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NOW READY , PRICE £ 4 / 4 THE PAIR , OR £ 2 / 10 SINGLE . SIZE 32 m . BY 26 m . AUJTOTYPES OF BRO .SIGISMUND ROSENTHAL 'S CELEBRATED PAINTINGS , The Reception ofH . R . H . the Prince of Wales as Past Grand Master , Freemasons' Hall , on December 1 st , 1869 , containing upwards of 120 Figures and Portraits , The Reception of H . R . H , the Prince of Wales at the Grand Conclave of Knights Templar , May 13 th , 1870 , containing nearly 100 Figures and Portraits . Sold by BRO . G . KENNING , I , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , E . C Branches : 198 , Fleet-street , and 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool .
Now ready . Demy iamo , 208 pages . Handsomely bound in Cloth , price 2 s . 6 d . Post free , 2 s . 8 d THE ISRAELITESFOUNDINTHEANGLOSAXONS. The Ten Tribes supposed to have been Lost , traced from the Land of their Captivity to their Occupation of the ISLES OF THE SEA , With an Exhibition of those Traits of Character and National Characteristics assigned to Israel in the Books of THE HEBREW PROPHETS . BY WILLIAM CARPENTER . Author of " Scientia Biblica , " " Scripture Natural History , " " Guide to the Reading of the Bible , ' ' " Lectures on Biblical Criticism and Interpretation , " " A Popular Introduction to the Bible , ' "The Biblical Companion ' * " Critica Biblica , " "Calendarium Palestinas . " "An Introductiot . to the Reading and Study of the English Bible , " and Editor of the Fifth Large Edition of " Calmet ' s Dictionary of the Bible " and of the Abridgment of the same , & c ., & c , & c . London : GEORGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , & 2 . 3 , 4 , Littl ; Britain . Liverpool : 2 , Monument-place . MACKINTOSH & Co ., 44 , Paterncster Row .
Will be published in April , Price Sixpence . THEMASONICMAGAZINE, % HontMij gigest of Irecmasontrg in all its gjvanrjjfs . LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS . Bro . W . VINER BEDOLIF ., M . D ., Bro . KENNETH R . H . MACKENZIE , F . S . A . Bro . WM . CARPENTER , P . M . & P . Z . Bro . J . C . PARKINSON- , P . M ., P . Z . Bro . EMRA HOLMES , 31 Bro . D . MURRAY LYON , Bro . WM . J AMES HUGHAN , P . M ., Bro . CHALMERS I . PATON , P . M . Bro . J . DANIEL MOORE , M . D ., F . L . S . Bro . DR . WOODMAN , P . M ., P . Z ., Bro . J . G . FIN-DEL , Bro . HUBERT , Bro . REV . A . F . A . WOODFORD , M . J ., Bro . C . G . FORSYTH , Bro . ROBERT WENTWORTH LITTLE , 30 •OFFICES : —London , 198 , Fleet-street ; Liverpool , 2 , Monument-place ; Dublin , Grafton-street ; Glasgow , JO , Sauchiehall-street ,
"THE FREEMASON " Supplied by , r P DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , " Farringdon-st ., E . C . South London Branch , 416 , Wandsworth-road , S . W ¦ ei ght doors from the London Chatham and Dover Kailwaj Station . Wholesale Publisher to thc Trade .
CITY . pOTTLE & SON , 14 and 1 j , Royal Exchange City Agents for "THE FREEMASON " AND ^ 'The Israelites found in the Anglo-Saxons , " Just published , price 2 s . 6 d .
SWANSEA Agent for the Freemason . £ RO . CHAS , MAGGS . 25 , George-st ., Swansea . A large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing , and every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kcnning ' s Masortic Note Paper , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , Aic . Advertisements received for "The Freemason . "
KENMa'S NEW BALLOT BOX . Price Thirty Shillings .
BALL FAVOURS , NEWEST DESIGNS . MASONIC DEPOTS 2 , 3 , & 4 . LITTLE BRITAIN , ( iy 8 , Fleet-street , London . BRANCHES : < 2 , Monument-place . Liverpool . ( , it ) , Sauchiehall-street , Glasgow .
ttHPHE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS The Largest Masonic Mnnthlv in lire World . Published alSr . Louis , Mo ., I iy Georne I r ; nrk Cur ' rley , Grand Secretary and Recorder or the lorrr ' Gvnnii lirnlies of MisMinri . The I ' reernnson contains ridings from every <| irartcr of tire world and will lie tounil of rrjvat advantage ro all Masons , especially those interested ' . a American allairs . ' 1 enns rjj per anmrm , and to those who subscribe lor lire London Freemason the rmce will lie § 1 . 50 currency . Postage free . Subscriptions received at the Office of the London " Freemason , ' joS , l- 'lect-slree ' .
BRO .GEORGEKENNING, P . M ., P . Z .. Mk . M ., A . M ., K . T , R . C . K 1 ., 30 2,3,&4,LittleBritain, LONDON , E . C . C Fleet-street , London . BRANCHES : X 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool . (_ 19 , Sauchiehall-street , Glasgow . MASONICDEPOT. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE WORLD OP J ewels Clothing , Ribbons , Tassels , Furniture , Banners , Books , Stationery , TracingBoards , And every Requisite for aV Degrees in Freemasonry . 2 3 & 4 LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON , E . C . frier ^ ists cm application . NAVAL&1IILITARY WAREHOUSE. Swords , Laces , Braids , Cords , Embroideiy , Belts , Shabraques , Chacos , Caps , Buttons , Epaulettes , Sashes , Medals , & c . & c . 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN LONDON , E . C Price fists on application . GEORGEKENNING 2,3,&4,LittleBritain, LONDON , E . C . ( " 198 , Fl ' . 'ct-street , London . BRANCHES : -j 2 , Moa . iment-place , Liverpool . (_ iy , Sauchii-li . ill-street , Glasgov .
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NOW READY , PRICE £ 4 / 4 THE PAIR , OR £ 2 / 10 SINGLE . SIZE 32 m . BY 26 m . AUJTOTYPES OF BRO .SIGISMUND ROSENTHAL 'S CELEBRATED PAINTINGS , The Reception ofH . R . H . the Prince of Wales as Past Grand Master , Freemasons' Hall , on December 1 st , 1869 , containing upwards of 120 Figures and Portraits , The Reception of H . R . H , the Prince of Wales at the Grand Conclave of Knights Templar , May 13 th , 1870 , containing nearly 100 Figures and Portraits . Sold by BRO . G . KENNING , I , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , E . C Branches : 198 , Fleet-street , and 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool .
Now ready . Demy iamo , 208 pages . Handsomely bound in Cloth , price 2 s . 6 d . Post free , 2 s . 8 d THE ISRAELITESFOUNDINTHEANGLOSAXONS. The Ten Tribes supposed to have been Lost , traced from the Land of their Captivity to their Occupation of the ISLES OF THE SEA , With an Exhibition of those Traits of Character and National Characteristics assigned to Israel in the Books of THE HEBREW PROPHETS . BY WILLIAM CARPENTER . Author of " Scientia Biblica , " " Scripture Natural History , " " Guide to the Reading of the Bible , ' ' " Lectures on Biblical Criticism and Interpretation , " " A Popular Introduction to the Bible , ' "The Biblical Companion ' * " Critica Biblica , " "Calendarium Palestinas . " "An Introductiot . to the Reading and Study of the English Bible , " and Editor of the Fifth Large Edition of " Calmet ' s Dictionary of the Bible " and of the Abridgment of the same , & c ., & c , & c . London : GEORGE KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , & 2 . 3 , 4 , Littl ; Britain . Liverpool : 2 , Monument-place . MACKINTOSH & Co ., 44 , Paterncster Row .
Will be published in April , Price Sixpence . THEMASONICMAGAZINE, % HontMij gigest of Irecmasontrg in all its gjvanrjjfs . LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS . Bro . W . VINER BEDOLIF ., M . D ., Bro . KENNETH R . H . MACKENZIE , F . S . A . Bro . WM . CARPENTER , P . M . & P . Z . Bro . J . C . PARKINSON- , P . M ., P . Z . Bro . EMRA HOLMES , 31 Bro . D . MURRAY LYON , Bro . WM . J AMES HUGHAN , P . M ., Bro . CHALMERS I . PATON , P . M . Bro . J . DANIEL MOORE , M . D ., F . L . S . Bro . DR . WOODMAN , P . M ., P . Z ., Bro . J . G . FIN-DEL , Bro . HUBERT , Bro . REV . A . F . A . WOODFORD , M . J ., Bro . C . G . FORSYTH , Bro . ROBERT WENTWORTH LITTLE , 30 •OFFICES : —London , 198 , Fleet-street ; Liverpool , 2 , Monument-place ; Dublin , Grafton-street ; Glasgow , JO , Sauchiehall-street ,
"THE FREEMASON " Supplied by , r P DRISCOLL , Wholesale Newsagent , 87 , " Farringdon-st ., E . C . South London Branch , 416 , Wandsworth-road , S . W ¦ ei ght doors from the London Chatham and Dover Kailwaj Station . Wholesale Publisher to thc Trade .
CITY . pOTTLE & SON , 14 and 1 j , Royal Exchange City Agents for "THE FREEMASON " AND ^ 'The Israelites found in the Anglo-Saxons , " Just published , price 2 s . 6 d .
SWANSEA Agent for the Freemason . £ RO . CHAS , MAGGS . 25 , George-st ., Swansea . A large stock of Aprons , Jewels , Clothing , and every requisite for all Degrees of Freemasonry . Agent for Kcnning ' s Masortic Note Paper , Envelopes , Books , Candles , Perfumes , Aic . Advertisements received for "The Freemason . "
KENMa'S NEW BALLOT BOX . Price Thirty Shillings .
BALL FAVOURS , NEWEST DESIGNS . MASONIC DEPOTS 2 , 3 , & 4 . LITTLE BRITAIN , ( iy 8 , Fleet-street , London . BRANCHES : < 2 , Monument-place . Liverpool . ( , it ) , Sauchiehall-street , Glasgow .
ttHPHE FREEMASON" OF ST . LOUIS The Largest Masonic Mnnthlv in lire World . Published alSr . Louis , Mo ., I iy Georne I r ; nrk Cur ' rley , Grand Secretary and Recorder or the lorrr ' Gvnnii lirnlies of MisMinri . The I ' reernnson contains ridings from every <| irartcr of tire world and will lie tounil of rrjvat advantage ro all Masons , especially those interested ' . a American allairs . ' 1 enns rjj per anmrm , and to those who subscribe lor lire London Freemason the rmce will lie § 1 . 50 currency . Postage free . Subscriptions received at the Office of the London " Freemason , ' joS , l- 'lect-slree ' .
BRO .GEORGEKENNING, P . M ., P . Z .. Mk . M ., A . M ., K . T , R . C . K 1 ., 30 2,3,&4,LittleBritain, LONDON , E . C . C Fleet-street , London . BRANCHES : X 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool . (_ 19 , Sauchiehall-street , Glasgow . MASONICDEPOT. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE WORLD OP J ewels Clothing , Ribbons , Tassels , Furniture , Banners , Books , Stationery , TracingBoards , And every Requisite for aV Degrees in Freemasonry . 2 3 & 4 LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON , E . C . frier ^ ists cm application . NAVAL&1IILITARY WAREHOUSE. Swords , Laces , Braids , Cords , Embroideiy , Belts , Shabraques , Chacos , Caps , Buttons , Epaulettes , Sashes , Medals , & c . & c . 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN LONDON , E . C Price fists on application . GEORGEKENNING 2,3,&4,LittleBritain, LONDON , E . C . ( " 198 , Fl ' . 'ct-street , London . BRANCHES : -j 2 , Moa . iment-place , Liverpool . (_ iy , Sauchii-li . ill-street , Glasgov .