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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , , LONDON BK 1 DGE , Opposite the South Eastern , and London , Brighton , and South Coast Railways 'J'HIS Hatel has great facilities for Meetings , Charitable institutions , Wedding Hrealcfasts , Public Dinners , Balls , Soirees , and is allowed to be in real domestic con . fo ; t , one of the Best in thc Metropolis , the tariff on application to ¦ . _____JOSEPH H . SPENCER .
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , LONDON . TI 7 "ELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbi * trations . The large Hall is capable o £ seating upwards . of Twelve Hundred people . SYDNEY STENTER . 'Proprietor .
. Masons Hall Tavern , MASONS' AVIiNUIi , BASJXGHAlJ .- ^ TRIiET , CITY . ? pHE above old-established Tavern is NOW X Ol'K . NY newly decorated , by Uro . CHARLES GOSOEN , late Manager of the ' l- ' reemasous * Tavern Company . Every accom . modation will be found for Lodges , Chapters , Mark and other decrees , (" or their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers & c , and every attention will fce paid to their comfort and enjoyment bv the new I'roprietor . The Alexandra Restaurant , 7 , CONDUIT-STKEET , REGENT-STKEKT . Public and Private Dinim ; Room * . First-class Cooking and " Wines . Open for Simpers alier thc Theatres . Bro . K . Mii . fKKicn , Proprietor .
Caledonian Hotel , ROBERT STREET , ADKLPMI TERRACE , STRAND (^ ENTLEMEN and Families visiting London will rind crerv accommodation , combined with comfort and moderate charge * . •" the above Hole ! . Beds from is . ; Sittin : ; Kooiiis- from 3 s . j Breakfasts from 2 s . * V ; ti ) k iVHotcn . jo , 3 s . ix \ . Even * accommodation for Ma-or . lc M eel in ;; . ? and Bmnjuei * for ttic Craft , Arch and lli ^ h Grades . A Spacious and Cheerful Coffee Roam o-z'erloakir . g the llcioria / imratiL-mn ::. BRO . GEORGE STATES , Manager .
GEORGE REliS " MAl'UJ and HOSEWOOD MOULDINGS , be ^ t in London GEORGE REES " GILT MOULDINGS , cheapest in the Trade .
/^ EORGK REES ' ^ 100 , 000 feet of GILT HOOM BOKUKK 1 NG irr stock , from 111 . pet fixrt . pEORGE ' REES ' " ^ Hist-class KNGltAVINGS , from 2 s . er . clr . ( nEORGE R-EES 1 """ ^^ CH HOMOS , from the Hest Masters , at reduced prices . 57 , DRUIIV-LANK , W . C , opposite Drury-laire Theatre .
CHHKHMS I'KKSK . VTS . —CHEAT NOVELTY . 7 VTEW DECORATIONS for the DINING x > TABU-l . I . DF . FRIKS and SONS , Manufacturers of STORK'S PATLNT PKKPKTL'AI . and PORTAIU . K CRYSTAL TAIII . li I'OLWTAl . N . WEDDING PHKSKNTS . FOUNTAINS , in' CRYSTAL and GILT which , when complete with Floors ;\ nd l rnit , form the , most elegant Urnninent for l ) imm ; Rooms , Ball Rooms , Drawing Rooms , and Conservatories . BIRTHDAY l'KKSKNTS . FOUNTAINS for the CONSERVATORY , being quite independent of a service of water pipes , tmins and other expensive accessories ; and luivtru ; no mechanism , cannot p » s > sihly get out of order . FOUNTAINS in Great Variety . For Perfumed Waters , from Ci 17 s . 6 d , to 100 Guineas . A lar ^ e variety can he seen at rlrc Show Koorns . and Crystal Gallery , . ! . DKI- 'KIKS and SONS , 147 , HOUNSDlTCH . live minutes' walk from the Hank 01 England . T DEF 1 UES and SONS , J 3 ALL ROOMS DECORATED and ILLUMINATKD . CONTRACTORS for FKTES and REJOICINGS . TENTS , TEMPORARY BM . I .-ROOMR KRKCTED , FLAGS and CHANDELIERS , TA 1 II . KGLASS . CHINA . & c . Lent on Hire . DECORATIONS anil ILLUMINATIONS carried out with any Emblem or Design . Works-LONDON , III RM INGHAM , and "ARLS . LONDON sHOW ROOMS . —147 , IIOUNIJMJITCII . hive Minutes' Walk from the Hank of England .
QAS CONSERVATORY APPARATUSES , Gas Ovens , Gas Baths , £ b 15 s . od . ( 10 per cent , advance . Ornamental Coils for Oiliccs ( CucntLe ) . G , Shrewsbury , Lower Nor vood and 59 , Oid BaiJey .
Ltik . CUbiUUl J OLlTAM . AN INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER OF NEWS POLITICS , COMMERCE . LITERATURE , ART , AND SOCIETY . ONK PilUNt ) A YKAR . THE ONLY NEWSPAPER IN EUROPE OWNED AND EDITED BY AN AMERICAN . FIRST-CLASS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER . PUBLISHED IN LONDON , PARIS , AND NEW YORK . SCALE or ADVERTISEMENTS : — Single Advertisements is . per line . Thirteen Insertions and upwards 6 d . per line . All Advertisements must arrive at the London Oflice before One o ' clock on the Wednesday preceding the day of Publication . For single insertions payment must be made in advance , for which postage stamps mav he sent at the rate of thirteen to the Shilling . All Advertisements payable after First Insertion , Cheques and Post Oilicc Orders ( Somerset-house ) to be made payable to H . FULLER , No . in , Strand , W . C . THE COSMOPOLITAN Is independent of Party , Sect , and Nationality . Its circulation is WORLD Wli" ) K , and ' chiefly among tire highest classes—statesmen , di ] t"matists , bankers , chilis , hotels , & c . ONE POUND A YEAR . SINGLE COPYFOURPENC " . A NE ¥ TOLUME . VOLUME XV . of THE COSMOPOLITAN commenced 011 the 3 rd October , 18 7 2 . SUBSCRIPTION ONE POUND A YEAR , Postage ( Penny ) included . Handsomely Bound Volumes for Sale at 20 s . each . © fee Cosmopolitan . * 'It is a newspaper in every sense of the word , selecting from its daily contemporaries nearly everything that is of interest to the genera ) reader , and . supplying what is really wanted in this country —a thoroughly impartial rellcx of public opinion . "—Standard , * 'The editor is a gentleman welt-known to the readers of Fraser ' t Magazine , as well as to the Tiansatlautic world , and wields a ready , graceful , and fluent pen . "—Morning post . •*! t is gainitu ; great praise here ( rum iU thoroughly independent tone . " —Dover Chronicle . ONE POUND A YF . AR .
& o ^ aalSfP ^ s ^ s ^ sw C 5 DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND AIR-VESSELSCROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR . Opiates , Narcotics , and Senilis arc ton often invoked to givereliefin Coughs , Colds . andall Pulmonary diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs , and thus increasing that debility which lies at the root of the maladv , modern science points to CROSBY'S HALSAM 1 C COUGH KLIXIR as the true remedy . SKLKCT TESTIMONIAL . Dr , Uooke , Scarboroughfauihorot the ** Anti-Lancet , " says : " 1 have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough , pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , ami I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend ' it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " TliL * medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allavs the local irritation , hut improves digestion and strengthens the constitution . Hence it is used with the most signal success it . Asthma , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweats of Consumption , Ouinsey , and all atlections of the throat and chest . Sold in bottles at is . g <\ . t 4 s . fad ., and MA . each , by ail respectable Chemists , and wholesale by J as . M . Crosby , Chemist , Scarborough . % * Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on "Diseases of the Lungs and Air-VesscIs , " a Coyy of which can be had Gratis of all Chemists .
VOUNG'S ARNICATED CORN AND BUNION PI . AISTKKS .-ire the hest ever Invented for giving immediate ease , and removing rlrtisc painful excrescences . Price 61 I . anil js . per box . May hc ' hnd of most chemists . Observe the traile mark . —IIV—wirhout which none are genuine Ke sure anil ask lor VOUNG'S .
I ' . stahlisUcd i 8 « i—ICnlavgcdlo 8 pages 187 J . T HE LF ; IGH CHRONICLE : TYLDESLEY , ATIM : RT 0 N , & DISTRICT , & SOUTH LANCASHIRK ADVKRTISKR . Published every Saturday , 8 pages , Price OKU Penny . The Chronicle is a . First-class Local and FamHy Newspaper ; takes no prominent part in Political or Religious Controversies , Oiigiual Papers of great intere .-t appear weekly in its columns . Nci eiloit is spared to maintain for the chronicle the high position it has held tor years . The Chronicle is read by all ; it is supported by nearly every person of influence in the district ; circulates largely among the tradespeople ; and receives the support of the operative casses . Its Columns oiler one of the UlLftT ADVERTISING iVi KD 1 UMS in South Lancashire . Office , Victoria Place , Leigh . Pro . and Fd . J OSIAU ROSE .
C ANDLES , OILS , AND SOAPS . ROliElVr S . MliNDKY , ( LATE vmir PATESIMU . AMI CO . ) "Wax and Tallow Chandler , Oil and Soap Merchant , 106 , FKNClluHcrr-sTKr . ET , E . C . Special Candles—Masonic , Chnrch anil Perfumed—in pure Wax , ^ permacetri , and Stearins , Dips and Moulds ol' retined and hardeneil Tallow . Sperm and superior burning Colza Oil . Discount lor cash . Own carta deliver lice in London and suburbs . Wholesale , Retail and hxi > ort .
im . iiiiMiM . IIHII i . iif ¦ im ^ M . Mii—i— IKW—IIIWMMC mn ¦ IUMIIB — ^ il I
CAUTION . GENERAL FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT ( Established upwards of 3 $ vears . ; ^ A ^ Bros . SINCLAIR & SON , ft 7 ^ 2 r \ FrjRStsHtNO UsTlERTftimiVS XNO FvjNERAb ^^^ 2 : NT _ KEATriEItMEN , jf ^^ l ^^ . St , City Road , Finsburj- Square , opposite the Finsbury Schools E . C , and 24 , Southgatc-road , Downham-road , near the Rosemary Branch Bridge , N . ( No connection with any other establishment of thc same name . ) Only at the above addresses . Every Funeralat stated charges—See Illustrated 1 ' rospectus .
ELSTOB'S CELEBRATED J Riding , Hunting and Lumbago Bel jts ^ Size of waist and P . O . O . for 20 s . to he sent with order . The best rittiny ; Riding Trousers and lireeches Makcrin London or elsewhere . N . U . —Morning Trousers of Hest West of England Wool . Kstahlished 1830 . ELSTOB , ' 44 , MADDOX-STREET , BOND STREET .
Fo > Cheap Watches , Clocks , Gold Chains qnd ' Jewellery , go to ; KIBBLES ' , 11 , GRACECHUIICH STREET j ( one rloor from Lombard-street ) . Gold Watches M 2 15 s . Silver Watches X ' l 5 s . Timepieces from 9 s . Cd . Every aiticle warranted . Plate , Watches , and Jewellery bought or exchanged . List of Prices post free .
WHITMORE'S STOMACHIC DINNER PILLS . No Pli ! is so efficacious in promotin ^ di ^ estinn . strcntrtlicnirrfrthe Stomach , correcting aridity , prevenliriR or removinjr Meadach e Oiddiuess , & c . arising from a Costive Habit , Debilitated Stomach or Torpid Liver . They rei | uire no change of diet , and those of the most delicate constitution can take them with safety . Taken as an adjunct with Wilkinson ' s Sarsaparilla with the greatest success .
SARSAPARILLA . WILKINSON'S ESSENCE , OR FLUID EXTRACT OF RED JAMAICA SAKSAPARILLA , prescribeil by the Faculty for PUKIFVINO TIIK IJI . OOD , DKIHLITV , LIVER ("<) MI ' I . AIM > , and freeing the system from etlects of Alercury . Exclusively used in India and the Colonies as a prevention to Tropical diseases . "Superior preparations that may always be relied upon . "—Sir Astley Cooper . " " \ Ve are in every respect satisfied with it . "—Lancet . "Wc recommend yours as the best . "—Medical Review . 1 » Quarter , Malt ' , and Pint Hottle . s . CAUTION . —Spurious and injurious preparations are offered ta the public . See that Ibutle and Labc . have the name anil Ad dress , "T . Wilkinson , late Wilkinson , Bridge , and Co ., No . 370-Kegent-strect , London . "
QUINTESCENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER nml CAMOMILE . \ VH . KINPON \ S Preparation of Cinder and Camomile has long , been deservedly known as . 'in excellent domestic medicine . It is a moi-tefficient Momaclnc Tonic , and the he * t remedy for Flatulency and disvoders ari . iinii from impaired digestion , and is not affected by climate . . No European in India or tropical climates . should V without it . In oue-el . nluh . quarter , a Ad hall-piut bottles .
PUl . VEKMACUKR'S Improved I ' atent CALVANIC CHAIN HANDS , BELTS , liATTICRIES , and ACCESSORIES . l rice from 2 s . and upwards . Reliable evidence in proof of thc unrivalled ellicaey 01 these appliances in Rheumatism , Gout Neuralgia , Deafness , Head and Toolb Ache , Paralysis , I . iver Complaints , Cramps , Spasms . Nervous Debility , Funciional Disorders , &; c ., is pveii in the Pamphlet . " OAI . VANISM NATUR * V CHU . K RKSTOIIER OV l . \ M'Arr < ED VrTAi . ENKKCIT . " Apply at I ' ULVKRMACHKK ' Galvanic Establishment , 16 S Recent Street , London , \ V . ; w ' -icre Pamphlet and tu Price List can be obtained , post free .
THIRD EDITION . —JUST READY . REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : on . The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium With an Emblematical Frontispiece . A Hand-Book of the Principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Varle Mecum and Guide to the various Ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same are allowed to be communicable , in accordance with thc principles of the Order . Price One Shilling , Post-free fir Thirteen Stamps . Sold by Bro . GEO . KBNNINO , 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . Price One Shilling , Post-free , Revised and Enlarged . Freemasonry in . Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , BY BRO . CHALMERS I . I'ATON . T ^ HIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles of Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminently practical and useful in the vindication and support of thc Order . Bro . GEO . KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , , LONDON BK 1 DGE , Opposite the South Eastern , and London , Brighton , and South Coast Railways 'J'HIS Hatel has great facilities for Meetings , Charitable institutions , Wedding Hrealcfasts , Public Dinners , Balls , Soirees , and is allowed to be in real domestic con . fo ; t , one of the Best in thc Metropolis , the tariff on application to ¦ . _____JOSEPH H . SPENCER .
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , LONDON . TI 7 "ELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbi * trations . The large Hall is capable o £ seating upwards . of Twelve Hundred people . SYDNEY STENTER . 'Proprietor .
. Masons Hall Tavern , MASONS' AVIiNUIi , BASJXGHAlJ .- ^ TRIiET , CITY . ? pHE above old-established Tavern is NOW X Ol'K . NY newly decorated , by Uro . CHARLES GOSOEN , late Manager of the ' l- ' reemasous * Tavern Company . Every accom . modation will be found for Lodges , Chapters , Mark and other decrees , (" or their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers & c , and every attention will fce paid to their comfort and enjoyment bv the new I'roprietor . The Alexandra Restaurant , 7 , CONDUIT-STKEET , REGENT-STKEKT . Public and Private Dinim ; Room * . First-class Cooking and " Wines . Open for Simpers alier thc Theatres . Bro . K . Mii . fKKicn , Proprietor .
Caledonian Hotel , ROBERT STREET , ADKLPMI TERRACE , STRAND (^ ENTLEMEN and Families visiting London will rind crerv accommodation , combined with comfort and moderate charge * . •" the above Hole ! . Beds from is . ; Sittin : ; Kooiiis- from 3 s . j Breakfasts from 2 s . * V ; ti ) k iVHotcn . jo , 3 s . ix \ . Even * accommodation for Ma-or . lc M eel in ;; . ? and Bmnjuei * for ttic Craft , Arch and lli ^ h Grades . A Spacious and Cheerful Coffee Roam o-z'erloakir . g the llcioria / imratiL-mn ::. BRO . GEORGE STATES , Manager .
GEORGE REliS " MAl'UJ and HOSEWOOD MOULDINGS , be ^ t in London GEORGE REES " GILT MOULDINGS , cheapest in the Trade .
/^ EORGK REES ' ^ 100 , 000 feet of GILT HOOM BOKUKK 1 NG irr stock , from 111 . pet fixrt . pEORGE ' REES ' " ^ Hist-class KNGltAVINGS , from 2 s . er . clr . ( nEORGE R-EES 1 """ ^^ CH HOMOS , from the Hest Masters , at reduced prices . 57 , DRUIIV-LANK , W . C , opposite Drury-laire Theatre .
CHHKHMS I'KKSK . VTS . —CHEAT NOVELTY . 7 VTEW DECORATIONS for the DINING x > TABU-l . I . DF . FRIKS and SONS , Manufacturers of STORK'S PATLNT PKKPKTL'AI . and PORTAIU . K CRYSTAL TAIII . li I'OLWTAl . N . WEDDING PHKSKNTS . FOUNTAINS , in' CRYSTAL and GILT which , when complete with Floors ;\ nd l rnit , form the , most elegant Urnninent for l ) imm ; Rooms , Ball Rooms , Drawing Rooms , and Conservatories . BIRTHDAY l'KKSKNTS . FOUNTAINS for the CONSERVATORY , being quite independent of a service of water pipes , tmins and other expensive accessories ; and luivtru ; no mechanism , cannot p » s > sihly get out of order . FOUNTAINS in Great Variety . For Perfumed Waters , from Ci 17 s . 6 d , to 100 Guineas . A lar ^ e variety can he seen at rlrc Show Koorns . and Crystal Gallery , . ! . DKI- 'KIKS and SONS , 147 , HOUNSDlTCH . live minutes' walk from the Hank 01 England . T DEF 1 UES and SONS , J 3 ALL ROOMS DECORATED and ILLUMINATKD . CONTRACTORS for FKTES and REJOICINGS . TENTS , TEMPORARY BM . I .-ROOMR KRKCTED , FLAGS and CHANDELIERS , TA 1 II . KGLASS . CHINA . & c . Lent on Hire . DECORATIONS anil ILLUMINATIONS carried out with any Emblem or Design . Works-LONDON , III RM INGHAM , and "ARLS . LONDON sHOW ROOMS . —147 , IIOUNIJMJITCII . hive Minutes' Walk from the Hank of England .
QAS CONSERVATORY APPARATUSES , Gas Ovens , Gas Baths , £ b 15 s . od . ( 10 per cent , advance . Ornamental Coils for Oiliccs ( CucntLe ) . G , Shrewsbury , Lower Nor vood and 59 , Oid BaiJey .
Ltik . CUbiUUl J OLlTAM . AN INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER OF NEWS POLITICS , COMMERCE . LITERATURE , ART , AND SOCIETY . ONK PilUNt ) A YKAR . THE ONLY NEWSPAPER IN EUROPE OWNED AND EDITED BY AN AMERICAN . FIRST-CLASS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER . PUBLISHED IN LONDON , PARIS , AND NEW YORK . SCALE or ADVERTISEMENTS : — Single Advertisements is . per line . Thirteen Insertions and upwards 6 d . per line . All Advertisements must arrive at the London Oflice before One o ' clock on the Wednesday preceding the day of Publication . For single insertions payment must be made in advance , for which postage stamps mav he sent at the rate of thirteen to the Shilling . All Advertisements payable after First Insertion , Cheques and Post Oilicc Orders ( Somerset-house ) to be made payable to H . FULLER , No . in , Strand , W . C . THE COSMOPOLITAN Is independent of Party , Sect , and Nationality . Its circulation is WORLD Wli" ) K , and ' chiefly among tire highest classes—statesmen , di ] t"matists , bankers , chilis , hotels , & c . ONE POUND A YEAR . SINGLE COPYFOURPENC " . A NE ¥ TOLUME . VOLUME XV . of THE COSMOPOLITAN commenced 011 the 3 rd October , 18 7 2 . SUBSCRIPTION ONE POUND A YEAR , Postage ( Penny ) included . Handsomely Bound Volumes for Sale at 20 s . each . © fee Cosmopolitan . * 'It is a newspaper in every sense of the word , selecting from its daily contemporaries nearly everything that is of interest to the genera ) reader , and . supplying what is really wanted in this country —a thoroughly impartial rellcx of public opinion . "—Standard , * 'The editor is a gentleman welt-known to the readers of Fraser ' t Magazine , as well as to the Tiansatlautic world , and wields a ready , graceful , and fluent pen . "—Morning post . •*! t is gainitu ; great praise here ( rum iU thoroughly independent tone . " —Dover Chronicle . ONE POUND A YF . AR .
& o ^ aalSfP ^ s ^ s ^ sw C 5 DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND AIR-VESSELSCROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR . Opiates , Narcotics , and Senilis arc ton often invoked to givereliefin Coughs , Colds . andall Pulmonary diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs , and thus increasing that debility which lies at the root of the maladv , modern science points to CROSBY'S HALSAM 1 C COUGH KLIXIR as the true remedy . SKLKCT TESTIMONIAL . Dr , Uooke , Scarboroughfauihorot the ** Anti-Lancet , " says : " 1 have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough , pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , ami I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend ' it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " TliL * medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allavs the local irritation , hut improves digestion and strengthens the constitution . Hence it is used with the most signal success it . Asthma , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweats of Consumption , Ouinsey , and all atlections of the throat and chest . Sold in bottles at is . g <\ . t 4 s . fad ., and MA . each , by ail respectable Chemists , and wholesale by J as . M . Crosby , Chemist , Scarborough . % * Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on "Diseases of the Lungs and Air-VesscIs , " a Coyy of which can be had Gratis of all Chemists .
VOUNG'S ARNICATED CORN AND BUNION PI . AISTKKS .-ire the hest ever Invented for giving immediate ease , and removing rlrtisc painful excrescences . Price 61 I . anil js . per box . May hc ' hnd of most chemists . Observe the traile mark . —IIV—wirhout which none are genuine Ke sure anil ask lor VOUNG'S .
I ' . stahlisUcd i 8 « i—ICnlavgcdlo 8 pages 187 J . T HE LF ; IGH CHRONICLE : TYLDESLEY , ATIM : RT 0 N , & DISTRICT , & SOUTH LANCASHIRK ADVKRTISKR . Published every Saturday , 8 pages , Price OKU Penny . The Chronicle is a . First-class Local and FamHy Newspaper ; takes no prominent part in Political or Religious Controversies , Oiigiual Papers of great intere .-t appear weekly in its columns . Nci eiloit is spared to maintain for the chronicle the high position it has held tor years . The Chronicle is read by all ; it is supported by nearly every person of influence in the district ; circulates largely among the tradespeople ; and receives the support of the operative casses . Its Columns oiler one of the UlLftT ADVERTISING iVi KD 1 UMS in South Lancashire . Office , Victoria Place , Leigh . Pro . and Fd . J OSIAU ROSE .
C ANDLES , OILS , AND SOAPS . ROliElVr S . MliNDKY , ( LATE vmir PATESIMU . AMI CO . ) "Wax and Tallow Chandler , Oil and Soap Merchant , 106 , FKNClluHcrr-sTKr . ET , E . C . Special Candles—Masonic , Chnrch anil Perfumed—in pure Wax , ^ permacetri , and Stearins , Dips and Moulds ol' retined and hardeneil Tallow . Sperm and superior burning Colza Oil . Discount lor cash . Own carta deliver lice in London and suburbs . Wholesale , Retail and hxi > ort .
im . iiiiMiM . IIHII i . iif ¦ im ^ M . Mii—i— IKW—IIIWMMC mn ¦ IUMIIB — ^ il I
CAUTION . GENERAL FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT ( Established upwards of 3 $ vears . ; ^ A ^ Bros . SINCLAIR & SON , ft 7 ^ 2 r \ FrjRStsHtNO UsTlERTftimiVS XNO FvjNERAb ^^^ 2 : NT _ KEATriEItMEN , jf ^^ l ^^ . St , City Road , Finsburj- Square , opposite the Finsbury Schools E . C , and 24 , Southgatc-road , Downham-road , near the Rosemary Branch Bridge , N . ( No connection with any other establishment of thc same name . ) Only at the above addresses . Every Funeralat stated charges—See Illustrated 1 ' rospectus .
ELSTOB'S CELEBRATED J Riding , Hunting and Lumbago Bel jts ^ Size of waist and P . O . O . for 20 s . to he sent with order . The best rittiny ; Riding Trousers and lireeches Makcrin London or elsewhere . N . U . —Morning Trousers of Hest West of England Wool . Kstahlished 1830 . ELSTOB , ' 44 , MADDOX-STREET , BOND STREET .
Fo > Cheap Watches , Clocks , Gold Chains qnd ' Jewellery , go to ; KIBBLES ' , 11 , GRACECHUIICH STREET j ( one rloor from Lombard-street ) . Gold Watches M 2 15 s . Silver Watches X ' l 5 s . Timepieces from 9 s . Cd . Every aiticle warranted . Plate , Watches , and Jewellery bought or exchanged . List of Prices post free .
WHITMORE'S STOMACHIC DINNER PILLS . No Pli ! is so efficacious in promotin ^ di ^ estinn . strcntrtlicnirrfrthe Stomach , correcting aridity , prevenliriR or removinjr Meadach e Oiddiuess , & c . arising from a Costive Habit , Debilitated Stomach or Torpid Liver . They rei | uire no change of diet , and those of the most delicate constitution can take them with safety . Taken as an adjunct with Wilkinson ' s Sarsaparilla with the greatest success .
SARSAPARILLA . WILKINSON'S ESSENCE , OR FLUID EXTRACT OF RED JAMAICA SAKSAPARILLA , prescribeil by the Faculty for PUKIFVINO TIIK IJI . OOD , DKIHLITV , LIVER ("<) MI ' I . AIM > , and freeing the system from etlects of Alercury . Exclusively used in India and the Colonies as a prevention to Tropical diseases . "Superior preparations that may always be relied upon . "—Sir Astley Cooper . " " \ Ve are in every respect satisfied with it . "—Lancet . "Wc recommend yours as the best . "—Medical Review . 1 » Quarter , Malt ' , and Pint Hottle . s . CAUTION . —Spurious and injurious preparations are offered ta the public . See that Ibutle and Labc . have the name anil Ad dress , "T . Wilkinson , late Wilkinson , Bridge , and Co ., No . 370-Kegent-strect , London . "
QUINTESCENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER nml CAMOMILE . \ VH . KINPON \ S Preparation of Cinder and Camomile has long , been deservedly known as . 'in excellent domestic medicine . It is a moi-tefficient Momaclnc Tonic , and the he * t remedy for Flatulency and disvoders ari . iinii from impaired digestion , and is not affected by climate . . No European in India or tropical climates . should V without it . In oue-el . nluh . quarter , a Ad hall-piut bottles .
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