Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 2 →
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Table Of Contents.
R EPORT S OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 245 Royal Arch , 245 RedjCross of Constantine 245 Scotland 246 C ORRESPONDENCE : — His Holiness and thc Most Worshipful 247 The 1717 Assertion 247
HcJgian Benevolent -society 247 precedence ., 245 The Mark Degree 247 O IUTUARY : — 13 ro . T . Haworth 248 Bro . A . W . O'Ncil 24 S liro . R . Battershv 24 S Uro . J . S . Rcdfern 247 Masonic Tidings 24 S
Laying the Foundation Stone of Rothesay Aquarium 249 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 249 Masonic Medals 250 ] lro . Capt . Boy ton 250 Masonic Bibliography 250 The Arctic Expedition J 251 Grand Mark Lodge 251 Masonic Notes and Queries 251 Royal'Masonic Institution for Boys 2 < 3 l . odg ' - * Meetings fnr n vt wei-fc 254 Advertisements i . II . 111 . u . » . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Graft llasonm
PROVINCIAL . DERBY . —HARTINGTON * LODOK ( NO . 1085 ) . —On Wednesday evening , the 2 nd inst ., thc monthly meeting of this lodge was holden at the Masonic' Hall , at which the following brethren were present : —Bros . Henry T . Bobart ,
P . P . G . S . B ., W . M . ; F . Iliffe , P . J . G . W ., I . P . M . ; S . Pipes , S . W . ; W . Hcathcote , J . W . ; M . II . Bobart , P . P . S . G . W . ; P . M ., Treas . ; J . Worsnop , P . P . G . P ., P . M ., Sec ; Thco . Hills , S . D . ; , ( . H . Biggs , as J . D . ; J . Hcathcote , I . G . ; W . Stone , Tyler ; J . M . Moore , P . M ., P . P . G . R . ; J . T . Eaton , J . E . Russell , J . O . Manton , Matthew Hill , W . Butterfield , James Parkins , jun .
Visitor : G . T . Wright , P . M . 1 he lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer at 7 . 30 p . m . The circular convening the meeting was first read , and afterwards the minutes of the previous meeting , which were duly confirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . Bro . James Parkins , jun ., was then called upon by the W . M . to show his proficiency in the former degree , and ,
having satisfied thc brethren , he was entrusted and retired . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree . Bro . Parkins was admitted and duly raised to thc Third or Sublime Degree of a Master Mason by thc W . M . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Bro . Iliffe , P . M ., in the name of the lodge , then presented to Bro . M . II . Bobart , P . M . Treas ., a handsome Past Master's jewel , as a recognition
of his services and a token of sincere esteem . The jewel bore thc following inscription : — "Presented by the Hartington Lodge Mo . 1085 to Bro . M . 11 . Bobart , P . M ., /' . (' . S . G . W ., in recognition of his valuable services to the lodge since its formation . 2 nd June , 1875 . " Bro . M . II . Bobart acknowledged thc kindness of the brethren , assuring Ihcm that his humble services would always be at their
disposal , and that he should value thc jewel they had just presented him with asa lasting memento of their kindness . The lodge was then closed according to ancient custom , and adjourned until the 7 th July . ROMFORD . —LIHEHTY OF HAVERING LODGE ( No . 1437 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at thc White Hart Hotel , Romford , on Wednesday , May 26 .
Amongst those present were Bros . J . Tydeman , W . M . ; Knox , P . M ., acting as I . P . M . ; E . West , S . W . ; B . Braysiiaw , | . W . ; Patmore , J . D . ; Navlor , I . ' ' . ; T . Bishop , Treas . * ; J . Ellis . Sec . ; J . Gamett , W . S . ; Bros . Playl , W . Farley , J . H . Whisker , and others . Thc lodge wna opened in thc First Degree . The minutes of previous meetings were read and confirmed . Bros . Earley , Whisker , and
Playl , candidates for thc Second Degree , were entrusted , and retired . The lodge having been opened in the Second Degree , they were readmitted and passed to the degree of F . C . The brethren next proceeded to the election of W . M . for thc ensuing year , when their choice was unanimous in favour of Bro . E . West , S . W . and P P . G . S . D ., Herts . Bro . T . F . Bishop was for thc third time elected Treasurer , and
Bro . Steedman , Tyler . Bros . Naylor and Patmore were appointed on the Audit Committee . A Past Master ' s jewel was unanimously voted to Bro . Tydeman , W . M ., in recognition of the untiring zeal displayed by him for the welfare of the lodge , and thc admirable way he had fulfilled his duties as W . M . for thc past year . Two brethren were proposed as joining members . A vote of thanks was
proposed and carried to Bro . Naylor for representing this lodge as Steward at the last annual festival of the Girls' School . The lodge was adjourned until the fourth Wednesday in June ( when thc Installation of thc W . M . elect and invistilurc of officers will take place ) . HALLIFORD . —TIIAMKS VAI . I . KV I . OIIOK ( NO . 1460 ) . — This lodge met at thc Ship Hotel , Halliford , on Saturday
last . liro . the Rev . Dr . Brette , of Christ ' s Hospital , W . M ., presided , and among thc numerous brethren who attended were Colonel Peters , I . P . M . ; W . T . Howe , Asst . S . W . ; | . L . Jones , J . W . ; W . Paas , Treas . ; . 1 G . Matsh , ' Sec . ; II . II . 151-thc , J . W . ; II . R . I'owan , W . Swccilnnd , Robert Stone , Joseph Davis , Y < rnon Lockwood , C . I . Davis , J . Evans Kershaw ,
Wiarlcs Scmplc , W . 11 . Doyle , and T . IS . Yeoman . There were also several visitors present , and among these were Bros . F . E . Ilafcly , of thc Republic Lodge * o . fino , New York State ; T . R . Gibson , No . 144 ft ; George Townseud , S . W . No . 754 ; II . C . Levander , Ko . 742 ; E . Roberts , l \ M . No . 192 ; 11 . Massey ( Freemason ) , P . M . No . 619 ; J . W . Lcvick , No . 15 i ;
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
H . II . Collins , No . 23 ; and P . Collins , No . 12 . 93 . Dr " Brette opened the lodge , and afterwards Bro . J . G . Marsh , Sec , passed Bro . II . II . Blythe to the Second Degree . He afterwards raised Bros . C . Scmplc , W . Sweetland , J . E . Kershaw , C . J . Davis , and J . W . H . R . Gowan , and subsequently initiated Messrs . Mark Davis and E . C . Hislop . The lodge then elected Bro . Edward Scmplc , No .
14 , as a joining member . Bro . Colonel Peters , I . P . M ., proposed , and the W . M . seconded , thc gift of five guineas to thc Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , to be placed on Bro . Marsh ' s list as the Steward representing this lodge at thc late festival . The motion was adopted unanimously , and the W . M . proposed , and Bro . Colonel Peters , I . P . M ., seconded , the recommendation of Bro . W . T . Howe , who
was acting as S . W . to thc Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex , for the office of Provincial Grand Steward . This motion was also unanimously carried , the brethren entertaining thc same views as the W . M ., that Bro . Howe ' s services to thc lodge had been very great . The report of thc Audit Committee was read and received , and thc brethren shortly afterwards closed the lodge , and
sat down to a choice banquet supplied by Bro . R . Stone . The time unfortunately was very short , as thc brethren occupied three hours continuniT-ly in completing thc wuik of the lodge , and there were not two hours'left for dispatching the banquet and catching thc last train to town . The speeches were consequently of thc briefest description after banquet , and they were not even relieved by thc pleasant
musical efforts which several members of the lodge are famous for . Bro . J . G . Marsh responded for thc Provincial Grand" Master and Oflicers . Col . Peters proposed "The W . M ., " of whom he assured the brethren too much could not be said favourably . The W . M . in reply said that when he accepted thc office he promised he would do thc best in his power , and when his year of office had expired he boned it would be found he had been faithful to his
promise . He then proposed , " The I . P . M ., Col . Peters , " who , in responding , said it had been a great pleasure to him that the lodge had prospered as it had . Under thc auspices of the present W . M . success would continue to attend it , and he hoped to live to sec a great many Past Masters sitting alongside him . There was 110 want of thc good stuff in the province of which W . M ' s . were made , and he did not think there was any better than was to be found in thc W . M . The initiates who had been introduced
to the lodge he had great hopes of in this respect , and with such material the lodge would become an honour to the Craft . The W . M . proposed "Thc Initiates , " Bros . M . Davis and E . C . Hislop respectively replying . Afterwards thc W . M . proposed , " The Visitors , " and called upon Bro . II . C . Levander , who on thc Wednesday preceding had been elected on thc Board of General Purposes , to respond .
Bro . Levander replied , and said that all thc visitors as well as himself had felt thc greatest possible pleasure at being present on that occasion , and which he hoped would not be the last . Br < j . W . Paas , Treasurer , replied for the officers of thc lodge , and alluded especially to Bro . W . T . Howe , who he was glad to see occupying the post of S . W ., and whose services all the brethren were
so well aware of . For himself , as ' 1 reasurer , he would simply say that as long as they gave him their money he should be happy to do all he could for their comfort and happiness at that table ; but if they kept him short he could not dispense hospitality . I Ic was always happy to make the brethren comfortable . Thc W . M . next gave a special toast for Bro . Howe , who had always been ready
to do any work he might be called upon for , and who did it , when called upon , well and thoroughly . Bro . W . T . Howe replied , and promised the brethren that if health and strength were vouchsafed to him , he would continue to do in the future as he had done in the past . I laving been recommended to the Provincial Grand Master for grand
office he should feci the greatest happiness in representing this lodge , and he trusted he should do his duty as Steward ai well as he had performed his duties in that lodge , and in thc Prince Leopold Lodge , of which he was a founder . The toast ot "The MaM-nic Piece " anil the Tyler ' s toast brought thc meeting to a close .
Royal Arch.
Soral awl !
WILLIAM PRESTON CHAPTER ( No . 1 (>(>) . —A meeting of this chapter was held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Thursday , the 27 th May , the following companions being present : Comps . William Worrell , M . E . Z . ; Capt . G . J . Kain , II . ; George Newman , S . N . ; Henry Garrod , S . E . ; W . E . Newton , Treas . ; A . Braun , 1 st A . Soj . ; Dr . Kcmpster , 2 nd A . Soj . ; Dr . Culmorc , J . T .
Gibson , J . M . Klenck , P . Slc ' mman , II . F . Partridge . Visitors , 1 Icnry Thompson , P . / .., and G . I . cmann , Z . 80 , 0 . The business of the evening consisted of the installation of Principals , investment of oflicers , and exaltation of four candidates , viz ., Bros . E . T . Brookes , 574 ; W . G . Churchward , 1139 ; Francis Juce , 70 ft ; and \ V . Manfield Newton , 7 fif > . Comp . Capt . G . J . Kain was installed as
M . E . Z . ; Com ]) . George Newman as J . ; and the officers invested were : Comps . William Worrell , S . E . ; I Icnry Garrod , Treas . ; Augustus Braun , S . N . ; Dr . Kcmpster , P . S . ; W . E . Newton , 1 st A . Soj . ; Dr . Culmorc , 2 nd A . Soj . Owing to the absence of Com ]) . R . Harland Whiteman , through illness , his installation as II . will take place at a future meeting . This chapter , like the lodge from whence it takes its name , has been made a banner chapter , they
being supplied by Comp . George kenning , ami were much admired by the companions present . A very handsome jewel was presented to Com ]) . William Worrell , to mark the valuable services he had rendered to the chapter during thc past year as the first M . E . Z . All Masonic business being ended the chapter was closed in due form , and thc companions adjourned . to an excellent banquet , presided over by Capt . Kain , M . E . Z ., when the usual Masonic toasts were g iven and ics ; ) oudod to with great effect .
Royal Arch.
BOLTON . —ST . JoiiN ' sCiiAi > TEii ( No .-t 4 S ) - —The regular meeting of this chapter was held at the Bull ' s ! lead Inn . Bradshawgatc , Bolton , on Thursday , 3 rd June . Amongst those present were Comps . James Newton , P . Z . ; Jas . Horrocks , II . ; Robt . Harwood , P . Z . P . Prov . G . St . " B . ; J . Thos . Chambers , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; My . Ainsworth , Scribe , N . ; Jas . Mall , P . Z . 210 , Z . 1055 , Prov . G . Pr . Soj . ; Edwin
Brookes , Z . 325 , Prov . G . St . B . ; Robt . I . uthy , No . 37 , and others . The chapter having been opened , and the minutes of thc preceding meeting read and confirmed , Com ]) . Hall , assisted by Com ]) . Brookes , proceeded to instal thc Principals elect , and to invest the officers , viz .: Comps . Jas . 1 lorrocks , Z . ; Robt . Harwood , H . ; Hy . Ainsworth , J . ; Thos . Chambers , E . ; Robt . Glaister , N . ;
Jas . Allen , Pr . Soj . ; Thos . Wilson , Treas . ; Chas . Walker , Janitor . At thc conclusion of thc ceremonies of installaticn and investiture , a cordial vote of thanks was passed to Comps . Hall and Brookes for their attendance and services . Two candidates for exaltation were balloted for and approved , and thc chapter was then closed . LIVERPOOL . —MARINERS' CHAPTER ( No . 240 ) . —Thc
annual meeting of this flourishing chapter , after a singularly prosperous year , wno held on Thursday , the zotll ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool . CompiW . Doyle , M . E . Z ., presided at thc opening , and amongst the others present were Comps . W . Jones P . Z . ; H . Pearson , II . ; W . C . Bulman , J . ; J . S . Dixon , S . E . ; P . B . Gee , S . N . ; J . E . Jackson , P . S . ; J . Wood , Treas . ; and W . I I . Ball , Janitor .
1 he pnvale companions of thc chapter were represented hy Comps . W . Laidlaw , P . Z . 216 ; J . Ellis , R . Douglas , W . Curtis , J . Griffiths , AV . Fish , J . Archdeacon , J . Norminton , A . Davies , Rev . P . Hains , R . Carter , W . Roberts , M . Parkes , E . A . Wright , W . P . Jennings , J . II . Gregory , E . Carter , M . Davies , T . 11 . Hal ) , II . Firth , P . Robbie , J . Hughes , W . C . Webb , C . Leigh ton , and D . Lloyds . The visitors present were Comps . J . Hocken , P . Z . 220 and 67 ^ 5 ; W . T .
May , P . Z . 220 and 673 ; II . Burrows , 673 ; and J . Parsons , M . E . Z . 203 , and others . After the transaction of some business , Comp . Henry Pearson was installed M . E . Z of the chapter ; and thc other new appointments were Comps . W . C . Bulman , II . ; P . B . Gee , J . ; J . E . Jackson , P . S ; J . Wood . Trcas . ( re-elected for thc fifth lime ) ; A . Davies , S . E . ; Rev . P . Mains , S . N . ; and P . Ball , Janitor . The chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to banquet .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
Tun OiiioiNAi . on PREMIER CONCLAVE OF . ENGLAND . —The annual gathering of this celebrated conclave was held on Monday evening , the 31 st May , at thc Masonic Hall , Cafe Royal , Regent-street , " W ., for the installation of its oflicers and other business . . The conclave being opened according to ancient custom by thc M . P . S ., Sir Knt . II . Wentworth Little , P . M . P . S ., acting in the place of
the late lamented M . P . S ., Sir Knt . E . Sillifant , thc minutes of the last assembly of the conclave were r . a'l and confirmed . Thc following gentlemen were ballotted for , approved , and installed Knights of the Order : —Bros . Burleigh Tresseman , Lodge 200 , Old Globe , Scarborough ; John Mason , Lodge of Harmony , 300 ; Thomas Howe , 1441 ; , P . M . Prince Leopold , 1460 . On the conclusion of
the installation of thc aforementioned new Kni ghts companions , thc special business of the conclave commenced , which was the enthronement of the V . E . Sir Knt . T . Burdett Yeoman , Viceroy and M . P . S . elect , and the appointment of officers for the ensuing year are as follows Sir Knts . T . Burdett Yeoman , M . P . S . ; II . A . Dubois , V . ; Rev . Dr . E . Brette , S . G . ; Rev . J . M . Vaughan , I . G . ; Rev .
P . Melancthon Holden , I LP . ; T . Cubitt , Treas . ; R . Wentworth Little , Recorder ; II . C . Levander , Asst . Recorder ; T . Kingston , Orator ; A . Moore , Prefect ; J . Parker , Org . ; Col . J . Peters , Std . Bearer ; T . Massa , Herald ; E . II . Thicllay , 1 st Aide ; J . E . Symons , 2 nd A . D . C . ; J . Gilbert , Sentinel . Thc ceremony of iiml . 'illalinn bring finished , thc M . P . S . was warmly
greeted and congratulated b y the whole of thc Sir Kni ghts present . Thc conclave was closed after the Royal Standard of our departed Grand Sovereign had been safely deposited in ancient form . The Sir Knights adjourned to their banqueting hall to celebrate their annual festival . V . E . Sir Knt . T . Burdett Yeoman , M . P . S ., occupied the chair , and was supported on the right by Col . Francis Burdett ,
Grand viceroy , on the left by Sir Knt . R . Wentworth Little , P . S ., Grand Treasurer , and the rest cf thc officers beforcmentioncd , and thc following : —Sir Knts . Hubbard , P . S . ; J . G . Marsh , P . S . ; T . Moss , P . S . ; G . Kenning , P . S . ; T . Howe , Burleigh Tresseman , J . Mason , S . Palmer , A . F . Hand ; visitors—J . Thomas , P . S . ; I lytic Pullen , P . S . ; and others . Grace was sung by the following
eminent artists : —Miss Jessie Royd , Messrs . Stcdman and Frank Ellninre ; piano , II . Parker . On thc cloth being iv . moved , thc usual loyal and chivalric toasts were given , all of which were heartily responded to . Thc M . P . S . remarked that wherever the name of Her Majesty the Queen of England was mentioned it was always with thc highest respect , and that in her name old England stood out exalted
above all nations . On thc toast of " 11 . R . M . the Prince of Wales and thc rest of thc Royal Family" being given , it wan received with tremendous applause ; this was supplemented by a fewobscrvationsfrom the chair , that were very warmly applauded . On thc toast of "Thc Grand Sovereign , Sir Frederick M . Williams , Dart ., M . P ., " being given , it was replied to bv Colonel Francis Burdett , Grand Viceroy , i : i
his usual happy and felicitous style , at thc same tunc he paitl a very great compliment to the M . P . S ., who had been chosen to preside over the Premier Conclave . The . M . P . S . is most ready of speech , and thc whole of the toasts were given in a manner that nut with marked approval . The toasts were iiiler .: p : i red with sonn * splendid singing , and Ihe ballad song , " So please you , Sir , " rendered by Miss Royd , was received by an ovation of applause . Atten-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R EPORT S OF MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 245 Royal Arch , 245 RedjCross of Constantine 245 Scotland 246 C ORRESPONDENCE : — His Holiness and thc Most Worshipful 247 The 1717 Assertion 247
HcJgian Benevolent -society 247 precedence ., 245 The Mark Degree 247 O IUTUARY : — 13 ro . T . Haworth 248 Bro . A . W . O'Ncil 24 S liro . R . Battershv 24 S Uro . J . S . Rcdfern 247 Masonic Tidings 24 S
Laying the Foundation Stone of Rothesay Aquarium 249 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution 249 Masonic Medals 250 ] lro . Capt . Boy ton 250 Masonic Bibliography 250 The Arctic Expedition J 251 Grand Mark Lodge 251 Masonic Notes and Queries 251 Royal'Masonic Institution for Boys 2 < 3 l . odg ' - * Meetings fnr n vt wei-fc 254 Advertisements i . II . 111 . u . » . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Graft llasonm
PROVINCIAL . DERBY . —HARTINGTON * LODOK ( NO . 1085 ) . —On Wednesday evening , the 2 nd inst ., thc monthly meeting of this lodge was holden at the Masonic' Hall , at which the following brethren were present : —Bros . Henry T . Bobart ,
P . P . G . S . B ., W . M . ; F . Iliffe , P . J . G . W ., I . P . M . ; S . Pipes , S . W . ; W . Hcathcote , J . W . ; M . II . Bobart , P . P . S . G . W . ; P . M ., Treas . ; J . Worsnop , P . P . G . P ., P . M ., Sec ; Thco . Hills , S . D . ; , ( . H . Biggs , as J . D . ; J . Hcathcote , I . G . ; W . Stone , Tyler ; J . M . Moore , P . M ., P . P . G . R . ; J . T . Eaton , J . E . Russell , J . O . Manton , Matthew Hill , W . Butterfield , James Parkins , jun .
Visitor : G . T . Wright , P . M . 1 he lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer at 7 . 30 p . m . The circular convening the meeting was first read , and afterwards the minutes of the previous meeting , which were duly confirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . Bro . James Parkins , jun ., was then called upon by the W . M . to show his proficiency in the former degree , and ,
having satisfied thc brethren , he was entrusted and retired . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree . Bro . Parkins was admitted and duly raised to thc Third or Sublime Degree of a Master Mason by thc W . M . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Bro . Iliffe , P . M ., in the name of the lodge , then presented to Bro . M . II . Bobart , P . M . Treas ., a handsome Past Master's jewel , as a recognition
of his services and a token of sincere esteem . The jewel bore thc following inscription : — "Presented by the Hartington Lodge Mo . 1085 to Bro . M . 11 . Bobart , P . M ., /' . (' . S . G . W ., in recognition of his valuable services to the lodge since its formation . 2 nd June , 1875 . " Bro . M . II . Bobart acknowledged thc kindness of the brethren , assuring Ihcm that his humble services would always be at their
disposal , and that he should value thc jewel they had just presented him with asa lasting memento of their kindness . The lodge was then closed according to ancient custom , and adjourned until the 7 th July . ROMFORD . —LIHEHTY OF HAVERING LODGE ( No . 1437 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at thc White Hart Hotel , Romford , on Wednesday , May 26 .
Amongst those present were Bros . J . Tydeman , W . M . ; Knox , P . M ., acting as I . P . M . ; E . West , S . W . ; B . Braysiiaw , | . W . ; Patmore , J . D . ; Navlor , I . ' ' . ; T . Bishop , Treas . * ; J . Ellis . Sec . ; J . Gamett , W . S . ; Bros . Playl , W . Farley , J . H . Whisker , and others . Thc lodge wna opened in thc First Degree . The minutes of previous meetings were read and confirmed . Bros . Earley , Whisker , and
Playl , candidates for thc Second Degree , were entrusted , and retired . The lodge having been opened in the Second Degree , they were readmitted and passed to the degree of F . C . The brethren next proceeded to the election of W . M . for thc ensuing year , when their choice was unanimous in favour of Bro . E . West , S . W . and P P . G . S . D ., Herts . Bro . T . F . Bishop was for thc third time elected Treasurer , and
Bro . Steedman , Tyler . Bros . Naylor and Patmore were appointed on the Audit Committee . A Past Master ' s jewel was unanimously voted to Bro . Tydeman , W . M ., in recognition of the untiring zeal displayed by him for the welfare of the lodge , and thc admirable way he had fulfilled his duties as W . M . for thc past year . Two brethren were proposed as joining members . A vote of thanks was
proposed and carried to Bro . Naylor for representing this lodge as Steward at the last annual festival of the Girls' School . The lodge was adjourned until the fourth Wednesday in June ( when thc Installation of thc W . M . elect and invistilurc of officers will take place ) . HALLIFORD . —TIIAMKS VAI . I . KV I . OIIOK ( NO . 1460 ) . — This lodge met at thc Ship Hotel , Halliford , on Saturday
last . liro . the Rev . Dr . Brette , of Christ ' s Hospital , W . M ., presided , and among thc numerous brethren who attended were Colonel Peters , I . P . M . ; W . T . Howe , Asst . S . W . ; | . L . Jones , J . W . ; W . Paas , Treas . ; . 1 G . Matsh , ' Sec . ; II . II . 151-thc , J . W . ; II . R . I'owan , W . Swccilnnd , Robert Stone , Joseph Davis , Y < rnon Lockwood , C . I . Davis , J . Evans Kershaw ,
Wiarlcs Scmplc , W . 11 . Doyle , and T . IS . Yeoman . There were also several visitors present , and among these were Bros . F . E . Ilafcly , of thc Republic Lodge * o . fino , New York State ; T . R . Gibson , No . 144 ft ; George Townseud , S . W . No . 754 ; II . C . Levander , Ko . 742 ; E . Roberts , l \ M . No . 192 ; 11 . Massey ( Freemason ) , P . M . No . 619 ; J . W . Lcvick , No . 15 i ;
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
H . II . Collins , No . 23 ; and P . Collins , No . 12 . 93 . Dr " Brette opened the lodge , and afterwards Bro . J . G . Marsh , Sec , passed Bro . II . II . Blythe to the Second Degree . He afterwards raised Bros . C . Scmplc , W . Sweetland , J . E . Kershaw , C . J . Davis , and J . W . H . R . Gowan , and subsequently initiated Messrs . Mark Davis and E . C . Hislop . The lodge then elected Bro . Edward Scmplc , No .
14 , as a joining member . Bro . Colonel Peters , I . P . M ., proposed , and the W . M . seconded , thc gift of five guineas to thc Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , to be placed on Bro . Marsh ' s list as the Steward representing this lodge at thc late festival . The motion was adopted unanimously , and the W . M . proposed , and Bro . Colonel Peters , I . P . M ., seconded , the recommendation of Bro . W . T . Howe , who
was acting as S . W . to thc Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex , for the office of Provincial Grand Steward . This motion was also unanimously carried , the brethren entertaining thc same views as the W . M ., that Bro . Howe ' s services to thc lodge had been very great . The report of thc Audit Committee was read and received , and thc brethren shortly afterwards closed the lodge , and
sat down to a choice banquet supplied by Bro . R . Stone . The time unfortunately was very short , as thc brethren occupied three hours continuniT-ly in completing thc wuik of the lodge , and there were not two hours'left for dispatching the banquet and catching thc last train to town . The speeches were consequently of thc briefest description after banquet , and they were not even relieved by thc pleasant
musical efforts which several members of the lodge are famous for . Bro . J . G . Marsh responded for thc Provincial Grand" Master and Oflicers . Col . Peters proposed "The W . M ., " of whom he assured the brethren too much could not be said favourably . The W . M . in reply said that when he accepted thc office he promised he would do thc best in his power , and when his year of office had expired he boned it would be found he had been faithful to his
promise . He then proposed , " The I . P . M ., Col . Peters , " who , in responding , said it had been a great pleasure to him that the lodge had prospered as it had . Under thc auspices of the present W . M . success would continue to attend it , and he hoped to live to sec a great many Past Masters sitting alongside him . There was 110 want of thc good stuff in the province of which W . M ' s . were made , and he did not think there was any better than was to be found in thc W . M . The initiates who had been introduced
to the lodge he had great hopes of in this respect , and with such material the lodge would become an honour to the Craft . The W . M . proposed "Thc Initiates , " Bros . M . Davis and E . C . Hislop respectively replying . Afterwards thc W . M . proposed , " The Visitors , " and called upon Bro . II . C . Levander , who on thc Wednesday preceding had been elected on thc Board of General Purposes , to respond .
Bro . Levander replied , and said that all thc visitors as well as himself had felt thc greatest possible pleasure at being present on that occasion , and which he hoped would not be the last . Br < j . W . Paas , Treasurer , replied for the officers of thc lodge , and alluded especially to Bro . W . T . Howe , who he was glad to see occupying the post of S . W ., and whose services all the brethren were
so well aware of . For himself , as ' 1 reasurer , he would simply say that as long as they gave him their money he should be happy to do all he could for their comfort and happiness at that table ; but if they kept him short he could not dispense hospitality . I Ic was always happy to make the brethren comfortable . Thc W . M . next gave a special toast for Bro . Howe , who had always been ready
to do any work he might be called upon for , and who did it , when called upon , well and thoroughly . Bro . W . T . Howe replied , and promised the brethren that if health and strength were vouchsafed to him , he would continue to do in the future as he had done in the past . I laving been recommended to the Provincial Grand Master for grand
office he should feci the greatest happiness in representing this lodge , and he trusted he should do his duty as Steward ai well as he had performed his duties in that lodge , and in thc Prince Leopold Lodge , of which he was a founder . The toast ot "The MaM-nic Piece " anil the Tyler ' s toast brought thc meeting to a close .
Royal Arch.
Soral awl !
WILLIAM PRESTON CHAPTER ( No . 1 (>(>) . —A meeting of this chapter was held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Thursday , the 27 th May , the following companions being present : Comps . William Worrell , M . E . Z . ; Capt . G . J . Kain , II . ; George Newman , S . N . ; Henry Garrod , S . E . ; W . E . Newton , Treas . ; A . Braun , 1 st A . Soj . ; Dr . Kcmpster , 2 nd A . Soj . ; Dr . Culmorc , J . T .
Gibson , J . M . Klenck , P . Slc ' mman , II . F . Partridge . Visitors , 1 Icnry Thompson , P . / .., and G . I . cmann , Z . 80 , 0 . The business of the evening consisted of the installation of Principals , investment of oflicers , and exaltation of four candidates , viz ., Bros . E . T . Brookes , 574 ; W . G . Churchward , 1139 ; Francis Juce , 70 ft ; and \ V . Manfield Newton , 7 fif > . Comp . Capt . G . J . Kain was installed as
M . E . Z . ; Com ]) . George Newman as J . ; and the officers invested were : Comps . William Worrell , S . E . ; I Icnry Garrod , Treas . ; Augustus Braun , S . N . ; Dr . Kcmpster , P . S . ; W . E . Newton , 1 st A . Soj . ; Dr . Culmorc , 2 nd A . Soj . Owing to the absence of Com ]) . R . Harland Whiteman , through illness , his installation as II . will take place at a future meeting . This chapter , like the lodge from whence it takes its name , has been made a banner chapter , they
being supplied by Comp . George kenning , ami were much admired by the companions present . A very handsome jewel was presented to Com ]) . William Worrell , to mark the valuable services he had rendered to the chapter during thc past year as the first M . E . Z . All Masonic business being ended the chapter was closed in due form , and thc companions adjourned . to an excellent banquet , presided over by Capt . Kain , M . E . Z ., when the usual Masonic toasts were g iven and ics ; ) oudod to with great effect .
Royal Arch.
BOLTON . —ST . JoiiN ' sCiiAi > TEii ( No .-t 4 S ) - —The regular meeting of this chapter was held at the Bull ' s ! lead Inn . Bradshawgatc , Bolton , on Thursday , 3 rd June . Amongst those present were Comps . James Newton , P . Z . ; Jas . Horrocks , II . ; Robt . Harwood , P . Z . P . Prov . G . St . " B . ; J . Thos . Chambers , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; My . Ainsworth , Scribe , N . ; Jas . Mall , P . Z . 210 , Z . 1055 , Prov . G . Pr . Soj . ; Edwin
Brookes , Z . 325 , Prov . G . St . B . ; Robt . I . uthy , No . 37 , and others . The chapter having been opened , and the minutes of thc preceding meeting read and confirmed , Com ]) . Hall , assisted by Com ]) . Brookes , proceeded to instal thc Principals elect , and to invest the officers , viz .: Comps . Jas . 1 lorrocks , Z . ; Robt . Harwood , H . ; Hy . Ainsworth , J . ; Thos . Chambers , E . ; Robt . Glaister , N . ;
Jas . Allen , Pr . Soj . ; Thos . Wilson , Treas . ; Chas . Walker , Janitor . At thc conclusion of thc ceremonies of installaticn and investiture , a cordial vote of thanks was passed to Comps . Hall and Brookes for their attendance and services . Two candidates for exaltation were balloted for and approved , and thc chapter was then closed . LIVERPOOL . —MARINERS' CHAPTER ( No . 240 ) . —Thc
annual meeting of this flourishing chapter , after a singularly prosperous year , wno held on Thursday , the zotll ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool . CompiW . Doyle , M . E . Z ., presided at thc opening , and amongst the others present were Comps . W . Jones P . Z . ; H . Pearson , II . ; W . C . Bulman , J . ; J . S . Dixon , S . E . ; P . B . Gee , S . N . ; J . E . Jackson , P . S . ; J . Wood , Treas . ; and W . I I . Ball , Janitor .
1 he pnvale companions of thc chapter were represented hy Comps . W . Laidlaw , P . Z . 216 ; J . Ellis , R . Douglas , W . Curtis , J . Griffiths , AV . Fish , J . Archdeacon , J . Norminton , A . Davies , Rev . P . Hains , R . Carter , W . Roberts , M . Parkes , E . A . Wright , W . P . Jennings , J . II . Gregory , E . Carter , M . Davies , T . 11 . Hal ) , II . Firth , P . Robbie , J . Hughes , W . C . Webb , C . Leigh ton , and D . Lloyds . The visitors present were Comps . J . Hocken , P . Z . 220 and 67 ^ 5 ; W . T .
May , P . Z . 220 and 673 ; II . Burrows , 673 ; and J . Parsons , M . E . Z . 203 , and others . After the transaction of some business , Comp . Henry Pearson was installed M . E . Z of the chapter ; and thc other new appointments were Comps . W . C . Bulman , II . ; P . B . Gee , J . ; J . E . Jackson , P . S ; J . Wood . Trcas . ( re-elected for thc fifth lime ) ; A . Davies , S . E . ; Rev . P . Mains , S . N . ; and P . Ball , Janitor . The chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to banquet .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
Tun OiiioiNAi . on PREMIER CONCLAVE OF . ENGLAND . —The annual gathering of this celebrated conclave was held on Monday evening , the 31 st May , at thc Masonic Hall , Cafe Royal , Regent-street , " W ., for the installation of its oflicers and other business . . The conclave being opened according to ancient custom by thc M . P . S ., Sir Knt . II . Wentworth Little , P . M . P . S ., acting in the place of
the late lamented M . P . S ., Sir Knt . E . Sillifant , thc minutes of the last assembly of the conclave were r . a'l and confirmed . Thc following gentlemen were ballotted for , approved , and installed Knights of the Order : —Bros . Burleigh Tresseman , Lodge 200 , Old Globe , Scarborough ; John Mason , Lodge of Harmony , 300 ; Thomas Howe , 1441 ; , P . M . Prince Leopold , 1460 . On the conclusion of
the installation of thc aforementioned new Kni ghts companions , thc special business of the conclave commenced , which was the enthronement of the V . E . Sir Knt . T . Burdett Yeoman , Viceroy and M . P . S . elect , and the appointment of officers for the ensuing year are as follows Sir Knts . T . Burdett Yeoman , M . P . S . ; II . A . Dubois , V . ; Rev . Dr . E . Brette , S . G . ; Rev . J . M . Vaughan , I . G . ; Rev .
P . Melancthon Holden , I LP . ; T . Cubitt , Treas . ; R . Wentworth Little , Recorder ; II . C . Levander , Asst . Recorder ; T . Kingston , Orator ; A . Moore , Prefect ; J . Parker , Org . ; Col . J . Peters , Std . Bearer ; T . Massa , Herald ; E . II . Thicllay , 1 st Aide ; J . E . Symons , 2 nd A . D . C . ; J . Gilbert , Sentinel . Thc ceremony of iiml . 'illalinn bring finished , thc M . P . S . was warmly
greeted and congratulated b y the whole of thc Sir Kni ghts present . Thc conclave was closed after the Royal Standard of our departed Grand Sovereign had been safely deposited in ancient form . The Sir Knights adjourned to their banqueting hall to celebrate their annual festival . V . E . Sir Knt . T . Burdett Yeoman , M . P . S ., occupied the chair , and was supported on the right by Col . Francis Burdett ,
Grand viceroy , on the left by Sir Knt . R . Wentworth Little , P . S ., Grand Treasurer , and the rest cf thc officers beforcmentioncd , and thc following : —Sir Knts . Hubbard , P . S . ; J . G . Marsh , P . S . ; T . Moss , P . S . ; G . Kenning , P . S . ; T . Howe , Burleigh Tresseman , J . Mason , S . Palmer , A . F . Hand ; visitors—J . Thomas , P . S . ; I lytic Pullen , P . S . ; and others . Grace was sung by the following
eminent artists : —Miss Jessie Royd , Messrs . Stcdman and Frank Ellninre ; piano , II . Parker . On thc cloth being iv . moved , thc usual loyal and chivalric toasts were given , all of which were heartily responded to . Thc M . P . S . remarked that wherever the name of Her Majesty the Queen of England was mentioned it was always with thc highest respect , and that in her name old England stood out exalted
above all nations . On thc toast of " 11 . R . M . the Prince of Wales and thc rest of thc Royal Family" being given , it wan received with tremendous applause ; this was supplemented by a fewobscrvationsfrom the chair , that were very warmly applauded . On thc toast of "Thc Grand Sovereign , Sir Frederick M . Williams , Dart ., M . P ., " being given , it was replied to bv Colonel Francis Burdett , Grand Viceroy , i : i
his usual happy and felicitous style , at thc same tunc he paitl a very great compliment to the M . P . S ., who had been chosen to preside over the Premier Conclave . The . M . P . S . is most ready of speech , and thc whole of the toasts were given in a manner that nut with marked approval . The toasts were iiiler .: p : i red with sonn * splendid singing , and Ihe ballad song , " So please you , Sir , " rendered by Miss Royd , was received by an ovation of applause . Atten-