Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE PENGE LODGE, No. 1815. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
a pt . pularity worthy of its worth . It should be stated that the catering of Bro . Chaplin , House Steward , gave general satisfaction . LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . —Bro . Lindo Courtenay , W . M ., presided at the usual monthly meeting of this lodge , held on Tuesday afternoon , the 24 th ult ., atthe Masonic Hall , Hopt ' -s ' . reet . The
officers who supported him were Bros . W . J . Chapman , I . P . M . ; J . B . Mackenzie , S . W . ; W . W . Sandbrook , J . W . ; John Atkinson , Secretary ; J . Pyer , I . G . ; W . Savage , S . S . ; H . P . Squire , J . S . ; and W . H . Ball , Tyler . The members who mustered on the occasion were Bros . M . P . Tueski , R . Eyres , S . Mattison , W . Addis , J . Keet , F . Wilkinson , jun ., J . Ashley , F . Duncanson , J . Hont , P . W . Sanderson ,
J . VWalt , J . Ballard , H . Round , J . H . Owen , P . Lowndes , E . H . Thomson , J . Penney , Dr . R . H . D . Johnson , W . Hildyard , and T . S . Bai ' cy . The visitors included Bros . S . Griffiths , 190 ; J . R . Owen , 1356 ; H . C . Sidney , 95 ; F . Weston , 571 ; J . Williams , 203 ; W . Jones , 1264 ; H . G . Clifford , 17 s ; F . Smith , P . P . G . S . of W ., Cheshire ; D . S . Davies , P . M . 216 ; and A . N . Fabert , Secretary 216 .
Bro . J . Hont was passed to the Degree of F . C . by the W . M . ; and it was resolved , on the motion of the I . P . M . ( in the absence of Bro . P . M . Bell , P . G . S . ) , that the lodge should this year adjourn over the month of July , and in future years that no meetings should be held in June and July . The lodge was afterwards closed , and thc brethren dined in the large banqueting hall under the presidency ol the W . M .
INSTRUCTION . DUKE OF CONNAUGHT LODGE ( No . 1524 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Havelock Tavern , Albion-road , Dalston , on Wednesday , the 9 th inst . Present : Bros . E . Dignam , W . M . ; F . Jacob , S . W . ; A . L . Payne , J . W . ; A . McMillan , S . D . ; A . R ! Olley , J . D . ; W . Ferrar , I . G . ; W . Fieldwick , Preceptor ; J . Williams ,
Secretary * , also several other brethren . The lodge having been opened with solemn prayer , the minutes of the previous meeting were reatl and confirmed . The ceremony of passing vvas rehearsed . Bro . F . Carr , candidate , having answered the necessary qucstiens , was passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . J . Lorkin , assisted by the
brethren , worketl thc ist Section , antl Bro . C . Lorkin thc inn , 3 rd , and 5 th Sections of thc Lecture . Bro . W . Fieldwick proposed , and Bro . A . L . Payne seconded , tbat Bro . F . Jacob be W . M . for the ensuing w * ek . Carried unanimously . Nothing further offering , the lodge was closed in ancient form .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
IPSWICH . —St . Luke ' s Chapter ( No . 215 ) . — On Wednesday evening , the 25 th of June , the installation of officers of lhe above chapter took place at the Freemasons' HAU . Amongst the companions present we noticed Comps . N . Traccy , R . S . Aimes , Dr . W . P . Mills , II . Casley , J . B . Fraser , all of Royal Sussex Chapter , 37 6 ; also Comps . W . Dak-ins , Thomas J . Wentworth , J .
White-head , A . Barber , W . G . Cunnold , Geo . Abbott , and others , all of Chapter 22 s . The ceremony was most ably performed b y Comp . N . Tracey , P . Z . The following were placed in the chairs , viz ., Comps . W . Daking , Z . ; Thos . I . Wentworth , J . ; W . G . Cunnold , N . ; A . Barber , E . ; Geo . Abbott , P . S . Comp . W . Boley was unable temporarily to take his position as H . through severe indisposition , but
we are happy to say he is much better , and we trust ( he Craft will soon welcome back again one who is so genuine and estimable a Mason . After this ceremony Bro . Robert Senton , 225 , was dulycxhalted into the chapter by Comp . J . B . Fraser , P . Z . ; and the grand ceremony was gone through in a manner , never to be effaced fiom the memory ,
which few could excel . After closing thc chapter a sumptuous banquet was held in the dining room . We are happy to staf , now the new Freemasons' Hall is opened , and such conveniences offered to all , that this chapter , anil indeed every other branch of Masonry , is flourishing in Ipswich , as the cloud hanging over it is entirely removed .
LEICESTER . —Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 ) . —The regular meeting of this chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., at which a large number of members and visitors were present , amongst whom may be mentioned Comps . Wm . Kelly , Prov . G . Supt . ; John T . Thorp , Z . ; F . Grant , J . ; Clement Stretton , P . Z . ; George Toller , jun ., P . Z . ; Clement
E . Stretton , E . ; Richard Taylor , N . ; T . Worthington , P . S . ; T . Coltman , Treasurer ; S . A . Manis , L . P . Chamberlain , the Rev . F . H . Richardson , J . D . Harris , R . Overton , and others . The chapter was opened in ancient form , The other companions having been admitted , Bros . C . Pretty , the Rev . C . H . Wood , Edward Hale , H . S . B . Preedy , and J . H . Thompson , were exalted to this degree ; theceremony being most impressively performed by Comp .
J . T . Thorp , M . E . Z . The historical , symbolical , and mystical lectures were delivered by Comps . F . Giant , J . ; William Kell y , P . G . Supt . ; and J . T . Thorp , M . E . Z . The ordinary routine business being concluded , a well-merited eulogium was passed by Comp . Toller , P . Z ., upon Comp . Thorp , for the efficient manner in which he had , for the first time , performed the whole of the duties appertaining to thr chair of First Principal . After supper the usual loyal and Masonic t"asts wee duly hotouiid .
BLACKBURN . —Perseverance Chapter ( No . 34 ;) . —The regular meeting of this chapter vvas held on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Oltl Bull Hotel . There ivere present among others Comps . J oseph Pinker , M . E . Z , H . Hindle , H-l Tho » . Grimed ) J , t Simon Goldston *! , 6 , K .
Royal Arch.
Samuel Haworth , P . S . ; Richard Gornall , S . N . ; Wm . Crofr , Janitor ; N . Gillett , Asst . Janitor ; Dennis Towers , D . of C ; H . T . Plaits , Steward ' ; James Aspinall , W . H . Cunliffe , P . Z . ; J . Bertvvistle , H . 369 ; Franklin Thomas , P . Z ., Prov . Grand Third Principal , East Lancashire ; John Leaver , Samuel Preston , Dr . John Whitaker , Fall
River R . A . Chapter ( U . S . A . ) ; J . W . Walsh , P . P . S . ; A . A . Sarigrove , D . Graham , 1016 ; J . T . Hall , J . Pollard , John Southworth , Thomas Parkinson , E . Halliwell , P . Z ., P . G . O . E . L . ; and John Margeirson . Thc chapter vvas opened and thc minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Ballot was then taken for Bros . Thomas
Parkinson and John Southworth , which proved unanimous in their ^ favour . These gentlemen wire then exalted as Royal Arch companions , the ceremony being most impressively performed by Ex-Comps . Franklin Thomas , Prov . Grand J . E . L . ; E . Halliwell , P . G . Org . E . L . ; J . W . Walsh , P . S . ; and Thomas Hindle . The investiture of the officers for
the ensuing year vvas then proceedeti with . Comps . S . Haworth was invested as P . Soj . ; Simon Goldstone as S . E . ; and Richard Gornall , S . N . After the reading of a very satisfactory financial report by Comp . E . Halliwell , it was proposed by Comp . Franklin Thomas , and seconded by Comp . Towers , that Comp . N . Gillett act as Asst . Janitor for the ensuing year , which vvas carried unanimously . The chapter was shortly afterwards closed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
LEOPOLD LODGE ( No . 238 ) . —A meeting of this new lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , the 17 th ult ., when there were present among others Bros . W . Wigginton , P . G . S . of Wks ., P . M . Francis Burdett , & c , W . M . ; T . C . Walls , S . W . 211 , & c , S . W . ( Freemason ); C . Horsley , P . M . No . 1 , G . J . O ., tec , Treas . and acting J . W . ; Dodson , S . D . ; Clemow , acting I . G .
Bro . Motion , of the Macdonald Lodge , was a visitor . I hc minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken upon behalf of Bro . Webb , I ' . M . Confidence , and Bro . BedingflcM , St . Dunstan , and having been found unanimous , the former brother , who was in attendance , was duly advanced to the honourable
degree of M . M . M . Bro . Walls having given notice of motion that the bye-law as to thc amount to be paid by joining members should be reduced , the lodge was formally closed , antl the members partook of a collation . The after proceedings in consequence of thc lateness of the hour were purely formal in character .
MANCHESTER . —St . Andrew ' s Lodge ( No . 34 ) . —A meeting of the above lotlge was held at F ' rccmasons' Hall , Cooper-street , on Thursday , June 26 th , 1879 . Bro . Arthur Middleton presided , and vvas supported by the following officers : —Bros . F . C . M'lligan . I . P . M . ; | . W . Roine , P . M . M ., P . G . D . England ; W . H . Hopkins , P . M . M . R . of M ., P . P . G . D . of C . ; H . T . Rr . bberds , P . M . M .
Organist , antl P . G . Org . E . Lane ; T . R . Peel . S . W . ; f . M . Sinclair , acting J . W . ; Edwin Simpson , M . O . ; E . C . Miller , S . O . ; W . D . Waddell , J . O . ; W . Nicholl , Secretary ; T . H . Glendinning , S . D . After confirmation , and tbe minutes of previous meeting had been read and confirmed , Bros . John Gallagher , P . M . of 1011 ; Hugh Nichols , VV . M . 1 s 88 ; W . D . Holbrook , 163 , who hat ]
been ballc . ted for antl elected at the last meeting , were admitted and duly advanced to the Degree of Mark Master by the W . M ., who performed the ceremony in a very able manner . At the teimination of the ceremony " Hearty good wishes " were expressed on behalf of the P . G . L . of
East Lancashire , and the Union Mark Lotlge , and the lodge was formally closed . The brethren afterwards assembled at the supper table , ami on the cloth being cleared the usual toasts won ; given and responded to , and a very cnjiyable evening tvas spent , the proceedings being enlivened by some well n- 'v ' ered fongs and recitations .
BATH . —Royal Cumberland Lodge ( P . ! . )—A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., i 1 which the following officers took pait : —Bros . Jas . Dutton , P . M ., as W . M . ; ] ohn Dutton , I . P . M . ; Dr . Hopkins , Past G . J . W ., Chap . ; C . Wilkinson , S . W . ; Braham , J . W . ; Railway , M . O . ; Dingle , S . O . ; Murlis , Sec , as J . O . ; Sparrow , Organist ;
Mercer , S . D . ; Hayward , as J . D . ; Peach , I . G . ; Bigwood , Tyler . The lodge having been opened , letters of ap logy for the absence of the W . M . and J . O . were received . The minutes of the previous rpeeting were read and confirmed . Bro . W . G . Smith w as introduced , and advanced to the tlegree of M . M . M . hy the acting W . M ., the ceremony bring accompanied by the musical ritual published several years ago
by the Chaplain . On the proposition of Bro . Dr . Hopkins , seconded by the J . W ., it was resolved that a 'I racing Board be purchased . A discussion arose on the question whether it is permissible to wear Craft aprons in a Mark lodge , owing to a recent refusal to admit one of the members to a meeting of another Mark lodge . The W . M . claimed the rigtit ,-as being one of the terms on which the
Royal Cumberland ; a very old , time immemorial lodge , submitted to the Grand Mark Lodge of England in 1857 . The S . W . contended that all ought lo wear thc clothing appointed for the degree . The Chaplain statetl that he took the degree in a Craft lotlge opened in thc Second Degree in 18 51 , in Hull , years before the formation of the Grand Mark ' Lodge , he , nevertheless , agreed with the
S . W ., hut was willing 11 allow the Craft apron to be worn by those who took the degree beforr there vvas a Grantl Mark Lotlge , with the understanding that all subsequently advanced shoultl conform to the Bo k of Constitutions in regard to clothing . On re ferring to the minutes of September , i 8 s 7 , | the only document found , there vvas an order that the Secretary should elemand this privilege in his correspondence with the Grand ficcfeUtry ; Thc J . VV ., tha
Mark Masonry.
M . O ., and others took part in the discussion , urging that the point should be settled . Though not formally appointed by the lodge , the Chaplain undertook to communicate with the Grand Secretary , requesting him to examine the cor . respondence which took place on the reognition of the
Roya ! Cumberland Lotlge by Grantl Mark Lodge . The Chaplain reported that , as Past G . W ., he had attended a meeting of the Grand Mark Lodge , in London , on tbe 4 th ult ., and gave a favourable account of thc proceedings . Thc discussion of matters of r . nly private interest occupied much time , and the lodge vvas not closed till 10 . 15 .
Consecration Of The Penge Lodge, No. 1815.
The above lodge was consecrated , in accordance with thc ceremonies of the Order , by Bro . II . E . Frances , P . p . G . D . ( Suney ) , on the 5 th inst ., at thc Thicket Hotel , Anerley . A goodly concourse of the brethren assembled to witness
the ceremonv , anions *; whom were Bros . Neale , 178 ; Lay , J . W . 136 4 ; Bullock , " 1586 ; Larncr , 1586 ; Pugsley , W . M . 15 86 ; Stafford , 15 86 ; Lindus , 126 9 ; Amphlet , 1311 ; Las . sam , 742 ; Speight , P . G . Tyler ; Smith , 99 6 , P . P . D . C . ; Whitehead , 206 ; Beaton , 1507 ; Dr . Beilcy , 702 ; Marsh ,
15 S 6 . ; Klenck , P . M . 1 . 339 ; Stock , 15 86 ; Flexton , 1800 ; Bethune , Sec . 1397 ; Melyor , 1610 ; Rogers , 1336 ; in addition were the members of the new lodge , viz ., Bros , R . J c ' -son , P . M ., W . M . designate ; w . Cook , S . W . desig . nate ; T . West , J . W . designate ; Denbigh , Bird , Cox , G . Wright , and Whitehead .
A procession having been formed , the brethren entered the lodge room , and the chair was then taken by Bro . Frances , * vho appointed his officers , and thc lodge was opened in the Three Degrees . The ceremony of consecration * vvas impressively rendered by Bro . Frances , in the course of which an oration by him , on thc antiquity of the Order , and the privileges , responsibilities , and eluties of modern Freemasonry , was listened to with much attention by the brethren .
The musical arrangements were good , and thc anthems ably rerdercd by Bro . Dr . Besley , assistetl by Bros . Marsh , Stock , antl West . At the conclusion o ' , this ceremony , Bro . Frances installed Bro . R . Jackson as W . M ., who invested Bros . Cook , S . W . ; West , J . . ; Denbigh , S . D . ; Bird , J . D . ; Cox , I . G . ; G . Wright , Treas . A number of gentlemen were proposed for initiation ,
antl several brethren lor joining members , and the lodge bills fair to be a large and prosperous one . After the close of the lotlge , the brethren adjourned to a banquet , prepared by Bro . Lassam , which , for delicacy and taste , was faultless , and amply done justice to . The usual Masonic toasts were given and cordially responded to . The musical abilities of Bros . Besley , Marsh , Stock , antl West contributed greatly to the pleasure of the evening .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The General Committee of this Institution met on Saturday last at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . H . W . Hunt in the chair . The other brethren who attended were Bros . A . J . Tuff Filer , Magnus Ohren , James Robins , R . B . Webster ,
G . T . H . Seddon , D , M . Dewar , James Weaver , Joyce Mu-ray , E . Snooncr , A . E . Gladwell , J . J . Berry , Charles Lacev , Rev . Richard Morris , A . Tisley , W . F . C . Moutrie , Charles Coote , John Constable , George J . Palin , Fredk . Adlard , S . Rosenthal , Thomas Meggy , J . W . M . Doscll , D . W . Pearse , A . Torkington , and F . Binckes ( Secretary ) . The list for the October election was settled . The total
number of candidates will be sevrnty-scveii , antl vacancies to be filled sixteen . The Committee passed thc motion to add £ 30 per annum to the Head Master's salary , and authority was given for the transfer of £ 500 from the General Fund to the Sustcntation Fund . The Committee then adjourned .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The monthly meeting of the Committee of this Institution vvas held on Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall . Col . Creaton presided , . antl the ^ re were also present Bros . S . Hawsnn , John H . Lcgi > ott , F . Adlard , Griffiths Smith , B . Kench
nerve Giraud , F . tlgar Bowyer , James Brett , James , Louis Stean , W . Hilton , Chas . Atkins , Chas . F . Hogard , Lieut .-Col . H . S . Somerville Burney , George Keene , C . JPerceval , and James Terry ( Secretary ) . The death nf three annuitants was reported , and the reports of the Warden and of the Finance Committee were read .
The Chairman was authorised to sign cheques , and th ' Secretary reported the gifts of tea and tobacco to the residents in the Institution , at Croydon , by the Supreme Con" ' cil ; also the presentation of flagstaff , fittings , and flag of Bros . | . G . Stevens , J . J . Berry , and T . J . Barnes . A vote of thanks for the gifts was passetl , anil three petitions were accepted , and the candidates placed on tbe list for next election .
BRIXTON MARK LODGE . —The first election mining of this flourishing lotlge will he held at tn Surrey Masonic HaU on Saturday ( to-day ) . There *" several candidates for advancement by the W . M . ot Thos . Poore . P . M . 139 , P . G . I . G ., & c , & c , who is kiw ™ to all Mark Masons as an expert in the ritual of Degrcei
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
a pt . pularity worthy of its worth . It should be stated that the catering of Bro . Chaplin , House Steward , gave general satisfaction . LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . —Bro . Lindo Courtenay , W . M ., presided at the usual monthly meeting of this lodge , held on Tuesday afternoon , the 24 th ult ., atthe Masonic Hall , Hopt ' -s ' . reet . The
officers who supported him were Bros . W . J . Chapman , I . P . M . ; J . B . Mackenzie , S . W . ; W . W . Sandbrook , J . W . ; John Atkinson , Secretary ; J . Pyer , I . G . ; W . Savage , S . S . ; H . P . Squire , J . S . ; and W . H . Ball , Tyler . The members who mustered on the occasion were Bros . M . P . Tueski , R . Eyres , S . Mattison , W . Addis , J . Keet , F . Wilkinson , jun ., J . Ashley , F . Duncanson , J . Hont , P . W . Sanderson ,
J . VWalt , J . Ballard , H . Round , J . H . Owen , P . Lowndes , E . H . Thomson , J . Penney , Dr . R . H . D . Johnson , W . Hildyard , and T . S . Bai ' cy . The visitors included Bros . S . Griffiths , 190 ; J . R . Owen , 1356 ; H . C . Sidney , 95 ; F . Weston , 571 ; J . Williams , 203 ; W . Jones , 1264 ; H . G . Clifford , 17 s ; F . Smith , P . P . G . S . of W ., Cheshire ; D . S . Davies , P . M . 216 ; and A . N . Fabert , Secretary 216 .
Bro . J . Hont was passed to the Degree of F . C . by the W . M . ; and it was resolved , on the motion of the I . P . M . ( in the absence of Bro . P . M . Bell , P . G . S . ) , that the lodge should this year adjourn over the month of July , and in future years that no meetings should be held in June and July . The lodge was afterwards closed , and thc brethren dined in the large banqueting hall under the presidency ol the W . M .
INSTRUCTION . DUKE OF CONNAUGHT LODGE ( No . 1524 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Havelock Tavern , Albion-road , Dalston , on Wednesday , the 9 th inst . Present : Bros . E . Dignam , W . M . ; F . Jacob , S . W . ; A . L . Payne , J . W . ; A . McMillan , S . D . ; A . R ! Olley , J . D . ; W . Ferrar , I . G . ; W . Fieldwick , Preceptor ; J . Williams ,
Secretary * , also several other brethren . The lodge having been opened with solemn prayer , the minutes of the previous meeting were reatl and confirmed . The ceremony of passing vvas rehearsed . Bro . F . Carr , candidate , having answered the necessary qucstiens , was passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . J . Lorkin , assisted by the
brethren , worketl thc ist Section , antl Bro . C . Lorkin thc inn , 3 rd , and 5 th Sections of thc Lecture . Bro . W . Fieldwick proposed , and Bro . A . L . Payne seconded , tbat Bro . F . Jacob be W . M . for the ensuing w * ek . Carried unanimously . Nothing further offering , the lodge was closed in ancient form .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
IPSWICH . —St . Luke ' s Chapter ( No . 215 ) . — On Wednesday evening , the 25 th of June , the installation of officers of lhe above chapter took place at the Freemasons' HAU . Amongst the companions present we noticed Comps . N . Traccy , R . S . Aimes , Dr . W . P . Mills , II . Casley , J . B . Fraser , all of Royal Sussex Chapter , 37 6 ; also Comps . W . Dak-ins , Thomas J . Wentworth , J .
White-head , A . Barber , W . G . Cunnold , Geo . Abbott , and others , all of Chapter 22 s . The ceremony was most ably performed b y Comp . N . Tracey , P . Z . The following were placed in the chairs , viz ., Comps . W . Daking , Z . ; Thos . I . Wentworth , J . ; W . G . Cunnold , N . ; A . Barber , E . ; Geo . Abbott , P . S . Comp . W . Boley was unable temporarily to take his position as H . through severe indisposition , but
we are happy to say he is much better , and we trust ( he Craft will soon welcome back again one who is so genuine and estimable a Mason . After this ceremony Bro . Robert Senton , 225 , was dulycxhalted into the chapter by Comp . J . B . Fraser , P . Z . ; and the grand ceremony was gone through in a manner , never to be effaced fiom the memory ,
which few could excel . After closing thc chapter a sumptuous banquet was held in the dining room . We are happy to staf , now the new Freemasons' Hall is opened , and such conveniences offered to all , that this chapter , anil indeed every other branch of Masonry , is flourishing in Ipswich , as the cloud hanging over it is entirely removed .
LEICESTER . —Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 ) . —The regular meeting of this chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., at which a large number of members and visitors were present , amongst whom may be mentioned Comps . Wm . Kelly , Prov . G . Supt . ; John T . Thorp , Z . ; F . Grant , J . ; Clement Stretton , P . Z . ; George Toller , jun ., P . Z . ; Clement
E . Stretton , E . ; Richard Taylor , N . ; T . Worthington , P . S . ; T . Coltman , Treasurer ; S . A . Manis , L . P . Chamberlain , the Rev . F . H . Richardson , J . D . Harris , R . Overton , and others . The chapter was opened in ancient form , The other companions having been admitted , Bros . C . Pretty , the Rev . C . H . Wood , Edward Hale , H . S . B . Preedy , and J . H . Thompson , were exalted to this degree ; theceremony being most impressively performed by Comp .
J . T . Thorp , M . E . Z . The historical , symbolical , and mystical lectures were delivered by Comps . F . Giant , J . ; William Kell y , P . G . Supt . ; and J . T . Thorp , M . E . Z . The ordinary routine business being concluded , a well-merited eulogium was passed by Comp . Toller , P . Z ., upon Comp . Thorp , for the efficient manner in which he had , for the first time , performed the whole of the duties appertaining to thr chair of First Principal . After supper the usual loyal and Masonic t"asts wee duly hotouiid .
BLACKBURN . —Perseverance Chapter ( No . 34 ;) . —The regular meeting of this chapter vvas held on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Oltl Bull Hotel . There ivere present among others Comps . J oseph Pinker , M . E . Z , H . Hindle , H-l Tho » . Grimed ) J , t Simon Goldston *! , 6 , K .
Royal Arch.
Samuel Haworth , P . S . ; Richard Gornall , S . N . ; Wm . Crofr , Janitor ; N . Gillett , Asst . Janitor ; Dennis Towers , D . of C ; H . T . Plaits , Steward ' ; James Aspinall , W . H . Cunliffe , P . Z . ; J . Bertvvistle , H . 369 ; Franklin Thomas , P . Z ., Prov . Grand Third Principal , East Lancashire ; John Leaver , Samuel Preston , Dr . John Whitaker , Fall
River R . A . Chapter ( U . S . A . ) ; J . W . Walsh , P . P . S . ; A . A . Sarigrove , D . Graham , 1016 ; J . T . Hall , J . Pollard , John Southworth , Thomas Parkinson , E . Halliwell , P . Z ., P . G . O . E . L . ; and John Margeirson . Thc chapter vvas opened and thc minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Ballot was then taken for Bros . Thomas
Parkinson and John Southworth , which proved unanimous in their ^ favour . These gentlemen wire then exalted as Royal Arch companions , the ceremony being most impressively performed by Ex-Comps . Franklin Thomas , Prov . Grand J . E . L . ; E . Halliwell , P . G . Org . E . L . ; J . W . Walsh , P . S . ; and Thomas Hindle . The investiture of the officers for
the ensuing year vvas then proceedeti with . Comps . S . Haworth was invested as P . Soj . ; Simon Goldstone as S . E . ; and Richard Gornall , S . N . After the reading of a very satisfactory financial report by Comp . E . Halliwell , it was proposed by Comp . Franklin Thomas , and seconded by Comp . Towers , that Comp . N . Gillett act as Asst . Janitor for the ensuing year , which vvas carried unanimously . The chapter was shortly afterwards closed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
LEOPOLD LODGE ( No . 238 ) . —A meeting of this new lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , the 17 th ult ., when there were present among others Bros . W . Wigginton , P . G . S . of Wks ., P . M . Francis Burdett , & c , W . M . ; T . C . Walls , S . W . 211 , & c , S . W . ( Freemason ); C . Horsley , P . M . No . 1 , G . J . O ., tec , Treas . and acting J . W . ; Dodson , S . D . ; Clemow , acting I . G .
Bro . Motion , of the Macdonald Lodge , was a visitor . I hc minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken upon behalf of Bro . Webb , I ' . M . Confidence , and Bro . BedingflcM , St . Dunstan , and having been found unanimous , the former brother , who was in attendance , was duly advanced to the honourable
degree of M . M . M . Bro . Walls having given notice of motion that the bye-law as to thc amount to be paid by joining members should be reduced , the lodge was formally closed , antl the members partook of a collation . The after proceedings in consequence of thc lateness of the hour were purely formal in character .
MANCHESTER . —St . Andrew ' s Lodge ( No . 34 ) . —A meeting of the above lotlge was held at F ' rccmasons' Hall , Cooper-street , on Thursday , June 26 th , 1879 . Bro . Arthur Middleton presided , and vvas supported by the following officers : —Bros . F . C . M'lligan . I . P . M . ; | . W . Roine , P . M . M ., P . G . D . England ; W . H . Hopkins , P . M . M . R . of M ., P . P . G . D . of C . ; H . T . Rr . bberds , P . M . M .
Organist , antl P . G . Org . E . Lane ; T . R . Peel . S . W . ; f . M . Sinclair , acting J . W . ; Edwin Simpson , M . O . ; E . C . Miller , S . O . ; W . D . Waddell , J . O . ; W . Nicholl , Secretary ; T . H . Glendinning , S . D . After confirmation , and tbe minutes of previous meeting had been read and confirmed , Bros . John Gallagher , P . M . of 1011 ; Hugh Nichols , VV . M . 1 s 88 ; W . D . Holbrook , 163 , who hat ]
been ballc . ted for antl elected at the last meeting , were admitted and duly advanced to the Degree of Mark Master by the W . M ., who performed the ceremony in a very able manner . At the teimination of the ceremony " Hearty good wishes " were expressed on behalf of the P . G . L . of
East Lancashire , and the Union Mark Lotlge , and the lodge was formally closed . The brethren afterwards assembled at the supper table , ami on the cloth being cleared the usual toasts won ; given and responded to , and a very cnjiyable evening tvas spent , the proceedings being enlivened by some well n- 'v ' ered fongs and recitations .
BATH . —Royal Cumberland Lodge ( P . ! . )—A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., i 1 which the following officers took pait : —Bros . Jas . Dutton , P . M ., as W . M . ; ] ohn Dutton , I . P . M . ; Dr . Hopkins , Past G . J . W ., Chap . ; C . Wilkinson , S . W . ; Braham , J . W . ; Railway , M . O . ; Dingle , S . O . ; Murlis , Sec , as J . O . ; Sparrow , Organist ;
Mercer , S . D . ; Hayward , as J . D . ; Peach , I . G . ; Bigwood , Tyler . The lodge having been opened , letters of ap logy for the absence of the W . M . and J . O . were received . The minutes of the previous rpeeting were read and confirmed . Bro . W . G . Smith w as introduced , and advanced to the tlegree of M . M . M . hy the acting W . M ., the ceremony bring accompanied by the musical ritual published several years ago
by the Chaplain . On the proposition of Bro . Dr . Hopkins , seconded by the J . W ., it was resolved that a 'I racing Board be purchased . A discussion arose on the question whether it is permissible to wear Craft aprons in a Mark lodge , owing to a recent refusal to admit one of the members to a meeting of another Mark lodge . The W . M . claimed the rigtit ,-as being one of the terms on which the
Royal Cumberland ; a very old , time immemorial lodge , submitted to the Grand Mark Lodge of England in 1857 . The S . W . contended that all ought lo wear thc clothing appointed for the degree . The Chaplain statetl that he took the degree in a Craft lotlge opened in thc Second Degree in 18 51 , in Hull , years before the formation of the Grand Mark ' Lodge , he , nevertheless , agreed with the
S . W ., hut was willing 11 allow the Craft apron to be worn by those who took the degree beforr there vvas a Grantl Mark Lotlge , with the understanding that all subsequently advanced shoultl conform to the Bo k of Constitutions in regard to clothing . On re ferring to the minutes of September , i 8 s 7 , | the only document found , there vvas an order that the Secretary should elemand this privilege in his correspondence with the Grand ficcfeUtry ; Thc J . VV ., tha
Mark Masonry.
M . O ., and others took part in the discussion , urging that the point should be settled . Though not formally appointed by the lodge , the Chaplain undertook to communicate with the Grand Secretary , requesting him to examine the cor . respondence which took place on the reognition of the
Roya ! Cumberland Lotlge by Grantl Mark Lodge . The Chaplain reported that , as Past G . W ., he had attended a meeting of the Grand Mark Lodge , in London , on tbe 4 th ult ., and gave a favourable account of thc proceedings . Thc discussion of matters of r . nly private interest occupied much time , and the lodge vvas not closed till 10 . 15 .
Consecration Of The Penge Lodge, No. 1815.
The above lodge was consecrated , in accordance with thc ceremonies of the Order , by Bro . II . E . Frances , P . p . G . D . ( Suney ) , on the 5 th inst ., at thc Thicket Hotel , Anerley . A goodly concourse of the brethren assembled to witness
the ceremonv , anions *; whom were Bros . Neale , 178 ; Lay , J . W . 136 4 ; Bullock , " 1586 ; Larncr , 1586 ; Pugsley , W . M . 15 86 ; Stafford , 15 86 ; Lindus , 126 9 ; Amphlet , 1311 ; Las . sam , 742 ; Speight , P . G . Tyler ; Smith , 99 6 , P . P . D . C . ; Whitehead , 206 ; Beaton , 1507 ; Dr . Beilcy , 702 ; Marsh ,
15 S 6 . ; Klenck , P . M . 1 . 339 ; Stock , 15 86 ; Flexton , 1800 ; Bethune , Sec . 1397 ; Melyor , 1610 ; Rogers , 1336 ; in addition were the members of the new lodge , viz ., Bros , R . J c ' -son , P . M ., W . M . designate ; w . Cook , S . W . desig . nate ; T . West , J . W . designate ; Denbigh , Bird , Cox , G . Wright , and Whitehead .
A procession having been formed , the brethren entered the lodge room , and the chair was then taken by Bro . Frances , * vho appointed his officers , and thc lodge was opened in the Three Degrees . The ceremony of consecration * vvas impressively rendered by Bro . Frances , in the course of which an oration by him , on thc antiquity of the Order , and the privileges , responsibilities , and eluties of modern Freemasonry , was listened to with much attention by the brethren .
The musical arrangements were good , and thc anthems ably rerdercd by Bro . Dr . Besley , assistetl by Bros . Marsh , Stock , antl West . At the conclusion o ' , this ceremony , Bro . Frances installed Bro . R . Jackson as W . M ., who invested Bros . Cook , S . W . ; West , J . . ; Denbigh , S . D . ; Bird , J . D . ; Cox , I . G . ; G . Wright , Treas . A number of gentlemen were proposed for initiation ,
antl several brethren lor joining members , and the lodge bills fair to be a large and prosperous one . After the close of the lotlge , the brethren adjourned to a banquet , prepared by Bro . Lassam , which , for delicacy and taste , was faultless , and amply done justice to . The usual Masonic toasts were given and cordially responded to . The musical abilities of Bros . Besley , Marsh , Stock , antl West contributed greatly to the pleasure of the evening .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The General Committee of this Institution met on Saturday last at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . H . W . Hunt in the chair . The other brethren who attended were Bros . A . J . Tuff Filer , Magnus Ohren , James Robins , R . B . Webster ,
G . T . H . Seddon , D , M . Dewar , James Weaver , Joyce Mu-ray , E . Snooncr , A . E . Gladwell , J . J . Berry , Charles Lacev , Rev . Richard Morris , A . Tisley , W . F . C . Moutrie , Charles Coote , John Constable , George J . Palin , Fredk . Adlard , S . Rosenthal , Thomas Meggy , J . W . M . Doscll , D . W . Pearse , A . Torkington , and F . Binckes ( Secretary ) . The list for the October election was settled . The total
number of candidates will be sevrnty-scveii , antl vacancies to be filled sixteen . The Committee passed thc motion to add £ 30 per annum to the Head Master's salary , and authority was given for the transfer of £ 500 from the General Fund to the Sustcntation Fund . The Committee then adjourned .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The monthly meeting of the Committee of this Institution vvas held on Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall . Col . Creaton presided , . antl the ^ re were also present Bros . S . Hawsnn , John H . Lcgi > ott , F . Adlard , Griffiths Smith , B . Kench
nerve Giraud , F . tlgar Bowyer , James Brett , James , Louis Stean , W . Hilton , Chas . Atkins , Chas . F . Hogard , Lieut .-Col . H . S . Somerville Burney , George Keene , C . JPerceval , and James Terry ( Secretary ) . The death nf three annuitants was reported , and the reports of the Warden and of the Finance Committee were read .
The Chairman was authorised to sign cheques , and th ' Secretary reported the gifts of tea and tobacco to the residents in the Institution , at Croydon , by the Supreme Con" ' cil ; also the presentation of flagstaff , fittings , and flag of Bros . | . G . Stevens , J . J . Berry , and T . J . Barnes . A vote of thanks for the gifts was passetl , anil three petitions were accepted , and the candidates placed on tbe list for next election .
BRIXTON MARK LODGE . —The first election mining of this flourishing lotlge will he held at tn Surrey Masonic HaU on Saturday ( to-day ) . There *" several candidates for advancement by the W . M . ot Thos . Poore . P . M . 139 , P . G . I . G ., & c , & c , who is kiw ™ to all Mark Masons as an expert in the ritual of Degrcei