Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Lodge of Antiquity , No . 2 . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 23 rd February , at the Freemasons' Hall , when Bro . Percy Leith was duly installed W . Master . The worthy and worshipful brother has only recently returned from Bombay , where his labours in the Craft have earned him a good repute
among all classes of the brethren . In the course of the evening he alluded to the great strides Freemasonry has made in Bombay of late years , and thc share that he had taken in its extension . We congratulate W . Bro . Percy Leith on having attained to the distinguished honour of
a chair in the Lodge of Antiquity . The W . M . appointed the following brethren to the various offices : —Bros . B . Gray , jun ., S . W . ; G . Q . Fordati , J . W . ; W . Pulteney Scott , P . G . D ., Chancellor ; E . T . Barrow , Secretary ; George Scharf , S . D . ; C . A . Swinburne , J . D . ; Major Creaton , P . G . D ., Steward .
United Mariners Lodge , No . 30 . —Thc monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 10 th ult ., at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury . Bro . Joseph Harling , W . M . presided , assisted by his Wardens , Bros . Robt . Shackell , P . P . G . P . for Hants , and G . J . C . Smith . The lodge being opened in due form , and the minutes of the former meeting read and confirmed , a ballot was taken and
declared unanimous in favour of Mr . Charles Benjamin Bethell , who was regularly introduced and initiated into the Order . Bros . Deeley , Inglis and Tyrrell , having proved their efficiency , were introduced , and passed to the degree of F . C . Bros . Lefeaur and Smith were subsequently raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The admirable working of the three degrees by Bro .
Joseph Harling , W . M ., was indeed par excellence , and called forth the unanimous eeliil ofthe brethren . Members present : Bros . Joseph Harling , W . M . ; Robert Shackell , S . W . ; G . J . C . Smith , TAV . ; foscph Driscoll , P . M . ; William McDonald , P . M . ; W . F . Osborne , S . D . ; William Ansell , J . D . ; R . J . Deeley , D . C . ; II . Bethell , I . G . ; E . J . Brown , Steward ; Lefeaux , Smith , Gushing ,
Tyrrell , Wilson , Ingliss , and Tagg ; Jesse Turner , P . M . and Treas . ; R . E . Barnes , P . M . and Hon . Sec . Visitors present : Bros . Robert Hart ( Glasgow and Patrick 117 ) , R . H . 'Allen ( 554 ) , Charles Senior ( 1211 ) , George Gee ( 1257 . ) All business being concluded , the lodge was closed in ancient form and perfect harmony . Lion nnd Lamb Lodge , No . 192 . —This lodge held its
last meeting of the session on Thursday , the 3 rd instant . Present : Bro . E . Roberts , W . M ., supported by his officers , viz ., Bros . Geo . Kenning , G . Steward Middlesex , S . W . ; I . J . Harris , J . W . ; W . Goodycr , P . M ., Treas . ; J . G . Marsh , P . M . and G . P . Middlesex , Sec . ; F . Trott , S . D . ; Geo . Abbott , J . D . ; A . J . Dickenson , I . G . ; Geo . Newman , Steward . The lodge was opened in the first , second
and third degrees , and Bros . Iselton and Lucas being present , ( having shown their proficiency in the former degrees , ) were duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The ceremony was ably worked by Bro . A . Bryant ( P . M . late of this lodge ) , S . D . of No . 12 . The lodge was then resumed in the first degree , Bro . E . Roberts , \ V . M ., occupying the chair , and Br . Charles Hopkins being present
replied to the usual questions ; the lodge was raised to the second degree , and the said brother was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The subject of a summer banquet , to which ladies should be invited , having been proposed and seconded , was carried , and a committee was appointed to carry out the same . The lodge was then duly closed and adjourned till October next . 'Ihe members
present were Bros . E . King , I . P . M . ; II . Gates , P . M . ; Hosgood , P . M . ; E . Brookman , f . Harvey , W . Harwood , C . Fitzjohn , J , Elliott , R . G . Dixon , E . L . Roberts , G . Parker , T . Cohu , II . Griffin , Chas . Ankell , S . Haynes , E . Taylor , T . Fisher , J . McKiernan , Chas . Hopkins , E ! Raffe , Chas . Canu , II . Davis , R . E . Bright , J . Kent , J . T . Manks , A . F . Iselton , B . Marsland . The brethren .
numbering about 50 , then retired to a sumptuous banquet , after which the various toasts and duties of the table were ably proposed and performed by the W . M ., and elicited some very excellent speeches from the visiting brethren , who honoured the lodge with their presence , viz ., Bros W . Willey ( P . M . 9 ) , A . Bryant ( P . M . 12 ) , Chas . Wood ' -
man ( 157 ) , W . Wilson ( 144 ) , W . Rippin ( 77 ) , L . L . Atwood ( 279 ) , W . Wheeler ( 317 ) , S . Newton ( 766 ) , G . Onslow ( 145 ) , E . Garden ( 946 ) . C . W . Ashdown ( 1076 ) , F . Fan ( C 9 S ) . The brethren having spent a happy and an agreeable evening , the Tyler ' s toast brought thc festivities of the table to a close at a reasonable hour .
Lodge of St . James , No . 765 . —On Tuesday thc 1 st inst ., a meeting of the Lodge of St . James was held at the Leather Market Tavern , New Wcston-strect , Bermondsey , Bro . Daniel Boyce , W . M ., presiding , assisted by Bros G . Hyde , S . W . ; R . P . Hooton , J . W . ; R . White , " P . M ., Secretary ; Neville , S . D . ; W . Jones , J . D . ; Child , I . G . The visitors present were Bro . Barber ( 754 ) and Howes
( 859 ) . The first business done was the reading of thc minutes of thc former meeting , which were put and confirmed . The W . M . then raised Bro . Goodwin to the sublime degree , and after the reading of the bye-laws of the lodge the brethren proceeded to elect a Worshipful Master , and the choice fell upon Bro . Hyde , S'W . ; Bro
W . J . Laing , P . M ., was re-elected Tyler of ihe loilge . Bro . Aldridge , the Treasurer of thc lodge , resigned that post in consequence of indisposition , and Bro . Jones , ol thc "Thatched House , " Red Lion-street , Holborn , was appointed Treasurer , pro . tem ., in his stead . There being no banquet , the brethren adjourned at an early hour . PROVINCIAL . WARRINGTON . —Lod ge of Lights , No . 148 . —The regular monthly me-iting of this lodge was held on Monday night
last week , at the Masonic Rooms . The W . M ., Bro . W . Smith , was supported by Bros . B . P . Coxon , S . W . ; Jas . Jackson , J . W . ; D . W . Finney , I . P . M . ; Robt . Stevenson , P . M . ; II . B . White , P . M ., Prov . G . D . ; John Bowes , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg ., C . and W . ; Jos . Maxfield , P . M . ; Alderman Hepherd , P . M ., and about thirty other brethren . The lodge was opened in due
form and the minutes read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bros . Taylor and W . Crompton as joining members , and Messrs . S . Hunt and John Fair as fit and proper persons ; in each case the ballot was in favour , and thc two gentlemen being present were initiated by Bros . Finney , P . M ., and Stevenson , P . M . The lodge was opened in the 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , and Bro . W . H .
Robinson was raised by Bro . Stevenson and Bowes . The lodge was lowered , when Bro . Sec . reported that Bro . Gilbert Grcenall , P . M . 148 , W . M . 1250 , and P . G . S . Warden of England , had accepted the office of Steward for the second time for the Boys' School , and proposed a vote of ten guineas from the Lodge Funds for his list , which was carried .
LEICESTER . —St . Joluis Lodge , No . 279 . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , Halford-street , on Wednesday se ' nnight , under the presidency ofthe W . M ., Bro . AV . E . S . Stanley , and was numerously attended . The lodge having been opened and the minutes read and confirmed , the W . M . said he knew the brethren were anxious to salute with the honours
the P . G . M . who was present with them for the first time since his installation , and which was done accordingly . Bro . Kelly , in thanking the brethren for their cordial reception of him , said he could only respeat what , under similar circumstances , he had said at the last meeting of the John of Gaunt Lodge , that whilst he did not wish the dignity of the office to suffer whilst held by him , and had
therefore no desire that the usual honours should be neglected to be paid lo the rank of P . G . M . on what he might term state occasions , or when he paid official visits to the lodges , on all other occasions it would be more agreeable to him if the brethren would consider that he attende-A their meetings in his private capacity as one of their P . M . ' s . He then said that he was glad of the
opportunity of making a communication to thc brethren of both lodges who were present which he knew would give them pleasure , and which it was , due to the late P . G . M . should bj made known to them at once : a few days a ^ o he ha I receive ! fro m Lord Howe , as a present , accompanied by a most kind and graceful letter of good wishes , the whole of his lordship ' s . Masonic clothing and
jewels , including the elegant and costly gold chain of office , which he had worn as Deputy Grand Master of England and as their P . G . M ., and whi : h he ( Bro . Kelly ) wore for the fust time that evening . —This announcement was greeted with great applause . —The work for the evening included oae raising and eight passings . Seven out of the eight candidates for the second degree were
present , namely , Bros . Gurdcn , W dliams , Captain Goodchild , Dr . Clarke , Overton , Blankley , and Santer , who , hiving passe . l an examina . ion as lo their proficiency in the first degree , were entrusted and retired . A Fellow Crafts ' Lodge was then opened and they were duly passed to that degree by thc W . M ., who afterwards gave thc explanation of the working tools , but Ihe lecture on the tracing-board
was necessarily omitted for want of time . During the ceremonies tlie musical chants were given by Bro . Charles Johnson , assisted by Bros . Palmer , Donisthorpe and others . The candidate for the third degree not being in attendance the lodge was closed down to the first degree . A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Buzzard , S . W . No . 523 , for his efficient services as Hon . Sec .
to the committee for the recent Masonicball on the evening ofthe P . G . M . ' s installation , when a surplus of fifty guineas was realized to bc divided between the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution and the Leicester Infirmary ; and which Bro . Buzzard acknowledged , staling that he had derived very great assistance in the performance of his duties by thc instructions he had received from thc P . G . M .
On thc proposition of thc P . G . M ., seconded by the W . M ., till sum of ten guineas was unanimously voted to the Girls' school to bc added to the list of the Rev . Bro . Langley , who is representing the province as Steward for that charity at the coming festival , as Bro . Geo . Brown , W . M . No . 1263 , Oakham , is for thc Boys ' . After the thc transaction of some further business the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
ROCHESTER , KENT . —Gundiilph Lodge , No . 1050 . — The usual meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 7 th inst ., when it was opened in the fust degree by Bro . G . Ashdown , P . M ., 1050 and 1 S 4 , P . P . G . P . for Kent , in the absence of the M . W . Bro . Wylcs , who was unavoidably absent , through having to attend an important meeting ofthe K . li . V . ( to which corps he has recently
been gazetted Lieutenant ) , but who soon after arrived and took his position in the chair of K . S . An unusual number of brethren answered to their summonses , it being the night for electing a W . M . for thc year ensuing , which was proceeded with immediately after the usual routine of business had been disposed of , when Bro . Rei Fry , S . W . received thc unanimous vote of the lodge , for
which honour he cordially tendered his thanks . It was then decided that the Installation should take place on Wednesday , April 131 I 1 . Bro . Gambriel was then appointed Treasurer in the same unanimous manner . Bro . Watson then gave notice , that at the next meeting he intended lo propose tint the sum of three guineas be presented by the lodge towards the fund now being
raised for the " Masonic Life Boat . " Nothing further having been offered thc lodge was closed with solemn prayer , after which the brethren , under the presidency of thc W . M ., spent an hour or two in social enjoyment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given in the"W . M . ' s happy stjle , aud duly responded to , thus closed an evening that was of the most fraternal characlcr throughout .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
WESTON-SUPER-MARE . —Saint Kew Lodge , No . 1222 . —The usual monthly assemblage of the brethren of this flourishing lodge took place at the Carnarvon Hall , Weston-super-Mare , on Wednesday , March the 2 nd , under the presidency of that zealous and esteemed Bro . Capt . F . G . Irwin , W . M . Bro . Irwin ' s absence from the lodge meetings since November last , through illness , has
been regretted by all the members , and Ins re-appearance amongst them was hailed with a cordial welcome . The lodge having been opened with solemn prayer and the minutes of the previous meeting confirmed , the names of two candidates for initiation , viz . : Mr . Sidney Lewis and Mr . Thos . Tytherleigh were submitted to the ballot and
the same proving clear in each case , and Mr . Lewis being in attendance he was initiated in ancient form . The W . M . then opened a Master Masons' Lodge , and raised Bros . John Perry and David Gill to the sublime degree ; the lodge was then closed down to the first degree for the usual business of the evening , after which the W . M . closed the lodge in harmony .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . British Chapter , No . 8 . —This Chapter met on Monday , the 4 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , under the presidency of Comps . J . S . Griffiths , M . D ., M . E . Z . ; Monckton , H ., and Richardson , J ., when two candidates were exalted . The M . E . Z ., with great accuracy and ability , performed the duties attached to his high office , including
the working of the pedestal ; the same remark equally applies to the 2 nd and 3 rd Principals . After the closing of thc Chapter , about twenty-five Comps . including visitors , adjourned to the tavern and partook of the banquet , carefully looked after by Comp . P . Z . Baxter , Director of the Ceremonies . Comp . P . Z . Stohwasscr , being the Treasurer .
PROVINCIAL . LEICESTER . —Chapter of Fortitude , No . 279 . —A quarterly convocation of this Chapter was . held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , the 28 th ult . Owing to various circumstances , the attendance of members was smaller than usual . In the unavoidable absence of the Rev . Comp . Spittal , M . E . Z ., and Comp . L . A .
Clarke , II ., the Principals' chairs were occupied by Comps . Kelly , P . B . and P . G . Supt ., as M . E . Z . ; W . Pettifor , P . Z . as IL , and W . Weare , P . Z . as J . On the Chapter , being opened a Board of Installed Principals was formed , when Comp . Geo . II . Hodges , J .-elect , ( who was in America at the usual period of installation , ) was regularly installed into the third chair . The other Comps . were then admitted . The officers present were : Comps . Stretton ,
E . ; Partridge , N . ; Toller , P . S . ; Mace , A . S . ; Bernbridge , Janitor ; the Rev . Charles J . E . Smith , ( Rugby , ) and a few other Companions were present . A ballot , resulting in his uninimuus election , was taken for Bro . Charhs William Shaw , M . D ., of No . 557 , Queenstown , County Cork , who was then duly exalted . On the completion of the ceremony , the historical , symbolical , and mystical lectures were delivered by Comp . Kelly . A second candidate was absent . The Treasurer ' s accounts
were then read and passed . A proposed alteration of the times of meeting , brought forward by Comp . Toller at the last convocation , was considered , and it was unanimously resolved that in future the meetings be held in the months of February , April , June , October , and December , being the alternate months with the Mark Lodge . The Comps . having proceeded to ballot for officers for the ensuing year ,
the following were elected : Comps . L . A . Clarke , M . E . Z . ; George H . Hodges , II . : Geo . Toller , jun ., G . ; J . Kelly P . Z ., Treas . ; Stretton , E . ; Rev . Charles J . E . Smith , N . ; Partridge , P . S . ; Bembridge , Janitor . The appointment of Stewards and Assistant Sojourners was postponed until the next convocation . Four brethren
were proposed a ? candidates for exaltation . The P . G . Supt . announced , that as there had been no meeting ofthe Provincial Grand Chapter since thc year 1867 , he purposed holding one shortly . There being no further business tho Chapter was closed with solemn prayer , and thc Companions adjourned to refreshment .
Mark Masonry.
LIVERPOOL . —West Lancashire Lodge of Mark Masters , A o 65 . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was called on Monday evening , the 21 st ult ., for the purpose of * ballotting for and , if selected , advancing , Bro . Wm . P . Gunnel ! , ofthe Golden Coast Lodge , 773 , who is leaving England before the next regular meeting ; and also for Bro . Ashmore , P . M . S 23 Lodge , and M . E . Z . of 82 *?
Chapter . The lodge was opened in due form by the W . M , II . J . Lunt , P . M . 823 , aud H . of 249 chapter , aided by his officers and assistants , viz ., Bro . Larscn , P . M . 549 and II . 220 , thc S . W . ; Clark , S . W . 673 , and of chapters 220 , 249 , and 823 , & c , the J . W . ; Pierce , J . W . 823 , Hon . Sec . ; R . Williams , M . O . ; James Taylor , S . O . ; George Ladmnrc , P . M . 673 , and M . E . Z . 220 , the
J . O . ; Henry Burrows , S . D . ; J . Wood , J . D . ; William Barr , I . G . ; Jos . K . Smith , M . D ., P . M ., & c . ; Charles Leedham , P . M . and P . G . S . ; & c , & c . The ballot was then taken for the candidates , the result being unanimous in their favour . Bro . Lunt then vacated his chair , and Bro . J . R . Gocpel , P . M . and P . G . S . O ., also P . M . 155 and ' S 23 , P . M . E . Z . of Loyalty Chapter . 86 , presided .
Thc candidates being in attendance were admitted and advanced , in strict conformity with ancient custom , the ceremony being administered in the most sublime manner which did not fail to impress upon the minds ofthe candidates and members present ( nearly the whole of whom are officers and past officers in R . A . Masonry ) that the
Mark Masters degree , properly worked , is one of the most beautiful ceremonies under thebanncr of Freemasonry . Avote of thanks was according a to Bro . Goepcl , and also to Bro . Hamer , P . M ., & c , who assisted . The lodge was closed in form and harmony , and the brethren proceeded to refreshment .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Lodge of Antiquity , No . 2 . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 23 rd February , at the Freemasons' Hall , when Bro . Percy Leith was duly installed W . Master . The worthy and worshipful brother has only recently returned from Bombay , where his labours in the Craft have earned him a good repute
among all classes of the brethren . In the course of the evening he alluded to the great strides Freemasonry has made in Bombay of late years , and thc share that he had taken in its extension . We congratulate W . Bro . Percy Leith on having attained to the distinguished honour of
a chair in the Lodge of Antiquity . The W . M . appointed the following brethren to the various offices : —Bros . B . Gray , jun ., S . W . ; G . Q . Fordati , J . W . ; W . Pulteney Scott , P . G . D ., Chancellor ; E . T . Barrow , Secretary ; George Scharf , S . D . ; C . A . Swinburne , J . D . ; Major Creaton , P . G . D ., Steward .
United Mariners Lodge , No . 30 . —Thc monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 10 th ult ., at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury . Bro . Joseph Harling , W . M . presided , assisted by his Wardens , Bros . Robt . Shackell , P . P . G . P . for Hants , and G . J . C . Smith . The lodge being opened in due form , and the minutes of the former meeting read and confirmed , a ballot was taken and
declared unanimous in favour of Mr . Charles Benjamin Bethell , who was regularly introduced and initiated into the Order . Bros . Deeley , Inglis and Tyrrell , having proved their efficiency , were introduced , and passed to the degree of F . C . Bros . Lefeaur and Smith were subsequently raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The admirable working of the three degrees by Bro .
Joseph Harling , W . M ., was indeed par excellence , and called forth the unanimous eeliil ofthe brethren . Members present : Bros . Joseph Harling , W . M . ; Robert Shackell , S . W . ; G . J . C . Smith , TAV . ; foscph Driscoll , P . M . ; William McDonald , P . M . ; W . F . Osborne , S . D . ; William Ansell , J . D . ; R . J . Deeley , D . C . ; II . Bethell , I . G . ; E . J . Brown , Steward ; Lefeaux , Smith , Gushing ,
Tyrrell , Wilson , Ingliss , and Tagg ; Jesse Turner , P . M . and Treas . ; R . E . Barnes , P . M . and Hon . Sec . Visitors present : Bros . Robert Hart ( Glasgow and Patrick 117 ) , R . H . 'Allen ( 554 ) , Charles Senior ( 1211 ) , George Gee ( 1257 . ) All business being concluded , the lodge was closed in ancient form and perfect harmony . Lion nnd Lamb Lodge , No . 192 . —This lodge held its
last meeting of the session on Thursday , the 3 rd instant . Present : Bro . E . Roberts , W . M ., supported by his officers , viz ., Bros . Geo . Kenning , G . Steward Middlesex , S . W . ; I . J . Harris , J . W . ; W . Goodycr , P . M ., Treas . ; J . G . Marsh , P . M . and G . P . Middlesex , Sec . ; F . Trott , S . D . ; Geo . Abbott , J . D . ; A . J . Dickenson , I . G . ; Geo . Newman , Steward . The lodge was opened in the first , second
and third degrees , and Bros . Iselton and Lucas being present , ( having shown their proficiency in the former degrees , ) were duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The ceremony was ably worked by Bro . A . Bryant ( P . M . late of this lodge ) , S . D . of No . 12 . The lodge was then resumed in the first degree , Bro . E . Roberts , \ V . M ., occupying the chair , and Br . Charles Hopkins being present
replied to the usual questions ; the lodge was raised to the second degree , and the said brother was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The subject of a summer banquet , to which ladies should be invited , having been proposed and seconded , was carried , and a committee was appointed to carry out the same . The lodge was then duly closed and adjourned till October next . 'Ihe members
present were Bros . E . King , I . P . M . ; II . Gates , P . M . ; Hosgood , P . M . ; E . Brookman , f . Harvey , W . Harwood , C . Fitzjohn , J , Elliott , R . G . Dixon , E . L . Roberts , G . Parker , T . Cohu , II . Griffin , Chas . Ankell , S . Haynes , E . Taylor , T . Fisher , J . McKiernan , Chas . Hopkins , E ! Raffe , Chas . Canu , II . Davis , R . E . Bright , J . Kent , J . T . Manks , A . F . Iselton , B . Marsland . The brethren .
numbering about 50 , then retired to a sumptuous banquet , after which the various toasts and duties of the table were ably proposed and performed by the W . M ., and elicited some very excellent speeches from the visiting brethren , who honoured the lodge with their presence , viz ., Bros W . Willey ( P . M . 9 ) , A . Bryant ( P . M . 12 ) , Chas . Wood ' -
man ( 157 ) , W . Wilson ( 144 ) , W . Rippin ( 77 ) , L . L . Atwood ( 279 ) , W . Wheeler ( 317 ) , S . Newton ( 766 ) , G . Onslow ( 145 ) , E . Garden ( 946 ) . C . W . Ashdown ( 1076 ) , F . Fan ( C 9 S ) . The brethren having spent a happy and an agreeable evening , the Tyler ' s toast brought thc festivities of the table to a close at a reasonable hour .
Lodge of St . James , No . 765 . —On Tuesday thc 1 st inst ., a meeting of the Lodge of St . James was held at the Leather Market Tavern , New Wcston-strect , Bermondsey , Bro . Daniel Boyce , W . M ., presiding , assisted by Bros G . Hyde , S . W . ; R . P . Hooton , J . W . ; R . White , " P . M ., Secretary ; Neville , S . D . ; W . Jones , J . D . ; Child , I . G . The visitors present were Bro . Barber ( 754 ) and Howes
( 859 ) . The first business done was the reading of thc minutes of thc former meeting , which were put and confirmed . The W . M . then raised Bro . Goodwin to the sublime degree , and after the reading of the bye-laws of the lodge the brethren proceeded to elect a Worshipful Master , and the choice fell upon Bro . Hyde , S'W . ; Bro
W . J . Laing , P . M ., was re-elected Tyler of ihe loilge . Bro . Aldridge , the Treasurer of thc lodge , resigned that post in consequence of indisposition , and Bro . Jones , ol thc "Thatched House , " Red Lion-street , Holborn , was appointed Treasurer , pro . tem ., in his stead . There being no banquet , the brethren adjourned at an early hour . PROVINCIAL . WARRINGTON . —Lod ge of Lights , No . 148 . —The regular monthly me-iting of this lodge was held on Monday night
last week , at the Masonic Rooms . The W . M ., Bro . W . Smith , was supported by Bros . B . P . Coxon , S . W . ; Jas . Jackson , J . W . ; D . W . Finney , I . P . M . ; Robt . Stevenson , P . M . ; II . B . White , P . M ., Prov . G . D . ; John Bowes , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg ., C . and W . ; Jos . Maxfield , P . M . ; Alderman Hepherd , P . M ., and about thirty other brethren . The lodge was opened in due
form and the minutes read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bros . Taylor and W . Crompton as joining members , and Messrs . S . Hunt and John Fair as fit and proper persons ; in each case the ballot was in favour , and thc two gentlemen being present were initiated by Bros . Finney , P . M ., and Stevenson , P . M . The lodge was opened in the 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , and Bro . W . H .
Robinson was raised by Bro . Stevenson and Bowes . The lodge was lowered , when Bro . Sec . reported that Bro . Gilbert Grcenall , P . M . 148 , W . M . 1250 , and P . G . S . Warden of England , had accepted the office of Steward for the second time for the Boys' School , and proposed a vote of ten guineas from the Lodge Funds for his list , which was carried .
LEICESTER . —St . Joluis Lodge , No . 279 . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , Halford-street , on Wednesday se ' nnight , under the presidency ofthe W . M ., Bro . AV . E . S . Stanley , and was numerously attended . The lodge having been opened and the minutes read and confirmed , the W . M . said he knew the brethren were anxious to salute with the honours
the P . G . M . who was present with them for the first time since his installation , and which was done accordingly . Bro . Kelly , in thanking the brethren for their cordial reception of him , said he could only respeat what , under similar circumstances , he had said at the last meeting of the John of Gaunt Lodge , that whilst he did not wish the dignity of the office to suffer whilst held by him , and had
therefore no desire that the usual honours should be neglected to be paid lo the rank of P . G . M . on what he might term state occasions , or when he paid official visits to the lodges , on all other occasions it would be more agreeable to him if the brethren would consider that he attende-A their meetings in his private capacity as one of their P . M . ' s . He then said that he was glad of the
opportunity of making a communication to thc brethren of both lodges who were present which he knew would give them pleasure , and which it was , due to the late P . G . M . should bj made known to them at once : a few days a ^ o he ha I receive ! fro m Lord Howe , as a present , accompanied by a most kind and graceful letter of good wishes , the whole of his lordship ' s . Masonic clothing and
jewels , including the elegant and costly gold chain of office , which he had worn as Deputy Grand Master of England and as their P . G . M ., and whi : h he ( Bro . Kelly ) wore for the fust time that evening . —This announcement was greeted with great applause . —The work for the evening included oae raising and eight passings . Seven out of the eight candidates for the second degree were
present , namely , Bros . Gurdcn , W dliams , Captain Goodchild , Dr . Clarke , Overton , Blankley , and Santer , who , hiving passe . l an examina . ion as lo their proficiency in the first degree , were entrusted and retired . A Fellow Crafts ' Lodge was then opened and they were duly passed to that degree by thc W . M ., who afterwards gave thc explanation of the working tools , but Ihe lecture on the tracing-board
was necessarily omitted for want of time . During the ceremonies tlie musical chants were given by Bro . Charles Johnson , assisted by Bros . Palmer , Donisthorpe and others . The candidate for the third degree not being in attendance the lodge was closed down to the first degree . A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Buzzard , S . W . No . 523 , for his efficient services as Hon . Sec .
to the committee for the recent Masonicball on the evening ofthe P . G . M . ' s installation , when a surplus of fifty guineas was realized to bc divided between the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution and the Leicester Infirmary ; and which Bro . Buzzard acknowledged , staling that he had derived very great assistance in the performance of his duties by thc instructions he had received from thc P . G . M .
On thc proposition of thc P . G . M ., seconded by the W . M ., till sum of ten guineas was unanimously voted to the Girls' school to bc added to the list of the Rev . Bro . Langley , who is representing the province as Steward for that charity at the coming festival , as Bro . Geo . Brown , W . M . No . 1263 , Oakham , is for thc Boys ' . After the thc transaction of some further business the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
ROCHESTER , KENT . —Gundiilph Lodge , No . 1050 . — The usual meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 7 th inst ., when it was opened in the fust degree by Bro . G . Ashdown , P . M ., 1050 and 1 S 4 , P . P . G . P . for Kent , in the absence of the M . W . Bro . Wylcs , who was unavoidably absent , through having to attend an important meeting ofthe K . li . V . ( to which corps he has recently
been gazetted Lieutenant ) , but who soon after arrived and took his position in the chair of K . S . An unusual number of brethren answered to their summonses , it being the night for electing a W . M . for thc year ensuing , which was proceeded with immediately after the usual routine of business had been disposed of , when Bro . Rei Fry , S . W . received thc unanimous vote of the lodge , for
which honour he cordially tendered his thanks . It was then decided that the Installation should take place on Wednesday , April 131 I 1 . Bro . Gambriel was then appointed Treasurer in the same unanimous manner . Bro . Watson then gave notice , that at the next meeting he intended lo propose tint the sum of three guineas be presented by the lodge towards the fund now being
raised for the " Masonic Life Boat . " Nothing further having been offered thc lodge was closed with solemn prayer , after which the brethren , under the presidency of thc W . M ., spent an hour or two in social enjoyment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given in the"W . M . ' s happy stjle , aud duly responded to , thus closed an evening that was of the most fraternal characlcr throughout .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
WESTON-SUPER-MARE . —Saint Kew Lodge , No . 1222 . —The usual monthly assemblage of the brethren of this flourishing lodge took place at the Carnarvon Hall , Weston-super-Mare , on Wednesday , March the 2 nd , under the presidency of that zealous and esteemed Bro . Capt . F . G . Irwin , W . M . Bro . Irwin ' s absence from the lodge meetings since November last , through illness , has
been regretted by all the members , and Ins re-appearance amongst them was hailed with a cordial welcome . The lodge having been opened with solemn prayer and the minutes of the previous meeting confirmed , the names of two candidates for initiation , viz . : Mr . Sidney Lewis and Mr . Thos . Tytherleigh were submitted to the ballot and
the same proving clear in each case , and Mr . Lewis being in attendance he was initiated in ancient form . The W . M . then opened a Master Masons' Lodge , and raised Bros . John Perry and David Gill to the sublime degree ; the lodge was then closed down to the first degree for the usual business of the evening , after which the W . M . closed the lodge in harmony .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . British Chapter , No . 8 . —This Chapter met on Monday , the 4 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , under the presidency of Comps . J . S . Griffiths , M . D ., M . E . Z . ; Monckton , H ., and Richardson , J ., when two candidates were exalted . The M . E . Z ., with great accuracy and ability , performed the duties attached to his high office , including
the working of the pedestal ; the same remark equally applies to the 2 nd and 3 rd Principals . After the closing of thc Chapter , about twenty-five Comps . including visitors , adjourned to the tavern and partook of the banquet , carefully looked after by Comp . P . Z . Baxter , Director of the Ceremonies . Comp . P . Z . Stohwasscr , being the Treasurer .
PROVINCIAL . LEICESTER . —Chapter of Fortitude , No . 279 . —A quarterly convocation of this Chapter was . held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , the 28 th ult . Owing to various circumstances , the attendance of members was smaller than usual . In the unavoidable absence of the Rev . Comp . Spittal , M . E . Z ., and Comp . L . A .
Clarke , II ., the Principals' chairs were occupied by Comps . Kelly , P . B . and P . G . Supt ., as M . E . Z . ; W . Pettifor , P . Z . as IL , and W . Weare , P . Z . as J . On the Chapter , being opened a Board of Installed Principals was formed , when Comp . Geo . II . Hodges , J .-elect , ( who was in America at the usual period of installation , ) was regularly installed into the third chair . The other Comps . were then admitted . The officers present were : Comps . Stretton ,
E . ; Partridge , N . ; Toller , P . S . ; Mace , A . S . ; Bernbridge , Janitor ; the Rev . Charles J . E . Smith , ( Rugby , ) and a few other Companions were present . A ballot , resulting in his uninimuus election , was taken for Bro . Charhs William Shaw , M . D ., of No . 557 , Queenstown , County Cork , who was then duly exalted . On the completion of the ceremony , the historical , symbolical , and mystical lectures were delivered by Comp . Kelly . A second candidate was absent . The Treasurer ' s accounts
were then read and passed . A proposed alteration of the times of meeting , brought forward by Comp . Toller at the last convocation , was considered , and it was unanimously resolved that in future the meetings be held in the months of February , April , June , October , and December , being the alternate months with the Mark Lodge . The Comps . having proceeded to ballot for officers for the ensuing year ,
the following were elected : Comps . L . A . Clarke , M . E . Z . ; George H . Hodges , II . : Geo . Toller , jun ., G . ; J . Kelly P . Z ., Treas . ; Stretton , E . ; Rev . Charles J . E . Smith , N . ; Partridge , P . S . ; Bembridge , Janitor . The appointment of Stewards and Assistant Sojourners was postponed until the next convocation . Four brethren
were proposed a ? candidates for exaltation . The P . G . Supt . announced , that as there had been no meeting ofthe Provincial Grand Chapter since thc year 1867 , he purposed holding one shortly . There being no further business tho Chapter was closed with solemn prayer , and thc Companions adjourned to refreshment .
Mark Masonry.
LIVERPOOL . —West Lancashire Lodge of Mark Masters , A o 65 . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was called on Monday evening , the 21 st ult ., for the purpose of * ballotting for and , if selected , advancing , Bro . Wm . P . Gunnel ! , ofthe Golden Coast Lodge , 773 , who is leaving England before the next regular meeting ; and also for Bro . Ashmore , P . M . S 23 Lodge , and M . E . Z . of 82 *?
Chapter . The lodge was opened in due form by the W . M , II . J . Lunt , P . M . 823 , aud H . of 249 chapter , aided by his officers and assistants , viz ., Bro . Larscn , P . M . 549 and II . 220 , thc S . W . ; Clark , S . W . 673 , and of chapters 220 , 249 , and 823 , & c , the J . W . ; Pierce , J . W . 823 , Hon . Sec . ; R . Williams , M . O . ; James Taylor , S . O . ; George Ladmnrc , P . M . 673 , and M . E . Z . 220 , the
J . O . ; Henry Burrows , S . D . ; J . Wood , J . D . ; William Barr , I . G . ; Jos . K . Smith , M . D ., P . M ., & c . ; Charles Leedham , P . M . and P . G . S . ; & c , & c . The ballot was then taken for the candidates , the result being unanimous in their favour . Bro . Lunt then vacated his chair , and Bro . J . R . Gocpel , P . M . and P . G . S . O ., also P . M . 155 and ' S 23 , P . M . E . Z . of Loyalty Chapter . 86 , presided .
Thc candidates being in attendance were admitted and advanced , in strict conformity with ancient custom , the ceremony being administered in the most sublime manner which did not fail to impress upon the minds ofthe candidates and members present ( nearly the whole of whom are officers and past officers in R . A . Masonry ) that the
Mark Masters degree , properly worked , is one of the most beautiful ceremonies under thebanncr of Freemasonry . Avote of thanks was according a to Bro . Goepcl , and also to Bro . Hamer , P . M ., & c , who assisted . The lodge was closed in form and harmony , and the brethren proceeded to refreshment .