Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article LIVERPOOL THEATRES, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 2 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 2 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now 10 s . per annum , post-free , payable in advance .
Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . 6 d . Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . od . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . od .
Vol . V ., ditto 15 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 23 . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 d .
United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 S . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in time for the early trains .
The price of the Freemason is Twopence per week ; annual Subscription , 10 s . ( payable in advance . ) AH communications , letters , & c , to be addressed to the Editor , JoS , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editorwill pay careful attention to allMSS . entrusted to him , but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
NOTICE . All Communications , Advertisements , isfc , intended fur insertion in the Number of the following Saturday , must reach the Office not later than 6 o ' clock on IFednesday evening .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
The following communications stand over : —Consecration of tile Lodge of Fraternity , Stockton-on-Tees ; Reports of Lodges 6 73 , 765 , 1051 ; Mark Lodges 19 , 43 . REMITTANCES RECEIVED . Dr . W . Sedgwick , New Town , New South Wales . P . O . O . 14 / paying Subscriptions from No . 216 to 279 .
Liverpool Theatres, &C.
Week ending April 19 . ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE , Limc-strcct . —Leasee Bro . E . Sakcr . New drama , "Silhors to Grind . " OYAi ~ AMiMliTHEATRErGrcari ^^ Urn .. H . Leslie . Mr : E . Falconer's drama " Eileen Oge . "
PKlNLli OF WALES lHEAlKE , Clayton-square . —Lessee Mr . iSelton Parry . Mr . J . K . Ktunvjlt in a popular drama . HBATRE ROYAL Williamson-square . —Lessee , Bio . De Frecce . Burlesque of " The Coraican llrothers , " and Miscellaneous Entertainment . ST . JAMES'S HALL , Limc-strcct . —S ' roprictor , Bro . S . Hague . Special Artistes and Easter Programme . EW STAR MUMC HALL , Wii . iamson . aqitarc . —Manager , Bro . Saundm . Opera , and Special Easter Attractions .
ROTUNDA THEATRE and MUSIC HALL . —1 ' roprictor , Mr . D . Granncll . Miscellaneous Entertainments . /" vTjEEN'S HA 1 . I ~ Mr . 1 lar y LUtons' " Merry Moments . ' TwFlNORST . JAMES HALL . I ' rolcssor Hermann ' s illusions
TheFreemason, SATURDAY , ATRIL 12 , 187 , 3 .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
One of the grandest and most interesting Masonic festivals which have betn celebrated in London for many years , took place at Willis ' s Rooms , on Monday , 7 th inst ., on the occasion of the union of the Grand Conclave of Masonic
Kni g hts Templar of England , and the Grand Conclave of Hi g h Knights Templars of Ireland , together wth the installation of his Royal Hi ghness the Prince of Wales as Grand Master of the
United Orders . Great interest was manifested in the event , and the muster of Knights was very large , including nearly all the Officers of the English Order , viz : Sir Knig ht William Stuart , Most Eminent and
Knights Templar.
Supreme Grand Master ; Sir Kni g ht the Rev . J . Huyshe , M . A ., Very Hi g h and Eminent Deputy Grand Master ; Sir Kni ght Col . G . A . Vernon , Past Deputy Grand Master ; Sir Knight Ri ght
Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , Grand Seneschal ; Sir Knight Ri g ht Hon . the Earl of Limerick , Grand Prior ; Col . C . Lyne , Grand Sub-Prior ; Rev . E . Moore , M . A ., Grand Prelate ; C . R . N .
Beswicke-Royds , First Grand Captain ; Lieut-Col . H . C . Fitzgerald , Second Grand Captain ; Sir Patrick Colquhon , Q . C ., LL . D ., Grand Chancellor ; W . Tinkler , Grand Vice-Chancellor ; Joseph
Lavender , Grand Registrar ; C . Goolden , M . A ., Grand Treasurer ; Lyons Wright , Grand Chamberlain ; Rev . P . H . Newnham , Grand Hospitaller ; J . Lambert Sim , Grand Director of Ceremonies ;
J . F . Starkey , Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies ; W . Hyde Pullen , Grand Superintendent of Works ; F . W . H . Ramsay , M . D . , Grand Constable ; Emra Holmes , Grand Provost ;
Rev . C . Dowson , Grand Almoner ; G . Lambert Grand Warden of Regalia ; J . R . Bramble ' First Grand Expert ; S . Rosenthal , Second Grand Expert ; G . Jones , First Grand Standard Bearer ,
R . H . Hutchinson , Second Grand Standard Bearer ; J . D . Moore , M . D ., Third Grand Standard Bearer ; A . C . Mott , Fourth Grand Standard Bearer ; Sir Knig ht Pieston J . Wallis , First Grand
Aide-de-Camp ; George Barton , Past First Grand Aide-de-Camp ; J . Read , Second Grand Aidede-Camp ; E . Turner , First Grand Captain of Lines ; J . Fletcher , Second Grand Captain of
Lines ; W . II . Maby , First Grand Herald ; J . R . Poulter , Second Grand Herald ; Wilhelm Ganz , Grand Organist ; A . Horsfall , Grand Sword Bearer . The Grand Officers of the Irish
Conclave are : His Grace Augustus Frederick Duke of Leinster , M . E . and Supreme Grand Master ; Robert W . Shekleton , Deputy Grand Master ; George Johnston , M . D ., Grand Captain-General ;
Captain George Huband , Grand Marshal ; John Ringland , M . D ., Grand Treasurer ; Chas . D Walmisley , Recorder or Sec . ; Rev . John J . MacSorley , Grand Prelate ; Richard B . de Burgh ,
Grand Standard Bearer ; Wm . J . O Donovan , LL . D ., Grand Sword Bearer ; John A . Baker Grand Senior A . D . C . ; Capt A . Vesey Davoren , Grand Junior'A . D . C . ; Edward Hamilton , M . D .,
many oC whom were in attendance . It is understood that onl y one kni ght of the Scottish order was present . Not unlikely there will be an
endeavour made before long to unite the Scottish order of Kni g hts Templar with the English and Irish , and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales would then be invited to act as Grand
Master of all . At five o ' clock a special Grand Priory of England was opened , after which the Great Prior of England Designate took his seat in the second
circle below the dais , on the right hand of the Deputy Grand Master , the dais itself being left vacant . The Prince of Wales , who came in the most unostentatious ' manner , arrived about six
o ' clock , and was received b y the Aides-de-Camp at the entrance . The following officers : the Grand Master Emeritus Stuart , the Past Deputy Grand Master and Sub-Prior of Ireland ( R . W .
Shekelton ) , the Deputy Grand Master ( the Rev . John Huyshe ) , the Past Deputy Grand Master ( Col . Vernon ) , and officers designate , the Great Prior of England , the Seneschal , the Primate , the
Knights Templar.
Arch-Chancellor , the Great Constable , the Great Marshal , the Arch-Registrar , his Royal Highness ' s Chamberlain , having left the Great Priory , adjourned to the Prince ' s private room to receive his Royal Hi ghness . When the reception was
ovei , these officers retired , except the Chamber-Iain , who remained for the purpose of robing the Prince . Shortl y afterwards , notification was g iven to the Aides-de-Camp that the Grand Master Elect was ready . The Aides-de-Camp having
announced to the Grand Priory the arrival of the Grand Master Elect , the Prince was conducted by the Great Officers Designate of Convent General , in inverted order , juniors first , to the Grand Priory . Their arrival at the Priory was announced
by a great flourish of trumpets , and the doors having been thrown open , they proceeded under the Arch of Steel towards the dais , the organ playing the National Anthem . At this moment the scene was most striking . The Kni ghts ,
wearing their mantles and swords and the insignia of their various offices , stood ranged in order from the doorway to the dais at the farther end of the room , with their swords raised and crossed . The room was hung with scarlet , decorated with
innumerable banners , and brilliantl y illuminated , the Sepulchre , with the cross , bearing the figure of our Saviour , being placed in the middle of the room . His Royal Hi ghness was received on the dais b y the Great Prior of Ireland , the Grand
Master Emeritus of England , the Past Deputy Grand Master and Sub-Prior of Ireland , R . W . Shekleton ; the Deputy Grand Master , thc Rev-John Huyshe ; The Deputy Grand Master Emeritus , Colonel Vernon . The Installing
Officer on the throne having p laced the Grand Master Elect on his right , the Grand Master Emeritus Stuart on his left , the Deputy Grand Master ( the Rev . J . Huyshe ) next the Prince the Past Deputy Grand Master and Sub-Prior of
Ireland , ( R . W . Shekleton ) next Grand Master Stuart , and the Past Deputy Grand Master ( Colonel Vernon ) , next the Rev . J . Huyshe , the Installing Officer opened the Convent General ,
and called upon the Arch Registrar to read the statute of election . The Installing Officer then put the following questions to the Grand Master Elect : —
Installing Officer : Are you ready and willing to undertake the supreme governmf nt of these Orders in England and Ireland , and the dependencies of the British Crown ?
His Royal Highness : I am . Installing Officer : Will you observe all things that will promote the well-being and dignity thereof ? His Royal Highness : I will .
Installing Officer : Will you protect and uphold the same to the best of your ability ? His Royal Highness : I will . Installing Officer : You will not acknowled ge any superior , co-ordinate , or inferior jurisdiction ?
His Royal Hi ghness : I will not . Installing Officer : You will not permit any authority or prerogative to be infringed ? His Royal Highness : I will not . Installing Officer : You will uphold the
Queen s supremacy ? His Royal Hi ghness : I will . Installing Officer : You will judge all equally without distinction of rank ? His Royal Hi ghness : I will . The Primate thereupon offered up the
following prayer : " O Lord , who ruleth the hearts of the greatest and humblest on earth , imbue this Thy servant and our Governor with a portion of Thy Divine
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now 10 s . per annum , post-free , payable in advance .
Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . 6 d . Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . od . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . od .
Vol . V ., ditto 15 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 23 . 6 d . Ditto ditto 4 do . ... is . 6 d .
United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 S . per annum , payable in advance . The Freemason is published on Saturday Mornings in time for the early trains .
The price of the Freemason is Twopence per week ; annual Subscription , 10 s . ( payable in advance . ) AH communications , letters , & c , to be addressed to the Editor , JoS , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editorwill pay careful attention to allMSS . entrusted to him , but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
NOTICE . All Communications , Advertisements , isfc , intended fur insertion in the Number of the following Saturday , must reach the Office not later than 6 o ' clock on IFednesday evening .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
The following communications stand over : —Consecration of tile Lodge of Fraternity , Stockton-on-Tees ; Reports of Lodges 6 73 , 765 , 1051 ; Mark Lodges 19 , 43 . REMITTANCES RECEIVED . Dr . W . Sedgwick , New Town , New South Wales . P . O . O . 14 / paying Subscriptions from No . 216 to 279 .
Liverpool Theatres, &C.
Week ending April 19 . ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE , Limc-strcct . —Leasee Bro . E . Sakcr . New drama , "Silhors to Grind . " OYAi ~ AMiMliTHEATRErGrcari ^^ Urn .. H . Leslie . Mr : E . Falconer's drama " Eileen Oge . "
PKlNLli OF WALES lHEAlKE , Clayton-square . —Lessee Mr . iSelton Parry . Mr . J . K . Ktunvjlt in a popular drama . HBATRE ROYAL Williamson-square . —Lessee , Bio . De Frecce . Burlesque of " The Coraican llrothers , " and Miscellaneous Entertainment . ST . JAMES'S HALL , Limc-strcct . —S ' roprictor , Bro . S . Hague . Special Artistes and Easter Programme . EW STAR MUMC HALL , Wii . iamson . aqitarc . —Manager , Bro . Saundm . Opera , and Special Easter Attractions .
ROTUNDA THEATRE and MUSIC HALL . —1 ' roprictor , Mr . D . Granncll . Miscellaneous Entertainments . /" vTjEEN'S HA 1 . I ~ Mr . 1 lar y LUtons' " Merry Moments . ' TwFlNORST . JAMES HALL . I ' rolcssor Hermann ' s illusions
TheFreemason, SATURDAY , ATRIL 12 , 187 , 3 .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
One of the grandest and most interesting Masonic festivals which have betn celebrated in London for many years , took place at Willis ' s Rooms , on Monday , 7 th inst ., on the occasion of the union of the Grand Conclave of Masonic
Kni g hts Templar of England , and the Grand Conclave of Hi g h Knights Templars of Ireland , together wth the installation of his Royal Hi ghness the Prince of Wales as Grand Master of the
United Orders . Great interest was manifested in the event , and the muster of Knights was very large , including nearly all the Officers of the English Order , viz : Sir Knig ht William Stuart , Most Eminent and
Knights Templar.
Supreme Grand Master ; Sir Kni g ht the Rev . J . Huyshe , M . A ., Very Hi g h and Eminent Deputy Grand Master ; Sir Kni ght Col . G . A . Vernon , Past Deputy Grand Master ; Sir Knight Ri ght
Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , Grand Seneschal ; Sir Knight Ri g ht Hon . the Earl of Limerick , Grand Prior ; Col . C . Lyne , Grand Sub-Prior ; Rev . E . Moore , M . A ., Grand Prelate ; C . R . N .
Beswicke-Royds , First Grand Captain ; Lieut-Col . H . C . Fitzgerald , Second Grand Captain ; Sir Patrick Colquhon , Q . C ., LL . D ., Grand Chancellor ; W . Tinkler , Grand Vice-Chancellor ; Joseph
Lavender , Grand Registrar ; C . Goolden , M . A ., Grand Treasurer ; Lyons Wright , Grand Chamberlain ; Rev . P . H . Newnham , Grand Hospitaller ; J . Lambert Sim , Grand Director of Ceremonies ;
J . F . Starkey , Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies ; W . Hyde Pullen , Grand Superintendent of Works ; F . W . H . Ramsay , M . D . , Grand Constable ; Emra Holmes , Grand Provost ;
Rev . C . Dowson , Grand Almoner ; G . Lambert Grand Warden of Regalia ; J . R . Bramble ' First Grand Expert ; S . Rosenthal , Second Grand Expert ; G . Jones , First Grand Standard Bearer ,
R . H . Hutchinson , Second Grand Standard Bearer ; J . D . Moore , M . D ., Third Grand Standard Bearer ; A . C . Mott , Fourth Grand Standard Bearer ; Sir Knig ht Pieston J . Wallis , First Grand
Aide-de-Camp ; George Barton , Past First Grand Aide-de-Camp ; J . Read , Second Grand Aidede-Camp ; E . Turner , First Grand Captain of Lines ; J . Fletcher , Second Grand Captain of
Lines ; W . II . Maby , First Grand Herald ; J . R . Poulter , Second Grand Herald ; Wilhelm Ganz , Grand Organist ; A . Horsfall , Grand Sword Bearer . The Grand Officers of the Irish
Conclave are : His Grace Augustus Frederick Duke of Leinster , M . E . and Supreme Grand Master ; Robert W . Shekleton , Deputy Grand Master ; George Johnston , M . D ., Grand Captain-General ;
Captain George Huband , Grand Marshal ; John Ringland , M . D ., Grand Treasurer ; Chas . D Walmisley , Recorder or Sec . ; Rev . John J . MacSorley , Grand Prelate ; Richard B . de Burgh ,
Grand Standard Bearer ; Wm . J . O Donovan , LL . D ., Grand Sword Bearer ; John A . Baker Grand Senior A . D . C . ; Capt A . Vesey Davoren , Grand Junior'A . D . C . ; Edward Hamilton , M . D .,
many oC whom were in attendance . It is understood that onl y one kni ght of the Scottish order was present . Not unlikely there will be an
endeavour made before long to unite the Scottish order of Kni g hts Templar with the English and Irish , and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales would then be invited to act as Grand
Master of all . At five o ' clock a special Grand Priory of England was opened , after which the Great Prior of England Designate took his seat in the second
circle below the dais , on the right hand of the Deputy Grand Master , the dais itself being left vacant . The Prince of Wales , who came in the most unostentatious ' manner , arrived about six
o ' clock , and was received b y the Aides-de-Camp at the entrance . The following officers : the Grand Master Emeritus Stuart , the Past Deputy Grand Master and Sub-Prior of Ireland ( R . W .
Shekelton ) , the Deputy Grand Master ( the Rev . John Huyshe ) , the Past Deputy Grand Master ( Col . Vernon ) , and officers designate , the Great Prior of England , the Seneschal , the Primate , the
Knights Templar.
Arch-Chancellor , the Great Constable , the Great Marshal , the Arch-Registrar , his Royal Highness ' s Chamberlain , having left the Great Priory , adjourned to the Prince ' s private room to receive his Royal Hi ghness . When the reception was
ovei , these officers retired , except the Chamber-Iain , who remained for the purpose of robing the Prince . Shortl y afterwards , notification was g iven to the Aides-de-Camp that the Grand Master Elect was ready . The Aides-de-Camp having
announced to the Grand Priory the arrival of the Grand Master Elect , the Prince was conducted by the Great Officers Designate of Convent General , in inverted order , juniors first , to the Grand Priory . Their arrival at the Priory was announced
by a great flourish of trumpets , and the doors having been thrown open , they proceeded under the Arch of Steel towards the dais , the organ playing the National Anthem . At this moment the scene was most striking . The Kni ghts ,
wearing their mantles and swords and the insignia of their various offices , stood ranged in order from the doorway to the dais at the farther end of the room , with their swords raised and crossed . The room was hung with scarlet , decorated with
innumerable banners , and brilliantl y illuminated , the Sepulchre , with the cross , bearing the figure of our Saviour , being placed in the middle of the room . His Royal Hi ghness was received on the dais b y the Great Prior of Ireland , the Grand
Master Emeritus of England , the Past Deputy Grand Master and Sub-Prior of Ireland , R . W . Shekleton ; the Deputy Grand Master , thc Rev-John Huyshe ; The Deputy Grand Master Emeritus , Colonel Vernon . The Installing
Officer on the throne having p laced the Grand Master Elect on his right , the Grand Master Emeritus Stuart on his left , the Deputy Grand Master ( the Rev . J . Huyshe ) next the Prince the Past Deputy Grand Master and Sub-Prior of
Ireland , ( R . W . Shekleton ) next Grand Master Stuart , and the Past Deputy Grand Master ( Colonel Vernon ) , next the Rev . J . Huyshe , the Installing Officer opened the Convent General ,
and called upon the Arch Registrar to read the statute of election . The Installing Officer then put the following questions to the Grand Master Elect : —
Installing Officer : Are you ready and willing to undertake the supreme governmf nt of these Orders in England and Ireland , and the dependencies of the British Crown ?
His Royal Highness : I am . Installing Officer : Will you observe all things that will promote the well-being and dignity thereof ? His Royal Highness : I will .
Installing Officer : Will you protect and uphold the same to the best of your ability ? His Royal Highness : I will . Installing Officer : You will not acknowled ge any superior , co-ordinate , or inferior jurisdiction ?
His Royal Hi ghness : I will not . Installing Officer : You will not permit any authority or prerogative to be infringed ? His Royal Highness : I will not . Installing Officer : You will uphold the
Queen s supremacy ? His Royal Hi ghness : I will . Installing Officer : You will judge all equally without distinction of rank ? His Royal Hi ghness : I will . The Primate thereupon offered up the
following prayer : " O Lord , who ruleth the hearts of the greatest and humblest on earth , imbue this Thy servant and our Governor with a portion of Thy Divine