Dumenly , Venijch , Turkey . Each Cigarette vA \> ^ O , bears the Trade Mark , "DUMENLY , " V ^\<^ V 1 an < 1 Monograms . None others are gen-, <\< \ V "ino . One sample box ( sent post free . Q V > for as . 6 d , ) is sufficient to convince any . Ky > ' connoiseur of their superiority . r \\ V $ > Sole a < 1 ( lressin the United Kingdom—V ) v 57 , Pall Mall , London , W
By Appointment to the Royal Family SPECIALITY— ^ WEDDING _ CAKES . % HERBERT and JONES £ , » , 1 ' rqinUuntcr ' i !) ( From JI . M . Kitelicu ) VS » V" ^\ Cooks and Confectioners . & ^ Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , and I 3 al xJi . Sippers supplied . T 16 , KENSINGTON HIGH STREET , W . Kstutilibfietl 3 U 0 ytarv .
By Appointment to H . R . H . the Princess of Wales , l MA ISON ISIDORE , g tf \ ( ESTABLISHED 1827 ) . f * . ^ . m Ladies' and Children ' s Haircutting on Scientilic JT ^ Principles . Latest improvements in Coverings Q jjj for Baldness , liaume's Medical Extrait Vegetal ~ pj Pommade a la Heme for the Hair . (/) 14 , BEMTIWCK STREET , MANCHESTER SOU / IRE , W "
A NEW VARNISH /> * ( A SPIRIT COPAL ) , ¦ %£ > » Clear as water or plate-glass ; never before ty . Kfo produced ; dries in five minutes . Hard , e \ ^ " fo . durable , aud brilliant . A bottle , post free , y ^> * * 13-i stamps . —Mr . STENT , J , Coventry •*; ijtrcet , London , W . Established 30 years .
SMITH'S LONDON BLUE IS Unequalled for Laundry Work . Sold by Oilmen , in bottles , id . and 6 d . each , or by the Gallon , at Estab . 1879 . ] No . 2 , Finsbury Sq ., London .
THE "FREEMASON " ChristmasNumber will be Published 1 ON THE 15 th of DECEMBER , And will contain an ORIGINAL TALE , By R . E . FRANCILLON , AUTHOR OV "Ropes of Sand , " "Olympia , " "Queen Cophetua , " "Strange Waters , " & c , & c , ENTITLED" A More Wonderful Lamp , " ( ILLUSTRATED . )
ALSO TALES AND ARTICLES CY WELL-KNOWN Masonic and other Writers . PRICE SIXPENCE . Orders should be given at once to all Booksellers or Newsagents . LONDON : THE " ' FREEMASON" OFFICE , 16 & I 6 A GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . C .
co - J . C . CORDING AND Co . ijj FOR THE BEST te . ^ WATERPROOFS J?^ eg * O SHOOTING , A ? $ FISHING . § * TRAVELLING . & 7 i — c > 7 Only Address—0 Corner of AIR STREET , PICCADILLY .
Hotel , Club , and Restaurant Proprietors , AND VISITORS TO THE FOOD 4 COOKERY EXHIBITION , AT THE ROYAL AQUARIUM , SHOULD NOT NEGLECT TO SEE GEO . MASON & M / S SPECIALITIES . 417 , King ' s Hoad , Chelsea , S . W .
A SUITE OF E 00 MS TO LET , NEWLY DECORATED AND FITTED FOR Lodges , Chapters , Preceptories , Conclaves , & c , & c . For particulars apply at the Freemason office , 16 Great Queen-st ., W . C .
A BROTHER , M . M ., R . A . and M . M . M ., desires care of Masonic Hall , & c . Firstclass Army Pensioner ; married ; no encumbrance . — Address , J AMES ANDERSON , 15 , Margarct-st ., Wilmingtonsquare , W . C . BRO . TOM LAWLER begs to announce that he has returned to Town , and is now open to accept Engagements for the MANAGEMENT OF MUSIC AT MASONIC BANQUETS , CITY DINNERS , CONCERTS , & c—66 , Tonslcfliill , Wandsworth , S . W .
BRO . CHARLES STEWART LANE is open to ENGAGEMENTS for CONCERTS , MASONIC BANQUETS , & c .-Addrcss , No . 7 , Denmanstrect , London Bridge . TO LET—The UPPER PART of a HOUSE near the General Post Oflice . Eight Rooms , together or separate . —Apply B . J ., Office of this Paper .
CLOSE to Piccadilly and West End Clubs . APARTMENTS FURNISHED with Attendance for Gentlemen . Terms moderate . —II . AMELOT , 45 , Brick-street , Piccadilly . CAMBRIDCTE GRADUATE fP . M . and P . Z . ) . —PRIVATE TUITION in the CLASSICS , MATHEMATICS , ENGLISH , & c . Lectures on various subjects . Schools visited . Foreigners taught English by means of French . —Address , F . D ., 62 , Lancaster-road , Notting-hill , W .
BRO . BINCKES' PRESENTATION FUND . President—THE EARL OF LATIIOM , D . G . M ., & Prov . G . M . W . Lancashire . Treasurer—Bro . GEORGE PLUCKNETT , P . G . D . England , and Treasurer of the R . M . I . B . Hon . Secretary—Bro . C . F . HOGARD , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . Subscriptions to the above Fund will be received by Bro . GEO . PLUCKNETT , 46 , Connaught-sq ., W ., or by Bro . C . F . HOGARD , 45 a , Cheapside , London , E . C , by whom also all further particulars will be furnished .
Tilbury ' sWarehouses, ^ ° ^ MAMLEBONE , LONDON c ^ ° ^\ 3 ^ ( Oldest Store Warehouse for Storing „ .. 3 ^ ^< f .. Furniture and Household Effects , Plate , < J \ 3 •" ( v ^** Luggage , & c . DRY DISTRICT , HIGH > —< . ?>• AUOVETHAMESLEVEL , andrcstrictcd V * ^ to storage purposes only , so avoiding many 9 ty ' risks . Office—EIIWD . TILBURY & Co ., 35 , High-street , St . Marylcbone , \ V .
A MASONIC BALL , Under distinguished patronage , will be held IN THE ASSEMBLY ROOMS , STAMFORD , On FRIDAY , JANUARY , 21 st , 1887 . In aid of the ROYAL MASONIC CHARITIES . TICKETS ( including Refreshments)—Gentlemen , ios . 6 d . ; Ladies , 7 s . 6 d . ; Double , 15 s . ; to be obtained previously to January 14 th by written application .
NOW READY . MASONIC ~ RECORDS , I 7 I 7-I 886 , Comprising a complete List of all the Lodges warranted by the Four Grand Lodges and the United Grand Lodgo of England , with their Dates , Places of Meeting , Successive Numbers , & c , & c , by JOHN LANE , F . C . A ., P . M . 1402 , Torquay . The work is dedicated , by gracious permission , to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , K . G ., K . T ., & c , & c , M . W . Grand Master , and contains a fac simile of Pine ' s Engraved List of 1725 , and an introduction by W . Bro . W . J . HUGHAN , P . G . S . D . England . It contains 340 pages , and is handsomely bound in blue cloth , bevelled boards , with edges all silt , or top edge only gilt . In consequence of the work containing 40 pages more than originally contemplated , the expense of production has been very considerably increased , and tha price is now necessarily increased to £ 1 Us . 6 d . nett . App lication for the remaining copies , accompanied by a remittance , and stating which binding is desired , should be sent forthwith to the Author , BRO . JOHN LANE , BANNERCROSS , TORQUAY . The cost of postage or carriage not being included inthe above price , must be added in all cases where prepayment of postage , & c , is necessary . The weight of the booh , without packing , is nearly 5 I 0 .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . 10 , ST . SWITHIN'S LANE , LONDON , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal Injuries Railway Accidents . [ Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
PATENTS , DESIGNS , TRADE MARKS , SECURED BY Bro . JAMES STEVENSON , C . E . ( Late Freemasons' Magazine & Masonic Mirror ) , Editor Reflected Rays of Light on Freemasonry , & c . Upwards of 25 Years experience as Patent Agent , Consulting Engineer and Technical Expert . Note . —British Patent Complete ( 4 years ) £ 5 10 o Provisional Protection ( 9 months ) £ 250 Drawings to Estimate . Searches as to Novelty of Inventions at nominal charges . Address-JAMES STEVENSON , C . E ., The Peoples Patent Agency , GRAYS INN CHAMBERS , so HIGH HOLBORN ,
FUNERAL REFORM . Simple , Kevcrciit , and Inexpensive Funerals . Explanatory PatnpUci gra ( i » . LONDON NECROPOLIS CO ., 2 , LANCASTER PLACE . STRAND . W . C . PATENT EARTH TO EARTH PERISHABLE COFFINS . Eslab . j D U E R , D 749 . / ^ * i 4 6 , NEW BOND ST ., W ., ^ T Also ^> CALLARD & CALLABD , ^ v Queen ' s Terrace , St . John ' s Wood . ^ 0 ^^ " / Vans to all parts Daily . Hampers & Tins < C _ J / packed for the country with Biscuits , & c . > r f French & Vienna Fancy Rolls le Bread . WEDDING BREAKFASTS SUPPLIED .