Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Pembroke Lodge (No. 1299),
charges were read by Bro . Alpass , P . G . Secretary . Subsequently a Board of Installed Masters was formed , when the W . M .-elect was solemnly installed W . M . of lodge 1299 . The board having been closed , the brethren were admitted , and saluted the W . M ., who was proclaimed on each occasion in the three degrees . * The W . M . then appointed and invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Bros . W .
Vines , P . M . ; J . Cook , S . W . ; John Seliar , J . W . ; Henry Clayton , Treasurer , S . J . Clegg , Secretary ; J . Macmulldrow , S . D . ; Edwin Hughes , J . D . ; William Jones , I . G . ; D . Saunders , Organist ; J . Daglish and Bartlett , Stewards . Bro . THOMAS WYUE then delivered the whole of the charges in his usual correct manner . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation , after which the lodge was closed .
The banquet , which was served in Bro . Rawlinson ' s best style , was of a most sumptuous character , and did him great credit . The cloth having been withdrawn , the W . M . gave the usual loyal toasts , which were duly honoured .
The W . M . then proposed "The M . W . G . M ., " "The R . W . P . G . M ., " and "The R . W . D . P . G . M ., " which were duly responded to by Bro . Alpass , P . G . Secretary . " Our Masonic Charities" was then given , couped with name of Bro . MARSH , who responded in feeling terms . The W . M . then proposed "Thc Health of Bro . Thomas Wylie , " the Consecrating "Master , and in feeling terms
alluded to the untiring zeal , disinterested devotion and active service in the cause of Freemasonry ; whenever there was a lodge to be founded or a question of Masonic jurisprudence to be arranged , or a charitable object to be supported in any way Bro . Wylie was at his post of duty executing those talents with which God had blessed him both to his glory and the good of his fellow-creatures , his
hand was always guided by justice and his heart expanded by benevolence ; he hoped they would do justice to thc to 1 st . ( Drunk with every good feeling . ) Bro . THOMAS WYLIE , in very feeling and appropriate terms thanked the brethren for the honour they had conferred upon him in drinking his health as Consecrating Master of that day ; from the fulness of the heart Ihe
mouth speaketh , in his case he found his heart so full that his lips could not perform their office of conveying to them his deep sense of the honour conferred upon him ; he should bear in mind the kind manner in which his name had been given to the brethren by the W . M ., Bro . Crane , he hoped to live many years around his brethren in Freemasonry . After again thanking : the brethren , Bro . W \ -lie
resumed his seat evidently much affected . Bro . WYLIE then proposed "The Health of the W . M ., " and said he rose with very great pleasure to propose that toast , and spoke of the many excellencies of Bro . Crane , as a gentlemen and as a Mason , and of his good working when Master of Lodge 249 . Bro . CRANE , the W . M ., in reply , said he felt deeply
grateful to Bro . Wylie for his kind culogium , and to the brethren for this manifestation of their goodwill and esteem in making him their first W . M . ofthe Pembroke Lodge 1299 . He could not deny that he was passionately devoted to Masonry , and only wished he had more time to give to the same . He then resumed his seat deeply affected by the goodwill shown him .
Ihe Officers ofthe Lodge" was then given , to which Bro . COOK , S . W ., responded , and thanked the W . M . and brethren for the honour of being the first S . W ., and trusted he would prove worthy of his post . " The Visitors " was then proposed , coupled with ( he name of Bro . Peck , of Lodge 241 . Bro . PECK , in responding , said he was much pleased with the ceremonies
of thc day , which were very effectively given ; he complimented thc officers and brethren of the lodge , and ackno ' wledged the princely hospitality he had received . ( The whole of the toasts were given and received with the enthusiasm they deserved . ) Letters apologising for non-attendance were read from
Bros . Mott , P . G . D . ; Laidlaw , P . G . P . ; and Rev . Vernon , P . G . C . Thc clothing , jewels , and furniture were supplied by Bro . Jos . Wood , iS , Norton-street , Liverpool , which were very much admired and gave great satisfaction for good workmanship and value . The lodge will meet every third Thursday , at five o ' clock .
A Provincial Grand Lodge of Emergency will be held on Tuesday ncxt , March 15 th , at thc White Hart Inn , Brislington , for special business , amongst which will , be the consecration of the Vale of Brislington Lodge , No . 1296 , and the installation of Bro . Dr . Bryant ( P . G . Commander of K . T . for Bristol ) , as its first W . M .
BRO . J M . Ci . Ano . v , P . G . D ., has accepted the office of Vice-President of the National Association for Freedom of Worship ( London ancl Manchester ) . WE have just had thc pleasure of visiting thc fine old cellars of Messrs . Charles Watson and Co ., the extensive Wine and Spirit Merchants of 30 , Cornhill . They
are quite unique in their way , and we were amazed at their magnitude and antiquity , aud the delightful evenness of their temperature , so admirably suited lo maturing wines ; they contain a magnificent stock of grand old wines , and to connoisseurs these cellars are eminently worth a visit . The speciality of their establishment is their "Cornhill Sherry "—which we have tasted—al 30 s . per doz ., pale , clc ; ant , aud dry , and rich gold colour . They are a marvel
of cheapness , and we can only account for their great superiority over all the wines wc have ever tasted at the price , from the fact that Messrs . Watson and Co . must have possessed themselves exclusively of the entire district from which they arc produced , and are offering them al such a price to the consumer as to defy all competition . The public will be amply repaid by a visit to these splendid cellars , and the proprietors , we feel assured , will be only too happy to show all visitors over them .
Consecration Of The Pythagorean Royal Arch Chapter, No. 79.
The interesting and important ceremony of consecrating this new Chapter was performed on Thursday , the 3 rd instant , at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , in the presence of one of the largest assemblages of Royal Arch Masons we have ever witnessed . The Chapter was opened by Comp . R . Wentworth Little , M . E . Z . 177 , P . Z . 975 , as the Consecrating Principal , assisted by Comps . J . Boyd , M . E . Z .
145 , P . Z . 534 , and James Brett , P . Z . 177 and 975 ; after which the Companions were marshalled in procession by Comp . W . Watson , P . Z ., who acted as D . C , and made the tour of the chapter-room during solemn music . The imposing rite of consecration was then proceeded with in the usual manner , it being only necessary to add that all the officers engaged in the ceremony performed their
respective duties in a positively faultless manner , and to the admiration of all present . Comp . BRETT , as J ., delivered thc Oration and dedicatory prayers , and the assistance rendered by the veteran Comp . Watson was also most valuable . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Comp . Theodore Distin , assisted by Comps . G . T . Carter and R . Barr . by , whose names alone are a
guarantee for the perfection with which this important part of the programme was carried out . The first anthem was the 133 rd Psalm , then "Glory to God on high , " and finally one specially composed for the the occasion by Comp . Distin . " I have surely built thee an house , " the Sanctns , and a variety of chants were also given . The Patriarchal Benediction by the consecrating Z . closed the
ceremony of consecration . A conclave of Installed Third Principals was then opened by Comp . Little , who installed Comp . J . II . H . Doughney , R . Boncey , and W . West Smith ( the Principals named in the charter ) into the chair of J . The remarkably large number of over thirty Principals participated in this august ceremonial .
Comp . BRETT then assumed the sceptre and successively opened conclaves of 2 nd and 1 st Principals , installing Comps . Doughney and Boncey as II ., and then Comp . Doughney as M . E . Z . During these ceremonies , as in the former , Comp . Watson officiated as D . C , and Comp . Geo . S . States , P . Z . 742 , as Scribe E . The conclave was then closed , and the other
companions re-admitted , when the following were elected to office and invested : Comps . T . Perridge , S . E . ; Jas . Griffin , S . N . ; J . R . Nash , P . S . The M . E . Z . " then rose and proposed that cordial votes of thanks to Comps . Little , Brett , and Watson , be awarded for their eminent services , this being seconded was carried by acclamation .
Comp . W . WEST SMITH , J ., further proposed that the three companions already named should be elected " honorary members of ihe Pythagorean Chapter . " Comp . BONCEY seconded the motion , which was carried unanimously , and in brief but able terms Comps . LITTLE , BRETT , and WATSON expressed their high appreciation of the compliment .
Sixteen brethren were proposed for exaltation , and three companions as joining members , after which the chapter was closed in due form—the closing charge being delivered by Comp . Brett . The companions then partook of a bountiful supply of champagne and light refreshments , and the universal opinion was that the proceedings of the evening were
entirely successful . The magnificent new furniture of the chapter was , we are informed , supplied by Comp . G . Kenning , of Little Britain , whose good judgment and taste in the manufacture of Masonic requisites are so widely known . Besides thc companions named in our report the other founders present were , Comps . J . Halsey , P . Z . 507 , J .
Buhner , J . 174 , and T . Arnold , 169 . The visitors were , as we have intimated , very numerous , and comprised , amongst many others , the following distinguished and well-known Royal Arch Masons , viz . : Comps . Rev . C . J . Martyn , Grand Chaplain of England ;• J . Thomas , P . Z . 507 and 720 , P . G . D . Ceremonies of England ; W . Carpenter , P . Z . 177 ; Charles Cook , P . Z . 13 ; Capt .
Shepperd ( R . A . ); Capt . Pitt ( K . A . ); E . Sisson , P . Z . 177 ; W . Voting , P . Z . 203 ; A . D . Loewenstark , M . E . Z . 73 , P . Z . 1 S 5 ; Major Gen . G . B . Munbcc , II . 1222 ; II . Potter , P . Z . 19 ; F . W . Gilbart , J . 534 ; E . Clark , II . 1056 , J , 1 S 6 ; R . P . Atkins , M . E . Z . 754 ; J . Hasler , M . E . Z . 206 ; T . M . Pat-el , J . 754 * . H . J . Wright , S . E . 72 ; J . Rowland , 13 ; W . II . Green , Gl 9 : T . Smith , 16 4 ;
T . A . G . Powell , 25 ; C . Hekkel , 166 ; T . Simpson , 77 ; G . Neal , 429 ; J . Halley , 507 ; J . Weaver . 177 ; T . Arnold , 1 G 9 ; T . Bull , 145 ; S . Headon , 753 ; J . W . Barrett , 1 st Soj . 177 ; II . Moore , 169 ; C . R . Dacey , 13 ; W . Carter , J . 145 ; G . Wood , D . C . 145 ; C . Noehmer , P . S . 1056 ; E . Thicry , 145 : and II . De Grey .
From thc Masonic zeal and ability of thc founders of this chapter we anticipate for it a very prosperous career , and there can bc lillie doubt that by its first anniversary the Pythagoreans will have realised all the success they can desire , and be in a position to congratulate each other on the oroud position to which thc chapter shall have then attained .
GALVANISM . —Pulvermachcr ' s Monthly Record of Cures is 11010 re . uty for the benefit of Sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable Cures . effected by Pulvermachcr ' s Improved Patent Self-applicable Volta-Klcctric Chain-Bands and Pocket Batteries , and may bc had on application lo the Sole Inventor and Patentee—J . L . Pulvermaehcr , 200 , Regent-street ,
London , W . A Test on Loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious Electric Appliances being advertised by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvermachcr ' s Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functional Disorders , & c , & c —[ Advt , ]
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The Seventy-second Anniversary Festival , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales in the chair , will take place at Freemasons' Hall and Tavern , on Wednesday , 30 th inst . The following circular has been issued to the Stewards : —
Office , 6 , Freemasons' Hall , W . C , 7 th March , 1870 . Dear Sir and Brother ,- —The Dinner Committee appointed at the last meeting of the Board of Stewards have met and agreed lo a Report to be submitted to the next meeting on the 15 th instant , embodying thc following recommendations , which it appears to me ought to be
communicated to every Steward , so that a final Resolution on a subject of so much importance in connection with the Festival arrangements may be adopted at that meeting . I have further to inform you that though the Annual Fete and Distribution of Prizes held at Wood Green on the Sth of July has now for some time superseded the usual gathering of Festival Stewards and their friends , it
has been arranged that Friday , the iSth instant , after 12 o ' clock noon , shall be set apart for the reception of those Stewards who may desire to inspect the establishment at Wood Green previous to the Festival . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , . FREDERICK BINCKES , Hon . Sec . Board of Stewards .
Recommendations by Dinner Committee . That dining accommodation be provided for 400 Brethren in the body of thc Hall , exclusive of the dais . That scats on the dais be provided for 50 , viz ., Chairman and brethren of distinction ; and That the Stewards ( other than Ladies' Stewards and
the House Committee , who will dine at 2 p . m . ) dine in thc "Board Room " and " Zetland , " at the same time that Brethren dine in the great Hall . ( These two rooms will accommodate 100 each . ) The seats in the Hall to be numbered r to 400 , and allotted in rotation by ballot .
Twelve Stewards being told off to superintend the Banquet in thc Great Hall ; it is believed by this arrangement all will be able to dine comfortably , and that thc Stewards dining apart will be able to join their friends in thc Hall after thc banquet * . It should be borne in mind that the decision to
. hold thc Festival at Freemasons' Hall and Tavern has been arrived at in deference to the wishes of the M . W . G . M ., and G . M .-Elect , concurred in by H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales , and supported by the expressed opinions of large
numbers of influential Brethren , that a loss of prestige would result from a strictly Masonic Festival being held elsewhere . Thc arrangements now recommended are the only practicable ones by which effect can be given to such wishes and opinions .
BREAKFAST . — EPPS ' S COCOA . — Grateful and Comforting . —The very agreeable character of this preparation has rendered it a general favourite . The Civil Si'i-i ce Gazette remarks : " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided
our breakfast tables with a delicately-flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . " Made simply with boiling water or milk . Sold only in tin-lined packets , labelled J AMES Errs & Co ., Homoeopathic Chemists , London . —[ Advt . ] MASONIC STATIONERY is supplied advantageously by Bro . T . BEEDLE , High-street ,
Weston-supcrmare , Somerset , who executes Relief and Cameo stamping on his own premises . Bro . Beedlc ' s Steel Pen is a really good pen , and he sends 12 dozen , per post , for twenty stamps . —[ Advt . ] HOLLOWAY ' OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Many aggravating sores stand ready to pounce upon the aged , when an accident weakens any part , or over-fatigue and
exposure to wet or cold have irritated the nerves , rendered exquisitely sensative by the distended condition of the veins , and the partial obliteration of their valves . The Ointment is most potent in curing all cases of ulceration , abscesses , and bad legs , after every other means have failed , and thc sufferings from them are utterly unendurable . Soon after thc application of the Ointment
coolness and comfort are obtained in the affected part , the patient finds himself more at ease , and daily becomes more hopeful , as with departing pains a visible growth of granulation comes forth . —[ Advt . J THK BLOOD PURIFIER . —Old Dr . Jacob Townsend ' s Sarsaparilla . OtherMcdicalTcstimony . —In speaking of thc " Blood Purifier , " old Dr . Jacob Townsend's
Sarsaparilla , G . C . Kernott , M . D ., L . S . A . Lond ., says : "I strongly recommend it in cutaneous diseases and all impurities of the blood . " March 24 , 186 9 . —In a letter lo the proprietors ,, June 6 , 1869 , Dr . Irvine , of Irvine ' s-lown , says : " I have been in the habit of ordering your Sarsaparilla for my patients with the best results . Send me six luiarts and six mammoth bottles . "—For all skin diseases ,
for purifying thc system of mercurial poisons , and building up the broken constitution it is the only safe and certain remedy . In bottles 2 s . fid ., 4 -. 4 - 6 d ., 7 s . 6 d ., lis . Sold by all Druggists . Pills and Ointment each in boxes , is . l ) . d ., 2 s . yd ., 4 s . Od . Testimonials also from the lion , the Dean of Lismore ; General William Gilbert , of the Indian Army ; ordered also by Apothecaries' Hall , London . Caution—Get the red and blue wrappers , with the old Doctor's hend in the centre , No other genuine ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Pembroke Lodge (No. 1299),
charges were read by Bro . Alpass , P . G . Secretary . Subsequently a Board of Installed Masters was formed , when the W . M .-elect was solemnly installed W . M . of lodge 1299 . The board having been closed , the brethren were admitted , and saluted the W . M ., who was proclaimed on each occasion in the three degrees . * The W . M . then appointed and invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Bros . W .
Vines , P . M . ; J . Cook , S . W . ; John Seliar , J . W . ; Henry Clayton , Treasurer , S . J . Clegg , Secretary ; J . Macmulldrow , S . D . ; Edwin Hughes , J . D . ; William Jones , I . G . ; D . Saunders , Organist ; J . Daglish and Bartlett , Stewards . Bro . THOMAS WYUE then delivered the whole of the charges in his usual correct manner . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation , after which the lodge was closed .
The banquet , which was served in Bro . Rawlinson ' s best style , was of a most sumptuous character , and did him great credit . The cloth having been withdrawn , the W . M . gave the usual loyal toasts , which were duly honoured .
The W . M . then proposed "The M . W . G . M ., " "The R . W . P . G . M ., " and "The R . W . D . P . G . M ., " which were duly responded to by Bro . Alpass , P . G . Secretary . " Our Masonic Charities" was then given , couped with name of Bro . MARSH , who responded in feeling terms . The W . M . then proposed "Thc Health of Bro . Thomas Wylie , " the Consecrating "Master , and in feeling terms
alluded to the untiring zeal , disinterested devotion and active service in the cause of Freemasonry ; whenever there was a lodge to be founded or a question of Masonic jurisprudence to be arranged , or a charitable object to be supported in any way Bro . Wylie was at his post of duty executing those talents with which God had blessed him both to his glory and the good of his fellow-creatures , his
hand was always guided by justice and his heart expanded by benevolence ; he hoped they would do justice to thc to 1 st . ( Drunk with every good feeling . ) Bro . THOMAS WYLIE , in very feeling and appropriate terms thanked the brethren for the honour they had conferred upon him in drinking his health as Consecrating Master of that day ; from the fulness of the heart Ihe
mouth speaketh , in his case he found his heart so full that his lips could not perform their office of conveying to them his deep sense of the honour conferred upon him ; he should bear in mind the kind manner in which his name had been given to the brethren by the W . M ., Bro . Crane , he hoped to live many years around his brethren in Freemasonry . After again thanking : the brethren , Bro . W \ -lie
resumed his seat evidently much affected . Bro . WYLIE then proposed "The Health of the W . M ., " and said he rose with very great pleasure to propose that toast , and spoke of the many excellencies of Bro . Crane , as a gentlemen and as a Mason , and of his good working when Master of Lodge 249 . Bro . CRANE , the W . M ., in reply , said he felt deeply
grateful to Bro . Wylie for his kind culogium , and to the brethren for this manifestation of their goodwill and esteem in making him their first W . M . ofthe Pembroke Lodge 1299 . He could not deny that he was passionately devoted to Masonry , and only wished he had more time to give to the same . He then resumed his seat deeply affected by the goodwill shown him .
Ihe Officers ofthe Lodge" was then given , to which Bro . COOK , S . W ., responded , and thanked the W . M . and brethren for the honour of being the first S . W ., and trusted he would prove worthy of his post . " The Visitors " was then proposed , coupled with ( he name of Bro . Peck , of Lodge 241 . Bro . PECK , in responding , said he was much pleased with the ceremonies
of thc day , which were very effectively given ; he complimented thc officers and brethren of the lodge , and ackno ' wledged the princely hospitality he had received . ( The whole of the toasts were given and received with the enthusiasm they deserved . ) Letters apologising for non-attendance were read from
Bros . Mott , P . G . D . ; Laidlaw , P . G . P . ; and Rev . Vernon , P . G . C . Thc clothing , jewels , and furniture were supplied by Bro . Jos . Wood , iS , Norton-street , Liverpool , which were very much admired and gave great satisfaction for good workmanship and value . The lodge will meet every third Thursday , at five o ' clock .
A Provincial Grand Lodge of Emergency will be held on Tuesday ncxt , March 15 th , at thc White Hart Inn , Brislington , for special business , amongst which will , be the consecration of the Vale of Brislington Lodge , No . 1296 , and the installation of Bro . Dr . Bryant ( P . G . Commander of K . T . for Bristol ) , as its first W . M .
BRO . J M . Ci . Ano . v , P . G . D ., has accepted the office of Vice-President of the National Association for Freedom of Worship ( London ancl Manchester ) . WE have just had thc pleasure of visiting thc fine old cellars of Messrs . Charles Watson and Co ., the extensive Wine and Spirit Merchants of 30 , Cornhill . They
are quite unique in their way , and we were amazed at their magnitude and antiquity , aud the delightful evenness of their temperature , so admirably suited lo maturing wines ; they contain a magnificent stock of grand old wines , and to connoisseurs these cellars are eminently worth a visit . The speciality of their establishment is their "Cornhill Sherry "—which we have tasted—al 30 s . per doz ., pale , clc ; ant , aud dry , and rich gold colour . They are a marvel
of cheapness , and we can only account for their great superiority over all the wines wc have ever tasted at the price , from the fact that Messrs . Watson and Co . must have possessed themselves exclusively of the entire district from which they arc produced , and are offering them al such a price to the consumer as to defy all competition . The public will be amply repaid by a visit to these splendid cellars , and the proprietors , we feel assured , will be only too happy to show all visitors over them .
Consecration Of The Pythagorean Royal Arch Chapter, No. 79.
The interesting and important ceremony of consecrating this new Chapter was performed on Thursday , the 3 rd instant , at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , in the presence of one of the largest assemblages of Royal Arch Masons we have ever witnessed . The Chapter was opened by Comp . R . Wentworth Little , M . E . Z . 177 , P . Z . 975 , as the Consecrating Principal , assisted by Comps . J . Boyd , M . E . Z .
145 , P . Z . 534 , and James Brett , P . Z . 177 and 975 ; after which the Companions were marshalled in procession by Comp . W . Watson , P . Z ., who acted as D . C , and made the tour of the chapter-room during solemn music . The imposing rite of consecration was then proceeded with in the usual manner , it being only necessary to add that all the officers engaged in the ceremony performed their
respective duties in a positively faultless manner , and to the admiration of all present . Comp . BRETT , as J ., delivered thc Oration and dedicatory prayers , and the assistance rendered by the veteran Comp . Watson was also most valuable . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Comp . Theodore Distin , assisted by Comps . G . T . Carter and R . Barr . by , whose names alone are a
guarantee for the perfection with which this important part of the programme was carried out . The first anthem was the 133 rd Psalm , then "Glory to God on high , " and finally one specially composed for the the occasion by Comp . Distin . " I have surely built thee an house , " the Sanctns , and a variety of chants were also given . The Patriarchal Benediction by the consecrating Z . closed the
ceremony of consecration . A conclave of Installed Third Principals was then opened by Comp . Little , who installed Comp . J . II . H . Doughney , R . Boncey , and W . West Smith ( the Principals named in the charter ) into the chair of J . The remarkably large number of over thirty Principals participated in this august ceremonial .
Comp . BRETT then assumed the sceptre and successively opened conclaves of 2 nd and 1 st Principals , installing Comps . Doughney and Boncey as II ., and then Comp . Doughney as M . E . Z . During these ceremonies , as in the former , Comp . Watson officiated as D . C , and Comp . Geo . S . States , P . Z . 742 , as Scribe E . The conclave was then closed , and the other
companions re-admitted , when the following were elected to office and invested : Comps . T . Perridge , S . E . ; Jas . Griffin , S . N . ; J . R . Nash , P . S . The M . E . Z . " then rose and proposed that cordial votes of thanks to Comps . Little , Brett , and Watson , be awarded for their eminent services , this being seconded was carried by acclamation .
Comp . W . WEST SMITH , J ., further proposed that the three companions already named should be elected " honorary members of ihe Pythagorean Chapter . " Comp . BONCEY seconded the motion , which was carried unanimously , and in brief but able terms Comps . LITTLE , BRETT , and WATSON expressed their high appreciation of the compliment .
Sixteen brethren were proposed for exaltation , and three companions as joining members , after which the chapter was closed in due form—the closing charge being delivered by Comp . Brett . The companions then partook of a bountiful supply of champagne and light refreshments , and the universal opinion was that the proceedings of the evening were
entirely successful . The magnificent new furniture of the chapter was , we are informed , supplied by Comp . G . Kenning , of Little Britain , whose good judgment and taste in the manufacture of Masonic requisites are so widely known . Besides thc companions named in our report the other founders present were , Comps . J . Halsey , P . Z . 507 , J .
Buhner , J . 174 , and T . Arnold , 169 . The visitors were , as we have intimated , very numerous , and comprised , amongst many others , the following distinguished and well-known Royal Arch Masons , viz . : Comps . Rev . C . J . Martyn , Grand Chaplain of England ;• J . Thomas , P . Z . 507 and 720 , P . G . D . Ceremonies of England ; W . Carpenter , P . Z . 177 ; Charles Cook , P . Z . 13 ; Capt .
Shepperd ( R . A . ); Capt . Pitt ( K . A . ); E . Sisson , P . Z . 177 ; W . Voting , P . Z . 203 ; A . D . Loewenstark , M . E . Z . 73 , P . Z . 1 S 5 ; Major Gen . G . B . Munbcc , II . 1222 ; II . Potter , P . Z . 19 ; F . W . Gilbart , J . 534 ; E . Clark , II . 1056 , J , 1 S 6 ; R . P . Atkins , M . E . Z . 754 ; J . Hasler , M . E . Z . 206 ; T . M . Pat-el , J . 754 * . H . J . Wright , S . E . 72 ; J . Rowland , 13 ; W . II . Green , Gl 9 : T . Smith , 16 4 ;
T . A . G . Powell , 25 ; C . Hekkel , 166 ; T . Simpson , 77 ; G . Neal , 429 ; J . Halley , 507 ; J . Weaver . 177 ; T . Arnold , 1 G 9 ; T . Bull , 145 ; S . Headon , 753 ; J . W . Barrett , 1 st Soj . 177 ; II . Moore , 169 ; C . R . Dacey , 13 ; W . Carter , J . 145 ; G . Wood , D . C . 145 ; C . Noehmer , P . S . 1056 ; E . Thicry , 145 : and II . De Grey .
From thc Masonic zeal and ability of thc founders of this chapter we anticipate for it a very prosperous career , and there can bc lillie doubt that by its first anniversary the Pythagoreans will have realised all the success they can desire , and be in a position to congratulate each other on the oroud position to which thc chapter shall have then attained .
GALVANISM . —Pulvermachcr ' s Monthly Record of Cures is 11010 re . uty for the benefit of Sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable Cures . effected by Pulvermachcr ' s Improved Patent Self-applicable Volta-Klcctric Chain-Bands and Pocket Batteries , and may bc had on application lo the Sole Inventor and Patentee—J . L . Pulvermaehcr , 200 , Regent-street ,
London , W . A Test on Loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious Electric Appliances being advertised by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulvermachcr ' s Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functional Disorders , & c , & c —[ Advt , ]
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The Seventy-second Anniversary Festival , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales in the chair , will take place at Freemasons' Hall and Tavern , on Wednesday , 30 th inst . The following circular has been issued to the Stewards : —
Office , 6 , Freemasons' Hall , W . C , 7 th March , 1870 . Dear Sir and Brother ,- —The Dinner Committee appointed at the last meeting of the Board of Stewards have met and agreed lo a Report to be submitted to the next meeting on the 15 th instant , embodying thc following recommendations , which it appears to me ought to be
communicated to every Steward , so that a final Resolution on a subject of so much importance in connection with the Festival arrangements may be adopted at that meeting . I have further to inform you that though the Annual Fete and Distribution of Prizes held at Wood Green on the Sth of July has now for some time superseded the usual gathering of Festival Stewards and their friends , it
has been arranged that Friday , the iSth instant , after 12 o ' clock noon , shall be set apart for the reception of those Stewards who may desire to inspect the establishment at Wood Green previous to the Festival . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , . FREDERICK BINCKES , Hon . Sec . Board of Stewards .
Recommendations by Dinner Committee . That dining accommodation be provided for 400 Brethren in the body of thc Hall , exclusive of the dais . That scats on the dais be provided for 50 , viz ., Chairman and brethren of distinction ; and That the Stewards ( other than Ladies' Stewards and
the House Committee , who will dine at 2 p . m . ) dine in thc "Board Room " and " Zetland , " at the same time that Brethren dine in the great Hall . ( These two rooms will accommodate 100 each . ) The seats in the Hall to be numbered r to 400 , and allotted in rotation by ballot .
Twelve Stewards being told off to superintend the Banquet in thc Great Hall ; it is believed by this arrangement all will be able to dine comfortably , and that thc Stewards dining apart will be able to join their friends in thc Hall after thc banquet * . It should be borne in mind that the decision to
. hold thc Festival at Freemasons' Hall and Tavern has been arrived at in deference to the wishes of the M . W . G . M ., and G . M .-Elect , concurred in by H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales , and supported by the expressed opinions of large
numbers of influential Brethren , that a loss of prestige would result from a strictly Masonic Festival being held elsewhere . Thc arrangements now recommended are the only practicable ones by which effect can be given to such wishes and opinions .
BREAKFAST . — EPPS ' S COCOA . — Grateful and Comforting . —The very agreeable character of this preparation has rendered it a general favourite . The Civil Si'i-i ce Gazette remarks : " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided
our breakfast tables with a delicately-flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . " Made simply with boiling water or milk . Sold only in tin-lined packets , labelled J AMES Errs & Co ., Homoeopathic Chemists , London . —[ Advt . ] MASONIC STATIONERY is supplied advantageously by Bro . T . BEEDLE , High-street ,
Weston-supcrmare , Somerset , who executes Relief and Cameo stamping on his own premises . Bro . Beedlc ' s Steel Pen is a really good pen , and he sends 12 dozen , per post , for twenty stamps . —[ Advt . ] HOLLOWAY ' OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Many aggravating sores stand ready to pounce upon the aged , when an accident weakens any part , or over-fatigue and
exposure to wet or cold have irritated the nerves , rendered exquisitely sensative by the distended condition of the veins , and the partial obliteration of their valves . The Ointment is most potent in curing all cases of ulceration , abscesses , and bad legs , after every other means have failed , and thc sufferings from them are utterly unendurable . Soon after thc application of the Ointment
coolness and comfort are obtained in the affected part , the patient finds himself more at ease , and daily becomes more hopeful , as with departing pains a visible growth of granulation comes forth . —[ Advt . J THK BLOOD PURIFIER . —Old Dr . Jacob Townsend ' s Sarsaparilla . OtherMcdicalTcstimony . —In speaking of thc " Blood Purifier , " old Dr . Jacob Townsend's
Sarsaparilla , G . C . Kernott , M . D ., L . S . A . Lond ., says : "I strongly recommend it in cutaneous diseases and all impurities of the blood . " March 24 , 186 9 . —In a letter lo the proprietors ,, June 6 , 1869 , Dr . Irvine , of Irvine ' s-lown , says : " I have been in the habit of ordering your Sarsaparilla for my patients with the best results . Send me six luiarts and six mammoth bottles . "—For all skin diseases ,
for purifying thc system of mercurial poisons , and building up the broken constitution it is the only safe and certain remedy . In bottles 2 s . fid ., 4 -. 4 - 6 d ., 7 s . 6 d ., lis . Sold by all Druggists . Pills and Ointment each in boxes , is . l ) . d ., 2 s . yd ., 4 s . Od . Testimonials also from the lion , the Dean of Lismore ; General William Gilbert , of the Indian Army ; ordered also by Apothecaries' Hall , London . Caution—Get the red and blue wrappers , with the old Doctor's hend in the centre , No other genuine ,