Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article NOW READY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Table Of Contents.
i-AOE . ROY . M . ARCH MASOSWI ... I £ xuKi : ri * s FIIOU A MASONIO . ScKAr-BOOK 2
REVIEWS" Grand Chapter ot Scotland s Reporter ... 2 " My Own Pliil . dogy" 2 " Masonic Monthly" . .. ... ... 3 " Proceedings of tlio Grand Lodge of Canada " ... 3 r *\ ' * ii * nESTiN * o MASONIC NAUK . VTIVE 3
'fur . CBAFTMetropolitan ... ... ... 4 Provincial ... ... 4 Ireland ... 4 TUB HOYATJ Alien—Metropolitan ... ... ... 4 Ononis OF Cmv . u .
itv—Knights Templar—Foreign 5 Hod Cross of Constantino—Foreign 5 MASONIC FKJIAI . E OUPIIAN SCHOOL , DUBLIN £ MASONIC MELTINGS FOII NKXT WEEK 5
ORIGINAL COIIIU * SI ' > KXCKUniformity of Ritual aud Ceremony ... ... V Allegorical Sculptures iu Me < li . 'e ** a ! Churches ... 7 Freemasons as Arbitrators .. 7 Royal Aich Masonry ... .. 7
Tho Princo of Wales and Masonry ... ... ... i The Chair Degree 7 FiiEsCii MASONIC LITEUATURK 7 PAPKRS ON MASONIIV—No . X . —Masonry and Atheism i >
Now Ready.
Cases to hold 4 copies of The Freemason , " 1 / 6 . Cases to hold 52 copies of ' ' The Freemason , " 2 / G . With Tine FBBKMASON emblematically depleted , and other Masonic emblems in gold . I To be bad at tho Offices , 3 & 4 , Little Britain .
Royal Arch Masonry.
BY THE SON OF SAI . ATUIKI .. ( Continued . ) [ The rights of translation and reproduction reserved . - ] The discovery of Enoch ' s subterranean temple is alleged to havo taken place in tho reign of
Holomon , and the tradition states that tho king , ewembering the promise of God to Moses that 1 lis holy name should be revealed in thc fullness of time , resolved to build and consecrate a temple
to tho glory of the Most Hi gh , being well assured that tlie sacred treasure would not be recovered 'mill tlie foundations of tho House of tho Lord were laid . Ho therefore collected vnst treasure *? , ind following the plan that David , his father ,
Royal Arch Masonry.
had commissioned him to execute , the building of the Temple was commenced , in the fourth year of King Solomon ' s reign , upon the most healthful and beautiful plain in all Jerusalem . In digging for the foundation the workmen
discovered an ancient edifice , in which were also found many splendid things—such as vases of gold and silver , curiously chased urns , and columns of marble , porphyry , jasper , agate , and other precious stones—all of which were collected
and carried to King Solomon , who , after mature deliberation , arrived at the conclusion that the ruins were those of an ancient temple erected before the deluge , and possibl y to the service of some false god . fearing , therefore , that the
temple might bo profaned thereby , he ordered the workmen to abandon the ruins , and proceeded to erect the temple iu the midst of the sacred Mount Moriah . After the dedication of the Lord ' s House , Solomon directed certain musters
or overseers of the work to search again amongst tho ancient ruins ; and the legend records the particulars ofthe discovery which thoso brethren effected , and for which thoy were specially rewarded by tho King .
The honours conferred upon thoso fortunate Masters , excited however , the jealousy and envy of certain brethren , who complained to Soiouion that they were not admitted to a participation of his confidence aud affection , when thc
monarch replied that ho could not advance them to higher dignities until the proper timo had arrived , and that tho other brethren had merited proferment by their zeal in working , aud their constancy in tho pursuit of a dillicult and dangerous enterprise .
'Ihe excluded brethren were enraged at tho refusal of thoir request , and determined to go themselves to tho ancient ruins , where , by searching underground , they hoped to obtain the remnant of the treasures therein deposited .
They accordingly departed tho next morning at break of day , and , having discovered the entrance to tho cavity by raising tho mystic ring , they descended with a ladder of ropes , and , aided by thc light of torches , until the last man
had penetrated into tho deepest vault , when tho nine arches foil in upon them , utterly destroying all trace of those haughty and ambitious masons . 'Iho King was soon apprised of this singular disaster , and ordered threo brethren to pmci' - ' l
Royal Arch Masonry.
to tlie ruins and report to him the full particulars of the catastrophe . On their arrival at the place tl .. * three craftsmen were unable to find the nine arches , nor could they ascertain that one of the disobedient ' masters who hod
entered into the bowels of the earth , had escaped tho general destruction . They examinedl ^ the spot with great diligence , and observed a few pieces of marble scattered about . Of these they took charge , and returned to King Solomon , to
whom they made a full report of the sad fate which had overtaken the presumptuous masters . Solomon , having ordered thu pieces of marble to be carefully , put together , found inscribed upon them certain hieroglyphics which , when
interpreted , clearly demonstrated that tho pieces formed part of the marble column of Enoch , and that the nine arches led to the temple -which that holy pitriarch had erected to tlie honour and glory of the true and living God .
Thc King ordered the marble to bo carefully preserved , aud placed in thc sanctum sanctorum , where it remained until the capture of Jerusalem by Nebuzaradan , when it was destroyed by the brethren themselves , lest it should be profaned by the hands ofthe idolaters .
It may bc mentioned hero that tho explanations and illustrations of tho traditions whicb . assign the origin of Royal Arch Masonry to tho
timo before tho flood , are , however beautiful , quite irreconcileable with the legends related in our English " Holy Royal Chapters of Jerusalem . "
The No . 81 is considered a sacred Masonic number , and refers to the different ages of the world in which the namo of God was known to His servants under various appellations . The table given is as follows , the original words
being omitted for obvious reasons , and tho English significations substituted : — 3 All Puissant . 3 Divine Light . 3 Striking Litfht .
5 He is what He shall bo . 5 God Himself alone . 5 God Eternal . 7 O Thou that art eternal . 7 Sustain us by Thy mighty power that w »
may always assist and lovo each other . 7 Brilliant God . 9 Mercy of God . 9 In God is my faith . 9 The Lord Almighty , I am that I am . 81 The Great Name .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
i-AOE . ROY . M . ARCH MASOSWI ... I £ xuKi : ri * s FIIOU A MASONIO . ScKAr-BOOK 2
REVIEWS" Grand Chapter ot Scotland s Reporter ... 2 " My Own Pliil . dogy" 2 " Masonic Monthly" . .. ... ... 3 " Proceedings of tlio Grand Lodge of Canada " ... 3 r *\ ' * ii * nESTiN * o MASONIC NAUK . VTIVE 3
'fur . CBAFTMetropolitan ... ... ... 4 Provincial ... ... 4 Ireland ... 4 TUB HOYATJ Alien—Metropolitan ... ... ... 4 Ononis OF Cmv . u .
itv—Knights Templar—Foreign 5 Hod Cross of Constantino—Foreign 5 MASONIC FKJIAI . E OUPIIAN SCHOOL , DUBLIN £ MASONIC MELTINGS FOII NKXT WEEK 5
ORIGINAL COIIIU * SI ' > KXCKUniformity of Ritual aud Ceremony ... ... V Allegorical Sculptures iu Me < li . 'e ** a ! Churches ... 7 Freemasons as Arbitrators .. 7 Royal Aich Masonry ... .. 7
Tho Princo of Wales and Masonry ... ... ... i The Chair Degree 7 FiiEsCii MASONIC LITEUATURK 7 PAPKRS ON MASONIIV—No . X . —Masonry and Atheism i >
Now Ready.
Cases to hold 4 copies of The Freemason , " 1 / 6 . Cases to hold 52 copies of ' ' The Freemason , " 2 / G . With Tine FBBKMASON emblematically depleted , and other Masonic emblems in gold . I To be bad at tho Offices , 3 & 4 , Little Britain .
Royal Arch Masonry.
BY THE SON OF SAI . ATUIKI .. ( Continued . ) [ The rights of translation and reproduction reserved . - ] The discovery of Enoch ' s subterranean temple is alleged to havo taken place in tho reign of
Holomon , and the tradition states that tho king , ewembering the promise of God to Moses that 1 lis holy name should be revealed in thc fullness of time , resolved to build and consecrate a temple
to tho glory of the Most Hi gh , being well assured that tlie sacred treasure would not be recovered 'mill tlie foundations of tho House of tho Lord were laid . Ho therefore collected vnst treasure *? , ind following the plan that David , his father ,
Royal Arch Masonry.
had commissioned him to execute , the building of the Temple was commenced , in the fourth year of King Solomon ' s reign , upon the most healthful and beautiful plain in all Jerusalem . In digging for the foundation the workmen
discovered an ancient edifice , in which were also found many splendid things—such as vases of gold and silver , curiously chased urns , and columns of marble , porphyry , jasper , agate , and other precious stones—all of which were collected
and carried to King Solomon , who , after mature deliberation , arrived at the conclusion that the ruins were those of an ancient temple erected before the deluge , and possibl y to the service of some false god . fearing , therefore , that the
temple might bo profaned thereby , he ordered the workmen to abandon the ruins , and proceeded to erect the temple iu the midst of the sacred Mount Moriah . After the dedication of the Lord ' s House , Solomon directed certain musters
or overseers of the work to search again amongst tho ancient ruins ; and the legend records the particulars ofthe discovery which thoso brethren effected , and for which thoy were specially rewarded by tho King .
The honours conferred upon thoso fortunate Masters , excited however , the jealousy and envy of certain brethren , who complained to Soiouion that they were not admitted to a participation of his confidence aud affection , when thc
monarch replied that ho could not advance them to higher dignities until the proper timo had arrived , and that tho other brethren had merited proferment by their zeal in working , aud their constancy in tho pursuit of a dillicult and dangerous enterprise .
'Ihe excluded brethren were enraged at tho refusal of thoir request , and determined to go themselves to tho ancient ruins , where , by searching underground , they hoped to obtain the remnant of the treasures therein deposited .
They accordingly departed tho next morning at break of day , and , having discovered the entrance to tho cavity by raising tho mystic ring , they descended with a ladder of ropes , and , aided by thc light of torches , until the last man
had penetrated into tho deepest vault , when tho nine arches foil in upon them , utterly destroying all trace of those haughty and ambitious masons . 'Iho King was soon apprised of this singular disaster , and ordered threo brethren to pmci' - ' l
Royal Arch Masonry.
to tlie ruins and report to him the full particulars of the catastrophe . On their arrival at the place tl .. * three craftsmen were unable to find the nine arches , nor could they ascertain that one of the disobedient ' masters who hod
entered into the bowels of the earth , had escaped tho general destruction . They examinedl ^ the spot with great diligence , and observed a few pieces of marble scattered about . Of these they took charge , and returned to King Solomon , to
whom they made a full report of the sad fate which had overtaken the presumptuous masters . Solomon , having ordered thu pieces of marble to be carefully , put together , found inscribed upon them certain hieroglyphics which , when
interpreted , clearly demonstrated that tho pieces formed part of the marble column of Enoch , and that the nine arches led to the temple -which that holy pitriarch had erected to tlie honour and glory of the true and living God .
Thc King ordered the marble to bo carefully preserved , aud placed in thc sanctum sanctorum , where it remained until the capture of Jerusalem by Nebuzaradan , when it was destroyed by the brethren themselves , lest it should be profaned by the hands ofthe idolaters .
It may bc mentioned hero that tho explanations and illustrations of tho traditions whicb . assign the origin of Royal Arch Masonry to tho
timo before tho flood , are , however beautiful , quite irreconcileable with the legends related in our English " Holy Royal Chapters of Jerusalem . "
The No . 81 is considered a sacred Masonic number , and refers to the different ages of the world in which the namo of God was known to His servants under various appellations . The table given is as follows , the original words
being omitted for obvious reasons , and tho English significations substituted : — 3 All Puissant . 3 Divine Light . 3 Striking Litfht .
5 He is what He shall bo . 5 God Himself alone . 5 God Eternal . 7 O Thou that art eternal . 7 Sustain us by Thy mighty power that w »
may always assist and lovo each other . 7 Brilliant God . 9 Mercy of God . 9 In God is my faith . 9 The Lord Almighty , I am that I am . 81 The Great Name .